ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 222/C&RL News New Publications G e o rg e M. Eberhαrt The A frica n L e o p a rd : Ecology and Behavior o f a Solitary Felid, by T h e o ­ dore N. Bailey (429 pages, January 1994), is based on an intensive, tw o-year field study o f leopard populations in Kruger National Park in South Africa, w h ere the au­ thor gathered detailed infor­ mation from visual observa­ tions, locations by radiotele­ m etry, and liv e captures. T h is v o lu m e is a b re a k ­ through in leopard ecology. Bailey outlines leopard population characteris­ tics, activity and habitat use patterns, m o ve­ ments, feedin g ecology, and social organiza­ tion, and provides new information on leopard mortality, scavenging, and relationships to other large predators and humans. A cop y is $65.00 from Columbia University Press, 562 W. 113th St., N e w York, N Y 10025. ISBN 0-231-07872-2. The AIDS Pandemic: Social Perspectives, by Y o le G. Sills (247 pages, D ecem ber 1993), provides an o verview o f the social, econom ic, and political effect o f AIDS around the world. This volum e draws upon research from fields such as anthropology, dem ography, econ om ­ ics, political science, public health, and social psychology. Sills recounts the bleak prospects for neutralizing the HIV infection and slowing the spread o f the pandemic by biological inter­ vention before the end o f the century. Public education alone, writes the author, is ineffec­ tive; on ly reduction in poverty levels, im prove­ ments in health care, and increased public ac­ ceptance o f prevention measures like condoms w ill s lo w the virus w o rld w id e . C op ies are $55 00 from G reen w oo d Press, 88 Post Road West, P.O. B ox 5007, Westport, CT 06881. ISBN 0-313-28606-X. Encyclopedia of Russian History from the C hristianization o f Kiev to th e Break-Up o f the U.S.S.R., by John Paxton (483 pages, O ctober 1993), provides 2,500 descriptions o f Russian people, places, ideas, events, books, and art. The entries are brief and serve as an introduction to the topic rather than a com pre­ h en sive statement. C opies are available for $65.00 from ABC-CLIO, 130 Cremona Dr., Santa Barbara, CA 93117. ISBN 0- 87436-690-9. If You W ant to Evaluate Your Library … , by F. W. Lancaster (352 pages, 2d ed., O ctober 1993), updates the 1988 edition with n ew chap­ ters on the evaluation o f bib­ liograp h ic instruction and the feasibility o f continuous quality control, several new case studies, and n ew ma­ terial in the areas o f cost-ef­ fectiveness and cost-benefit evaluation and in the evaluation o f resource sharing. Well-illustrated with tables, flow-charts, and survey forms. A co p y is $39-50 (plus $3 00 handling) from the University o f Illinois GSLIS, Publications O ffice, 1301 W. Lorado Taft Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. ISBN 0-87845-091-2. J a p a n e s e Science Fiction, F a n ta sy an d H o rror Film s, by Stuart Galbraith IV (424 pages, January 1994), is a critical analysis and film ography o f 103 features released in the United States betw een 1950 and 1992. Perhaps Ranganathan needed a Sixth Law o f Library Science: “Every film goer his gen re.” Indeed, a genre that includes such questionable epics as Goke: Bodysnatcher from Hell and Twilight o f the Cockroaches is not a part o f e v ery o n e ’s vid eo repertoire (unless they are devotees o f Mystery Science Theatre 3000). H ow ever, the boo k is a m odel o f film genre criticism and rectifies many o f the mistakes and assumptions that American reviewers have made about Japa­ nese fantastic films. The author’s background research is impressive and provides the most com plete credits listing o f these films to date. Copies are $45.00 from McFarland & Co., Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640. ISBN 0-89950-853-7. Mass Deacidification of Paper: A Compara­ tive Study o f Existing P rocesses, by Astrid- Christiane Brandt (184 pages, bilingual French/ English, 1993), examines the principal causes o f paper self-destruction since the 19th cen­ tury and reviews the deacidification processes d evelo p ed in recent decades. Six processes are exp lored in detail: W ei T ’o, B ookkeeper, Akzo (D E Z), LITHCO-FMC, Booksaver, and the Brit­ ish Library process. The author concludes that April 1994/223 there is no treatment applicable to all types o f paper and com patible with all the constituents o f a book. N o process seem s adequate for strengthening already fragile, aged papers. A p ­ pendices provide information on methods for testing paper characteristics, artificial aging, pH measurement, com panies marketing mass d e­ acidification processes, the Montreal protocol on regulation o f CFCs, and a com parative table o f processes. Published by the Bibliotheque Nationale, this inform ative study m ay b e or­ dered for $70.00 from John Benjamins Publish­ ing Company, 821 Bethlehem Pike, Philadel­ phia, PA 19118. ISBN 2-7177-1853-2. Public Libraries: Travel T reasures o f the West, by Marty and Anna Rabkin (332 pages, N ovem b er 1993), is a travel guide to hundreds o f public libraries in the western states. The authors have visited every one, so their d e­ scriptions o f the architecture, collections, and surrounding scenery are authentic. Libraries that are architecturally, historically, or scenically outstanding are identified (such as the Apache Junction (A riz.) Public Library, w ith its spec­ tacular v ie w o f the Superstition Mountains). The b oo k includes som e 90 black-and-white pho­ tographs (including Booker, the cat at Seattle’s Rainer Beach Branch Library) and credits the architectural firms that helped expand and up­ date old libraries. Addresses, phone numbers, and open days are provided for the library tour­ ist. Copies are $19.95 from North Am erican Press, 350 Indiana St., Suite 350, Golden, CO 80401-5093. ISBN 1-55591-915-4. Rethinking Reference in Acαdemk Librar­ ies, edited by Anne Grodzins Lipow (242 pages, N ovem ber 1993), contains the papers presented at the Library Solutions Institute No. 2 in March and June 1993 at UC-Berkeley and Duke Uni­ versity that focused on the future o f reference services. It details the n ew models o f reference that em erged there, as w ell as ideas for practi­ cal steps for im plem enting them. Contributors include Larry O berg on n ew roles for support staff and Jim Rettig on innovations in academic reference departments. Th e b o o k also offers case studies on referen ce change at several universities. Finally, the organizers provide tips for replicating the institute in case readers wish to arrange a similar meeting. An appendix re­ prints selected docum ents from the institute packet, the pre-institute reading list, texts o f som e readings, and samples o f participants’ follo w -u p activities. A cop y costs $32.00 from Library Solutions Press Sales O ffice, 1100 In­ dustrial Road, Suite 9, San Carlos, CA 94070. ISBN 1-882208-02-1. Videos for Understanding Diversity: A Core C ollectio n and Evaluative Guide, by G re­ gory I. Stevens (217 pages, June 1993), is an expansion o f the videography d evelo p ed by the State University o f N e w York at Albany to support its required course in human diversity. T h e detailed review s exam ine 126 videos that offer a stimulating perspective on h o w diverse cultural groups have contributed to the social and historical developm ent o f the U.S. The list­ ings range from feature films (D o the Right Thing, El Norte) to documentaries ( Frida Kahlo, Ken Burms’s The Civil War). Access is enhanced by a title-theme index and a category index. An excellent tool for undergraduate courses in the social sciences and humanities. Copies are available for $35.00 (A LA members $31-50) from the ALA Order Department, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-0612-5. ■ (Time to lead cont. from page 213) Rare Books and M anuscripts Section. Gary L. M enges, Head, Special Collection and Pres­ ervation, University o f Washington, Seattle, W A 98195. Scien ce and Technology Section. Karen E. Cargille, Head, Acquisitions Department, Uni­ versity o f California-San D iego, Library 0175-A, 9500 Gilman Dr., LaJolla, CA 92093-0175. Slavic and East European Section. Lydia W. W asylenko, Associate Librarian, Syracuse Uni­ versity Library, E.S. Bird Library, 222 W averly Ave., Syracuse, N Y 13210-2010. U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s S e c t io n . C a r o ly n Robinson, Associate University Librarian, G eor­ gia State University, Pullen Library, 100 Decatur St. SE, Atlanta, G A 30303-3081. W estern E uropean Specialists Section. W il­ lia m M o n r o e , 63 R o g e r W illia m s C irc le , Cranston, RI 02905. W om en ’s Studies S e ctio n . B ernice Lacks, H ead o f Reference, California State University, Fresno, H en ry M adden Library, 5200 N orth Barton Ave., Fresno, CA 93740-0034. ■