ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 508 / C &RL News And the winners a r e … H ere are the official AC R L election results. Anne K B eaubien Ja c q u e lyn M cCoy A n n e K . B e a u b ie n , head of cooperative access services at the University o f Michigan Libraries (Ann Arbor, MI 48109), is the 54th president o f the Association o f College and Research Libraries. Beaubien will focus on the recruitment o f quality people to academic librarianship during her one- year term o f office. (See July/August C irR L News, page 427, for a more detailed description of her plans.) As president she will preside over the ACRL Board o f Directors and the A CRL Executive Com­ mittee, chair the ACRL Conference Program Plan­ ning Committee for the 1992 Annual Conference in San Francisco, and plan ACRL’s major program at the conference. Beaubien will represent ACRL on the ALA San Francisco Conference Planning Program Commit­ tee and on the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly. She will also represent AC R L and ALA in their relations with other organizations. Beaubien has served on the ACRL Board of Directors in 1978-1980 and 1986-1990. She was chair of the Anthropology and Sociology Section in 1979-1980, the B IS Continuing Education Com­ mittee in 1981-1984, and the B IS Subcommittee on Professional Organization in 197 7 —1980. Beaubien has also been active in the Reference and Adult Services Division and the Michigan chapter o f the Special Libraries Association. J a c q u e l y n M c C o y (formerly Jacquelyn McCoy Morris), college librarian at Occidental College (Los Angeles, CA 90041) has been elected vice­ president/president-elect o f the Association o f Col­ lege and Research Libraries. The 1991 election results showed 1,357 votes for McCoy and 1,318 votes for John C. Tyson, state librarian at the Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond. “Responding to the concerns and needs of present and prospective members o f ACRL will be my highest priority in the coming years,” said McCoy. “Although the phrase information age has become something o f a cliché, academic and research li­ braries lie at the heart of efforts to prepare a diverse citizenry for employment and for personal enrich­ ment during a period of rapid technological, eco­ nomic, social, and political change.” As vice-president/president-elect o f ACRL, McCoy will serve on the ACRL Board o f Directors and the ACRL Executive Committee .She will chair the ACRL Conference Program Planning Commit­ tee for the 1993 Annual Conference in New Or­ leans. She will represent A CRL on the ALA Ap­ pointments Committee and the ALA Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1993 Confer­ ence . At the end o f the 1992 Annual Conference she will become A CRL’s 55th president. McCoy has served on the A CRL Planning Com­ mittee and the Academic or Research Librarian o f the Year Award Committee. She was elected chair o f the A CRL College Libraries Section for the 1989-1990 term, chaired the committee that devel­ oped A CRL’s Standards f o r C ollege L ib ra r ies in 1986, and was a member o f the committee that developed output measures for academic libraries resulting in the publication o f A CRL’s M easuring September 1991 / 509 A cadem ic L ib rary Perform ance: A P ractical Guide. She has also held several appointments in ACRL’s Bibliographic Instruction Section, and has authored numerous books and articles on bibliographic in­ struction and college library standards including Teaching L ib rary Skills f o r Academ ic C redit (with Mignon Adams, Oryx Press, 1986). The results of the ACRL elections follow. For each position the elected candidate is given first, with the number of votes earned in parentheses. A C R L B o a r d o f D ire c to rs Director-at-Large (four-year term): Ray E . Metz (1,269); Victoria A. Montavon (1,118). Director-at-Large (four-year term): L in d a L . Phillips (1,339); David L. Easterbrook(( 1,110). A fro -A m erican Studies L ib ra rie s S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: D oris H. Clack (36); Barney Simms (4). Secretary: Jo y ce E . Jelks (24); Dorice L. Home (13). Member-at-Large: L uella B . Davis (20); Marcelle E. Hughes (16). A n th ro p o log y a n d Sociology S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Maija M. Lutz (80); James W. Williams (36). Secretary (two-year term): Jo yce L . O gb u m (91); write-in (4). Member-at-Large (two-year term): Pauline D. Manaka (56); Nancy S. Skipper (50). Arts S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Micheline C. Nilsen (95); William F. Coscarelli (75). Secretary (two-year term): Carolyn A. Sheehy (114); Joan F. Cheverie (56). A sian an d A frican S ection Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Bay P. Boylan (62); David G. Hirsch (39). Secretary (two-year term): Elise L. Chin (57); Lee S. Dutton (42). Member-at-Large (two-year term): Christine H. Guyonneau (34); Gregory A. Finnegan (26); Joseph J. Lauer (21); Karl K. Kahler (14). B ib lio g rap h ic In s tru ctio n S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Sharon B. M ader (478); Ellen J. Broidy (475). Secretary: Sara J. Penhale (586); Robert F . Rose (339). Member-at-Large (three-year term): Lind a S. Muroi (504); Loanne L. Snavely (397). C o lle g e L ib r a rie s S ection Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Mignon S. Adams (268); Judith Gibson Green (256). Secretary: L a rry B . O berg (307); Richard J. Kuhta U 9 4 ) . Member-at-Large (two-yearterm): M ary K. Sellen (252); Stephanie R. Bangert (233). C o m m u n ity an d J u n io r C o lleg e L ib r a rie s S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: D errie B. B oark (108); Susan M. Maltese (93). Secretary: Leno ra C. Lockett (105); V. Sue Hatfield (92). E d u c a tio n a l an d B e h a v io ra l S cien ces S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: J o Ann C a r r (208); Sally Willson Weimer (115). Secretary (two-year term): Pam M. B a x te r (165); Kathleen M. McGowan (156). E x te n d e d C am pu s L ib r a ry S ervices S ection Adoption of proposed bylaws: Yes (58); No (3). Chair: Barton M. Lessin (36); Lynn B. LaBrake (24). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Colleen J. Pow er (31); Joyce V. Rumery (27). Secretary(two-yearterm): KathleenM . O’Connor (40); Gloria Lebowitz (21). Mem ber-at-Large (two-year term): M arie A. Kascus (31); Jeremy W. Sayles (30). Member-at-Large (one-year term): Alexander L. Slade (41); Virginia S. Randolph (20). L a w an d P o litical S cien ce Sectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Caroline J. Tibbetts (88); Charles D. Spomick (78). Secretary (two-year term): G raham B . W alden (89); James W. Hart (75). Member-at-Large (two-year term): Elizabeth A. Sibley (112); Phillip W. Wilkin (54). B a r e Books an d M an uscripts S ection Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Gary L . Menges (261); Michael T. Ryan (224). Secretary (two-year term): E lizabeth L. Johnson (243); Janice E. Matthiesen (211). Member-at-Large (three-year term): Nancy H. 510 / C &RL News B u rk ett (234); Kathryn N. Morgan (226). S cie n ce a n d T e c h n o lo g y S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: K aren E . F e e n e y (212); Susanne J. Redalje (206). Secretary (two-year term): Lois M. Pausch (260); Helen E. Gbala (153). Slavic a n d E a s t E u r o p e a n S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Molly F . Molloy (60); write-in (0). Meniber-at-Large: Sandra L . Levy (35); Susan K. Burke (27). U n iv ersity L ib r a rie s S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Carolyn L. Bobison (874); James R. Martin (552). Secretary (two-year term): L o ri A. G oetsch (729); Joan M. Repp (673). Member-at-Large (three-year term): William J . Crow e (836); Paul M. Gherman (624). Member-at-Large (three-year term): David W. Lewis (674); George R. Jaramillo (667). Member-at-Large (two-year term): Jill B . F a tz e r (911); James A. Damico (459). Member-at-Large (two-year term): Judy A. Sackett (718); Martin P. Courtois (611). Member-at-Large (one-year term): Stella Bentley (726); Patricia L. Bril (668). Member-at-Large (one-year term): D oug Phelps (751); Doris Anne Bradley (586). W e s te rn E u r o p e a n Sp ecialists S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: C eres B. Birkhead (97); Danielle Mihram (88). Secretary: Jam es W . B o m e r (90)“; Rebecca A. Stuhr-Rommereim (90). Member-at-Large: Thomas D. Kilton (105); Carol D. Cooper (71). W o m e n ’s Studies S ectio n Adoption o f proposed bylaws: Yes (207); No (4). Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Virginia (Ginny) L . Daley (132); Betty J. Glass (77). Secretary: B ern ice K. Lacks (104); Cynthia (Cindy) S. Faries (97). Member-at-Large: A rgent S. Gibson (100); Nancy B. Luikart (98). ■ ■ * determined by lot N ew P u b l ic a tio n s from A C R L A L A O rd er Dept. 1 -8 0 0 -5 4 5 -2 4 3 3 , 50 E . Huron St, Chicago, IL 6 0 6 1 1 -2 7 9 5 ▼ ▼ ▼ ACRL/Historically Black Colleges & Universities Library Statistics, 1988-89 S35.95/ACRL member $25.95 ISBN 0-8389-7547-X Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing (2nd ed.) S19.95/ACRL member $16.95 ISBN 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 5 16-X College & Research Libraries and College & Research Libraries News, Index for Volumes 41-50 (1980-1989) $29.95/ACRL member $25.95 ISBN 0-8389-7487-2 ▼ Read This First: An Owner's Guide to the New Model Statement of Objectives for Academic Bibliographic Instruction $17.95/ACRL member $14.95 ISBN 0-8389-7548-8 ▼ Recruiting the Academic Library Director (A C R L ) and The Search Committee Handbook (A A H E ) $16.95/ACRL member $13.95 ISB N (set) 0-8389-7484-8