ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /1 9 Internet sources of government information By Blake G um precht From the weather to NAFTA, it’s on the Net T he Internet, the global com puter network that is becom ing an increasingly valuable source of information on a wide variety of sub­ jects, has proven an especially rich resource for governm ent information, in part because works produced by the U.S. government are not eligible for copyright protection. While governm ent agencies have been criti­ cized for not making more information avail­ able online, enterprising librarians, professors, business people, and w atchdog groups have themselves made a wealth of information avail­ able via the network. Internet users can now access hundreds of sources of current govern­ ment information—census data, Supreme Court decisions, w eather forecasts, the Federal Reg­ ister, daily White House press briefings, Bu­ reau of Commerce reports, and much more. More and m ore governm ent agencies too are beginning to establish systems that can be accessed remotely. You can now e-mail the President, and passage of the Government Print­ ing Office (GPO) Electronic Information Access Improvement Act o f 1993 assures GPO’s role in distributing information electronically will increase. A variety of other proposals suggest that in the future, an ever-increasing volume of governm ent information will be available on­ line, sometimes exclusively. In many cases, there are significant advan­ tages to the sources accessible online over what can b e found in the library or via other means. Internet resources are often more up-to-date than their paper counterparts. Frequently they can be searched by keyword. Sometimes they provide inform ation simply n ot available in m ore traditional formats. A w ord o f warning is necessary, though. Internet resources are con­ stantly changing. What is available one minute may not be available the next. Source and file names are often changed without notice. This article presents a sample o f Internet sources of governm ent information and was culled from a longer list created for users at Temple University. The sources listed are in­ tended to provide the simplest route to the in­ formation described. The preferred source is often a gopher source because of the ease of using the go p h er software. Often, however, there are several sources for the same informa­ tion. When the source listed is a gopher source, the instructions assume users can escape the local gopher m enu structure to connect directly to a remote gopher. This can normally be done by issuing the gopher com m and in combina­ tion with a remote system address from your system’s ready prompt. The longer version of the guide can be re­ trieved electronically from the University of Michigan’s Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented In te rn e t R esource G uides (source: g o p h e r / general reference re­ sources / clearinghouse . . . / guides on the social scien ces / g o v ern m en t . . .) o r the N o rth W e s tN e t ftp a r c h iv e (so u rc e : ftp ftp.nw / u seran o n y m o u s / password: ident / cd user-docs / cd governm ent / get gum precht-guide. txt). In the list that follows, the “source” is the “address” of the remote com puter w here the information can be found, along with the “path” a user must take to locate the directory or file that contains the information. Slashes in the Blake G umprecht is docum ents librarian a t Temple University Libraries, Philadelphia; e-mail: gumpbw@ or gumpbw@templevm gopher:// 2 0 / C&RL News source separate commands, steps, or levels in a menu or file hierarchy. G eneral resources • Catalog o f Federal Domestic Assistance: Provides information about more than 1,000 U.S. government assistance programs. Search­ a b le by k e y w o r d . Sou rce: g o p h e r / federal governm ent informa­ tion / federal information resources / informa­ tion by agency / general information resources. • Copyright Information: Library o f Con­ gress system allows users to search informa­ tion about works registered in the U.S. Copy­ r ig h t O ffic e s in c e 1978. S ource: te l n e t • Federal Information Exchange: Provides information about federal education and re­ search program s, scholarships, fellow ships, grants, programs for minorities, procurem ent o p p o rtu n itie s , a n d m o re. Source: g o p h e r • Federal Jobs: Lists thousands of U.S. gov­ ernm ent job openings taken from a variety of federal com puter bulletin boards. Source, go­ pher dartcm sl.dartm / job openings in the federal government. • FedWorld: National Technical Informa­ tion Service system provides access to more than 100 U.S. governm ent com puter bulletin boards. Also includes full text of select govern­ ment publications, statistical files, federal job lists, and more. Source: telnet fedw • G eographic Names Database: Provides latitude and longitude, county and state loca­ tion, elevation, and m ore for th o u san d s of places in the U.S. Searchable by place name or zip c o d e . Source: g o p h e r g o p h e r.m ic ro . um / libraries / reference w orks / u.s. geographic names database. • Library o f Congress Information System: Provides access to the library’s online catalog, copyright files, databases containing informa­ tion on federal legislation and foreign law, and more. Source: telnet • Library o f Congress Marvel: O ne-stop source for a multitude of governm ent mate­ rial— Congressional information, census data, White House docum ents, State Departm ent re­ ports, and more. Source: gopher • National W eather Service Forecasts: Pro­ vides forecasts, current conditions, information on earthquakes, and m ore for the 50 states and Canada. Source: go p h er ashpool.m icro.umn. edu / weather. • State D epartm ent Travel Advisories: An archive o f State Department travel information and advisories arranged by country. Files in­ clude country descriptions, current conditions, entry requirements, em bassy locations, infor­ mation about medical facilities, drug penalties and more. Source: gopher / internet resources. • World Factbook (1990-1992): Full text of the CIA-produced annual which provides in­ formation about the geography, people, gov­ ernment, and econom y of countries around the world. Source: gopher / elec­ tronic books / cia world factbook. Political science, la w , and government • Budget of the United States Government: Full text of the proposed budget for the 1994 fiscal year; can be searched by keyword. Source: gopher / worlds o f sunsite / us and world politics / proposed budget. • Campaign ’92 and Election Results: Full text of key position papers, speeches, press releases, and more from major candidates in the 1992 presidential election. Source: gopher tam uts.tam / browse information by sub­ ject / political science. • Code of Federal Regulations: Commer­ cial system allows users to brow se the code or search it by keyword. Access to the complete CFR is not yet available. System places limits on the am ount o f information nonsubscribers can retrieve. Source: gopher / counterpoint publishing. • Congressional Directories: Library of Con­ gress system provides access to a variety of directories. Source: gopher m u.s. congress. • Congressional Information: Provides ac­ cess to directories, committee rosters, NAFTA documents, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and more. Source: gopher / social sciences resources / governm ent and politics / u.s. governm ent resources: legislative branch. • Congressional Legislation: Library of Con­ gress system allows users to search files that describe and track legislation introduced in Congress from 1973 to present. Source: telnet / federal legislation. • Executive Branch Resources: Provides ac­ cess to executive branch directories, W hite H ouse information, NAFTA docum ents, and more. Source: gopher / social sciences resources / governm ent and gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /2 1 politics / u.s. governm ent resources: executive branch. • Federal Register: Commercially produced system allows users to brow se or search the daily Federal Register. System places limits on the am ount o f information nonsubscribers can retrieve. Source: gopher / counterpoint publishing. • National Performance Review: Full text of the report of Vice-President A1 G ore’s task force on reinventing government. Source: go­ pher / worlds of sunsite / us and world politics. • Presidential Documents from the Federal Register: Full text of presidential proclamations, executive orders, and other documents. Source: gopher / counterpoint p u b ­ lishing / federal register / selected agencies. • Supreme Court Decisions: Full text of d e­ cisions issu e d sin ce 1989. Source: g o p h e r / educational resources / united states. • Treaties and International Covenants: Full te x t o f m a jo r t r e a t i e s . S ource: g o p h e r / foreign and international law / multilateral treaties. • United Nations: Full text o f U.N. press releases, U.N. Conference on Environment and D evelopm ent reports, United Nations Devel­ opm ent Programme docum ents, telephone di­ rectories, and more. Source: gopher nyw orkl. un d p .o rg . • W hite H ouse Information: Full text of policy statements, press briefings, speeches, the president’s daily schedule, and more. Source: gopher tam uts.tam / brow se information by subject / political science / information from th e w h ite h o u se . Source: g o p h e r su n site. / worlds of sunsite / us and world politics / sunsite political science archives / w hitehouse-papers. • World Constitutions: Full text o f consti­ tutions o f countries worldwide. Source: gopher / governm ent docs. Other constitutions can be accessed by conducting a gopher Veronica search, using “constitution” as the keyword. Social sciences an d hum anities • AskERIC: Archive of education informa­ tion compiled by an Internet question-answ er­ ing service for educators at Syracuse Univer­ sity. Source: gopher • Bureau of Justice Statistics Documents: Full text o f select Bureau publications. Source: gopher / united nations jus­ tice network. • Census of Population and Housing: 1990 Census data available for U.S. cities, counties, metropolitan areas, states, and the nation, with c o m p a ris o n s fro m 1980. Source: g o p h e r / reference center. • Criminal Justice Country Profiles: Full text o f a series o f U.N. reports on crime and crimi­ nal justice in 123 countries. Source: gopher / united nations justice net­ w ork / u.n. criminal justice country profiles. • Economic Bulletin Board: Department of Commerce system provides access to thousands of files containing information about current eco n o m ic conditions, econom ic indicators, employment, trade, and more in 20 general sub­ ject areas. Source: gopher / social sciences research / economics. Source: telnet • Educational Resources Information Cen­ ter (ERIC): Provides keyword access to abstracts o f articles and publications about education. Source: gopher / local resources. • Gross State Product Tables: Provides ac­ cess to U.S. Bureau o f Economic Analysis tables estimating the value of goods and services for 61 in d u stries in 50 states. Source: g o p h e r / social sciences research / economics. • North American Free Trade Agreement: Full text o f NAFTA and related docum ents. Source: gopher / americans communicating electronically. • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute Daily Report: Full text o f a daily di­ gest of developm ents in Russia, Transcaucasia and Central Asia, Central and Eastern Europe. Source: gopher / news services. • Statistics Canada Daily Reports: Full text o f daily statistical releases, lists of publications, and more from Canada’s primary compiler of statistics. Source: telnet / ter­ minal type:decvtlOO. Physical sciences, health , and medicine • AIDS Information: Provides AIDS statis­ tics, daily sum m aries of n ew sp ap er articles about AIDS, full text of AIDS Treatment News, reports from the National Commission on AIDS, and more. Source: gopher • CancerNet: Full text o f National Cancer Institute fact sheets, publications, patient diag­ gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// 2 2 / C&RL News nosis statem ents, and more. Source: gopher / health and clinical information. • Chemical Substance Fact Sheets: Full text of EPA fact sheets about hundreds of chemi­ cals. Can be brow sed or searched by keyword. Source: gopher / edu­ cation / environmental fact sheets. • Cooperative Extension System: Depart­ ment of Agriculture system provides access to extension service reports, directories, nutritional data, and more. Source: gopher • Earthquake Information: Provides data about recent earthquakes worldwide. Source: gopher / internet resources / w eather and geography. • F o o d a n d D rug A d m in istratio n B ul­ letin Board System: Full text of FDA new s releases, enforcem ent reports, im port alerts, drug and product approval lists, Federal Regis­ ter summaries, articles from FDA Consumer, a n d m ore. Source: te ln e t fdab b s.fd a.g o v / login:bbs. • H ealth Security Act: Full text o f the Clinton administration’s health plan and related docum ents. Act can be brow sed or searched by keyword. Source: gopher / worlds o f sunsite / us and world politics / na­ tional health security plan. • Morbidity a n d Mortality Weekly Report: Full text of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weekly publication. Source: gopher aids related information. • National Institutes of Health: Provides ac­ cess to NIH phone books, calendars, library catalogs, m olecular biology databases, NIH G uide f o r Grants a n d Contracts, and more. Source: gopher • National Science Foundation: Provides ac­ cess to grant information, NSF directories, press releases, full text of foundation publications, and more. Source: gopher • PENpages: Pennsylvania State University system provides the full text of thousands of docum ents about agriculture, food and nutri­ tion, family issues, and more. Source: telnet / usernam e:penpages. • Spacelink: NASA system provides access to shuttle status reports, mission summaries, NASA news releases, and other files with cur­ rent and historical information about NASA. Source: te ln e t s p a c e lin k .m s fc .n a s a .g o v / usernam em ew user / passwordmewuser. • World Health Organization: Provides ac­ cess to world health statistics, full text of se­ lected WHO publications, and more. Source: gopher ■ gopher:// gopher:// gopher://