ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1983 / 387 prove access for high school students to university writing, reading, and reasoni and college libraries. The Undergraduate Library, better for college-level work. in conjunction with the UTK College of Educa­ fine a close working relationsh tion, wil . l d P evelop a natio E nal model fo O r library use ary P schools and colleges and u to expand high school students’ competence in L ng to prepare them The model will de­ ip between second­ niversities. ■ ■ E. PROFILES J o s e p h A . B o is s é has been named university li­ brarian at the University of California, Santa Bar­ bara, effective this month. Previously he was pro­ fessor and director of libraries at Temple Uni­ versity, Philadelphia, a position he has held since 1979. Boissé other experi­ ence has been as director of libraries at the Uni­ versity of W iscon sin , Parkside (1973– 1979), assistant state librarian for the V erm on t D e ­ partm ent of L ib raries (1971-1973), and assis­ Joseph A. Boissé tant director of libraries at Lawrence University (1968-1971). He earned his MLS at Simmons Col­ lege in 1967 and a master’s in French at Brown Uni­ versity in 1965. An active member of ACRL, Boissé has served on the Appointments and Nominations Commit­ tee, the Task Force on Academic Libraries and Higher Education, the Committee on the White House Conference, and the Legislation Commit­ tee. He is currently A CRL’s representative on the American Council on Education. D a n i e l W . L e s t e r has been appointed director of the library at Fort Lewis College, Durango, Col­ orado. Lester comes to Fort Lewis from Albuquer­ que, where he was assistant dean for technical ser­ vices at the University of New Mexico (1976-1981). Since 1981 he has been completing requirements for a Ph.D in the psychological foundations of edu­ cation. He has a bachelor’s in English and an MLS from Northern Illinois University. Lester also served as assistant dean for technical services at Mankato State University (1969-1973) and systems librarian at Bowling Green State Uni­ versity (1968-1969). He is the compiler of the Cu­ m ulative Title Index to U.S. Public Documents 1789-1976, and checklists of public documents spanning the same years. C a r o l y n D e a r n a l e y has been appointed direc­ tor of the Eugenia Fuller Atwood Library at Bea­ ver College, Glenside, Pennsylvania, effective Sep­ tem b er 6. She had previously served as as­ sistant university librar­ ian at Colgate Univer­ sity, and was also associated with the li­ braries of the University of Michigan and Anti­ och College. A graduate of Ursinus C o lleg e, she received her MLS at Drexel Uni­ versity. During a sab­ batical leave in London, Carolyn D earnaley England, she studied the operation of the Univer­ sity of London Library and the Borough of Cam ­ den Library System. New BI Clearinghouse Directory Published The 1983 edition of L ib ra ry Instruction Clearinghouses: A Directory (28 pages) is now available from ACRL. Updated and revised by Rochelle Sager of the University of Alaska, Ju ­ neau, it is a project of the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section’s Clearinghouse Commit­ tee. It is available (prepaid only) at $4 for ACRL members and $5 for non-members from ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. N ovem ber 1983 / 389 P e t e r Sp y e r s - D u r a n , director of the California State University, Long Beach, Library, has been named director of Wayne State University L i­ braries, Detroit, effec­ tive November 1. Sp yers-D u ran has been at L ong B each since 1976. Before mov­ ing to California he was director of libraries at Florida Atlantic Univer­ sity (1970-1976), direc­ tor of libraries at West­ ern Michigan University (1967-1970), and associ­ ate director of libraries at the University of Wis­ Peter Spyers-Duran consin, M ilw aukee (1 9 6 3 -1 9 6 7 ) . He has also held positions at ALA Headquarters, Wichita State University, the Chicago Public Library, and the University of Chicago. He received an MLS from the University of Chi­ cago in 1960 and a doctorate in education from Nova University in 1975. Spyers-Duran has been active in ACRL and LAMA, as well as the Interna­ tional Federation of Library Associations, the Na­ tional Endowment for the Humanities as a grant reviewer, and the Center for Research Libraries as a member of the Financial Development Commit­ tee. APPOINTMENTS (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.) C l a i r e A berxNATHY has been appointed head of circulation in the Baker Library, Harvard Univer­ sity. M a r y L . A i k e n is now reference librarian in the Sawyer Library, Suffolk University, Boston. A r l e n e A r z ig i a n has been appointed associate slide curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. R o s a n n A u c h s t e t t e r is the new reference li­ brarian and visual arts specialist at the State Uni­ versity of New York, Purchase. C a t h y S. B a l s h o n e has been appointed music li­ brarian in the Hilles Library, Harvard University. L y n n S. B a r r o n is a new assistant reference li­ brarian at the University of South Carolina, Co­ lumbia. K a t h r y n B e a m has been appointed manuscript librarian in Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. R o g e r B e c k m a n has been appointed head of the O ptom etry L ib r a ry , In d ian a U niversity, Bloomington. D e b o r a h B ig g s is now assistant librarian in the Undergraduate Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. J u l i a C . B l i x r u d has been appointed to head a joint ARL/NFAIS project to enrich the CONSER database with information about coverage by ab­ stracting and information services. M i c h a e l B o d d y will join the library faculty of Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, in Decem­ ber as theological librarian. D a n i e l G . B o i c e is a new assistant reference li­ brarian at the University of South Carolina, Co­ lumbia. Sa r a J . B o w k e r has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Engineering-Transportation L i­ brary at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Y a l e M . B r a u n s t e i n has been appointed acting associate professor in the School of Library and In­ formation Studies, University of California, Berke­ ley. C a t h e r i n e Z . B r o t is now reference librarian at the Dobbs Ferry Campus of Mercy College, West­ chester County, New York. A n n a R . B r y a n has been appointed librarian of the Reference Division, Maryland Historical Soci­ ety, Baltimore. R i c h a r d D . C a r r has been appointed assistant technical services librarian at the Palmer College of Chiropractic Library, Davenport, Iowa. B a r t o n M . C l a r k has been appointed acting di­ rector of subject services at the University of Illi­ nois, Urbana. Su sa n L . C o l l i n s is now assistant reference li­ brarian at the University of South Carolina, Co­ lumbia. M e l i n d a S is s o n C o n r a d has been appointed head of the Lodge Learning Laboratory at Xavier University, Cincinnati. C a r l D e a l has been appointed director of li­ brary collections at the University of Illinois, Ur­ bana. G i l l i a n D e b r e c z e n y has been appointed circu­ lation librarian and assistant head of the Under­ graduate Library, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Se l d e n S . D E E M E R h a s been appointed associate librarian in the Systems Unit, University of Michi­ gan, Ann Arbor. K a t h l e e n D o n o v a n has been named resident professional in the Health Science Libraries, Uni­ versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. G a r y D r a p e r has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Arts Reference and Collections De­ velopment Department of the University of Water- loo Library, Ontario. E l i z a b e t h D u f f e k has been appointed serials cataloger in the How ard-Tilton Memorial L i­ brary, Tulane University, New Orleans. M a r y E d g e r t o n has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at the State University of New York, Pur­ chase. T o m E i c h e r has joined the staff of the University 3 9 0 / C & R L N ew s of Iowa Law Library as reference librarian. E d w a r d J . E r ic k s o n has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in the Graduate Library Reference Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. K a r in F o r d has been appointed social sciences librarian at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. E l l e n G ib s o n has been appointed associate di­ rector of the Law Library, State University of New York at Buffalo. B e t t y G la ss is now a resident professional in the Serials Division and Document Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. M a r y L o u G o o d y e a r has been appointed head of public services at the Auraria Library, Denver. Sy l v i a G r a h a m is now management librarian in Walker Management Library, Vanderbilt Univer­ sity, Nashville. C h r i s t i n e H a n n o n has been appointed refer­ ence services librarian at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. K e n e t t e H a r d e r is now cataloger at the Uni­ versity of Missouri-Kansas City Libraries. E d w a r d J e n s H o l l e y is now reference librarian at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. M a r y H o w a r d has been appointed director of technical services at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. D o r o t h y H o w e l l has joined the staff of the Eastern Washington University Library, Cheney, as cataloger. V ir g in ia K e l s h has been appointed librarian for the University of San Francisco Law Library. B a r b a r a K e m p is the new head of humanities and social sciences public services at Washington State University, Pullman. St e p h a n i e A. K l e i n has been named librarian- archivist of the Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. R e k a K o z h a k has been named librarian at Lo­ gan Chiropractic College, St. Louis. A l b e r t C. L i u has been appointed associate dean for technical services and automation at Old Dominion University Library, Norfolk, Virginia. Sh i r l e y A nn L o w m a n has been appointed direc­ tor of library technical services for the Maricopa Community College District, Phoenix, Arizona. G . L u c r e t i a M c C u l l e y has been appointed ref­ erence librarian in the Undergraduate Library, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. J a c q u e l i n e M . M a c D o n a l d has been ap­ pointed dental and reference librarian at the W .K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library, Dalhousie Uni­ versity, Halifax, Nova Scotia. M a r y M a h o n e y is a new resident professional in the Undergraduate Library, University of Michi­ gan, Ann Arbor. D a l e M a n n in g has been named coordinator of reference services at Vanderbilt University, Nash­ ville. M a r c ia J o M a r t in has been appointed reference N ovem ber 1983 / 391 librarian at the University of South Carolina, Co­ lumbia. J o s e p h C. M i d d l e t o n has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in the Sawyer Library, Suffolk Uni­ versity, Boston. R . B r u c e M i l l e r has been appointed systems of­ fic e r fo r th e In d ia n a U n iv ersity L ib r a r ie s , Bloomington. P a t r i c i a M o o r e has been appointed assistant special collections librarian at the University of Illi­ nois Library, Urbana. G w y n e t h A . P a c e has been appointed history subject specialist and reference librarian at the Dalhousie University Library, Halifax, Nova Sco­ tia. J o h n L . P a r a s c a n d o l a has been named chief of the History of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. M i c h a e l P a r r is h is now head of the Business L i­ brary at the University of Indiana, Bloomington. R o b e r t P a u s t i a n has been appointed assistant director for collections at the University of Mis­ souri, Kansas City. J o a n P e l l a n d is now head of technical services at Loyola University Law Library, New Orleans. B l u m a C. P e r i t z has been appointed research associate in the School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. S t e p h e n P l u m has been appointed bibliographic instruction and reference librarian at Middlebury College, Vermont. D o r i s P r e s t o n has been appointed assistant to the head of reference at the University of Michi­ gan, Ann Arbor. A n n P u c k e t t has been appointed assistant direc­ tor of the Northwestern University Law Library, Chicago. A m a n d a P u g h is the new cataloger at Penrose M em orial L ib r a ry , W h itm a n C o lleg e, W a lla W alla, Washington. J o h n V. R i c h a r d s o n has been promoted to asso­ ciate professor with tenure at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of California, Los Angeles. S u s a n R u s s e l l has been appointed head of the Medical Center Library, University of California, Irvine. S i m o n S a m o e i l has been appointed Middle East­ ern cataloger in the College Library, Harvard Uni­ versity. A l i s o n S c o t t has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University, New York. J u d i t h S h a n n o n has been appointed head of the Serials Division, Suzzallo Library, University of Washington, Seattle. W i l l i a m M . S h a w J r . has been named associate professor in the School of Library Science, Univer­ sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. T e d S h e l d o n has been appointed associate di­ rector of libraries at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. D o r o t h y H . S h i e l d s has been appointed head of the Art and Architecture Library at the Univer­ sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. S a r a h S h o e m a k e r has been appointed resident professional in acquisitions and collection develop­ ment at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. R e n e e A . S i l b e r is a new reference librarian at Siena College, Loudonville, New York. A n n M o n t g o m e r y Sm i t h has been named direc­ tor of libraries and curator of special collections at the W entworth Institute of Technology, Boston. K a r e n E . Sm i t h has been appointed head of Spe­ cial Collections and Services at the Dalhousie Uni­ versity Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia. D o n n a G a y l e y S p e a r m a n has been appointed information librarian at Illinois Benedictine Col­ lege, Lisle. A l l e n H . S t o k e s J r . has been appointed librar­ ian of the South Caroliniana Library at the Univer­ sity of South Carolina, Columbia. M a r i l y n S u l l i v a n has been named chief health sciences librarian at the University of Missouri Health Sciences Library, Kansas City. M a r y V an O r s d o l is a new reference librarian at the University of California, Riverside. P a t V i c t o r s o n is now economics reference li­ brarian at the Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City, Missouri. I v a n V l a s i c has been appointed head catalog li­ brarian at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. V i c k i W a t k i n s is now management librarian at Vanderbilt University Library, Nashville. E l l e n I . W a t s o n has been appointed director of the Mabee Learning Resources Center, Arkansas College, Batesville. S h e l l e W i t t e n has been appointed reference li­ brarian at St. Louis Community College at Floris­ sant Valley, St. Louis, Missouri. J u d i t h B . W o o d has been named assistant pro­ fessor in the School of Library Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. B e t h W o o d a r d is a new reference librarian at the University of illinois, Urbana. D i a n a W o o d w a r d has been named assistant professor in Drexel University’s School of Library and Information Science, Philadelphia. S a r a W o o l p y is now scien ce lib r a r ia n at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. E . L o u i s a W o r t h i n g t o n has been appointed acting librarian of the Biological Laboratories L i­ brary, Harvard University. W a y n e W . Z a c h a r y has joined the faculty of the Drexel University School of Library and Inform a­ tion Science, Philadelphia, as assistant professor. J e n n i f e r R . Z u k o w s k i has been appointed refer­ ence librarian for a one-year CLR/Mellon grant at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. RETIREMENTS M a r y E . C o r n i n g , assistant director for interna­ 392 / C &RL News tional programs at the National Library o f Medi­ cine, retired September 1 after 34 years o f Federal service. M a r t i n M . C u m m i n g s , director of the National Library of Medicine for 20 years, retired on O cto­ ber 1. Ja m e s R.K. K a n t o r has retired from his position as university archivist at the University o f Califor­ nia, Berkeley. B e t t y J . M e y e r , assistant director o f libraries for technical services at the Ohio State University L i­ braries, retired on October 1. Meyer held several positions at OSU before becom in g assistant d i­ rector in 1971, including h ead o f acq u isition s (1968-1971) and head of serial c a ta lo g in g (1958-1968). She served as acting director of li­ braries in 1976-1977. Meyer has been a cen­ tral figure in the devel­ opm en t o f L C S , O h io State’ s o n lin e c a ta ­ log/circulation system, and in the adaptation of Betty J. M e ye r technical services orga­ nization and procedures to make the best use of O C L C . She was a member o f several o f the early advisory groups that aided in the development of O C L C . She has served as chair o f the RTSD Serials Sec­ tion (1969-1970), the Council o f Regional Groups (1973-1974), and the Esther J. Piercy Award Jury (1973-1974). Meyer has also been active in the O hio Library Association and the Ohio Valley Group o f Technical Services Librarians, o f which she was chair in 1972-1973. In recent years she has represented O H IO N ET in the O C L C Users Coun­ cil. L a M a r S m i t h , education librarian at the Uni­ versity of Nevada, Reno, retired September 12. M a r t h a Lou T h o m a s , retired from her position in the Biomedical Sciences Library, University of California, Irvine. DEATHS V ILHI ALMUR T. B j a r n a r , curator o f the Fiske Icelandic Collection at Cornell University, died on August 30. D o r i s K . C o l b y , retired librarian o f Aurora C ol­ lege, Illinois, died August 26. ■ ■