ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries ISSN 0010-0870 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRA n R e I w ES s NO. 10 • NOVEMBER 1975 In this issue: ACRL Remains Largest Division . 317 ACRL Nominating Committees 1976/77 Elections . 317 ACRL Announces Faculty Status P u b l i c a t i o n .................................. 319 Videocassettes Available 319 Inside Washington 320 L e t t e r s ..............................................321 Access Policy Guidelines 322 News From the Field 324 P e o p l e ..............................................338 Classified Advertising 341 ACRL Remains Largest Division The Association of College and Research Li­ braries has maintained its position as the largest division of the American Library Association. According to final membership statistics re­ leased September 30, 1975, ACRL has 9,390 members, 7,131 of these being personal mem­ bers and 2,259 being organizational members. The American Association of School Librari­ ans is the second largest division with 7,384 members. The Resources and Technical Ser­ vices Division, 6,534 members, and the Refer­ ence and Adult Services Division, 6,268 mem­ bers, ranked third and fourth among the thir­ teen divisions. During 1975 ACRL launched a membership promotion campaign which re­ sulted in 1,326 new members joining ACRL. Membership in ACRL costs $15.00 in addi­ tion to the $35.00 membership fee for the ALA. Materials describing ACRL, its program, and perquisites of membership are available from the ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ■ ■ ACRL Nominating Committees 1976/77 Elections The ACRL Committee on Appointments and Nominations and the ACRL section nominating committees are seeking candidates for nomina­ tion for election to office and for recommenda­ tion for appointment to committees. Persons in­ terested in being considered for nomination or appointment or interested in making recom­ mendations should contact a member of the ap­ propriate committee before the Midwinter Meeting which will be held in Chicago January 18–24, 1976. ACRL Committee on Appointments and Nominations Chairman, H. Joanne Harrar, Director of Li­ braries, McKeldin Library, University of Mary­ land, College Park, MD 20742; members: chairmen of section nominating committees. Agriculture and Biological Sciences Section Nominating Committee To be appointed. Anthropology Section Nominating Committee Chairman, David L. Perkins, Head Bibliogra­ pher, California State University Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge, CA 91324; members: Polly S. Grimshaw, Librarian for Anthropology, Sociology, and Folklore, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47401; Dorothy A. Koenig, Anthropology Librarian, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. Art Section Nominating Committee Chairman, James R. Burch, Assistant Head, Environmental Design Library, University of News Issue (A ) of College & Research Libraries, vol. 36, no. 6 318 California, Berkeley, CA 94720; members: Da­ vid J. Patten, Editor Art Index, H. W. Wilson Co., 950 University Ave., Bronx, NY 10452; Ruth E. Schoneman, Architectural Archivist, Art Institute of Chicago Library, Chicago, IL 60603. Asian and African Section Nominating Committee To be appointed. College Library Section Nominating Committee To be appointed. Community and Junior College Libraries Section Nominating Committee Chairman, Margaret A. Wainer, Director of the Library, Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg, IL 61401; members: Glenn R. Dallman, Di­ rector of Library Services, St. Petersburg Jun­ ior College, Clearwater Campus, Clearwater, FL 33515; Iole L. Matteucig, Director of Li­ brary Services, City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94116. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Nominating Committee Chairman, Toyo S. Kawakami, Assistant Head, Education Library, Ohio State Univer­ sity, Columbus, OH 43210; members: Ruth Murray, Education/Psychology Bibliographer, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, Chi­ cago, IL 60637; Charles R. Rushton, Director, Instructional Resource Center, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, NM 88130. Law and Political Science Section Nominating Committee To be appointed. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Nominating Committee Chairman, Mihai H. Handrea, Librarian, Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 41 East 42nd St., New York, NY 10017; members: Julius P. Bar­ clay, Librarian, Rare Book Department, Aider- man Library, University of Virginia, Charlottes­ ville, VA 22901; Clive E. Driver, Director, Philip H. and A. S. W. Rosenbach Foundation Museum and Library, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Slavic and East European Section Nominating Committee To be appointed. University Libraries Section Nominating Committee Chairman, Elizabeth Salzer, J. Henry Meyer Library, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; members: Charles Church well, Brown University Library, Providence, RI 02912; Irene B. Hoadley, Texas A & M University Li­ brary, College Station, TX 77843. ■ ■