ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 682 / C&RL N ew s ■ O c to b e r 2002 C L A S S I F I E D Ads Carrer opportunitieA ds POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Library and Information Science, the University of Western Ontario. Deadline for receipt of applications: January 15,2003, or until position is filled. The Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS) at the University of Western Ontario invites applications for a full-time, probationary appointment (tenure-track)at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin July 1,2003. Candidates must have a Ph.D. completed or nearing completion in Library and Information Science or related area and show evidence of strong research potential and excellence in teaching. Professional experience as a librarian or information manager in a traditional or nontraditional setting is an asset. This advertisement is directed to individuals who have teaching and research interests in the area of information technology and systems, including questions at the intersection of information, technology, and users. The normal teaching workload in FIMS is four half courses per academic year. The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to contribute to the faculty's programs, especially the master’s and Ph.D. programs in Library and Information Science. Expertise in one or more of the following areas is desirable: Information systems and architecture; interface design and usability; digital libraries; health informatics. The faculty of Information and Media Studies is a vibrant, expanding faculty of more than 35 full-time faculty members and 17 nonacademic staff. It currently offers an undergraduate program in Media, Information, and Technoculture with an enrollment of 700 students, as well as a master’s in Journalism, a master’s and doctoral program in Library and Information Science, and a new graduate program in Media Studies. Information about the faculty and descriptions of our programs are available at: http:// The University of Western Ontario is a research­ intensive university of 27,000 full-time equivalent students. Interested candidates are invited to send their curriculum vitae, names and ad­ dresses of three references, copies of their scholarly writing, and a cover letter outlining their interest in the position by January 15, 2003, to: Catherine Ross, Dean, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Middlesex College, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, CANADA N6A 5B7; phone: (519) 661-3542; fax: (519) 661-3506. The position is subject to budgetary approval. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent resi­ dents will be given priority. The University of Western Ontario is commit­ ted to employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people, and persons with disabilities. A S S IS TA N T U N IVER SITY L IB R A R IA N FOR PU BLIC SERVICES. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Brigham Young University, an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints requires observance of Church standards. Preference is given to applicants who are Church members. The AU L for Public Services leads and manages the library’s public service programs including reference ser- crim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. In te rn e t: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at http://w ww l. Ads will be placed approxim ately four weeks before the printed edition o f C&RL News is published. C o n ta c t: Elise Parker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 o r (312) 280-2520; e-mail: c&rlnewsads@ P olicy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees o r applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recom­ mended by state library associations for professionallibrary posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has notadopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating profes­ sional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $36,503 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $29,540* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $30,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,700 ’ Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on variables such as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each commu­ nity, or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. “ These recommendations apply only to public librarians. vices, library instruction, access services, and distributed learning. To Apply: Review the complete job listing (position #001401) located at and submit résumé, names of three references, and Brigham Young University employment application form (download from above URL) to: Cali O’Connell, Library Human Resource Services, 2068 HBLL, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. D ea d lin e s: Orders fo r regular classified advertisements m ust reach the AC RL office on or before the second o f the month preceding publication o f the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 fo r the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads w ill be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second o f the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $10.50 per line for institutions that are AC RL members, $12.60 for others. Late job notices are $24.25 per line fo r institutions that are AC RL members, $29.50 for others. Organizations subm it­ ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $485 to $900 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: http://w w w l. G u id e lin e s : For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude dis- C a reer o p p o rtu n itie s sf rformom aaccrroossss ththe ec coouunnttryry C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 683 SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The New Brunswick Libraries seek a creative and energetic social sciences librarian to develop collec­ tions in a digital environment and offer effective information/instructional services. Reporting to the Director, the successful candidate will combine a strong background in the social sciences with a proven record of leadership. Included is liaison work primarily to Social Work and other social sciences disciplines as needed. Will w ork cooperatively with faculty in graduate programs and professional schools. Research, publication, and service in professional associations is expected. Evening and week­ end hours included. Master's from an ALA accredited institution required; additional advanced degree(s) in Social Work or a related social sciences discipline preferred. Experience in collection development, information/instructional services in a research library. Effective communications skills essential. Expertise in government information, GIS, social sciences data desirable. Non-U.S. citizens must be authorized to work in the U.S. Minimum salary for a tenure track Librarian III appointment is $43,770. Complete position profile is at'. Resumes reviewed as they are received until the position is filled. Submit resume, cover letter, names of three references to Sandra Troy (APP.157), University Libraries Human Resources Manager, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College Ave., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163; Email:; Fax: 732-932-7637. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey is an equal-opportunity, affirmative action employer R THE S U TATE UN T IVER G SITY O E f NEW R JER S SEY' 684 / C&RL News ■ O cto ber 2002 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Auburn University at Montgomery A u b u rn U n ive rsity a t M o n tg o m e ry (A U M ) s e e k s a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e fo llo w in g p o s itio n s: Head of Technical Services A U M in vite s a p p lica tio n s fo r th e p o sitio n o f H ea d o f T e c h n ic a l S e rvice s. T h is p o sitio n is re s p o n s ib le fo r th e m a n a g e m e n t a nd su p e rvis io n o f th e te c h n ic a l s e rvice s o p e ra tio n s (ca ta lo g ing , a c q u isitio n s , a nd se ria ls ) o f th e lib ra ry. T h is in clu d e s p la n n in g , im p le m e n tin g , a nd e v a lu a tin g o p e ra tio n s; e s ta b lish in g p olicie s and proce d u res; s e ttin g p riorities; sharing in th e ca ta lo g ing d uties; p rovid in g tra inin g , e valuation, a nd su p e rvis io n o f th e te ch n ic a l se rv ic e sta ff. T e c h n ic a l S e rvic e lib ra ria n s also p ro v id e a s s is ta n c e on th e lib ra ry ’s re fe re n c e desk. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : R e q u ire d : A m a s te r’s d e g re e fro m an A L A - a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m in lib ra ry s cie n c e o r in fo rm a tio n stu d ie s; th re e o r m o re y e a rs o f p ro fe s sio n a l e xp e rie n c e in a te ch n ic a l s e rvice s e n viro n m e n t; kn o w le d g e o f c a ta lo g in g a nd a cq u is itio n s p roce ss e s; stro n g kn o w le d g e o f A A C R 2 ,L C R I, LC c la s s ific a tio n , L C S H , a nd U S M A R C ; e xp e rie n c e w o rkin g in a fu lly a u to m a te d lib ra ry e n v iro n m e n t. D esired: R ea d ing k n o w le d g e o f Fre n ch, G e rm a n , o r S p a n ish ; m u s t be ca p a b le o f w o rk in g in a fle xib le e n viro n m en t. T h is is a p ro b a tio n a ry , te n u re -tra c k p ositio n . S A L A R Y : $ 4 2 ,0 0 0 fo r a 1 2 -m o n th c o ntra c t, n e g o tia b le d ep e n d in g upon e xp e rie n ce ; a nd s ta n d a rd b e n e fits p a ck a g e ben e fits. Government Documents Librarian A U M se e ks a q u a lifie d in d ivid u a l fo r th e p o s itio n o f G o v e rn m e n t D o cu m e n ts L ib ra ria n . A U M is o n e of tw o re gio n al d e p o sito rie s fo r fe d e ra l d o cu m e n ts w ithin th e sta te o f A la b a m a . T h e positio n is re spo n sible fo r m a n a g in g th e d o c u m e n ts c o lle ctio n in m u ltip le fo rm a ts , p ro vid in g legal a nd d o c u m e n ts re fe ren ce a ssistan ce , se rvin g a s liaison w ith se le ctiv e d e p o sito ry libra rie s w ithin th e sta te , a nd p ro ce ssin g M arcive ca ta lo g in g re co rd s into th e lib ra ry’s E n d e a v o r V O Y A G E R ca ta lo g . T h e s u cc e s sfu l ca n d id a te w ill also p a rticip a te in th e lib ra ry instructio n program , provid e g en e ra l re fe ren ce a ss ista n ce on th e m ain reference desk, p a rtic ip a te in e v e n in g a n d w e e k e n d ro ta tio n a t th e m ain re fe re n c e d esk, a nd s u p e rv is e tw o FTE s ta ff a nd tw o s tu d e n t a ssistan ts. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : R e q u ire d : M L S fro m an A L A -a c c re d ite d p ro g ra m ; th re e y e a rs ’ e xp e rie n c e w ith g o v e rn m e n t d o c u m e n ts; kn o w le d g e o f fe d e ra l d o c u m e n ts in all fo rm a ts ; d o c u m e n ts refe ren ce e x p e rie n c e u sin g p rin t a nd e le c tro n ic g o v e rn m e n t re sou rce s; e v id e n c e o f e x c e lle n t a na lytica l, o rg a n iz a tio n a l, co m m u n ic a tio n , a nd tim e m a n a g e m e n t skills. P re fe rred : S u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n ce ; e x p e rie n c e w ith W e b d e v e lo p m e n t; in s tru c tio n a l e xp e rie n ce . T h is is a te n u re -tra c k p os itio n , requiring e v id e n ce o f s ch o la rly a ctiv ity in c lu d in g p u b licatio n . S A L A R Y : $ 4 2 ,0 0 0 fo r a 12 -m o n th c o ntra ct, n e g o tia b le d e p e n d in g u po n e xp e rie n ce ; s ta n d a rd b e n e fits p a c k a g e . Loca ted in th e s ta te ca p ita l o f A la b a m a , A U M is a c a m p u s o f a p p ro x im a te ly 5 ,1 0 0 stu d e n ts loca te d in a m e tro p o lita n e n v iro n m e n t o f so m e 30 0 ,0 0 0 . M o n tg o m e ry is lo ca te d th re e h o u rs fro m A tla n ta and six h o u rs fro m N ew O rle an s. T O A P P L Y : D e a d lin e fo r a p p lic a tio n s is November 15, 2002. S u b m it a p p lic a tio n s in c lu d in g c o v e r letter, résum é, co p ie s o f tra n sc rip ts, a nd th e nam es, c u rre n t a dd re sse s, a nd te le p h o n e n um b e rs o f three re fe re n ce s by N o v e m b e r 15, 2 00 2 , to: B etty J. Tim s C hair, Search C om m ittees A uburn U n iversity at M on tg om ery Library P.O. Box 244023 M ontgom ery, A L 36124-4023 Auburn University a t Montgomery is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. C H IN E S E /J A P A N E S E /K O R E A N U N IT S E C T IO N H E A D . University of California, San Diego. Rank: Assistant/Associate Librarian. Salary: $37,920-$46,008. The libraries of the University of Califor­ nia, San Diego (UCSD), invite applications from innovative profes­ sionals to lead a team that acquires and catalogs Chinese materials in all formats, including electronic resources. Responsibilities: Provides origi­ nal cataloging of Chinese language materials using Anglo-American Cataloging Rules; Library of Congress rule interpretations, classification system, subject headings, and Pinyin romanization; MARC21 formats; serves as head of the team (supervising five library assistants, temporary staff, and part-time students). Provides leadership in Chinese character sets, acquisitions and cataloging, and metadata; manages technical pro- C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 685 PRINCIPAL CATALOGER Allegheny College Pelletier Library of Allegheny College invites applications for the position of principal cataloger. The position is afull-time, 12-month appointment reporting to the Director of the Library and will be available fall 2002. RESPONSIBILITIES: Catalog materials in all formats and some foreign languages, including some original cataloging, using AACR2R, Dewey Decimal Classification, and LC Subject Headings; perform authority control on a database of over 400,000 bibliographic and authority records; update cataloging and union listing of over 4,000 periodicals records (both print and electronic); maintain the integrity of the online catalog and physical collections; supervise one full-time assistant and four students. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS and two years of relevant post-MLS experience. Preferred: Experience with OCLC, Innovative Interfaces, Inc. systems, and Dewey classification; supervisory experience; experience with cataloging serials and authority control. Other Requirements: Strong organizational and communication skills; ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines, solve problems, exercise good judgment; ability to w ork in a team environment; familiarity with emerging trends and issues in cataloging. Allegheny College is a private, undergraduate, liberal arts college situated in Meadville in the rolling hills of northwestern Pennsylvania. Founded in 1815, Allegheny College has a reputation for providing quality education within a liberal arts framework. A faculty of nearly 150 offers the approximately 1,850 students both traditional and innovative instruction in a wide range of subjects in the liberal arts. Computing is a strong component of the educational experience at Allegheny. Pelletier Library has a long and distinguished history. The original collection consisted of significant gifts from James Winthrop, William Bentley, and Isaiah Thomas. Today those collections form the basis of strong special collections. The library houses over 700,000 volumes and offers strong support of the curriculum through both print and electronic resources and a very active instruction program. Please submit a letter of application, detailed résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references who can speak knowledgeably about your experience to: Office of Human Resources Allegheny College 520 N. Main Street Meadville, PA 16335 DEADLINE: October 20, 2002. Review of candidates will continue until the position is filled. Visit the Allegheny College Web site at: Allegheny College is an equal opportunity employer. cessing operations for Chinese materials in all formats (including e-resources) ‚ comprising acquisitions, cataloging, and database mainte­ nance; trains staff in all aspects of acquisitions and cataloging, including descriptive cataloging, subject analysis, and classification; revises cata­ loging of Chinese language materials; manages Pinyin conversion project; participates in general management of Catalog Department a s a member of Cataloging Committee and through membership on other committees as appropriate; contributes to development of local cataloging policies and procedures and implements those policies and procedures with the team; participates in librarywide planning and professional activities appropriate to position; performs Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) authority work for Chinese personal names. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited program; two years’ professional librarian cataloging experi­ ence in an academic library. Under federal law, the University of Califor­ nia may employ only individuals who are legally authorized to work in the United States as established by providing documents specified in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. To Apply: Send application letter including a statement of qualifications, afull résumé of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least three persons who are knowle dgeable about yo u r qualifications fo r this position to:; orto : Debra Ambrose, Recruitment Specialist, UCSD Library Human Resources-0175H, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0175. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. C O O R D I N A T O R O F L IB R A R Y T E C H N O L O G Y S E R V IC E S . Responsibilities: Under the direction of the Assistant Dean for Administra­ tive Services, the coordinator administers and provides leadership in policy and program development for the Library Technology Services area. That includes responsibility for systemwide administration and management of electronic information systems and servers forthe uni­ versity libraries. Required Qualifications: Bachelor's or master’s degree in computer science or related field o f study; minimum of three years’ management experience; minimum of three years’ experience with client/ server hardware and software. Highly Desired Qualifications: Docu­ mented knowledge of LAN and WAN network infrastructure and protocols; documented knowledge of data communications network, software appli­ cations design, information processing, and computer architecture; docu­ mented knowledge of programming/scripting languages such as PERL, HTML, XML, C++, and MySQL; documented knowledge of HTTP, HTTPS, and TCP/IP related protocols; experience in a heterogeneous computer environment (Linux, UNIX, Windows); an understanding of emerging trends in the use of information technology; proven leadership ability within a library setting; ability to plan, coordinate activities, and complete projects in collaboration with technical and nontechnical staff; experience in Internet- based delivery and presentation of resources/services; demonstrated success in introducing new technologies with a commitment to client services; excellent organizational, interpersonal, oral, and written com­ munication skills. Also desired: Academic library experience; advanced degree in computer science or related field of study; an understanding of networks and distance-learning technologies and the ability to apply technology to a range of library applications. Rankand Salary: Full-time administrative professional position with a salary of $75,000 (negotiable). 686 / C&RL N ew s ■ O c to b e r 20 02 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE California State University, Northridge The Delmar T. Oviatt Library seeks dynamic, energetic, team-oriented leaders to fill the positions of Electronic Resources Librarian and Literature and Humanities Librarian. For complete details about these positions, go to: Electronic Resources Librarian DEPARTMENT: Technical Services. EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPOINTMENT: January 1 ‚ 2003. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position. RANK AND SALARY: Senior Assistant Librarian. Minimum salary of $50,101 and an excellent benefits package. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience. POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Electronic Resources Librarian will be expected to play a leadership role in the accessing and processing of electronic resources, including cataloging remote and direct access titles, ensuring consistency and accuracy of the information and accessibility of the library’s electronic presence and resources. The Electronic Resources Librarian works under the general direction of the Cataloging Coordinator; creates access methods to the electronic resources to deliver information to serve students, faculty, and staff of the university and to further the research and teaching goals of the university; works closely with librarians and staff involved in Web development, and in building a consensus for improvements, refining Web policies, setting priorities, establishing usability testing, coordinating electronic bibliography, overseeing electronic licenses and compliance, and providing a vision for the Web and future digital projects to ensure a high-quality electronic collection that meets the need of students, faculty, and the curriculum . May also catalog other form ats as needed and work at the reference desk, with some evening and weekend hour assignments. Required qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; strong customer service commit­ ment; bibliographic, and Web instruction knowledge; computer and technology skills, including Web page creation utilizing state-of-the-art Web authoring tools; knowledge of Web technologies and standards (e.g., HTML, XML, TEI, Dublin Core); excellent interpersonal and written communication skills, including ability to document procedures; ability and commitment to work in a culturally and ethnically diverse campus com m unity; capability and com m itm ent to engage in research and continued professional developm ent w orthy of prom otion and tenure as a faculty mem ber in the CSU system. Preferred skills include knowledge of library systems, preferably Innovative Interfaces, and with online bibliographic utilities such as OCLC; AACR2rev, LCRI ‚ LCSH ‚ MARC21 formats; and LC classification; e-journal and e-book management issues and information research techniques; online database searching and vendors; Internet tools, desktop information retrieval systems; Microsoft Office products; commitment to acquiring knowledge of the Innovative Interfaces Millennium software; familiarity with and ability to evaluate and recommend online services, and proficiency in database searching; experience in Web design, development, and management and development tools such as Dreamweaver, CSS, Flash, and Photoshop; demonstrated ability to initiate, organize, and set priorities in a team (continued on next page) To Apply: S end a letter o f application addressing yo ur qualifications a s they relate to the position, a current résumé, and the names, e-mail and office addresses, and phone num bers o f three references to: Sande S lack, Library Personnel Services, Colorado State U niversity Libraries, Fort C ollins, C O 80523-1019; e-m ail: sslack@ m; or visit our W eb site at: l. For full consideration, all application m aterials m ust be received by 5:00 p.m. S eptem ber 30, 2002. CSU is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. D IR E C T O R O F LE A R N IN G R E S O U R C E S . W h e a to n C o lle g e (Illinois) in vites applications fo r the position o f D irector o f Learning Resources fo r Buswell M emorial Library. Reporting to the Dean of Technology and Institutional Research, the D irecto r is responsible fo r all aspects o f adm inistration in the library and the supervision o f its staff o f 7 library faculty and 15 support staff members. Service on o th e r academ ic and/or adm inistrative committees is expected. The successful candidate will have completed an MLS o r equivalent from an accredited institution; a t le ast a second m a ster’s degree in a n o th e r field (Ph.D. preferred); at least five ye ars' adm inistrative experience in an academ ic research library comparable to Wheaton’s; an understanding and appreciation o f the liberal arts education and the needs of the scholarly com m unity; strong m anagem ent skills and a collegial style that supports the professionalism and initiative o f the staff; a progressive and proactive approach to planning for and implementing technology in the library; and evidence of continued professional developm ent. Wheaton College is an evangelical Christian liberal arts college whose faculty and staff affirm a Statem ent o f Faith and adhere to lifestyle expectations. The college com plies with federal and state guidelines fo r nondiscrim ination in em ploym ent. Letters o f interest and curriculum vitae should be sent to: D irector o f Human Resources, W heaton College, W heaton, IL 60187-5593. C om plete application m aterials will be forwarded to candidates. Applications will continue to be accepted untilthe position is filled. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRA RY. A ugustana College is currently seeking an individual with effective leadership, communication, and mana­ gerial skills to serve as Director of the Library. Well respected on campus, the library is positioned to fully support and participate in a reformed general education curriculum tha t includes a significant inform ation lit­ eracy component. Th e library, housed in a beautiful purpose-buiit facility a t th e ce nte r of the college, includes a collection of 270,000 titles and 400,000 item s as well a s significant o nline resources. The library cur- C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 687 (continued from previous page) environment; understanding of research and teaching activities and of how information is organized, accessed, and used to support the academic and research mission of the university. Open until filled, but preference will be given to applications received by November 15, 2002. Literature and Humanities Librarian DEPARTMENT: Technical Services. EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPOINTMENT: Appointment available immediately. This is a 12-month, tenure- track position. RANK: Senior Assistant Librarian. SALARY: Minimum salary of $50,101 and an excellent benefits package. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. POSITION DESCRIPTION: Candidates must be passionate about the English language and its literature, and able to build a high-quality collection serving students, faculty, and the curriculum. Serves as Coordinator of the Arts and Humanities Bibliographers Team, and has collection development responsibilities for English and American Literature, Journalism, some Modern and Classical Languages and Literature, and an interdisciplinary Humanities program; serves as subject liaison to those departments, and also responsible fo r bibliographic instruction fo r those disciplines. Assignment includes service at the reference desk and fine arts desk, with occasional evening and weekend hours. Required qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; some post-MLS collection devel­ opment experience in an academic or research library or equivalent in one or more o f the disciplines above; and reference experience. An advanced degree or substantial coursework in one of the disciplines listed above is preferred. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. TO APPLY: Send résumés for either position with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Doris S. Heifer Chair/Technical Services Department University Library California State University, Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street Northridge, CA 91330-8328 California State University, Northridge, with an enrollm ent of approximately 31,000 students, is one of the largest of 23 campuses in the California State University and Colleges System. Twenty-five miles from Central Los Angeles, in the San Fernando Valley, it is the only public university in this metropolitan suburb, which has a population in excess of 1,800,000. The university offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in over 50 fields, as well as credentials in the field of education. The university is committed to creating a community in which individuals from different backgrounds can live, learn, and w ork together. The library is dynamic, active, forward-looking, and committed to excellence. For more information about the library, please check the Web site at:; and the University at: h ttp://w w w An affirmative action, equal opportunity, Title IX employer. rently uses a GEAC integrated library system and is planning to migrate to a third-generation system in 2003. The Director supervises seven full­ tim e librarians, 10 support staff, and student assistants. Minimum quali­ fications include a MLS from an ALA-accredited institution and five years of increasingly responsible professional experience in libraries. Review of applications will begin November 1 ‚ 2002. The position will start as soon as feasible. For consideration, send an application letter, a separate single-page statement o f your philosophy o f librarianship, a résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Ellen A. Hay, Dean of Academic Services, Augustana College, 639 38th Street, Rock Island, IL61201 -2296. Rock Island is one of the Quad Cities o f Illinois and Iowa, a diverse metropolitan area on the Mississippi River with about 350,000 residents. Augustana College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from minority professionals. T he college does not discrim inate based on age, race, color, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or creed. Visit the College Web site at to learn m ore about the college and its library. D I R E C T O R , T E C H N I C A L A N D A C C E S S S E R V IC E S . S o u th ­ ern Illinois University Edwardsville, Library and Information Services, Assistant/Associate Professor. Responsibilities: The Director o f Techni­ cal and Access Services (TAS) is responsible for managing all units of the department: Acquisitions, Bibliographic Control, Bindery and Processing, and Access Services. T he Director reports to th e Dean of Library and Information Services. Prim ary Responsibilities: M anages all Technical and Access Services personnel; oversees annual evaluation of work performance and development plans for all departmental faculty, profes­ sional staff, and civil service staff; develops policies and procedures for Technical and Access Services; monitors and evaluates their implemen­ tation and effectiveness; participates in overall LIS planning, consultation, and management activities; works with th e Dean and appropriate LIS staff to assign resources for Technical and Access Services operations and projects; apprises and advises other library personnel on all departm ent policies and procedural changes. Represents the library in state and national organizations, as appropriate; remains current with library trends, issues, and practices and apprises colleagues of developments; meets the requirements fo r tenure and promotion. Terms of Appointment: Assistant o r Associate Professor, 12-month, tenure-track, continuing contract; ex­ cellent fringe benefits program. More information is available at: http:// w Contract Available: November2002. Qualifications Re­ quired: M LS from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum of six years 688 / C&RL N ew s ■ O c to b e r 2002 HISTORY LIAISON/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Georgia State University Georgia State University is seeking an energetic, knowledgeable, and visionary librarian to serve as the History Liaison/Reference Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES The successful candidate will serve as liaison with History Department; meet regularly with members of the department to provide information and instruction about library services, collections, and programs; serves as an advocate within the library for this group; be responsible for collection development in history; participate in management of the library materials budget; work at the general reference desk; provide specialized reference and research assistance to library patrons in designated subject area(s). QUALIFICATIONS Required: ALA-accredited MLS; familiarity with resources in a variety of formats; skill in use of technology and Web applications; excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills. Preferred: Second master’s degree and/or relevant experience in appropriate subject area; experience in library instruction; demonstrated interest in research and professional activities. SALARY AND RANK $32,500-$38,000 for 12 months commensurate with the candidate’s experience. Appointment at a faculty rank on a contract renewal basis. APPLICATION Submit a cover letter addressing the above qualifications, résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, including immediate supervisors, to: Carmen R. Newton Library Human Resources Officer William Russell Pullen Library Georgia State University 100 Decatur Street, S.E. Atlanta, GA 30303-3202 Phone: (404) 651-2172 Materials received by October 31, 2002, will receive priority consideration. For more information, please visit our Web site at: Georgia State University is an equal opportunity educational institution and affirmative action employer strongly committed to cultural diversity. of progressively responsible and successful experience in management in academic libraries; demonstrated knowledge o f MARC 21 formats and bibliographic utilities such a s OCLC; extensive experience in one or more o f the following areas: acquisitions, bibliographic control, circulation and serials managem ent; excellent written and verbal communication skills; ability to w o rk collaboratively in a team environment; strong interpersonal and public service skills. Qualifications Preferred: Experience negotiating licenses fo r electronic resources; experience with Endeavor’s Voyager system. Salary Range: Negotiable dependent upon credentials and expe­ rience, with a minim um salary o f $60,000. Excellent fringe benefits. U niversity Environment: S IUE, 20 m inutes northeast of St. Louis, is a public comprehensive university situated on 2,600 acres of rolling land and woods along bluffs a few miles from the Mississippi River. It is an integral part o f Illinois and the St. Louis metropolitan area and uses its suburban location to capitalize upon urban resources. As a premiere metropolitan university, S lU E is the first choice o f adiverse pool of applicants. S lU E has a student population o f o ve r 11,000. Library and Information Services manages Lovejoy Library, Academic Computing (including responsibility fo r interactive video distance education technology), and Audiovisual Services. Lovejoy Library m aintains a collection of more than 1,000,000 volum es and subscribes to more than 6,500 print and digital serials and periodicals. Additional information regarding the library and university can be found at the W ebsite: Closing Date fo r Applications: Initial review to begin O ctober 18,2002, and to remain open until position is filled. To A pply: S ubm it letter o f application and three current professional references to: Jay Starratt, Dean o f Library and Information Services, Director, Technical and Access Services, Lovejoy L ibrary, S outhe rn Illin o is U n iv ers ity Ed w ard s ville, C a m p us Box 1063, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1063. A s an a ffirm ative action em­ ployer, S lU E offers equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, creed o r religion, age, sex, national origin, o r disability. Applications from women and minority groups are especially encouraged. DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. (#2000) The U niversity of Southern Maine (U SM) invites nom inations and applications fo r the position o f Director o f the U niversity Library. T h is directorship offers a challenging opportunity fo r a leader with a strong vision fo r university libraries who has the managerial ski I Is to translate that vision into practice. The successful candidate will possess creative problem-solving skills and the ability to w o rk collaboratively with a talented and energetic constituency. S h e o r h e will be philosophically com m itted to th e concept of shared decision-m aking and to the use o f a team -based approach to management. We seek a director who shares a commitm ent to diversity, tolerance, and the active exam ination o f ideas that promote a greater understanding o f the richness and com plexity o f o ur society. Position Description: The D irecto r o f the University Library is the senior o ffice r of the multicam pus U niversity Library. She o r he is responsible fo r the organization, administration, operation, and evaluation of library services, physical facilities, staff, collections, and budgets. In concert with faculty, staff, and students, the Director seeks to accom plish the educational objectives of the university by playing an active role in developing the library’s print collections as well as pursuing n ew technologies in support of scholarly communication and learning. A detailed position description can be found a t the USM Website: Qualifications: Required: An earned master’s degree in library science (or equivalent) from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated experience C&RL News • October 2002 / 689 JOHNS HOPKINS CURATOR o f r a r e b o o k s u n i v e r s i t y Johns Hopkins University The Sheridan Libraries of the Johns Hopkins University are seeking an energetic individual to provide leadership for its rare book collections. This is a new position and combines oversight of three rare book libraries of 400,000 volumes. Reporting to the Curator of Special Collections, the successful candidate will be responsible for the rare books in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library, the John Work Garrett Library, and the George Peabody Library. The Curator will develop a strategy to integrate intellectually the three rare book collections to support research and teaching at the university. The successful candidate will have experience evaluating the importance of rare books to current trends in scholarship and managing acquisitions funds to develop collections. The Curator will supervise two full-time employees responsible for reader services and collection maintenance, and develop policies and priorities for this work. The libraries have an active program of presenting rare materials digitally, and the C urator will participate in the selection of materials for digital publication. The Sheridan Libraries are the principal research library of The Johns Hopkins University comprising the Milton S. Eisenhower Library and its collections at the John Work Garrett Library, the George Peabody Library, and the Albert D. Hutzler Reading Room. Serving the students and faculty in the schools of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and Professional Studies, the libraries are a key partner in the academic enterprise. The libraries are a leader in the innovative application of information technology and have implemented notable diversity and organizational development programs. The libraries prize initiative, creativity, professionalism, and teamwork. For more information on the libraries, see: QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited school and an advanced degree in a humanities subject; more than three years’ experience working with rare books in an academic library; experience developing rare book collections through purchase and gift programs; experience conducting instructional programs in the use and interpretation of rare books; experience with outreach programs such as lectures, exhibits, and publication; familiarity with digital technology and preservation issues in rare book collections; reading knowledge of at least two foreign languages, preferably German, French, or Latin; supervisory experience; ability to work independently as well as part of a team; excellent communication and interpersonal skills. For more information and to apply online, see:; or send résumé, indicating job #SCRA8510 on cover letter, along with three professional references, via e-mail to: jhu; fax to: (877) 262-0646; or mail to: JHU Résumé Processing Center P.O. Box 3687 Scranton, PA 18505 Approximate starting salary range $47,680-$60,000. We offer excellent benefits, including tuition remission, in a smoke-free and drug-free environment. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. with library automation, networking, and online systems; minimum of five years’ successful experience in an administrative position in a college or university library; demonstrated professional commitment to and experi­ ence with diversity and multicultural concerns; proven leadership and administrative abilities in a complex organization; and demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with staff ‚ faculty, students, administrators, and the professional community. Preferred: Earned doctorate in any field or a second master’s degree; previous experience as a director of a college or university library; previous experience in a large, statewide university system; experience in research and scholarship activities on library-related issues; experience with university-community partner­ ships; experience with grants and contracts; working knowledge of a second language (preferably French); and familiarity with Canadian library systems. Institution and Setting: The University of Southern Maine is the largest of the seven campuses of the University of Maine System, as well as one of the oldest, with its founding in Gorham in 1878. USM has three campuses, each having its own unique geography: the coastal city of Portland, the rural town of Gorham, and the inland city of Lewiston located 40 miles northwest of Portland. The eight academic units include College of Arts and Sciences; School of Applied Science, Engineering, and Technol- ogy; School of Business; College of Education and Human Development; College of Nursing and Health Professions; Lewiston-Auburn College; the Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service; and the University of Maine School of Law. The University Library, exclusive of th e Law library, has holdings of more than 362,000 volumes and more than 3,900 serial subscriptions. The library also supports many electronic resources within th e library through URSUS, the University of Maine System’s online catalog and resource database. The University Library is also home to a growing number of special collections. The prominent collections include th e Osher Map Library and Smith Center fo r Cartographic Education and the Collections within the Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine (African-American Archives of Maine, Franco-American Heritage Collection, Judaic Collection, and th e Gay and Lesbian Archives). De­ tailed information about the University of Southern Maine can be found at the USM W ebsite: Information about the Univer­ sity Library can be found at: Application Process: Review of applications will begin on November 1 ‚ 2002, and will continue until the position is filled. Nominations and applications must include: a cover letter responsive to the position announcement, acurricu- lum vitae, and the names and phone numbers of three references. After initial review, candidates will be expected to supply transcripts and may be asked for additional references that pertain to their work experience. Please remit applications to: Susan Campbell, Co-chairperson, Director of the University Library Search Committee, RE: 104, University of Southern Maine, Division of Advising and Academic Resources, 96 Falmouth Street, P.O. Box 9300, Portland, ME 04104-9300. 690 / C&RL N ew s ■ O c to b e r2002 E XTE N D ED C O L L E C T IO N S S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . N o rth ­ ern Kentucky University invites applications fo r an experienced and innovative individual fo r the position of extended collections librarian. Extended collections include interlibrary loan, docum ent delivery, dis­ tance learning, and copyright and intellectual property issues. This tenure- track position reports to the Head of Technical Services. Responsibilities include supervising, coordinating, and providing direction fo r ongoing and new interlibrary loan; document delivery services; and monitoring copy­ right and intellectual property com pliances fo r on-cam pus and distant learners. See contact information and a com plete list o f responsibilities and qualifications at: Northern Kentucky University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING. San Diego State University Library and Information A ccess seek applications and nom inations fo r a dynamic Head o f Cataloging. The new position will manage and coordinate mono­ graphs cataloging services in accordance with academ ic goals, library objectives, and strategic planning; provide innovative leadership and direction fo r monographs cataloging unit including acquisitions processes, authority control, database maintenance, cataloging issues and processes, m aterial preparation, W eb site access, project managem ent, planning, and problem resolution; create original cataloging fo r monographic mate­ rial in all languages, subjects, and formats including nonprint, electronic, and special resources; supervise staff, th e ir training, development, and evaluation; plan and prioritize special materials cataloging projects, which m ay include San Diego, M exican-Am erican Border Region, and media resources in both traditional and digital form ats; w o rk with library col­ leagues to develop and im plement responsive, user-oriented, and cost- effective cataloging p rocesses and policies; collaborate with staff and colleagues in establishing and documenting departmental goals, objec­ tives, procedures, priorities, and local practices that are consistent with service expectations; maintain awareness of emerging information tech­ nologies including use of metadata and of current trends and developments in cataloging, technical services, and librarianship. Required Q ualifica­ tions: Evidence o f a strong commitment to and understanding of cataloging practices and technical services; knowledge of electronic and traditional cataloging products, services, rules, and resources; excellent oral, writ­ ten, analytical, and interpersonal com m unication skills; ability to work effectively in a collegial and fast-paced environment; demonstrated lead­ ership and supervisory experience; experience leading change initiatives; dem onstrated project managem ent skills; potential fo r meeting the re­ quirem ents fo r tenure; ALA-accredited degree o r equivalent foreign de­ gree. Preferred Qualifications: Active involvement in professional devel­ opm ent activities with a record o f scholarly contributions and achieve­ ments in the profession; experience in using Web-based integrated library systems, preferably Innovative Interfaces; experience working with fa c­ ulty, staff, and students; experience with collection development. This is a full-tim e, 12-month, tenure-track faculty position. Tenure is dependent upon continuing library service effectiveness, professional growth and development, and service fo r the university and the community. Rank of either S enior A ssistant o r A ssociate L ibrarian‚w ith a starting salary from: $ 50 ,100-$80,136. Excellent benefits, including 24 d a ys' vacation. San Diego State University is the second largest academ ic institution in C alifornia and the oldest in the region. It serves an ethnically diverse student body o f approxim ately 33,000 students and 2,000 faculty mem ­ bers. The university offers bachelor’s degrees in 78 areas, master’s in 62, and the doctorate in 14. Its m ission is to provide w ell-balanced, high- quality education for undergraduate and graduate students, and to contrib­ ute to knowledge and the solution o f problem s through excellence and distinction in teaching, research, and service. Additional information is available at: http://ww SDSU is a Title IX, equal opportunity em ployer and does not discrim inate against individuals on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, disability, o r veteran status, including veterans o f the Vietnam era. Send le tte r o f interest that highlights strengths and experiences fo r this position, résumé, and names, postal addresses, and e-mail addresses of five professional references to: Print version of application packet may be se nt to: Helen Henry, Director, Administrative Operations, Library and Information Access, San Diego State Uni­ versity, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-8050. Please indicate the position fo r which you are applying. The search committee will begin screening applications on O ctober 2 8 , 2002. W hile applications will continue to be received until the position is filled, submission by the date indicated will ensure full consideration. H E A D , L IB R A R Y IN S T R U C T IO N . W a s h in g to n S ta te U n i­ versity (WSU) Libraries seeks candidates w ho are leaders, are enthu­ siastic a bout teaching and learning, and work successfully in a team environment. The expanding, innovative library instruction program em ­ ploys cutting-edge technology to support university curriculum, including writing-across-the-curriculum objectives. In collaboration with multiple university departm ents and programs, provides course-related library HEAD, REFERENCE AND RESEARCH SERVICES DEPARTMENT University of Cincinnati The University of Cincinnati seeks a dynamic, innovative, service-oriented team player to head the Reference and Research Services Department in the University Libraries’ Langsam Library. Langsam Library houses the main collections for the humanities, social sciences, and business collections. This tenure-track faculty position reports to the Head o f the Information Services Division and is responsible for a department composed of eight librarians, three staff members, and student assistants. ENVIRONMENT: The University of Cincinnati (UC) is a large, urban, research university with a diverse student population of approximately 35,000, including 5,000 graduate students. Ranked among the top 50 of ARL, University Libraries is a leader in the nationally recognized OhioLINK library consortium. University Libraries (UL) offers user-centered services in an innovative and welcoming environment that strives to serve the communities’ research needs. KEY RESPONSIBILITES: Provides leadership in the development of a shared vision for reference and research services and has primary responsibility for the administration of the department. UL’s centralized Reference Department comprises Reference, Government Documents, the Info Commons, and the First Year Experience initiative. Coordinates the reference and research functions across the college and departmental libraries. Some evening and weekend work required. QUALIFICATIONS: Required Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; at least five years’ experience providing reference services and participation in collection development in an academic or research library environment; demonstrated ability to promote teamwork and encourage collabora­ tion; record of successful supervisory experience with commitment to mentoring, training, and staff developm ent. For com plete details of required and desired qualifications, visit: http:// SALARY AND BENEFITS: Minimum salary is $41,310. Rank and salary negotiable depending on experience and qualifications. Benefits include health care, retirement plan, 22 days of vacation, sick leave, and tuition remission for self and immediate family. APPLICATIONS: Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Priscilla Neill University of Cincinnati P.O. Box 210033 Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033 Fax: (513) 556-0325 E-mail: (MS Word format) Review of applications will begin November 1, 2002, and will continue until the position is filled. UC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, d isabled persons, and V ietnam- era and disabled veterans are encouraged to apply. instruction infused throughout curriculum, provides Internet classes, and offers a credit course in research skills and information literacy. WSU participates in a program of legislatively mandated statewide assessment o f information and technology literacy. Administers library instruction department, including managing budget, supervising Instruction Librar­ ians, and coordinating efforts of instruction liaison librarians housed in public service units across campus. Required: ALA-accredited degree; minimum three years’ post-MLS experience in academic library; demon­ strated commitment to library instruction; demonstrated substantive re- cent teaching experience; flexibility and creativity; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; excellent adm inistrative skills; experience with online database and Web searching; experience with application o f new technologies to library instruction; fam iliarity with current theory, practices, and issues related to information literacy; ability to w ork effectively in collegial environment. Preferred: Successful su­ pervisory or project management experience; experience develop­ ing, coordinating, promoting, and assessing library instruction pro­ grams; experience in W eb-based instructional design. Salary: From $41,000 based on qualifications and experience. Complete retirement and insurance package. Application review begins October 14,2002. Open until filled. Send cover letter, résumé, and complete contact informa­ tion fort hree current references to: Bonny Boyan, Personnel Coordinator, WSU Libraries, P.O. Box 645610, Pullman, W A 99164-5610; or by e- m ailto: boyan@ For more information and application pro­ cedures, see:; search #3211. Equal opportu­ nity, affirm ative action employer. I N F O R M A T IO N L I T E R A C Y L IB R A R IA N . San D iego State University (SDSU) Library and Information Access seek applications and nominations for a dynamic Information Literacy librarian. The new posi­ tion will serve as a champion for information literacy within the library and across campus; coordinate with the Outreach librarian and Coordinator of Instruction librarian to design innovative, effective library instruction directed at the growing number of undergraduate students; create instruc­ tional materials in multiple mediafo rmats to include onlinet utorials and Web-based instruction; assist in planning library instruction and informa­ tion literacy efforts; conduct assessment and evaluation of information literacy effectiveness; promote information literacy initiatives with teach­ ing faculty; participate in reference services; may have collection devel­ opment responsibilities. Required Qualifications: Evidence o f a strong C&RL News • October 2002 / 691 6 9 2 / C&RL N e w s ■ O c to b e r 2 0 0 2 DIRECTOR OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT (Associate Director of Libraries) University of Pennsylvania The University of Pennsylvania (Penn) Library seeks qualified candidates for the position of Director of Collection Developm ent and M anagem ent. The D irector reports directly to the Vice Provost and D irector of Libraries, is a m em ber of the senior m anagem ent team of the university library system, and participates in Adm inistrative Council. SCO PE AND RESPO N SIBILITIES O F PO SITIO N: The Director m aintains close and informed relationships with a wide range of faculty and academ ic adm inistrators in Penn’s schools and leads, coordinates, and guides the w ork of 30 bibliographers and subject specialists in acquiring and licensing inform ation resources in all form ats and media. The director also oversees and shapes collections in all disciplines and academ ic program s of the University, both the developm ent of historic collections supporting academ ic program s of continuing strength and the developm ent of collections to support new strategic directions o f the university and its schools. The D irector m anages inform ation budget preparation and justification, fund allocation, collaborative and consortial resource programs; monitors information license agreements; and works with library colleagues in managing collections, for maximum usefulness, and review ing them fo r storage and preservation— including digital archiving policies. The D irector also participates in a range of activities th a t raise aw areness, understanding, and action in the areas of scholarship, scholarly com m unication, inform ation policy, and intellectual policy The D irector of Collection Developm ent and M anagem ent participates in the selection, continuing education, m entoring, and evaluation of all librarians with collection developm ent responsibilities and is responsible fo r assigning o f those responsibilities. This Director also participates in the Library program of fundraising and developm ent, including donor contacts and presentation, preparation of case statem ents and proposals, and assures good stew ardship and reporting to m ajor donors of information funds. The D irector w orks with the Librarian for Assessm ent and Publications to devise means of gauging the effectiveness of the Library’s information resources in meeting the needs of Penn’s faculty and students, and collaborates with the D irector of the Annenberg Library of Rare Books and M anuscripts, the Directors of Public Services and Information Processing, and School and D epartm ental Librarians to assure effective, user-based, and econom ic operation. The D irector represents the Library in key national and regional organizations and meetings on collection developm ent issues, including the lvies+ Group and the Global Resources Program of the Association of Research Libraries. Q U ALIFIC ATIO N S: Advanced library or inform ation science degree or the equivalent in theory and practice; Ph.D. in a field of the hum anities o r the social sciences and dem onstrated facility in at least (continued on n ext page) c o m m itm e n t to in fo rm a tio n lite ra cy, te a ch in g , a nd s e rvice ; e x p e rie n ce cre a ting in stru ction al/info rm a tion a l m a terials and providing bibliog ra p hic instruction; d em on strate d pro ject m a n ag em en t skills; kn ow led g e o f e le c­ tro n ic a nd tra d itio n a l re fe re n ce se n /ic e s a nd re so urce s; e x c e lle n t oral, w ritte n , a na lytica l, and in terpe rso na l co m m u nicatio n skills; a b ility to w o rk e ffe ctively in a collegial a nd fast-p a ced environ m e n t; potential fo r m eeting th e re q u ire m e n ts fo r ten u re ; ALA-a ccre dite d d e g re e o r e q u iva le n t foreign d eg re e. P re fe rred Q ua lifica tio n s: A ctive in vo lve m e n t in p ro fe ssio na l d e ­ ve lo p m e n t a ctivities w ith a re cord o f sch ola rly co n trib u tio n s and a ch ie ve ­ m e n ts in th e p ro fe ssio n ; e xp e rie n c e w o rkin g w ith fa c u lty , s taff, and stud e nts; expe rie n ce w ith o n line co urse m a n ag em en t so ftw a re a nd o th e r re le v a n t e d u ca tio n a l tech n o lo g ie s ; e xp e rie n c e w ith co lle c tio n d e v e lo p ­ m ent. T h is is a fu ll-tim e , 12 -m o n th ‚ te n u re -tra c k fa c u lty p o s itio n . T e n u re is d e p e n d e n t upo n co n tin u in g lib ra ry se rvice e ffe ctiven e ss, pro fe ssio na l g ro w th a nd d e ve lo p m e n t, a nd s e rvice fo r th e u niv e rs ity a nd th e co m m u ­ nity. R a n k o f e ith e r S e n io r A ssista n t o r A sso cia te Librarian, w ith a sta rtin g salary of: $50,10 0 -$ 8 0 ,1 36. Excellent benefits, in clu din g 24 d ays’ vacation. S a n D ie g o S ta te U n iv e rs ity is th e se co n d la rg e st a c a d e m ic in stitu tio n in C a lifo rn ia a n d th e o ld e s t in th e re g io n . It s e rv e s an e th n ic a lly d ive rse stu d e n t b o d y o f a p p ro x im a te ly 3 3 ,0 0 0 s tu d e n ts a nd 2 ,0 0 0 fa c u lty m e m ­ bers. T h e unive rsity offers bach elor’s d eg re e s in 7 8 areas, m a ster's in 62, a n d th e d o c to ra te in 14. Its m issio n is to p ro vid e w e ll-b a la n c e d , high- quality education fo r undergraduate and g raduate students, a n d t o contrib- u te to k n o w le d g e a nd th e s o lu tio n o f p ro b le m s th ro u g h e x c e lle n c e a nd d is tin c tio n in te a c h in g , re se arch , a n d s e rvice . A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n is a va ila b le at: h ttp ://w w w .s d s u .e d u . S D S U is a T itle IX, e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r a n d d o e s n o t d is c rim in a te a g a in s t in d iv id u a ls o n th e b a s is o f ra ce, re lig io n, n a tio na l o rig in , se xu a l o rie n ta tio n , g e n d e r, m a rita l statu s, age, d isab ility o r ve te ra n status, including v e te ra n s o f th e Vie tn a m era. T o A p p ly: S en d le tte r o f a p p lica tio n , résum é, a nd nam es, p osta l add re sses, a n d e - m a il a d d r e s s e s o f f iv e p r o fe s s io n a l r e f e r e n c e s to : m dotson @ m P rin t version o f application p a cke t m a y be se nt to : H elen H e nry, D ire cto r, A d m in is tra tiv e O p e ra tio n s, L ib ra ry a nd In fo r­ m a tio n A c c e s s , S an D ie g o S ta te U n iv e rs ity , 5 5 0 0 C a m p a n ile Drive, S an D iego, C A 9 21 8 2-8050. P le ase in dicate th e positio n fo r w hich you are applying. T h e se arch co m m itte e w ill begin scre e nin g applications on O c to b e r 1 4 ,2 0 0 2 . W h ile a p p lica tio n s w ill co ntin ue to be re ce ived until th e p o sitio n is fille d , s u b m issio n b y th e d ate in d ica te d w ill e n s u re full consideration. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Lon g Isla nd U n ive rsity, B ro oklyn , N ew Y ork. P ro vide re feren ce se rvice s, in clu din g so m e e ven in g a nd w eeke n d hours; d e ve lo p user guid e s a n d W e b tools; pro vide cu rriculum -integrated in stru ctio n th ro u g h Bl p ro g ra m , C o re S e m in a r a nd W ritin g A c ro s s th e C u rric u lu m P ro g ra m ; co lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t in cu rric u lu m a re a s; sp e ­ cial p ro jects. R e qu ired Q u a lifica tio ns: A LA -a ccre d ite d M LS ; th re e to five y e a rs o f p o st-M L S re fe re n ce a n d in stru ctio n a l e xp e rie n ce , p re fe ra bly in au to m a te d a ca d e m ic library; stro ng se rvice o rie nta tion ; su b je ct sp e c ia l­ tie s in cu rric u lu m a re a s; b u sin e ss a nd h ea lth s c ie n c e s co n ce n tra tio n s desirab le ; e xce lle n t d a ta b a se skills; goo d g ra sp o f tech n olo g y/inte rface s a nd o f u s e r h a b its a nd n ee ds; a b ility to w o rk co lla b o ra tiv e ly ; e xce lle n t com m unication skills with v a rio u s constituencies. Position is a tenure-track C&RL News ■ O ctober 2002 / 693 (continued fro m previous page) o ne sig n ifica n t foreign language and culture are highly desirable; an understanding of th e goals, stru ctu re s, practices, and politics of research universities, th e ir outcom es, and th e ir libraries; dem on­ stra te d fa m ilia rity with scholarly inform ation and know ledge resources in all m edia and fo rm a ts and the global production, distribution, acquisition, and consum ption o f inform ation; dem onstrated understand­ ing o f th e structure and processes of scholarly research and publishing; experience with inform ation b u d g e t preparation and allocation highly desirable; dem onstrated m anagem ent or supervisory skills in a co m ple x organization; dem onstrated ability to w ork effective ly and colle g ia lly with fa cu lty and library staff; dem onstrated understanding of the functions o f public sen/ices, a cquisition, and vendor and d e a le r cultures. BA C K G R O U N D : The U niversity of Pennsylvania is a private, Ivy League com prehensive research unive rsity in Philadelphia founded in 1740 by Benjam in Franklin and his circle. It is com posed o f 12 sch oo ls with 3,800 faculty m em bers and has a present enro llm e n t o f nearly 20,000 students, equally divided between undergraduate and g raduate/professional school students. T he University of Pennsylvania Library system consists o f 14 libraries and a nearby high-density storage facility. I t co n ta in s o v e r five million books, 40,000 curren t serials, 200 digital inform ation bases and over 7,000 e-journals. T he Library is a leader in th e deve lo pm e n t of digital library services and collections, and has nationally and internationally renow ned traditional co llections in a num ber o f fields, including church history, Shakespeare, M edieval and R enaissance Studies, Judaic Studies, the H istory of Science, and South Asian Studies. It has recently em barked on an e xtensive program o f space renovation. The library system has an annual a cquisitions b udget of over $11 million and a library e ndo w m en t of o ver $50 million. Th e re are 400 FTE library staff. SALAR Y AN D B EN EFITS: H ighly com petitive and com m ensurate with th e se nio r level o f the position. A P P LIC A TIO N AN D N O M IN ATIO N PR O C ESS: Potential ca ndidates are invited to subm it a le tte r of a p p lic a tio n th a t a d d re s s e s th e n ee d s a nd q u a lific a tio n s o f th e p o s itio n , a lo n g w ith th e ir ré sum é a nd th e nam es, a dd re sse s , a nd p ho n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re fe re n c e s w h o can a d d re s s th e s u ita b ility o f th e c a n d id a te fo r th e position described, to: Robert Eash Human Resources Officer University of Pennsylvania Library 3420 W alnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206 E-mail: reash@ N om inations fo r the position are w elcom e. A pplications will be reviewed upon receipt. M aterials received by November 1, 2002, will receive first consideration. The University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. faculty app o in tm e n t (30 additional graduate credits o r second m aster’s degree required fo r A ssistant Professor). Excellent benefits including 44 days’ leave, calendar recesses, and release-time. T o Apply: Send letter of interest an d c urriculum vitae to: T erri C am po, Long Island Univer­ sity, 1 U niversity Plaza, Brooklyn, N Y 11201-8423. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. N o rth w e s te rn S tate U niversity is e xtending its search fo r an outgoing, vib ra n t R eference/ Instruction Librarian w h o e njoys w orking with teaching faculty and stu ­ dents— a le a d e r in designing, publicizing, im plem enting, and evaluating instruction. P rim ary R esponsibilities In clu de: Library instruction fo r stu ­ dents, prom oting services to faculty, and integrating library instruction into th e ir curriculum . R eference duties as assigned. Required: A LA-M LS. Preferred Q ualifications: C lassroom experience; curriculum design; co ­ teaching experience. Salary: $32 ,5 0 0 (12 m onths). C ontact: (318) 357- 4403; or: m errella @ fo r com plete announcem ent. O pen until filled. T o Apply: Send letter, résum é, and three references to: Library In structio n S earch, D ire cto r of Libraries, W atson Library, Northwest­ ern State University, N atchitoches, LA 71497. E qual opportunity, affirm ative actio n employer. S CIEN CE AND TEC H N O LO G Y R EFERENCE L IB R A R ­ IAN. Librarian II o r Libraria n III. U niversity of H aw ai'i a t Manoa Library. Full-tim e, tenure-track, availa ble 0 c to b e r2 0 0 2 . Responsibilities: Under direction of th e departm ent head, provide general and specialized refer­ ence service, utilizing a variety o f print and electronic research sources; serve a s principal se le cto r of p rint and electronic resources fo r several science disciplines; assist in collection developm ent; provide electronic database and In ternet se arching assistance; provide in structional se r­ vices to students in group or classroom setting and develo p bibliographic instructional materials; assist with th e m aintenance of departm ental Web pages; participate in c om m ittees and special p rojects a s needed. M ini­ m um Q ualifications: A t rank of Librarian II: A L A -accredited M LS or international equivalent; subject background or experience in a scie nce field; at rank of Librarian III: A LA-accredited MLS o r in ternational equiva­ lent; at least three years of professional experience in an academ ic library and 2 4 p ost-baccalaureate credits in a science field. Desired Q ualifica­ tions: W rite to the address below to receive a fu ll position description and lis t o f m inim um and desired q ualifications o r c o n su lt th e Library W eb page: http://libw eb.haw aii.ed u/uhm lib/libinfor/jobs.htm l. S alary Range: Librarian II: $35,316 -$ 5 2 ,2 4 8 ; Librarian III: $4 1 ,3 0 4 -$ 6 1 ,128. T o Apply: Subm it letterof application addresses th e minimum and desired qualifica­ tions, résum é, an d nam es o f th re e references to: P ersonnel Officer, University of Hawai'i Library, 2550 M cC arthy M all, H onolulu, HI 96822. Interview ees w ill be expected to m ake a presentatio n to library fa cu lty and staff a s part o f th e screening process. Inquiries: (808) 956- 7 20 7 . Closing Date: O cto b e r 11 ‚ 2002. T he U niversity of Haw ai'i is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. U n ive rsity o f M innesota Libraries, Twin C itie s C am pus, S cience a nd E ngineering Library. T he U niversity of M innesota Libraries (http://w w w invites applications and 6 9 4 / C&RL N e w s ■ O c to b e r 2 0 0 2 THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE San Francisco State University Three tenure-track faculty positions; for detailed position descriptions with inform ation on required and preferred qualifications, see: http://w w w C ollection D evelopm ent C oordinator (Position No. 46.02) Provides leadership fo r and coordinates the collection developm ent program. Serves as library subject liaison to appropriate academ ic programs. A P PO IN TM E N T RANK: Senior A ssistant or Associate Librarian. Curator of the de Beilis Collection and M usic/Hum anities Librarian (Position No. 47.02) Serves as C urator of the de Bellis Collection (h ttp://w w w l) and Library subject liaison to the School of M usic and Dance, C lassics, Classical Archaeology, Italian, and Museum Studies. As subject liaison, participates in research and instructional services support and collection m anagem ent. A P PO IN TM E N T RANK: Associate Librarian o r Librarian. Social Sciences Librarian (Position No. 48.02) Fulfills a com bination o f responsibilities in the areas of instruction, reference, collection developm ent, and liaison w ork with discipline-based faculty in behavioral and social science fields. AP PO IN TM E N T RANK: Senior Assistant Librarian. Librarians have full faculty status. AP PO IN TM E N T SA LAR Y RANGES: Senior A ssistant Librarian: $ 5 0 ,1 0 0 -6 3,3 0 0 Associate Librarian: $ 5 7 ,6 1 2 -8 0,1 3 6 Librarian: $ 7 2 ,9 1 2 -8 8,0 5 6 San Francisco State University (SFSU), a m em ber of the California State University system, serves a diverse student body of 27,000 undergraduate and graduate students. The mission of the university is to prom ote scholarship, freedom , human diversity, excellence in instruction, and intellectual accom plishm ent. SFSU faculty are expected to be effective teachers and dem onstrate professional a chievem ent and growth through continued research, publications, and/or creative activities. APPLIC ATIO N PR O CEDURE: R eview of applications will begin Novem ber 1, 2002, and continue until the positions are filled. C andidates should subm it a letter of application, résumé, and the names, postal and e-m ail addresses, and telephone num bers o f three references to: Pam Kullberg, Personnel Coordinator J. Paul Leonard Library San Francisco State University 1630 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132-4030 S an F ra n cisco S ta te U n ive rsity is a n a ffirm a tive action, e q u a l o pp o rtu n ity em ployer. M inorities, w om en, a n d p e rs o n s w ith d isa b ilitie s a re e n co u ra g e d to apply. n o m in a tio n s f o r th e p o s itio n o f S c ie n c e L ib ra ria n in th e S c ie n c e a nd E n g in e e rin g L ib ra ry (h ttp ://s c iw e b .lib .u m n .e d u ). T h is p ositio n a s s is ts in su p p orting the research and instruction n e e d s o f under g ra du ate and gradu­ a te stu d e n ts, fa cu lty, a nd s ta ff in th e In stitu te o f T e c h n o lo g y (IT , h ttp :// w w w .it.u m n .e d u /). R e spo n sib ilitie s: S e le c t lib ra ry m a te ria ls in a ll fo rm a ts fo r a ss ig n e d d is c ip lin e s in th e p h ysica l scie n c e s o r e n g in e e rin g ; d e ve lo p stro n g co n n e c tio n s w ith fa c u lty , stu d e n ts, a n d in stru c tio n a l p ro g ra m s to d e te rm in e co lle c tio n a nd s e rvice n ee ds; p ro m o te in fo rm a tio n lite ra c y by consulting w ith fa cu lty on assign m e n ts a nd providing instructional support; p ro vid e gen eral a nd research assistan ce to library u se rsd u rin g scheduled h o u rs a t th e S cie n ce a n d E ng in e e rin g R e fe re n ce D e s k in W a lte r Library, in clu din g so m e evening and w eeke n d shifts; contribute to th e d evelopm ent o f th e libraries’ digital reference s e rvice s a nd o n line learning reso urce s and to o ls (se e h ttp ://in fo p o in t.lib .u m n .e d u /a n d h ttp ://w w w .lib .u m n .e d u /re - s e a rc h /); m a in ta in a s s ig n e d s u b je c t W e b p a g e s o n S c iW e b (h ttp :// s ciw e b .iib .u m n .e d u ); w o rk c lo s e ly w ith th e A U L fo r In fo rm a tio n T e c h n o l­ o g y a nd w ith th e D ig ita l T e c h n o lo g y C e n te r to s e e k o u t o p p o rtu n itie s fo r d ig ita l p ro je c ts w ith th e In s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y ; a n a ly z e tre n d s in th e te a c h in g a n d re s e a rc h p ro g ra m s o f a s s ig n e d d is c ip lin e s , k e e p c u rre n t w ith s c h o la rsh ip in th e d iscip lin e s th e m se lve s, a nd a p p ly o b se rva tio n s to co lle ctio n , in stru ctio n , a n d re fe re n ce se rvice s. Q u a lifica tio ns: R e qu ired : A L A -a ccre dite d M L S o r fo re ig n equ iva le nt; e xcellen t co m m u n ica tio n and in terpe rso na l skills; cre a tivity, fle xib ility, in itia tive, a nd se lf-d ire ction ; a b il­ ity to w o rk b o th in d e p e n d e n tly a n d in c o o p e ra tio n w ith c o lle a g u e s and lib ra ry u se rs in a s e rvice -o rie n te d , te a m -b a s e d e nv iro n m e n t. P re fe rred : U n de rg ra d u a te o r g ra d u a te s cie n c e d e g re e , o r s ig n ific a n t d iscip lin a ry e xpe rie n ce in an a c a d e m ic library; e xp e rie n ce in c o lle ction d eve lo pm en t, referen ce, o r in stru ction in a la rg e c o lle g e o r u n ive rsity library; e xpe rie n ce in th e d e ve lo p m e n t o f digital lib ra ry projects; d em on strate d in volvem en t in p ro fe ssio n a l a ctivitie s. S a la ry a n d B e n e fits: T h is i s a fu ll-tim e , 12 -m o nth , co ntin uo u s a p p ointm e n ttra ck, a cadem ic/professional position w ith proba­ tio n a ry a p p o in tm e n t a t A ss is ta n t L ib ra ria n .T h e lib ra rie s o ffe rs a co m p e ti­ tiv e s a la ry c o m m e n s u ra te w ith e xpe rie n c e , e x c e lle n t b e n e fits, a n d s u b ­ sta n tia l m o v in g a llo w a n c e . T o A p p ly : P o sitio n a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly. C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 695 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY The Cline Library at Northern Arizona University (NAU) invites applications for Reference Librarian. Under the direction of the Head of Reference, the Reference Librarian supports services for a distributed learning environment that accommodates student study and research activities that take place 24/ 7, wherever students are located. Librarians at Cline Library are responsible for enriching and developing information content for the library’s Web site so that users become increasingly self-sufficient in finding and using high-quality information. Additionally, the library is committed to a public computing environment that encourages the integration of access to resources with software applications that allow manipulation of the resulting research. This position has special responsibility for coordinating library services and course support for the College of Education. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited graduate degree from a library and information science program; one year of experience with Web-based reference sources, services, and research; outstanding commitment to providing resources and services and promoting student research competencies through the use of information technology; demonstrated skill in assisting users in locating, evaluating, and utilizing information; ability to contribute effectively to learner-centered library initiatives and the development of resources, services, and tools for the library’s Web site; strong leadership, project management, and organizational skills; demonstrated ability to participate as a productive member of a team; capacity for working flexibly and creatively in a rapidly changing environment; excellent communication and interpersonal skills in a diverse workplace and a multicultural learning environment; enthusiasm for collaborating with colleagues to continue the effective integration of new technologies into a strong array of reference services and collections; commitment to a library public computing environment that encourages the integration of access to resources with software applications that allow manipulation of the resulting research; demonstrated proficiency with microcom­ puter networks, PC troubleshooting, Windows and Web applications, and electronic communication/ collaboration tools; experience in creating Web-based research resources and services; demonstrated interest in professional activities, including participation in local, state, and national professional organizations. For a detailed job description and complete list of requirements under Academic Professional, see: u .e d u /~h r/H om e /N A U _Jo b s/. TO APPLY: Send letter of application specifically addressing the qualifications listed above, vita, and names and addresses of three references to: Ann Eagan, Head of Reference Services Cline Library Northern Arizona University Box 6022 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6022 For additional information, phone: (928) 523-0340; fax: (928) 523-3770; or e-mail: Ann.Eagan @ SALARY AND BENEFITS: $37,400 minimum for 12-month contract with Academic Professional status. Benefits include TIAA-CREF; life and health insurance; generous vacation and sick leave. Résumés will be reviewed periodically, beginning on September 30, 2002, every two weeks until filled or until December 2, 2002. NA U has a growing minority student population and is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action; we welcome minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans willing to make a commitment to NAU’s mission of cultural diversity. Applications will be accepted until filled. Send letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Human Resources, 499 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, 309 19th Avenue South, Minne­ apolis, MN 55455. Please identify the application with UL #162. Full description available:'The Uni­ versity of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. S C IE N C E R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . W ake Forest University seeks an energetic, innovative, and service-oriented Science Reference Librarian to join the Information Services Team o f the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. The Science Reference Librarian serves as subject specialist and liaison for the undergraduate and graduate sciences of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Duties include reference and research assistance, user instruction, and computer training for students and faculty. Please see the full vacancy announcement for this Reference Librarian at: http://w niversity/ 01263.html. Review of applications is underway and will continue until the position is filled. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three profes­ sional references to: Employment Manager, Office of Human Resources, P.O. Box 7424, Wake Forest University, W inston-Salem, NC 27109. You may transmit your materials via fax to: (336) 758-6127 or via e-mailto: For more information about Wake Forest University, visit our Web site at: Wake Forest University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.'The 696 / C&RL News ■ O c to b e r 2002 SER IA LS/ELECTRO NIC RESOURCES CATALOGER University of Denver T h e U n ive rsity o f D e n v e r’s P e n ro se L ib ra ry s e e k s a m o tivate d and p ro g re ssive p ro fe ssio n a l to a ssum e re spo n sibility fo r se ria ls /e le c tro n ic re sou rce s ca ta lo g ing . P e nrose L ib ra ry h ou se s 2 .8 m illion ite m s in its m ain and m u sic libraries. T h e lib ra ry fulfills its m ission w ith a fa c u lty of 16 profe ssio n al Iib ra ria n s a n d 42.5 FTE staff. T h e library is a fou n din g m e m b e r o f th e C o lo rad o A llia nce o f R esearch Libraries, a p artn ersh ip o f 11 resea rch , public, and e d u c a tio na l ins titutio n s se rvin g th e in form a tio n nee d s o f th e C o lo ra d o co m m un ity. F o r a dditional inform ation a bo u t th e unive rsity and P e nrose Library, see: h ttp ://w w w .d u .e d u . R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : C a ta lo g s e ria ls a nd e le c tro n ic re sou rce s using O C L C and th e IN N O P A C / M ille nn iu m syste m ; c o o rd in a te se ria ls d a ta b a se m a in te n a n ce ; d e v e lo p c a ta lo g in g p o lic ie s and p ro ce d u re s; and han d le lice n se a g re e m e n ts fo r e le c tro n ic re sou rce s. T h is positio n repo rts t o th e H ead o f O rig in a l C a ta lo g in g /S p e cia l M aterials. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : R equired: M LS; tw o y e a r s ' p rofe ssio n al ca ta lo g ing expe rie nce ; c u rre n t a w a re n ess of n ew tre n d s, sta n d ard s, and e m e rg in g te c h n o lo g ie s in s e ria ls ca ta lo g ing ; w o rkin g kn o w le d g e of A A C R 2 , U S M A R C , LC SH , LC classifica tio n, O C L C , and C O N S E R sta n d ard s; e xcelle nt co m m un ica tion and interp e rso na l skills; stro n g a n a lytic and p ro b le m -so lving skills; a b ility to w o rk in a te a m enviro n m en t; a nd fle x ib ility in re spo n se to ch a n g in g c irc u m s ta n ce s. P a rticip a tio n in p ro fe ss io n a l a nd sc h o la rly a ctivitie s is e xpe cted . P re fe rred : W o rkin g kn o w le d g e o f o ne o r m ore fo re ig n la n g u a g e s ; e xp e rie n ce w ith an a uto m ated se ria ls module; basic know le dg e o f m e ta d ata sta n d ard s (e.g., Dublin C ore) and m a rk­ up la n g u a g e s (e.g., H TM L, X M L). S A L A R Y , R AN K, B E N E F IT S : $ 3 8 k to low $40 s; fa c u lty sta tu s, n o n -te n u re -tra c k a p p o intm en t; g e n e ro u s b e n e fits p acka g e inclu d in g T IA A -C R E F ; 2 2 va catio n d ays p e r year. G E N E R A L IN F O R M A T IO N : T h e U n ive rsity o f D e n ve r, fo u n d e d in 1864, e n ro lls a p p ro x im a te ly 9,300 stu d e n ts in its u n d e rg ra d u a te , g rad u a te , a nd p ro fe s sio n a l p rog ra m s. It is in th e m idst o f a $ 35 0 m illion c a m p u s im p ro v e m e n t p rog ra m . T h e u n ive rsity is s itu a te d in a re sid e n tial n e ig h b o rh o o d o f D en ve r, a v ib ra n t a nd d iv e rs e c ity s itu a te d a t th e fo o t o f th e R ocky M o un tain s. T h e city has a ro b u st e co n o m y anchored by tourism , high te ch n olo gy, a nd te le c o m m u n ica tio ns. It b oa sts an a rra y of cultural attractions, fin e re sta u ra n ts, g re a t s h op p ing , a nd a live ly nig h tlife . D e n v e r is th e g a te w a y to th e p la y g ro u n d s o f the m o u n ta in s w ith re crea tio n al a ctiv itie s in a bu n d a n ce all y e a r round. T h e c lim a te is te m p e ra te and h ealthful, w ith little h um id ity and lots o f su nsh in e. D E A D L IN E : R evie w o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill begin November 1, 2002, and co n tin u e until th e positio n is filled. T O A P P L Y : Send le tte r o f a p p licatio n , ré sum é , a nd nam e s, a d d re sse s, te le p h o n e n um b e rs, a nd e -m ail a d d re sse s o f th re e c u rre n t re fe ren ce s to: Toni Miller Office of the Dean Penrose Library University of Denver 2150 E. Evans Avenue Denver, CO 80208-2007 Fax: (303) 871-2290 The University o f Denver is committed to enhancing the diversity o f its faculty and staff and encourages applications from women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans. Late Job Listings ACQUISITIONS AND COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. Mina Rees Li­ brary, City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center, seeks Acquisitions and Collection Development Librarian (Instructor or Assistant Professor level). Requires MLS (and additional master’s for Assistant Professor); minimum three years' supervising acquisitions/ serials in academic/research library; record of professional achievement; OCLC/NOTIS profi­ ciency. To Apply: Send résumé and the names and addresses of three professional references to: Julie Cunningham, Chief Librarian, Mina Rees Library, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016. Application review begins October 18,2002. EOE/AA/ADA/IRCA C&RL News ■ October 2002 / 697 INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Central Michigan University Central Michigan University (CMU) Libraries seeks a qualified, team-oriented applicant to fill a position in its Reference Services Department. The department is made up of 11 reference librarians and two support staff who work within a new, 50-million-dollar, state-of-the-art facility. This is a faculty position requiring an MLS o r equivalent from an ALA-accredited program, evidence of potential for earning tenure and promotion as a library faculty member, and excellent communication skills. This position includes some weekend and evening hours. INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Works collaboratively and provides leadership for an active and established library instruction program. Principal responsibilities include: coordinating research-skills courses, course-related bibliographic instruction, and Web-based tutorials; collaboration with librarians and academic faculty to develop and maintain technology-based instruction. Initiates outreach activities to promote library services. Also provides all facets of reference sen/ice. This position may include some collection development responsibilities. SPECIFIC MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS MLS o r equivalent from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated teaching ability; leadership ability; enthusiasm and commitment to service excellence; knowledge of HTML, electronic/Internet and print reference sources, and Web page design experience; evidence of excellent written and oral communication; strong interpersonal skills. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Professional library experience, including reference experience; teaching experience, preferably in an academic library; experience teaching in a hands-on computer classroom; experience designing successful Web-based instructional modules; additional graduate degree; experience with promotion and outreach activities. SALARY AND BENEFITS Salary commensurate with qualifications; minimum $42,000. Excellent fringe benefits. Serving more than 27,000 students, Central Michigan University is an innovative doctoral/ research-intensive institution recognized for strong undergraduate education and a range of focused graduate programs and research. TO APPLY Review of applications begins October 1 ‚ 2002. Applications for this position will be accepted until the position is filled. Submit letter of application addressing qualifications for the position, résumé, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three work-related references. Mail letter of application to: Chairperson, Reference Librarian Search Committee 407 Park Library Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859 CMU, an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution, is strongly and actively committed to increasing diversity within its community (see DIRECTOR/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, The Detroit Public Library is among the 10 largest public libraries in the nation, with 24 neighborhood branches and an annual budget of $33 million. The director’s primary responsibilities include creating and orchestrating the vision and strategic direction of the library and its financial and organizational management, and directing the libraiy's public relations efforts. Required professional qualifications include: Librarian’s Permanent Professional Certificate (Level 1); master’s from an ALA-accredited library school; minimum five years’ senior management in a complex, multisite, library-related organization, preferably in an union environment with demonstrated facility working with diverse constituencies. Competitive compensation and benefits package commensurate with experience. The Detroit Public Library is an equal opportunity employer. Forward résumé and cover letter to: Jennifer Kerensky, Boulware & Associates Inc., 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 621, Chicago IL 60604; phone: (312) 322-0088; fax: (312) 322-0092; e-mail:; or visit our Web site: