ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 250 People PROFILES M o h a m m e d M . A m a n , dean of the Palm er Graduate Library School, Long Island University, has been appointed dean of the School of Library S cien ce, U niversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. At Long Islan d, Aman helped to intro­ duce a six-year degree program , an u n d er­ graduate program in in­ form ation stu d ies, a specialization in bu si­ ness librarianship, and foreign exchange pro­ grams. B e fo re jo in in g the faculty at Long Island, Aman was d ire cto r of M oham m ed M. Aman the division of Library and Information Science at St. John s University, New York. During his deanship, St. John’s re­ ceived its first national ALA accreditation. B a c k O r d e r P r o b l e m s ? We are tenacious at Book House. In our concern about your order, we continue to birddog it until we deliver the book or fin d it out-of- print. O n ly upon your instructions do we cancel. We call our program "Concerned Service" and it pays o ff fo r academic libraries through­ o ut the U .S .A . Let us show you! For any book in p rin t (U .S. and Canada), send your order to the Book House. – C atll 5h1 7 - 8e4 9 - 2 BOO 1 1 7 K C o l le c t – H S IN C E O 1962 JOBBERS SER U VING L S IBRA E RIES W ITH ANY BOOK IN PRINT 208 W EST CHICAGO STREET JONESVILLE. MICHIG AN 49250 Aman has also served on the library faculties of the Pratt Institute, Duquesne University, and Al­ legheny Community College, and has worked as a research assistant at Knowledge Availability Systems Center in Pittsburgh and as a reference librarian at the Egyptian National Library. He holds a B.A. from Cairo University, Egypt, an M .S.(L .S.) from Columbia University, and a Ph.D . from the University of Pittsburgh. An active member of the American Library As­ sociation, he has served as chair of the Interna­ tional Relations Roundtable, as a member of the In te rn a tio n a l R ela tio n s C o m m ittee and the Grants Committee of the Library Education Divi­ sion, and as a member of the ACRL Publications in Librarianship Editorial Board. He has served as consultant to U N ESC O in Bahrain, UNIDO in Algeria, U .S. AID in Upper Volta, and to the governments of Kuwait, Egypt, Libya, and Morocco, and to academic and special libraries in the United States. A l l a n J . D y s o n is the new university librarian at the University of California, Santa Cruz cam­ pus. Dyson goes to Santa Cruz from the Univer­ sity o f C aliforn ia, Berkeley, where he has b e e n head of the Moffitt Undergraduate Library since 1971. At Santa Cruz, Dyson will direct a staff of 100 employees, oversee an annual bu dget of $2,900,000, and super­ vise the growth and management of library c o lle ctio n s that now nu m ber 5 6 7 ,0 0 0 vol­ Carol A. Foote umes. Allan J . Dyson After graduating from Harvard in 1964 with B . a . in governm ent, Dyson joined the U .S. Army as a lieutenant and served as chief of the Administrative Services Offices at Watertown Arsenal in Massachusetts from 1964 to 1966. He earned his M .S. degree in L ibrary S c ie n c e from the Sim m ons C o lleg e School of Library Science in 1968 and joined the staff of the Columbia University Libraries as as­ sistant to the director, a position he held until his appointment at Berkeley in 1971. ACRL members know Dyson well for his ser­ vice as editor of C o lleg e & R esea rc h L ib r a r ie s News from January 1973 to December 1974. He served on the editorial board of C o lleg e & R e­ sea rch L ib ra ries during the same period and b e­ came a member of the editorial board of C h o ice in 1975. He is currently chair of the C h o ice board and was a member of the Search Committee that 251 selected Jay Martin Poole as the new editor of C h o ic e . G r a h a m R . H i l l has been appointed librarian o f M cM aster U niv ersity L ib ra rie s, H am ilton, Canada. Hill began his career at M cM aster University in 1971 as p u blic s e r ­ v ice s lib r a r ia n , p r o ­ gressed to director, D i­ vision o f Archives and Special Collections, and in 1974 assu m ed the added responsibilities of collections librarian. As a ss o cia te lib ra ria n for collection developm ent he has had primary re­ sponsibility for adminis­ tering the lib rary ’s a c­ G r a h a m quisitions funds of $1.6 R. Hill million in 1978- 79. A native of England, Hill received his B.A. de­ g ree from th e U niv ersity o f N ew castle-upon- Tyne, an M.A. from Lancaster University, and an M .L .S . from the University of W estern Ontario. In 1 9 7 7 -7 8 he was a C oun cil on L ibrary R e ­ sources A cad em ic M an agem en t In te rn at the Indiana University Libraries. J o h n G. L o r e n z is retiring as executive direc­ tor of the Association of Research Libraries at the end of 1979. He began his career as a librarian in the Queens (New York) Public Library and later served in the public li­ braries of Schenectady, New York, and Grand R ap id s, M ich igan . From 1946 to 1957 he was a ss is ta n t s ta te l i ­ brarian in Michigan. In 1957 he joined the staff o f the Library Services B ra n c h o f th e U .S . O ffice o f E d u c a tio n , w here he rose to the position of d ire cto r of J o h n G. L o ren z the Division of Library Services and received a D istinguished Service Award from the secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. In 1965 Lorenz becam e Deputy Librarian of Congress. During his tenure of office, the library developed the National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging, the Machine-Readable Cataloging program, and Cataloging in Publication. He was responsible for planning and building the Madi­ son Library, and during most o f 1975 he served as acting Librarian of Congress. In 1976 he retired as Deputy Librarian of Con­ gress and becam e executive director o f the As­ so cia tio n o f R e s e a rc h L ib r a r ie s . At A R L he helped secure passage of Title II-C of the Higher Education Act for strengthening research library reso u rces and o b ta in ed additional foundation su p p ort for th e A R L O ffice o f M an ag em en t Stu dies and the C e n te r for C h in ese R esearch Materials. A P P O IN T M E N T S A l t h e a D . A s c h m a n n has b e e n appointed cataloger in the Andover-Harvard Theological L i­ brary. R i c h a r d A s h f o r d , a doctoral student in the D .L .S . program at Columbia University, will join the faculty o f the School of L ib rary S c ie n c e , Simmons College, in January 1980. J u l i e B a n k s has been named loan librarian, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. D a n i e l W . B a r t h e l l has been promoted to head, Search Section, Acquisitions Department, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illi­ nois. J o h n H . B r a n d e a u is now head o f the Audio-Visual Department, Mercy College Librar­ ies, W estchester County, New York. M a r i a B r e c h is now librarian of the Yorktown Heights Branch Campus, Mercy College Librar­ ies, W estchester County, New York. S a l l y B u c h a n a n has been appointed conserva­ tion officer, University Libraries, Stanford Uni­ versity. S h a r o n H . B y r d is assistant cataloger, Library, Davidson College, North Carolina. K a r e n L . C a r l s o n has been promoted to head of the D epartm ent Library Cataloging Section, Harvard University. L a r a i n e C o r r e l l has been appointed director of special collections, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. E d w i n M . C o r t e z has been appointed assis­ tant professor of library scien ce, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. College and University Lib raries Fall 1979 Survey During the summer the National C enter for Education Statistics mailed to each college and university survey forms for the Higher Education G eneral Information Survey and L ib ra ry G e n e r a l In fo rm a tio n Su rvey (H E G IS -L IB G IS ). Library directors who have not received the survey form should contact their campus ad­ ministration for it, or the National C enter for E d u c a tio n S ta tis tic s , 4 0 0 M aryland A v e., Washington DC 20202. Completed forms are due in Washington by October 15. 252 L a u r a D a n k n e r has been named music librar­ ian at Loyola U niv ersity , New O rlean s, Louisiana. E l l e e n A . D e r e y is reference librarian, Dick­ inson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. J a n D o m m e r is education librarian at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. E i l e n D o r s c h n e r has been appointed assis­ tant science librarian for chemistry and chemical engineering (half-time), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. K a t h l e e n A . D o w h a n is the Andover-Harvard Theological Library’s newest cataloger. R u t h A n n e E v a n s has been named head of collection development, Schaffer Library, Union College, Schenectady, New York. T e r r y F e r l has been appointed serials cataloger, University of California, Santa Cruz. R u t h G i b b s has begun work as associate uni­ versity librarian for research and instructional services, University of California, Los Angeles. P a t r i c i a G i b n e y has been appointed serials li­ brarian, Princeton University. J a c q u e l i n e G l i c k is the new interlibrary loan librarian, Medical College o f W isconsin, M il­ waukee. M a r t h a B e n z e r G o l d b e r g has be en ap­ pointed reference librarian, Norris Medical L i­ brary, University of Southern California Health Sciences Campus, Los Angeles. M a r y Lou G o o d y e a r is reference librarian, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. E l l i n G r e e n e will jo in th e faculty of the Graduate Library School, University of Chicago, in January 1980 as associate professor and dean of students. J a n e t G r e g o r has been named head of techni­ cal processes, Schaffer Library, Union College, Schenectady, New York. J . B r ia n H a l e y has been appointed catalog li­ brarian and head of technical services, Ursinus College Library, Collegeville, Pennsylvania. J e a n H a m r i c k has been named assistant direc­ tor for automation and bibliographic control, General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin. S h e i l a K . H a r t has been appointed head, Public Services D epartm ent, Harvard College Library. N a n c y R. H e a r s t is now librarian, John King Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Har­ vard University. M a r l e n e S. H e r o u x is serials librarian, State University of New York, Binghamton. C a r o l y n H i l l e s is monographic cataloger, University Libraries, State University of New York, Albany. D o l o r e s H o e l l e has been appointed engi­ neering librarian, Princeton University. M i c h a e l H o m a n has joined the staff of the Corporate Technical Library, Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, as head of information ser­ vices. G a r y A . H u n t has been appointed head, Ar­ chives and Special Collections Department, Ohio University Libraries, Athens. B o n n i e J e a n J a c k s o n has been named person­ nel librarian, University of Georgia Library. T i m o t h y V. J o h n s o n has be en appointed African-American Studies reference librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illi­ nois. D o u g l a s J o n e s has been appointed reference librarian, Science-Engineering Library, Univer­ sity of Arizona. S h e r y l e R . J o n e s is re fe re n c e lib rarian , Memphis State University Libraries, Tennessee. J e a n K a m e r m a n has been appointed SO L- IN ET coordinator, John C. Pace Library, Univer­ sity of West Florida, Pensacola. N a n c y S . K l a t h has been appointed assistant un iversity lib rarian for tech n ical se rv ice s, Princeton University. J a n e M . K r o p a is now catalo g er, E d en - Webster Libraries, a joint library serving W eb­ ster College and Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. W i l l i a m J . K u r m e y will become dean of the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Library Science on January 1, 1980. S u l H . L e e has been appointed dean, Univer­ sity Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Norman. 253 He was formerly D irector of University Libraries at Oklahoma. M a r i o n H o l e n a L e v i n e has been named head reference librarian, Countway Library, Harvard University. M i l d r e d L o w e has been appointed acting di­ rector, Division of Library and Information Sci­ ence, St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York. M a r y A . M c C r e a d i e h a s b e e n n a m e d t o t h e p o s i t i o n o f c a t a l o g e r , N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y , E v a n s t o n , I l l i n o i s . T e r r e n c e M e c h is instructional/public se r­ v ice s lib r a r ia n , T u scu lu m C o lle g e L ib ra ry , G reeneville, Tennessee. E l a i n e M o o r e has joined the staff of the Uni­ versity of Arizona, Tucson, as map reference li­ brarian. R i c h a r d E . M o o r e has been selected chair­ man of the Interinstitutional Library Council of the Oregon State System of Higher Education. E l e a n o r T . M u n n has been appointed princi­ pal cataloger, Case W estern Reserve University Libraries, Cleveland, Ohio. M a r y L . N i e b a l l has been named dean of li­ b rary s e r v ic e s , San J a c in to C o lle g e D is tr ic t, Pasadena, Texas. S h e r e l y n O g d e n has been named book con­ servator, the New England Document Conserva­ tion C enter, Andover, Massachusetts. H u g h M . O l m s t e d has accepted the position of head o f the Slavic Department in the College Library, Harvard University. M a r k P a l k o v i c has b e e n ap p o in ted humanities/music cataloger, Auburn University Libraries, Alabama. P a m e l a P a l m e r is head, Engineering Library, Memphis State University Libraries, Tennessee. A l e x a n d r a P a p a z o g l o u has b e e n nam ed cataloger, Harvard College Library. D o r o t h y A . P e a r s o n has been appointed as­ sistant university librarian, Administrative S e r­ vices, Princeton University. L o r e n P i n k e r m a n has been named head, Mi­ croforms and G overnm ent D ocum ents D ep art­ ment, Auburn University Libraries, Alabama. R u s s e l l O . P o l l a r d has been appointed head of technical services, Andover-Harvard Theologi­ cal Library. R o n a l d R . P o w e l l has been named assistant professor of library science, University of Michi­ gan, Ann Arbor. R o s a m o n d P u t z e l has been appointed litera­ ture bibliographer, Paley Library, Tem ple Uni­ versity, Philadelphia. J a n e Q u a l l s is assistant head, Periodicals D e­ partm ent, Memphis State University Libraries, Tennessee. C a r o l R a c h e t e r has started work as the new head of the Cataloguing Department, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. R o g e r R a i n w a t e r has been appointed to the position o f assistant referen ce librarian , Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. T a n i a R i z z o has be en named head, Special Collections, Libraries of the Claremont Colleges, California. J o h n M . R o b s o n has been appointed head of techn ical serv ices, V irginia M ilitary In stitu te, Lexington, Virginia. D a l e R o y l a n c e has b e e n named curator of graphic arts, Princeton University. J o h n R y l a n d has been appointed head librar­ ian, Hampden-Sidney College, Virginia. T e s s e S a n t o r o is bibliographic instruction li­ brarian, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. D e b r a G . S c a r b o r o u g h has been appointed head librarian, York Campus, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. C h a r l o t t e N. S h e m i n has been appointed to th e u se r s e r v ic e s p o sitio n in th e S c ie n c e - E ngineerin g L ibrary, N orthw estern University Library, Evanston, Illinois. E l l i e S m i t h has joined the staff of the Georgia Southern College Library, Statesboro, as an assis­ tant cataloger. T a f i l a S p e n c e is th e new serials librarian, McM aster University Library, Hamilton, Ontario. K a r e n L . S t a n f i e l d is catalog information li­ brarian, M ilner Library, Illinois State University. M a r s h a S t e v e n s o n is cataloger/reference li­ brarian, H. C. Frick Fine Arts Library, Univer­ sity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. M a r l e n e K . T e b o has been named assistant director for science, technology and medical li­ brary resources, State University of New York at Binghamton. M . G l e n n T r i p p l e t t has been appointed di­ rec to r o f library serv ices, New W orld C e n te r Campus, Miami-Dade Community College. R o y H . T r y o n has assumed the position of li­ brary director o f the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. J o h n F . V a n d e r m o l e n has be en appointed science and technology department head, Auburn University Libraries, Alabama. M a r y E l l e n V e r z a r o has been named head of p u b lic s e r v ic e s , L y c o m in g C o lle g e L ib ra ry , Williamsport, Pennsylvania. L o r e t t a W a l k e r has been appointed head of information services, Schaffer Library, Union Col­ lege, Schenectady, New York. K a r e n T . W i l s o n has been named instructor- interlibrary loan librarian, University o f Tennes­ see C e n te r for th e H ealth S c ie n c e s L ib ra ry , Memphis. A n n W o o d is social science/IC PSR bib liog­ rapher, University Libraries, State University of New York at Albany. E l i z a b e t h W o o d has become business librar­ ian, Bowling Green State University, Ohio. L a w r e n c e J . W o o d s has b e e n a p p o in ted ad vertising/prom otion/production m anager o f C h o ice. One-stop access to over 1 7 8 ,0 0 0 current doctoral d issertation s! Now available — th e C o m p re h e n s iv e D isse rta tio n Index 5-Y ear C u m u latio n 1 9 7 3 - 1 9 7 7 , th e definitive re fe re n c e work w hich c o m b in e s th e d isse rta tio n s o f th e last five y ea rs into o n e c o n c is e 19 -v o lu m e b ib lio g ra p h ic index. Any d isse rta tio n c a n b e lo c a te d in m in u tes! T h is is th e only s in g le -s o u rc e re fe re n c e to over 1 7 8 ,0 0 0 cu rren t North A m e ric a n d o cto ra l d isse rta tio n s, m a k in g it a valu ab le addition to any university o r o th e r re s e a rc h -o rie n te d library. Keyword an d k ey p h ra se in d exin g within b ro a d s u b je c t a re a s allow s u s e rs to pinpoint a s p e cific title or b ro w se an entire s u b je c t area. In addition to th e c o m p le te 1 9 -v o lu m e set, S c ie n c e an d H u m anities p a c k a g e s are available to m e e t sp ecia liz ed n e e d s . You c a n ord er th e C D I 5 -Y ear C u m u latio n 1 9 7 3 - 1 9 7 7 in eith er lib rary -b ou n d or m ic ro ­ fic h e ed ition s. F o r c o m p le te in fo rm atio n an d an order form , s e n d in th e co u p o n below with n o o bligation . Libraries ordering the CDI 5-Year Cumulation 1 9 7 3 - 1 9 7 7 before O ctob er 1 5 , 1 9 7 9 , may order the CDI 1 9 7 8 Supplem ent at a 15% discount! (To p re s e rv e th is p u b lic a tio n , ple ase p h o to c o p y th is p a g e .) Comprehensive Dissertation Index 5-Year Cumulation 1973-1977 256 S t e p h e n Y o u n g has been appointed head of the Rare Book Cataloging Division, Yale Univer­ sity Library, New Haven. M u r i e l Z e l d i s has been appointed science and technology cataloger, Auburn University Li­ braries, Alabama. RETIREMENTS C a t h e r i n e L . B i n d e r u p , assistant librarian for reference service in the Francis A. Countway Li­ brary of Medicine, Harvard University, retired at the end of June. R i t a C . E n g l i s h , head of reference services for the past thirteen years at Cuyahoga Commu­ nity College, Western Campus, Cleveland, Ohio, has retired. M a r g a r e t B o l s t a d F a u s t , reference librarian at Stephens College for twenty years, retired at the end of the 1978-1979 school year. F r a n c e s L a u m a n , the Cornell University Li­ braries’ first reference librarian, retired after thirty-three years of service on June 30. M a r g a r e t L u d i n g t o n , head of the Rare Book Cataloging Division, Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut, has retired after more than forty years of service. W i l l i a m B . R e a d y re tire d as lib rarian of M cM aster U niversity L ib ra rie s, H am ilton, Canada, June 30, after twelve years as head of the McMaster system. R u t h H . R o c k w o o d of the Florida State Uni­ versity School of Library Science is retiring after twenty-six years on the faculty. C h a r l e s S . W o o d b u r y , circulation librarian in the Andover-Harvard Theological Library for the past seventeen-years, retired from his position on July 31. DEATHS W i l h e l m M o l l died June 16. He was director of the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library and of the former Medical Library at the University of Virginia since 1962. Donations may be sent to the W ilhelm Moll Memorial Medical History Fund, care of the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, Box 234, University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908. T h o m a s M . S c h m i d , assistant d irecto r for technical services, University of Utah Libraries, died May 15 as the result of an automobile acci­ dent. E m i l y P h i l i p s S c o t t , head catalog librarian, Georgia Southern College Library, Statesboro, Georgia, died on April 25. P a t r i c k W r e a t h , chief bibliographer of the University of North Carolina Library at Chapel Hill, died May 18 after a long illness. Contribu­ tions in his honor may be sent to the Patrick J. Wreath Memorial Fund, care of Business Office, Wilson Library 024-A, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, 27514. ■■ Has your library tried Midwest Library Service’s University Press Approval Plan? I t ’s com prehensive, autom atic and very timely! O u r U n iv e r s ity P r e s s A p p ro v al P la n e n c o m p a s s e s 1 0 0 U n iv e r s ity P r e s s e s (in c lu d in g C a m b r id g e , O x fo rd , a n d T o ro n to ), w h ic h a c c o u n t fo r m o re th a n 9 9 % o f a ll U n iv e r sity P r e s s P u b lis h in g . W e p rid e o u r s e lv e s on q u ic k sh ip ­ m e n t s — w ith NO d e la y s . For more information on this plan, call us on our Toll-Free WATS Line 1-800-325-8833 M issouri Custom ers Call C o lle d : 0-314-739-3100 Ask for Mr. L e sser “19 Y ears o f S e r v ic e to C o l l e g e a n d U n iv e r s it y L ib r a r ie s " Midwest Library Service 11443 S t. C h a r le s R o ck R d ,, B rid g e to n , M o. 6 3 0 4 4