ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 117 quirements, Karl M. Pearson, Jr. Thursday, July 3, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Law and Political Science Section Libraries and the Legislative Process, Eileen D. Cooke, Roger H. McDonough, and Clarence R. Walters Thursday, July 3, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Ownership of the Papers of Public Officials Sunday, June 29, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Gifts and Appraisals for Libraries, panel dis­ cussion Sunday, June 29, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Slavic and E ast E uropean Section Ethnic Studies: Problems and Solutions: panel discussion Tour of Stanford University Libraries. Date and time to be announced. University Libraries Section Library Service to the Graduate Community: panel discussion Tuesday, July 1, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Undergraduate Librarians Discussion Group Wednesday, July 2, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon University Extension Librarians Discussion Group Wednesday, July 2, 4:30-6:00 p.m. W estern E uropean Language Specialists Discussion Group Promoting the Use of Humanities Collections in the Western European Languages Sunday, June 29, 2:00-4:00 p.m. ■ ■ ADDITIONAL ACRL NOMINEES FOR OFFICES, 1975/76 ANTHROPOLOGY SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect Robert E. Pfeiffer, Head, Graduate Social Science Libraries, University of California, Berkeley, California Thein Swe, Social Science Bibliographer, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Il­ linois M ember-at-Large David L. Perkins, Head Bibliographic Li­ brarian, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, California Patricia Ann White, Reference Librarian, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich­ igan LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE SECTION M ember-at-Large Signe M. Larson, Chief, Research Services, U.S. Department of Interior Library, Washing­ ton, D.C. ■■ ADDITIONAL ACRL SECTION NOMINATING COMMITTEES ACRL’s section nominating committees are seeking candidates for nomination for election to section offices. Persons interested in making recommendations or in being considered for nomination should contact a member of the ap­ propriate committee. Additional section nomi­ nating committees were listed in the November 1974 issue of C&R L News. Agriculture and Biological Sciences Section Nominating Committee Chairman, Irene S. Farkas-Conn, Systems Li­ brarian, Chicago State University, 6800 S. Stewart Ave., Chicago, IL 60621; T. H. Milby, Science Librarian, University of Oklahoma, 401 W. Brooks, Norman, OK 73069; Dorothy S. Overman, Audiovisual Librarian, Hospital Li­ brary, U.S. Veterans Administration, 915 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63106. Anthropology Section Nominating Committee Chairman, Robert E. Pfeiffer, Head, Gradu­ ate Social Science Libraries, University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley, CA 94720; David L. Perkins, Head Bibliographic Librarian, California State University, Northridge, CA 18111 Nordhoff S t, Northridge, CA 91324. Law and Political Science Section Nominating Committee Chairman, Paul J. Steere, c /o Foreign Service Desk, U.S.I.S., 1776 Pennsylvania Ave., Wash­ ington, DC; Ralph W. Teague, Jr., Librarian, Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Center, Univer­ sity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. ■ ■ ACRL Membership February 28, 1975 .............. ............ 14,331 February 28, 1974 .............. ............ 13,897 February 28, 1973 .............. ............ 13,038 M T L A THE MIGROPUBLISHERS’ TRADE LIST ANNUAL The Micropublishers’ Trade List Annual (MTLA) offers on m icrofiche the annual catalogs of approxim ately 200 m icropublishers from the United States and abroad. The m icropublishers represented in MTLA are those listed in Microform Market Place 1974-1975 as well as m icropublishers that have been established since June 1974. For the first time, librarians w ill have a com plete file of m icro­ publishers’ catalogs in a com pact form at. MTLA elim inates the problems of collecting random-sized catalogs and brochures. MTLA, in conjunction with Guide to Microforms in Print and Inter­ national Microforms in Print, provides the user with additional inform ation about specific m icropublications, including the publisher’s ordering instructions. The MTLA printed index offers direct access to that fiche which contains a particular m icro­ publisher’s catalog. MTLA is housed in a durable three-ring binder. The m icrofiche are inserted in protective panels that are designed to fit into the binder along with the printed index. An MTLA supplem ent w ill also be offered on m icrofiche between annual issues. Availability and Pricing Information The Micropublishers’ Trade List Annual w ill be published in May. An MTLA supplem ent w ill be distributed each December w ith a new index. The m icrofiche, binder, index, and supplem ent are offered at $80 ($65 if ordered by May 1,1975). A discount is available for m ultiple copies billed and shipped to same address (see order form). Microfiche Facts: 105mm x 148mm (approximately 4" x 6") silver halide microfiche prepared to conform with National Microfilm Association standards for archival quality, positive. 20:1 reduction ratio. Approximately 60 microfiche will be included. A t last, one source o f subject access to CUMULATIV MONTH This new fifteen volume single-alphabet index set is the largest and most comprehensive subject index to U .S. Government publications ever produced. It can be purchased either by itself, or as the key component of our U .S . M O N T H L Y C A T A L O G S U B J E C T R E F E R E N C E S Y S T E M This complete system contains the Index plus 106 full size reprint volumes of the M onthly Catalog, issued during the years 1895-1962— including the 30 volume “Classes Added” Edition (for 1895-1924) to which previously missing Superintendent of Documents Class Numbers were added under the supervision of Mary Elizabeth Poole. All reprint volumes are specially bound and marked for easiest use with the Cumulative Subject Index. Send for our free brochure on the M onthly Catalog Subject Reference System. It includes details of our unique offer of free “interim use” microfilm reels which can be used before (and after) com­ plete sets of reprint volumes are delivered. Meanwhile, the Cumulative Subject Index may also be purchased in the Combined Reference Edition which, as explained on the coupon, includes the complete Monthly Cata­ log on Microfilm. COST EFFECTIVE? The complete 15 volume Cumulative Index set contains more than 13,000 two column pages (8 ½ " x 11"). At a rate of 140 lines per page, and an average of approximately 1.7 entries per line, the total number of indi­ vidual index citations is in the neighborhood of 3 million (or more than 2.5 citations per publication). This means that, at our current price of $1,160 for the set, libraries will be acquiring cumulative subject citations at a rate of less than 39 cents per thousand! Thus, for about one fourth the annual salary of an untrained “minimum wage” clerical worker, your library can cut down substantially on the amount of redundant search time carried out by high-salaried professional staff—and repeat that savings year after year. 2 0 I I th Century U.S. Government Publications SUBJECT INDEX TO THE CATALOG OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 1900-1971 “In this ambitious new library tool, cumulative access is brought for the first time to the over­ whelming majority of United States Government publications issued during the period 1900- 1971. In this, it is an accomplishment unrivaled in size and scope. Documents librarians will find it a new and convenient time-saver and one which should offer them an additional means of providing an expanded Government publications service to their patrons.” from the Foreword by Carper W. Buckley U.S. Superintendent o f Documents, 1952-1970 The unique new CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX will eliminate 34 search steps which were formerly necessary to trace subjects through these indexes to 20th Century U.S. Gov­ ernment publications: — 21 Biennial Document Catalogs (1900-1940), — 2 Decennial Indexes (1941-1960), and — 11 Annual Indexes (1961-1971). All subject entries in the fifteen volume cumulative index were accumulated from 81 separate sources in the Monthly Catalog series and merged into one reference set. These sources in­ clude: 48 Annual Indexes to the Monthly Catalog, 2 Decennial Indexes, (1941-1950; 1951- 1960), 1 Six-month Index, and 30 Monthly Catalogs for which no annual indexes were made. Y 20% OFF If ordered by June 27 SPECIAL PR EPUBLICATIO N OFFER for the second edition of BOOKS FOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES. Take advantage of substantial savings on this long-awaited professional work. Now easier than ever to use in a new six-volum e format. Prepublication p $ 5 rice 2 just .0 0 / $65.00 after June 27 (ALA Standing Order customers in Categories A and I automatically qualify for prepublication price)