ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RLNews ■ October 2002 / 659 College & Research Libraries news Get involved with ACRL Volunteer to serve on a division o r section committee A CRL division and section com m ittee volunteers are an integral part of the as­ sociation an d drive our success. Commi members help shape the organization by imple­ menting its strategic plan (available at http ://, reshaping the association, and influencing the direction of academic and research librarianship. If you have b een looking for a way to be­ com e more involved with ACRL and w eren ’t sure what steps to take, consider volunteering for a division or section committee. Vice presi­ dent T yrone Cannon invites all ACRL m em ­ bers to contact the Appointments Committee about serving on one o f ACRL’s 17 com m it­ tees for next year. Members may also contact one of the section vice chairs regarding service on one of the many section committees. The b e n e fits o f v o lu n te e rin g Volunteers no t only give to the association, they get back from the association. As an ACRL division or section com m ittee mem ber, you will: • Build ties with academic and research li­ brarians around the country. • Enhance your leadership abilities through consensus building and persuasion. • Share your expertise with colleagues. • Gain additional expertise by learning more about a new area of academic librarianship or picking up new ideas for your current area. The a p p o in tm e n t process A ppointm ents are m ade at both the section and division levels. The ACRL vice president tte is responsible for the committee appointments at the division level for the year he or she selves eas president. Likewise, section vice chairs are responsible for com m ittee appointm ents in their respective sections the year they serve as chair. Committee slates are usually completed shortly after the Midwinter Meeting during the year in which the individual serves as presi­ dent-elect or chair-elect. The ACRL Appoint­ ments Committee assists the president-elect in this process in an advisory capacity. Factors in flu e n c in g a p p o in tm e n t Although the emphasis in the appointment pro­ cess may vary from year to year according to the prerogatives of the president-elect and sec­ tion chairs, the sam e factors are considered. They include: • E v id en ce o f p o te n tia l c o m m itte e m em b er’s in te rest. Have you attended the meetings and introduced yourself to the chair? Do you have previous experience that relates to the work of the committee? Have you indi­ cated your interest on the volunteer form? • D em o g ra p h ics a n d c o m p o s itio n o f com m ittee. A balance is sought with respect to type of library (community college, college, or university), geographic representation, eth­ nic diversity, and gender. • T he r e c o m m e n d a tio n o f th e c u r­ r e n t c o m m itte e chair. Current com m ittee chairs are asked to suggest potential members. Although all of these factors are considered, the final appointm ents are the prerogative of the ACRL president-elect and the section chair- elects. 660 / C&RL News ■ O ctober 2002 H o w t o a p p ly 1 ) S elect th e c o m m itte e s th a t in te re s t you. T he ALA H a n d b o o k o f O rg a n iz a tio n lists all o f ACRL’s co m m ittees and their charges. CEd. n ote: The handbook will be available online in m id-O ctober, with a print edition mailed to m em bers w ho have req uested it.) Attend the com m ittee’s m eetings at the Midwinter M eet­ ing and Annual Conference to help you decide if tho se are the activities that interest you. 2 ) In tro d u c e y o u rse lf. Talk w ith c o m ­ m ittee m em bers. Express your interest to the comm ittee chair. Explain how you might co n­ tribute to the w ork o f the com m ittee. 3 ) Subm it a v o lu n te e r fo rm . C om plete the volunteer form included with this article. (E d. n o te: This form is also available on ACRL’s hom epage at apxafrms.html.) B e sure to co v er all o f the items asked for in the background information section o f the form. If you have attended com m ittee m eet­ ings o r program s, m ention that. Fill ou t o n e form for ACRL division com m ittees and a dif­ ferent form for each ACRL section com m ittee y ou v o lu n te e r to serv e on. Send the ACRL co m m itte e v o lu n te e r form to K a th le e n M. C arney at th e ad dress o n the bo tto m o f the v o lu n te e r form ; se n d the s e c tio n v o lu n te e r form s to the appropriate sec tio n ch air-elects (se e list o f addresses below ). 4 ) V o lu n teer ag ain … a n d ag ain . If you are not successful in being appointed one year, volunteer again the next y e a r .… and the next. Rem em ber that a multitude o f factors— n u m ber o f ap p o in tm en ts m ade, n u m ber o f v o lu n te e rs fo r e a c h co m m itte e , n u m ber o f v olu nteers from your type o f library o r your geographic area— determine the actual appoint­ m ent, and these factors ch ang e from year to year. A C R L s e c t io n a p p o in t m e n t s ACRL h a s 17 s e c tio n s (lis te d b e lo w ) . Y o u will find a description o f their areas o f respon­ sibility in the ALA H a n d b o o k o f O rg a n iz a tio n , 2 0 0 2 -0 3 . T he chair-elect o f a section appoints the chair and m em bers o f all section com m it­ tees. Most o f these appointments are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately af­ ter the ALA Annual C onference. If you would like to b e considered for ap­ pointment as a chair or member o f a section com­ mittee, fill out the ACRL Section Committee Vol­ unteer Form and mail it to the chair-elect o f the appropriate section listed b e lo w before Decem ­ b e r 2, 2002. A frican A m e ric a n Studies L ib rarian s Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Lisa Pillow, O hio State University, Main Library 226 , 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1286; e-mail: pillow .2@ . A sian , A frican a n d Middle E a s te r n S e c t i o n . V ic e - C h a ir / C h a ir - E le c t : R .N . Sharm a, W est V irginia State C o lle g e , 120 9 Fairfax Lane, Charleston, WV 2 5 313; e-m ail: sharm am@mail.w A n th ro p o lo g y an d S ociology Section. V ice-C hair/ C hair-Elect: Ja m e s D avid Haug Sm ith sonian Institute Libraries, 145 9 S. 28th Stre e t #7, A rling ton , VA 2 2 2 0 6 ; e-m ail: A rts S e ctio n . V ice -C h a ir/ C h a ir-E lect: Edward H. Teague, University o f O regon Ar­ c h ite ctu re & Allied Arts, P.O. B o x 3 8 6 2 , Eu­ gen e, OR 9 7 4 0 3 ; e-m ail: eh teag u e@ O rego n. C o m m u n ity an d J u n i o r C o llege Li­ b r a r ie s S e ctio n . V ice-C hair/ C hair-E lect: Marianne C. Rough, Prince G eorge’s Commu­ nity College, 1015 Danbury Drive, Bow ie, MD 20721-3202; e-mail: rou ghm c@ C ollege L ib raries S ectio n. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Susan L. Richards, Lawrence Uni­ versity, P.O. B o x 783, Appleton, WI 54912; e- mail: D istance Learn in g Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Kathleen M. Conley, Illinois State U niversity, 13 Jo d i Lane, B lo o m in g to n , IL 6 1 7 0 1 -2 0 1 2 ; e-m ail: kcco n le@ ilstu .ed u . E d u ca tio n an d B e h a v io ra l S cien ces Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Scott Walter, Washington State University, Brain Education Library, P.O. B o x 642112, Pullman, WA 99164- 2112; e-m ail: sw alter@ w In s tru c tio n S ectio n . Vice-Chair/Chair- Elect: K eith E. G resham , University o f C o lo­ rado at Boulder, 835 12th Street, Boulder, CO 8 0 3 0 2 - 7 5 2 0 ; e - m a i l : k e i t h .G r e s h a m ® Colorado, edu. C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 661 Law and Political Science Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Susan E. Parker, Cali­ fornia State University, Oviatt Library, N o rthrid g e, CA 9 1 3 3 0 -8 3 2 7 ; e -m a il: susan. parker® csun. edu. Literatures in English Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Steven R. Harris, Univer­ sity of Tennessee, 2017 Woodrow Drive, Knox­ v ille, TN 379 1 8 -1 7 4 8 ; e-m ail: steven- Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Margaret F. Nichols Cornell University, 2B Kroch Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5302; e-mail: Science and Technology Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Jill Newby, University of Arizona Library, 67 N. Irving Avenue, Tucson, AZ 8 5 7 1 1 ; e-m ail: n e w b y j@ u .library. Slavic and East European Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Teresa Tickle Miller, Michigan State University, 100 Main Library, East Lansing, MI 488 2 4 -1 0 2 7 ; e-m ail: ticklet@msu .edu. U niversity Libraries Section. Vice- Chair/Chair-Elect: Gillian M. McCombs, Southern Methodist University, 15723 Nedra Way, D allas, TX 7 5 2 4 8 -4 0 3 2 ; e-m ail: W estern European Studies Section. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Katalin Radies, Uni­ versity of California ‚ 2516 Angelo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90077; e-mail: radics@library. Women’s Studies Section. Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: Sandra A. River, Texas Tech Uni­ versity Libraries, 2814 24th Street, Lubbock, TX 79410-1636; e-mail: A C R L d i v is io n a l c o m m itte e a p p o in t m e n t s ACRL has 25 standing committees to which appointments may be made for 2002-2003. A list appears on the volunteer form at the end of this article. You will find the committees listed with a description of their charges in the ALA H andbook o f O rganization. Appointments to ACRL standing committees are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Ap­ pointments Committee recommends to the president-elect of ACRL the names of mem­ bers who might fill the vacancies. The presi­ dent-elect makes the final appointments. If you want to be considered for an appointment to an ACRL committee, complete the form and return it to Kathleen M. Carney at the address given on the form before December 2, 2002. E d it o r ia l b o a r d s ACRL has editorial boards for these six publi­ cations: CHOICE, C ollege & R esearch L ibrar­ ies, College & Research Libraries News, New Pub­ lications, Publications in Librarianship, and Rare Books & Manuscripts. Appointments to editorial boards are made at the Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The editors recommend the name of a person to fill a vacancy. The Publications Committee must approve the recommendation, and the president of ACRL makes the appointment. If you would like to be considered for appoint­ ment to an editorial board, contact the editor of the editorial board early in the fall. CHOICE editor. living Rockwood, C hoice‚ 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e-mail: College & R esearch Libraries editor: William Gray Potter, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602-1641; e-mail: wpotter@ C ollege & R esearch L ibraries News editor: Stephanie Orphan, C&RL News, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e- mail: New publications editor: Hugh Thompson, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 606 l 1-2795; e-mail: P u blication s in L ibrarian ship editor: John Budd, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Information Science and Learning Technolo­ gies, 217 Townsend Hall, Columbia, MO 65211; e-mail: libsjmb@ showme. missouri. edu. R are B ooks & M anuscripts editors: Lisa M. Browar, Director, Indiana University, Lilly Li­ brary, Bloomington, IN 47405; lbrowar@; Marvin J. Taylor, Special Collec­ tions, New York University, Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012; ■ 662 / C&RL News ■ O cto b e r 2002 ACRL committee volunteer form B a c k g r o u n d in fo r m a tio n The following divisionwide committees have On a separate single sheet of paper, briefly sum­ vacancies annually. Please indicate your first marize your background and activities in the three choices by m arking " 1 ," " 2 ," and " 3 " follow ing areas: 1) A L A professional activities; on the corresponding lines. 2) ACRL professional activities; 3) state and re­ g ional offices held and committee ap p o in t­ ___ Academic/Research Librarian of the Year ments; 4) educational background and/or other Aw ard experience that will inform the committee about ___ Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award special gifts and talents you would bring to the ___ Budget and Finance committee for which you are volunteering. ___ Bylaws Please include in your application an expres­ ___ Copyright sion of your professional concerns and the con­ ___ Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship tribution that you can make toward strength­ ___ Effective Practices ening ACRL. ___ Ethics ___ Excellence in Academic Libraries Date of Application:______________________ ___ Nominations Name:_________________________________ ___ Selection ___ Government Relations Job title:________________________________ ___ Information Literacy Advisory Daytime phone:_________________________ ___ Intellectual Freedom Fax number:____________________________ ___ International Relations ___ (Samuel) Lazerow Fellowship for Research E-mail address:__________________________ in Collections and Technical Services Organization/library:______________________ ___ Membership Institution's address:______________________ ___ Professional Development ___ Publications ___ Racial and Ethnic Diversity ___ Research Ethnicity (optional): ___ (K. G.) Saur Award for Best College & Research Libraries article___ African American ____ Asian/Pacific _W hite/non-Hispanic ___ Latino/Hispanic ___ Scholarly Communication ___ Native American ____ Other (specify) ___ Standards and Accreditation ___ Statistics D ivision committees ___ Status of Academic Librarians To volunteer for a division committee, complete ___ I am willing to serve on any committee this form and return it to: for which I am qualified and needed as a Kathleen M. Carney regular member or as an intern. O'Neill Library Note: By accepting an appointm ent, I agree Boston College that all w orking papers and final products o f 140 Commonwealth Ave. the group are the sole property o f ACRL and Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 are n o t to be used fo r an y personal projects unless written permission has been obtained phone: (617)552-8709 from the appropriate governing body. I also fax: (617)552-0599 certify that it does n o t represent a conflict o f e-mail: interest. I understand that failure to atten d tw o m eetin gs w ith o u t an explan atio n ac­ • Mem bership in A LA an d ACRL is required. ceptable to the chair constitutes grounds for • Attendance at A L A M id w in te r M eeting and removal. A n n u al Conference is required. Forms must be returned b y December2,2002. C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 663 Section committee volunteer form