ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS ACRL C ontinuing E d u cation C ou rses, San F ra n cisco ACRL will offer five continuing education courses and three section-sponsored preconferences prior to the ALA annual meeting in San Francisco this June. The CE courses, ranging from one to three days in length, are: CE 1—The Librarian as Consultant. CE 2— Planning and Procuring a Turnkey Library System. CE 3—Effective Supervisory Skills. CE 4—Career Planning and Development for Academic Librarians: You Can Get There from Here! CE 5—Basic Archives Management for Librarians. The preconferences are: PC 1— Premises, Problems, Promises: Views and Ap­ proaches to Bibliographic Instruction. PC 2—The Impact of the New Technology on LRC Pro­ grams. PC 3—The Collection Builders: Booksellers, Collectors, Li­ brarians. Advance registration is required for these meetings and attendance will be strictly limited. Your early registration for the CE courses by June 10 is encouraged to ensure enrollment. Registration information for the preconferences is found fol­ lowing each detailed program description. T he Librarian as C onsultant This course represents a comprehensive view of the major aspects of consultation and provides participants with the knowledge to interact effectively with clients. Consulting skills can be valuable to specialists, managers, organization leaders, and program directors, whether they are external or internal consultants. Topics will include: I. Initiating contact or responding to a request for consulta­ tion. • Consulting definitions; • Issues, concerns, and choices; • Why are consultants utilized; • What clients expect. II. The effective consultant. • Maintaining professional competence; • What consultants contribute; 98 In this issue: ACRL Continuing Education C o u r se s.................................. 97 Highlights of ACRL Midwinter Meetings .............104 Continuing Education: CE at Case Western R e s e r v e .............................105 Proposed Bylaws o f R B M S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 News from the F ie ld ................110 People .......................................113 Publications ...............................119 C alen d ar......................................123 Classified A d vertisin g...................125 College & Research Libraries News is published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, as 11 monthly (combining July- August) issues, at 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Annual subscription: $5; or to members of the division, $2.50, in­ cluded in dues. Single copies and back issues, $2 each. Second-class postage applied for at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices (ISSN 0099-0086). Editor: George M. Eberhart, ACRL/ ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. President, ACRL: Millicent D. Abell. Executive Director, ACRL: Julie Carroll Virgo. Production and circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Display advertising should be sent to Leona Swiech, Advertising Traffic Coordinator, ALA, at above address. Send classified ads to ACRL. Change of address and subscription orders should be addressed to College & Research Libraries News, for receipt at the above address at least two months be­ fore the publication date of the effective issue. Inclusion of an article or advertisement in C&RL News does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA. A partial list of the services indexing or abstracting the con­ tents of C&RL News includes: Current Contents: Social & Be­ havior Sciences; Current Index to Journals in Education; In­ formation Science Abstracts; Library & Information Science A b­ stracts; Library Literature; and Social Sciences Citation Index. © Am erican Library Association 1981. All material in this jo urnal subject to copyright by the American Library Asso- ciaton may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement. • Establishing and building credibility and trust; • Consulting competencies. III. Structuring the consulting relationship, • Critical choices; • Protocol; • Phases and steps of consultation; • Entry skills and management of client expecta­ tions. IV. Consulting methodology. • Range of consultative roles; • Enhancing your competence and confidence; • Consultative dilemmas; • Identification and management of consulting barriers; • Client relationships; • Consultation model to achieve positive change; • How to recognize action opportunities. V. Contracting and compensation. • Contracting for services; • Fee structures and going rates; • Key variables in billing; • Inter-institutional trade-offs; • Professional ethics. Audience: Limited to 35 participants. Instructor: Jim Ekendahl, Consulting Concepts, Inc., Seattle; B.A. (business administration), MLS, systems analyst, educator, trainer, and consultant to business, industry, health delivery, and educational institutions. Location: Civic Auditorium, San Francisco. Dates: Thursday and Friday, June 25-26, 1981, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (2-day course). Cost: ACRL members $160, non-members $180. P lanning and P rocuring a T urnkey L ibrary System The purpose of this workshop is to work through a process whereby an academic library manager can assess th e potentials for, determ ine needs, and de­ sign a process for procuring a turnkey autom ated library system. Participants will: • Gain an orientation to long-range planning for autom ated library systems; • Obtain an overview of autom ated systems and their functional capabilities; • Acquire an understanding of steps by which one can move from the statem ent of library requirem ents through the procurem ent and installation of a turnkey autom ated library system. Audience: For academic library personnel who potentially face, or are about to face, the task of procuring an automated library system. Lim ited to 35 participants. Instructors: Rob McGee and Howard Dillon, RMG Consultants, Inc. Location: Civic Auditorium, San Francisco. Dates: Thursday and Friday, June 25-26, 1981, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (2-day course). Cost: ACRL members $145, non-m embers $165. 99 E ffective Supervisory Skills Library managers can function effectively only if they are successful in supervising or directing the work of others. Techniques for effective supervi­ sion— such as evaluating progress, determ ining and scheduling completion dates, and maintaining an in terim re p o rt system —are in tro d u ced in this course. The instructor will discuss problems of freedom and interference, and when and how to direct work and offer guidance and constructive criticism. Reg­ istrants will learn the elements of effective supervi­ sion and have the opportunity—through the case- study method— to solve supervisory dilemmas com­ mon to special libraries. Newly-appointed managers of special libraries will find this course especially helpful. Topics will include: I. Understanding the people you supervise. • People as a resource; • Organizational objectives; • Employee objectives; • Relationship of morale and productivity; • Management styles; • Techniques for motivation. II. Responsibilities of the supervisor. • Establishing goals, objectives, and measure­ ment criteria; • Establishing and enforcing discipline; • Delegation of authority/responsibility; • Fundamental concepts in personnel admini­ stration; • Hiring policies. III. Techniques of supervision. • Communications; • Job design and analysis; • O ther factors (manpower ceilings, freezes, and purchased services; the library as the person­ nel dumping ground; dealing with unions, civil service, and tenure constraints; and layoffs and attrition). Audience: People who manage or are managed. Limited to 35 participants. Instructor: H erbert S. W hite, dean and profes­ sor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University; formerly senior vice president of ISI, executive director of the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Facility, and Project Manager of the IBM Corporate Technical C enter. Location: Civic Auditorium, San Francisco. Date: Friday, June 26, 1981, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost: ACRL members $75, non-members $95. C areer P lanning for the Academ ic L ibrarian Participants in this workshop will review factors w hich in flu en ce c a re e r d ev elo p m en t; explore alternative methods of career planning; begin to apply career planning techniques which help one d eterm in e ca re e r goals and objectives; review methods for putting career plans into effect; and discuss obstacles to im plementing plans. Emphasis will be on career planning and develop­ m ent in the academic library setting. Following the workshop each participant should be able to: • Explain many of the factors which influence career planning and development; • Assess their own career needs, desires, and abilities; • Assess their own career situation, and delineate opportunities and limitations; • D eterm ine personal career goals and objec­ tives; • Design and im plem ent a career development plan; • Evaluate career plans on a periodic basis and modify those plans as needed. Audience: For academic librarians with two or more years of library experience. Registration will be limited to 36 to allow for group discussion and individual and small group exercises. Instructor: Keith W. Russell is currently a pro­ gram associate with the Council on Library Re­ sources, Washington, D.C. For several years he has been giving workshops and tutorials on career- related topics. Location: Civic Auditorium, San Francisco. Date: Friday, June 26, 1981, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost: ACRL members $75, non-members $95. Basic Archives M anagement for Libraries This course is co-sponsored by the Society of American Archivists. It will inform libraries about basic archival functions so that they will gain a better understanding of the work they do or supervise. Participation will enable library supervisors and administrators to make sound operating, budgetary, and personnel decisions in departm ents with archiv­ al and manuscript holdings. Following the course each participant should be able to: • Describe the basic archival functions and their relationship to each other; • Convey an appreciation of the uniqueness of archive and manuscript materials and how they should be organized, cared for, and ac­ cessed; • Provide opportunities for first-hand acquaint­ ance with archival problems through case studies, discussions, and practicums. Topics will include: • Introductory session which addresses differ­ ences betw een archives management and li- brarianship; differences in handling archival and library materials; and archival termino­ logy; • Appraisal of archival materials; • Acquisitions and the developm ent of a collec­ tions policy; 100 • A rrangem ent and description; • Reference and access; • R epository m anagem ent: security, outreach programs, establishing priorities, ethics, and professional concerns. Audience: For librarians with little or no formal archival education. Participants may have had some on-the-job experience w ith archives or manuscripts. They may work with archival holdings as one part of their job or they may supervise someone who has that responsibility. Instructors: David H orn, university archivist, D eP auw U niversity, G reencastle, Indiana; and M egan F lo y d D e s n o y e rs , K e n n e d y L ib ra ry , National Archives, Boston. Location: Sheraton-Palace H otel, San Francisco. Dates: W ednesday, June 24, to Friday, June 26, 1981, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . (3-day course). Cost: ACRL mem bers $195, non-m em bers $220. P r em ises, P ro blem s, P romises This second preconference of ACRL’s Biblio­ graphic Instruction Section offers participants a vari­ ety of formal and informal opportunities for m eet­ ing, working, and sharing ideas w ith fellow instruc­ tion librarians. The preconference will begin w ith a wine and cheese reception on W ednesday evening, June 24, and will be followed on June 25-26 w ith a keynote address and six workshops. Scheduling has been arranged to allow for each registrant to hear two of the six workshop presentations. The workshops are intended to provide partici­ pants with a rew arding blend of theory and practice. Informal discussion opportunities will be available through a series of “C racker Barrel” discussions. These smaller sessions will address such current issues as Education for Bibliographic Instruction, C areer D evelopm ent for Bibliographic Instruction Librarians, Burnout, The State of the L iterature, and W riting and Research for Bibliographic Instruc­ tion. Simultaneously with th e workshops a “think tank” will brainstorm th e issues, concerns, and op­ tions facing instruction librarians in th e coming d e ­ cade and will report its deliberations in a panel presentation at th e closing general session. Audience: Librarians working w ith or interested in bibliographic instruction. Lim ited to 300 people. Speakers: • Fran Hopkins, Tem ple University— Keynote Address • Joyce H agen, California State U niversity at Northridge— “Classroom Planning and Class­ room Dynamics” • Mary Reichel and Mary Ann Ramey, G eorgia State University, and G em m a D evinney, SUNY Buffalo— “C onceptual Fram ew orks for Bibliographic Instruction Presentations” • C erise Oberman-Soroka, College of C harles­ ton, and Mark Schlesinger, U niversity of M assach u setts— “ C o g n itiv e L e a rn in g in Bibliographic Instruction” • Janice Koyama, U niversity o f C alifornia at Berkeley— “Program Coordination” • Bessie H ahn, Brandeis U niversity— “Public Relations and the Politics of Bibliographic Instruction” • Mignon Adams, SUNY Oswego— “Evaluation Tools and Tactics” Location: University of San Francisco. Dates: W ednesday, June 24, 6:00 p .m ., through Friday, June 26, 6:00 p.m. Cost: ACRL mem bers $115, non-m em bers $140. F ee includes dormitory housing June 24-25 and all meals from T hursday breakfast thro u g h Friday lunch. P re-registration ends May 15. L ate reg­ istrants will be accepted on a space available basis subject to a $15 late registration fee. T h e I mpact o f t h e N ew T ech n olog y on LRC P rograms The first ACRL Comm unity and Junior College Libraries Section preconference to be held in many years will provide information on new er technolo­ gies which affect the delivery of learning resources services. It will also be a forum for the exchange of information on programs now in operation through­ out the country. Small groups will m eet to discuss non-traditional library catalogs, autom ated circula­ tion systems, collection developm ent and acquisi­ tions, and commercially developed as well as “do-it- y ourself’ systems. Included in each discussion will be ways in which im plem entation can be achieved eith er in segments or in cooperative efforts w ith o ther institutions. In addition to the presentations and discussions th ere will be a visit to the Mission College LRC w here a tour will focus on the open learning concept at the college. A num ber of hard­ ware vendors from th e Silicon Valley will be avail­ able to discuss their products. A tour and reception at the Paul Masson W inery will be held following the visit to Mission College. Audience: C om m unity and junior college librar­ ians and learning resource c e n te r personnel in­ volved in or interested in the application of new technology in learning resource centers. Lim ited to 200 people. Speakers: • R u th P erso n , C ath o lic U n iv ersity — “ New Technology—T he H uman Im pact” • Ron Van F leet, B rodart, In c .— “T he Non- Traditional Catalogs— O nline or C O M ” • W est Valley California Joint Com m unity Col­ lege District staff—“Automated Circulation Systems” • Marcia Romansky, Baker and Taylor C o.— “Collection D evelopm ent and Acquisitions Programs” • Ronald Miller, CLASS— “Commercially Avail­ able Systems: Do-It-Yourself Program s” • Jeannettę Mosey, OCLC— “C ooperative Pro­ gram ming (Networks)” • Joseph Mathews, Joseph Mathews & Associ­ ates— “W hich Comes First: The C om puter or the Program?” and “H om e C om puter Ap- 101 REGISTRATION FORM PRECONFERENCES AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES PLEASE CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR THE COURSE OF YOUR CHO ICE Course ACRL M em ber Non-member CE 1 Librarian as Consultant (2 days) $160 $180 CE 2 Planning and Procuring a Turnkey Library System (2 days) 145 165 CE 3 Effective Supervisory Skills (1 day) 75 95 CE 4 C areer Planning for the Academic Librarian (1 day) 75 95 CE 5 Basic Archives Management for Libraries (3 days) 195 220 PC 1 Views and Approaches to Bibliographic Instruction (includes housing and meals) (2½ days) 115 140 PC 2 The Impact of the New Technology on LRC Programs (2 days) 95 115 PC 3 The Collection Builders: Booksellers, Book Collectors, Librarians (3½ days) 140 180 *Late registration fee 15 15 ENTER TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED *Fee for registration after May 15 (applies to PC 1-3 only). CONFIRMATION: W ritten confirmations will be made. CANCELLATIONS: W ritten notice of cancellations received by June 1 will be honored subject to a $20 cancellation charge. No refunds for cancellations received after June 1. Mail this form and your check to: Association of College and Research Libraries 50 E. H uron St. Chicago, IL 60611 REGISTER EARLY ATTENDANCE LIMITED 103 plications for Learning Resource Programs” • J. O. Wallace, San Antonio College— “Refer­ ence and Data Base Services” • Chip Harris, Coastline Community College— “Cable TV” Location: Sheraton Palace Hotel, San Francisco. Dates. Thursday, June 25, 1:00 p .m ., to Friday, June 26, 4:30 p.m. Cost: ACRL mem bers $95, non-members $115. Pre-registration ends May 15. Later registration will be accepted on a space available basis subject to a $15 late registration fee. T he C ollectio n Builders The program for the 22d ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section preconference will focus on the roles played in the past and present by each of the three major types of builders of library collections. In addition to formal papers to be delivered by prom inent people in each area (booksellers, book collectors, and librarians), the program will take advantage of the book collection resources of the San Francisco Bay area. One part of the program will include a reception at Stanford University’s newly completed Rare Books Room. Receptions will also be hosted by both the N orthern California Chapter of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of Amer­ ica and the Wine Museum of San Francisco where an exhibit of rare wine history books and manu­ scripts will be on display. Audience: Rare book and special collections li­ brarians. Limited to 200 people. Speakers: • Ian Willison, British Library— “Panizzi, the British Museum Library, the Antiquarian Book-trade, and Collection Development in Large Institutions” • Richard G. Landon, University of Toronto— “Management of Collection Development at the P resent Time, Special Collections in State-Supported Institutions” • Frederick R. Goff, Library of Congress— “Les­ sing Rosenwald and the Gift to the Nation” • B ernard M. R osenthal, bookseller— “A nti­ quarian Booktrade since the Second World War” • A lexandra Mason, U niversity of Kansas— “Robert Vosper and Franklin Murphy: Sup­ port of Special Collections at Lawrence and Los Angeles” • William R. Cagle, Indiana University— “J. K. Lilly, David A. Randall, the Lilly Library and Indiana University” • R obert R osenthal, U niversity of Chicago— “Chicago Libraries, Book Collectors, and the Booktrade: A Regional Experience” • Herman W. Liebert, Yale University— “The Beineckes” • James D. Hart, University of California, and Jacob I. Zeitlin, bookseller— “Booksellers, Book Collectors, Librarians, and the Legacy to California” In addition to the formal presentations, there will be six seminars coordinated by th e RBMS Con­ tinuing Education Committee. Location: G olden Gateway Holiday Inn, San Francisco. Dates: Tuesday, June 23, 3:00 p .m ., to Friday, June 26, 3:30 p.m. Cost: ACRL mem bers $140, non-members $180. Pre-registration ends May 15. Late registration will be accepted on a space available basis subject to a $15 late registration fee. INTERNATIONAL CO N FER EN C E O F SLAVIC LIBRARIANS On Septem ber 29-O ctober 4, 1980, nearly sixty librarians and information specialists from thirteen countries m et at G arm isch-Partenkirchen, West Germany, during the Second World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, to hold the First International Conference of Slavic Librarians, enti­ tled “Access to Resources in the 80’s.” A highlight of the conference was the first session, a panel on documentation and information aimed at both information specialists and scholars in the disci­ plines. Informal working sessions dealt with the orientation of users by means of w ritten guides and courses; reprints and microforms in the Slavic and East European field; and problems related to the use of archives in the East and West. More formal presentations w ere m ade by representatives of W estern countries in two sessions devoted to in­ formation centers and bibliographic control con­ cerning Eastern Europe. The concluding session opened with a report by a former Soviet librarian on problems with Soviet methods of compiling refer­ ence works. The conference played an im portant role in help­ ing to create an international network of librarians and information specialists in a critical subject field. Proceedings of the conference will be published as a separate volume within the general Congress pro­ ceedings. The absence of East European participants was regrettable, bu t it is hoped they will attend the next conference planned for 1985 in the U nited States in conjunction w ith the Third W orld Congress for Soviet and East European Studies. Suggestions for discussion in 1985 include problems concerning interlibrary loans, problems in transliteration, coop­ eration in the acquisition of ephem era, additional information about libraries m aintained by em i­ grants, and the demonstration of com puter applica­ tions in the field. For more information about Gar- misch and plans for the future, contact Marianna Tax Choldin, Slavic and East European D epartm ent, 225 Library, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.