ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 229 Personnel A P P O IN T M E N T S Peter G. Anderson has accepted the po­ sition of curriculum librarian, University of Illinois library, Chicago Circle. Paul Barton has joined the staff of the humanities department, University of Ari­ zona library, as a reference librarian. Jerome Beck has accepted a position in the law library. University of California, Los Angeles. Hilda Bohem has joined the staff of the Department of Special Collections, University of California, Los Angeles. Earl C. Borgeson, librarian of the Harvard Law School, has accepted appointment as as­ sociate director of libraries, Stanford Univer­ sity, Stanford, California, effective this Sep­ tember. Collen Campbell has been appointed a librarian at the University of California, Los Angeles, Biomedical library. Dit Loong Chan has been named to the position of assistant catalog librarian, Univer­ sity of Illinois library, Chicago Circle. Judith Corin is the newly appointed head of the physics library, University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. Constantin Dimitriu received appoint­ ment as head of searching, the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. W illiam B. E rnst, Jr., has assumed the position of director of the library, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle. Esther Grassian is now a member of the referenee section of the college library, Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Janice Hall was appointed to the position of archives librarian, University of Illinois li­ brary, Chicago Circle. Mrs. Beth Hamilton has accepted the po­ sition of science librarian, University of Illi­ nois library, Chicago Circle. Harvey Hammond has transferred from his position as head of the physics library to new responsibilities as assistant biomedical librarian, University of California, Los Angeles. Paul Hanson is a new member of the pro­ fessional staff of the biomedical library, Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Jean B. Hopson is now librarian, Charles H. Babcock School of Business Administration, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Bozica Ivanovich has been appointed as­ sistant acquisitions librarian, University of Il­ linois library, Chicago Circle. Miriam Joliat is the new acting head of acquisitions, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Martha L ehde has recently joined the library staff at the University of Kansas, Law­ rence, Kansas, as assistant reference librarian. George W. Keller has transferred from his duties as cataloging and acquisitions li­ brarian for the sciences and engineering at the University of California, Irvine, to a new po­ sition as head of the chemistry library, Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Edith Keto has accepted an appointment with the interlibrary loans section of the ref­ erence department, University of California, Los Angeles library. Mrs. Linda Tzeng Lee has accepted the po­ sition of assistant acquisitions librarian, Uni­ versity of Illinois library, Chicago Circle. Mr. Sul H. Lee has accepted the position of associate librarian for public services, East­ ern Michigan University library, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Marlene Lehner has joined the staff of the University Elementary School library, University of California, Los Angeles. Henry L. Lemkau has been appointed med­ ical librarian of the Edward G. Miner Li­ brary and assistant professor of medical bib­ liography at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Stanley Lin is now the assistant circulation librarian, University of Kansas, at Lawrence. Steven Che-Hwei Lin, formerly in the oriental library, University of California, Los Angeles, has assumed a new position as Asian- American bibliographer. Mrs. Helen Livingston was appointed as a cataloger, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. Ida Muellner is a new member of the staff in the University of California, Los An­ geles library’s acquisitions department. Kirby B. Payne has been appointed as De­ partment of Transportation librarian. George Piternick has been appointed as professor of the School of Librarianship of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, commencing July 1, 1970. Shirley Riggs has accepted an appointment as a librarian in the Serials Department of the University of California, Los Angeles li­ brary. James Rothenberger has been appointed Head of the Government Publications Depart­ ment, University of California, Riverside cam­ pus. Mrs. Betty M. Sell will become librarian of the Catawba College library, Salisbury, North Carolina, as of August 1, 1970. Paul Simmons is the new head of the Pro­ cessing Section in the Acquisitions Department of the University of California, Los Angeles library. Cynthia Steinke has assumed the position 230 of assistant science librarian, University of Il­ linois library, Chicago Circle. Phyllis Tanaka has joined the staff of the biomedical library, University of California, Los Angeles. William D. Thrasher has been named to the position of assistant reference librarian, University of Illinois library, Chicago Circle. E unice Ting is a new member of the staff of the biomedical library, University of California, Los Angeles. Dellene Tweedale is a new staff mem­ ber of the oral history program, a unit within the department of special collections, Univer­ sity of California, Los Angeles library. Arnold S. Wajenberg has become catalog librarian, University of Illinois library, Chicago Circle. Peter W atson has been appointed to the staff of the Institute for Library Research on the University of California, Los Angeles, cam­ pus. Miss Ching-Fen Wu is a new member of the staff, University of California, Los An­ geles, Oriental library. Eleanor Yeaglin has been newly ap­ pointed to the staff of the biomedical library, University of California, Los Angeles. Judith Yellin is the new reference librar­ ian of the art library, University of California, Los Angeles. N EC R O LO G Y Ethel M. Christoffers, former head of the reference division of the University of Washington libraries, died on April 15, 1970. Prof. Jane Canfield, assistant director for processing services, Purdue University librar­ ies, died April 18, 1970, after a long illness. She was 58. Active in professional library af­ fairs, she was vice-chairman and chairman of the Pure and Applied Sciences Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries in 1953 and 1954, and in 1964 she was elect­ ed President of the Resources and Technical Services Division of the American Library Asso­ ciation. Gerald D. McDonald, chief of special col­ lections in the research libraries of the New York Public Library, died Wednesday, May 6, in Paris. Dr. McDonald was on a buying trip for the library at the time of his death. He lived at 36 West 10th Street, New York City. Dr. McDonald joined the library in 1930 as an assistant in the information division. He was later in charge of the rare book division and, after his return from military leave in 1945, was appointed chief of the American history and genealogy division. In 1969, he was appointed to the newly created post of chief of special collections. He had general responsibility for the library’s Arents Collections, Berg Collection, Manuscript Division, Prints Division, Rare Book Division, 235 GALE’S CUMULATION OF 1 9 4 2 -6 2 LG CATALOGS RECEIVES PRAISE FROM USERS “ Revised arrangement aids searching … ” “ Has been worth every cent …” “ Easy to use…” “ Thanks for reconciling inconsistencies…” Gale's edition of the cumulated supplemental LC/NUC author " w e already have the m aterial" should reconsider their de­ catalogs* solves in logical, professional ways the problems of cisions, because while their libraries technically have the variant practices, inconsistencies, etc., which plague the same information it is in a form which is expensive to use. users of the four separate supplements—and the value of The time of a professional person earning $10,000 per year Gale's consistently arranged, one-alphabet set is now eager­ and working eight hours a day is worth nearly $5.00 per hour. ly attested to by hundreds of users. As the testimonials below indicate, users find the Gale cumu­ Because the cumulation represents thousands of profes­ lation saves them substantial amounts of time. Saving only sional and technical judgments which have been given per­ one h o u r. . . $5.00 . . . per day by using the Gale cumulation manent usefulness by being issued in printed form, the value represents a saving of more than $100 per month . . . which of the cumulation is obviously much greater than merely the is about all that is needed to buy the set as it appears. sum of the value of the individual supplements. These substantial savings begin immediately—and con­ Gale believes, therefore, that owners of the four supple­ tinue for as long as the cumulation is in use. Shouldn't your ments who have delayed considering the cumulation because library begin to take advantage of these savings now? * IN CASE YOU AREN'T FAMILIAR WITH THE GALE CUMULATION: Gale's Library o f Congress and N ational Union Catalog Author Lists, 1942-1962: A Master Cumulation, embraces these four supplements to A Catalog o f Books Represented by Library o f Congress Printed Cards: Catalog o f Books Represented by Library o f Congress Printed Cards-Suppl ement (1942- 1947); The Library o f Congress Author Catalog, 1948-1952; The National Union Catalog: A Cumulative Author List, 1953- 1957; The National Union Catalog: A Cumulative Author List, 1958-1962. YO U R FELLOW LIB R A R IA N S P IN P O IN T THE W O R T H OF GALE'S LC -N U C C U M U L A T IO N : CO N SISTEN T, W ELL-EDITED ; "Just having Director, Maricopa County (Arizona) Junior Col­ all these supplements in one alphabet is useful lege District. enough, but thank you for straightening out vari­ SAVES T IM E ; "I think it w ill reduce all search ous inconsistencies in headings, etc."—C. K. time by about at least one-third, thus effecting an Davis, Technical Services Head, Clark County important saving in manpower. On this basis (Nevada) Library District. alone, I believe, it is a w orthwhile investment for "Due to the revised arrangement of the entries, any large or medium-sized academic or research they are much easier to fin d ."—Frances P. Means, library."—Elliott S. M. Gatner, Associate Director University o f Arizona Library, Tucson, Arizona. o f Libraries, Long Island University, Zeckendorf Campus, Brooklyn, New York. "W ell edited and accurate."— William A. Fitz­ "Easy to use, very convenient, saves steps and gerald, Director, Memorial Library, Marquette tim e."—Mrs. R. T. Matthews, Catalog Librarian, University Libraries. Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk, Virginia. SPEEDS PR O CESSING ; "It has been worth A U N IQ U E SO URC E; "Extremely useful and every cent. It helps us avoid accumulating a back­ fills a need not presently covered by other works." log of work, saves waiting for LC cards, and lets —Alfred L. Freund, Plainedge Public Library, us get books on the shelves faster."—Edith French Massapequa, New York. Waterman, Chairman, Library Department, The "For foreign books I have unexpectedly found it Golda S. Payne Library, Montgomery College, especially helpful."—Marian S. Hanna, Catal oger- Takoma Park, Maryland. Assistant Librarian, Camden County College "W e have a favorable impression of the cumula­ Library, Blackwood, New Jersey. tion. It is especially useful for establishing authors EXCELLENT; "An excellent job: printing quality and assigning subject headings."—Dezsoe Dosz- is high and format is usable."—Ken Barksdale, pol y. Director o f Library Services, Philadelphia Acquisitions Chief, John Grant Crabbe Library, College o f Textiles and Science, Philadelphia, Pa. Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky. VALUABLE RECLASSIFICATION T O O L : An “ "Excellent. We use it for author verification, cata­ essential tool in re-classifying to LC."—Sister M. logue information, and as a great bibliography."— Olivia Kidney, Assistant Librarian, Memorial L i­ Terence W. Cassidy, Assistant Librarian, University brary, M ount St. Mary College, Hooksett, New o f Texas M edical Branch Library, Galveston, Texas. Hampshire. "Excellent. When completed, it w ill save us three "Very useful, well done. Very useful in our current steps in some searches."—J. Z. Nitecki, Assistant project of conversion to LC classification."— Director o f Libraries for Technical Service, U ni­ Phillip J. Moloso III. Library Technical Services versity o f Wisconsin—Milwaukee Library. REQUEST FREE EXAMINATION OF A RUN OF REPRESENTATIVE VOLUMES CHOOSE FROM THREE EXTENDED PAYMENT PLANS GALE RESEARCH COMPANY • BOOK TOWER • DETROIT, MICH. 48226