ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL N ews ■ N ovem ber 2000 / 907 tion librarians and community members can use locally. In addition, ALA's newest public relations initiative @ Your Library will be incorporated into sample PR for partnerships as well as a strong advocacy piece based on ALA’s LibraRy Advocacy program, i.e., “How to advocate for information literacy partnerships in your institution and in your community.” Help id entify partnerships Although a growing number of institutions have placed their partnerships on the Web, many more have outstanding programs that need to be spotlighted. Committee members need help in identi­ fying what partnerships are out there, includ­ ing those in the most rudimentary of plan­ ning stages, those farther along in the plan­ ning process, and those in progress. Send in fo rm atio n to Ju lie T od aro (jto d a r o @ or Cerise Oberman (cerise. Toolkit users could benefit from learning about the most basic to the most advanced partnerships as well as from the volume of partnership activity and interest. Toolkit de­ signers will write summaries o f existing part­ nerships and will link to content summaries o f the partnerships with all types o f libraries. Toolkit address and location T h e to o lk it w ill b e h o u se d at http:// lib r a r y , au stin . c c .tx .u s / s ta ff/ ln a v a r ro / CommunityPartnerships/Toolkit.html during the next academic year to provide commit­ tee members the greatest and fastest access. Future plans for 2002 include moving it to the ALA site to increase visibility. Currently it is linked to Nancy Kranich’s ALA President’s page and to the ACRL Information Literacy Institute pages. ■ Letters to the editor Lone Ranger is not dead I take friendly umbrage at your killing off the Lone Ranger in the library sector of the intel­ lectual community (“The Lone Ranger is dead,” by Betsy Wilson, C&RL News, September 2000). Success demands collaboration? Collabora­ tion is what put McDonald’s between you and the local cuisine. Collaboration is what put your HMO between you and your doctor. Collabo­ ration has put the Disney version between your child and significant literature. Collaboration is what reduces writers and scholars to the role of “content providers.” Collaboration is what puts corporate values ahead of their effect on individuals. There may be problems that require col­ laboration (read politics) for their solution, but unless there is an individual to have the prob­ lem, it may be pretty destructive to claim that there is one. Think of how the church can col­ laborate on the problem of idolatry among the natives. OCLC may have required collaboration, but the books it helps you find that are worth read­ ing after a few years in the catalog are hardly ever collaborative works. The books worth reading after 50 years in the catalog, the books that are worth their shelf space in other than an archival sense , are the ones written by soli­ tary individuals. Literature, art, and, to a large extent, schol­ arship itself are created or conducted in exis­ tential solitude. A library that forgets the pri­ macy of the individual in its endeavors deserves to be merged quietly into the corporate knowl­ edge base.— Tony Wilson, H ighline Com m unity College, D es M oines, Iow a, tw ilson@ Ambiguity I was pleased to see “The Lone Ranger is dead” essay in C&RL News and look forward to future installments. I’m trying to develop a more col­ laborative view of the world here at the DeViy Columbus Library, and it’s great to know I'll have food for thought for the upcoming year! Your quotation regarding “ambiguity” was especially pleasing. As I read it, I looked to my whiteboard, one-third of which had recently been covered with an all-caps “AMBIGUITY,” and then to the wall above the whiteboard where a smaller, more decorative version of “Ambiguity!” now resides. I've now fulfilled a mission of which I’d been unaware: seeing a bit of the world as you do. Thanks for making my day!—B ruce Weaver, DeVry Columbus Libraiy bweaver@