ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1991 / 529 News from the Field Libraries benefit from student and alumni gifts Libraries faced with declining resources are find­ ing creative ways to supplement their operating budgets. The library at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho, received $540,000 from the school’s athletic and alumni associations. The money, raised by a charity auction, will be used to purchase at least 15,000 books for the library. The Associated Students o f Oregon State Uni­ versity Senate pledged $500,000 in student fees over a period o f years to fund the Kerr Libraiy Expansion Project. “A $500,000 commitment from students, at a time when tuition, including a possible surcharge, is going up 42%, when programs are being cut and enrollments are being downsized and then capped, shouts a loud and clear message: OSU students care,” said university librarian Melvin R. George. North Carolina State University’s Class o f 1991 raised $147,300 in pledges over a four-year period for the NCSU Libraries. The gift will fund the creation o f a periodicals reading room. Head basketball coach Les Robinson surprised the stu­ dents at their senior class dinner by writing a $500 check to the class gift, bringing the total to $147,800. At the University o f Alabama 24 Greek sorori­ ties and fraternities donatedatotal o f $21,000tothe “Greek Library Support Fund,” which will make possible the purchase o f a new American Biogra­ phies book collection for the library. Charles Osbum, dean o f libraries, commented, “This is a noteworthy gift and a sterling example o f students helping other students.” Criminal Justice Library Network founded A World Criminal Justice Library Network was founded in April at a conference convened at Rutgers University’ s School o f Criminal Justice. The aim o f the Network is to share information resources by making them known and available to researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers over the world. The United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network, an electronic network with data sources, bulletin boards, and gateway software to other systems, will be the primary means o f com m u n ica tion . Th e U n ited N ations Dag Hammerskjold Library, University o f Toronto In­ stitute o f Criminology, State University o f New York at Albany, John Jay College o f Criminal Jus­ tice, United States National Institute o f Justice, Australian Institute o f Criminology, United Na­ tions Crime Prevention Branch, Radzinowicz Li­ brary o f the Cambridge Institute o f Criminology, and the Criminal Justice/NCCD Library at Rutgers University are the founding members. Contact Phyllis Schultz, Rutgers Criminal Justice/NCCD Collection, S.I. Newhouse Center for Law and Justice, 15 Washington Street, Newark, NJ 07102; fax (201) 648-1275 for additional information. Western Kentucky University's mascot, Big Red, posed fo r the “Smile and Say...Read” celebration o f National Library Week. Smithsonian study grants available The Smithsonian Institution Libraries’ Dibner Library Resident Scholar Program offers two short­ term study grants for 1992 with stipends o f $1,500 per month for a term o f one to three months to do research in the Dibner Library o f the History o f Science and Technology and other library collec­ tions o f the Smithsonian. The award is to encourage study o f the history o f science and technology. Proposals are due November 1,1991. For applica­ tion materials contact: Resident Scholar Program, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, NHB 24mz, Washington, D C 20560; (202) 357-3054. 530 / C&RL News Austin Com m unity College Library reaches 100,000 volumes Austin Community C ollege’s (A CC) Learning Resource Services Library (directed by W . Lee Hisle) added its 100,000th volume. The book, Con­ ceptualizing 2000, focuses on how community col­ leges must anticipate a diverse student body, and was edited by A C C ’s president Dan Angel and his assistant, Mike DeVault. ARLIS/NA regional meeting in Mexico The Art Libraries Society o f North America will hold its regional meeting N ovem ber 24-16,1991, in conjunction with the International Book Fair in Guadalajara, M exico. F or information contact: Winberta Yao, Hayden Library, Arizona State Uni­ versity, Tem pe, A Z 85287; (602) 965-8168; fax: (602) 965-9169. Acquisitions • The Atlanta H istorical Society, Inc., ac­ quired and made available for research the A. T. (Austin Thomas) Walden papers. W alden (18 8 5 - 1965) was a prominent black attorney in Atlanta, Georgia, and a major figure in the civil rights movement there. The 27-cubic-foot collection in­ cludes papers, speeches, correspondence, andlegal documents relating to his work as an attorney and his involvement with such groups as the Atlanta Urban League, the Atlanta N egro Voters League, the Georgia Democratic Party, and the NAACP. • Boston University’ s Twentieth Century Archives has acquired the papers o f Boston novelist James Carroll, a form er Catholic priest best known for his novel Mortal Friends, about Boston politics. The university also acquired the papers o f Frank Avruch, a local television personality. • The University o f New Brunswick ac­ quired reference books, theses, curriculum guides, and instructional materials on the Holocaust with a $10,000 grant from the Social Sciences and H u­ manities Research Council o f Canada. • The University o f Texas at Arlington Libraries’ Special Collections Division acquired 1,200 U.S.-produced commercial and school at­ lases dating from the 18th to the 20th centuries. The atlases were acquired from Murray Hudson, a rare map and atlas dealer, and Virginia Garrett o f Fort Worth, w ho donated her large collection. • T he University o f the Pacific Library in Stockton, California, received the congressional papers o f Rep. Norman D. Shumway, w ho served the northern Central California Fourteenth Dis­ trict in the House o f Representatives from 1978- 1990. The collection contains issues files on sub­ jects such as U.S. support for the Middle East, gas allocation, and the N ew Mellones Dam Project. Shumway’s correspondence and files from his work on the House Com mittee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, and the Select Committee on Aging are also included. • V ictoria University, Toronto, recently added the remainder o f the papers o f Northrop Frye to its collections. Frye, an international scholar and writer, included among his works Anatomy o f Criticism, Fearful Symmetry: A Study o f William Blake, and The Great Code. Victoria University also com pleted its collection o f Hogarth Press items hand printed by Leonard and Virginia W o o lf and acquired the rare Poems (1917) by C. N. Sidney W oolf. Additional materials were added to the Virginia W oolf/H ogarth Press/Bloomsbury C ollec­ tion, which consists o f more than 1,300 items in­ cluding scarce O m ega W orkshop publications, Hogarth Press titles, translations, photographs, proofs, correspondence, and other publications relating to the Bloomsbury Group and Bloomsbury artists. The acquisitions were supported by a $25,000 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council o f Canada and by other gifts and donations. • W ake Forest University’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Department o f the Z. Smith Reynolds Library acquired the personal papers and manu­ scripts o f Harold Hayes, editor o f Esquire magazine in the 1960s and early 1970s. The collection docu ­ ments Hayes’s 17 years o f work at Esquire, begin­ ning in 1956 as assistant to publisher Arnold Gingrich. Included are signed correspondence from notables such as Samuel Beckett, William Buckley, James Baldwin, Saul Bellow, Nikki Giovanni, and Salvador Dali. • W ellesley C ollege’ s Special Collections received over 3,000 books from the personal collec­ tion o f Isabel and Charles Goodman. Encompass­ ing all aspects o f American and European book arts, including artists’s books, limited and first editions, fine press books, and illustrated books, the Goodman Collection com plem ents the library’s existing focus on the b ook arts and history o f printing. The Goodm an family also established a book fund to support the purchase o f fine press editions and illustrated books. Isabel G oodm an graduated in the Wellesley class o f ‘33. Grants • The Association o f Research Libraries received a $195,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for its proposal for a study o f foreign acquisitions entitled “ Scholarship, Research Libraries, and Foreign Publishing in the 1990s.” A September 1991 / 531 major goal o f the project is to develop a national strategy for ensuring the continued strength o f American research library collections o f foreign materials. • The Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library received $46,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to complete work on a comput­ erized catalog o f the library’s drawings collection, incorporating images on a videodisc. • The Christopher Newport College Li­ brary, Newport News, Virginia, was awarded a $50,000 Title III LSCA grant from the Virginia State Library and Archives to establish a regional union list o f serials. Over 13,000 periodical titles o f participating academic, public, and special libraries will be included. • Redeem er College, Ancaster, Ontario, received a $3,000 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council o f Canada to acquire philosophy o f science materials for its Pas­ cal Center Collection. • The Harvard Theatre Collection received a bequest valued in excess o f $5 million from the estate o f Howard D. Rothschild o f New York. The bequest includes Rothschild’s collection o f materi­ als on the Ballets Russes as well as an endowment to benefit dance in the collection. • Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis Libraries received two grants to­ talling $75,000 from the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy on behalf o f Lilly Endowment, Inc., and others, to support a two-year project to acquire or microfilm the historical records o f im­ portant individuals, firms, or professional associa­ tions in the fields o f philanthropy and fundraising and in partial support o f an oral history project examining the career o f Harold L. Oram, a leading fundraiser for liberal causes in America from the 1930s-1970s. • The Johns Hopkins University’ s Eisen­ hower Library was awarded three grants: $97,758 in HEA II-C funds to catalog and preserve the Harold Jantz collection o f 16th-, 17th-, and 18th- century German literature; $204,897 from the Na­ tional Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) O f­ fice o f Preservation to develop a program in preser­ vation education with a series o f workshops on the treatment o f books and flat paper materials; and $24,000 by NEH to plan a program entitled “Colo­ nial Encounters in the Chesapeake: The Natural World o f Europeans, Africans, and Amerindians, 1492-1800.” • Louisiana State University Libraries was awarded a $285,000 equipment grant by the Loui­ siana Education Quality Support Fund Enhance­ ment Program. The grant will be used to establish an Electronic Imaging Laboratory in the Special Collections Library. The funded project will pro­ vide equipment to scan, digitize, index, and make resources accessible by CD-ROM . • Shenandoah University was awarded $400,000 by the Kresge Foundation toward the construction o f a new $3.3 million library. • The University o f Arkansas, F ayetteville, received $45,931 from the National Endowment for the Humanities to process the papers o f William Grant Still, a prominent black American composer (1895-1978) and his wife, Verna Arvey (1910— 1987), a concert pianist and journalist. • The University o f Florida, Gainesville, will receive $20 million from former U.S. Senator George A. Smathers to support the libraries which will be renamed in his honor. “I wanted to support a part o f the University o f Florida that will, like my education, also stand the test o f time,’’Smathers said. “The library, o f course, is the core resource o f a great university.” • The University o f North Dakota, Grand Forks, Library received a grant from the Interna­ tional Council for Canadian Studies and the Cana­ dian Consulate General in Minneapolis as well as a grant from the Ministere des Affaires internationales du Quebec Delegation du Quebec in Chicago, to purchase materials relevant to Canadian and Que­ bec studies. • The University o f Virginia, Charlottesville, Library received $609,381 from the Department o f Education’s HEA II-C program (Strengthening Research Library Resources) for retrospective con­ version o f 100,000 records in the library’s rare book collection. ■ ■ BIS sponsors logo design contest ACRL’s Bibliographic Instruction Section (BIS) needs a logo and wants you to design it. Send your bright ideas for a symbol or graphic that will visually represent BIS. The winner will receive a $100 gift certificate to the ALA Store that can be redeemed at an ALA Conference or through mail order. There is no limit on the number o f ideas individuals may submit. BIS is prepared to work with both written descriptions and sketches or other visual representations. Entries must be received by Monday, Decem­ ber 16, 1991, and should be sent to: Logo Contest, Loanne Suavely, R. D. 1, Box 473-C, Lewisburg, PA 17837. The BIS Communica­ tions Committee and Executive Committee members will serve as judges and are excluded from the competition. The winning idea will be used to create the new BIS logo and will become the property o f ACRL’s Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Section.