ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 262 / C&RL News News from the Field Acquisitions • Boston C ollege’s John J. Bums Library of Rare Books and Special Collections has acquired an extensive archive o f books, manuscripts, and articles by the late Samuel Beckett. The collection, which belonged to Beckett’s friends Calvin and Joann Israel, covers Beckett’s entire career and includes photographs of, and reference works about, Beckett, as well as playbills, notes, and one uncashed check. Nearly all the material is inscribed by Beckett. • The Library at California State University- Sacramento recently acquired over two million feet o f film shot by camera crews from Channel 13, KOVR in the northern California area with an emphasis on Sacramento and Stockton. The dona­ tion from Harry Sweet includes 16mm news, sports, and documentary film from the late 1950s through the early 1980s. • Harvard Law School Library has received the papers o f Philip Elman, a Harvard alumnus who clerked for Felix Frankfurter and remained his friend thereafter. The collection consists o f corre­ spondence from Frankfurter to Elman, including many handwritten notes Frankfurter wrote while listening to oral arguments o f cases before the Supreme Court. They often reveal Frankfurter’s private thoughts about substantive law being dis­ cussed and about the argumentative abilities of particular counsel. The collection is open to the public without restriction. • Kent State University Libraries, Ohio, have received a collection o f Canadian poetry as­ sembled by the late A. Robert Rogers, a published poet who was dean o f Kent’s School o f Library Science. Included in the gift are the scarce Iroquois Falls pamphlets published in 1955 by Gael Turn­ bull. • McMaster University Library, Hamilton, Ontario, has acquired the files o f Canadian authors from the archives o f American publisher Dodd, Mead and Co. Exclusively Canadian in character and content, they contain letters written by impor­ tant Canadian authors, contracts sent to these au­ thors for their signature and revision, correspon­ dence with other publishers, internal memos, sales figures, printing information, and publicity mate­ rial. The acquisition was made possible by a grant of $18,400 from the Ministry o f Supply and Services- Communications, Canada. • Penn State, University Park, has received for its Labor Archives the historical records o f Local 14830 o f the Communications Workers o f Amer­ ica. The documents trace the development o f In­ ternational Typographical Union (ITU) Local 86 (Reading, Pennsylvania) from its origin in 1885 to 1953. The ITU and its local unions recently merged with the Communications Workers. • University o f Minnesota, Minneapolis, has received from Barbara Cooney illustrations for 33 o f her children’s books to add to those already in the university’s Kerlan Collection. Cooney has won the Caldecott Award twice. The collection also re­ ceived, from Tumbledown Editions, manuscripts and illustrations for 35 books written or illustrated by N. M. Bodecker, a Danish immigrant who trans­ lated and illustrated Danish nursery rhymes in It’s Raining Said John Twaining, named an ALA No­ table Children’s Book. • The Edward G. Miner Library o f the Univer­ sity o f R ochester School o f M edicine in New York has been given materials that belonged to the late John Dardess, M.D., including 16 folio-size patient ledgers which provide an unbroken daily record o f Dr. Dardess’ practice over 58 years, 1932-1990, and a rich illustration of medical prac­ tice in rural 20th century New York. The Miner also received the minutes o f the Lazear Club, an infor­ mal association o f nine Rochester physicians who met between 1913 and 1918. Grants • ALA has received $50,000 from Beneficial Corporation, a consumer financial services com­ pany based in Delaware, for its project “Seeds of April 1991 / 263 Change: A Traveling Exhibition,” and the grant has been matched by NEH. Based on the Smith­ sonian’s major exhibition “Seeds o f Change,” which explores the global changes set in motion by Co­ lumbus’ voyages in 1492, the 30-panel freestanding traveling exhibition will tour 60 libraries— at least one in every state— in 1992 and 1993. • The Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Li­ brary at Colum bia University, New York City, has received $109,897 from the U.S. Department o f Education to help improve and extend biblio­ graphic access to 5,825 rare titles in its collection. The funds will also be used to preserve 655 books now in fragile condition. The two-year project will cost more than $375,000. • Brown University, Providence, Rhode Is­ land, has received $231,296 in HEA funds, to com­ plete conversion o f the monographic holdings of the John Hay Library to machine-readable form. Access to the 250,000 titles will be available through both OCLC and RLIN. • Columbia University, Harvard University, Research Triangle Universities (University o f North Carolina, D uke University, and North Carolina State University), and State Univer­ sity o f New York C enter Libraries (Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, and Stony Brook) have all won $100,000 grants from the Council on Library Resources. The awards are to support policy stud­ ies and planning related to future library resources and services. • Davidson County Com munity C ollege Learning Resource Center (Lexington, North Carolina) and Triton College Library Learning Resource Center (River Grove, Illinois) were among the 12 winners in the PALS-in-Libraries grant program. The program, cosponsored by IBM’s Academic Information Systems (ACIS) and LITA, a division o f ALA, is designed to help public libraries and community college libraries with their literacy programs by incorporating IBM’s Principle o f the Alphabet Literacy System (PALS). PALS teaches adults and adolescents basic reading and writing skills using multimedia computer technol­ ogy which integrates voice, music, still images, video, graphics, touch, and text. • Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, has been awarded $192,260 in HEA II-C funds to create online cataloging for all titles in the Harold Jantz Collection o f 16th-, 17th-, and earlier 18th- centuries o f German literature and enter them into OCLC and RLIN. This is a joint project with Johns Hopkins University. • The F olger Shakespeare Library, Wash­ ington, D.C., has been awarded $94,321 in HEA II-C funds to catalog and preserve Shakespeare’s collected dramas in the original 17th-century first, second, third, and fourth editions; the records will be input into RLIN. • G eorgetow n University, Washington, D.C., has been awarded $67,051 in HEA II-C funds to complete full cataloging o f its Jesuit and Jesuit- related holdings by producing a single, cumulative computerized index to these disparate collections. Records will be entered into OCLC using the AMC format. • The International B ook Bank (IBB) in Bal­ timore, Maryland, has received $48,000 from the United States Information Agency to meet the book needs o f Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. The IBB will ship 120,000 books in a wide variety o f categories to the four countries during 1991. • David D. Palmer Health Sciences Library of Palmer College o f Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa, has been awarded a $14,975 grant from the Historic Preservation Program o f the State Histori­ cal Society o f Iowa for cataloging and entry into OCLC o f the B.J. Palmer Papers, considered the most comprehensive historical collection o f chiro­ practic materials. • The Philadelphia A rea Consortium o f Special Collections Libraries has been awarded $2.77 million by the Pew Charitable Trusts for a collaborative project to improve access to rare books, manuscripts, archives, films, photographs, and drawings in 16 Philadelphia-area research li­ braries. Planned as a five-year project, the “Initia­ tive for the 1990s” will result in the addition of 250,000 computerized descriptions o f holdings to OCLC and RLIN. The Pew grant, which is being matched by $1.38 million from other private, pub­ lic, and institutional sources, will underwrite ex­ penses o f staff and automation equipment in the first three years o f the project. The Consortium, founded in 1985, includes the Academy o f Natural Sciences, American Philosophical Society, Annen- berg Research Institute, Athenaeum o f Philadel­ phia, College o f Physicians of Philadelphia, His­ torical Society o f Pennsylvania, Library Company o f Philadelphia, Presbyterian Historical Associa­ tion, Rosenbach Museum & Library, Ryan Memo­ rial Library o f St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, and the Rare Books and Special Collections Depart­ ments o f Bryn Mawr College Library, Free Library o f Philadelphia, Haverford College Library, Swarthmore College Libraries, Temple University Libraries, and University o f Pennsylvania Librar­ ies. • The University o f Chicago Library has re­ ceived a $1.4 million grant from NEH to preserve brittle volumes in the Crerar History o f Technol- ogy Collection. The funds will support a three-year effort to microfilm more than 10,000 documents, which will be listed in OCLC. • The University o f Maryland, in cooperation with the University o f Delaware, the New York State Library, and Texas A & M, will complete the 264 / C&RL News cataloging of Segment 1 o f the microfilm collection Goldsmith-Kress Library o f Economic Literature in full MARC format and input the records into OCLC, supported by a grant o f $499,334 in HEA II-C firnds. • The University o f Rochester’s Rush Rhees Library has been awarded $100,000 by the Gladys Brooks Foundation to install a local area network with multi-user access to CD-ROM-based infor­ mation. The grant will be used to network the library’s public microcomputers, allowing access to as many as 28 CD-ROM disks. • The University o f Virginia, Charlottesville, has been awarded $220,136 in HEA II-C funds for retrospective conversion o f the holdings o f the Rare Book Division consisting o f 20th-century American literature, including items from the Clifton Waller Barrett Library and from the Wil­ liam Faulkner Collection. Records will be entered into OCLC. • The University o f Washington, Seattle, has an HEA II-C grant o f $145,969 to catalog and re­ catalog 3,000 rare Ch’ing Dynasty essays and local gazetteers in the East Asia Library. Appropriate conservation treatment will be given. • W estern Washington University, Belling­ ham, has been awarded $55,105 in HEA II-C funds to catalog material from the Mongolian People’s Republic, the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region o f the People’s Republic o f China, and materials from the broader region inhabited by ethnic Mongols. A new edition o f Mongolian Pub­ lications at Western Washington will be prepared. News notes • The Friends of Arizona State University Library, Tempe, have departed from their tradition o f helping to fund acquisition o f fine and rare books by pledging $25,000 to create two new CD-ROM workstations and purchase equipment to monitor temperature and humidity throughout the library. • At the Massachusetts Institute o f Technol­ ogy’s Dewey Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts, a voicemail information tree has been installed on the reference desk phone. Callers with touchtone phones have a menu o f choices that includes library hours, directions, a transfer line to circulation, in­ formation on services available to outside users, dialup instructions, and help from a reference li­ brarian . Rotary dialers need only stay on the line for assistance. • Reeves Library, Moravian College and Theo­ logical Seminary, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, has received $4 million for building expansion from foundations and private donors. Architects for the project are Diseroad and Wolff, Inc., and the firm’s library consultant is Nolan Lushington. • At North Carolina State University, Raleij^i, the senior class phonathon in February raised more than $127,000 in pledges for the 1991 class gift, which will help fund a new periodicals reading room. The NCSU Libraries also received $60,000 from the Alumni Association, made up o f undesig­ nated gifts from university alumni; the funds will be used to buy books. • The Falconer Biology Library at Stanford University, California, has received funds to im­ prove access to electronic databases as part o f a million-dollar grant awarded to the Department of Biological Sciences by the Howard Hughes Medi­ cal Foundation. The library is using two ap­ proaches to facilitate end-user searching. With matching funds from the university, an IBM public workstation was established where databases avail­ able on CD-ROM can be searched. Auto-Menu is used as a front-end to identify the user’s status and choice o f database. This data, along with the length o f time the workstation is used, is automatically logged by the machine to provide management information. Grant monies were also used to pur­ chase a Mac Ilex public workstation for online searching by end users. Using a SuperCard front- end and MacSamson, the Mac leads users through a series o f menus where they identify themselves and select the database they wish to search. This information is automatically saved. All online ses­ sions are automatically downloaded to disk, and once offline the user is presented with search re­ sults for editing, printing, or saving to floppy. This machine may also be used by patrons who need to transfer files between IBM and Mac disks. • At the University o f California, Berkeley, a “phenomenal” response to a call for barcoding volunteers allowed the Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Design, Forestry, and Music Li­ braries to apply a record number o f barcodes dur­ ing winter break. Over 150,000 barcodes were applied, most o f them within the first eight work days o f January. • The Reference Services Forum and the Li­ brary Administrative Office at the University o f California, Los Angeles sponsored a skill-build­ ing workshop called “The Spotlight’s on You!” Bill Anton, actor and teacher at UC San Diego, came to UCLA December 13-14 to demonstrate presenta­ tion techniques. At each workshop, 30 library' par­ ticipants were transformed under Bill’s guidance into spontaneous storytellers. Bill addressed pub- lic-spealdng anxiety and explored the use of inner motivation to enhance body and vocal gestures. • At the Music Library o f the University o f California, Los Angeles, students can now get a thorough grounding in the classics with a new kind o f easy-to-use textual and visual encyclopedia. On April 1991 / 265 a com puter screen, the s t u d e n t re a d s a d e ta ile d , written explanation o f everything happening in the music while listening to the composition on head­ phones. T he listener can also elect to read informa­ tion about the com poser’s life and tim es or an explanation of the art o f listening. T he new encyclo­ pedias are packaged on interactive m ultimedia compact discs that employ H yperC ard program ­ ming to shift from one section of the text to another. • At the U n i v e r s i t y o f I l l i n o i s , C h a m p a i g n , a Hypertext-based tour o f the library is now avail­ able. H Y PE RTO U R was developed by Tania Gottschalk to provide an introduction to the library and its services. • Staff from the U n i v e r s i t y o f M i n n e s o t a L ib ra rie s, M inneapolis, and th e un iv ersity ’s Carlson School of M anagem ent a n d Hum phrey Institute o f Public Affairs have won the 1990 Spe­ cial Research Award given by the Association for Library and Inform ation Science Education (AL- ISE). A n interdisciplinary team supported by a grant from th e Council o n L i b ra ry Resources stud­ ied issues involved in integrating a d m in is tra tiv e and scholarly information services in an academic setting. The team developed a model Integrated Inform ation C enter f o r the university and has re­ cently received a three-year H E A Title II-D g ra n t to im plem ent the model. T he research p a p e r s describing the team ’s efforts and findings was scheduled to be published by the J o u r n a l o f the A m erican Society for Inform ation Science in M arch 1991. • V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h U n i v e r s i t y , Richmond, has received its 19th endow m ent for the Libraries, bringing the total dollar am ount of library endow m ents to over o n e -h alf million. Funds from the new endowment, donated by an alumna, will be used to help purchase materials for the general collections. ■ ■ P E O P L E Profiles Kathleen G arland has joined th e faculty o f the University o f Michigan School o f Inform ation and Library Science, Ann Arbor. She will serve as the advisor and coordinator of the School Library M edia Specialist program , and will pursue teaching and research activities in that area. She recently received a grant from th e D epartm ent of E duca­ tion to conduct a research project on the use o f children’s materials in school and public libraries. Garland received her B.S.Ed. f r o m Ohio Univer­ sity and her MSLS and Ph.D. from Case W estern R eserve U niversity. H e r exp erien c e includes teaching and research at the School of Inform ation a n d Library Studies at the State University o f New York at Buffalo. She has been assistant chair o f the D epartm ent o f Library and Inform ation Science at Ball State University as well as assistant professor in th e School o f Communication, Information, a n d Library Studies at Rutgers University. She also has eight years experience as a school m edia specialist. N eil J . M cE lroy was recently appointed direc­ tor o f libraries a t Lafayette College in Easton, P e n n sy lv a n ia , S in c e 1986 he has been head o f re a d e rs' services at the H oover Institution Library at Stanford Uni­ versity. Previously, he held various positions in th e C ornell University Library, including head o f access services, p h i­ losophy and religion bib­ liographer, coordinator o f database services, and Neil J. McElroyreference librarian. He