ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 5 0 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg NRMM records o n lin e All of the early National Register of Microform Masters (NRMM) reports are now available online through OCLC and RLIN. This com­ pletes a ten-year project by the Association of Research Libraries (ARE) and the Library of Congress to convert the NRMM bibliographic reports printed between 1965 and 1983 to machine readable form. These online records describe 536,784 monographs in Roman lan­ guages, 12,953 monographs in non-Roman languages, 7,083 musical scores, and 22,736 serials. Providing online access to the reports should make it easier to locate microform-use copies or to avoid duplicate filming, if a title has already been filmed. For more information about the online records or obtaining copies of the microforms, see the ARL Web site at preserv/nrmm. html. D isa ste r m itig a tio n a ssista n ce The Eisenhower Library Preservation Depart­ ment at Johns Hopkins University, with help from the Conservation Center for Art and His­ toric Artifacts (CCAHA), the Preservation De­ partment at the Smithsonian Libraries, and the Preservation Directorate at the Library of Con­ gress, has mounted a Disaster Mitigation Plan­ ning Web site. The site includes sample plans and lists of what is needed to cope with both big and small disasters plus searchable lists of services, supplies, and expert assistance. It is possible to search online for specific services (e.g., freezer facilities or photograph conser­ vators) and limit by location (city and state). Many of the resources included are located in the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area, but suppliers in other regions are also represented. The URL is B ib lio g ra p h y a b o u t clim a te con trol Richard Kerschner, chief conservator at the Shelburne Museum in Vermont, and Jennifer Baker, private conservator, have compiled a bibliography of books and articles about prac­ tical alternative strategies for climate control. The approximately 50 sources in the bibliog­ raphy focus on simple, low-cost methods for improving collections environments by modi­ fying heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and other building condi­ tions. Although the emphasis is on museum collections located in historic buildings, there are sources listed that might be useful for li­ braries and archives. The URL for the bibliography, mounted on the CoOL (Conservation OnLine) Web site, is h t t p : / / p a lim p s e s t.s ta n f o r d .e d u /b y a u th / kerschner/ccbiblio.html. NYU m o u n ts b in d in g s e x h ib it The Fales Library of New York University has mounted a virtual exhibit of paper book bind­ ings on the Web. The exhibit includes images of both soft- and hardcover paper bindings. It was mounted to accompany the spring 1998 Barbara Goldsmith Preservation Lecture—“The Enduring Legacy of Paper Bindings: Historical Review and Preservation Concerns”—given by Michele Cloonan on April 30. The URL is bobst/research/preserv/lecture/paper. html. NEH fu n d s fie ld se rvice a c tiv itie s The Division of Preservation and Access of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has granted funds for field service ac­ tivities to both the Northeast Document Con­ servation Center (NEDCC) and the Conserva­ tion Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA). NEDCC received $611,200 to sup­ port conferences and workshops, preservation planning surveys, distribution of preservation information, disaster preparedness planning, and disaster assistance. CCAHA received funds to continue support of their preservation plan­ ning surveys program. For more information about NEDCC’s ac­ tiv itie s, se e th e ir Web site at h t t p : / / And for more information about CCAHA’s activities, see their Web site at Jane Hedberg prepares this colum n f o r th e College Libraries C o m m itte e , C o m m issio n o n P re s e rv a tio n a n d Access. S ubm issions m ay be m a d e t o Jane H e d b e rg , W e lle s le y College; JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU; fax: (781) 283-3690 mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU C&RL News ■ June 1 9 9 8 / 4 5 1 CHOICE’S Outstanding Academic Books, 1992-1997: Reviews of Scholarly Titles that Every Library Should O wn Rebecca A. Bartlett, editor This essential volume brings together reviews of the more than 3,000 titles singled out in the last five years by CHOICE Magazine for its prestigious Outstanding Academic Books award. Distinguished for their excellence in scholarship, relevance, and original­ ity, the titles included in this discipline-based collection should be accessible to every undergraduate student. An essential resource for all librarians and faculty involved with collection development. Casebound. List price: $85.00; member price: $68.00; ISBN 0-8389-7929-7 Academic Library Centrality: User Success Through Service, Access, and Tradition: Publications in Librarianship No. 50 Deborah J. Grimes Libraries are at the heart of institutions of higher learning—or are they? This new volume in ACRL’s Publications in Librarianship series examines this commonly accepted metaphor. Through an analysis of organizational theory and on the basis of interviews with a cohort of major leaders in higher education to learn what their expectations are for the role of the academic library, the author brings new insights into criteria for academic libraries to help users achieve success. List price: $30.00; member price $25.00; ISBN 0-8389-7950-5 Designs for Active Learning: A Sourcebook of Classroom Strategies for Information Education Gail Gradowski, Loanne Snavely, and Paula Dempsey, editors A total of 54 designs for successful active learning strategies for library instruction in the classroom, covering five areas, Basic Library Instruction, Searching Indexes and Online Catalogs, Search Strategies for the Research Process, Evaluation of Library Resources, and Discipline-Oriented Instruction. Also included is a computer disk with the forms, handouts and leaching aids which can be replicated for use in the classroom and used as guides for designing activities that are appropriate to a local setting. Each includes a description of the activity or strategy, the context in which it is used, handouts and other classroom materials, and classroom time required, plus the name and institutional address of the person who developed the model. Useful for any librarian involved in instruction from the high school to the college and research level. List price: $35.00; member price: $30.00; ISBN 0-8389-7946-7 To W rite: ALA Order Fulfillment, 155 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606 Order Call: 800-545-2433, (press 7) Fax: 312-836-9958