ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Ja n u a ry 1994 / 2 7 C & R L N e w s su b m issio n g u id e lin e s Editorial purpose College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News') publishes articles written by practitioners ad­ dressing philosophy and techniques of day-to- day m anagem ent o f academic library services and collections. C&RL News provides current information relating to issues, activities, and per­ sonalities o f the higher education and research library field. User education, technology, pro­ fessional education, preservation, governm ent actions that affect libraries, public relations, preservation, acquisitions o f special collections, grants to libraries, reports on meetings, prod­ ucts, and the business o f ACRL are covered in C&RL News. Established in 1966, C&RL News is the offi­ cial news magazine and publication of record o f the Association o f College and Research Li­ braries (ACRL). It maintains a record of selected actions and policy statem ents of the associa­ tion and publishes timely reports on the activi­ ties o f ACRL and its units. It is published 11 times per year. The editor bears full responsibility for the content of each issue of C&RL News and selects material for publication based on the follow­ ing criteria. The editor also reserves the right to make appropriate revisions in material selected for publication in order to standardize style or im­ prove clarity (except official ACRL documents). Note: Formal, theoretical, or research-ori­ ented articles inappropriate for C&RL News will be forwarded to the editor of College & Research Libraries for review. Instructions to authors 1. Style. Articles should be of a practical na­ ture and written in an informal, accurate, and inform ative m anner. M anuscripts subm itted should be original and usually not published elsew here (although an item published in an institutional new sletter may be considered). Footnotes, charts, and tables should be kept to a minimum. 2. L ength. News notes may be 150-350 words; reports of meetings for the “Conference Circuit” should b e 750-1,000 words; essays for “The Way I See It” should be 750 words; ar­ ticles should be no more than 2,000 words. 3. C o n te n t Material selected should fall into one o f the following categories: a. Reports on a project, program, or service deal­ ing with a topic relevant to academic librarianship (e.g., “Historical ecology: LSU’s electronic imaging laboratory,” September 1993). b. Reports for the “Conference Circuit” that summarize the key points/highlights o f a re­ cent conference, w orkshop, or m eeting of in­ terest to academic or research librarians (e.g., “Rethinking reference: Smashing icons at Berke­ ley,” (May 1993). c. Essays for “The Way I See It” that of­ fer re a so n e d a n d inform ed sp e c u la tio n or c o m m e n t o n a re le v a n t to p ic (e .g ., “The myths su rro u n d in g faculty status for librar­ ian s,” N ovem ber 1993). d. S tandards, gu id elin es, o r re c o m m e n ­ dations o f an ACRL com m ittee or o th er of­ ficial ACRL group (e.g., “Standards for e th ­ ical conduct for Rare Book, . . .” (April 1993) e. C&RL News may occasionally print re­ quests for the donation o f books or materials to libraries, especially foreign libraries, which have suffered extensive loss through fire, hurricane, or natural disaster. Other libraries soliciting contri­ butions for other reasons will be referred to the rates for classified advertising in C&RL News. 4. Subm itting y o u r m an u scrip t. Authors should submit two copies, double-spaced, fol­ lowing The Chicago M a n u a l o f Style, 14th ed. (Note: A letter o f inquiry may precede submis­ sion of the article.) If the m anuscript is pre­ pared on a w ord processor, please supply an electronic version o f the m anuscript—as a text file in an IBM com patible format, preferably in WordPerfect 5.1 or ASCII. Note: Please label disks with your name, phone, e-mail address, and filename. Manuscripts and inquiries may also be submitted via the Internet: Submit camera-ready artwork for all illustrations. Accompany each with a number and a brief, mean­ ingful caption. On the back of each photo include: a brief caption, credits (if appropriate), and your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. Ed. note: These guidelines w ere reviewed by the C&RL News Editorial Board at the 1992 A n nual C o n fe re n c e in San F ran cisco a n d adopted by it in the fall of 1992. ■ 2 8 / C&RL News