ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 942 / C&RL News ■ N ovem ber 2000 I n t e r n e t R e v i e w s Joni Robertsand Carol Drost, editors ARTFL P r o j e c t . Access: http://humanities. Scholars in the humanities are often char­ acterized as reluctant to adapt to the increas­ ingly electron ic nature o f inform ation re­ sources, yet it seems clear that the Web offers the po­ tential for exciting new ap­ p ro a ch es to sch olarship , particularly in textual analy­ sis. The ARTFL Project is an e x ce llen t exam ple o f the power o f technology in en­ hancing scholarship in the humanities. ARTFL, American and French Research on the Treasury o f the French Language, is a co ­ operative project established in 1981 by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Division o f the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University o f Chi­ cago (UC). Based at UC, the project has devel­ oped an impressive database o f full-text re­ sources in French, as well as a Web site with a variety o f resources for francophiles. ARTFL’s main database includes nearly 2,000 texts written betw een the 13th and 20th centuries, ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds o f nonfiction prose and technical writing. The collection covers a broad range o f disciplines, including religious, philosophical, political, and scientific works. A bibliography o f the main database is avail­ able for browsing or searching. More special­ ized databases have been added as well, in­ cluding databases o f Provençal poetry and w orks b y F ren ch w om en authors. D enis Diderot’s monumental Encyclopedie is also available as a separate searchable database. U s e r s e x p lo r e th e d a ta b a s e s u s in g PhiloLogic, a search engine designed by ARTFL for easy yet powerful searching o f large full- text databases. Extensive help is available on each o f the search pages, including instruc­ tions on use o f accents and special characters, and database-specific details on problems or idiosyncrasies. Users may search for a single word, word root; prefix or suffix, or a list of words in a single text, full database, or subset. The combination o f this powerful software with the breadth o f the collection offers exciting possibilities for textual analysis. Access to the ARTFL databases requires an institutional subscription, but the ARTFL page includes many freely accessible resources. The ARTFL Reference Collection, may be o f inter­ est to undergraduate students o f French, with a searchable collection o f classic French dic­ tionaries and a verb conjugator. A list o f col­ laborative projects includes intriguing resources for historians, such as digitized pamphlets and periodicals o f the French Revolution. The ARTFL Project site is well organized and easy to navigate, with quick links to re­ sources and clear paths to background infor­ mation. Contact information for the authors is readily available. It is difficult to determine the currency of the pages, as dates o f updating are not provided; this would b e a useful addi­ tion to an oth erw ise ex ce lle n t site.— Lori Robare, University o f Oregon, lrobare@oregon. S c i Q u e s t . c o m . Access: http :/ / w w w . is the rich virtual presence o f Inc., based in Research Tri­ angle Park, North Carolina. “T h e Internet Source for Scientific Products,” the site is in essence a huge e-market for scientific prod­ ucts used w orldw ide by p harm aceu tical, chemical, biotechnology, industry, and edu­ cation organizations. More than 840 suppliers offer customers an extensive line o f products in this efficient, online marketplace for labo­ ratory products and services. Customers can search alphabetically or via a text-based search to locate products by supplier or category, then complete their online purchases. Categories, when selected, automatically offer a selection o f narrower subcategories so users may truly refine their product searches. SciQuest provides much more than straight Jon¡ R. Roberts is associate university lib ra ria n f o r public services and collection deve lopm ent and Carol A. Drost is associate u n iv e rs ity lib ra ria n f o r te c h n ic a l services at W illam ette University, e-mail: jroberts@ and http://humanities http://www C&RL News ■ N o v e m b e r 2000 / 943 commercial product and vendor informa­ tion. A significant portion o f this site is dedicated to provid­ ing re s e a rc h new s. F o r ex a m p le , in the SciCentral gateway, the “W hat’s New" section includes press releases from various sources. The “Research Highlights” section allows one to searching the current contents o f Nature magazine and the full text o f news releases from various academic institutions. “Science in the News” offers the latest science news from such news sources as the BBC News and Reuters. Sidebars contain links to conference and tradeshow directories, scientific databases, online funding services, and much more. A “Special Features” section highlights a chang­ ing selection o f topics, such as K -1 2 science, ethics, and w om en in science. A “Latest Addi­ tions” section alerts users to fresh material. This is a sophisticated, well-designed site; it is streamlined and easy to navigate. For ex­ ample, there are numerous access gateways to the same information, from broad subject category to the more finely tuned. Despite the amazing amount o f information provided in its pages, the site does not seem cluttered and is kind to the eyes. It includes an advanced search feature, site map, help in its standard footer information, and a customer 800 number. Free registration is required to gain access to the Web site’s full features, such as a monthly e-newsletter and the personalized news alerts. However, one can explore the site and take the site tour without registering. While this is clearly a commercial site, and probably most useful to the serious scientific community, there is much here to explore. Anyone with an in­ terest in tracking the latest scientific news, for exam ple, will find a visit to SciQ u worthwhile.—;Judy Matthews, Michigan State University, International Theatre Design Archive. Access: The International Theatre Design Archive (ITDA) is an online archive whose goal is to provide access to images and information about theater productions from around the world. To theater faculty, students, and professionals, this is an idea that sounds almost too good to be true. ITDA is sponsored by the United States Institute for Theatre Technology, and is par­ tially funded by Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. Scenic, costume, and lighting designs are submitted to ITDA from professional, regional, or educational productions. O nce submitted, the designs are reviewed by a panel o f theater p ro fessio n a ls b e fo re b e in g added to the archive. According to a banner on the site’s front page, ITDA set a goal o f offering “2000 Theatre Designs by the Year 2000.” However, as o f September 2000, there are a total o f 745 theater designs available. The archived production designs fall into three categories: “Scene Designs” (428), “Cos­ tume Designs” (256), and “Lighting Designs” (61). Each o f the three categories has indexes for play title, playwright, designer, and pro­ ducer. Producer in this case means the theater group putting on a particular production. By selecting one o f these choices, the user is given an alphabetical list from which to choose. Click­ ing on an entry, one is given a summary o f the production, including the title o f the play and production credits. Entries in the “Scene D e­ sign” category may include playwright, direc­ tor, scene designer, lighting designer, and co s­ tume designer. The images are the most exciting feature o f this site. For each production listed, a hypertext link leads the user to a Web site that contains photographs or drawings o f the various de­ signs. T he peer review process is evident here, as the designs are o f high quality, although the number o f designs available for each pro­ duction varies greatly. T he user will find these images helpful as a source o f ideas for pro­ ductions or as a way to research the design history o f a given play. Unfortunately the site is in need o f updat­ ing, as there are a number o f dead or referred links to the image sites. Also, the use o f the word “international” in the site’s name should b e taken with a grain o f salt. Although pro­ ductions from many countries are included, the majority are from the United States. While the content o f the site falls short of its intent, ITDA demonstrates the great poten­ tial for this type o f online archival resource. B y no m eans a comprehensive collection of productions, it does provide access to images and information that will be useful to all those involved in theater production.— Ford Schmidt, Willamette University, fschmidt@willamette. edu ■ 944 / C&RL News ■ N ov e m b e r 2000