ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ June 1 9 9 8 / 4 6 3 C L A S S I F I E D Career opportunities fro m across the country D e a d lin e s : O rd e rs fo r re g u la r c la s s ifie d a d v e rtis e m e n ts m ust reach the A C R L o ffice on o r be fo re the se co n d of the m onth p re ce d in g p u b lica tio n of the issu e (e.g., S e p te m b e r 2 fo r the O c to b e r issu e). S h o u ld th is d a te fall on a w e e ke n d or ho lida y, ads w ill be a c c e p te d on the next b u s in e s s day. Late jo b listin g s w ill be a cce p te d on a sp a c e -a v a ila b le basis a fte r the se co n d of the m onth. R ates: C la ssifie d a d v e rtis e m e n ts are $ 8 .7 5 p e r line fo r in s titu tio n s th a t are A C R L m e m b ers, $ 1 0 .7 5 fo r others. Late jo b n o tice s are $ 2 0 .5 0 p e r line fo r in s titu tio n s th a t are A C R L m e m b e rs, $ 2 4 .9 5 fo r o th ers. O rg a n iz a tio n s s u b m it­ ting ads w ill be c h a rg e d a c c o rd in g to th e ir m e m b e rsh ip status. D isp la y ad rates range from $ 3 95 to $ 7 45 based upon size. P le ase call fo r size s and rates. G u id e lin e s : F or ads th a t list an a p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e , we su g g e st th a t da te be no so o n e r tha n the 20th da y of the m onth in w h ich the notice a p p e a rs (e.g., O c to b e r 20 fo r the O c to b e r issu e). All jo b a n n o u n c e m e n ts sho u ld in clu d e a sa la ry range p e r p o licy of the A m e rica n L ib ra ry A s s o c ia tio n (A LA ). Jo b a n n o u n c e m e n ts w ill be e d ite d to e x c lu d e d is ­ c rim in a to ry re fe re n ce s. A p p lic a n ts sho u ld be a w a re th a t the te rm s fa c u lty rank and status va ry in m e a n in g am o ng institu tion s. In te rn e t: C&RL News c la s s ifie d ads are a c c e s s ib le on the W orld W ide W e b at h ttp ://w w w .a la .o rg /a c rl/c & rln e w 2 .h tm l. A ds w ill be pla ce d a p p ro x im a te ly 2 -3 w e e ks be fo re the prin te d ed itio n of C&RL News is p u b lish e d . C o n ta c t: J a ck H elbig, C la s s ifie d A d v e rtis in g M anager, C&RL News C la ssifie d A d v e rtis in g D e p a rtm e n t, A C R L, A m e rica n L ib ra ry A ss o c ia tio n , 50 E. H uron St., C h ica g o , IL 60611 -27 95 ; (312) 2 8 0 -2 5 1 3 ; fax: (312) 2 8 0 -7 6 6 3 or (312) 2 8 0 -2 5 2 0 ; e -m a il: jh e lb ig @ a la .o rg . P o licy: A L A p o licy re q u ire s th a t o rg a n iz a tio n s re cru itin g th ro u g h A L A p u b lic a tio n s or p la c e m e n t s e rv ic e s co m p ly w ith A L A a n ti-d is c rim in a tio n p o licie s. P olicy 54 .3 sta te s th a t “ A L A is c o m m itte d to e q u a lity o f o p p o rtu n ity fo r all lib ra ry e m p lo y e e s or a p p lic a n ts fo r e m p lo ym e n t, re g a rd ­ less of race, color, creed, sex, age, p h ysica l or m ental h a n d ica p, in d ivid u a l life -style , o r n a tio n a l o rig in .” By a d v e r­ tisin g th ro u g h A LA se rvice s, the o rg a n iz a tio n a g re e s to co m p ly w ith th is policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD USED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi­ neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more informa­ tion please contact: Collier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Powell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland, OR 97209; phone: (800) 2 2 5 -6 9 1 1 ; fax: (503) 2 2 8 -0 5 0 5 ; e -m a il to: kirsten@ . BOOKS AVAILABLE BOOKS AVAILABLE. For donation to an educational institution in the United States that qualifies for the charitable deduction under Internal Revenue Code section 2055, Limited Edition Club fiction classics published from 1931 to 1979, approximately 550 volumes, valued at $45,000. The collection is from an estate where the will includes a stipulation that the books are to be retained as an intact collection and not disposed of, either singly or as a collection. For a list of titles and further details please contact: Nancy Long, Librarian, Wendel Rosen Black & Dean, LLP, 1111 Broadway, Ste 2400, Oakland, CA 94607; (510) 834-6600; nlong@ POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS/SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Chowan College, a four- year liberal arts institution, is still seeking an Acquisitions/Serials Librarian in Whitaker Library. Responsibilities include selection and acquisition of library materials, binding, inventory, weeding, and maintenance of special collections. Assist with bringing up new acquisitions/serials modules in library’s automated system. Super­ vise one assistant. Rotate nights/weekends in reference. 12-month position. Minimum of ALA-accredited MLS required. Creative thinker/ interpersonal skills a plus. Experience in acquisitions/serials areas, supervising, and use of an automated library system, and a strong electronic resource orientation preferred. Must be compatible with the basic mission of a church-related college. Competitive salary and rank commensurate with degree and experience. Closing date for applications: June 15,1998, or until filled. Position available immedi­ ately. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and at least three letters of reference to: Acting Head Librarian, Whitaker Library, Chowan College, P.O. Box 1848, Murfreesboro, NC 27855. Visit our Website at EOE. DIGITAL RESOURCES LIBRARIAN Calvin College Calvin C ollege seeks applicants for a Digital Resources Librarian for the Calvin Library. This position is responsible for creating, im plem ent­ ing, and m anaging the Hekman Digital Library and for assisting users in the use of digital and traditional library resources. Q ualifications include a m inim um of an MLS de­ gree; two to four years of academ ic library expe­ rience; a Reformed Christian point of view; excel­ lent com m unication and organizational skills; cre­ ativity, flexibility, and adaptability, with a high degree of self-m otivation; dem onstrated com pe­ tency with m icrocom puter technology and soft­ ware; fam iliarity with client-server technology; reference experience (traditional and Internet); experience with W eb page design; dem onstrated ability to teach and train. Send resum es to: Human Resources Calvin College 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Deadline is June 12,1 9 98 . ANASTOS BYZANTINE STUDIES COLLECTION LIBRARIAN. The University Libraries of Notre Dame seek a librarian to develop, maintain, and provide access to the libraries’ recently acquired Anastos Collection in Byzantine Studies. With over 40,000 items, the collection is the product of over a half-century of collecting by the late Milton Anastos, renowned Byzantinist, and has strengths in classical and early Christian studies as well as Byzantine studies and material 464 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Instructor or Assistant Professor) The City College Library seeks a service-oriented, inno­ vative and enthusiastic science reference librarian able to work effectively in a demanding environment assisting Science/Engineering Library users, providing reference assistance to undergraduates, graduate and doctoral students, and full and part time faculty; collection devel­ opment; bibliographic instruction, database searching, and teaching the use of the Internet; and supervision, training and scheduling of hourly employees. Scheduling may include up to two evenings per week. ALA-accredited M.L.S required for appointment as Instructor and a graduate degree in Physical or Biological Sciences or Engineering required for Assistant Professor. 2-3 years of relevant academic library experi­ ence, prior supervisory experience. Undergraduate degree in Science or Engineering preferred. A strong commitment to working with a wide spectrum of patrons in an urban, mulitcultural environment and a flexible approach are essential. Salary and rank commensurate with qualifications and experience. Tenure track position. Instructor: $27,454- $44,190. Assistant Professor: $29,931-$52,213. Appointment effective 9/1/98. Application deadline June 19, 1998. Applicants should submit a current vita and the names of three references to: Prof. Pamela Gillespie, Chief Librarian THE CITY COLLEGE OF CUNY Convent Avenue, at 138th St. New York, NY 10031 An AA/EO Employer M/F/D/V The City College of New York offers a rich program of undergraduate and graduate study through its College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, along with professional schools in Engineering, Medicine, Education and Architecture. For more information, please visit our web­ site at relating to the western Middle Ages. With Notre Dame’s excellent Medieval Studies Collection, the Anastos Collection is expected to be an outstanding resource for scholarship. The Anastos librarian will be a key player in achieving this goal by building the collection and by providing multifaceted access, employing features of the libraries’ integrated system, network applications, and appropriate metadata schemes. Will also be responsible for instruction and advanced reference and research assistance in relevant subjects. Will work with the Library Advancement Officer in seeking donor and grant funds, and with the Head of the Preservation Department in preserving the collection. Will supervise staff assigned to the Anastos Collection. Qualifications: Graduate degree in library science from an ALA- accredited school or a documented foreign equivalent and a strong academic background in relevant fields required, with additional graduate degree in classical, early Christian, or Byzantine studies highly desirable. Strong working knowledge of Greek and at least one modern W estern European language, preferably German and/or Italian, is required. Ability in Latin also desirable. Cataloging experi­ ence required, with experience in the use of a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC, and with an integrated library system in a Windows environment highly desirable. Experience in collection development highly desirable. Strong oral and written communication skills, orga­ nizational skills, and proven ability to work well with colleagues, and to supervise effectively essential. An innovative and flexible indi­ vidual is wanted. Faculty appointment. Minimum salary $40,000, with ASSISTANT CURATOR Administers daily operations of our Theatre Collection, including public ser­ vice, access, technical services, training and supervision. Catalogs non-archival materials and monitors preservation prac­ tices. Identifies models of service and pro­ cessing which integrate information and multi-media technology. Develops and maintains related Web page. Conducts tours; assists w ith collection develop­ ment, public relations and public pro­ grams. ALA accredited MLS and degree in the­ atre, film or related subject. Command of library networks, autom ation systems and databases; on-line searching and cata­ loging utilities (RLIN and OCLC). D em onstrated experience w ith HTML and SGML and the developm ent and m anagem ent of a Web Homepage. Supervisory and training experience. Substantial experience or training in the management of book and non-book mate­ rials. Starting salary $40,679, excellent benefits and 3 weeks vacation. Please send resume to: The New York Public Library, Human Resources, Dept. KN-TH, 188 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10016- 4314. An Equal Opportunity Employer. competitive benefits. Send a letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three professional references to: Sharon A. Veith, Human Resource Representative, 221 Hesburgh Library, The University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Send by July 15, 1998, for assured consideration. Full position description available from inoff. Notre Dame is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. Application from minority and dis­ abled individuals encouraged. BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS LIBRARIAN. Carnegie Mellon Uni­ versity Libraries seek a Business and Economics Librarian to be liaison to the Graduate School of Industrial Administration and a member of the Hunt Library Information Center. As liaison, is ex­ pected to maintain close communication between the department and the libraries. Primary liaison responsibilities: Provides special­ ized reference, consultation, and instructional services, and man­ ages library collections and electronic resources, including creating and maintaining Web pages for these areas. In rotation with other members of the department, staffs a reference desk that primarily supports teaching and research in the humanities, social sciences and business. Librarians participate in governance and projects through various university or libraries committees as assigned or elected, are responsible for maintaining a current knowledge of librarianship, and are encouraged to participate in professional devel­ opm ent a ctivitie s. R equired: A LA -accredite d MLS; one year a ca ­ C&RL News ■ June 1998 / 465 dem ic lib ra ry re fere nce exp e rie n ce ; know ledge of business sources or academ ic background in business or econom ics; excellent interpersonal and com m unications skills; ability to work well in individual as well as team situations. Com puting skills to w ork com fortably in a high-tech environm ent. Preferred: Two or more years academ ic library experience. Advanced degree in business or econom ics; experience w orking with businesss re­ sources or w ork in a business library. For detailed job d e scriptio n/ inform ation about the libraries, see http ://w w w .lib ra u .e d u . For inform ation about C arnegie M ellon, see h ttp ://w w w .cm u .e d u . Salary negotiable from $30,000 m inim um , depending on q u a lifi­ cations and experience. C om prehensive benefits package. C re ­ dential review begins August 1, 1998. Position begins January 1, 1999. Send application letter referencing job HL 1-98, resume, and names and contact inform ation for three references to: Head, A dm inistrative Services, Hunt Library, HL 1-98, C arnegie Mellon U niversity, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890. C arnegie Mellon is an AA/EEO em ployer. CATALOG SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Assistant or Associate Profes­ sor. University Edwardsville, Library and Information Services (LIS). Responsibilities: The person in this position performs original and complex adaptive cataloging for various formats in all subject areas, according to AACR2r, LCRI, LCC, LCSH, and other relevant national standards, for the purpose of providing comprehensive and accurate Director University Library Cleveland State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the University Library. The University seeks a dynamic, imaginative, and experienced individual w ho can lead the integration of elements of Instructional Media Services, Information Services and Technology, w ith the University Library to create a transformed library - one which esteems traditional library materials while expanding its new information technology resources. CSU has made a strong com m itm ent to state-of-the-art electronic technologies, including distance learning, and it is anticipated that the Library will become the center for training and academic innovation activities on campus. T ie Director w ill be responsible for all aspects of Library operations. T ie Director w ill report to the Provost through the Vice Provost for Information Technology and Academic Innovation. M inim um qualifications include an M.L.S. degree from an ALA accred­ ited program; successful administrative experience in an academic or research library; and sound knowledge of all aspects of academic library operations, including collection development and management and security, automated systems and services, bibliographic control and management, resource sharing, academic budgeting, fundraising, and grantsmanship. Preferred qualifications include an advanced degree in an academic or professional discipline and substantial experience in the implementa­ tion of new electronic technologies in support of library services, including electronic reserves, CD-ROM, Internet resources, OhioLINK, and sim ilar consortia. The CSU Library is housed in a single, centrally-located facility. Its collections contain over 600,000 volumes, with an acquisition philoso­ phy based on “ access to information.” Cleveland State University is a large, public, comprehensive urban University serving Cleveland and the Northeast Ohio region and enrolling approximately 16,000 students in six academic colleges and a Graduate College. Cleveland is home to a rich array of public and academic library resources. The Cleveland metropolitan area approximates two million people and features a thriving business com m unity, including 21 Fortune 500 corporations, a growing “ high tech" manufacturing sector, and a strong infrastructure in support of regional economic development. The Greater Cleveland area offers an outstanding quality of life, combining the cultural and other am enities of a large city w ith a w ide choice of attractive communities in which to live. Applicants are encouraged to submit a current resume, a statement of interest and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five references to: Chair, Library Search Com m ittee, Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President, Rhodes Tower 1209, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 44115. The position will remain open until it has been filled. Salary is competitive. Cleveland State University is an AA/EOE committed to nondiscrimination. M/F/D/V encouraged. bibliographic description and subject analysis. Assigns classification numbers according to Library of Congress practice. The incumbent will have responsibility for cataloging a small number of musical scores and audiovisual materials, and performs authority work and resolves authority control problems in a DRA system. Term of contract: Tenure-track, 12-month, continuing appointment. Profes­ sional rank and salary dependent upon credentials and experience, with a minimum salary of $32,400 for Assistant Professor and $37,800 for Associate Professor. Excellent fringe benefits program. More information is available at Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; minimum of two years professional cataloging experience in academic library utilizing LCSH and LCC; experience with OCLC or similar bibliographic utility; and experience with an automated integrated library system; excellent communica­ tion and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation. Prefer incum­ bent to possess a working knowledge of USMARC bibliographic and holdings formats; experience with DRA. Applications: Review to begin July 1, 1998, and to remain open until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Jay Starratt, Dean of LIS, Lovejoy Library, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, SIUE Box 1063, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1063. As an affirmative action employer, SIUE offers equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, creed or religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability. Appli­ cations from women and minority groups are especially encouraged. CATALOGER, ONLINE PROCESSING UNIT. The University of Oklahoma. Duties: Under the direction of the Head of the Catalog Department, the Cataloger, Online Processing Unit, supervises and coordinates the monographic copy cataloging and online processing functions; assists in the maintenance of the NOTIS database; uses OCLC and RLIN to perform original cataloging of monographs in Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­ mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual AFIL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $32,600 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Verm ont $26,464 W est Virginia $22,000 W isconsin $25,830 * Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a form ula based on such variables as com parable salaries for public school teachers in each com m unity or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ tion for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. 4 6 6 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FOR THE HARVARD DEPOSITORY Harvard University ESSEN TIAL FUNC TIO NS: C hief responsibilities are the m anagem ent of the operations, system s, services, finances, custom er relations, and m arketing of the Harvard D epository (HD) to libraries, the University Archives, and its Records M anagem ent Program ; reports to the A ssociate D irector of the Harvard U niversity Library for A dm inistration and Program s. HARVARD D EPO SITO R Y: The Harvard D epository is a modern, high-density storage facility located on a six-acre site in S outhborough, M assachusetts, 40 m iles west of the C am bridge cam pus. O wned and m anaged by Harvard University, this central facility of the Harvard U niversity Library is equipped with 600,000 linear feet of shelf and other space specifically designed to accom m odate books, records, microforms, artifacts, and other media. The facility’s modern construction and innovative operation yield a high level of physical control, an ideal clim ate for all paper-based m aterials and nonprint media, and one-day or em ergency retrieval of m aterials. Visit our W eb site at h ttp ://H U L .H a rv a rd .e d u /H D /. The Assistant Director is based at the Cam bridge cam pus offices of the Harvard University Library, but spends a significant portion of tim e at the S outhborough facility. DUTIES: • O versees all HD operations and services. • A dm inisters financial operations. • S upervises a perm anent staff of 14 located at the S outhborough facility and one in C am bridge. • M arkets services and prom otes custom er relations, including preparation and planning for the m ovem ent of m aterials to and from the D epository for libraries, Archives, and the Records M anagem ent Program. • Prepares m arketing/prom otional literature and instructional m aterials relating to HD services. • W ith the A ssociate D irector develops new services in response to user needs. • W orks closely with the Records M anagem ent O fficer in the U niversity A rchives on records storage issues at HD. • S upervises delivery-van service. • M aintains sound cost accounting procedures, provides cost estim ates for potential users, and prepares annual budgets. • Prepares and distributes m onthly statem ents to HD users. • Interacts with personnel in Harvard Planning and Real Estate, Inc., and with outside contractors on the m anagem ent and m aintenance of the physical facility, including environm ental system s and building integrity. ED U C ATIO N AND EXPERIENCE: • College degree; MLS and/or MBA, preferred. • Background in library adm inistration, an understanding of the business/m arketing aspects of running a cost-recovery facility, and experience with m anaging a com plex financial organization, preferred. • Broad know ledge of and experience with autom ation and other technologies applicable to libraries and/or storage facilities. • Highly developed interpersonal skills and the capacity to w ork with tact and sensitivity within a large decentralized organization. PO SITIO N A VAILABLE: July 1, 1998. Hiring range: $58,100-$80,000. Send resum es and nam es of three references to: Barbara Graham Associate Director for Administration and Programs Harvard University Library Wadsworth House Cambridge, MA 02138 The Harvard University Library is committed to its policy of equal opportunity and affirmative action. Employment and advancement are based upon merit and ability without regard to race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran. C&RL News ■ June 1998 / 4 6 7 HEAD, RICHARD C. RUDOLPH EAST ASIAN LIBRARY UCLA Library The Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library supports the teaching and research program s of the four C enters fo r C hinese, Japanese, Korean, and Pacific Rim Studies, as well as the D epartm ent of East A sian Languages and C ultures at UCLA. The library is distinguished fo r its collections of C hinese local histories and statistical yearbooks and fo r subject collections in C hinese and Japanese fine arts, in Japanese Buddhism and religion, in C hinese, Japanese, and Korean history and literature, and in C hinese archaeology. The Head of the East Asian Library is responsible fo r creative leadership in the library, for fostering a collegial and collaborative environm ent, fo r outreach to fa culty and donors, and fo r m aintaining and forging new partnerships w ith institutes and libraries in the United S tates and Asia. S pecifically, the Head has adm inistrative responsibility fo r m anaging the hum an, financial, and space resources of the library. This includes short- and long-term planning, cooperation and coordination with library-w ide adm inistrators and m anagers, and excellent com m unication practices. R EQ UIRES: D em onstrated com petence in librarianship and adm inistration in a com plex organizational environm ent. S ubject expertise in an area of East Asian studies. Fluency in reading, w riting, and speaking either Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. A bility to com m unicate effectively in written and spoken English. F am iliarity in research trends and university teaching requirem ents in East Asian studies. T horough know ledge of academ ic library services or com parable library services and th eir relationship to research and instructional needs. Ability to form ulate, advocate, and relate library goals and program s to the fields served. C apability of w orking with various academ ic, library, and public groups and individuals. Dem onstrated com petence in financial and personnel m anagem ent. Experience in planning, setting objectives and priorities, in com m unicating, and m obilizing and organizing individuals for effective action. D E S IR AB LE : G raduate degree in an aspect of East Asian Studies. Fam iliarity with library autom ation developm ents and th e ir application to C hinese, Japanese, and Korean m aterials. S A LA R Y RANG E: $38,688-$65,472; m onthly adm inistrative stipend: $350. A nyone w ishing to be considered for this position should w rite to: Rita A. Scherrei Associate University Librarian for Personnel and Administrative Services University Research Library UCLA 11334 URL, BOX 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575 The application letter should include a com plete statem ent of qualifications, a full resum e of education and relevant experience, and the nam es of at least three persons w ho are know ledgeable about the a p p lica n t’s qualifications for this position. C andidates applying by Ju n e 1, 1998, will be given first consideration. several subjects and in a variety of languages in both book and nonbook format. Tasks include work with name, series, and subject authority control and other general assignments. This position is governed by the university’s policies for research or creative achieve­ ment and professional service as outlined by the Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of AACR2, MARC formats, LC classification and subject headings; fam iliarity with autom ated cataloging systems; biblio­ graphic knowledge of European languages. Desirable: Broad educa­ tional background; second m aster’s degree; demonstrated supervi­ sory ability; evidence of research or creative achievement; NACO experience. D eadline fo r applications: June 15,1998. Salary: $32,000. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; 33 days paid leave; short-term disability leave; university holidays; com prehensive medi­ cal protection; and group life insurance. University libraries: A m em­ ber of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the univer­ sity libraries consists of a main library and six branches. The collec­ tion contains more than 2.5 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. The libraries operates a computerized library system (NOTIS) including local holdings, subject databases, and network connections to other libraries. The University of Oklahoma Libraries is a NACO contributing library. Norman, Oklahoma, is an attractive com munity close to a major metropolitan city. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privi­ leges, responsibilities, rank of Assistant Professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references, including current supervisor, to: Donald C. Hudson, Assistant to the Dean for Administrative Service, University Libraries, University of Okla­ homa, Norman, OK 73019; phone: (405) 325-2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. COLLECTION DEVELOPM ENT/ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. St. Lawrence University invites applications and nominations for a librar­ ian to coordinate all collection development and acquisition activities at the St. Lawrence University Libraries. Reporting to the University Librarian, the successful candidate will be responsible for oversight of the library’s collection development program and for management of the Acquisitions area. He/She should be fam iliar with current 4 6 8 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 ASSISTANT VICE CHANCELLOR FOR INFORMATION SERVICES University of Wisconsin-Parkside The A ssistant Vice C hancellor for Inform ation Services reports to the Provost and provides leadership in planning and guiding the developm ent of inform ation resources and technologies throughout the university. The position supervises the Library/Learning Center, C om puter Services, N etw orking and M icrocom puting, and M edia Services and Duplicating. RESPO NSIBILITIES: 1. Assum e leadership, as cam pus Chief Inform ation O fficer, for strategic planning, im plem entation, and operational guidance of all aspects of library services, academ ic and adm inistrative com puting, networking, distance learning, and the integration of technology into the learning process. 2 .Supervise and coordinate strategic planning, funding, purchase, m aintenance and repair, and replacem ent of the hardware, softw are, and netw ork infrastructure needed to meet the inform ation needs of the university. 3. Recom m end inform ation technology budget priorities to the Provost. 4. W ork with students, faculty, and staff to maintain effective com m unication for developing key policies needed to m anage the inform ation and technology needs of the university com m unity. 5 .Serve as a resource and encourage cooperation am ong all units of the University, including the School of Business and Technology and the College of Arts and Sciences, adm inistrative and service units, faculty, staff, and students, to ensure the m ost efficient use of inform ation resources and technologies in the university com m unity. 6. Represent the University and serve as a spokesperson on matters related to inform ation technology. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: 1. A m aster of library science degree from an A LA -accredited program , and a record of successful service in an academ ic library. 2. E xcellent hum an relations skills, including dem onstrated skills in encouraging cooperation am ong diverse units. 3. Broad technical know ledge of com puting and telecom m unications and a record of successful m anagem ent in those areas. 4. Significant professional experience in m anaging inform ation services, resources, and technologies, preferably in a higher-education setting; for exam ple, im plem enting and expanding student inform a­ tion system s or providing inform ation and course w ork over the W W W . 5. D em onstrated decision-m aking ability, com bined with evidence of written and oral com m unication skills. 6. U nderstanding of the m ission of a com prehensive university in a dynam ic urban setting. Salary range is $70,000-$90,000, depending on qualifications and experience. The U niversity of W isconsin-P arkside is located on 700 acres of w oodland and prairie in the heart of the M ilw aukee-C hicago corridor of southeast W isconsin, between Racine and Kenosha, near Lake Michigan. The university enrolls 4,500 students and grants bachelor's and selected m aster's degrees. Its fundam ental com m itm ent is to the region it serves; and it seeks to im plem ent that com m itm ent through program s and faculty of regional and national reputation. S end le tte r of a p p lic a tio n , resum e, and the nam es, a d d re s s e s , and pho n e n u m b e rs of th re e re fe re n c e s to: John M. Ostheimer, Provost University of Wisconsin-Parkside Kenosha, Wl 53141-2000 phone: (414) 595-2261 fax: (414) 595-2630 e-mail: Review of applications began April 2 0 ,1 9 9 8 . Position begins A ugust 1,1998 or as soon thereafter as possible. Inform ation about U W -Parkside is available on our W eb page at: h ttp://w w w .uw The University of Wisconsin-Parkside celebrates diversity by actively encouraging the inclusion and participation of individuals with different ideas and perspectives. To that end, the university is searching for minorities, women, Vietnam-era veterans, and disabled persons who are interested and available. C&RL News ■ June 1998 / 4 6 9 SERIALS CATALOGER (Search Reopened and Modified) University of California, Irvine The C atalog D epartm ent of the U niversity of C alifornia, Irvine, Libraries is seeking a Serials C ataloger to perform original and com plex copy cataloging for all types of serials, including cataloging electronic publications. The incum ­ bent follows current national standards for bib­ liographic description, authority work, and sub­ je ct analysis, and ensures that quality biblio­ graphic records are created through O C LC to be included in the local O PAC (A N TPAC ) and UC system w ide (M ELVYL) databases. The salary will be com m ensurate with qualifications and experience within a range of $31,656- $40,512 (A ssistant Librarian l-A ssociate Li­ brarian II). Benefits are equal to approxim ately 40 percent of salary. The libraries’ collection, supported by a m ateri­ als budget of $4.25 million, consists of approxi­ mately two million volum es and 19,000 current serials titles, as well as substantial m icroform and governm ent publication collections. The C atalog D epartm ent utilizes O C LC and Inno­ vative Interfaces, Inc., to catalog approxim ately 30,000 titles annually for the Main, Science, and M edical C enter Libraries. O ne of nine U niversity of C alifornia cam puses, the U niversity of C alifornia, Irvine, is nestled in 1,489 acres of coastal foothills, five m iles from the Pacific Ocean, between San Diego and Los Angeles. The full position description and inform ation about the library and the university are a vail­ able at, or re­ quest a copy by e-m ail to kaufm an @ or by fax to (949) 824-1288. A pplications re­ ceived by July 3 1 ,1 9 9 8 will receive first con­ sideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. The University of California, Irvine, is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity. licensing issues involving electronic resources and knowledgeable about automated acquisitions systems. The Collection Development Librarian will be expected to participate in the library’s public service activities as well as serve as a liaison to selected academic depart­ ments. This is a 12-month appointment, with one m onth’s vacation; faculty status. Salary from the low $30s, commensurate with qualifi­ cations and experience. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; demon­ strated academic library experience, including collection develop­ ment and acquisitions; knowledge of automated systems for technical services and especially acquisitions; knowledge of OCLC systems and microcomputer applications; excellent supervisory, interpersonal, and com munication skills. Preferred: Experience with Innovative Interfaces, Inc., automated system; experience in working with ven­ dors and consortia regarding licensing and networking of electronic resources; knowledge of scholarly publishing; additional subject master’s desirable. Application review will begin July 15, 1998. Send letter of application, resume, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Bart Harloe, University Librarian, Owen D. Young Library, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. St. Lawrence University, chartered in 1856, is the oldest continuously coeduca­ tional institution of higher learning in New York State. An indepen­ dent, private university firmly committed to undergraduate liberal arts education and cross-cultural opportunities, St. Lawrence University offers a unique learning environment. The university’s 1,900 students come from most U.S. states and more than two dozen other countries. Canton, the St. Lawrence River Valley, the nearby Adirondack State Park, and the cities of Ottawa and Montreal provide the university community many social, cultural, and outdoor recreation activities. SLU’s homepage is at For a description of the libraries, see the SLU Library homepage at library. St. Lawrence University is an affirmative action, equal em ­ ployment opportunity employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Boise State University A lbertsons Li­ brary. Prim ary duties: O versee the U.S. G overnm ent Publications collection and supervise one paraprofessional staff member; pro­ vide general reference service; collection developm ent; bib lio­ graphic instruction; and library orientation. Responsibilities include regular late evening and rotating reference desk duty. Minimum Q ualifications: MLS from an A LA -accredited program, recent w ork- 470 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 LIBRARIAN FOR SYSTEMS/ ELECTRONIC RESOURCES (Search Reopened) Missouri Southern State College Librarian for S ystem s/Electronic Resources wanted. A proposed library addition needs a librarian with new ideas. We are seeking a librar­ ian with a combination of library and information technology skills. You will serve as library liaison with the Computer Center, be library W ebmaster/ Internet expert, troubleshoot and maintain library personal computers and software. You will be the trainer for staff needs in regard to new programs and the statewide common library platform, which is in the request stages now. You will do some reference duty on Tuesday night and Saturday rotation with other librarians. Missouri Southern is an innovative liberal arts college. Join us in the beautiful Ozarks where housing is affordable, gas is consistently cheap, and fam ily living is great. Plentiful recreational opportunities, and easy access to large cities. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited masters de­ gree, dem onstrated com petence/experience with CD-RO M s and personal com puters, and extensive knowledge of MARC records. Pre­ ferred: Additional degree in com puter science, fam iliarity with OCLC and image technology, and working knowledge of NOTIS or another m ajor autom ation system. Salary com petitive and commensurate with quali­ fications and experience. Faculty rank state retirem ent and Social Security, medical and life insurance, sick and vacation leave. Tax De­ ferred annuities and dental insurance available. APPLIC ATIO N S DEADLINE: June 3 0,1 9 98 . To Apply: Send transcripts resume, n a m e s of at least three references, and letter of interest to: Missouri Southern State College Charles H. Kemp, Head Librarian 3950 E. Newman Rd. Joplin MO 64801-1595 Visit our W eb site at http://w w w .m Po­ sition starts on Septem ber 1,1998 (negotiable). Equal opportunity employer. ing experience with U.S. Government publications, good com m u­ nication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively. Faculty, tenure track position. Minimum salary: $30,264. Comprehensive benefit package. Position available August 1, 1998. Application Information: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Adrien P. Taylor, Jr., Coordinator of Reference Services, Albertsons Library, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725. Review of applications will begin June 15, 1998 and will continue until positions are filled. Additional information can be found by contacting http:\\\refad.htm l. EO/AA Institution. FOREIGN LANGUAGE REFERENCE AND ACQUISITIONS LIBRAR­ IAN. Middlebury College Library invites applications for a Foreign Language Reference and Acquisitions Librarian. The college has a strong reputation for teaching foreign languages during the regular academic year and in the summer intensive programs. We are seeking an innovative and versatile individual who will report jointly to the heads of Reference and Collection Management in this new position and enjoy a combination of reference, instruction, collection development, and acquisition responsibilities in the foreign-language area. Responsibilities: Interact with faculty and students to identify and anticipate information needs and deliver reference services, including bibliographic instruction, individual research consultations, and library guides on the WWW. Design and implement assessment and development programs for foreign-language materials in all formats for reference and general collections and recommend acqui­ sition policies and budget allocations. Education and qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program required. Minimum of two years post-MLS experience in reference or acquisitions in an academic library. Fluency in two or more languages taught at Middlebury College, including one European language. (A graduate degree in language or linguistics desirable.) Familiarity with use and application of microcomputers in a fully networked campus environ­ ment. Evidence of effective analytical, organizational, and interper­ sonal skills. Benefits and salary: Comprehensive benefits package, including 24 vacation days annually and TIAA/CREF retirement program. Application: Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references to: Middlebury College, Human Resources Office, Service Building, 2nd FI., Middlebury, VT 05753; fax: (802) 443-2058. Please do not respond or apply electronically. Middlebury College information: Full position de­ s c rip tio n at h ttp ://w w w .m id d le b u ry .e d u /~ lib /lib w e b n e w .h tm l. Middlebury College is an AA/EEO/ADA employer. HEAD, ACADEMIC CATALOGING UNIT, CENTRAL TECHNICAL SERVICES. Cornell University Library. The Cornell University Library (CUL) holds a distinctive collection of over six million volumes in its 19 libraries. The library’s Central Technical Services (CTS) Division seeks an experienced, innovative librarian to direct its Academic Cataloging Unit. The Head of the Academic Cataloging Unit reports to the head of Mediation Services in CTS. The Head of the Academic Cataloging Unit plans, supports, monitors, and evaluates the work of seven catalog librarians, who use their expertise in original catalog­ ing, bibliographic control, library operations, training, and project management to help CUL achieve its goals. The incumbent also participates in librarywide activities. Responsibilities: Assigns and monitors the work of the catalog librarians in the unit, assists them to interpret cataloging standards, provides coaching and feedback, conducts regular performance appraisals, trains or develops continu­ ing education opportunities, and ensures that catalog librarians make contributions to CUL beyond their specific cataloging assignments. With other CTS cataloging managers, the unit head defines catalog­ ing policies and procedures in keeping with the division’s commit­ ment to PCC, NACO, SACO, and CONSER and current best practices in the cataloging profession, and oversees the analysis, adjustment, and documentation of workflows, policies, and assignments. Partici­ pates in the leadership of CTS by attending management meetings and working collaboratively with other managers and staff. Qualifica­ tions: Requires an MLS or equivalent graduate degree and at least five years of experience in automated bibliographic control. Preferred: Demonstrated success in personnel and/or project management, including the ability to engage staff in a process of continual change and improvement. Strong collegial, interpersonal, and communication skills. Advanced knowledge of the application of technology to biblio­ graphic control. Evidence of strong service orientation. Demonstrated abilities to plan and to solve problems creatively. Experience working with one or more library management systems, skill with standard PC software, and ability to deal with issues related to electronic re­ sources. Record of participation in professional organizations. Appli­ cations accepted until position is filled. Send to: Susan Markowitz, Director, Library Human Resources, 201 Olin Library, Cornell Uni­ versity, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Please send cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references. Cornell University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer strongly committed to diversity. We value qualified candidates who can bring to our community a variety of backgrounds and experiences. HEAD, DATABASE SERVICES, AND CATALOG LIBRARIAN. (In­ structor or Assistant Professor.) Responsibilities: Coordinate and plan the activities of Catalog Department personnel involved in the following functions of the department: (1) database maintenance, (2) shelf preparation and preservation of materials, and (3) vendor tape loading of bibliographic records into the Voyager system; establish name and series authority records through the NACO project; assist, C&RL News ■ June 1 9 9 8 / 4 7 1 TWO POSITIONS George Mason University S E R IA L S LIB R A R IA N (R eo p en ed ) DU TIES: M anage S erials D epartm ent, both technical and public services, including ordering, receiv­ ing, cataloging, and processing periodicals in all form ats fo r all library sites. C ollect and m aintain data on the periodical collection, including prices and use. W ork with liaison librarians on collection developm ent, supervise the operations of the P eriodical/M icroform s Public S ervice Desk. Im plem ent new projects and procedures to im prove collection m aintenance and access. Exercise innovative thinking in cataloging resources. C oordinate access initiatives with VIVA, W R LC , and othe r groups. Establish, m aintain, and m onitor relationships with serial vendors in accordance with State regulations. E stablish docum entation and procedures. S upervise five FTE. A ttend m eetings and participate in com m ittees of the library, the university, W ashington R esearch C onsortium , and VIVA. Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S : Required: A LA -accredited MLS; experience with serials; supervisory and catalog­ ing experience; fa m ilia rity with O CLC. Preferred: Public service and O C LC experience. S A LA R Y : $36,000+, depending on qualifications. IN S T R U C T IO N A L S E R V IC E S /R E F E R E N C E LIB R A R IA N DUTIES: R e sp on sib le f o r providing general reference services; designing, assessing, and im plem ent­ ing instructional series, including curriculum -based instruction, w alk-in instructional sessions, w eb- based tutorials, library orientations, and individual student appointm ents; developing the Johnson C enter undergraduate collection, including leading a team of selectors in a designated subject area and participating in outreach initiatives to the Johnson C enter and university com m unity. Each Johnson C e n te r librarian is also responsible fo r providing leadership and coordination of a library function or activity. This position will be responsible fo r providing leadership in reference services, including the scheduling of the reference service desk, initiating reference outreach to the Johnson C enter com m unity, and facilitating com m unication regarding reference services am ong librarians. Duties may include deve lo p m e n t of Johnson C enter reference collection. R eports jo in tly to the Johnson C enter Librarian and the A ssociate D irector fo r Inform ation Services. Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S : Required: ALA -accredited MLS and library reference experience; experience with electronic and W eb-based resources; experience providing library instruction. Preferred: Experience in developing undergraduate collections. Desired: Second m a ste r’s degree; experience using H TM L and developing W eb pages; supervisory experience. S A LA R Y : $33,500+, depending on experience. G E N E R A L: 12-m onth appointm ents. E xcellent benefits. To learn m ore about G eorge M ason U n ive r­ sity, visit h ttp ://w w w .g m u .e d u . A P P LIC A T IO N : Send letter of application, resum e, and nam es, addresses, and phone num bers of three current references to: SERIALS LIBRARIAN SEARCH or INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN SEARCH Library Administration, MSN 2FL George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 D E A D LIN E FOR A P P LIC A T IO N S : July 1 5 ,1 9 9 8 . AA/EEO employer, minorities encouraged to apply. as one of three unit heads, with the formulation and review of policies and procedures in the department; supervise four staff and a number of student assistants; serve as departmental liaison to the Libraries Systems Office; and work with interns from the School of Library and Information Studies. Reports to the Head, Catalog Department. Qualifications: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA. At least one year experience in cataloging using AACR2, LC classi­ fication and subject headings and MARC formats, and preferably using OCLC and an online system such as Voyager; excellent com munication and interpersonal skills; strong com puter skills; su- pervisory/m anagem ent experience; ability to meet criteria for prom o­ tion and tenure. Preferred: Experience with vendor tape loading; knowledge of one or more foreign languages; experience with a NACO library. Salary/benefits: This is a 12-month, tenure-track posi­ tion and will be filled at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank. Minimum salary: $23,100/lnstructor and $26,600/Assistant Profes­ sor. Strong benefits; substantial moving allowance may be available. The University of Alabama Libraries, hold membership in ARL, CRL, SOLINET, CNI, NACO, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries and are implementing the Voyager integrated library sys­ tem. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Voni B. Wyatt, Personnel Officer, The University of Alabam a Libraries, P.O. Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266. Applications received by June 30, 1998, are assured of receiving consideration. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 4 7 2 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES Norwich University Northfield, Vermont Norwich U niversity is seeking a dynam ic, inno­ vative, and com m unicative leader for the posi­ tion of D irector of Libraries. R E S PO N SIBILITIES: The D irector of Libraries is the chief adm inistrative officer for the univer­ sity libraries and reports to the U niversity Pro­ vost. The university libraries are com prised of Kreitzberg Library on the Northfield cam pus and the Gary Library on the M ontpelier cam pus. Library services are also delivered to nonresi­ dential students utilizing technology. The two libraries share a DRA autom ated library system and participate in a statew ide netw ork of aca­ dem ic and public libraries. The D irector is re­ sponsible for the overall operation of the librar­ ies, including developm ent and adm inistration of u s e r services, budget, personnel, policy, collec­ tions, new technologies, and physical facilities. The D irector represents the libraries to adm inis­ tration, faculty, and students and is responsible for planning for the future of inform ation services in the academ ic com m unity. R EQ U IR E M E N TS : A m aster's degree from an A LA -accredited program or the equivalent and five years of professional full-tim e adm inistrative and supervisory experience are required. O ther qualifications include dem onstrated experience in planning and im plem enting integrated library system s; a strong com m itm ent to public se r­ vices and a w illingness to participate in refer­ ence services; fam iliarity with em erging inform a­ tion technologies and a com m itm ent to their application; dem onstrated know ledge of aca­ dem ic library operations; superior interpersonal and com m unications skills; proven leadership, organizational, planning, and budgeting skills. A nticipated m inim um salary, $50,000. Send letter of interest; vita; and nam es, a d ­ dresses, and phone num bers of three refer­ ences, and a list of publications and presenta­ tions to: Norwich University Chair, Library Director Search Committee Human Resources Northfield, VT 05663 Review of applications will begin June 30,1998. W eb site addresses are: and http://w w w .norw ontcollege. Norwich University is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity. Women, veterans and minorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES FOR SEMINARY. Knowledge of library automation, AACR2, LCSH, and RLIN. MLS required, and master's in theology helpful. Minimum three to five years experience in related technical supervision required. Send resume and salary history to: HR Department, Union Theological Seminary, 3041 Broadway, New York, NY 10027. EOE. HEAD OF THE ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT. The University of California, Riverside, Library is seeking a creative, flexible, and dynamic leader to serve as Head of the Acquisitions Department. Please apply if you are excited about the dramatic changes in acquisitions and serials work, have demonstrated effective leader­ ship, and would enjoy the opportunity to shape and guide the future direction of the department. Graduate library degree. Significant experience in technical services and/or collection development; successful supervisory experience; outstanding communication and interpersonal skills; knowledge of the book trade and current trends, issues, and developments in acquisitions work. Desired: Experience with the Innopac library system; familiarity with OCLC. The success­ ful candidate will be appointed at a salary level appropriate to the candidate's qualifications and experience. Appointm ent range, $36,636-$65,472. Librarians are academic appointees and accrue vacation at the rate of two days/month, and sick leave at the rate of one day/month. The University offers a broad range of benefits and an excellent retirement program. Screening will begin July 15, 1998. Applicants should send letter of application, complete resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: John W. Tanno, AUL, University of California, Riverside, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517. HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIAN: DOCUMENT DELIVERY/ILL COORDINATOR. Dana Medical Library seeks a coordinator for a busy document delivery, interlibrary loan operation. Additional re­ sponsibilities include teaching, reference service, research, profes­ sional service, and subject liaison activities. Required: ALA-accred­ ited MLS or international equivalent; proven experience using elec­ tronic resources; collegiality, communication, team-building, and interpersonal skills; ability to provide individual and group instruction and reference services; strong service orientation; adaptability in time of change. Preferred: Familiarity with OCLC, Docline, OuickDOC, and/or CLIO; experience in an academic or professional library; an understanding of copyright and licensing issues in a digital environ­ ment; supervisory skills; online searching experience. Faculty status, excellent benefits, minimum salary $27,500. Apply with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Search, Dana Medical Library, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. Applications received by May 15, 1998, will receive first consider­ ation. For a full position description: search.htm. AA/EEO. INTERLIBRARY LOAN/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. (T-2537.) CUNY Graduate School and University Center, New York City. Instructor or Assistant Professor in Mina Rees Library servicing doctoral faculty and students (some weekends/evenings). Manage ILL and document delivery services; recommend and implement technologies; collec­ tion development and instruction; supervise full-time and hourly staff. Required: Three years post-MLS experience in ILL/reference in academic library; excellent supervisory and organizational skills; proficiency in ILL and database management systems software; familiarity with NOTIS, OCLC, ARIEL. (For information on additional qualifications, salary, and application procedure, see ad for Systems Librarian below.) LUSO-BRAZILIAN CATALOGER/LIBRARIAN. The Oliveira Lima Library, Catholic University of America, seeks applicants for the position of Luso-Brazilian Cataloger/Librarian (half-time and fixed 10.5 month term, with possibility of extension to full-time and up to 12- month fixed term), to perform original cataloging of Luso-Brazilian materials as a member of the National Endowment for the Humanities cataloging project team. Located in Washington, D.C., the Oliveira Lima Library is a center for research in Brazilian and Portuguese history, religion, literature and culture from the colonial period to the early twentieth century. Performs all searching, cataloging, and classification functions related to bibliographic control of Luso-Brazil­ ian materials; creates, derives, or modifies bibliographic and authority records in OCLC. Supervises and trains student assistants as neces­ sary. Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science or Brazilian equivalent; reading knowledge of Portuguese; two to four years cataloging experience in a research or academic library envi­ ronment; demonstrated knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LC Classifica­ tion Schedules, LCSH, NACO, and USMARC formats. Preferred: Background in Luso-Brazilian studies and/or Luso-Brazilian catalog­ ing. Position available immediately. Open until filled. Salary range $1,083-$1,291 per month for half-time, plus benefits (vacation plus 16 paid University holidays per year; sick leave; medical insurance; C&RL News ■ June 1 9 9 8 / 4 7 3 DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY Soka University of America Aliso Viejo, California This is a rare opportunity to develop a new academ ic library at a new liberal arts university currently under construction on 103 acres in Southern California. Soka University of Am erica will open with its first 100 freshm en in S e p te m b e r2 0 0 1 . SOKA U N IVER SITY OF AM ER IC A: Soka University of Am erica (SUA) is located in the beautiful planned com m unity of Aliso Viejo, adjacent to a 3,400-acre w ilderness park and four miles from the Pacific Ocean. SUA is a small, selective, independent, com prehensive residential university that will attract an international student body and will feature a 10:1 student/teacher ratio. SUA is establishing a unique liberal arts college and graduate school that will use faculty team s to teach both traditional W estern European perspectives and Eastern Asian-Pacific Rim perspectives in a com parative mode to students in small, sem inar classes. SUA is founded on the Buddhist principles of peace, human rights, and the sanctity of life and is open to students of all religions and nationalities. SU A ’s mission is to educate students who are individuals of character and integrity, and who are dedicated to learning about other cultures as they strive to prom ote peace and make significant contributions as world citizens. All students will be required to com plete three years of a second language and to participate in an international internship related to their m ajor and using their language of choice. THE LIBRARY: S U A ’s new four-story, 124,000 square foot library is now under construction along with 13 other buildings in the university’s Phase I building plan. The library is designed for 225,000 volum es and state-of-the-art com puter technology. It will also feature a large rare book facility. DIRECTO R OF THE LIBRARY R EQ UIREM ENTS: • MLS degree (ALA-accredited). • Second advanced degree in an academ ic discipline. • M inim um five years successful adm inistrative experience in an academ ic library. • Substantial experience in library consortia, new electronic reserves, C D-RO M s, Internet resources, and W eb pages. • O utstanding oral, written and interpersonal com m unication skills. • Experience in rare book and special collections desirable. SUA is actively seeking an individual of character and vision who enjoys working with students, faculty, and staff members from many cultures. The successful candidate will lead a staff of professional librarians in the collaborative selection and acquisition of new holdings, including books, periodicals, video, audiotapes, and other items necessary for an outstanding student-centered library learning environment. The Director of the Library will be responsible for all daily operations of the library, including the rare book collection and coordination of special collections in Research Institutes. Responsibilities include extensive collaboration with university staff and faculty to plan and develop a quality collection of inform ation resources and services that support the university’s student-centered m ission within a strong liberal arts learning environm ent. The Director reports to the Vice President for Academ ic Affairs/ Dean of Faculty and will also provide vision and direction to the President on matters of technology policy. The successful candidate will have a strong com m itm ent to active participation in a student-centered learning environm ent, with a clear vision of the evolving role of the academ ic library in a technological environm ent. The D irector of the Library will center universityw ide efforts to develop core inform ation literacy skills fo r the cam pus com m unity. The Director of the Library will play an im portant role in planning and supporting a cross-disciplinary, rigorous core curriculum and assisting faculty and staff in the developm ent of curricula and teaching m aterials. SALARY: Starting salary will be com m ensurate with experience. SUA salary and benefits are com petitive with those of sim ilar institutions in Southern California. APPLICATIONS: Review of applications began in March 1998 and will continue until the position is filled. Please send a letter of application along with resume and the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Eric Hauber Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty Soka University of America 85 Argonaut, Ste. 200 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4105 Soka University of America is an equal opportunity employer. 474 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 LIBRARIAN OF T H E GODFREY LOWELL CABOT SCIENCE LIBRARY The Harvard College Library seeks an individual to become part o f a management team fostering collabora­ tive development o f collections and services among the Harvard science libraries. Reports to the Librarian for the Sciences and is responsible for day-to-day management of the Godfrey Lowell Cabot Science Library. The Librarian is expected to work creatively and cooperatively to enhance library programs and services. Will pro­ vide leadership in the development o f library policy, administer the library's budget, manage hum an resources, identify and utilize opportunities for new technologies, and serve as liaison with the Science Center regarding facilities. Has primary responsibility for managing the Library's collections. Actively furthers coop­ erative collection development with other Harvard science libraries. Assists with special projects and proposals for the science Libraries. Participates in library-wide consultative committees, councils, and tasks groups. Represents the library through active participation in local and national professional activities. T h e G odfrey Lowell C abot Science Library, located in the Science C enter, is the general science library, collecting a wide variety o f print and electronic resources to support undergraduate education, interdisciplinary studies, and research in a range o f areas, including pure mathematics and theoretical statistics. T he Library is an adm inistrative unit o f the Harvard College Library, the central collection o f the Faculty o f Arts and Sciences. W ith a staff o f 15 FTE plus students, a collection o f 164,000 vol­ umes, and a budget o f $290,000 for materials and $191,700 for services, the Library is a hub o f activi­ ty with an average o f 2,000 library users a day. Qualifications: M.L.S. or equivalent combination o f education and experience. Successful library manage­ ment experience, including collection development, information technology, hum an resources, physical plant management, fiscal management, and planning. Strong academic background required; subject expertise in mathematics or physical sciences, preferred. A firm grasp o f current academic/research library issues, a record o f achievement in the profession, and an ability to manage in a consultative yet decisive style. Demonstrated organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills; evidence o f strong com m it­ ment to responsive library services; and an understanding and appreciation o f the research process in a university environment. C o m p ensation: H arvard U niversity offers a com petitive program o f benefits. A p p o in tm en t salary com m ensurate with qualifications and experience, anticipated hiring salary mid $60's. Available: T h e review o f applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applicants should send a letter addressing position qualifications, resume, and the names o f three ref­ erences to: Hazel C. Stamps Senior Human Resources Program Administrator Harvard College Library Widener 181 Cambridge, MA 02138. HARVARD UNIVERSITY UPHOLDS A COM M ITM ENT T O AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY C&RL News ■ June 1998 / 475 TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN— CATALOGER Eastern Connecticut State University Willimantic, Connecticut Eastern C onnecticut State University, a cam pus of the C onnecticut State University System, is dedicated to providing a high-quality undergraduate academ ic program and sm all-college experience that is unique and first-rate. As a public institution, Eastern is com m itted to the ideal of accessible education. Technical Services Librarian— Cataloger (Assistant Librarian) is a 12-month, tenure-track position. The successful candidate will report to the Head of Technical Services or his/her designee, and in conjunction with the library faculty and staff, will develop and propose policies and procedures in cataloging. The C ataloger will assist the Head C ataloger in providing leadership in technological developm ents in cataloging and training to support staff. In addition, the individual will provide quality control of all cataloging activities of conventional and m ulti-m edia formats, including all com puter-based resources. S/he should be capable of perform ing original cataloging and assisting in a Dewey decim al reclassification project. Also expected is participation in the library’s service program based on individual skills and library needs, including night/w eekend work. The university library is a m em ber of NELIN ET and its integrated system is III. A new library building will be com pleted in O ctober 1998. For inform ation about the new building and the library, see http://w w w Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Required: A LA-accredited m aster’s degree or its equivalent, in cataloging and original cataloging, including m ultim edia a n d com puter-based formats. Required: Minimum of two years recent professional experience; library experience; experience in serials cataloging; advanced degree in a subject area. Screening will begin on July 1 0 ,1 9 9 8 , and will continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, with addresses and telephone num bers of three recent w ork-related references to: Tina Fu Director of Library Services Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham St. Willimantic, CT 06226-2295 Eastern Connecticut State University is an AA/EEO employer and is aggressively recruiting women and minority applicants in an effort to bring greater diversity to its workforce and community. tuition benefit); prorated salary and benefits if full-time. Send letter of interest, current resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Maria Leal, Librarian, Oliveira Lima Library, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064. RARE BOOKS LIBRARIAN. Kansas State University Libraries is seeking an energetic, creative leader for the position of Rare Books Librarian. The successful candidate will play a pivotal role in develop­ ing and promoting the rare books collection through traditional and innovative means to enhance its scholarly use by students and faculty at K State, as well as researchers throughout the country. Reports to the Chair of Special Collections. Responsibilities: The head of the Rare Books unit within the Special Collections Depart­ ment (University Archives/Manuscripts and Rare Books); develops and implements policies for reference, collection development, cata­ loging, outreach (including use of WWW), and preservation. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; success­ ful experience with rare books or special collections, evidence of ability to develop cooperative and partnership relations with constitu­ encies; knowledge of preservation; excellent oral and written commu­ nication skills; strong interpersonal skills. Preferred qualifications: Experience in the following areas: Reference services; descriptive cataloging and MARC formats for rare books; donor and dealer relations; instruction; utilization of WWW resources; preparing exhi­ bitions; manuscripts and archives; academic setting; working in team environment. Salary/Benefits: High $20s to low $30s for 12 months, dependent on experience and qualifications; librarians have faculty rank and are eligible for tenure. Benefits include: 22 annual vacation days; Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance; choice of retirement plans. KSU Libraries utilizes Endeavor’s client-based Voyager soft­ ware to access OPACs, indexes, databases, the Internet, etc., and in 1997 celebrated the completion of a $28 million expansion/renova- tion of the main library. Kansas State University, a land grant institution with an enrollment of 19,000, is a 664-acre campus convenient to both business and residential districts. Manhattan, a community of 40,000, is located two hours west of Kansas City in the scenic Flint Hills of northeast Kansas. Review of applications will begin on June 15, 1998. Anticipate on-campus interviews to begin after July 12, 1998. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three work-related references to: M. Jean McDonald, Director of Administrative Services, Kansas State University Libraries, Manhattan, KS 66506. KSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. This ad and position de­ scription can be found at REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Boise State University Albertsons Li­ brary. Primary duties include reference service, collection develop­ ment, bibliographic instruction and orientation. Position may also supervise classified staff. Responsibilities include regular late evening and rotating reference desk duty. Minimum Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program, good communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively. Preference will be given to candidates with an additional graduate degree; experience providing reference service through electronic media; broad educational background; academic training or professional experience in any of the science disciplines, business, and/or maps. For salary and application infor­ mation see Documents Librarian advertisement. EO/AA Institution. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Northwestern College (Iowa) invites ap­ plications for a Reference Librarian, a full-time position beginning July or August 1998. Candidates must have a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution, familiarity with current technology, inter­ personal and organizational skills, and a Reformed/evangelical Chris­ tian commitment. Affiliated with the Reformed Church in America, 4 7 6 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES Milner Library Illinois State University Illinois State U niversity’s M ilner Library seeks an A ssociate Dean of U niversity Libraries, a dynam ic leader to guide its public services program s into the next century. This is a full-tim e, 12-m onth, tenure- track adm inistrative professional position that provides varied opportunities for leadership and profes­ sional growth. As Illinois’ oldest public university, Illinois State U niversity strives to offer an outstanding education to 17,500 undergraduates in 35 disciplines, as well as to serve 2,500 graduate students through diverse m aster’s and doctoral program s. M ilner Library supports those program s with a service-focused staff of 110, a m aterials budget of over $2.3 million, and a collection of over 1.3 m illion volum es. Illinois State is located in N orm al-Bloom ington, a growing com m unity of 100,000 two hours from C hicago and three hours from St. Louis. R ESPO N S IB ILITIE S: O verall responsibility for public services program s, including traditional and electronic reference services, collection developm ent, and library instruction. Provides leadership and directs the planning, developm ent, organization, staffing, and evaluation of public services program s provided at a general reference desk and four subject-specific reference desks and through nearly 600 instruction sessions each year. W ith the C oordinator of C ollection M anagem ent, adm inisters the $2.3 m illion m aterials budget. W ill play the prim ary role in developing a strategy for the enhancem ent of the library’s public services program s. Serves as advocate for and liaison between library adm inistration and the 20 library faculty and 15 Civil Service staff in the public services divisions. Direct reports include five division heads, C oordinator of Library Instruction, C oordinator of C ollection M anagem ent, and Internet R eference Services Librarian. Participates in shared governance through library, cam pus, and profes­ sional com m ittees. W ith the A ssociate Dean fo r Technical Services, will help lead the im plem entation of the DRA autom ated library system in 1998/99. Q U A LIFIC A TIO N S : A LA -accredited m aster's; com pleted second advanced degree; a m inim um of five years in progressively m ore responsible adm inistrative positions in academ ic libraries; dem onstrated record of success in core public services skills, including reference, collection developm ent, and instruction; ability to articulate and im plem ent a coherent philosophy of library services; experience in supervision, budgeting, and planning. Ability to write and speak effectively in a variety of contexts; proven strong interpersonal skills. Evidence of scholarly activity and professional service. SALARY: $55,000 m inim um at the rank of Associate Professor. Negotiable depending on education and experience. P R E FER R ED BEG IN N IN G DATE: S eptem ber 1 ,19 9 8. A P P LIC A TIO N DEADLIN E: A pplications will be accepted until position is filled, but to insure full consideration, applications should be subm itted not later than June 1 5,1 9 98 . TO APPLY: Subm it letter of application, resume, and the nam es of at least three references to: Associate Dean Search Committee Attn: Cheryl Elzy Associate Dean of University Libraries Milner Library, Illinois State University Campus Box 8900 Normal, IL 61790-8900 Illinois State U niversity is an affirm ative action and equal opportunity em ployer encouraging diversity. NWC is a Christian liberal arts college of 1,150 students. Apply to: Robert Zwier, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Northwestern College, Orange City, IA 51041. RESERVE/MULTIMEDIA SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Northwestern University Library. Summary: This is a split position. Reserve respon­ sibilities include sharing in the supervision of one electronic reserve staff member; involvement in continuing development of the Elec­ tronic Reserve System (ERS); training of staff, student assistants, and faculty in use of scanning and other electronic technology; serving as a liaison to other reserve units on campus, faculty using reserve services, and staff from the Academic Technologies division of the university. Also assists in the General Information Center. The Reserve/Multimedia Services Librarian also supports the activities and operations of the Multimedia Development Lab within the Mitchell Multimedia Center. Functions include server management and main­ tenance; supervision of part-time student assistants; training stu­ dents, faculty, and staff in the use of the Lab’s software and hardware; collaboration on New Media Center initiatives, including the develop­ ment of collections of digital materials; and assisting with staff training for the design, development, and implementation of Library depart­ mental Web sites. Responsibilities: Reserve: Supervises, trains staff in electronic reserve applications. Assists in the integration of new technologies and new approaches to the delivery of reserve services. Participates in the development of the ERS and the General Informa­ tion Center. Provides training in the use of technology for ERS. Serves C&RL News ■ June 1 9 9 8 / 4 7 7 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN University of California, Santa Barbara The U niversity of California, Santa Barbara, is seeking a Science and Engineering Reference Librarian who works individually and as part of a team to provide a range of traditional and innovative reference, bibliographic, and instructional services to undergraduates, faculty, graduate students, research staff, and the w ider university community. The Sciences and Engineering Library is part of the university library and has a rich collection of over 400,000 volumes, 5,000 serial titles, and a million technical reports. The University of C alifornia is developing the C alifornia Digital Library (CDL), and included in the CDL is the Science, Technology and Industry Collection (STLC initiative. The SEL is afull participant in this initiative. R ESPO N SIBILITIES: W orks closely with faculty and students in assigned academ ic departm ents; determ ines service needs and program requirem ents. Provides scheduled reference service in all science and engineering disciplines, research consultation, electronic reference service, and online searching. Includes some evening and weekend assignm ents. Designs and conducts classes and sem inars in inform ation research methods, including the effective use of print, electronic, and Internet resources. Develops and maintains a variety of printed and electronic guides. Develops W eb pages and resources in assigned subject areas. Responsible for all aspects of collection m anagem ent and d eve lo p m e n t for assigned subjects, including selection of inform ation resources, storage and weeding decisions, faculty liaison, collection interpretation, evaluation, budgetary m anagem ent, and resource sharing. REQ UIRED Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: A LA-accredited MLS. Science or engineering degree or significant background and/or experience in the sciences. Experience in general and /o r specialized reference services. C om m itm ent to excellence in public service and the ability to work effectively in a culturally diverse environm ent. Demonstrated initiative; interest in and enthusiasm for keeping abreast of new and evolving technologies. D em onstrated ability to w ork with faculty and colleagues. Excellent oral and written com m unications skills, as well as presentation skills and ability to work with and meet the changing needs of all level of users. PR EFERRED Q U ALIFIC A TIO N S : A cadem ic background and /o r experience in engineering or com puter science. Experience with collection m anagem ent. Experience with bibliographic instruction. Experience with print and electronic inform ation resources, including designing and m aintaining W eb sites and pages. W orking know ledge of patents, standards, technical report literature. Salary range $31,656 to $55,728. Applications will be reviewed starting June 3 0,1 9 98 . Send resume, and nam es and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead Assistant University Librarian, Personnel University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. as liaison and trainer for other NU Libraries participating in electronic reserve projects. Coordinates efforts with Northwestern’s Academic Technologies division and the Mitchell Multimedia Center on the ERS project. Maintains ERS on the UNIX server in the Mitchell Multimedia Center. Multimedia Development Lab: Has responsibility for the overall operation of the Multimedia Development Lab within the Mitchell Multimedia Center. Assists students, faculty, and staff work­ ing on a wide variety of multimedia projects, ranging from the very simple to the very complex. Supervises nine Multimedia Develop­ ment Lab part-time student assistants, including hiring, training, scheduling, and evaluating. Collaborates with the head of the New Media Center project at Northwestern University on various projects and initiatives. Participates in projects to design and create digital collections. Assists with librarywide Web training and the implemen­ tation of departmental Web sites. Performs other related duties as assigned. Qualifications: Master's degree from an ALA-accredited program in library science. High degree o f familiarity with the Macintosh and Windows/OS. A working knowledge of Web-based technologies and the use of the Internet in higher education, and awareness of current trends and developments in the use of the Web to deliver information and services. Must have excellent written and oral com­ munication skills, the ability to work well with faculty, students, and colleagues, and a demonstrated high degree of initiative. Salary: $27,500 minimum. To apply: Send a letter of application and resume, including the names of three references, to: Peter J. Devlin, Person­ nel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60208- 2300. Applications received by July 10, 1998, will receive first consideration. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affir­ mative action employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. (T-2534.) CUNY Graduate School and University Center, New York City. Instructor or Assistant Professor in Mina Rees Library servicing doctoral faculty and students (some weekends and evenings). Develop and maintain electronic library technologies; provide software support. Required: Experience in hardware and software setup; knowledge of NT, NOTIS, OCLC, Web (html, xml, dml), database management systems (MS Access or Visual Basic), word processing (WP or Word). Q ualifications for both CUNY positions, in addition to specialized experience and skills above: MLS from ALA-accredited institution; second m aster’s (prefer com puter science for systems librarian) for Assistant Pro­ fessor; excellent com m unication and interpersonal skills; record of scholarly achievem ent and service necessary for promotion and tenure. Instructor $36,344-$44,190 per year; Assistant Professor, $43,495-$52,213 per year. Send letter of application (specify position num ber), resume, and names of three references, by June 24, 1998, to: Susan Newman, C hief Librarian, Mina Rees Library, CUNY G raduate School, 33 W. 42 St., New York, NY 10036. EO /AA/ADA/IRCA. 4 7 8 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN (Search Extended -- Screening begins July 10,1998) Pierce College A B O U T THE COLLEGE: Pierce College, a tw o-year com prehensive state com m unity college, serves more than 13,000 students each quarter on two cam puses in greater Pierce County, W ashington. Boasting majestic views of the snow-capped Olym pic M ountains and Mt. Rainier, the cam puses offer faculty the benefits of both rural and urban life in the Pacific Northwest. W e invite applications from qualified individuals interested in teaching within a diverse, multicultural environm ent. A B O U T THE LIBRARY: The library encourages individual student research and exploration of ideas through a dynam ic reference and instruction program . Library faculty m em bers are active participants in the overall instructional m ission of the college, participating in curriculum developm ent, direct instruction, outcom es assessm ent and other teaching focused endeavors. R ESPO N SIBILITIES: This position reports to the D irector of Library Services. R esponsibilities include: Support the strong teaching m ission of the library through an innovative, curricularly-integrated library instruction program and reference area. Participate in the developm ent, delivery and evaluation of quality instruction, reference and inform ation services to students, faculty, staff and com m unity m em bers. In collaboration with library and departm ental faculty, design, teach and prom ote inform ation literacy curriculum within an outcom es assessm ent and abilities-based model. A ssist in the selection and developm ent of a Library/M edia Center collection which strives for diversity in both subject and form at of material. Promote library/m edia services to the college com m unity through innovative materials, program s and outreach. Serve on college com m ittees. Perform other duties relevant to the position, as assigned. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIO NS: M aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited program. A sound com m itm ent to teaching, and to the philosophy of the com m unity college. Strong public service orientation. Ability to work collegially to achieve goals. Excellent oral and written com m unication skills. P referred qualifications: Experience in a com m unity college library/resource center. Experience in library instruction. Experience integrating technology with reference and instruction. Experience working directly with diverse populations and serving a diverse student body. Active involvem ent in the profession. Creativity in professional practice. APPLICATION PROCEDURE:To be considered for this position, applicants must include the following items in their application package: Letter of formal application which addresses how your experience and education qualify you to perform the assigned responsibilities. Brief statement which discusses and demonstrates your: 1) Experience working with multi cultural, disabled and special needs students. 2) Experience with outcomes assessment measures. 3) Team and/or departmental participation. 4) Philosophy of information literacy instruction and how that has been applied in practice. Detailed resume’ of all educational and professional experience, which includes a list of college courses taught. Minimum of two letters of reference which indicate your professional capability and experience in regard to the stated qualifications. Copies of all college and university transcripts (official transcripts required prior to hire). Application materials should be submitted to: Office of Personnel Services Pierce College 9401 Farwest Drive SW Lakewood, WA 98498-1999 FAX: (253) 964-6599 Nine month tenure-track (2 positions). Position Open Until Filled. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For additional information about Pierce College or this position, visit our Web site at http:// or call our Jobline: 253-964-7341. Application materials submitted to Pierce College are the property of the College and will not be returned. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Physical Work Environment: Work is performed in an instructional setting and requires the ability to communicate clearly. Work may also include the ability to use a personal computer. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, proof of authorization to work in the United States will be required at the time of hire. Employees must agree to abide by the College’s Drug Free Workplace policy. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: This position, which is contingent upon funding, is a full-time, tenure-track academic year assignment of 172 days per year, anticipated to begin in mid September, 1998. Evening, split daily schedule and/or work at more than one site may be included in the assignment. Initial placement is based on the current full­ time faculty salary schedule, and dependent upon education and experience. Minimum salary is $32,366. Pierce College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and is strongly committed to enhancing the diversity of its workforce. Qualified applicants, especially women, persons of color, Vietnam-era/disabled veterans, persons age 40 and over, and individuals with disability are encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities who require assistance with the recruitment process will be accommodated to the extent reasonably possible. A telecommunication device for the deaf is available at (253) 964-6228. C&RL News ■ June 1 9 9 8 / 4 7 9 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR MEDIA SERVICES The American University in Cairo The A m erican U niversity in Cairo (AUC) Library/M edia Services C enter is inviting applications for the position of A ssistant D irector for Media Services. AUC is chartered in the United States and is accredited by the M iddle States Association of C olleges and Schools. U nder the general direction of the D irector of the Library and M edia Services Center, the appointee will be responsible for the overall direction of the operations of an expanding m edia services center and for the developm ent of a dynam ic m edia program . The A ssistant D irector will develop and prom ote the use of a new m edia technologies on cam pus and provide support to faculty and students, incorporating educational technology into the classroom . R esponsibilities include supervision of m edia center operations; production of instructional m aterials; coordination of purchasing cam pus media equipm ent; developm ent of media collections for instructional use; acquisition and m aintenance of media services equipm ent. The A ssistant Director is responsible for three full-tim e support staff, four technicians, and four technician aides. Required Q ualifications: A m edia-related or instructional technology graduate degree, MLS, or the equivalent with a second M aster’s degree desirable; m inim um of 5 years of increasingly responsible experience in media applications; extensive know ledge of m edia m aterials and equipm ent selection and use, com puters and em erging media technologies; proven strength in m anagerial and supervisory skills; ability to com m unicate well in spoken and written English; w orking know ledge of A rabic desirable; teaching experience an asset. For relocated hires the position is a tw o -ye a r renew able a p p o in tm e nt beginning S e p te m b er 1998. S alary according to q u a lifica tio n s and experience. For expatriates, housing, round-trip air travel fo r each appointee and a ccom pa n yin g fa m ily m em ber, plus schooling fo r tw o children. In view of A U C ’s protocol agree m e n t with the Egyptian G o vern m e n t w hich requires specific proportions of Egyptian, U.S., and th ird -co u n try citizen faculty, at this tim e preference will be given to qualified a pplicants who are U.S. citizens. Mail or FAX letter of application, by July 3, 1998, w ith resum e and nam es and add re sse s of three references to: Andrew Kerek, Provost The American University in Cairo 420 Fifth Avenue, Fl. 3CR New York, NY 10018-2729 AUC is an equal opportunity employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Assistant or Associate Pro­ fessor. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Library and Informa­ tion Services (LIS). Responsibilities: The person in this position provides daily supervision of technical service operations, including acquisitions and bibliographic control. Working cooperatively and collegially, monitors workflow and performs quality control functions. Designs appropriate statistical and financial reports. Performs daily supervision of staff in Technical Services, including monographic and serial acquisitions, bibliographic control, and processing and repair; participates in strategic planning and workflow management; devel­ ops appropriate statistical reports to support acquisition and serials activities. Term of contract: Tenure-track, 12-month, continuing ap­ pointment. Professional rank and salary dependent upon credentials and experience, with a minimum salary of $32,400 for Assistant Professor and $37,800 for Associate Professor. Excellent fringe b e n e fits p r o g r a m . M o re in fo rm a tio n is a v a ila b le at h ttp :// ALA-accredited MLS degree; minimum of four years professional experience in academic technical service, including acquisitions and/or serials control experience and supervi­ sory responsibilities; experience with OCLC and an automated inte­ grated library system; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; strong service orientation. Applications: Review to begin July 1, 1998, and to remain open until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Jay Starratt, Dean of LIS, Lovejoy Library, Southern Illinois U niversity Edw ardsville, SIUE Box 1063, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1063. As an affirmative action employer, SIUE offers equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, creed or religion, age, sex, national origin, or disability. Appli­ cations from women and minority groups are especially encouraged. Late Job Listings PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Eastern Michigan University invites applications for a Public Services Librarian position available beginning fall 1998. This is a tenure- track faculty position and will carry the rank o f instructor or assistant professor, dependent on qualifications, The individual selected will provide general and subject area reference services, bibliographic instruction and specialized assistance in the Hum ani­ ties. Required. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, second master’s degree (or course work/equivalent experience) in a Humanities area; current knowledge o f tech­ niques in bibliographic instruction, including such experience in an academic library, and the ability to lead a team o f library professionals in the delivery o f instructional services; knowledge o f general and specialized reference works and current electronic reference 4 8 0 / C&RL News ■ June 1998 sources; experience with an automated library system which uses a web interface for public access. For consideration, send letter o f interest and cv to: Position F 9 8 5 3 ,318 King Hall, Eastern M ichigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Applications preferred by June 20, We encourage applications from members o f minority groups. AAÆOE. ASSISTANT HEAD, ACCESS SERVICES. The Penn Library is seeking a creative and systems-smart librarian to become Assistant Head o f its newly formed Access Services Department. This Department, which will move into beautiful renovated space in Van Pelt Library in July 1998, comprises six units with a total o f more than 30 full-time staff. The Assistant Head will serve as deputy to the Head o f Access Services, will share in administering the Circulation and Reserve modules o f the Endeavor Voyager system throughout all Penns libraries and will also directly supervise the work o f three units: Reserves, High Density Storage, and Current Periodicals/Microforms. These units have a total o f 7 full-time staff. The Reserves unit is currently bringing up the Voyager Reserve module: future plans include the introduction o f Electronic Reserves throughout the Penn Libraries. The Librarys new state-of-the-art High Density Storage facility has capacity for two million volumes and will provide expedited delivery o f materials to the campus. It is scheduled to open later this spring. Current Periodical/Microforms is a newly merged unit with a prime location in renovated first floor space. The Assistant Head o f Access Services will have a key role in developing new services and will be expected to lead and participate in library-wide task forces. The Penn Library has a collection o f over 4.5 million volumes, 33,500 print journal subscriptions, 1800 electronic journals, and over 100 networked databases including all major science databases. During the past year the Library introduced a new integrated library system, Voyager. Penn is a fully networked campus and is aggressively adopting and experimenting with new technology in research and teaching. The Library is seeking to hire librarians who can work collaboratively with academic departments, computing staff and colleagues to develop effective collections and services for the 21st century. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in theory and practice. Strong supervisory skills essential. Excellent technical skills essential, familiarity with library automated systems an advantage. Excellent written and oral communication skills, ability to work effectively with faculty, students and staff essential. Appointment as a Librarian B requires. One to three years o f professional library experience. Appointm ent as Librarian C requires at least five yearrs o f professional library exerience. Salary is commensurate with experience To apply: Submit a cover letter, resume, and three references to: Mr. Rubin I. Fisher, Library Human Resources Administrator, University o f Pennsylvania Library, 3420 W alnut St., Phila., PA 19104-6206. Appli­ cations received by June 15, 1998, will receive first consideration. AA/EOE. THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY ROSCOE L. WEST LIBRARY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR SERIALS, ACCESS AND BUSINESS SERVICES Vacancy: Twelve month full rime contract, renewable, 35 hours per week. Under the supervision of the Associate Dean for the Library, the Assistant Director for Serials, Access and Business Services directly supervises the operations of the Library Access Services and Serials Department (serials, ILL and document delivery). Candidate is also responsible for the overall m anagem ent and supervision of Library Bibliographic Services (accounting, acquisitions, and copy cataloging), C irculation, and Reserves (including electronic reserves), the managers of which report to this position. Will also serve as administrative supervisor of 5 professional and 22 classified staff. Salary range: N26 - $41,009.28 - $66,576.92. Q ualifications: Three years progressively increasing responsibility for management of library technical services and serials required, as well as experience with electronic docum ent delivery, library budget and personnel m anagem ent. Knowledge and abilities: Superior oral and written com m unication skills; dem onstrated management and leadership ability; self-motivation; ability to work in a team -oriented environm ent. E ducation: MLS from an ALA-accredited library graduate program required. Please send cover letter, resume and names and phone numbers of three references to: Philip Tramdack, Associate Dean, Roscoe L. West Library, T h e College of New Jersey, P.O. Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 08628-0718. T he position will stay open until filled. To enrich education through diversity, T he College of New Jersey is an EEO/AA/ ADA Employer M/F/D/V.