ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 269 People P R O F IL E S Dr. H. Joanne H arrar assumed the post of director of libraries at the University of Maryland at College Park early in September. Dr. Harrar succeeds H ow ard R ovelstad, who retired in June after a thirty-five-year association with the University of Mary­ land. Dr. Harrar re­ ceived her B.A. from Oberlin College and M .L .S . a n d P h .D . from Rutgers Uni­ versity, and brings to her new position a wealth of experience. She was assistant to H. Joanne Harrar the director, Colum­ bia University Library, from 1961 to 1963. From 1963 to 1970, Dr. Harrar was professor of library science at Winthrop College, Rockhill, South Carolina. In 1971 she was appointed associate director of libraries at the University of Georgia. Dr. Harrar is a member of the Southeastern Library Association and has served as editor of the Southeastern Librarian since 1972. She is a member of the ACRL Board of Directors and of ALA Council and was for several years on the Editorial Board of College & Research Libraries. Pamela W. Reeves has been appointed as­ sociate director of the Center of Educational Resources, Eastern Michigan University, effec­ tive June 2, 1975. Since 1965, Ms. Reeves has been on the library staff at Cuyahoga Communi­ ty College, Metropol­ itan Campus, in Cleve­ land, Ohio, where she attained the rank of associate librarian for a d m i n i s t r a t i o n and served for a time as acting campus librari­ an. Her duties have Pamela Reeves included readers’ ser­ W. vices, book selection, development and monitoring of automated pro­ cedures, and administration. During a sabbatical leave in 1971/72, she conducted an extensive survey of community college library practices resulting in the publi­ cation of “Junior College Libraries Enter the Seventies” in College & Research Libraries (January 1973). Ms. Reeves came into the library field via in­ formation retrieval, having worked with the Western Reserve University Center for Docu­ mentation and Communication Research dur­ ing the early 1960s. While at WRU she was the principal author of The Library of Tomorrow— Today; An Information Service of Educational Research Materials (Center for Documenta­ tion and Communication Research, Western Reserve University, 1962), an Office of Educa­ tion-sponsored study which generated ERIC. She is also the author of a chapter on “Analy­ sis and Searching of Education Research Lit­ erature” in Information Retrieval in Action (WRU Press, 1963). Ms. Reeves has a B.A. degree from Smith College, an M.A. in history from Western Re­ serve University, and an M.S.L.S. from West­ ern Reserve. Her M.A. thesis on Lake Erie his­ tory was published in Inland Seas, the quarter­ ly journal of the Great Lakes Historical Society, during 1958/59. A member of ALA, SLA, and the Council on Library Technology, she served as an SLA chapter officer in 1973/74. She has also been active in local politics and in various campus organizations. A P P O IN T M E N T S Carolyn Q. Asquith—head of technical ser­ vices, Cowles Library—D rake University, Des Moines, Iowa. D avid P. Bacher—assistant curator of print­ ing and graphic arts— Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. D onna L. Baggley—reference librarian— University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Harriet Jane Baldwin—cataloger, Museum of Comparative Zoology Library—Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Kei T. Befu—head librarian— St. Patrick’s College, Mountain View, California. John Bidwell—assistant to the librarian, Chapin Library—W illiams College, Wil­ liamstown, Massachusetts. H. E. “Chuck” Broadbent—librarian— Urinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania. F rank G. Butorac—chairman, library ser­ vices department—Mercer County Communi­ ty College, Trenton, New Jersey. H olly W. Chase—serials librarian, Sawyer 270 Library—W illiams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Chester D avis—bibliographer/circulation li­ brarian— University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Clarice C. Dawson—head of Undergradu­ ate Library— Michigan State University, East Lansing. Lavina D eNood—rare book cataloger for printing and graphic arts, Harvard College Li­ brary—Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas­ sachusetts. Gabriele Divay—cataloger— University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Judith Carol Divinsky—reference librarian — University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Charlotte F olk—cataloger, serials catalog­ ing department— Columbia University, New York City. Sandy F razier—assistant director for public services— Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey. Mary Grush—information specialist, office of system development and operations— Bibli­ ographical Center for Research, Denver, Colorado. L inda L. H ardcastle—assistant cataloging librarian— Idaho State University, Pocatello. Jennie M. H arreld—technical services li­ brarian, Cabot Science Library— H arvard Uni­ versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Marilyn M. H ouseman—college librarian— Rio Hondo Community College, Whittier, California. Joan Sigrid Johnson—librarian, special col­ lections— University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. H wa—W ei L ee—associate director of librar­ ies—Colorado State University, Fort Col­ lins. D eborah L uck—serials librarian, Z. Smith Reynolds Library—W ake F orest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Julia McCarthy—reference/bibliographer— Ramapo College, Mahwah, New Jersey. Joseph McDonald—educational materials administrator—Triton College, River Grove, Illinois. Ruth G. Miller—director of library ser­ vices, W. B. Roberts Library—D elta State University, Cleveland, Mississippi. Barbara Moore—assistant catalog librarian — University of Wisconsin, Whitewater. Patrick F inbarr O’D wyer—computer- based cataloger, Harvard College Library— Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu­ setts. L inda R. O’Rourke—acquisitions librarian— Oklahoma City University. P aula J. P erry—indexer, Tozzer Library of the Peabody Museum— Harvard Universi­ ty, Cambridge, Massachusetts. J oseph J. P etraitis—head, reference depart­ ment—State University of New York, Col­ lege at Old W estbury. Bonnie B. Salt—curatorial associate, ar­ chives— Harvard U niversity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. E lizabeth M. Salzer—head, J. Henry Meyer Memorial (U ndergraduate) Library— Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. L eslie W. Sheridan—director of university libraries— University of Toledo, Ohio. Alanna Siegfried—cataloger, original cata­ loging department— Columbia University, New York City. L ucia W. Snowhill—assistant reference li­ brarian— Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. James Stickman—assistant catalog librarian — Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Karen T urko—cataloger— University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Charlotte M. Uthoff—cataloger—George W ashington University, Washington, D.C. P aul Wiens—assistant director of libraries (adm inistration)— University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Mary L ee Xanco—acquisitions librarian, John M. Oliv Library— Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. David S. Zeidberg—curator of special col­ lections— George W ashington University, Washington, D.C. R E T IR E M E N T S On June 30, five long-term members holding major positions retired from the library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They are Dr. Berta Becerra, Latin American bibliographer; Dr. H arry Bergholz, chief bibliographer; Dr. I saac Copeland, di­ rector, Southern Historical Collection and Man­ uscripts Division; Dr. Lawrence L ondon, cu­ rator of rare books; and Charles Schliecker, assistant university librarian for management. F red F olmer, University Library at the University of T exas, Austin has retired after thirty years of service. Thomas S. H arding retired on June 30 after nine years as college librarian at W ashburn University of T opeka, Kansas. After forty-four years of service, Robert T. L entz, librarian and professor of medical bib­ liography and library science at T homas Jef­ ferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvan­ ia, retired on June 12. D orothy S. Rowley, periodicals librarian since 1956 at Z. Smith Reynolds Library, W ake F orest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, retired June 30, 1975. L ucy K. Rumble, assistant director, Colo­ rado State University Libraries, Fort Col­ lins, has retired effective June 30, 1975. Jean R. T omko retired on July 1, 1975, after 271 fourteen years of service as reference librarian (head of teaching aids) at Albert S. Cook Li­ brary, T owson State College, Baltimore, Maryland. Carlton P. W est, librarian since 1946 at Z. Smith Reynolds Library, W ake F orest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, retired June 30, 1975. D E A T H S Gladys D oolittle, who retired from Stan­ ford University libraries in 1967, died on June 18 in La Jolla, California. Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ran k" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p ub li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held fo r the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. FOR SALE For sale to the highest bidder: various editions o f the L. C. CATALOG OF BOOKS AND NATIONAL UNION CATALOGS. Complete listing provided upon request. Director o f Libraries, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04473. CLIMATE OF THE ARCTIC. TWENTY-FOURTH ALASKA SCIENCE CONFERENCE. The proceedings of this inter­ national conference, held at the University o f Alaska in August 1973 have now been published as a hardcover book. It contains 55 papers in two parts and II sections. PART I: The Changing Climate. Evidence of past climates; Clim atic fluctuations during the 20th century; Empirical theories of clim atic change; Numerical models of clim atic change. PART II: The Current Climate. Atmospheric circulation; Physical processes and climate; Descriptive clim atology; Man-modified climates; The hydrological cycle; The frozen oceans; Moving towards a systematic study of the A rctic climate. 436 pages— price $10.00. Send orders and remittance to: Business Office, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fair­ banks, AL 99701. F rederick F reedman, forty-five, music li­ brarian for the Case W estern Reserve Uni­ versity libraries, in Cleveland, died suddenly on July 12. M erle Pincus, until recently head of cata­ loging for T em ple University libraries, died in Los Angeles on July 8 after a prolonged ill­ ness. She had previously been on the staff of the University of Michigan Libraries. H unter Stedman, forty-seven, reference li­ brarian at Case W estern Reserve University libraries passed away suddenly on June 26. ■ ■ SPECIAL O FFER still in effect: New members may join ACRL and ALA for $35.00 only! LIBRARIAN/TRANSLATOR. Establish petro­ leum research library in French speaking French West Africa. Fluent French essential. MLS preferred. 2 year contract. Good benefits. Salary $9,000–$12,000, plus housing/transporta- tion. Resumes: BOX L TransCentury Corp. 1789 Columbia Road N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009. Equal opportunity employer.