ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 404 /C&RL News ■ June 19 9 8 I n t h e Partnering with other organizations and as­ sociations of higher education is an important goal in ACRL’s strategic plan. In this issue, Althea Jenkins, Laverne Simoneaux, and Bill Miller share information about ACRL’s work toward this goal with their respective reports on the meetings of the Coalition for Networked Infor­ mation (CNI) and the American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) (page 420). At CNI, Miller reports that the keynote speaker em phasized how vast an array of information w e are creating (Dialog’s data­ bases contain 9.2 terabytes and the Library of Congress contains 20 terabytes worth of books— 3,000 w hen graphics are included), and how it is more important than ever to attempt to organize it since the average h u ­ man has a memory of about 200 m egabytes and can take in about two gigabytes of in­ formation during a lifetime. Librarians have an important role to play in helping people organize and use this vast and ever-growing array of information. Partnering is also important on our ow n cam puses. David Nutty relates the story of how George Washington University’s library and com puter center team ed up to quickly turn an u n d e ru s e d re ad in g room in the library's basem ent into an inviting com puter lab with 24-hour access to respond to an important cam pus need (page 414). Mark McManus also urges librarians to becom e partners in developing distance e d u ­ ca tio n c o u rse s in “N eith er P a n d o ra n o r Cassandra" (page 432). He fears if we d o n ’t becom e involved, large conglom erates could easily dom inate the distance education field, with students paying $20 per course to the university and $400 to a com pany like Time- Warner. Finally, have fun planning your next va­ cation with the help of the myriad Web sites related to travel that are listed in this m onth’s “Internet Resources” column (page 427). — Mary Ellen K. Davis Editor-in-chief,