ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 669 W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Lynne E. Bradley and M iriam Nisbet The fa ll agen da Congress has outlined an aggressive agenda for the fall. Whether the House and Senate will be able to act on all the items before the Novem­ ber elections seems unlikely, though technically possible. A “must do” for Congress is to pass the FY 2003 A ppropriations bills. This is all amidst the cacophony o f debate over President Bush’s proposed Department of Homeland Se­ curity, the invasion o f Iraq, and antiterrorism efforts. The library community has been seeking ad­ ditional funding for the Library Services and T echnology Act (LSTA) in the Labor, Educa­ tion, Health and Human Services appropria­ tions bill as well as needed funding for legisla­ tive branch appropriations, including the Gov­ ernment Printing Office (GPO). For the latest on LSTA and appropriations go to http:// lwnl l69.html. In addition, two copyright issues o f impor­ tance to librarians could move quickly through Congress this fall. A n ti-c o u n te rfe itin g le g is la tio n S. 2395, the Anti-counterfeiting Amendments o f 2002, sponsored by Senator Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), is intended to create liability for trafficking in illicit authentication features— a hologram, watermark, certification, symbol, code, or other means o f designating that the product to which the authentication feature is affixed is authentic. The bill could pose major problems for anyone exercising fair use. The library community is concerned that the bill could adversely impact librarians using in­ terlibrary loan and making preservation copies of works. Potentially, if the TEACH Act is en ­ acted to update the copyright law for distance education, the distribution o f copyrighted ma­ terial without permission from the copyright owner could constitute a violation o f the anti­ trafficking provisions o f S. 2395. The kinds of works included in the bill are phonorecords, Lynne E. Bradley is Office of Government Relations director of ALA's Washington Office, e-mail: and M iria m N isb e t is A LA L e g is la tiv e C o u n cil, e- computer programs, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works, all o f which could be included in otherwise exempt transactions. This bill modifies the U.S. criminal code so that potential copyright infringement transac­ tions— or even exempt uses such as fair use— could be subject (via trafficking in illicit authen­ tication measures) to criminal penalties includ­ ing imprisonment. ACRL members are asked to contact their senators to let them know that this bill should not be passed until it receives careful analysis and until hearings are held. For additional background details and talking points, as well as information about the latest status o f the bill and who your senators are and how to contact them, see our Web site at http:// l66.html or contact your Congressional offices through the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. D atab ase p ro te c tio n There have been extensive discussions through­ out the 107th Congress among staff members o f the House Energy and Commerce Commit­ tee and the House Judiciary Committee to draft a database protection bill that would be accept­ able to all stakeholders, including libraries and universities. There is no compromise legislation, although a bill may be introduced in the House this fall. We have now learned that one o f the pri­ mary proponents o f a broad database protec­ tion bill has been asking various senators to sponsor a bill that our database coalition would find highly objectionable. Here’s another criti­ cal issue for which w e need ACRL supporters to contact their senators and lobby to not move on any database protection bill without hear­ ings that include all stakeholders. Please let your senators and representative know that we b e­ lieve that current copyright laws are more than adequate to protect these interests. Note: The debate over the proposed elimina­ tion o f PubSCIENCE continues. Follow this is­ sue and how ALA, in collaboration with ACRL, has responded to the latest salvos at: http:// Special thanks to former ACRL President Susan Martin for her contributions to this effort. ■