ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 129 R E T IR E M E N T S Lewis A. Pryor has retired after fifteen years of service as serials librarian at Hum­ boldt State University, Arcata, California. Bernice W. Schubach, catalog librarian at Northern Illinois Universty Libraries, has retired after six years of service in the Catalog­ ing and Reference departments and three years of teaching in the Library Science Department. Dorothy H. Stauffer has retired after sev­ en years of service at the Northern Illinois University Libraries as a cataloging and re­ classification librarian. D E A T H Lucien W. White, university librarian at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Cham­ paign, passed away on March 6, 1975, after a brief illness. Dr. White, born November 16, 1914, in Hillsdale, Illinois, is survived by his wife, Lois, and two children, David and Eliza­ beth. He held an A.B. in French from Augustana College, an M.A. and Ph.D. in French from the University of Illinois, and an M.S. from the University of Illinois Graduate School of Li­ brary Science. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. At Augustana College he was modern lan­ guage teacher from 1939 to 1953 and head li­ brarian from 1954 to 1958. He came to the University of Illinois Library in Urbana-Cham­ paign in 1958 as associate director for public service departments. He was named director for public services in 1965, associate dean of li­ brary administration in 1968, and university librarian in 1971, when he succeeded retiring Robert B. Downs. Library For Sale The library of the late Dr. Ernest Harms, which consists of thousands of books dealing with clinical psychology, is available for sale to a suitable institu­ tion, such as an academic library. Al­ though the collection is for sale rather than gift, the suitability of the institution will be considered in accepting an offer; it is not for sale to dealers or agents. The collection is particularly strong in the areas of child psychology, child psychia­ try, drug abuse, and art therapy. In­ quiries may be addressed to Elizabeth McK. Scott, 158 E. 95th St., New York, NY 10029; (212) 962-2826 or (212) 369-1236. Dr. White was very active in professional and related activities. He served on the Cham­ paign Public Library Board, as president of the Illinois Library Association, as a member of the Illinois State Library Advisory Council, and frequently was called upon to serve as a library consultant for colleges and universities in the U.S. Chancellor J. W. Peltason issued the follow­ ing statement at the time of his death: The University community suffered a major loss this morning with the death of Prof. Lucien White, University Librarian. The loss is both professional and personal. We have lost an outstanding academic leader. We have lost a good friend. Our hearts and thoughts are with his family in this time of grief. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, the University of Illi­ nois Library Friends (in care of the University of Illinois Foundation), or the First Baptist Church Memorial Fund (Champaign, Illinois). ■ ■ Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. . . . . A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary, the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be e d ­ ited to exclude direct o r indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p ub li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk o f copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate fo r classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. FOR SALE TITLE CONDENSATIONS INDEX is a computerized author­ listing to plo t compilations in eight book condensations ranging from 1920 to 1973. This soft-covered, spiraled- spine volume sells for $6.00. Remit with order to : Text­ book Information, The Book Center, University of Pitts­ burgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. 130 BUY BOOKS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Non-Profit Insti­ tutions Only. We have been selling our g ift and with­ drawn books to a new college library. We'd like to increase our "m arket." We select books that we think would be of use in your colleges. You value the books you wish to keep, pay us, and return the ones you don't need. CONTACT: Marvin H. Scilken, Director, The Orange Public Library, 348 Main Street, Orange, New Jersey 07050. BOUND VOLUMES of general periodicals available. Re­ quest sale list. Clearwater Campus Library, St. Peters­ burg Junior College, 2465 Drew St., Clearwater, Florida 33515. POSITIONS WANTED Recent MLS seeks entry level position in Academic or Public Library. 5 years nonprofessional experience in both Public Service and Cataloging. Familiar with IBM 360 Circulation system and OCLC. Published in March C&RL. W ill relocate on East Coast. For resume write M. J. Simonds, 4109 Locust St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. MLS plus MA and postgraduate B.Ed. Five years' teach­ ing plus l ½ years' college public services, 2½ special administration, 5 university technical services. Regular or special assignment. Full resume available; can relocate. W rite Box Number 847. POSITIONS OPEN Administration HEAD DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Professional librarian tp administer Government Documents Department, regional depository for U.S. publications. Head Documents Li­ brarian oversees the development and preservation of U.S. and international documents collections, handles difficult reference questions and correspondence, desig­ nates processing procedures and priorities, selects com­ mercial materials relating to documents, compiles sub­ ject bibliographies and guides, reviews appropriate media, and trains and supervises documents staff mem­ bers. Applicants for this position must be graduates of an ALA-accredited library school. Preference given to candidates with 2 or 3 years experience in federal and international documents collections. Recent library school graduates with substantial pre-professional experience in such a collection will be given consideration. Li­ brarians at the University of Arizona have faculty status, 12-month appointments, with 24 days per year paid vacation, 12 days sick leave, and standard package of academic holidays and other fringe benefits. Beginning annual salary will depend on previous professional library experience. Minimum salary for one with limited professional experience w ill be $10,000. Minimum salary for librarian with 2 or more years professional experience will be $12,000. Applications will not be accepted after May 23, 1975. Send resumes and inquiries to: Mary Dale Palsson, Assistant Librarian for Public Services, Uni­ versity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721. An equal op­ portunity employer. LIBRARIAN/DIRECTOR. Instructional Media. II month salary range $ 17,000—$ 19,000. Probable rank Assistant Professor. Master's degree. Begin after I July 1975. Address inquiries to Harold McCleave, Academic Vice President, Eastern Montana College, Billings, MT 59101. ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Per­ sonnel Management Specialist. Coordinate all internal li­ brary personnel matters; serve as liaison with other University offices on personnel matters. MLS and Master's in Personnel Administration highly desirable; four years in university library including two years in personnel administration, or equivalent, also desirable. Appoint­ ment as University Librarian III. Salary: $ 13,480—$20,300. Send resume to Dr. Norman D. Stevens, Acting Director of University Libraries, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268. An equal opportunity employer. CHIEF LIBRARIAN. Four-year college whose students include a large number of adults employed in the criminal justice system and public service as well as those of traditional college age. Graduate and under­ graduate programs emphasize behavioral and social sciences. Library staff o f II professionals. Applicants must be graduate of ALA-accredited school with m ini­ mum of 2nd master's degree; doctorate highly desirable. Extensive administrative experience required. Salary: from $18,430 depending upon qualifications. Faculty rank. A p ­ plication deadline May 15. Write to J. McAleer (Secre­ tary, Chief Librarian Search Committee), John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 444 West 56 Street, New York, NY 10019. An equal opportuni†y/affirmative action employer. •* HEAD LIBRARIAN of new Fine Arts Library to be com­ pleted November 1975. Requirements: MLS from ALA- accredited program. Minimum 2 years experience. Strong A rt History background, to participate as member of art faculty. Salary: $8,500-$10,500, negotiable. Write to Daniel C. Patchet†, Director, Lake Placid School of Art, Center for Music, Drama and Art, Lake Placid, New York 12946, with a written statement of library interest and experience and two letters of reference. Deadline July 15. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT, Northwestern University Library. Coordi­ nates all aspects of publications selection and retention with emphasis on humanities and social sciences; develops and maintains a general acquisitions policy responsive to changes in University teaching and research and which preserves established collections strengths; maintains d i­ rect contact with individual faculty and faculty commit­ tees and works closely with technical services operations; shares in general administration as one of the Library's chief administrative officers reporting to the University Librarian; responsible for the overall management of the Library's book funds (ca. $950,000 FY 1974/1975); super­ vises five specialist bibliographers. Applicants should have the M.L.S. degree and a minimum of five years of relevant professional experience; subject Master's degree is highly desirable. Starting salary range $17,000—$21,000. Send resume to Benjamin Jacobson, Collection Develop­ ment Search Committee, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An affirmative action employer. Cataloging CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Rhode Island College will have a vacancy for a ca†aloger on July I, 1975. The library has a cataloging staff of 9, including three professionals, and an annual acquisitions rate of 15,000 volumes. A p ­ pointment will be made at rank of instructor with mini­ mum salary of $10,800. MLS required. Send letter and resume to Richard A. Olsen, Director of Library, Rhode Island College, 600 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Providence, R.l. 03908. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action em­ ployer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Position available immediately. Original cataloging and classification of library materials (prin t and non-print). Use of OCLC terminal. Rotating duty with other staff on reference desk nights and week­ ends. Graduate degree in librarianship required, mini­ mum of two years experience, demonstrated knowledge of AACR and LC classification. Assistant librarian rank. Salary: $9,000-$13,165 with appointment above minimum level depending on experience. Employer paid _ retire­ ment plan, vacation 21 days a year. Library in new building, collection of 300,000 volumes. Oneonta is a two-college town 175 miles northwest of New York City. Write, enclosing resume, before May 15, 1975, to Paul Maroni, Chairperson, Personnel Committee, James M. Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, New York 13820. An equal opportunity employer. 131 CATALOGER. Law library with diverse collection and cata­ loging staff o f 3 librarians. Salary range $10,320-$13.560. Required: Degree from ALA-accredi†ed library school and two years cataloging experience using Library of Con­ gress classification. Experience with computer application to cataloging desired. Send resume to Cecilia Kwan, Head Cat aloger, Law Library, University o f California, Davis, California 95616. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER for non-print materials and catalog main­ tenance. Require MLS and experience in cataloging and audio-visual librarianship. Fine Arts background helpful. Faculty rank and status, TIAA/CREF, 12-month contract. Salary: $10,000-$11,000 depending on qualifications. Apply before June I, 1975 to: Joseph F. Boykin, Jr., Director, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina 28223. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. Supervise staff of I ca†aloger and H/2 clerical workers. Responsible for original cataloging and decisions on all aspects o f cataloging. Minimum require­ ments include MLS from ALA-accredi†ed school; 3 years cataloging in college or university using LC classifica­ tion. Preference w ill be given to candidate with experi­ ence in use o f OCLC, with administrative experience or potential. Appointm ent at Assistant Professor level. Salary $12,000 up for 12-month contract depending on experi­ ence. Excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to Mrs. Mar­ jorie F. Davis, Director of Learning Resources, Montgom­ ery County Community College, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGERS for following positions: BEGINNING CATA­ LOGER. Catalog materials in all subject fields. A va il­ able immediately. Salary: $9,500 minimum. SERIALS CATALOGER. Catalog serial titles and some monographs. Require 3 years experience in university library with at least 2 years in cataloging. A vailable immediately. Sal­ ary: $10,500-$12,500. CATALOGER/SUBJECT UNIT. Cata­ logs monographs mainly in field of literature. Requires a major in English literature and 2 or more years of cataloging experience in university library. Available August I, 1975. Salary: $9,500-$ 12,500. A ll 3 positions re­ quire MLS plus thorough knowledge of Spanish and a working knowledge o f French a n d /o r German. Send re­ sume to: Jane Titus, Paley Library, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. An equal opportunity employer. Multiple Positions available July in University Social Sciences and Humanities Library. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN with responsibilities in general reference, library instruc­ tion, and collection development. DOCUMENTS LIBRAR­ IAN responsible for documents division of reference de­ partment, with additional duties in reference, lib ra ry in­ struction, and collection development. MLS from ALA- accredi†ed school, academic background in social sci­ ences or humanities. Salaries: $8,800-$9,200. One month vacation, usual benefits. Send resume and references to John Hall, Director, Fondren Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275. An equal o pportunity/ affirm ative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, University Library. O riginal cata­ loging of books, microtexts, etc., with emphasis on art and monographs in Spanish. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredi†ed library school, reading knowledge of one or more modern European languages, including Spanish. Relevant experience a n d /o r subject master's hiqhly de­ sirable. Salary $9,000—$ 10,000. SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Two-five years' library experience, accredited MLS tra in ­ ing a n d /o r experience in chemistry, biology, or other relevant science. Head Life Sciences and Natural Sci­ ences Libraries and provide library service to students and faculty o f these departments. Salary $ 10.500—$ 14.000. Benefits: 22 working days vacation per year, TIAA-CREF, fu ll faculty status, liberal fringe benefits. For above positions send applications to Robert Lee Caruthers, Uni­ versity Library, Belknap Campus, University of Louis­ ville, Louisville, Kentucky 40208. An equal opp o rtu n ity/ affirm ative action employer. Public Services ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Respon­ sible for managing the Public Services Group which in­ cludes Reference Services, C irculation Services, C ollec­ tion Development and Area Programs. Participates in library-wide planning, budget and policy formation. Acts as principal administrative officer of the Library during the absence of the Director. Qualifications: understand­ ing o f the aims and methodologies o f academic research; graduate degree in Library Science and graduate degree in subject area; minimum 10 years broad experience in research library including 5 years o f high level adminis­ tra tive responsibility for public services and collection development. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Send resume to: W alter J. Wells, Personnel Officer, University o f Chicago Library, 1100 East 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637. An equal opportunity/affirm a†ive action employer. Reference REFERENCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Position anticipated to begin July, 1976, at University of Colorado, respon­ sible for general reference, liaison with social science de­ partments and classroom instruction in library use. New library scheduled fo r completion September 1976, to serve a computer campus offering programs through Master's level with annual enrollment growth of 12—15%. ALA-MLS and minimum of 2 years o f diverse reference experience will be required. A subject master's in the social sci­ ences: particularly sociology, economics or business, de­ sirable. Faculty appointment, 12-month contract, 22 days vacation, TIAA-CREF and a minimum salary o f $11,000. If this position is o f interest, supply a resume and letter detailing your ideas about reference service to : Michael R. Herbison, Librarian, University of Colorado—Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907. It is our wish to interview prospective candidates at the ALA San Francisco Conference. An equal oppor†uni†y/affirmative action employer. Subject Specialists ASSISTANT HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities in­ clude general reference, liaison with English and modern language departments, with emphasis on collection devel­ opment. Requires MLS and advanced degree in English and American literature and two years experience in academic library. Knowledge o f French, German, or Span­ ish helpful. Salary $12,000-$14,000 with excellent fringe benefits. Position carries rank of Instructor in Library Adm inistration. A p p ly to Donald E. Oehler†s, Director of Libraries, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. A p p lica ­ tion deadline: May 15, 1975. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN for the Science Division o f large public library system in an urban environment. O pportu­ nity for being involved in development of Physical Sci­ ence Division of a central Reference-Research library. Minimum qualifications (beyond MLS): 3-5 years' refer­ ence experience, M ajor in Physical Science required. Salary: $13,248. Contact: Dorothy Kremen, Chief, Science Division, Chicago Public Library, 78 East Washington Street, Chicago, IL 60602. (312) 269-2867. An equal o ppor­ tunity employer. MAR REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Arizona is seeking a professional librarian to assist in providing in-depth reference service for users of the University Map Collection. Other responsibilities include compiling carto- bibliographies for departmental publications, drafting maps fo r departmental use, and assisting library users with map-making problems. Applicants fo r this position must be graduates o f an ALA-accredi†ed library school and have undergraduate degree in an earth science (ge­ ology or geography) or relevant courses in geography and cartography. Training and experience in the drafting and preparation o f maps is essential. Preference w ill be given to candidates with professional experience. Librarians at University of Arizona have faculty status, but 12-month appointments, 24 days paid vacation, 12 days sick leave, standard package of academic holidays and other fringe benefits. Current annual salary for beginning librarians is $9,300; minimum salary fo r experienced librarians is $10,000. Applications not accepted after May 15, 1975. Send resumes to : J. Robert Adams, Associate University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Arizona 85721. An equal opportunity employer. every "Gimmick” shoild do as much as the SCI® does Over the years lib ra r­ ians have handed our Science C itation Index® its share of knocks. Some in earnest, others in fun. One put-down we still hear now and then calls the SCI “ an ego g im m ick researchers use fo r counting the citations to th eir published papers.” Only nowadays most librarians smile when they say that. Because they know w hat the SCI really is: a compre­ hensive and remarkably current index to the editorial output of more than 2,700 science journals. A flexible, easy-to-use system in which scientists and librarians aiike readily locate relevant information through citation, title-word, author or organization searches. In other words, quite some “gimmick”. So if you have any serious doubts about the Science Citation Index, maybe it’s tim e to w rite us fo r more inform ation. Or better yet, arrange to let some of your staff and clients discover fo r themselves what the SCI is good fo r besides citation counting. You can do that through a w orkshop conducted right on your premises by one of our inform ation specialists. W ithout cost or obligation, of course. Just use the coupon to let us know you like the idea. We’ll be in touch. "N o other publication is as current and authoritative as CHOICE." —John Rowell, Professor of Libran/ Science, Case Western Reserve University — BOOK REVIEWS — CHOICE reviews more serious books than any other reviewing medium in the United States. Its reviews, written by college faculty throughout the U.S. and Canada, are succinct and unbiased, placing each book clearly within the literature of its field and indicating its appropriate readership level. Included are publications from both American and Canadian firms, as well as many titles published abroad but distributed through North American representatives. All bibliographical information is entered, in standard library format for easy reference. — Bibliographical Essays — Each issue of CHOICE contains one or more bibliographical essays which examine important works in specific areas of study. These essays provide title-by-title evaluations as well as detailed bibliographies of the books discussed. Subject areas range over the whole spectrum of academic and public interests. — Readers — Published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, CHOICE is read by librarians, teachers, students, and the informed public. Long recognized by the college world as an essential book selection tool, it is now being "discovered" by high schools and public libraries. Its circulation of approximately 6,200 reaches virtually every university and community college in North America and many of the leading academic institutions and libraries of Europe, Asia, and the Far East. “… o f vital importance for any secondary s c h o o l . . — Mary V. Gaver, Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University