ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 3 8 / C&RL News ■ O c to b e r 2002 news In t h e L ast m o n t h , ACRL P r e s i d e n t H e le n Spalding in tro d u ced h e r presidential them e, “N ew Realities, N ew R elationships,” to re a d ­ ers. In this issue, D eborah D ancik, a U.S. citi­ zen w h o lives an d w orks in Canada, uses the them e to explore issues related to borders, both g eo g rap h ic an d cultural, particularly in light of the changes that have occurred in the past y e a r (p. 656). From her unique perspective as an American living in a neighbo r i n g country, she recognizes the benefits that come from exposure to practices on both sides of a border and encourages us to em ­ brace the opportunity for learning that will take place at the joint ALA/Canadian Library Associa­ tion Conference in Toronto next summer. A nother key relationship highlighted this m onth occurs on the scholarly communications front. Rick Johnson, SPARC enterprise director, writes about the partnership betw een ACRL and SPARC (Scholarly Publishing & Academic Re­ sources Coalition) and our shared goal of reform­ ing scholarly communication (p. 648 ). Included is a clear overview of SPARC’s accom plishm ents and future directions. If y o u ’re interested in becom ing actively in­ volved in ACRL, w hether to w ork towards chang­ ing the scholarly communication landscape or on one or more of the many other important issues facing academ ic librarians today, the article on page 659 outlines the volunteering and selection process for ACRL committee membership. Vol­ unteering for m embership on one o f our 25 divi­ sion-level or numerous section-level committees is a good way to expand your skills, network with other academic librarians, and contribute to the future of the profession. An exam ple of the type o f valuable an d re­ warding work accomplished by committees can be found in the “Guidelines for Academic Status for College an d University Librarians” (p. 664), p rep ared by the ACRL Com m ittee o n the Sta­ tus o f Academic Librarians an d ap p ro v ed by the ACRL B oard at the A nnual C onference. — Stepha n ie Orp han,Editor-in-chie f sorp mailto:sorpixm@ala.oig