ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 382 / C&RL News ■ M ay 2002 A p p o i n t m e n t s C o n sta n tia C o n s ta n tin o u h a s b e e n a p ­ pointed library director of the Stephen B. Luce Library at SUNY Maritime College. Iren e M. H. H erold has b e e n appointed di­ rector of the M ason Library at K eene State College in Keene, New Ham pshire. She p re ­ viously served as director of the Anne Bridge B addour Library o f Daniel W ebster College in Nashua, New H am pshire, a n d as public services librarian of the H ew es Library of M onm outh College in M onmouth, Illinois. V irgin ia A h o has b e e n n am ed h e a d of the D. S. Woods Education Library at the Uni­ versity of Manitoba. R ach el A u gello is n o w catalog librarian in th e Wyllie Library at th e U niversity of Virginia’s College at Wise. Y e h o sh u a Ben-A vraham has b e e n a p ­ pointed coordinator of m em ber programs and services at the American Theological Library Association. MaryL. Chute has been appointed deputy director of the Institute o f M useum a n d Li­ brary Services for Library Services. Ju d ith A. D o w n ie has b e e n ap pointed humanities librarian at the California State Uni­ versity San Marcos Library. Brian Erb is now reference librarian in the Wyllie Library at the University of Virginia’s Col­ lege at Wise. Elizabeth Farley has been appointed Arling­ ton Campus Library liaison and electronic re­ sources librarian at George Mason University. Gail F eigen baum has been nam ed asso­ ciate director of programs at the Getty Research Institute. Mora Gregg is now head of the William R. Newman Library at the University of Manitoba. D o n n a H ughes-O ldenburg has accepted a position as head of bibliographic services at Old Dom inion University Libraries. Ernie Ingles has been appointed 2002 visi­ tor-in-residence at Dalhouise University. C indy In g o ld is now Women and Gender Resources librarian at the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. M aureen K elly has been nam ed the Or­ egon State University-Cascade campus librar­ ian in Bend, Oregon. S h aron Kerr has joined George Mason University as coordinator of reference and in­ struction services in the Johnson Center Libraiy. T h ea Lindquist has b e e n nam ed history and Germanic language and literature librar­ ian at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Y v o n n e N alaniM eu lem ans has been a p ­ pointed science librarian at the California State University-San Marcos Library. Setsuko N oguchi has been appointed Japa­ nese Studies librarian at the University of Illi­ nois Library at Urbana-Champaign. V ictoria S h e lto n is no w the science refer­ ence and instruction liaison librarian of the Prince William Campus Library at George Ma­ son University. Mark Stengel has joined the California State University-San Marcos Library as collections/ acquisitions librarian. D e n ise S tep h en s has been nam ed associ­ ate university librarian for public services at the Syracuse University Library. Jan et T h o m is now coordinator of library access services at the Samuel Read Hall Library of Lyndon State College in Lyndonville, Ver­ mont. D ane Ward has been nam ed associate dean of public services at Illinois State University. T eressa W ittig has joined George Mason University as the h e a d of collection d evelop­ m ent a n d preservation officer. A d v e rtis e r in dex Academic Press 367 ACRL 339 American Chemical Society 344 Amigos Library Services 383 Annual Reviews 371 Archival Products 330 Chemical Abstracts Cover 2 CQ Press 359 Elsevier Science 327 Endeavor Inform ation Systems 343 IEEE 349 ISI Cover 3 LAMA 379 Libraries Unlimited 374 OCLC O nline 355 Pow ell’s Books 358 SPARC 380 SWETS Blackwell 369 West G roup Cover 4