ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 271 fourteen years of service as reference librarian (head of teaching aids) at Albert S. Cook Li­ brary, T owson State College, Baltimore, Maryland. Carlton P. W est, librarian since 1946 at Z. Smith Reynolds Library, W ake F orest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, retired June 30, 1975. D E A T H S Gladys D oolittle, who retired from Stan­ ford University libraries in 1967, died on June 18 in La Jolla, California. Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ran k" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p ub li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held fo r the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. FOR SALE For sale to the highest bidder: various editions o f the L. C. CATALOG OF BOOKS AND NATIONAL UNION CATALOGS. Complete listing provided upon request. Director o f Libraries, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04473. CLIMATE OF THE ARCTIC. TWENTY-FOURTH ALASKA SCIENCE CONFERENCE. The proceedings of this inter­ national conference, held at the University o f Alaska in August 1973 have now been published as a hardcover book. It contains 55 papers in two parts and II sections. PART I: The Changing Climate. Evidence of past climates; Clim atic fluctuations during the 20th century; Empirical theories of clim atic change; Numerical models of clim atic change. PART II: The Current Climate. Atmospheric circulation; Physical processes and climate; Descriptive clim atology; Man-modified climates; The hydrological cycle; The frozen oceans; Moving towards a systematic study of the A rctic climate. 436 pages— price $10.00. Send orders and remittance to: Business Office, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fair­ banks, AL 99701. F rederick F reedman, forty-five, music li­ brarian for the Case W estern Reserve Uni­ versity libraries, in Cleveland, died suddenly on July 12. M erle Pincus, until recently head of cata­ loging for T em ple University libraries, died in Los Angeles on July 8 after a prolonged ill­ ness. She had previously been on the staff of the University of Michigan Libraries. H unter Stedman, forty-seven, reference li­ brarian at Case W estern Reserve University libraries passed away suddenly on June 26. ■ ■ SPECIAL O FFER still in effect: New members may join ACRL and ALA for $35.00 only! LIBRARIAN/TRANSLATOR. Establish petro­ leum research library in French speaking French West Africa. Fluent French essential. MLS preferred. 2 year contract. Good benefits. Salary $9,000–$12,000, plus housing/transporta- tion. Resumes: BOX L TransCentury Corp. 1789 Columbia Road N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009. Equal opportunity employer. 272 British Museum GENERAL CATALOGUE OF PRINTED BOOKS. Photolithographic edition to 1955. 263 vols. Ten- year supplement, 1956–65. 50 vols. Excellent condition. Purchase price $5,499. Any reasonable offer w ill be con­ sidered. W ilbur B. Crimmin, Librarian, Hartford Public Library, 500 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103. POSITIONS OPEN Acquisitions ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN needed for 4-year, independent, accredited, co-ed college. Primary responsibility will be supervision of acquisitions department, but applicant can expect to share other library duties. Qualifications include MLS degree from ALA-accredit ed library school. Starting salary $9,000 for 12-month appointment. Faculty Status, 20 vacation days per year, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, TIAA/CREF, and other benefits. Send resumes to Personnel Office, St. John Fisher College Library, 3690 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618. An equal op­ portunity employer. ACQUISITIONS. Assistant Librarian ($10,716–$ 15.084) or Senior Assistant Librarian ($ 12,600—$ 16,884). Both require second master's degree or progress toward same; latter requires two years experience. One or more languages, including (preferably) German. Supervision o f three sub- professionals and o f all bibliographical searching. Participation in selection. Request application form from Henry Madden, University Librarian. California State University, Fresno, CA 93740. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Administration DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. Library of State University in urban setting with an interracial, international predomi­ nantly black student body o f approximately 5,000 and a faculty of approximately 300, offering specialization in liberal arts, natural sciences and teacher education; a score of graduate programs at Master's level and newly acquired authority to offer doctoral programs; library staff of 39; library of 130,000 volumes; special collections with emphasis of Afro-American history, life and culture; new, modern library building, automation and L.C. conversion in process. Requisite qualifications include MLS or Master's of Information Sciences from an ALA-accredited institution, preferable second Master's or Ph.D. in subject matter area highly desirable; seven years of progressively responsible library experience, with substantial experience in administration, budget preparation and management; some knowledge of auto­ mation and library networks essential as well as sensi­ tivity to the academic environment. Salary and benefits include grade 20 on administrative salary scale (range $ 19,989—$26,002); 22 working days vacation; 13 holidays; 15 days sick leave; partial State contribution to Blue Cross-Blue Shield; State Teachers Retirement; tenure as librarian, not as director. Position open January. I, 1976, adjustable to July I. Submit academic vita and references by November 15, 1975, to: Mrs. Virginia J. Richardson, Chairman, Library Search Committee, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 21239. DEAN OF LIBRARY AFFAIRS. Responsible for the ad- rqinistration of a divisional library o f 1.7 million volumes, learning resources service, and other research and library related units with a total professional staff of over 60, and a civil service staff o f over 90, and with a total budget o f 3 m illion. MLS from ALA-ac­ credited school required; Ph.D. in library science or an academic field highly desirable. Must have demonstrated effective administrative performance in an academic library. Salary range $30,000 and up depending on qualifications. Available July I, 1975. W rite to Professor Elizabeth R. Eames, Chairperson, Search Committee for the Dean of Library Affairs, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. University of California—University-wide Library Auto­ mation Program, headquartered at Berkeley. Following vacancy open immediately in top management rank. Starting salary dependent upon qualifications and ex­ perience. MANAGER, BIBLIOGRAPHIC CENTER. Re­ sponsible for development and management o f com­ puter-based facility and projects providing a range of automated products and services to UC libraries, includ­ ing MARC search and computerized catalog card printing. Union catalogs for both monograph and serials holdings in machine readable form are in progress. Supervises 15– 19 professionals and a pool of clerical and part-time support staff. Requires MLS, at least five years o f professional experience in research library setting, background in computer programming and systems analysis of library applications, demonstrated proficiency in project management on library and cooperative li­ brary network activity. Salary range: $20,184—$24,540 plus a 1975– 76 cost-of-living adjustment. Apply to Ms. Nicholas Rhoden, Personnel Dept ., 2539 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94720, with copy to Mr. Jay Cunningham, Director, University-wide Library Automation Program, South Hall Annex, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action em­ ployer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES at University Center. New $10 million Main Library, Science Library, and college libraries. 700,000 volumes, staff of 125, annual budget $2 million. Current management and automation tech­ niques. Challenging opportunity for imaginative and resourceful person. Salary range $23,000–$33,000 com­ mensurate with qualifications. W rite: Professor M. Di- Cesare, Library Director Search Committee, State Uni­ versity of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13901. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY for New England liberal arts college of 1,600 students; 320,000 volumes in main library, special collections and departmental libraries; pro­ fessional staff o f seven. Starting date: summer or fall o f 1976. The Library is expanding use o f media programs and data processing systems, including OCLC. Its d i­ rector should be familiar with current trends in library developments and with grant programs; able to co­ ordinate resources and to work well with students, faculty, and staff. MLS from ALA-accredit ed library school; advanced subject degree or Ph.D. in library science; substantial experience, including administrative responsibilities, in college or university libraries. Salary $18,000+; 12 month contract; faculty status, compre­ hensive fringe benefits including TIAA/CREF. Send re­ sume, including names and addresses of reference be­ fore November I, 1975 to Dean Paul Jenson, Colby C ol­ lege, Waterville, ME 04901. An equal opportunity/af- firmative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES (COLLECTIONS). Responsible to the Dean o f Library Administration for collection development and mainte­ nance of existing collections of 1,500,000 volumes in the University Library System. M.L.S. required with second degree a nd/or equivalent experience. Minimum of 5 to 8 years bibliographical and collection development experience in a university/research library. Minimum salary—$18,000. Send resume to: Hal B. Schell, Dean of Library Administration, Main Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Technical responsibility for developing policies and co­ ordinating activities o f a staff of 80 in the Acquisition, Cataloging and Serials Departments and participation in developing and implementing automated systems such as OCLC. MLS from ALA-accredited library school re­ quired. Also strong experience on supervisory level and progressively more responsibility in technical services in an academic or research library. Salary range $17,000— $21,000. Application deadline October 15, 1975. Send to: Florence Boronson Library, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. THE UNIVERSITY OF M ICHIGAN. Assistant Head of Monograph and Cataloging Division, Technical Services Department. Assists with the training of staff and the revision of cataloging in the Descriptive Cataloging Unit; resolves a variety of cataloging problems involv­ ing the coordination of new acquisitions with established records; assists the heads of the other units in the Division in training of staff and revision of work as required; assists with the supervision o f the Division. Graduate degree in library science, several years of professional cataloging experience, knowledge of at least 3 principal European languages, demonstrated supervisory a bility. $13,608–$15,000. W rite to Mrs. Lynn F. Marko, Assistant for Personnel and Staff Development, 273 University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. The University of Michigan is a non-discriminat ory, a f­ firm ative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES for Public Ser­ vices. Reporting to Dir. of Libr., resp. for directing the publ. service units in Suzzallo Library and 16 branch librs., excluding Undergrad. Libr., Health Sei. Libr., and Law Libr. Conducts lib r. mngmnt studies and user surveys; develops and maintains effective relations with fac., students and staff. MLS from ALA-accredi†ed libr. school program; 10 yrs. lib r. exper., 5 in progressively important adm. positions such as a major dept. of a large lib r.; knowledge o f lib r. theory and lib r. admin, and mngmnt techniques and knowledge of the service needs of acad. community. $25,000 min. 24 days vac. TIAA retirement. Var. med. plans available. A p p lica ­ tion deadline: Oct. 15, 1975, A pply to Mr. Marion Milczewski, Dir. o f Libraries, Univ. o f Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195. C ataloging HEAD OF CATALOGING. Provides cataloging services for decentralized library system. Supervises staff o f five professionals and twenty clericals. Collaborates with all units throughout the system in the introduction and use of OCLC. Position carries faculty status and re­ sponsibilities. Salary $15,000 or more depending upon qualifications and experience. Desired qualifications: Master's in Library Science. A b ility to plan, delegate, supervise, and coordinate cataloging activities. M ini­ mum of five years cataloging experience. Record . of successful supervision of technical processing activities. Familiarity with Dewey essential and OCLC advanta­ geous. Request application and detailed notice o f va­ cancy from John Thomas, Personnel Officer, Libraries/ Audiovisual Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Applications not accepted after September 30, 1975. An equal opport unity/ affirm at ive action employer. HEAD OF THE CATALOGING DEPARTMENT for a de­ partment composed of five (5) cataloging librarians and approximately 25 support staff. Principal duties include planning and organizing the cataloging and related functions, directing the training, supervision and de­ velopment of staff, preparing annual reports, objectives and budget estimates, participation in Library a nd /or university committee work. Qualifications: Possession of a degree from an accredited library school, substantial experience in cataloging and library automation, ad­ ministrative a b ility in planning and organization, work­ ing knowledge and comprehension of both official languages. Salary: Dependent upon education and ex­ perience, ranging from $ 14,000—$ 18,900. Position available July 7, 1975. Please send application with curriculum vitae to: Dr. James E. Kanasy, Assistant Vice-Rector and Director of Libraries, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Montreal, P.Q., H3G IM8. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Responsible for original mono­ graphic cataloging in the Social Sciences, using the L. C. classification system; responsibilities include serving on various departmental and library committees. Re­ quired: Fifth year library degree from an accredited library school; knowledge of one or more foreign languages; one to two years of cataloging experience, preferably with L.C. classification. Master's degree in subject field desirable, but not necessary. Salary: $10,356— $13,493, depending upon qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA/CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. W rite: Robert T. Grazier, Associate Director, University Libraries, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202. Wayne State Uni­ versity is an equal opport unity/a ffirm a t ive action em­ ployer. HEAD OF CATALOGING. Responsible to the Assistant Director of Processing Services for planning, budgeting, staffing and management of Catalog Dept. Supervises 7 professional and 16 supportive staff cataloging 23,000 titles annually. Three years technical processing ex­ perience required and OCLC experience desirable. M. L.S. required. Minimum salary—$14,000. Send resume to: Hal B. Schell, Dean of Library Adm inistration, Main Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an equal o pportunity/ affirmative action employer. VISITING INSTRUCTOR/GENERAL PURPOSE CATALOGER, University of Oregon Library, available October I, 1975. DESCRIPTION: O riginal cataloging of monographs in all subject areas. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredi†ed library school. A t least one year ex­ perience performing original cataloging in an academic library using L.C. classification and subject headings. Working knowledge of French or German. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Minimum $10,614 for a 12 month contract. Hospit al/m edical benefits paid in part by employee. This is non-tenure track one year visiting appointment, with no institutional commitment for an extension. APPLY TO: H. W illiam Axford, University Librarian, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. The University o f Oregon is an eoual oppor†unity/affirma†ive action employer. CATALOGER. Cataloging position available immediately. Emphasis on serials with responsibility for cataloging all forms using SOLINET/OCLC system. Minimum require­ ment MLS from ALA-accredi†ed library school. Salary $10,000– $11,000 with usual fringe benefits. Faculty rank. Contact J. F. Boykin, Jr. Director of Library, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, North Carolina 28223. An equal opoortunity/affirm ative action employer. M u ltip le Two positions open: The University of Wisconsin-Mil­ waukee Library (I) SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY BIBLIOGRA­ PHER; a new position. Assists Acquisitions Librarian in book selection and ordering, review of materials re­ ceived, surveys o f existing resources, liaison with faculty. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, strong science/ technology background, and a knowledge of German (essential). Academic library work experience in acqui­ sitions, reference, or serials and continuations, super­ visory skills, and knowledge of additional languages are desirable. (2) REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Duties include reference service and responsibility for a subject area within the general reference department. Must relate well to people and be service oriented. Qualifications: ALA-accredi†ed MLS and a thorough knowledge of reference sources. Experience in public services desirable. Both positions are academic appointments. Salary: $10,166 or higher, depending upon experience and qualifications. Generous vacation and fringe benefits. Positions open. APPLICATIONS: Send request for application blank to: Chairperson, Search and Screen Committee, University o f Wisconsin-Milwaukee, The Library, 2311 E. Hartford Avenue, Milwaukee, W l 53201. A pplication deadline is October I, 1975. An eaual oaaort unity/affirm ative ac­ tion employer. Reference REFERENCE. Assistant Librarian ($ 10,716-$ 15,084) or Senior Assistant Librarian ($12,600–$16,884). Both require second master's degree or progress toward same; latter requires two years experience. Background in physical sciences or business desirable. Department is a unified service with six librarians. Appointee w ill participate in orientation programs, prepare bibliographic aids, select new reference materials, maintain ancillary collections. One evening each week and four or five weekends each semester. Request application form from Henry Madden, University Librarian. California State University, Fresno, CA 93740. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirma†ive action em­ ployer. LIBRARIAN for reference and related duties in Veterinary Medical Library. Required: MLS degree; biological subject background at undergraduate or graduate level; minimum of 2 years experience in a research library. Desirable: second master's degree in a b io lo g ica l. sub­ ject (veterinary medicine or closely related fie ld ). Faculty status, some moving expenses, TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, I month vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Librarian 2 at $12,000 up, depending on quali­ fications. Open November I, 1975. Applications accepted through October I, 1975. Send resume to Dr. G. Donald Smith, Director of Libraries, Washington State University, Pullman, W A 99163. An equal opport u nity/affirm ative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— Full time, beginning September 1975 in University library reference department. Flexi­ b ility and willingness to work evening and weekend hours is necessary. Required: B.A. and M.L.S. degrees and three years experience in academic library work. A p ­ proximate salary $ 11,000. Desirable: A dditional Master's Degree in Humanities or Social Science, fluency and basic reading knowledge in one modern language other than English, background in business reference work 274 and experience in library instruction. Please submit resume to Box 848, C&RL NEWS, 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611. An equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIANS. Syracuse University seeks two general reference librarians for its new and highly automated main library. MLS required, undergraduate degree in social sciences and training in government documents preferred. Reading facility in a European language preferred. Applicants should have outgoing personalities and be able to establish rapport both with students and faculty. Salary: $9,600+ depending on qualifications. Send resume to: R. Max Willocks, As­ sistant Director of Libraries, Syracuse University, Syra­ cuse, NY 13210. An equal opportunity employer. Serials SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Under the direction of the Acqui­ sitions Librarian, is responsible for managing sub­ scription list of some 10,000 titles, including payments, record maintenance and fiscal reports; supervises bindery schedules and contracts; maintains periodicals collection. Responsibilities include serving on various departmental and library committees. Required: Fifth year library degree from an accredited library school; some fam ili­ arity or experience with computer applications to serials records desirable but not essential. Salary: $10,356— $13,493, depending upon qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA/CREF retirement plan; social se­ curity; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsi­ dized; liberal sick leave. W rite: Robert T. Grazier, As­ sociate Director, University Libraries, Wayne State Uni­ versity, Detroit, Michigan 48202. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. Subject Specialists ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Organization of information, including library cataloging and classification; b ib lio ­ graphic support systems, e.g., OCLC; organization of information in nonconventional formats, e.g., nonprint media; information storage and retrieval systems. Ph.D. or candidacy in library science or information science. Salary $13,000–$14,800 for academic year. Position open January 1976. Send application to Dean, School o f Infor­ mation Studies, 113 Euclid, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action em­ ployer. LIBRARY SCIENCE– FACULTY POSITION beginning August 1976. Rank and salary open. Minimum beginning salary $14,C00. Additional for Summer Session. Teaching areas of public library, cataloging, or reference, other teaching competencies of interest. Desirable qualifi­ cations– library and teaching experience. Doctorate re­ cipient or candidate. Inquiries and application to: Frederick Wezeman, Director, School of Library Science, University of Iowa, 3087 Main Library, Iowa City, IA 52242. ASSISTANT READERS' SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Duties in­ clude reference, instructional, bibliographic, and similar services. Supervises interlibrary loan. Requires ALA-ac- credited MLS. Prefer graduate degree or undergraduate major in one o f the social sciences or humanities, as position involves collection development and coordi- nation of library services with various instructional programs within these areas. Faculty rank and status. Minimum salary, $9,500. 23 days vacation + excellent benefits. Send letter and resume to Lenox G. Cooper, Jr., Director of Library Services, University of N.C. at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC 28401. An equal oppor­ tunity employer. BEGINNING SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Science Library, Sep­ tember I, 1975. MLS from an accredited library school. Undergraduate degree in physical sciences, preferably biology or chemistry. Reading knowledge of German and /or French desirable. Job description: provide readers' services to science community; provide liaison between Science Library and two science departments in matters of acquisition and public relations; assume managerial responsibility for a function such as acqui­ sitions and serials or interlibrary loan to be determined by applicant's interests and experience. Salary: $10,624 for a 12 month contract. The appointment w ill be as a Visiting Instructor on a one year appointment term i­ nating on June 30, 1976. Librarians at the University of Oregon have full faculty status. Nine month contracts are available. W rite: H. W. Axford, University Librarian, University o f Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403. The Uni­ versity of Oregon is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. LAW LIBRARIAN. Supervises three and ’A librarians plus support staff in the newly completed Law Library. Present collection is 105,000 volumes. Demonstrated managerial a bility and commitment to serve both students and faculty important. Master's degree from a program accredited by ALA required; Juris Doctor is desirable. Salary open and competitive, above $18,000. Fringe benefits include 24 days vacation, six percent matching contribution to TIAA/CREF, and $240 University annual payment toward health and life insurance premiums. Submit applications by October I, 1975 to Ronald Swanson, Personnel & Budget Officer, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE 68508. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. LIBRARIAN. College of Design, Architecture and Arts is looking for someone who can ( I) select and promote the use of research and instructional resources in all available media; (2) administer the staff, services and facilities of a bibliographic/m edia services; and (3) work with the faculty and students on a continuing pro­ gram of education through the best use of the visual and verbal media. Salary range: $10,000-$12,500. Contact David Murray, Co-ordinator of College and Departmental Libraries, University of Cincinnati, Main Library—Room 600, Cincinnati, OH 45221. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER for the Louisiana State University Library. Position available November I, 1975. A master's degree from an accredited library school, at least a subject master's degree in one o f the disciplines in the humanities, and a minimum of two years o f library experience in collection development or a related area are required. A working knowledge of two or more foreign languages is highly desirable. Salary: $13,C00 minimum. Fiscal year appointment. Equiva­ lent faculty rank. Tenure rights and other faculty bene­ fits offered. Apply before September 30, 1975 to George J. Guidry, Jr., Director of Library, Louisiana State Uni­ versity, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER to provide reference and bibliographic assistance with a specialty in Sciences and Engineering. Requires MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school and an advanced degree in the sciences or engineering. Salary $11,000–$13,000 with usual fringe benefits. Faculty rank, 12 month contract. Contact J. F. Boykin, Jr., Director of Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina 28223. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. CURATOR of E. A. Mcllhenny Natural History Collection with LSU Library. Position available November I, 1975. Master's degree from an accredited library school; an academic background in natural history or related li­ brary experience; a knowledge o f rare books and book preservation; a working knowledge of several languages are required. Salary: $10,000 minimum. Salary provided from private resources. Equivalent faculty rank. Tenure rights and other faculty benefits offered. Apply before September 30, 1975 to George J. Guidry, Jr. Director of Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. MEDIA SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Education and Psychol­ ogy Reference Department. An unusual opportunity for media trained librarian to plan and develop a media library program in support of the University instructional program, involving close contact with faculty in all dis­ ciplines and liaison with the Center for Instructional Media staff. Graduation from ALA-accredited library school, and either a second master's degree in instruc­ tional technology, plus 2 years professional library ex­ perience, or at least 3 years of professional library ex­ perience which has shown increasing ability and pro­ fessional growth and course work in instructional tech­ nology with the expectation of obtaining a second mas­ ter's degree within a reasonable period o f time. Back­ ground or experience in the field of education desirable. Assistant Librarian or Senior Assistant Librarian posi­ tion with salary range of $10,716– $16,884, depending upon background and experience. Apply to Gordon P. Martin, University Librarian, California State University, Sacra­ mento, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer.