ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 3 6 / C&RL News governm ent inform ation for users in depository libraries. In testim ony on the sam e date on the G PO budget, Public P rinter R obert H ouk said that all participants in online electronic dissem ination services, including depository libraries, “m ay b e required to pay a portion o f the cost o f such services to the extent allow ed by law . A dequate controls are essential and lim itations on free service access m ust be considered early in any arrangem ent to m ake databases available to the public through the depository library netw ork.” U nder the F Y ’92 budget, the G PO Superintendent o f D ocum ents operation w ould have $28,126,000 available, a 9.2 percent increase, o f w hich $22,616,000 w ould be for depository library distribution. P R E S E R V A T I O N N E W S Prepared by Barbara Brown College Libraries Committee Commission on Preservation a nd Access • P h ila d e lp h ia , P e n n s y lv a n ia . Proposals for contributions to volume II of Advances in Preser­ vation and Access, a new annual published by the Meckler Corporation, are invited by co-editors Mary E. Jackson (University o f Pennsylvania) and Barbara Buckner Higginbotham (Brooklyn Col­ lege). Individuals are asked to subm it one-page abstracts for papers on c u rrent topics on library preservation, conservation, and related access is­ sues, including education, cooperation, standards, m anagem ent, and technique. T he abstract should contain the name, address, and telephone num ber o f the potential contributor; b rie f biographical data; and a 250-word abstract. Mail proposals to: Mary E. Jackson, Co-editor, Advances in Preserva­ tion and Access, 431 E. Allens Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19119-1104; phone (215) 898-7558; fax (215) 898-1471; e-mail bb.mej@ rlg.bitnet. • E v a n s to n , I llin o is . The first m eeting o f the N O TIS-Preservation In te re st G roup (N O TIS- PIG ) was held during the ALA M idwinter m eeting in Chicago. This special interest group, chaired by Barbara Sagraves (Northwestern University) and co-chaired by Patricia Palm er (Virginia Com m on­ wealth University) was form ed to discuss the pres­ ervation applications of NOTIS. Those individuals from NO TIS institutions who are interested may be added to the mailing list by contacting Barbara Sagraves, Preservation Office, N orthw estern U ni­ versity Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-2300; (708) 491-7786; e-mail: sagraves@nu acc.acns.nw • W a sh in g to n , D .C . T he Commission on Pres­ ervation and Access’s supply o f its fundraising support package, “Ideas for Preservation Fundrais­ ing” has b e en replenished. T he package includes an overview from the national perspective, articles judged helpful for making the case for local preser­ vation support, and examples o f institutional fund­ raising initiatives. T he flexible form at enables a library or archive to add its own information for fundraising presentations. The package may be purchased for $10.00. O rders m ust be prepaid, with checks (no cash) m ade payable to “T he C om ­ mission on Preservation and Access,” in U.S. funds. O rders m ay b e sent to: T he Commission on P reser­ vation and Access, 1785 M assachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 313, W ashington, D C 20036-2117. C ontributions to this colum n may be sent to Barbara Brown, University Library, W ashington & Lee University, Lexington, VA 24450; e-mail: brown.b.j@; fax: (703) 463-8964.