ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 223 People P R O F IL E S Cahlton C. Rochell has been appointed dean of libraries at New York University, ac­ cording to an announcement by John C. Saw- hill, the university’s president. The new dean, who assumed his duties on August 1, 1976, comes to NYU from Atlanta, Georgia, where he has been director of the Atlanta Public Library for the past eight years, earning a repu­ tation as an innova­ tive librarian, an en­ ergetic administrator, Carlton C. Rochell and a dedicated civic leader. As dean of libraries, Dr. Rochell will be re­ sponsible for the NYU library system, includ­ ing the central Elmer Holmes Bobst Library lo­ cated on Washington Square South. Designed by architects Philip C. Johnson and Richard Foster, the twelve-story red sandstone structure was opened in September 1973 and is the only major research library to have been built in New York City in thirty-five years. Planned for a total capacity of 2.5 million volumes, the Bobst Library currently houses 1.8 million vol­ umes and provides study space for 4,000 stu­ dents. A native of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, the forty-two-year-old new dean of libraries is an alumnus of George Peabody College in Nash­ ville, Tennessee, and earned both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in librarianship and political sci­ ence from Florida State University at Talla­ hassee. He also did postgraduate work in urban studies at Georgia State University at Atlanta. Before becoming director of the Atlanta Pub­ lic Library in 1968, Dr. Rochell, a navy vet­ eran, served as director of the public libraries of Hattiesburg, Mississippi; Anniston, Alabama; and Knoxville, Tennessee. He has also taught in two universities in Atlanta—Emory and At­ lanta—and at Florida State University. A contributor to numerous professional peri­ odicals, Dr. Rochell is the author of several books on librarianship, including W ithout W alls/W ithout Barriers, written under a fellow­ ship from the Council on Library Resources and Information Systems for New Towns, for Syracuse University. Dr. Rochell’s professional activities include serving as consultant/panelist for the National Endowment for the Humanities’ National Foun­ dation on the Arts and Humanities. He also served in a similar capacity for the U.S. Office of Education. The librarian vice-president of the American Library Trustee Association, he is also a member of the Accreditation Visiting Team, the Standards Committee, and other committees of the American Library Associa­ tion. Named a Council of Library Resources fel­ low in 1973, Dr. Rochell this year received both the John Cotton Dana Public Relations award of the American Library Association and the American Institute of Architects/American Library Association award for the design and programming of branch libraries. As a resident of Atlanta, Dr. Rochell partici­ pated in numerous community and civic proj­ ects, including direction of a campaign to build a new $19 million central library and the open­ ing of eight additional branch libraries through­ out the city. He has also served on the board of directors of both the Atlanta Council for In ­ ternational Visitors and the Atlanta Arts Festi­ val. A member of the Education Committee of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Rochell was also library service and educational tech­ nology adviser to the Georgia State University media program and to the Clayton Community College Library technical assistants’ program. Nina T. C ohen has been named librarian at Wesleyan University. She succeeds Wyman W. Parker, who retired as librarian on June 30. Pre­ vious to her appoint­ ment Ms. Cohen was Associate Director of Libraries for Public Services at the Uni­ versity of Washing­ ton. For six years be­ ginning in 1967, she was director of the W estern New York Library Resources Council in Buffalo and was an adjunct faculty member at the Nina T. Cohen State University of New York (Buffalo) School of Information and Library Studies. She was previously associated with university and public libraries in Buffalo and Tonawanda, New York. 224 A graduate of Queens College, Ms. Cohen received her M.A. degree in 1953 from Indiana University. She is a member of the Washington State Library Automation Committee and the Publications Committee of the Association of College and Research Libraries. She has also authored several articles and a chapter on “New Dimensions for Academic Library Ser­ vices,” published in a 1974 Scarecrow Press book, The 3R ’s System and the Academic Li­ brary User in N.Y. State, edited by E. J. Josey. Wyman Parker had been head librarian at the university since 1956. During his tenure, the facility’s holdings had been increased from ap­ proximately 400,000 volumes to more than 750,000, and a separate science library had been added. A P P O IN T M E N T S Kathryn L. Abbott—assistant librarian, catalog department—Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Anne Anningeb—rare book cataloger for printing and graphic arts, Houghton Library— Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu­ setts. F red Batt—assistant professor, social and behavioral sciences reference librarian—Mans­ field State College, Pennsylvania. Laura Byers—librarian of the Garden Li­ brary, Dumbarton Oaks— Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Virginia N. Cesario—chief librarian and chairperson of the Library Department of the City College—City University of New York. Linda A. Dapson—assistant librarian, ref­ erence department—Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity, University Park. L aszlo Dienes—rare book cataloger, Hough­ ton Library—Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Michael F ling—affiliate librarian, music reference services librarian—Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington. David C. Genaway—associate dean of li­ braries and learning resources—Eastern Ken­ tucky University, Richmond. D ebra H artley—cataloging librarian, in­ structor, Engelbrecht Library—W artburg College, Waverly, Iowa. Charlotte H ess—visiting affiliate librarian, acting philosophy, classics, history-philosophy of science, and psychology subject specialist— Indiana University, Bloomington. Dr. Edward H ess—assistant university li­ brarian for public services—University of Southern California, Los Angeles. John H. H unter—reference librarian— University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Library. Anne M. Johnsen—reference librarian, Ed­ ucation Library—Harvard University, Cam­ bridge, Massachusetts. Edward Kasinec—bibliographer and librari­ an, Ukrainian Research Institute— Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. E dmond Menegaux—executive director— South Central Research Library Council, Ithaca, New York. W allace C. Olsen—deputy director for li­ brary services—National Agricultural Li­ brary, Beltsville, Maryland. Masako Orlando—cataloger, Law Library —Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa­ chusetts. Gabriele Ouellette—cataloger, college li­ brary—Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas­ sachusetts. Mary P awlowski—reference librarian— University of Maryland, College Park. Marcia J. Peterson—librarian, reference department— Boston University. Arlene C. Port—assistant librarian, acquisi­ tions department— F lorida Atlantic Univer­ sity, Boca Raton. Janice Powell—head of the reference de­ partment, McKeldin Library—University of Maryland, College Park. Alicia M. Prata—head, serials dept., Eliza­ beth Dafoe Library—University of Manito­ ba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Glenn R. Read, Jr.—librarian, Latin Ameri­ can studies area specialist—Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington. David G. Remington—chief of the catalog­ ing distribution service of the processing de­ partment—Library of Congress, Washing­ ton, D.C. Robert D. Rodriguez—assistant librarian, cataloging department—F lorida Atlantic University, Boca Raton. Rodney Rolfs—head, Music Library—Uni­ versity of Southern California, Los Ange­ les. D onavon Schmoll—library director, assist­ ant professor, Engelbrecht Library—Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa. Martha E. Shaw—curator of the reading room, Houghton Library—Harvard Univer­ sity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Rev. W illiam J. Sheehan, CSB—assistant librarian, Woodstock Theological Center Li­ brary—Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Richard J. Simpson—public services librari­ an, Fine Arts Library— Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Arlene Sirkin—nonprint media librarian— University of Maryland, College Park. Kathryn Talalay—affiliate librarian, music reference services librarian—Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington. 225 James B. Taylor—head, reference depart­ ment—W ichita State University, Kansas. Minoru T om ijim a—visiting affiliate librari­ an, cataloger—Indiana University, Blooming­ ton. Judith T ruelson—head, Crocker Business Library—University of Southern Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. Irene Vaslef—administrative librarian, Dumbarton Oaks—Harvard University, Cam­ bridge, Massachusetts. Visvaldis Vidmanis—assistant director for library science and media—Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota. Barbara W urtzel—reference librarian— University of Maryland, College Park. RETIREMENTS Mary Baker, associate librarian, head, inter- institutional library services, Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington, retired June 30, 1976. H arold J. Bloomquist, librarian, Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, has retired. E. Raleigh D ePriest, humanities reference librarian at Mansfield State College, Mans­ field, Pennsylvania, retired on December 31, 1975. Margaret M. D onahue, assistant director of libraries for technical services, the Univer­ sity of Maryland Libraries, College Park, re­ tired June 1, 1976. Mildred D. D onohue, head, technology and science reference room, the University of Maryland Libraries, retired July 1, 1976. Morris A. Gelfand, chairman of the depart­ ment of library science, Queens College, Flushing, retired on July 1, 1976. Mrs. L oren H allenbercer, associate pro­ fessor of library science and head of the library science discipline at Eastern New Mexico University has announced her retirement ef­ fective July 30, 1976. E verett T. Moore retired recently as associ­ ate university librarian at the University of California at Los Angeles. Barbara Pratt, associate librarian, head, Halls of Residence Libraries, Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington, retired May 31, 1976. D ella Shore, head of the cataloging depart­ ment at Davidson College News, Davidson, North Carolina, retired in July. E mma Simonson, librarian, Latin American studies area specialist, I ndiana University, Bloomington, retired June 30, 1976. ■ ■