ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 2 / C&RL News branch systems. A Special Collections Endow­ ment was also established with $343,000 from the sale of duplicate books from the libraries’ natural history collections to support special collections purchases. The Universidad Adventista de las Antillas in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, has b een aw arded $49,964 from the U.S. Department of Educa­ tion College Library Technology and Grants Program for its Networking and Communica­ tion Project to join UPRENET (the University of Puerto Rico Educational Network), SOLINET/ OCLC, and to create machine-readable records for its retrospective conversion project. The University of C alifornia-Stanford Li­ brary Consortium has received $97,000 from the D epartm ent of Education to acquire, catalog, and make available microfilm backfiles of nine rarely held new spapers from Tokyo, Taipei, Seoul, Shanghai, and Canton. The funds, which w ere provided through the Title VI-funded For­ eign Periodical Program, will be divided b e­ tw een Berkeley, Los Angeles, and San Diego cam pus libraries. The Mortenson Center fo r International Library Programs at the U n iversity o f Illin o is at Urbana-Champaign has received $146,551 from the Getty Grant program to support a two- year program of visits by art librarians from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to the library. The program, which started in August 1993, is intended to give the visitors a broad know ledge of and exposure to the theory and practice of librarianship in America. Visitors also will learn to use the advanced tools and tech­ nologies that increasingly are shaping libraries and library service throughout the world. The entire stay for each participant will range from four to six m onths each. The U niversity o f M a n ito b a Libraries received two grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for the pur­ chase of library materials. The Albert D. Cohen M anagement Library received $8,000 to pur­ chase materials to strengthen its organizational behavior collection. A $10,000 grant will be used by the Elizabeth Dafoe Library for the purchase o f materials in the area o f native studies. Mi­ croform sets consisting of back runs o f serials and original docum ents for the study of ab­ original history and culture will be acquired. The U niversity o f N orth D a k o ta , G ran d Forks, has received a grant from the Norwe­ gian Emigration Fund of 1975. The fund was established by the Norw egian Parliament in 1975 as part of the observation o f the 150th a n n i v e r s a r y o f o r g a n i z e d N o r w e g ia n em igration to the United States. The grant of 15,000 kroner will support acquisition of con­ tem porary and antiquarian materials in Norway on subjects dealing with Norwegian emigration history and relations betw een the United States and Norway. The University of Oregon (UO) Library, Eugene, has received a grant o f $768,500 from the Meyer Memorial Trust o f Portland to team with four regional college libraries to provide improved library services. More than two-thirds o f the grant will be used to upgrade the Knight Library’s Technical Services Center to support a m erged database containing bibliographic records of materials in all formats from the par­ ticipating libraries. Residents throughout the state will gain access to the UO library’s two million volumes plus the 6.50,000 volumes held by the regional colleges. The union catalog should be in operation by the sum m er o f 1994. The University o f Tennessee, K n oxville, Libraries have received $122,298 from the U.S. D epartm ent of Education to aid the creation of library-supported scholar’s workstations to pro­ vide convenient, timely user access to informa­ tion in or near the scholar’s workplace. Four workstations will be installed in cam pus loca­ tions w here students an d faculty engage in study of the environmental sciences. They will serve as a prototype o f an electronic version of a branch library. The grant was aw arded com ­ petitively under Title IIA of the Higher Educa­ tion Act. A c q u is itio n s The naval history collection of Robert N . Sheridan of Ronkonkoma, New York, has been acquired by the C ollege o f C h arleston ’s Rob­ ert Scott Small Library in South Carolina. Com­ prised o f m ore than 6,000 m onographs, jour­ nals, encyclopedias, an d bibliographies, the donation is focused on naval history in the 20th century, but also contains w orks on maritime Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 /3 3 history, shipbuilding, foreign policy, and mili­ tary history. The bulk o f the collection is com­ prised of British and American works including major runs of leading serials like Brassey’s Naval Annual, U.S. N aval Institute Proceedings, and J a n e ’s Fighting Ships. The library of Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel laureate in literature, has been acquired by the Judaica Collections at the Florida Atlantic U ni­ v ersity Libraries, Boca Raton. The collection includes copies of Singer’s books translated into a wide variety of languages. The acquisition also includes Singer’s desk and office furniture. The desk, which comes from Singer’s New York apartment, is the one at which all of his major novels were written. The papers o f A tlan ta hum an an d civil rights activist Frances Freeborn Pauley have been acquired by the Robert W. W oodruff Li­ brary of E m ory U niversity, Atlanta. Pauley’s papers include correspondence, diaries, orga­ nizational records, clippings, and memorabilia from her years as a resident o f DeKalb County. During the depression Pauley becam e a social activist, doing volunteer w ork for her church- sponsored clinic and developing a program to provide h ot lunches to all DeKalb County schools. In the 1940s she becam e active in the DeKalb County League of W omen Voters and in the late 1950s helped establish biracial dis­ cussion groups with the Fund for Adult Educa­ tion. From 1968-73, she w orked for the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The papers date from 1919 to 1992. The personal an d professional archives of Leonard Bernstein have been acquired by the Library o f C ongress. The archives include more than 200 hours of film and video pro­ grams and 1,000 hours of recorded sound. The collection also comprises unpublished musical sketches and lyrics, lecture manuscripts, pro­ grams, business records, photographs, and per­ sonal papers including correspondence with major figures in the world of arts and letters. These materials will join others that Bernstein donated to the library during his lifetime. The library will work with the Bernstein family foun­ dation, Springate, to convert significant portions of the collection to a digital format for the wid­ est possible availability. The archives will be housed in the Music and Motion Picture, Broad­ casting, and Recorded Sound divisions of the library. The Robert Creeley Archive has been ac­ quired by the Libraries o f Stanford U niver­ sity, marking the university’s six-millionth ac­ quisition. Robert Creeley is a major presence in contemporary American arts and letters, and his archive is one of the largest and richest in the second half of this century. Known mainly as a poet, Creeley has published 30 volumes of verse since 1952, and his poetic works are now available in Collected (1982) as well as Selected (1991) editions from the University of Califor­ nia Press. The archive features Creeley’s w ork­ ing papers, notebooks, typescripts, and other materials underlying his career as poet, critic, editor, and artistic collaborator. Also included are some 20,000 personal letters, including cor­ respondence with writers such as Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams. The papers, books, and correspondence of science fiction author, editor, screenwriter, and producer George R. R. Martin have been acquired by the Special Collections, Manuscripts, and Archives D epartm ent o f the Sterling C. Evans Library at T exas A&M U niversity, Col­ lege Station. The collection contains all the first editions of Martin’s books as well as nearly all know n subsequent editions, reprints, and trans­ lations. N um erous drafts, scripts, p ro d u cer’s notebooks, and videotapes are also included from Martin’s w ork on the new Twilight Zone, the TV series Beauty a n d the Beast, and other projects. The Sterling C. Evans Library is hom e to one of the largest institutional collections of science fiction materials in the country. O v e r 1 ,0 9 0 reels o f the N a tio n a l Diet Library Meiji Era Books Microfilm Collection have been acquired by the U niversity o f Colo­ rado at Boulder Libraries’ East Asiatic Library. The microfilm contains religious and literature holdings covering Buddhism, Japanese litera­ ture, novels of the Edo period, m odern Japa­ nese novels, and essays and diaries. Like the Library of Congress, the National Diet Library is charged with maintaining a comprehensive collection of materials published in Japan. The library holds the most complete collection of materials published during the Meiji Era, a time o f trem endous literary creativity and scholarly productivity, and central to the modernization of Japan. ■