ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Index to volume 54,1993 / I-1 College & Research Libraries News INDEX TO VOL. 5 4 ( 1 9 9 3 ) C om piled b y Eldon W. Tam blyn Portland State U niversity, O regon A Academic o r Research Librarian of the Year Award, 1993, 146; 1994, 46l “Access ALA via the Internet,” 381 “Access the ACRL and Choice staff electronically,” 381 Acquisitions, 34, 97, 161-62, 228-29, 288-89, 347-48, 411-12, 475, 530, 591, 667 Acquisitions (by author, subject, o r ti­ tle): Allen, John Eliot (geology), 591; Amer. 1st eds., 591; Anderson, Sigurd, 228-29; Apperley, Charles James, 347-48; Aptheker, Bettina, 475; Arena Stage coll., 667; Ayers, John Mosley, 288-89; Bands (Evans & Sams), 475; Beaufort, John (dra­ ma & lit.), 591; Biblical studies (Lewis), 591; Birds o f Am erica fro m original drawings, 591; Bookbind­ ings (Creuzevault), 289; Bowker (R. R.) Co., 411; Bradstreet, Anne, 97; Byron, Don Juan, 289; Canadiana (S. Eisen), 348; Cartoons, 228; Cen­ tral Atlanta Progress, 34; Coleridge, S.T., 9; Cope, Francis R., Jr. (orni­ thology), 289; Creuzlvault, Henri (bookbindings) 289; Drama (Beau­ fort), 591; Durrell, Lawrence, 475; Earthquakes, 97; East Asia, 229; Ec­ umenical study (Simonds), l6 l; Ed­ gerton, Harold E., 475; Eisen (Sol) Collection (Canadiana), 348; En­ glish, The y o u n g fa m ily, l 6 l; Eng. lit., 97 (1st eds., 591); Evans, Merle (bands), 475; 1st eds. (Eng. & Amer.), 591; Foote, Horton, 34; Friar, Kimon, 228; Geology (Allen), 591; Gerson, Jean, In d ex preclare dictorum, 412; Giorgi, Louis P., Fr., 667; Goodwill Industries, 34; Gor- dimer, Nadine, 667; Hemingway, FILING is word-by-word (ALA, 1968). ABBREVIATIONS: Standard abbreviations are used except in titles. Names of some organizations, ALA, ACRL, LC, etc., are also abbreviated and are alpha­ betized as if spelled out. Special abbreviations: appt. appointm ent f. foundation port. portrait prof. profile prog. program SPECIAL USAGES: More than one reference p er page is indicated in paren­ theses. Under the heading “Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title)" paren­ theses may enclose donors’ nam es (for subjects) or subjects (for nam ed col­ lections). The su n also rises, film script, 97; Hill, Polly, 228; Holloman, John L. S., Rev., 97; Houston, Sam, 348; In ­ d e x preclare dictorum, Gerson, 412; IIRR, 411; Irving, Wash., Astor­ ia, MS, 97; Japan, 411; Japanese arts & crafts, 347; Japanese materi­ als, 667; Kennedy, Adrienne,34; Kennedy, J. F., assassination con­ spiracy, 412; King, Charles, Capt., 289; King (M. L., Jr.) murder, 412; Koop, C. Everett, 162; Korea, 411; Law lib. (Pound), 289; Lewis, Le- Moine Gaunce (biblical studies), 591; LETRS, 34; Limited Editions Club, 530; Link, Arthur S., 97; Lip- set, Seymour Martin, 228; Literature (Beaufort), 591; LA Co. Medical Assn., l6 l; Maps (Soviet Union), 412; Marshall, Alice Kahler, 347; Melcher, Daniel, 411; Naipaul, V. S., 347; NY Shakespeare Festival, 667; Ornithology (Cope), 289; Pa- kenham, Elizabeth, 347; Papandre­ ou, Margaret, 228; Papp, Joseph, 667; Postcards, Reno, 97; Pound, Rosco (law lib.), 289; Psychology, experimental, 97; Rare books & p e­ riodicals, 475; Reno, Nev., post­ cards, 97; Ruskin, John, 530; Rus­ sian art & lit., 162; Sams, Lynn L. (bands), 475; Sarton, May, 530; Schapira, Morey, 229; Simonds (Barbara) Cornerstone Collection (ecumenical study), l 6 l ; Smith, John Rubens, 347; Soviet Union, maps, 412; Spewack, Sam & Bella, 228; Steinbrugge, Karl V., 97; Texts on com puter (LETRS), 34; Tradi­ tional crafts o f Japan, 347; Twain, Mark, MS, 97; Warren, Robt. Penn, 347; Watercolors, 347; Watson, Jam es Wreford, 161-62; Weisberg, Harold (JFK assassination conspira­ cy), 412; White, Eric Walter, 162; Wirth, Timothy, 229; W omen’s hist., 347; W oodrow Wilson Coll, of Law, 34; Woodruff Arts Ctr., 34; Wundt, Wilhelm, 97; Yen, Y. C. James, 411-12 Acquisitions (by institution): Abilene Christian U., 591; Ariz. State U., l6 l; Atlanta Hist. Soc., 34; Boston U., 34, 347; Cabrini Coll., 667; Ca­ thedral Lib. o f St. John the Divine, 161; Colo. State U., 288-89; Colum­ bia U., 228, 411-12; DCPL, 97; Geo. Mason U., 228; Harvard Coll., 412; Harvard Law School, 289; Harvard U., 667; Huntington, l6 l, 530; Ind. U., 34, 667; Lib. Co. of Phila., 289; LC, 347; McMaster U., 161-62, 475; MIT, 475; NLC, 475; NLM, 162; NYPLPA, 667; Northwestern U., 228; Ohio State U., 228; Ohio U., 411, 667; Pa. State U., 347; Portland State U., 591; Princeton U., 228; Rice U., 348; S. D. State U„ 228-29; Southern Methodist U., 34; Stanford U., 162; Teikyo Post U., 591; U. of Akron, 97; U. o f Ariz., 289; UC (Berkeley, 97; Irvine, 229; 411; LA, l6 l; Santa Cruz, 475); U. of Colo., 229; U. of Del., 591; U. of Ky., 412; U. of Manitoba, 347; U. o f Md., 475; UN, Reno, 97; UNC, CH, 97; U. o f Notre Dame, 412; UT, Austin, 34, 162; U. o f Tulsa, 347; U. o f Va., 97, 347-48, 411; U. of Waterloo, 348; U. of Wis.-Milwaukee, 530; Victoria U., 97; Warren Wilson Coll., 97; W estbrook Coll., 530; Western Ky. U., 347 Adams, Mignon, photo., 6 The Advocate, “Virginia Tech sets pol­ icy on controversial materials,” 386- 88, 394 Alessi, Dana, photo., 462 Alexander, Jan, “Integrating Internet into reference: policy issues,” 139-40 Alfred U., “Fees not fines,” 59 Alldredge, Noreen, “Transformational potential o f netw orked informa­ tion,” 18 Allen, Susan Macall, appt., 592 ALA, “Access ALA via the Internet,” 381 ALA, Annual Conference, 1994, 548 ALA, “EBSCO establishes scholarship fund,” 379 ALA, “15 overseas opportunities avail­ able,” 1993-94 (& photo., 1992- I-2 / C&RL News 93) , 61; 1994-95 (& photo., 1993- 94) , 629 ALA, “Libraries change lives” (photo., cover, no. 2) ALA, OIF, “Banned Books Week— celebrating the freedom to read,” 1993, 388 ALA, SSC, “What needs fixing at ALA?” 5-6 ALA Graphics, Great minds posters, 60 “ALA opts out of Denver,” 124 “ALA self-study audit com pleted,” 628-29 “ALA-SAA joint statement on access to original research materials,” 1994, draft, 648-49 “ALA sticks with Miami 1994,” 548 ASIS, “Integrating technologies, con­ verging professions,” 638, 647 Anderson, Rachael K., new s note, 592 Anna, Mary Elizabeth Green, d e­ ceased, 415 “Architectural drawings from Colum­ bia on videodisc,” RLG, 379-80 “Assessing student dissatisfaction: no quality w ithout accessibility,” Ne- vin, 500 ACRL, Academic or Research Librari­ an of the Year Award, 1993, 146; 1994, 461 ACRL, ASC, “Faculty status: 2001,” 338-40; “Have academic status? Contact com m ittee,” 628; “Model statement for the screening and ap ­ pointm ent of academic librarians using a search com m ittee” (53:642- 45), com m ent, 87 ACRL, “Access the ACRL and Choice staff electronically,” 381 ACRL, “And the w inners are . . . ,” 401-2, 409 ACRL, Annual Conference, 1993, 151-53, 270-80, 450-54 & 459, 516- 18 & 526 ACRL, Annual Report, 1992-93, 571- 88 ACRL, BIS, Bibliographic Instruction Publication o f the Year Award, 1993, 218; 1994, 468 ACRL, BIS, “BIS considers options for professional education,” 253; “BIS seeks presenters for 1994 precon­ ference,” 188 ACRL, BIS, Innovation in Bibliograph­ ic Instruction Award, 1994, 464 ACRL, BIS, Miriam Dudley Biblio­ graphic Instruction Librarian Award, 1993, 217-18, comment, 515; 1994, 461-62 ACRL, Board o f Directors, “High­ lights” (Jan., 142-45; Ju n e & p h o ­ tos., 456-59) ACRL, Boards o f Directors, photos. & rosters, 1992-93, 456, 585; 1993- 94, 457 ACRL, Board of Directors, “Talk to the ACRL Board in New O rleans,” 315 ACRL, Budget & Finance Comm., “Fi­ nancial report,” 586-88 ACRL, “Candidates for ALA Council,” 202, 226 ACRL, “Candidates for 1994 elec­ tions,” 657-59 ACRL, CLS, “ACRL starts listserv . . . and so does CLS,” 187 ACRL, Comm, on Medium-sized Li­ braries, “Librarians at mid-sized li­ braries share interests,” 123 ACRL, Doctoral Dissertation Fellow­ ship, 1993, 217; 1994, 464-66 ACRL, EBSS, Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian, 1994, 464 ACRL, EBSS, “Listserv address change,” 500 ACRL, Exec. Comm., “Highlights,” Apr. 1993, 341 ACRL, Exec. Director, “Letter” & port., 576-77 ACRL, “Guidelines for extended cam­ pus library services,” 1989, proposed revision (50:404-6); 1990, final ver­ sion (51:353-55); 1993, correction, 7 ACRL, “Highlights o f ACRL programs at ALA’s Annual Conference,” 1993, 450-54 & 459, 516-18 & 526 ACRL, Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, 1993, 217; 1994, 462 ACRL, Midwinter Meetings, 1993, 5 (comments, 268, 403); 1994, 650-56 ACRL, “Mission,” 572 ACRL, National Conference, 1995, 453, 547 ACRL, “Official ACRL docum ents,” 460 ACRL, “Official statem ent,” 648-49 ACRL, Planning Comm., “Practical vi­ sioning for the decade of austerity,” 21-24, 28 ACRL, President, 1992-93, “Message” & port., 573-74; photo., 6; “Re­ engineering academic and research libraries,” 333-35 ACRL, President, 1993-94, “Kirk fo­ cuses on netw orking,” 437 ACRL, Publications Comm., Great minds posters, 60 ACRL, RBMS, BSC, “New book for rare book catalogers,” 436 ACRL, RBMS, “Guidelines for the loan o f rare and unique materials,” 1993, draft, 267-69 ACRL, RBMS, Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab A m erican Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards, 1993, 220; 1994, 466-67 ACRL, RBMS, “Mainstream or mar­ gins?— RBMS preconference,” 518 ACRL, RBMS, “Selection o f general collection materials for transfer to special collections,” 2d ed., 1994, draft, 644-47 ACRL, “Rescinding ACRL standards and guidelines,” 340 ACRL, STS, Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, 1993, 219; 1994, 468 ACRL, STS, “More midwinter notes,” 5 ACRL, SAC, “New standards proce­ dures m anual,” 436 ACRL, “Standards for ethical conduct for rare book, manuscript, and spe­ cial collections librarians, with guidelines for institutional practice in support of the standards, 2d ed i­ tion, 1992,” 207-15 ACRL, Task Force on Intellectual Freedom, “Wants your opinions,” 316 ACRL, “The time to lead,” 204, 206 ACRL, “Top priorities for ACRL— FY1994,” 459 ACRL, ULS, “Do the standards meet your needs?” 500; Midwinter report, 145; “ULS in New Orleans— preferred futures for librarians,” 455 ACRL, Vice-President, 1992-93, “Mes­ sage” & port., 575; “Seeks volun­ teers,” 188 ACRL, WESS, Martinus Nijhoff Inter­ national West European Specialist Study Grant, 1994, 466 ACRL, “The year in review,” 578-84 “ACRL and CAUSE publish book on information jobs in higher ed,” 316 “ACRL awards for 1994,” 461-68 “ACRL Board actions” (Jan., 142-45; June & photos., 456-59) “ACRL candidates for 1993 elections,” 25-28 “ACRL candidates for 1994 elections,” 657-59 “ACRL discussion groups,” 655 “ACRL electronic communications,” 251-52 “ACRL Executive Committee actions,” Apr. 1993, 341 “ACRL guidelines," 644-47 “ACRL has new book for rare book catalogers,” 436 “ACRL issues new standards proce­ dures m anual,” 436 “ACRL meetings in Los Angeles,” 650- 56 “ACRL offers new BI title,” 6-7 “ACRL policy statement on social is­ sues,” 143 “ACRL President Kirk focuses on net­ w orking” & port., 437 “ACRL seeks nom inees for office,” 204, 206 “ACRL starts listserv . . . and so does CLS,” 187 “ACRL vice-president seeks volun­ teers,” Kirk, 188 “ACRL w ants you!” 519-22 Appointments, 35-37, 99-100, 163-66, 230-32, 290-93, 349-52, 414-15, 476- 78, 531-33, 592-98, 668-71 Apted, Janis, “National Library Week at w ork,” 62-63 Ariz. State U. West, “Information liter­ acy com petencies,” 325-27 Armstrong, Marian, retired, 597 Arnold, Amy E., new s note, 476 Arp, Lori, photos., 144, 259 Ashton, Jean Willoughby, appt. & port., 668 “At the crossroads: assessing and re­ sponding to change,” 450-54 & 459, 516-18 & 526 Atkinson (Hugh C.) Memorial Award, ACRL, 1993, 217; 1994, 462 Atkinson, Ross, new s note, 413 AVIADOR, “Architectural drawings from Columbia on videodisc,” 379- 80 “Award encourages student use of primary m aterials,” UND, 6 “An aw ard w inner brings preserva­ tion o u t of the lab,” Dowell, 524-26 Awards, 35, 98-99, 146, 163, 217-20, 349, 379, 413, 461-68, 476, 524-26, 531 B Bailey, Charles, new s note, 35 Baker & Taylor, Academic or Re­ search Librarian of the Year Award, 1993, 146; 1994, 461 Banks, Brenda, new s note, 163 “Banned Books W eek—celebrating the freedom to read,” ALA, OIF, 1993, 388 “Barcoding: tedious project or com­ munity party?” Johnston, 549 Barnes, Ernie, Olympic Games 1984 poster, 624 (photo., cover, no. 11) Barone, Carole, port., 450 Battin, Patricia, new s note, 476 Beaubien, Anne K., photos., 456, 585 Index to volume 54,1993 / I-3 Bell, Barbara, photo., 629 Benson, Jam es A., appt., 290 “Beyond Bitnet: Telnetting to the United Kingdom,” Kesselman, 134- 36 “Bibliographic instruction or re­ search: w hat’s in a name?” McKin- zie, 336-37 Bibliographic Instruction Publication of the Year Award, 1993, 218; 1994, 468 Bielawa, Michael J., appt., 290 “BIS considers options for profession­ al education,” ACRL, 253 “BIS seeks presenters for 1994 p re­ conference,” ACRL, 188 Bitnet, “Contact NEH on Bitnet,” 436 Black, John Buchanan, new s note & port., l63 Blauer, Ann Taylor, “Keep current with investment and new s service,” 252 Bonin, Kenneth Roy, appt., 230 “Book Center and library team u p ,” 627 "Book o f hours, St. Jerom e, miniature (photo., cover, no. 7) Booklist, "Choice and Booklist on Sil- verPlatter’s CD-ROM,” 7 Borei, Karin Begg, appt. & port., 290- 91; photos., 456-57, 585 Bostick, Sharon L., appt. & port., 163 Bourdon, Cathleen, appt. & port., 349 Boylan, Ray, deceased, 232 Brazil, “The electronic library net­ work frontier in Brazil,” 255-56 Broadus, Robert N., retired, 671 Broome Community Coll., “Barcod­ ing: tedious project or community party?” 549 Broward Community Coll., “Joint-use libraries: just how good are they?” 551-56 Brown, Helen M., deceased, 232 Brown, Jeanne, “Internet resources for architecture studies,” 189 Brown, Norman B., retired, 352 Bull, William Howell, Southern Pacific booklet cover (photo., cover, no. 9) “Butler freshmen hunt for library trea­ sure,” Stormes, 382-83 C Calif. Polytechnic State U., “Inflation, budget cuts, and faculty needs,” 125 Calif. State Railroad Mus., Southern Pacific booklet cover (photo., cov­ er, no. 9) Call, I. S. ‘Bud,’ “Joint-use libraries: just how goo d are they?” 551-56 “Call for papers: art and BI,” 628 Cameron U., “Interactive video at Cameron University Library,” 81-82 Campbell, Frank C., deceased, 478 CACUL, “Canadian guidelines o n dis­ tance learning endorsed,” 251 “Canadian guidelines on distance learning endorsed,” 251 CLA, “Canadian guidelines on dis­ tance learning endorsed,” 251 “Candidates for ALA Council,” ACRL, 202, 226 “Candidates share visions for ALA,” Curley & Hogan, 200-201 Caplan, Fran, appt., 99 Carpenter, Kathryn Hammell, appt., 531 Carson, Rachel, Great minds poster, 60 Cates, Jo A., new s note, 413 CAUSE, “ACRL and CAUSE publish book on information jobs in higher e d ,” 316 CAUSE National Conference, 1992, Dallas, Tex., “Challenging organiza­ tional structures,” 86-87 “Celebrating libraries (and humor) every day,” Vazakas, 67, comment, 206 “Challenging organizational struc­ tures,” Link, 87 Chase, Victoria S., letter to the ed., 515 Choice, “Access the ACRL and Choice staff electronically,” 381; “Ethnic studies reviews available,” 7 "Choice and Booklist on SilverPlatter’s CD-ROM,” 7 "Choice publishes Outstanding aca­ dem ic books list,” 7 Choldin, Marianna Tax, new s note, 668 Christie, Manson & W oods, Inc., Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarian- ship Award, 1993, 219; 1994, 467- 68 Chuah, Sally Siew-Siew, new s note, 413 Clarifications, 316. See also Correc­ tions Clark, Alson, deceased, 533 Clark, Marilyn, retired, 533 Clark, Tommy, retired, 597 “Class gifts bolster P enn’s renova­ tions,” 548 “Class of ’84 gives gift to library at UC-Berkeley,” 195 Clouston, John S., appt., 668 CNI, “Transformational potential of netw orked information,” 18 “CNI w ants big ideas,” 60-6l Coe, D. Whitney, photo., 629 “Collecting book art,” Pittman, 190-92 (photo., cover, no. 4) C&RL news, “Compile a subject list of Internet resources,” 317; “Feature your collection o n a cover o f C&RL new s,” 140, 351, 399, 664; “Share your library’s new s,” 337, 394, 663; “Share your opinion with C&RL n ew sreaders,” 324, 380; “Statement of ow nership and m anagem ent,” 598 "C&RL news submission guidelines,” 19 "C&RL NewsNet debuts,” 499 Coll, o f Wm. & Mary, new s note, 435 Coll, of Wooster, “Revives Mummers’ Play,” 630 “COLLIB-L: listservs in library com­ m unications,” Oberg, 632-34 Colo., “ALA opts out o f Denver,” 124; “Offensive cover features Colora­ d o,” 87; “Praise for protest,” 268, comment, 403 “CLA cancels Colorado Springs con­ ferences,” 59-60 “Columbia develops virtual library,” 123 Columbia U., “Architectural drawings from Columbia o n videodisc,” 379- 80; “NYU and Columbia announce reciprocal access,” 59 Community College Learning Re­ sources Achievement Awards, 1993, 218-19; 1994, 462-64 “Compact shelving o f circulating col­ lections,” Sam, 11-12 “Compile a subject list of Internet re­ sources,” C&RL news, 317 “Com puter ethics statement,” Jacob­ sen, ed., 331-32 “Com puter literacy over the campus netw ork,” LaBorie, 70-73 Condrey, Richard, “Historical ecolo­ gy: LSU’s electronic imaging labora­ tory,” 438-41, 448 Conference circuit, 20, 86-87, 265-66 (com m ent, 641-43), 400 & 405, 550, 638 & 647 Conference circuit (’’Integrating tech­ nologies, converging professions,” Snelson, 638, 647; “Launching the national information infrastructure,” Wand, 550; “NASULGC examines information technology,” Ford, 20; “Rethinking reference,” Oberg, 265- 66, com m ent, 641-43; “Rural datafi- cation: access to the Internet,” Lani­ er, 400, 405; “Technologists and li­ brarians working together,” Saunders, 86-87) “Contact NEH on Bitnet,” 436 Coon, Jeffrey A., “Internet resources for religious studies,” 635-37 Cooper, John E., “Using CAI to teach library skills,” 75-78 “Cornell developing virtual library,” 629-30 Corrections, 7, 269, 515. See also Clar­ ifications Coughlin, Caroline M., new s note, 349 Cullinane, John, photo., l60 Curley, Arthur, “Candidates share vi­ sions for ALA” & port., 200-201; photo., l60 “CWIS coming to Harvard,” 5 D Daley, Virginia, letter to the ed., 268, response, 403 Dalhousie U., “Faculty support infor­ mation literacy,” 124 Dana (John Cotton) Library Public Relations Award, 1993, 524-26 Davidson, Donald C., new s note, 668 Davies, Mary Kay, retired, l66 Davis, Charles H., new s note, 668 Davis, Frances, “A plan for evaluating a small library collection,” 328-29 Davis, Jinnie Y., letter to the ed., 403; “W inning ways: how to get class gifts for your library,” 194-95, com­ ments, 335, 403 Davis, Luella, photo., 6 l Davis, Mary Ellen K., “E-mail—o o p s,” 381; “In the N ew s,” 4, 58, 122, 186, 250, 316, 378, 434, 498, 546, 626 Deaths, 38, 101, l66, 232, 293, 352- 53, 415, 478, 533, 672 Deekle, Peter V., appt., 531 De Gennaro, Richard, “Named win­ n er of Atkinson aw ard” & port., 217 Delmont, Mary Karen, new s note & port., 98 DeLong, Kathleen, new s note, 592 “Departmental profiles: a collection developm ent aid,” Stelk, 196-99 Dimmick, Mary, retired, 671 Dinnean, Lawrence, retired, 100 Distinguished Education and Behav­ ioral Sciences Librarian, 1994, 464 “Do the standards m eet your needs?” ACRL, ULS, 500 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1993, 217; 1994, 464-66 Dowell, Connie Vinita, “An award w inner brings preservation out of the lab,” 524-26 1-4 /C & R L News Doyle, Tracy, “Library student assis­ tant wins $500,” 435 Drazniowsky, Roman, retired, 597 Ducasi, Nury, Miami Book Fair Inter­ national 1993 poster, 544 (photo., cover, no. 10) Dudley, Claire C., retired & port., 166 Dudley (Miriam) Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Librarian Award, 1993, 217-18, comment, 515; 1994, 461-62 Duke U., “W om en’s archivist position endow ed at Duke,” 315 E “E-mail—oops,” Davis, 381 “E-mail the White H ouse,” 252 “Eastern German university libraries since reunification,” Kilton, 260-62 Eaton, Nancy, new s note, 98 Eberhart, George M., “New publica­ tions,” 31-32, 93-94, 157-59, 224-26, 285-86, 344-45, 407-9, 472-73, 529, 569-70, 662-65 EBSCO, Community College Learning Resources Achievement Awards, 1993, 218-19; 1994, 462-64 “EBSCO establishes scholarship fund,” ALA, 379 “EBSCO projects 10.5% serials price increase,” 435 “EBSS listserv address change,” ACRL, 500 Eckman, Catherine, “Where do I go from here?” 79-80 Eckwright, Gail Z., “Evaluating the li­ brary BI program ,” 13-16 Edelman, Henrik, photo., 6l Edgemon, Helen & Mildred, retired, 415 ERIC, “Operate an ERIC clearing­ house,” 28 “EDUCOM w ants input on use of technology for teaching and learn­ ing,” 123 “The Electric undergrad: an interac­ tive library program,” Norlin, 398- 99 “ ‘Electronic library’ course,” Frantz, 380, correction, 515 “The electronic library network fron­ tier in Brazil,” Riedinger, 255-56 Engeldinger, Eugene A., appt., 291 Engelke, Hans, retired, 232 “Enhance your skills,” ACRL, 151-53 Erickson, Rolf, deceased, 38 Erindale Coll., “Proportionate prob­ ability sampling,” 322-24 Errata, 7, 269, 515. See also Clarifica­ tions “Ethnic studies reviews available from Choice, ” 7 Eubanks, Jacqueline K., deceased, 101 Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, 1993, 219; 1994, 468 Euster, Joanne R., “Moving toward confluence: report on planning for the ACRL 7th National Conference, 1995,” 453; new s note & port., 35; “Take charge of the future now ,” 89-90 “Evaluating the library BI program,” Eckwrigt, 13-16 “Explore the Internet via teleconfer­ ence,” 548 F “Faculty status: 2001,” Hoadley, 338- 40 “Faculty support information litera­ cy,” Nowakowski, 124 Farber, Evan Ira, photos., 456-57, 585 Farmer, Donald W., “Bibliographic Instruction Publication of the Year” & port., 218 “Feature your collection on a cover of C&RL new s," 140, 351, 399 664 “Fees not fines,” Alfred U., 59 Fehrmann, Paul, “Internet resources for psychology,” 510-11 Ferrel, Mary Sue, photo., 144 “15 overseas opportunities available,” 1993- 94 (& photo., 1992-93), 6l; 1994- 9 5 (& photo., 1993-94), 629 “First Search users can now enter ILL requests,” OCLC, 379 Fitzgerald, Carol Bondhus, deceased, 352 “Focus on focus groups,” Young, 391-94 Ford, Barbara J., “NASULGC exam­ ines information technology,” 20; retired, 166 Ford, Robert Benjamin, Jr., deceased, 232 Foster, Harry E., retired, 533 Franck, Charles, “French Market,” photo., 249 Frantz, Paul, “ ‘Electronic library’ course,” 380, correction, 515; letter to the ed., 515; photo., 629 “Free NEH Media log available,” 380- 81 Fu, Tina C., appt. & port., 668-69 Fürst, Florence, deceased, 166 Futas, Elizabeth, news note, 592 G Gallivan, Marion F., appt., 164 Garten, Edward D., appt., 592 Gates, Earl, retired, 166 Geo. Mason U., news note, 435 Geraci, Diane, “Optical scanning in an academic library” (53:698-701), comment & response, 205 Germany, “Eastern German university libraries since reunification,” 260-62 “Get news from UC cam puses and labs,” 379 Gherman, Paul M., appt., 669 Gladish, Mary Louise, deceased, 352 Glass, Susanne, “Making every new hire count,” 317 Godwin, Mary Jo, news note, 98 Goettler, Elaine, “Proportionate prob­ ability sampling,” 322-24 “Golden gifts from alumni,” Hooten, 403 Gordon & Breach, “Subscription rate reduction plan,” 123 Gosling, J. Woodley, “St. Ann Street,” painting (photo., cover, no. 5), comment, 403 Grants, 33-34, 95-97, l60-6l, 227-28, 287-88, 346-47, 411, 474, 530, 590- 91, 627, 666-67 Grants (by grantee): Amer. Theol. LA, 287; Annenberg Research Inst., l60; Ariz. State U., 227; Auburn U., 33; Augustana Coll., 346; Boston PL & photo., l60; Brooklyn Mus., 288; Brown U., l60, 530; Calif. Acad, of Sciences, 227; Calif. Hist. Soc., North Baker, 227, 474; Cardinal Stritch Coll., 33; CRL, 95; Claremont Colls., 95; Cleveland Inst, of Art, 33; Coll, o f Charleston, 287, 474; Coll, o f St. Francis, 33; Colo. Coll., 474; Columbia U., 666; Dartmouth Coll., 346; Delgado Community Coll., 33; DePaul U., 474; Ford (Henry) Mus., 590; Frick Art Refer­ ence, 288; Ga. State l_L, 227; Grin­ nell Coll., 33; Harvard Coll., 346; Hood Coll.,160; Ind. U., 95, l60 (6), 227; Ind. U. Bloomington sys­ tem, 95 (6); Ind. U.-Purdue U., l60 (2), 411; Iowa State U., 95, 666; Johns Hopkins, 33; Kan. State Hist. Soc., 287; Lenoir-Rhyne Coll., 666; LC, 346-47; LSU, 627 (Alexandria, 33; Shreveport, 33); LSU & A&M Coll., 33; La. Tech U., 33; Luther Coll., 33; McNeese State U., 33; Maricopa Co. Community Coll. Dist., 227; Marion Coll.,m l60; Mar­ quette U., 33; Mars Hill Coll., 666; Memorial U., 95-96, 590; Minn. Hist. Soc., 287; MOMA, 288; Mus. of the City o f NY, 288; NYAM, 95; NYPL, 288; NYSL, 474; Nicholls State U., 33; Northeast La. U., 33; Northland Coll., 33; Northwestern State U., 33; Northwestern U., l60, 590; Norwich U., 590; Ohio Hist. Soc., 288; Ohio State U., 95; Ohio U., 666; Park Coll., 33; Pa. State U., 95 (3); Phoenix PL, 227; Princeton U., 95, 590, 666; Radcliffe Coll., 227-28; Redeemer Coll., 95-96; RLG, 287 (2), 346, 666; RISD, 96; Rutgers U., 590; S. C. Hist. Soc., 287; Southeastern Lib. Network, 287; Southern 111. U., Carbondale, 346; Southwest Tex. State U., 287; Stanford U., 96; SUNY, U. at Alba­ ny, 346; Tex. Tech U., 474-75, 530; TRLN, 627; U. of Alaska S. E., 96; U. of Alta., 95-96, 590; UC (Berke­ ley, 96; Riverside, 530; Santa Cruz, 228); U. o f Del., 287; U. o f Fla., 287; U. of 111., Urbana, 287; U. of Indianapolis, l60 (2); U. of Manito­ ba, 33, 287, 666-67; U. o f Mich., 96, 288, 667; U. of Minn., 33-34, 95, 288; U. of Mo.-Columbia, 590; U. of N. O., 33; UNC, 288, 590-91 (CH, 34, 228, 288, 346, 666); U. of North­ ern Colo., 96; U. o f Pa., 287; U. of Pittsburgh, 288, 474; U. of Sask., 287 (2); U. of S. C., 287; U. of Southern Calif., 96-97, 474; U. of Southwestern La., 33; UT, Austin, 33, 288, 346; U. of Va., 411; U. of Waterloo, 95-96; U. of W. Fla., 591; U. o f Wis., 95; U. of Wyo., 288; Utah State U., 33; Va. Common­ wealth U., 33, 97 (2), 591; Va. SL & Archives, 288; Wabash Coll., 33; Warren Wilson Coll., 666; Wayne State U., 287-88, 346, 591; Wesley­ an U., 287; Yale U., 346 Grants (by grantor): Allen, Jack, 33; ACLS, 96; AT&T, 474; Arts Student Body Council, 287; Bob Knight Lib. Endowment, Ind. U., 95 (6); CSSHRC, 95-96 (4), 287 (2), 590 (2); Carrigan, Verna Hurley, 96; Champlin F., 96; Chilton (Mary) DAR F., 346; CCAHA, l60; Culpep­ er (Chas. E.) F., 666; Davis Educa­ tional F., 530; DEC, 590; Durfee F., 227, 474; Fla. State Hist. Records Advisory Board, 591; Friends of Morris Library, 346; Greenwall F., 95; Halsell (Ewing) F., 474-75; Hamer, Donald W., 95; HEA, 33-34 (2), 96 (2), 160, 227, 590-91 (2), 666; Holden (W. C. & F. M.) En­ dowment, 474-75; Hormachea, Car- roll, 34; Houston Endowment, 475; Hume (Jaquelin) F., 227; ICCMCC, 474, 590; Indianapolis F., l60; Ir- Call For Papers and Proposals Association o f College and Research Libraries Seventh National Conference March 29 - April 1 , 1995, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Academic libraries face many challenges and opportunities throughout the 1990s and into the twenty-first century as they are faced with changing user needs, the growing volume and cost of information sources in multiple formats, emerging information technologies, static or declining fiscal support for library services, and dem ands from all segments of society for change in higher education. The emerging technologies that are driving the transformation of the econom y from industrial to information-based, coupled with the need to maintain traditional library services and collec­ tions, will be a challenge for academic librarians as they fulfill their roles on cam puses to build the new information infrastructure. We invite you to join us as we think about the challenges and opportunities facing academic libraries in addressing this theme, “Continuity and Transformation: The Promise o f Confluence,” at the 1995 ACRL Seventh National Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Receive profes­ sional recognition by sharing your expertise and knowledge with your peers; enhance your ow n professional growth; and network, enjoy conference activities, and the beautiful city of Pittsburgh all at the same time. Call For Papers and Proposals C ontinuity & T ran sform ation : The P r o m is e ofC o n flu en ce The conference is organized around four them e tracks: Knowledge Workers and Their Organizations Information in all formats is growing at an extraordinary pace. The information environment for the remainder of the 1990s and into the twenty-first century will increase in complexity. Academic libraries hold a central role in developing and sustaining campus information networks that extend the reach of colleges and universities into national and international markets. Librarians with special talents and expertise are needed to provide organization and access to information sources in a variety of formats and communications systems. Among other issues, papers and presentations in this track may consider aspects of: • Education for the profession • Library services • Role of library professionals • Professional development • Organizational structure • Workflow • Total quality management • Training • Emerging information society • Campus politics • Information literacy • Library faculty relationship • Leadership • Teaching and learning • Management • Strategic planning Technology and the Service-Centered Library The exploding growth of technologies coupled with traditional library resources and services offer extraordinary opportunities for academic libraries to play a central role in shaping the information infrastructure for American higher education institutions. Librarians have important roles in the development of networks and collaborative ventures with colleagues and peers on their campuses, nationally as well as interna­ tionally. New generations of technology are producing a variety of new products and options for packaging and exchanging information which has added a degree of complexity in using information sources for even the most sophisticated library users. Among other issues, papers and presentations in this track may consider aspects of: • Information literacy • Delivery of electronic information • Library instruction • Information infrastructure • Computer-supported collaborative • Collection development work with information providers, • Networked information computing centers, faculty, • Multimedia vendors, and international • Teleconferencing partners • Navigating the Internet • Document delivery • Resource-sharing Multiculturalism and Internationalism Multiculturalism and internationalism are not interchangeable concepts, but they are related in that both imply the recognition of world views distinct from those assumed by most Americans. American higher education is confronted with the challenges of multiculturalism and internationalism. Colleges and universities must become envi­ ronments of teaching and learning as well as research and service that reflect and address the increasingly interdependent nature of our world. The shifting demo­ graphic composition of the world makes it imperative for librarians to recognize and appreciate diversity among themselves and among the communities they serve. Academic librarians must be able to address the needs of student bodies that will include people of many colors and cultures and from widely varying backgrounds. Among other issues, papers and presentations in this track may consider aspects of: • Multilingual needs in service and • Curriculum development collection building • “Political correctness” in library ser­ • Resources for developing vice and collection development multicultural collections • International networking • Differences in learning styles • Library ventures abroad • Diversity • Redefining the core curriculum Society, Economics, and Politics In a technological environment where we have the ability to reproduce the works of authors at will, without regard for either the economics of creating these works or intellectual property rights, we risk the danger of destroying the free-flow of data from researchers and authors to users. The role that social, economic, and political forces play in shaping information policy cannot be ignored. These three factors often determine what information is produced, who produces it, what formats, where it is distributed, and who has access. Economics is the factor that has the greatest impact on libraries’ ability to meet user information needs, therefore requiring greater efficiency and effectiveness in the use of information and access to information. Among other issues, papers and presentations in this track may consider aspects of: • Censorship • Publishing world • Copyright and intellectual • Commercialization, privati­ property rights zation, and public access • Pricing for services, products • Fees for government information • Charging for services • Access to government information • Freedom of access vs. free • Budget cuts and their implications information • Administration • Access vs. ownership • Legislation and the need for • Outsourcing political contacts Session Formats Contributed Papers Sessions report the results of completed research or research in progress. These papers should be scholarly in nature and will be referred. Those papers accepted will be published in the conference Proceedings, therefore they should not have been submitted or published elsewhere. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference and will be given 15-25 minutes to present their papers. Contributed papers are invited in two categories: R e s e a r c h P a p e r s are descriptions of studies that use rigorous research methodology and include identified hypotheses and clearly stated conclusions. The maximum length for a manuscript is 2,500 words. P o s i ti o n P a p e r s are presentations in which problems are clearly identified and solutions proposed. Descriptions may be locally implemented experiences (successes and failures), theoretical models, or state-of-the-art reviews. Although not requiring formal research methodologies, these papers should be well-organized, and should develop clear positions or concepts. The maximum length for a manuscript is 1,800 words. Submit letter o f intent to present a nd proposal to-. Marion T. Reid Chair, ACRL Contributed Papers Subcommittee CSU San Marcos Library Services San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 Panel Sessions Panel sessions are presentations that allow the participants to address an issue of concern to academic or research librarians. One to two hours in length, the sessions will allow for multiple perspectives on an issue and often include active participation from the audience. The panel sessions might use presentation of formal papers, feature a debate among panel members, use question-and-answer format, or other format appropriate to the goal of the session. Sessions selected for presentation at the conference will be based on the clarity of the issue, the appropriateness of the topic, the relevance to the conference themes, and the contribution of the topic to an overall balance in coverage of issues of interest to academic and research librarians attending the conference. Manuscripts or summaries of presentations from the panel sessions may be included in the conference Proceedings. Submit letter o f intent to present a n d proposal to-. Sarah B. Watstein Chair, Panel Sessions Subcommittee Assistant Director for Academic Services Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA 23284-2033 Poster Sessions Poster sessions are informal presentations featuring successful solutions to problems and unique and innovative library-based projects with important lessons to share with the larger academic and research library community. Presenters may use graphics, tables, charts, handouts, and other visual representations of information to convey the story of the activity or program. These interactive sessions will be scheduled for a single time block in which the presenter should be prepared to repeat the presentation several times. Each presentation should last about ten minutes, including time for questions from the audience. Proposals for poster sessions will be judged for relevance to the conference theme, value of the activity or program presented to the academic or research library community, and uniqueness of the idea and the clarity with which it is presented. Poster session presentations will not be included in the conference Proceedings, but a compilation of the abstracts will be available at the conference. Submit letter o f intent to present a n d proposal to: Thomas M. Peischl Chair, Poster Sessions Subcommittee Dean of the Library Box 19 Mankato State University Mankato, MN 56002-8400 1 9 9 5 N a tio n a l Conference E x e cu tive C om m ittee Chair Contributed Papers Chair Joanne R. Euster Marion Reid University Librarian Director of Library Services University of California, Irvine California State University, San Marcos Preconferences Chair Keynote Speakers Chair Cathy Henderson Patricia Wand Research Librarian University Librarian University of Texas at Austin The American University Local Arrangements Chair Panel Sessions Chair Charles Lowry Sarah B. Watstein University Librarian Assistant Director for Academic Carnegie Mellon University Services Virginia Commonwealth University Poster Sessions Chair Thomas M. Peischl Dean of the Library Mankato State University General Submission Information 1. Fill out the program proposal application 2. Attach a 200-word abstract that clearly identifies the focus of your presentation. (If your paper is selected this is the summary that will be printed in the conference program.) 3. Mail materials to the appropriate subcommittee chair as indicated at the end of the description for each format. Proposals for presentations may include but are not limited to specific issues mentioned in track descriptions. Deadlines These are the deadlines that apply to all submissions for the conference: • Letter of intent to submit a paper, program or poster session—May 1, 1994. • Contributed papers and panel proposals—-July 1, 1994. • Notify authors and presenters of selected papers—September 15, 1994. • Poster session proposals—November 1, 1994. • Camera-ready and electronic copy, panel presentations, and contributed papers—December 15,1994. • Camera-ready and electronic copy for poster sessions abstract booklist— February 1, 1995. Selection criteria and process The ACRL 7th National Conference committees will evaluate the content of your proposal for relevance to the conference themes, clarity, originality, and timeliness. Special attention will be given to proposed sessions that 1) make good use of technology, 2) generate ideas or materials that might contribute to ongoing discussion, and 3) present strategy for effectively implementing information and technology that enhance the teaching and learning process. Notification of decisions on selected papers will be sent to authors and presenters by September 15, 1994. Papers and presentations may be published in the conference Proceedings. A camera- ready copy plus an electronic one will be due in the ACRL office by December 15,1994. Formal instructions for preparation of papers will be sent to authors and presenters whose proposals for presentation are selected. Please note ACRL National Conference Presenters will be required to: • Grant permission for possible taping of presentation • Assign ACRL first publication rights • Provide the paper, both camera-ready and electronic version In accordance with ALA practices, ACRL members will not receive honoraria nor have expenses reimbursed for presenting conference programs. Participants are required to pay for conference registration fees, travel, and other expenses. The Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, is committed to enhancing the ability of academic and research librarians to effectively serve the library and information needs of current and potential users. Index to volume 54,1993 / I-5 vine (James) F., 96-97; Irwin (Wil­ liam G.) Charity F., 227; Japan F., 346; Jones (Ben M., Ill) Trust Fund, 228; Jones (Helen) F., 530; Kilgour, Eleanor & Frederick, 667; King Fahd Natl., 666; Korea F., 474; LSCA, 95, 227; Lilly Endowment, 33; La., 33; Luce (Henry) F., 666; Mellon F., 33; Michener, James A., 96; NEH, 33 (2), 34, 95, 287-88 (25), 346 (2) 411, 474, 530 (2), 590, 666; NHPRC, 34, 95, 227, 287 (2), 474, 591; Peabody (Amelia) Chari­ table Trust, l60; Pforzheimer (Carl 6 Lily) F., 227-28; Pollack, Ken & Marion, 95; Post & Courier F., 474; Reed, Alice, 228; Rosengarten, Adolph G., Jr., 287; Rudnyckyj, J. B., 33; Shao, You-Bao, 666; Side- water, Samuel L, 95; Skillman F., 590; SSRC, 96; SSHRC (C), 95-96 (4), 287 (2), 590 (2); Southwestern Bell F., 475; Thatcher (Margaret) F., 346-47; TUCASI, 627; USDE, 95 (2), 160-61, 227, 346, 591, 627, 666; UMI, 667; U. of Manitoba, 666-67 (Arts Student Body Council, 287); Va. Commonwealth U. Athletics Dept. & School of Medicine, 97; Va.SL, 411 Graves, Kathryn, “Lost in the library? Stop floundering—follow the fish,” 384-85 GMRLC, “New cooperative research library organization form ed,” 5 Greear, Yvonne E., deceased, 415 Grumling, Dennis, deceased, 533 “Guam earthquake topples 90,000 books,” 499 “Guideline o n collective bargaining,” ACRL, 142 “Guidelines for extended campus li­ brary services,” ACRL, 1989, pro­ posed revision (50:404-6); 1990, final version (51:353-55); 1993, correction, 7 “Guidelines for the loan of rare and unique materials,” ACRL, RBMS, 1993, draft, 267-69 Gustavus Adolphus Coll., “Assessing student dissatisfaction: no quality without accessibility,” 500 Gyeszly, Suzanne, photo., 6l H Haas, Marilyn, retired, 293 Hallonquist, Lynne, deceased, 101 Hamilton, Charles, retired, 37-38 Hammond, Carol, “Information litera­ cy com petencies,” 325-27 Hansen, Carol, photo., 61 Harper, Shirley F., retired, 597 Harvard U., “CWIS com ing,” 5 “Have academic status? Contact com­ mittee,” 628 Hawthorn, Margaret, “Proportionate probability sampling,” 322-24 Healy, Timothy Stafford, deceased & port., 101 Hedberg, Jane, “Preservation new s,” 30, 92, 155, 223, 283, 343, 406, 470- 71, 528, 567, 661 Henderson, Carol C., “Washington hotline,” 29, 91, 154, 221, 282, 342 & 348, 404-5, 469 & 471, 527, 565 & 591, 660 Hendrickson, Kent, new s note, 98 Henry, Charles, “The transformation potential o f netw orked informa­ tion,” 512-13 Herb, Steven, new s note, 531 Hem on, Peter, “K. G. Saur Award,” 219 Hess, Charlotte, “W hen worlds com­ bine: Indiana University’s INfor­ um ,” 514-15 Hewitt, Joseph, appt., 291 Hickey, Damon, photo., 630 Hinojosa, Susana, “Racial & ethnic di­ versity: information exchange,” 156, 284 Hirsch, David, photo., 6l Historic New Orleans Coll., “French Market," photo., 249; “St. Ann Street,” painting (photo., cover, no. 5), comment, 403 “Historical ecology: LSU’s electronic imaging laboratory,” Condrey, 438- 41, 448 Hoadley, Irene, appt. & port., 99; “Faculty status: 2001,” 338-40 Hogan, Sharon A., “Candidates share visions for ALA” & port., 200-201 Holliday, Charles, deceased, 101 Hood, Michael, new s note, 592 Hooten, Ruth, letter to the ed., 403 Hostage, John, photo., 629 Hotchkiss, Valerie R., appt., 476-77 Hoyle, Karen Nelson, new s note, 35 Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, 1993, 217; 1994, 462 Hughes, Carol, “Practical visioning for the decade of austerity,” 21-24, 28 Hutton, Catherine, photo., 629 IIcarus, Matisse, collage (photo., cov­ er, no. 4) “In the News, ” Davis, 4, 58, 122, 186, 250, 316, 378, 434, 498, 546, 626 IOLUG, “Internet: path to die 21st century,” 513 Ind. U., “An award winner brings preservation out of the lab,” 524- 26; “Parent’s Fund,” 59; “Preserva­ tion video film series developed,” 526; “W hen worlds combine: Indi­ ana University’s INforum,” 514-15 “Inflation, budget cuts, and faculty needs,” Walch, 125 “Information literacy com petencies,” Isbell, 325-27 Ingibergsson, Asgeir, retired & port., 352 Innovation in Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Award, 1994, 464 ISI, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1993,2Y7- 1994, 464-66 ISI, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1994, 466 IPEDS, “National numbers on aca­ demic libraries,” 9-10 “Integrating Internet into reference: policy issues,” Still, 139-40 “Integrating technologies, converging professions,” Snelson, 638, 647 “Interactive video at Cameron Univer­ sity Library,” Swinney, 81-82 IFLA, “Call for papers: art and BI,” 628 “IFLA preconference on CE offered,” 7 “International resource library planned by Pikes Peak,” PPCC, 5 Internet, “Access ALA via the Inter­ net,” 381; “Access the ACRL and Choice staff electronically,” 381; “Compile a subject list of Internet resources,” 317; “Explore the Inter­ net via teleconference,” 548; “Glos­ sary o f Internet terminology,” 128; “Integrating Internet into reference: policy issues,” 139-40; “Launching the national information infrastruc­ ture,” 550; “A personal view o f the Internet,” 127-32; “Rural datafìca- tion: access to the Internet,” 400, 405 “Internet for Russian and East Euro­ pean studies,” Markiw, 444-48 “Internet: path to the 21st century,” IOLUG, 513 “Internet resources for architecture studies,” Brown, 189 “Internet resources for Latin Ameri­ can studies,” Molloy, 395-96, 399 “Internet resources for psychology,” Fehrm ann,510-ll “Internet resources for religious stud­ ies,” Coon, 635-37 Isbell, Dennis, “Information literacy com petencies,” 325-27 Ivins, October R., news note, 592 J Jackson, Mary E., new s note, 413 Jacobsen, Kristin, ed., “Computer eth­ ics statement,” 331-32 Janakiev, Elisabeth, retired, 597-98 Jenkins, Althea H., “Letter from the executive director” & port., 576-77; photos., 456-57, 585 Jenkins, Larry, photo., 549 Jenson, Gloria Dawn, retired, 533 John Carter Brown, Leab Award, 220 (photo., 188) John Cotton Dana Library Public Re­ lations Award, 1993, 524-26 Johnson, Bobbie Cook, appt., 349 Johnson, Jane W., deceased, 672 Johnson, Richard D., new s note, 163 Johnston, W anda K., “Barcoding: te­ dious project or community party?” & photo., 549 “Joint-use libraries: just how good are they?” Call, 551-56 Joy, Albert H., “Oberly Award,” 219 K K. G. Saur Award for Best College & Research Libraries Article, 1993, 219-20, correction, 269; 1994, 467 “KSU and UCSB use Z39.50 from NO- TIS,” 251 Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab Am erican Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards, 1993, 220; 1994, 466-67 Kathman, Michael D., “Plans for ACRL” & port., 147-49 Keats, Ezra Jack, “The snow y day,”, collage (photo., cover, no. 1) “Keep current with investment and new s service,” Blauer, 252 Kellam, W. Porter, deceased, 672 Keller, Michael, appt., 669 Kenney, Anne R., new s note, 163 Kesselman, Martin, “Beyond Bitnet: Telnetting to the United Kingdom,” 134-36 Kiki, W omen’s History Month poster, 124 Kilton, Thomas D., “Eastern German university libraries since reunifica­ tion,” 260-62 Kimmage, Dennis, “Russian and Amer­ ican librarians meet in Moscow,” 257-59 Kinder, Jackie, “Where do I go from here?” 79-80 King, John, deceased, 352-53 I- 6 / C&RL News King, Jo sep h T., letter to the ed., 87 Kirk, Thomas G., ACRL president & port., 401; “ACRL President Kirk fo­ cuses on netw orking” 8c port., 437; “ACRL vice-president seeks volun­ teers,” 188; “Message from the vice- president” & port., 575; photos., 456-57, 585; “Transformational p o ­ tential of netw orked inform ation,” 18 Kislitzin, Elizabeth, retired, 38 Kondelik, John, appt., 669 Kratz, Abby, new s note, 592 Kuchler, A. W., “Potential natural vegetation,” m ap (photo., cover, no. 6) Kuhta, Richard J., appt. & port., 477 L LaBorie, Tim, “C om puter literacy over the cam pus netw ork,” 70-73 LaGuardia, Cheryl, “Marketing the li­ brary: th e library m edia fair,” 502-4, 511 Lair, Nancy, retired, 598 Lanier, Don, “Rural datafication: ac­ cess to the Internet,” 400, 405 “Launching the national information infrastructure,” Wand, 550 Lazerow (Samuel) Fellowship, 1994, 466 Leab (Katharine Kyes and Daniel J.) A m erican Book Prices Current Ex­ hibition Catalogue Awards, 1993, 220; 1994, 466-61 Lester, Linda L., new s note, 592 Letters, 87, 205-6, 268, 335, 403, 515 Lewis, Daniel, appt., 593 “Librarians at mid-sized libraries share interests,” ACRL, 123 “Libraries change lives,” graphic ALA (photo., cover, no. 2) LAMA, PRS, Jo h n Cotton Dana Li­ brary Public Relations Award, 1993, 524-26 “Library gets check-off box o n stu­ dent fees cards,” 435-36 LC, “Preserving U. S. telep h o n e direc­ tories,” 6 l; “Remote access to LC com puter files available,” 381 LOCIS, “Remote access to LC com ­ puter files available,” 381 LOEX, “Call for papers: art a n d BI,” 628 “Library student assistant wins $500,” SUNY, 435 Link, Terry, letter to th e ed., 87 Loe, Mary Hong, photo., 629 Logan, Ken, appt., 35-36 “Logo design n e ed ed for library school,” 547-48 Lohf, K enneth A., retired, 38, 671 LAOOC, Olympic G am es 1984 poster, 624 (photo., cover, no. 11) “Lost in th e library? Stop flounder­ ing— follow the fish,” Graves, 384- 85 LSU, “Historical ecology: LSU’s elec­ tronic imaging laboratory,” 438-41, 448 “Louisiana to im prove netw orks,” 627 Lowell, Gerald R., appt., 477 Lowry, Charles B., appt & port., 349- 50; “K. G. Saur Award,” 220, cor­ rection, 269 Lynch, Mary Jo, “National num bers o n academ ic libraries,” 9-10 Lytle, Richard H., new s note, 230 M McCarthy, Connie, retired, 533 McClure, Charles R., new s note, 592 McCook, Kathleen de la Peña, appt., 531 McCorison, Marcus A., retired & port., 100 McCoy, Jacquelyn A., “Message from the president” & port., 573-74; p h o ­ tos., 6, 456-57, 462, 585; “Re­ engineering academ ic and research libraries,” 333-35 McGrady, Jacqeline, photo., 629 McKee, Eugenia V., appt. & port., 593 McKenna, Florence, retired, 672 McKinzie, Steve, “Bibliographic in­ struction or research: w hat’s in a name?” 336-37 McNeal, Archie L., new s note, 230 “Mainstream o r margins?— RBMS p re­ conference,” Parks, 518 Major, Je an A., “Compact shelving of circulating collections,” 11-12 “Making every new hire count,” Glass, 317 Malcolm X, Great minds poster, 60 Malloy, Frances, photo., 457 “Mankato State dedicates new library” & photos., 6 Mariott, Lois, “Mariott and Terwilliger get com m unity college aw ards,” 218-19 “Marketing the library: the library m e­ dia fair,” LaGuardia, 502-4, 511 Markiw, Michael, “Internet for Rus­ sian and East E uropean studies,” 444-48 Marks, Ellen, appt., 531 Marshall, Joanne G., new s note, 476 Martin, Susan K., ACRL vice-president & port., 401-2; photo., 457; “Plans for ACRL” & port., 147, 149-50 Martinus Nijhoff International West E uropean Specialist Study Grant, 1994, 466 Martorana, Janet, “Marketing the li­ brary: the library media fair,” 502-4, 511 Massey, John, “Libraries change lives,” graphic (photo., cover, no. 2) Massman, Virgil, letter to the ed., 403 Matisse, Henri, Icarus, collage (p h o ­ to., cover, no. 4) Mayhood, Gary, “Reading for fun is a novel idea,” 69, 73 Mayo, H ope, “Wins aw ard for best article in RBML”& port., 219 Meeh, Terrence F., “Bibliographic In­ struction Publication o f the Year” & port., 218 M edia log, “Free NEH M edia log available,” 380-81 Meitzer, Ellen, “Successfully moving the library—tem porarily,” 557-60 M endelsohn, Henry Neil, photo., 6 l Meneely, William E., retired, 38 Metoyer-Duran, Cheryl, “K. G. Saur Award,” 219 Metz, Paul, “D epartm ental profiles: a collection developm ent aid,” 196- 99; “Virginia Tech sets policy on controversial materials,” 386-88, 394 Metz, Ray E., photos., 456-57, 585 Miami Book Fair International 1993 poster, Ducasi, 544 (photo., cover, no. 10) Miami-Dade Community Coll., Wolf- son, Miami Book Fair International 1993 poster, 544 (photo., cover, no. 10) Miami U., “About th e cover,” 312 Milam, Sheila, photo., 629 “Mile-high reply,” Massman, 403 Milligan, Stuart, letter to the ed. & re­ sponse, 205 “Millsaps College endow s library di­ rectorship,” 547 Milstead, Agnes, “Univ. o f Wyoming endow m ent for librarianship and li­ braries,” 381 Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Librarian Award, 1993, 217-18, com m ent, 515; 1994, 461-62 Mitchell, Eugene S., appt. & port., 36 “Model statem ent for the screening and appointm ent o f academic li­ brarians using a search com m ittee,” ACRL, ASC (53:642-45), comment, 87 Moffett, William A., “Wins academ ic/ research librarianship’s highest h o n o r” & port., 146 (photos., cov­ er, no. 3; 462) Molloy, Molly, “Internet resources for Latin American studies,” 395-96, 399 “Moms and dads help libraries,” 59 M ontgomery, K. Leon, deceased, 293 Moon, Myra Jo, deceased 8c port., 353 “More on class gifts,” Yaple, 335 Mosley, Mary Mac, retired, 352 M ountainside Pub. Co., Miriam D ud­ ley Bibliographic Instruction Librar­ ian Award, 1993, 217-18, comment, 515; 1994, 461-62 “Moving toward confluence: report on planning for the ACRL 7th National Conference, 1995,” Euster, 453 “Much ado about education,” 499 Mulvaney, J. Philip, appt. & port., 669 Munroe, Mary, “ULS in New O r­ leans— preferred futures for librari­ ans,” 455; “University Libraries Sec­ tion— m idw inter report,” 145 “The myths surrounding faculty sta­ tus for librarians,” Shapiro, 562-63 N Natl. Archives, Leab Award, 220 “NASULGC exam ines information technology,” Ford, 20 NEH, “Applications for NEH refer­ ence materials grants d u e Sept. 1,” 315-16; “Contact NEH on Bitnet,” 436; “Free NEH M edia log avail­ able,” 380-81 “NEH grants for archival research in Eastern Europe,” 316-17 “NISO offers online sources,” 315- NLW, “Libraries change lives,” graph­ ic (photo., cover, no. 2) NLW, “Univ. of South Alabama cele­ brates NLW,” 379 “National Library W eek at w ork,” Apted, 62-63 “National Library W eek fest,” Chase, 515 “National Library Week: Libraries change lives,’ ” Wallace, 64-65 “National num bers on academ ic li­ braries,” Lynch, 9-10 Neal, Jam es, new s note, 413 Neese, Ja n et A., retired, 166 Nelson, David, photo., 629 Neuman, Susan, new s note, 592 Nevin, Susanne, “Assessing student dissatisfaction: no quality without accessibility,” 500 “New cooperative research library o r­ ganization form ed,” GMRLC, 5 Index to volume 54,1993 / I-7 “New fiscal policies approved,” ACRL, 144 N. M. State U., “Reading for fun is a novel idea,” 69, 73 “New publications,” Eberhart, 31-32, 93-94, 157-59, 224-26, 285-86, 344-45, 407-9, 472-73, 529, 569-70, 662-65 NYHS, “NYU and the New-York His­ torical Society team u p ,” 499-500 “NY. Historical Society remains open for now ,” 187 NYPL, “Preserving U.S. telephone di­ rectories,” 6l “NYU and Columbia announce recip­ rocal access,” 59 “NYU and the New-York Historical Society team u p,” 499-500 News from the field, 5-7, 59-61, 123- 24, 187-88, 251-53, 315-17, 379-81, 435-37, 499-500, 547-49, 627-30 Nisbet, Hume, H unting f o r gold, cov­ er (photo., cover, no. 8) Norlin, Dennis A., appt., 350; “The Electric undergrad: an interactive library program,” 398-99 NCSU, “Winning ways: how to get class gifts for your library,” 194-95, comments, 335, 403 NOTIS, “KSU and UCSB use Z39.50 from NOTIS,” 251 Nowakowski, Fran, “Faculty support information literacy,” 124 Nutter, Susan K., new s note, 290 O Obenhaus, Bruce, “Virginia Tech sets policy on controversial materials,” 386-88, 394 Oberg, Larry R., appt & port., 230; “COLLIB-L: listservs in library com­ m unications,” 632-34; “Rethinking reference: smashing icons at Berke­ ley,” 265-66, comments, 641-43 Oberly (Eunice Rockwell) Award, 1993, 219; 1994, 468 Oberman, Cerise, “Russian and Amer­ ican librarians meet in Moscow,” 257-59 OCLC, “FirstSearch users can now en ­ ter ILL requests,” 379 “Offensive cover features Colorado,” King, 87 “Official ACRL docum ents,” 460 O’Gorman, Kathryn, appt., 350 O’Halloran, Charles, deceased, 533 “OhioLINK connects 6 libraries,” 6 Okerson, Ann L., new s note, 413-14 Olney, Helen S., deceased, 353 Olympic Games 1984 poster, Barnes, 624 (photo., cover, no. 11) “Operate an ERIC clearinghouse,” USDE, 28 “Optical scanning and copyright law,” Milligan, 205 “Optical scanning in an academic li­ brary,” Willett (53:698-701), com­ ment & response, 205 Oram, Richard W., appt., 477 Owensboro Community Coll., “A plan for evaluating a small library collection,” 328-29 P Page, Mary, “A personal view of the Internet,” 127-32 Papers solicited, 381, 628 Parhamovich, Mary Margaret Farrell, photo., 6l Parker, Kenneth W., deceased, 293 Parks, Robert, “Mainstream or mar­ gins?—RBMS preconference,” 518 Patterson, Charles D., retired & port., 598 Payne, Elizabeth Ann (Lizanne), appt., 230-31 Peischl, Thomas M., “Financial re­ port” & port., 586-88; photos., 456- 57, 585 “Penn State gets $1 million bonus,” 435 Pa. State U., “Professor bikes across America for Penn State libraries,” 315 People in the news, 35-38, 98-101, 163-66, 230-32, 290-93, 349-53, 413- 15, 476-78, 531-33, 592-98, 668-72 “A personal view of the Internet,” Page, 127-32 Peters, Paul Evan, “The transforma­ tion potential o f networked infor­ m ation,” 512-13 Peterson, Trudy Huskamp, news note, 668 Pfannenstiel, William, “Practical vi­ sioning for the decade o f austerity,” 21-24, 28 Phillips, Fay, “Historical ecology: LSU’s electronic imaging laborato­ ry,” 438-41, 448 Phillips, Linda, photos., 456, 585 Phipps, Shelley E., photos., 456-57, 585 PPCC, “International resource library planned by Pikes Peak,” 5 Pinkham, Eleanor, retired & port., 672 Pittman, Betsy P., “Collecting book art,” 190-92 (photo., cover, no. 4) “Pittsburgh: attend, present, partici­ pate!” 547 “A plan for evaluating a small library collection,” Davis, 328-29 “Planning library buildings: ten prac­ tical considerations,” Ragsdale, 318- 21 Ploss, Helen, retired, 533 Pohlman, Laura Dawn, deceased, 478 Polach, Frank, appt., 531-32 Pomazal, Priscilla F., appt., 532 Poole, Jay Martin, appt. & port., 36 PCA, “Popular culture papers need­ e d ,” 381 “Popular culture papers needed,” PCA, 381 “Portland State survives earthquake,” Powell, 253 “Potential natural vegetation,” Kuch- ler, map (photo., cover, no. 6) Powell, Faye, “Portland State survives earthquake,” 253 “Practical visioning for the decade of austerity,” Hughes, 21-24, 28 “Praise for protest,” Daley, 268, com­ ment, 403 Prentice, Ann E., appt. & port., 414 “Preservation news,” Hedberg, 30, 92, 155, 223, 283, 343, 406, 470-71, 528, 567, 661 “Preservation video film series devel­ o p ed ,” Ind. U., 526 “Preserving U.S. telephone directo­ ries,” LC, 61 Presti, Tony, “Historical ecology: LSU’s electronic imaging laborato­ ry,” 438-41, 448 Princeton U., “VTLS and Princeton to create image database o f card cata­ log,” 380 “Professor bikes across America for Penn State libraries,” 315 “Proportionate probability sampling,” Hawthorn, 322-24 Publications in librarianship, “Seeks authors,” 275 Q Query, Lance, appt., 669 R “Racial & ethnic diversity: informa­ tion exchange,” Hinojosa, 156, 284 Rader, Hannelore B., letter to the ed., 515; “Named Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian” & port., 217- 18 Ragsdale, Kate W., “Planning library buildings: ten practical considera­ tions,” 318-21 Ralebipi, M. Rocky, news note, 668 Rare Books and Manuscripts Librari­ anship Award, 1993, 219; 1994, 467-68 Raschke, Susan Doughty, “Setting up a traveling reserve reference collec­ tion,” 507-8 Rasmussen, Lane, “Departmental pro­ files: a collection development aid,” 196-99 “RBML issue on descriptive catalog­ ing available,” 252-53 “Reading for fun is a novel idea,” Mayhood, 69, 73 Ready, Sandra, photos., 6, 456-57, 585 Reed Reference Publishing, news note, 592 “Re-engineering academic and re­ search libraries,” McCoy, 333-35 Regis U., “Setting up a traveling re­ serve reference collection,” 507-8 “Remote access to LC com puter files available,” 381 “Rescinding ACRL standards and guidelines,” ACRL, 340 RLG, “Architectural drawings from Columbia on videodisc,” 379-80 “RLG begins digital image access project,” 630 “Rethinking reference: smashing icons at Berkeley,” Oberg, 265-66, comment, 641-43 Retirements, 37-38, 100-101, 166, 232, 293, 352, 415, 533, 597-98, 671-72 Richardson, Sara, appt. & port., 350 Ridgeway, Trish, appt., 669-70 Riedinger, Edward A., “The electronic library network frontier in Brazil,” 255-56 Ring, Daniel F., “Searching for dar­ lings: the quest for professional sta­ tus,” 641-43 Robbins, Louise S., news note, 592 Rodrigues, Helena, appt. & port., 670 Rodriguez, Ketty, photo., 629 Rubey, Daniel, appt. & port., 593 “Rural datafication: access to the In­ ternet,” Lanier, 400, 405 Russell, Christina M., appt., 291 “Russian and American librarians meet in Moscow,” Kimmage, 257- 59 S Sabosik, Patricia E., new s note, 98 Sager, Rochelle, photos., 456-57, 585 “St. Ann Street,” Gosling, painting (photo., cover, no. 5), comment, 403 St. Jerome, Book o f hours, miniature (photo., cover, no. 7) St. Joseph’s U., “Computer literacy over the campus netw ork,” 70-73 Sam, Sherrie, “Compact shelving of circulation collections,” 11-12 1-8/ C &R L News Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1994, 466 SFSU, “Treasures of library published by San Francisco State,” 436 Saporito, D onald L., retired, 672 Saule, Mara, photo., 61 Saunders, Lavema M., “Technologists an d librarians w orking together,” 86-87 Saur (K. G.) Award for Best College & Research Libraries Article, 1993, 219-20, correction, 269; 1994, 467 Scheer, Malcolm E., retired, 101 “Scientific details o n dinosaur feet n e e d e d ,” Walker, 206 “Searching for darlings: the quest for professional status,” Ring, 641-43 “The selection an d treatm ent o f erot­ ic o r o ther controversial materials in th e university libraries,” VPI&SU, 387 “Selection o f general collection m ate­ rials for transfer to special collec­ tions,” ACRL, RBMS, 2d ed., 1994, draft, 644-47 “Setting u p a traveling reserve refer­ e n ce collection,” Raschke, 507-8 Shapiro, Beth J., “The myths sur­ rounding faculty status for librar­ ians,” 562-63 “Share your library’s new s,” C&RL news, 337, 394, 663 “Share your opinion with C&RL news readers,” 324, 380 Sharma, Ravindra N., new s note, 531 Sheehy, Carolyn, new s note & port., 98 Smith, D onald R., appt. & port., 291- 92 Smith, Jessie Carney, new s no te & port., 35 Snelson, Pamela, “Integrating tech­ nologies, converging professions,” 638, 647 “The snow y day,” Keats, collage (photo., cover, no. 1) SAA, “ALA-SAA joint statem ent o n ac­ cess to original research materials,” 1994, draft, 648-49 Sorgen, H erbert J., retired, 533 Southern Methodist U., “C om puter ethics statem ent,” 331-32 Southern Pacific booklet cover, Bull (photo., cover, no. 9) Spicer, Orlin C., deceased, 672 “Springer journal preview service,” 317 Springer-Verlag, “Springer journal pre­ view service,” 317 Stabler, Karen, “Reading for fun is a novel idea,” 69, 73 “Standardizing form and genre term s,” 548 “Standards for ethical conduct for rare book, m anuscript, and special collections librarians, with guide­ lines for institutional practice in support o f th e standards, 2d edi­ tion, 1992,” ACRL, 207-15 “Stanford com pletes RECON,” 124 “Stanford gets new m edia center,” 630 SUNY, Binghamton, “Optical scan­ ning in an academic library” (53:698-701), com m ent & response, 205 SUNY, U. at Albany, “Library student assistant w ins $500,” 435 Stelk, Roger E., “D epartm ental p ro ­ files: a collection developm ent aid,” 196-99 Still, Julie, “Integrating Internet into reference: policy issues,” 139-40 Stormes, Sheridan, “Butler freshmen h u n t for library treasure,” 382-83 Stueart, Robert D., ap p t & port., 593 “Subscription rate reduction p lan,” G ordon & Breach, 123 “Successfully moving the library— temporarily,” Meitzer, 557-60 Suozzi, Patricia, appt. & port., 350-51 Swinney, Victoria K., “Interactive vid­ eo at Cameron University Library,” 81-82 T “Take charge o f th e future n o w ,” Euster, 89-90 “Talk to the ACRL Board in New Or­ leans,” 315 “Task Force o n Intellectual Freedom w ants your opinions,” ACRL, 316 “A teacup idea: the research retreat,” Wright, 83-85 “Technologists and librarians w ork­ ing together,” Saunders, 86-87 Terwilliger, Gloria, “Mariott and Ter- williger get com m unity college aw ards,” 218-19 “Thanks from a 1993 aw ard w inner,” Rader, 515 Thiele, Judith, deceased, 478 Thomas, David L., deceased, 478 Thomas, Martha Lou, deceased, l6 6 T hom pson, Ronelle K. H., new s note & port., 98-99 Thornton, Linda, new s note, 476 Tiefel, Virginia, new s note, 290 “The tim e to lead,” ACRL, 204, 206 Toomer, Clarence, appt. & port., 670 “Top priorities for ACRL— FY1994,” 459 “The transformation potential of net­ w orked information,” Henry, 512- 13 “Transformational potential of net­ w orked information,” Alldredge, 18 “Treasures of library published by San Francisco State,” 436 T rennepohl, Karen, appt., 231 “Triangle Research Libraries mount online catalog,” 627 Tulis, Susan E., new s note, 414 U “ULS in New Orleans— preferred fu­ tures for librarians,” Munroe, 455 U.K., “Beyond Bitnet: Telnetting to th e United Kingdom,” 134-36 USDE, “O perate an ERIC clearing­ h o u se ,” 28 USIA, “15 overseas opportunities avail­ able,” 1993-94 (& photo., 1992-93), 61; 1994-95 (& photo., 1993-94), 629 U. o f Ala., “Planning library build­ ings: ten practical considerations,” 318-21 UC, Berkeley, “Class of ’84 gives gift to library,” 195; “Successfully mov­ ing the library—tem porarily,” 557- 60 UC, “Get new s from UC cam puses and labs,” 379 UCLA, Olympic Games 1984 poster, 624 (photo., cover, no. 11) UC, Riverside, “Using CAI to teach li­ brary skills,” 75-78 UC, Santa Barbara, “KSU and UCSB use Z39.50 from NOTIS,” 251; “Marketing the library: the library m edia fair,” 502-4, 511 UC, Denver, “About the cover” (53:690) (photo., cover, no. 10), comment, 87 U. o f H ouston, Book o f hours, St. Je­ rom e, miniature (photo., cover, no. 7) U. of Idaho, “Evaluating the library BI program ,” 13-16 UI, U-C, “D ad’s Association,” 59; “The Electric undergrad: an interac­ tive library program ,” 398-99; “Li­ brary faculty vote to merge depart­ m ents,” 435; “Logo design n eed ed for library school,” 547-48 U. of Kan., “Lost in the library? Stop floundering—follow th e fish,” 384- 85 U. o f Manitoba, “Parents’ Fund,” 59 “University of Manitoba inaugurates ZIPDOC,” 436 U. o f Mich., Ann Arbor, “National Li­ brary W eek at w ork,” 62-63 “Univ of Minn, scores at football gam e,” 627 U. o f Miss., “Com pact shelving o f cir­ culating collections,” 11-12 “UNC students vote tax to support li­ braries,” 251 UND, “Award encourages student use of primary materials,” 6 U. o f Or., “ ‘Electronic library’ course,” 380, correction, 515 “Univ. o f O regon o n th e m ove,” 187 U. of Pa., “Class gifts bolster P en n ’s renovations,” 548 U. of Pittsburgh, “Book Center and li­ brary team u p ,” 627 “Univ. of South Alabama celebrates NLW,” 379 U. of S. C., “W here d o I go from here?” 79-80 U. of Southern Miss., “About th e cov­ er,” 2 U. of Tenn., Knoxville, “Library gets check-off box o n student fees cards,” 435-36 U. o f Toronto, Leab Award, 220 U. of Va., “Making every new hire count,” 317; new s note, 435 U. o f Wa., H u n tin g f o r Gold, cover (photo., cover, no. 8) “U. o f W aterloo adds electronic refer­ ence service,” 251 “Univ. o f Wyoming endow m ent for librarianship and libraries,” 381 Urice, Stephen K., appt. & port., 231 “Using CAI to teach library skills,” Cooper, 75-78 “Utah universities share collections,” 548-49 V Vazakas, Susan, “Celebrating libraries (and hum or) every day,” 67, com­ ment, 206 Va. Com m onw ealth U., “Celebrates one-millionth volum e,” 191; “Col­ lecting b o o k art,” 190-92 (photo., cover, no. 4); Icarus, collage (p h o ­ to., cover, no. 4); new s note, 435 “Virginia libraries share electronic texts,” 435 Va. Polytechnic Inst. & State U., “De­ partm ental profiles: a collection d e­ velopm ent aid,” 196-99; new s note, 435; “The selection and treatm ent o f erotic o r o th er controversial m a­ terials in the university libraries,” 387; “Virginia Tech sets policy on controversial materials,” 386-88, 394 “Virginia Tech sets policy o n contro­ versial materials,” Metz, 386-88, 394 Index to volume 54, 1993 / I-9 “Virginia’s academic libraries cooper­ ate,” 547 “VTLS and Princeton to create image database o f card catalog,” 380 W Walch, David B., “Inflation, budget cuts, and faculty needs,” 125; pho­ to., 144 Walker, Steve, letter to the ed., 206 Wallace, Linda K., “National Library Week: ‘Libraries change lives,’ ” 64-65 Wand, Patricia A., “Launching the na­ tional information infrastructure,” 550 Warnken, Paula N., appt., 164 “W ashington hotline,” Henderson, 29, 91, 154, 221, 282, 342 & 348, 404-5, 469 & 471, 527, 565 & 591, 660 The way I see it, 89-90, 333-37, 562- 63, 641-63 The way I see it ( ’’Bibliographic in­ struction or research?” McKinzie, 336-37; “The myths surrounding faculty status for librarians,” Shapi­ ro, 562-63; “Re-engineering aca­ demic and research libraries,” McCoy, 333-35, “Searching for dar­ lings,” Ring, 641-43; “Take charge of the future now ,” Euster, 89-90) Weimer, Sally, new s note, 349 W estern Ky. U., “A teacup idea: the research retreat,” 83-85 Whaley, John H., Jr., “Collecting book art,” 190-92 (photo., cover, no. 4) “What needs fixing at ALA?” ALA, SSC, 5-6 “W hen worlds combine: Indiana Uni­ versity’s INforum,” Hess, 514-15 “Where do I go from here?” Kinder, 70-80 W idener U., “Integrating Internet into reference: policy issues,” 139-40 Wilding, Thomas, appt., 670 Willett, Perry, “Optical scanning in an academic library” (53:698-701), comment & response, 205 Wilson (H. W.) Co., John Cotton Dana Public Relations Award, 1993, 524-26 Winkels, Dale, retired, 672 “Winning ways: how to get class gifts for your library,” Davis, 194-95, comments, 335, 403 Wittenborg, Karin, appt., 477, 670 Wittkopf, Barbara J., photos., 456-57, 585 “W omen’s archivist position endow ed at Duke,” 315 W omen’s History Month, poster, 124 Woo, Lisa, retired, 672 Wood, Gail, appt., 36 W oodson, Dorothy, new s note, 476 “W ooster revives Mummers’ Play,” 630 Wright, Joyce C., “The Electric under­ grad: an interactive library pro­ gram,” 398-99 Wright, Kathryn S., deceased, 38 Wright, Lynda Wornom, appt., 99 Wright, Peggy, “A teacup idea: the re­ search retreat,” 83-85 “Wright State outsources cataloging,” 627-28 X, Y , Z Xavier U., “Focus on focus groups,” 391-94 Yaple, Henry, letter to the ed., 335 Yelton, Donald Charles, deceased, 353 “You can judge a magazine by its cover,” Davis, 403 Young, Margo, new s note, 592 Young, Vicki, “Focus on focus groups,” 391-94 Yuan, Weijing, “Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship aw arded” & port., 217 Zemsky, Robert, port., 451