ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 532 / C&RL News P E O P L E Profiles Ronald W. Force has been appointed dean of library services at the University of Idaho (UI), Moscow, a position he has held on an acting basis for the past year. Force joined the UI staff in 1982 as assistant science librarian, then served as associate dean of library services. Earlier in his career, Force served in the engineering, psychology, and geology libraries at Ohio State University. In 1984–85 he was assistant director for public services at the Washington State University Library. Force is the author of more than a dozen publications in the library science field, and is a m em ber of both ALA and the Idaho Library Association. Barbara J. F ord has been named director of library services at Virginia Commonwealth Univer­ sity, Richmond, effective August 16. She has been, since 1986, associate di­ rector of libraries at Trin­ ity University, San Anto­ nio, Texas. From 1975– 84 she was at the Univer­ sity of Illinois at Chicago, first as assistant docu­ ments librarian and then as documents librarian. F o rd re c e iv e d h e r bachelor’s degree from Illinois Wesleyan Univer­ sity, Bloomington, and a master’s degree in inter­ Barbara J. Ford national relations from Tufts University, M ed­ ford, Massachusetts. She received her MLS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin. Ford served as the 53rd presi­ dent o f ACRL in 1990–91. Samuel Y. Fustukjian has been named director of the Tampa Campus Library, University o f South Florida (USF). In 1980 he was appointed director of the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library at USF St. Petersburg; in 1983 he took a leave of absence to serve a one-year appointment as director of the library at the American University of Beirut; in 1985-86 he served as act­ ing dean o f the USF St. Petersburg campus; and in 1989-90 h e was project d ir e c to r o f A CC E SS E RIC, a new national ed u catio n netw ork in Washington, D .C., spon­ sored by the U.S. D e­ partm ent of Education. F u stu k jian g ra d u a te d with a degree in English literature from Haigazain Samuel Y. Fustukjian College in Beirut. H e has an MLS from Syracuse University, and a master’s in education from the State University of New York, Oswego. Thomas J. Michalak, associate vice-president of academic services and director of university libraries at Carnegie Mellon University, has been named president of Faxon Research Services, Inc., effective August 1991. Michalak has held library positions at Columbia University, Indiana Univer­ sity (Bloomington), and the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign). H e was the 1989 recipient of ALA’s Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award for academic library leadership and innovation in li­ brary automation. Louise Saylor has been appointed dean of libraries at Eastern Washington University (EWU), Cheney, effective July 1 , 1991. She joined the EWU faculty in 1977 as a catalog librarian, then became head o f cataloging, assistant university librarian for technical services, and interim university librarian. She received a bachelor’s in English from Oregon State University in 1974, a master’s in English from EWU in 1975, and an MLS from the University of Oregon in 1976. September 1991 / 533 C a r o l y n A . S n y d e r has been named dean o f library affairs at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, effective Septem ber 1, 1991. She has been associate dean for public services in the In- dianaUniversity(IU) Li­ braries, B loom ington, since 1978. H erotherpo- sitions at IU included in­ terim development offi­ c e r (1 9 8 9 -9 1 ), acting dean o f the U niversity Li­ braries (1988-89), and p e r s o n n e l lib ra ria n (1973-76). She held p o ­ sitions at the University o f Nebraska from 1965- 68 and from 1970-73, and Carolyn A. Snyder was a civilian librarian for the U.S. Army in Germany from 1968-70. Snyder received her M LS from the University o f Denver in 1965. She is the receipient o f the 1991 Indiana University William Evans Jenkins Award for out­ standing contributions to IU and the profession. H o p e N . T i l l m a n has been appointed director o f libraries at Babson College, Wellesley, Massa­ chusetts. She last served as assistant director for public services at Tufts University, and, before that, as coordinator o f information services at Rider College in New Jersey. She earned a bachelor’s in English from the University o f Pennsylvania, an MLS from Rutgers University, and an M BA from Rider College. N a n c y A . V a n H o u s e has been appointed acting dean o f the School o f Library and Information Studies at the University o f California at Berkeley effective July 1991. She joined the faculty there in 1981 as assistant professor and was prom oted to associate professor with tenure in 1987. She has also been coordinator o f the campus Program on Public and Nonprofit Management. Van House, known for her work on library planning, measurement, and evaluation, is the co-author o f several books pu b­ lished by A LA including A C R L ’s Measuring Aca­ demic Library Performance (1990) and Output Measures fo r Public Libraries, 2nd ed. (1987). A n n e W o o d s w o r t h has been named dean o f the Palmer School o f Library and Information Science at the C. W . Post campus o f Long Island University, effective September 1, 1991. A faculty m em ber at the University o f Pittsburgh since 1986, Woodsworth was associate provost and director o f University Libraries there from 1983-88. She was also director o f libraries at York University, personnel director at Toronto Public Library, a reference and education librarian, and a high school teacher. She is a mem - ber o f the ALA Committee on Accreditation, past- president o f the Association o f Research Libraries, and currently sits on the editorial advisory board for Library Administration & Management. W oods­ worth holds degrees from the University o f Manitoba (BFA), the University o f Toronto (BLS and MLS), and the University o f Pittsburgh (Ph.D.). Her most recent books are Patterns and Options fo r Manag­ ing Technology on Campus and Library Coopera­ tion and Networks. People in the News D a v i d B l o c k , Ibero-American bibliographer at Cornell University, has been selected to serve as president o f the Seminar on the Acquisition o f Latin American Library Materials (SALALM ) for 1991- 1992. Block has previously served on SALALM ’s executive board and currently chairs its Acquisi­ tions Com mittee and the Latin American M icro­ form Project. As a m em ber o f ALA, Block served on the then RTSD Resources Section’s Subcommittee for Selection Tools and is an ex-officio consultant to the sections’ Library Materials Price Index C om ­ mittee. His publications include editing “ Iberia, Latin America, and the Caribbean” for Selection o f Library Materials fo r Area Studies (ALA, 1990) and essays in Interamerican Review o f Bibliography, Latin American Research Review, and Information Technology and Libraries. In September Block will begin a four-month Fulbright lectureship to Ecua­ dorian librarians in Quito. K a t h r y n L u t h e r H e n d e r s o n , professor in the Graduate School o f Library and Information Sci­ e n c e at the U niversity o f Illin ois, U rbana- Champaign, received the 1991 U IU C Award for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Teaching. Henderson has been a UIUC faculty m em berfor 26 years, teaching in the areas o f cataloging and clas­ sification, technical services, and preservation. B o b e r t P . H o l l e y , associate dean o f the Wayne State University Libraries, recently received a Dis­ tinguished Alumni Award from the Columbia Uni­ versity School o f Library Service Alumni Associa­ tion. The award recognizes H olley’s “outstanding contributions to the field o f library administration, his dedication to enhancing the field o f biblio­ graphic control, and his commitment to academic library excellence.” E v e l y n M a t h ia s –M u n d y and C o n s t a n c e M . M c C o r k l e are honorable mention recipients o f A C R L ’s 1991 Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural Sciences. The award is given to an American citizen for the best bibliography in the field o f agriculture or one o f the related sciences in 534 / C&RL News the preceding two years. Mathias-Mundy and M cCorlde received their honorable mentions for their bibliography Ethnoveterinary Medicine: An Annotated Bibliography, which combines 261 ref­ erences with a review article on the field that combines anthropology and veterinary medicine. “The bibliography… is a pioneer information source in a hybrid field o f study,” said Alena F. Chadwick, chair o f the award committee. Mathias-Mundy is a research associate with the Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural D evelop­ ment at Iowa State University. M cCorlde is director o f the Agency for International Developm ent Staff Strengthening through Environmental Training Program at the Institute o f International Research in Arlington, Virginia. B r a d R o b i s o n , director o f Oklahoma Christian University o f Science and Arts, is the recipient o f the first AM IGOS fellowship. H e was awarded $1,000 for his proposal “The Effects o f Automation on Academic Libraries,” and will use the money to conduct case studies o f 25 highly automated univer­ sity libraries to determine the effects o f automation. The AM IGOS Fellowship Program was established in 1990 to encourage educational enrichment and development o f library and information profession­ als in A M IG O S mem ber libraries. H a b o l d B . S h i l l , librarian at West Virginia University’s Evansdale Library, has been appointed to the five-person National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Advisory Board. The two-year ap­ pointment was offered “in recognition o f [Shill’s] expertise and standing in the community o f techni­ cal information users and providers” by Secretary o f Com m erce Robert A. Mosbacher. Shill has previ­ ously chaired the A C R L Legislation Committee and the ALA Legislative Assembly, and he cur­ rently serves on the ALA Legislation Com mittee’s Subcommittee on Government Information. He has testified before Congressional committees on six occasions, consulted for the Congressional O f­ fice o f Technology Assessment, and served as F ed ­ eral Relations Coordinator for the West Virginia Library Association. H e currently serves on the Government Information Quarterly editorial board. R o b e r t D . Stu e a k t , dean o f the Graduate School o f Library and Information Science at Simmons College, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar grant for lecturing and research at Khon Kaen University in Thailand from September 1991 to June 1992. While in Thailand, Stueart, w ho is Simmons’ representative to the Council on Interna­ tional Educational Exchange’s South Asia Consor­ tium, will also represent the college as co-director o f the new study-abroad program hosted by Khon Kaen University. Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. T o ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) M a r k A n d e r s o n has been named management reference librarian at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Sa k a h A . A n d e b s o n has joined the librarystaff at North Park College and Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois, as a reference and serials librar­ ian. J o h n S. B a k e y has been named acting director o f library services at Connelly Library, La Salle Uni­ versity, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. T a t ia n a G o e r n e r B a r r has been named Slavic cataloger at Stanford University Libraries, Califor­ nia. P a m e l a B ix b y has been named communications specialist in the A R L Executive Office, Washing­ ton, DC. F e r n a n d r e D . B o z e has been appointed PC/ network coordinator at the University o f Notre Dame, Indiana. D o n n a B r e y f o g l e has been appointed coordi­ nator o f collections management at the University o f Manitoba Libraries, Winnipeg. L y n n e C . B b a n c h e B b o w n has been appointed acquisitions librarian in the Approval Plans and Gifts Department at Penn State University, Univer­ sity Park. C a s s a n d r a B r u s h has been named automation systems librarian at Pittsburgh Theological Semi­ nary. T y r o n e C . C a n n o n has been appointed senior associate university librarian in the Boston College Libraries, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. M a b y A n n C a s h in has been appointed acting librarian at Augusta College’s Reese Library, G eor­ gia. J o A. C a t e s has been named head o f the Trans­ portation Library at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. S u s a n C u d n o h f s k y has been appointed assis­ tant FS IN FO N W librarian at the University o f Washington, Seattle. A n a D ia z has been appointed original cataloger for the Sterling C. Evans Library at Texas A&M University, College Station. J a n e D o d d has been appointed business refer­ ence librarian at Texas A& M University, College Station. E l l e n F in n ie D u r a n c e a u has been named associate head o f serials and acquisition services at the Massachusetts Institute o f Technology. September 1991 / 535 R i c h a r d E is s in g e r has been named science/ technology reference librarian at Texas A&M Uni­ versity, College Station. K a r l F a ī t i g has been appointed to the Catalog­ ing Department at the University o f Nebraska, Lincoln. W i l l ia m F ie t z e r is the new catalog librarian at the University o f North Carolina, Charlotte. St e p h e n F i t t has been appointed head nonbook librarian at the University o f Nevada, Las Vegas. E r m a F r it s c h e has been named head o f the Media Center at the Hiram College Library, Hiram, Ohio. K a r e n A . H a t c h e r has been appointed dean o f library services at the University o f Montana, Missoula. Jo h n N. Ja x has joined the library faculty at East Central University, Ada, Oklahoma. H a z e l J o h n s o n has been appointed social sci­ ences reference/data resources librarian at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. R o s e m a r y K r o l has been appointed technical librarian at the Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. J o a n K . L ip p in c o t t has been named assistant director o f the ARIVCAUSE/EDUCOM Coalition for Networked Information, Washington, D.C. E l iz a h e t h G a i l M c C l e n n e y has been named cataloging librarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. M a r y S . M a r c h a n t has joined the library faculty at East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma. M a r g a r e t V . M e r in g has been named serials principal cataloger at the University o f Nebraska, Lincoln. M e g a n M u l d e r has been appointed special collections cataloger in the Rare Books Depart­ ment at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. C a r o l y n M y ers has been appointed serials li­ brarian at the University o f Nevada, Las Vegas. D a v id J . N u t t y has been appointed assistant university librarian for public services at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois. J a n e t O b e r l a is now documents reference li­ brarian for Texas A&M University, College Station. M . C o l l e e n O ’ C o n n o r is now the cataloging and systems librarian at North Park College and Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois. R im a V . O ’ C o n n o r has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Alfred University, New York. A n n P e t t in g il l has been appointed head o f reference at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. F e l ic ia P is c it e l l i has been appointed original cataloger for Texas A&M University, College Sta­ tion. Sa r a h M . P r it c h a r d has been named the asso­ ciate executive director o f the Association o f R e­ search Libraries, Washington, D.C. T e r r y P r o p e s has been named public services librarian at San Jacinto College’s Central Campus Library, Houston, Texas. J u t t a R e e d -S c o t t is now senior program offi­ cer for access and collection services at the Associa­ tion o f Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. G ar y R o ss i has been named audiovisual cata­ loger at the University o f California, Irvine. S y l v ia S . R u l e has been named assistant librar­ ian for collection development, reference, and NOTIS at Indiana University East, Richmond. T e r r y R yan has been named assistant university librarian for systems at the University o f California, Los Angeles. B r ia n S c h o t t l a e n d e r has been appointed as­ sistant university librarian for technical services at the University o f California, Los Angeles. M a r s h a N e ik ir k S e a m a n s is now senior catalog librarian at the University o f Maryland, Baltimore County. A m y S h a n n o n has been named science/technol­ ogy reference librarian fo r Texas A&M University, College Station. E l l e n H . S h e a f f e r has been appointed techni­ cal services/reference librarian at West Virginia University’s Evansdale Library, Morgantown. P e i S h iu has been named U.S. government publications and microforms librarian at the Uni­ versity o f California, Irvine. C h r is t in a S o k o l has been named quality con­ trol librarian with W LN, Olympia, Washington. P a m e l a Sp o o n e r has been named reference/ bibliographic instruction librarian at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos. M a u r e e n S u l l iv a n has been appointed organi­ zation development consultant for the Office o f Management Services at the Association o f Re­ search Libraries, Washington, D.C. W e n d y M . T h o m a s has been appointed public service librarian at the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts. J . M a r k T u c k e r has been appointed humani­ ties, social sciences, and education librarian at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. T im o t h y T . C . W e i has been named director o f information services at the Stanford University Graduate School o f Business, California. M a r y J e a n n e W e ix e l has been appointed pub­ lic access services coordinator for the Pasquerilla Library at Saint Francis College, Loretto, Pennsyl­ vania. C . B r i g i d W e l c h has been named senior pro­ gram officer for information services at the Associa­ tion o f Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. Sa n d r a W il l ia m s o n has been appointed techni­ cal services coordinator for the Pasquerilla Library at Saint Francis College, Loretto, Pennsylvania. T h o m a s C . W il s o n has been named head o f the 536 / C &R L News newly created Systems Department at the Univer­ sity o f Houston Libraries, Texas. Y v e t t e W o e l l has been named manager o f library information services at the Argonne Na­ tional Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. E l iz a b e t h Y b a r r a has been named technical librarian at the Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. J i n g p in g Z h a n g has been named the first serials librarian at Xavier University, N ew Orleans, Loui­ siana. D o r a Z i a has been named head o f the Veteri­ nary Medical Library at North Carolina State Uni­ versity, Raleigh. A r l e e n A . Z i m m e r l e has been appointed media services librarian at the Connelly Library, La Salle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Retirements W il m a R e i d C ip o l l a , Undergraduate Library director at the State University o f New York at Buffalo, retired in June. H e i d i D u d a , librarian in the Information Ser­ vices Department at the Countway Library o f M edi­ cine, Harvard University, retired in May. M a r g u e r it e F . F o g l e m a n , associate librarian at Reese Library, Augusta College, retired in June after 26 years o f service. T ïr u s G . H a r m s e n retired in June from O cci­ dental College where he served as college librarian from 1959-86, and as director o f the Book Arts Program and professor o f bibliography from 1986- 91. Harmsen planned the major extension o f the Mary Norton Clapp Library which opened in 1971, and gave particular attention to the development o f the collections. Additions to the special collections included the E. T. Guymon Collection o f Detective and Mystery Fiction and important additions to the Robinson Jeffers Collection. Since Jeffers’s death in 1962, Harmsen has been instrumental in the pub­ lication o f the Robinson Jeffers Newsletter. As a m em ber o f ALA, he served as secretary o f the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section in 1959-60, and was a program participant in the preconferences at Charlottesville, Oberlin, Austin, and Los Angeles. Since 1955 he has served as treasurer o f the Rounce & Coffin Club which sponsors the annual Western Books Exhibition. J e s s ie H o w e s , catalog librarian at the Massachu­ setts Institute o f Technology, retired in June after more than 40 years in the M IT libraries. Howes worked at Harvard’s W idener Library for a year after graduating from Radcliffe College, then re­ ceived her MLS from Simmons College. She joined the Catalog Department at M IT in 1947. W i l l a r d ( T e d ) H u n s b e r g e r , assistant director o f Helmke Library, Indiana University-Purdue Uni­ versity, Fort Wayne, retired last summer after 23 years o f service. Hunsberger made his mark on the library by planning it, moving it from Kettler Hall to its present location with a “book walk” in 1972, and introducing the use o f microcomputers there. A graduate o f Goshen College, Tem ple University, and Florida State University, Hunsberger taught at Texas W om en’s University and worked as a librar­ ian at IIT. He also taught and worked as a librarian for six years in Guam. Following a sabbatical leave in 1980, he published Clarence Darrow: A Bibliog­ raphy. H e has been active in the Indiana University Library Association, the Technical Services Divi­ sion, and the College and University Division. E i l e e n K i b r i c k , serials cataloger at the Massa­ chusetts Institute o f Technology, retired in June after 40 years o f service. Kibrick began her career at M IT as a general assistant filling in at all the libraries as needed. She then worked as assistant engineering librarian and life sciences librarian while she studied for her MLS, which she received from Simmons College in 1958. She spent most o f her post-degree career in the Catalog Department as a monograph cataloger for engineering titles. K e v in L e o n a r d , associate university archivist at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, re­ tired in June to assume the full-time position o f caring for his three children. Deaths L i l l i a n H u c h a n a n , director o f Western Caro­ lina University (W C U ) Library from 1932-67, died in May at the age o f 94. Buchanan was the first woman to achieve the rank o f full professor at W C U and was a leader in state and regional library asso­ ciations. She also helped organize the first public library in Sylva, North Carolina. M a r g a r e t E l iz a b e t h ( R e t h ) M i l l e r , coordi­ nator o f the Cooperative (Work/Study) Program at the University o f Western Ontario’s (U W O ) School o f Library and Information Science, died in May. Miller was active in the library and information field in both Canada and the United States. She served as president o f the Canadian Library Association September 1991 / 537 from 1985-86, and o f the Ontario Library Associa­ tion from 1982-83. She was the first recipient o f the Ontario College and University Librarian Associa­ tion Award o f Merit in 1985. She was particularly involved in accreditation issues, serving as a mem­ ber o f the steering committee, ALA/USDE Commit­ tee o f Accreditation from 1984– 86, and as chair o f the CLA Special President’s Committee on Cana­ dian Accreditation from 1983–86. She was also a member o f the present ALA Standards Revision Committee. On the international scene, Miller was secretary o f the Continuing Professional Education Round Table o f the International Federation o f Library Associations. Before joining the SLIS staff, Millerwas U W O ’s head o f Rare Books and Special Collections at the D.B. W eldon Library. She received an MLS from UWO and a B.A. from Acadia University. D o w n in g E . O ’ H λ r r a , former library director at Wichita State University (WSU), died in June at the age o f 88. A native o f Illinois, O ’Harra gradu­ ated from Southwestern College in Winfield, Kan­ sas, in 1925, then received his MALS from the Uni­ versity o f Illinois in 1928. He worked at U o f I as a librarian from 1928 to 1935, when he accepted a position as head librar­ ian at WSU. During his career he published a number o f professional ar­ Downing E. O ’Harraticles and planned two newbuildings— Morrison Library (1939) and Ablah Library (1962). After retiring in 1972, he received Southwestern College’s Mound Builder Awardin 1981 and a Kansas Library Association President’s Award in 1985 in recogni­ tion o f his outstanding contributions to Kansas libraries. K a t h e r in e W h ip p l e H u g h e s O s b o r n , a librar­ ian for 42 years at Oregon State University’s (OSU) Kerr Library, died in March at the age o f 84. At OSU, Osborn dedicated her energies to developing a qual- BI Conference in Florida The Earlham-Eckerd College Bibliographic Instruction Conference will be held at Eckerd College February5-7,1992. For further informa­ tion contact: Larry Hardesty, Director ofLibrary Services, P.O. Box 12560, St. Petersburg, FL 33733-2560. ity science/technology collection, and to teaching. She received an M.A. in botany from OSU in 1939 and an M LS from the U niversity o f Washington .She was a member o f ALA, ACRL, the Pacific Northwest Library Association, and the Oregon Library Asso­ ciation. S a r a K r e n t z m a n S r y g l e y , professor emeritus at the School o f Library and Information Studies, Florida State University, died in April. Srygley was a faculty member o f the school from its founding in 1947 until her retirement in 1976. Before that, she served as school library media supervisor in the Florida Department o f Education and played a key role in the development o f school libraries in that state. She was a vice-president o f the American Association o f School Librarians and served on the Council o f the ALA. She also served as president o f the Florida Library Association and the Florida Association o f School Librarians. ■ ■ Share your information literacy programs The National Association o f Independent Colleges is seeking to identify libraries within its membership that have programs in information literacy or resource-based learning. The asso­ ciation is a member o f the National Forum on Information Literacy and would like to tell its members about information literacy programs from comparable institutions. Please contact: Trish Ridgeway, A C R L Representative to the Forum, 124 Selma Dr., Winchester, VA 22601; (703) 662-8556; or Rusty Garth, Vice President, Council o f Independent Colleges, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 320, Washington, D C 20036; (202) 466-7230. Advertiser index AMIGOS .......................... .......................... 493 B a lle n ................................ .......................... 526 Book H o u s e .................... .......................... 497 EBSCO ............................ ................... cover 4 Faxon ................................ .......................... 490 Institute for Scientific Info .......... 512, cover 3 Physicians Desk Ref....... .......................... 518 Pre d ica sts........................ ..........................503 Research Publications.... .................. 481,507 K.G. S a u r ......................... ................... cover 2 H.W. W ils o n .................... ..........................522