ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 188 ACRL’S FAST JOB LISTING Looking for a job? Our Fast Job Listing will send you job postings received at ACRL headquar­ ters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News. The Fast Job Listing Service also contains advertisements which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The ACRL office prepares a Fast Job Listing circular at the beginning of each month and mails it to subscribers first class. The circular contains all job announcements received during the previous four weeks. The cost of a six-month subscription is $5 for ACRL members and $10 for nonmembers. You may enter your subscription below. STONY B R O O K W O R K S H O P The G re ater New York M etropolitan Area Chapter of ACRL holds its workshop on mid­ career assessment and strategies for advancement on the campus of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Saturday, June 13. The program was designed to help m id-career academic librarians develop their capacities for realistic self-appraisal and worklife planning. Presentations are by Jean Whalen, personnel li­ brarian, State University of New York at Albany; Carol Learmont, associate dean, Columbia Uni­ versity School of Library Service; and Betty-Carol Sellen, editor of What Else Can You Do with a Library Degree? All focus on such critical issues as staff development, continuing education, and career alternatives. After lunch, workshop atten­ dees have an opportunity to view the film “Good­ bye to G u ten b e rg ,” tour the SUNY at Stony Brook library, or participate in a career develop­ ment discussion group led by Kathleen Weibel. For information on Long Island activities of the Greater New York Metropolitan Area Chapter of ACRL, contact Harold B. Schleifer, W1512 Mel­ ville L ibrary, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794; (516) 246-5650 P u b lica tio n s NOTICES • Collection D evelopm ent Strategies fo r Academic and Research Libraries (34 pages, 1981), edited by Hannelore B. Rader, has been published by the Michigan Library Association. The booklet is an edited version of papers pre­ sented at a workshop on collection development sponsored by the Michigan Library Association, the Michigan ACRL Chapter, and the University of Michigan School of Library Science on Novem­ ber 13, 1979. Copies may be ordered for $3.50 from the Michigan Library Association, 226 W. Washtenaw Street, Lansing, MI 48933. • Com puter-Based Education: The Best o f ERIC, June 1976-August 1980 by Keith A. Hall lists over 200 selected reports, reviews, confer­ ence papers, and proceedings from the ERIC files, as well as journal articles indexed in CIJE. 190 CLIP Notes # 2 Published Following on the heels of the popular CLIP Notes # 1 -8 0 , Performance Appraisal, the new CLIP Notes #2-81, Collection Develop­ ment Policies, collected by the Continuing Education Committee of ACRL s College Li­ braries Section, is now available from the ACRL office. The cost is $8.75 for ACRL members, $11.50 for non-members. Prepay­ ment is required. Please enclose a mailing label and 30¢ in postage. Copies may be ordered from ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. This compilation updates the previous Best o f ERIC 1973-May 1976 by Marian Beard. Both publications may be ordered from Syracuse Uni­ versity P rinting Services, 125 College Place, Syracuse, NY 13210. Order the Hall publication as IR-48 for $6.50 and the Beard publication as IR-3 for $3 (prepayment required). • A Directory o f College and Research Librar­ ies in Illinois, 1981 edition, has been published by the Illinois Association of College and Re­ search Libraries, an ACRL chapter. The directory contains the names, addresses, titles, and tele­ phone num bers of 1,188 librarians in 138 academic libraries in Illinois. A personal name in­ dex is included. The directory may be ordered for $3 from the Illinois Library Association, 425 N. Michigan Ave., 13th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611. • Executive Review in ARL Libraries, SPEC Kit #72 (94 pages, March 1981), presents the re­ sults of discussions among directors at the May 1980 meeting of ARL concerning the current practices of their institutions in evaluating execu­ tives in higher education, including university and college presidents and other top administra­ tors. The kit contains fourteen examples of review procedures and forms and two background in­ formation docum ents. It is available to ARL members and SPEC subscribers for $7.50 and to all others for $15 (plus $2 handling charge per order), prepayment required, from SPEC, OMS/ ARL, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. • External User Services, SPEC Kit #73 (112 pages, April 1981) examines the policies of sever­ al ARL libraries with regard to collection access by the outside community. The kit contains six examples of general access policies, three docu­ ments on reference service, five examples of cir­ culation policies, and four cooperative agree­ ments. It is available to ARL members and SPEC subscribers for $7.50 and to others for $15 (plus $2 handling charge), prepayment required, from SPEC, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. • Incunabula in the Dartmouth College L i­ brary, compiled by Dick Hoefnagel (44 pages, 191 JOB LIST IN G O PTIO N S FO R EM PLOYERS Rates DeadlinesOption Extra Charges ACRL Members Non-members Applications Submissions No sooner than 2nd of month C&RL News $2.25/line $2.80/line $10 over phone end of month preceding Classified Ads of issue mo. of issue No sooner than 2nd-19th C&RL News $7.00/line $8.50/line none end of month of month*Late Job Notices of issue Fast Job Listing 1-35 lines 1-35 lines $10 over phone No sooner than 2nd of month Service $20 $25 15th of month of issue 36-45 lines 36-45 lines of issue $25 $30 46-55 lines 46-55 lines $30 $35 Telephone $25 $30 $10 over phone; No sooner than 1 p.m. each JORLINE (All Jobline ads run 2 wks.) $5 for 1 day after Thursday non-prepayment end of that wk. C&RL News ½ page $230** No sooner than 2nd of month Display Ad ⅜ page $200 none end of month preceding ¼ page $170 of issue mo. of issue NOTES: Telephone orders, while not encouraged due to increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. A confirming order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible following the call, along with a typewritten copy of the ad. All job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. All Positions Open ads must include a salary or range. For display ads: page consists of 2 columns, each 2⅜" x 7½". *Space guaranteed before the 9th; from 10th—19th, accepted on space available basis. **Camera-ready copy preferred. 1980), may be ordered for $10, prepayment pre­ ferred, from the Office of the College Librarian, Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, NH 03755. • SH A RE (S iste rs H ave R esources E v e r y ­ where): A Directory o f Feminist Library Workers in Illinois (1981) contains 65 names of library workers throughout the state, including addres­ ses, library specialty, interests, skills, and re­ sources. The directory costs $2 and is available from Women Library Workers, Katharine Phenix, Graduate School of Library and Information Sci­ ence, 410 David Kinley Hall, 1407 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801. • Special Collections in the Library o f Con­ gress, com piled by Anne M elville u n d er the direction of the Collections Development Office (464 pages, 1981), describes special collections that have been singled out by LC’s reference staff for their rarity or potential interest to scholars. Organized as a series of essays, the book contains 269 sep arate en tries about special collections ranging from music manuscripts to incunabula. Send $12 to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (Stock No. 030-001-0092-2). • The second edition of the Union List o f Se­ rials in the Fenway Library Consortium lists the 7,000 titles held by the eleven small academic and special libraries in Metropolitan Boston be­ longing to the consortium. Both current and ret­ rospective holdings are listed. Microfiche copies may be o rd e re d for $10 (pre-paid) from Ted Hamann, College Library, Suffolk University, Beacon Hill, Boston, MA 02114. RECEIVED (Selected item s will be review ed in future issues of College sb Research Libraries.) • The provision and use of information was the them e of the 1980 joint ASLIB/IIS/LA Confer­ ence in Sheffield (England). The Nationwide Pro­ vision and Use o f Inform ation: Proceedings o f Joint ASLIB, IIS, LA Conference, 1980 compiled by the Library Association, London, is available from Oryx Press for $31.25. • Scientific and Technical L ibraries in the Seventies: A Guide to Information Sources (Gale Research, 1981, $34) is an annotated bibliography of more than 500 articles on the operation, man­ agement, and collections of sci-tech libraries and information centers. • British university library adm inistration is 192 the topic of An Introduction to University Li­ brary Administration, Third Edition by James Thompson (Clive Bingley Ltd., K. G. Saur, 1979) now available from Shoe String Press for $18.75. • A manual designed to introduce the library technical assistant, students, office managers and secretaries to a variety of practical filing methods is available from Libraries Unlimited. File Man­ agement and Information Retrieval Systems: A Manual fo r Managers and Technicians by Su­ zanne Gill (1981) sells for $16.50 U.S.; $20 else­ where. • The Library Association, London, has pub­ lished a softcover guide to librarianship. The Basics o f Librarianship by Colin Harrison and Rosemary Oats (1980, $12.50) contains ten chap­ ters which briefly address the function, organiza­ tion and management of libraries. The Basics is distributed in the U.S. by Oryx Press. • Charles H. Busha is the editor of A Library Science Research Reader and Bibliographic Guide (Libraries Unlimited, 1981, $18.50 U.S.; $22 elsewhere) which contains six original essays about library and information science research and a selected bibliography of library science re­ search, 1931-1979. C ontributors are Busha, Laurel Grotzinger (Western Michigan Universi­ ty), Jeffrey Katzer (Syracuse University), Carol McCombs, Stephen B. Walter and Carolyn Grad- dick Teal (Tri-County Technical College, Pendle­ ton, SC). • An examination of the role of library school internship programs is now available from Queens College Press. Classroom and Field: The Internship in American Library Education; an In­ quiry into its Development and Evaluation (1981, $7.50) was u ndertaken by its author, Louis Coburn, “to provide impetus to a reappraisal of the internship process in the belief that improve­ ments can be achieved in the area of evaluation of the work of interns.” • A new volume of collected essays focuses on the relationship between conventional printing and the many new electronic communication sys­ tems being developed. The Future o f the Printed Word: The Impact and Implications o f the New Communications Technology, edited by Phillip Hills (Greenwood Press, 1981, $25), with 13 arti­ cles by European and American communications experts, also examines the social and economic implications of these new systems on printing, publishing, education, libraries and the printed media. • Australian library education is examined in External Studies in Librarianship: An Investiga­ tion into the Potential Efficacy o f External Stud­ ies in Librarianship in Australia at the Base Pro­ fessional Level with Recommendations on Possible Patterns o f External Studies Provision and the Identification o f M inimum R equirem ents fo r Their Implementation Having Regard to Educa­ tional and Economic Viability; Vol. 1—Report; Vol. 2— Appendices (1979). Inquiries about ordering and price should be directed to the Kur- ing-gai College of Advanced Education, Eton Road, Lindfield, NSW 2070, Australia. Also avail­ able from Kuring-gai College is Changes and Ex­ changes: Australian Viewpoints (edited by Peter White, 1980) a collection of essays which address important questions in librarianship and informa­ tion science. • Gale Research has revised and enlarged the second edition of Statistics— America: Sources fo r Social, Economic, and Market Research (1980, $160). The principal live and print sources of sta­ tistical information for North, South, and Central America and adjacent islands are described in 1,592 numbered entries. • CLAIM Report No. 3, The Relegation and Storage o f Material in Academic Libraries: A Literature Review, by L. Gilder, et al. (1980, £5.00) is available from the Centre for Library and Information Management, Department of Library and Information Studies, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, England. Relegation and Storage is a criti­ cal review of the literature on this topic pub­ lished in Britain, the U.S., and Europe since 1970. • The University Library in the United States: Its Origin and Development (University of Penn­ sylvania Press, 1981, $25) by Arthur Hamlin, pro­ fessor and director of libraries at Temple Uni­ versity, “documents the essential role of the uni­ versity library in the growth of American schol­ arship.” • Microform Review, Inc., has announced the publication of a new journal Software Review (SR) devoted to reviewing computer programs and data for library and educational applications. SR will be published every October and May. Subscriptions are $38 U.S., $43 Canada and Mex­ ico, $53 elsewhere. SR is edited by William Saf- fady, Pratt Institute. • Congressional Inform ation Service has issued a five-volume CIS U.S. Congressional Committee Prints Index, and a companion mi­ crofiche file, providing “comprehensive coverage of committee prints from 1830-1969. Coverage includes: monographic studies; investigative re­ ports; analyses of bills and comparative drafts of bills; confidential staff reports and memoranda; directories, bibliographies, and other reference materials; reports on committee activities and drafts of legislative reports; and hearings excerpts, digests, and revised or unrevised full hearings texts. The CIS Congressional Committee Prints on Microfiche Collection includes full-text repro­ ductions of some 15,000 committee prints. The Index is available from CIS for $1,475. The mi­ crofiche collection is $28,150, or Part 1—$10,325; Part 2—$2,525; and Part 3—$15,300. Items may be purchased separately. • Using AACR2: A Diagrammatic Approach by 193 Malcolm Shaw, et al., Leeds Polytechnic School of Librarianship (England), is available from Oryx Press for $18.50. The a u th o rs’ algorithm ic approach “provides a quickly comprehended in­ troduction to the task of author cataloging in general and to the application of Part II of the Second Edition of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules in particular.” • The 1981 edition of Index to Standard In­ terest Profiles in Science and Technology is now available from the Chemical Information Center, Department of Chemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405. The price is $15. • Volume 10 in the Foundations in Library and Information Science series has been pub­ lished by JAI Press. Collection Development in Libraries: A Treatise, Part A and B ($30 per volume) is ed ited by Robert D. Stueart and George B. Miller. Part A covers collection man­ agement and the collection development process. Part B addresses citation and use studies, collec­ tion development by format, and new directions in collection development. • Another volume on the same topic is Build­ ing Library Collections: Policies and Practices In Academic Libraries (Lexington Books, 1981) by Hugh F. Cline and Loraine T. Sinnott. Building Library Collections employs a social science meth­ odologies to analyze collection development poli­ cies and practices in seven academic libraries. • Public, School, and Academic Media Cen­ ters: A Guide to Information Sources (Gale Re­ search, 1981, $34), edited by Esther R. Dyer and Pam Berger, is an annotated bibliography of about 400 items published subsequent to 1970. • The 7th edition of the Directory o f Online Information Resources (CSG Press, 1981, $18.50) covers over 280 bibliographic and non- bibliographic online data bases available in the U.S. The Directory is updated semi-annually (each March and September). • Bibliometrics: A Bibliography and Index, Volume 1: 1874-1959 (ALLM Books, 1981, $12) by Alan Pritchard and Glenn R. Writtig is the first of three volumes on this topic. Volume 2 will cover the period 1960-69, and Volume 3 will cov­ er 1970-79. (Available from: ALLM Books, 4 Knutsford Avenue, Watford, Herts WD2 4EL, England.) • In The Politics o f Federal Grants George E. Hale and Marian Lief Palley examine the inter­ governmental grants system by tracing it through the policymaking process. Politics o f Federal Grants is published by Congressional Quarterly (1981, $7.50). • U.S. Copyright Documents: An Annotated Collection fo r Use by Educators and Librarians by Jerome K. Miller (1981) is available from Li­ braries Unlimited. The price is $25 U.S.; $30 elsewhere. C alendar June 21-26—Law Libraries: “Computer Management for Law Library Needs,” a workshop sponsored by the American Association of Law Libraries and ALA’s Library and Information Technology Association, to be held at the University of Vir­ ginia Law School, Charlottesville. For further information, contact: Jill Mubarak, University of S outhern California Law Library, Los Angeles, CA 90007; (213) 743-6487. August 29-30—Archives: Conservation workshop spon­ sored by the Society of American Archivists will be held immediately prior to their annual meeting in Berkeley, California. It will consist of lecture/discussions on various aspects of con­ servation philosophy and administration as well as hands-on demonstration and practice of basic archival conservation techniques. Enrollment is limited. Tuition of $50 will cover the cost of a conservation supply kit. Attendees must cur­ rently hold a position in a m anuscript or