ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 236 Highlights of the Annual Conference Meetings of the ACRL Board of Directors The Board of Directors of the Association of College and Research Libraries met twice during the ALA Annual Conference: on Sunday, June 24, 1979, and Wednesday, June 27, 1979. ACRL Board Restructuring The ACRL board gave its final approval to the recommendations of the Planning Committee for reshaping the structure o f the board. The rec­ ommendations must now be submitted to a vote of the membership. A mail ballot with explan­ atory material will be sent to all ACRL members. The purpose of the proposed restructuring, which will reduce the size of the board from thirty-one to thirteen members, is to strengthen the board by giving it a more workable size. Budget and Finance Acting upon the advice of the Budget and F i­ nance Committee, the board decided to appoint a study group to come up with a program break­ down of the current ACRL budget and staff time and to report back at Midwinter with recommen­ dations for a more effective planning cycle for ACRL activities. Chapters The board endorsed the recommendation of the Chapters Committee that ACRL should pro­ m ote the develop m ent o f state and regional ACRL chapters without regard to whether mem­ bers of the chapters are m embers of national ACRL. The board also approved petitions submit­ ted by librarians in Northern California and New J e r s e y asking for recog n itio n o f a N o rthern California Chapter and a New Jersey Chapter. C h o ice Acting on the recommendation of the Search Committee for C h o ice editor, the board approved the appointment of Jay Martin Poole of the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin as the new editor of C h o ice and thanked Louis A. Sasso for his service as C h o ice editor. C o lleg e & R esea rch L ib ra r ies News The board endorsed a Publications Committee recommendation that C ollege & R esearch L ib r a r ­ ies and C o lleg e & R e s e a rc h L ib r a r ie s N ews be recognized as sep arate p u blication s, that an ACRL staff member be delegated responsibility for editing C & R L N ew s, and that a separate C & R L News editorial board be appointed. This board would be similar in composition and func­ tion to the C h o ice Editorial Board. Community and Junior College Libraries The board endorsed the “Statement on Quan­ titative Standards for Tw o-Year Learning R e ­ sources Programs” prepared by the Ad Hoc Sub­ committee to develop quantitative standards for the “Guidelines for Two-Year College Learning Resources Programs.” Continuing Education Acting on a plan developed by the Continuing Education Committee, the board authorized the creation of a half-time position in the ACRL office to plan and implement a long-range program of continuing education for ACRL members and to design a model program for staff development in academic libraries. T h e board also expressed its support for a planning conference on ALA s role in continuing education and indicated its willingness to provide funds to send an ACRL representative to such a conference if other funding were unavailable. E R IC Preconference The board approved a request submitted by the E R IC Regional Clearinghouse at Syracuse University for A CRL sponsorship of an E R IC Users Preconference at the 1980 ALA Annual Conference in New York. Rare Books and Manuscripts The board voted to endorse the “Joint State­ ment on Access to Original Research Materials” prepared by the Committee on Manuscripts Col­ lections of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Sec­ tion and the Committee on Reference and Access Policies of the Society of American Archivists. Membership Dues The board put itself on record as opposing an ALA dues increase. The sense of the board was that such an increase would be inappropriate and counterproductive until efforts have been made to contain and reduce costs. The ACRL president and executive secretary were directed to com­ municate the board’s position to the appropriate ALA officials and bodies. Membership Promotion The board gave its approval to a report on membership promotion submitted by the Mem­ 237 bership Com m ittee. T h e rep ort included recom ­ mendations for an A C R L poster, a m embership campaign brochure, a renewal le tte r, a mailing to prospective m em bers, and a new m em ber m eet­ ing at Annual C onference. Second A C R L N ational C o nferen ce Virgil F . Massman, chair o f the steering com ­ m ittee that is planning A C R L ’s Second National C onference, informed the board that the confer­ ence would take place Sep tem ber 3 0 - 0 c t o b e r 3, 1981, in M inneap olis, and that the co m m ittee was thinking of a form at o f co n trib u ted papers similar to the one used at the Boston conference. Sections T h e Anthropology Sectio n recom m ended that A C R L c r e a te a c o u n c il o f r e p r e s e n ta tiv e s o f "typ es o f activity” sections. This council would nominate persons for election at large to one of the seats on the A C R L Board o f D irecto rs. The board gave its prelim inary approval to th e An­ thropology Sectio n’s proposal and will consider it again at the Midwinter M eeting. Standards T h e board endorsed the recom m endation of the Standards and Accreditation C om m ittee that “An Evaluative Checklist for Reviewing a College Library Program ’’ be adopted as a supplem ent to “Standards for C ollege L ib raries.” W estern E uro p ean Language Specialists Section T h e board approved the request of the W est­ ern E u ro p ean Language Sp ecialists D iscussion Group for section status. ■■ A C R L O fficers fo r 1 9 7 9 /8 0 L e Moyne W . A nderson, director o f libraries at Colorado State U niversity (W illiam E . Morgan Library, F ort Collins, C O 80523), is the forty-first president o f the Associ­ a tio n o f C o lle g e and R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s . D u rin g h is te rm o f office, he w ill p re sid e ov er th e A C R L B oard o f D ir e c to r s and th e A C R L E xecu tive C om ­ m it t e e . H e w ill c h a ir the A C R L C o n fe re n c e P ro g ra m P la n n in g C om m ittee for the 1980 A LA A nn u al C o n f e r ­ en ce in New York and L e M oyn e W. will d evelo p th e plans A n d er s o n for A C R L ’s m ajor pro­ gram m eeting at that conference. As president o f the division, Anderson will rep­ resent A C R L on other ALA com m ittees, includ­ ing th e ALA New Y ork C o n fe r e n c e P rogram C o m m itte e and th e ALA D iv isio n a l In te r e s ts Special C om m ittee. H e will also rep resen t A C R L and ALA in th eir relations with other organiza­ tions, such as the American Council on Educa­ tion. A nderson has b e e n a m e m b e r o f the A C R L Board o f D irectors, chair o f the U niversity L i­ braries Sectio n, and a m em ber o f several A C R L and ALA com m ittees. M illicent D . A bell, university librarian at the University o f California, San D iego (C entral U ni­ v ersity L ib rary, L a Jo lla, CA 9 2 0 9 3 ), has b e en e le cte d vice-president/ p r e s id e n t- e le c t o f th e A ssociatio n o f C o lleg e and Research Libraries. T he Jun e 1979 election re s u lts for A C R L o ffic e rs sh ow ed 1 ,5 2 7 votes for Abell and 909 votes for Susan B ry nte­ son, a ss is ta n t d ir e c to r for te c h n ic a l s e r v ic e s , U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s , In d ia n a U n iv e r s ity , Bloomington. M illicen t D. As v ic e -p r e s id e n t/ A b ell p r e s i d e n t - e l e c t o f A C R L, Abell will serve on the A C R L Board of D irectors and the A C R L Executive C om m ittee. She will ch air the A C R L Planning C o m m ittee and th e A C R L C o n fe r e n c e P rogram P lan ning C o m m ittee for the 1981 Annual C o n feren ce in San Francisco. She will rep resent A C R L on the A LA A p p o in tm e n ts C o m m itt e e , th e ALA P lan ning and B u d g et A ssem bly, and th e ALA C onference Program C om m ittee for the 1981 con­ ference. At the close o f the 1980 Annual Confer­ en ce, she will becom e A C R L ’s forty-second pres­ ident. A bell has served A C R L as a m em b er o f the Board o f D irectors, as chair of the University L i­ braries Section, as chair o f the Planning Comm it­ tee for the 1975 Preconference In stitute, and as a m em ber of the com m ittees on Academic Status, Budget, and Bibliographic Instruction. T he results o f the A C R L section elections fol­ low. F o r each position, the elected candidate is