ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 113 From Inside the DLP By Dr. Katharine M. Stokes College and University Library Specialist, Training and Resources Branch, Division of Li­ brary Programs, Bureau of Libraries and Edu­ cational Technology, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202. Since the Higher Education Act, Title ITB support of general fellowships for library edu­ cation has been discontinued, it is good news to learn that nine library schools have received grants for fifty fellowships in 1972 under Title V, Part E of the Education Professions Devel­ opment Act. Simmons College School of Li­ brary Science was the only library education agency to receive grants from this program in 1970 and 1971. The other 862 fellowships awarded for 1972 are to prepare teachers, ad­ ministrators, and educational specialists for colleges and universities. The programs will be conducted during the summer of 1972 and the 1972-73 academic year for the training of two- and four-year college university personnel be­ low the doctoral level. Recipients of these fellowships received a stipend of $2,400 for a twelve-month period and $2,600 if the fellowship is extended to a second year. An allowance of $500 a year for each dependent is also provided. Inquiries about the fellowships should be addressed to the administrators noted below for each school. Seven of them will award five fellowships apiece. Western Michigan will award eight for work toward the master’s degree for library media specialists for junior colleges and the University of Texas will award seven for post­ master’s work. Two-thirds of the fellowships were awarded to programs directed to the needs of the economically disadvantaged. Dr. John T. Gillespie, Dean Graduate Library School Long Island University C.W. Post Center Greenvale, NY 11548 (5 fellowships) Dr. Perry Morrison, Dean School of Librarianship University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 (5 fellowships) Dr. Stanley McElderry, Dean Graduate School of Library Service University of Texas Austin, TX 78712 (7 fellowships) Dr. Irving Lieberman, Director School of Librarianship University of Washington Seattle, WA 98105 (5 fellowships) Dr. Charles Bunge, Director The Library School University of Wisconsin Madison, W I 53706 (5 fellowships) Dr. James K. Foyle, Assistant Dean Graduate School of Librarianship University of Denver Denver, CO 80210 (5 fellowships) Dr. Robert E. Brown, Assistant Director Graduate School of Library Science University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 (5 fellowships) Dr. Jean E. Lowrie, Director School of Librarianship Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49001 (8 fellowships) Dr. Morris Gelfand, Chairman Library Science Department CUNY Queens College Flushing, NY 11367 (5 fellowships) COMMITTEE ON BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION The ACRL Ad Hoc Committee on Biblio­ graphic Instruction, formed at ALA in Dallas, is working with the ERIC Clearinghouse for Information and Library Science to provide academic librarians with information on current programs of bibliographic instruction (instruc­ tion in use of libraries, and the information they contain). In order to serve this clearinghouse function, we must have reports on current programs. The committee has prepared guide­ lines for the report which will be sent immedi­ ately upon request to the chairman of the com­ mittee, Thomas Kirk, Box E-72, Earlham Col­ lege, Richmond, IN 47374. The guidelines con­ sist of a series of standard questions which can 114 be answered in relation to any program. In addition, the reporter is asked to briefly ex­ plain the nature of the program and to describe the methods and results of any evaluation. Since the clearinghouse will not be effective unless all academic librarians report their in­ structional programs, any librarian who has anything to report is urged to request a form and return it as soon as possible. The reports will form the basis for a series of state-of-the- art type reviews of various kinds of instructional programs. The content of these reviews will depend upon the reports we receive. The com­ mittee is also working on mechanisms for up­ dating these state-of-the-art reviews. It is our hope that a continual process of reporting and reviewing through the ERIC indexes and re­ trieval system will provide the academic li­ brarian with current information on instructional programs. The committee hopes to have a preliminary report on how the clearinghouse is performing at the Audio-Visual Clinic sponsored by the ALA Instruction in the Use of Libraries Com­ mittee at ALA 1972, which is scheduled for Wednesday evening and Thursday morning of convention week. A PSYCHIATRIST'S SEARCH FOR FAITH A co lle ction o f religious auto bio g ­ raphies by ten p ro m in en t psychiatrists, inclu ding Susumu Akahoshi, Leo H. Bartemeir, Carl W . Christensen, Edgar Draper, James A. Knight, David Calder M o¡r, Donald F. M oore, Jacob L. M oreno, E. Mansell Pattison, Paul Tournier, Ed. Paul E. Johnson. Each man speaks freely o f his ow n lifelo ng search fo r a faith to live by. $6.95 ot Yoor local book Store o b ingdon