ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 257 Publications RECEIVED (Selected items will be reviewed in future is­ sues of C o lleg e & R esea rch L ib r a r ies .) • O u tlo o k on R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s is a new monthly newsletter issued by Elsevier. Trial sub­ scription: $70 U .S . (including air mail postage); available from Elsevier Sequoia S.A ., P .O . Box 851, 1001 Lausanne, Switzerland. (Customers in North America should send orders to Elsevier’s Science Division, Journal Information C enter, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, NY 10017.) Editors are W ilf Saunders, Norman Roberts, and Hendrik Edelman. Editorial advisors include several prin­ cipal U.S. university library directors. The publi­ cation bears the subtitle T he M onthly R ev iew o f N a t io n a l a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e lo p m e n t s I n ­ flu en c in g R e se a rc h L ib ra r y M anagem ent. Issues examined (sixteen pages in length) include sec­ tions on external factors influencing research li­ braries; managem ent and institutional finance; materials; technical processes and services; re ­ source sharing; personalities, associations, confer­ ences; and user/evaluation studies. • A new bibliographical en terp rise is K. G. Saur’s In tern a tio n a l B o o k s in P rin t, 1979 (2 vols., $ 1 6 7 .7 5 ), which lists “ English-language T itles Published Outside the U .S.A . and the United K in g d o m .’’ In c lu d e d in th e first ed itio n are 8 9,000 titles from eighty-nine countries listed in one alphabet by author and title. Annual editions are planned. • Pergamon Press has issued as the third in its s e r ie s , G u id es to O fficial P u b lic a tio n , J . J . C h ern s’ O ffic ia l P u b lish in g : An O v er v ie w ($40). The subtitle describes the work’s scope: An In ­ tern a tio n a l Survey a n d R eview o f th e R o le, O r­ gan isation a n d P rin ciples o f O fficia l Publishing. • Scarecrow Press has recently published two new editions of works on collection development: a fifth edition o f W allace John Bonk and Rose Mary Magrill’s B u ild in g L ib r a r y C o llectio n s ($10) and a second edition of Phyllis Van Orden and Edith B. Phillips B a c k g ro u n d R ead in g s in B u ild ­ ing L ib r a r y C o lle ctio n s ($12.50). • Libraries Unlimited has released Thomas J. W hitby and T an ja Lorković’s I n t r o d u c t io n to S o v ie t N a t i o n a l B i b l i o g r a p h y ($ 2 5 U .S . and Canada, $30 elsew here), which traces “the de­ velopment of Soviet national bibliography from its beginnings under tsarism to the present tim e’’ and describes “the current activities of the All- Union Book Chamber, the Soviet national biblio­ graphic ce n te r.” Included as a second section in the volume is a translation of G osu d arstv en n aia b ib lio g r a fiia SSSR (G u id e to th e O rgans o f N a­ tion al B ib lio g ra p h y in th e USSR). • E rw in K. W e ls c h , U n iv e r sity of W isconsin-M adison, is the author o f L i b r a r ie s a n d A rch iv es in F r a n c e : A H a n d b o o k ‚ recently published by the Council for European Studies at Columbia University (1403 International Affairs B u ild in g , 4 2 0 W . 1 1 8 th S t . , New Y ork, NY 10027). Price: $6. • A cad em ic R e se a r c h a n d L ib r a r y R e so u rces: C h a n g in g P a tter n s in A m e r ic a ‚ by Charles B. Osbum (Greenwood Press, $18.95), is the third in that publisher s series, New Directions in L i­ brarianship. This volume traces the history and implications of the trends for research library col­ lections begun in World War II with the major federal governm ent funding programs and now entering a period of decline and discouragement. • Papers presented at the international sym­ posium held in November 1977 at the National Agricultural Library have been gathered in the volume In tern a tio n a l A g ricu ltu ral L ib ra r ia n sh ip : C ontinuity a n d C h a n g e ‚ edited by Alan Fusonie and Leila Moran (Greenwood Press, $18.95). • Johns Hopkins Press is the publisher of the rep ort o f the National Enqu iry into Scholarly C o m m u n ica tio n , S c h o l a r l y C o m m u n ic a t io n . Available in cloth at $12.95, paper at $3.95. • The long-awaited Pittsburgh study finally has be en p u blished in a trade ed ition by M arcel Dekker: Use o f L ib r a r y M aterials: T h e U niversity o f P ittsb u rg h S tu d y ‚ by Allen Kent and others ($25). • L ib ra r y J o u r n a l has issued as number 10 in its Special Report series a group of articles under the general title P e r s o n n e l in L i b r a r i e s . C o n ­ tributions by academic librarians include Patricia Senn Breivik on “A Model for Library Manage­ m ent,” Richard W. Boss on “A New Role for C ir­ culation Librarians,” and Kenneth J. LaBudde on the need for “A National Voice for University L i­ braries.” (Price: $5, or $3.95 if cash accompanies order.) • Papers developed as a result of a Simmons College institute in 1976 and 1977 have recently been assembled in the volume edited by Ching­ c h ih C h e n , Q u a n t i t a t i v e M e a s u r e m e n t a n d D ynam ic L ib r a r y S er v ice (Oryx Press, $16.50). • Allen K ent and Thomas J. Galvin are the editors of the proceedings of the 1978 Pittsburgh conferen ce, T h e S tr u c tu r e a n d G o v e r n a n c e o f L ib r a r y N etw orks, recently published by Marcel Dekker ($37.50). • The University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science has published L ib r a r y Statistics o f C o lle g es a n d U n iv ersities, 1976 In stitu tio n a l 258 D ata, by Richard M. Beazley. Although this re­ port would normally be published by the Gov­ ernment Printing Office, the National Center for Education Statistics made arrangements with the Illinois library school so that the findings from the 1976 national survey could finally be pub­ lished. Price: $5. • John Bollier, library at Yale Divinity School, is the author of a new bibliographic guide, T he L iteratu re o f T heology: A G u id e f o r Students an d P astors (Westminster Press, $5.95). • Another newly published guide to the litera­ ture of a subject is Robert E. Maizell’s H ow to F in d C h em ical In fo rm ation : A G u id e f o r P ractic­ ing C h e m is ts‚ T e a c h e r s , a n d S tu d en ts (Wiley, $17.95). • Wiley has published the second edition of a basic text in librarianship, F. Wilfrid Lancaster s In fo rm a tio n R e tr iev a l System s: C h a r a c te r is tic s ‚ Testing an d E valuation ($19.95). • Butterworths has issued revised editions of two useful works in lib rarian sh ip : C . J . van Rijsbergen’s In fo rm ation R etriev al ($32.50) and S. J. Teague’s M icr o fo rm L ib r a r ia n s h ip ($15.95). Available from Butterworths at its new address, 10 Tower Office Park, Woburn, MA 01801. • Microform Review, In c., has published an anthology edited by Patricia M. Walsh, S erials M anagem ent an d M icroform s: A R e a d er ($21.50). • T he R ole o f W om en in L ib ra r ia n sh ip , 1 8 7 6 - 1976: T h e E n try , A dvancem ent, a n d Struggle f o r E q u a liz a t io n in O ne P r o fe s s io n , by K athleen W eib el and K athleen M. Heim (Oryx Press, $14.95), “is a sourcebook compiled to provide a history of the first hundred years of a profession traditionally classed as a ‘women’s profession’ there are two major sections in the book— an an­ thology of forty-four selections from the literature and an annotated bibliography of more than 1,000 items. • Ja n e W illiam son is th e author o f N ew Fem inist S ch olarsh ip : A G u ide to B ib lio g ra p h ies (published by the Feminist Press, Box 334, Old Westbury, NY 11568). This work “includes 391 bibliographies, resource lists, and literature re­ views on women that were published separately or that appeared as periodical articles’’ and is ar­ ranged by subject into thirty sections. Price: $15. • S ig n S y ste m s f o r L i b r a r i e s : S o lv in g th e W ayfinding P ro b lem ‚ compiled by Dorothy Pollet and Peter C. Haskell (Bowker, $24.95), includes twenty original articles on theory and research; design of a visual guidance system; practical li­ brary solutions; and visual guidance and the li­ brary building. • The May/June 1979 issue of ALA’s L ib ra r y T e c h n o lo g y R e p o r t s ($40 for sep arate issue) features Nancy H. K night’s “T heft D etection Systems Revisited: An Updated Survey’’ with descriptions of five major systems that are avail­ able. ■■ C la ssifie d A d v e rtis in g NOTICE R espondents to a dvertisers o ffe rin g fa c u lty "r a n k ” and "s ta tu s " are advised that these term s are a m biguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the "Positions Wanted” and the “ Posi­ tions Open” classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. The American Library Association re­ quires a salary range for all "Positions Open.” Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second o f the month pre­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. To insure that readers have suffi­ cient lead tim e to respond to "Positions Open,” advertisers m ust list closing dates no’ sooner than the end of the month of publication. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line to ACRL members; $2.25 per printed line to non-ACRL members. Individu­ als who advertise on behalf of organizations will be charged accord­ ing to the organization’s m em bership status. FOR SALE AMÉRICA LATINA: revista de la Academ ia de Ciencias de la URSS, Instituto de América Latina: $9.00; 4 números anuales. Im­ ported Publications, Periodicals Dept., 3 20 W. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60610. CHINA. Major Collection— Reasonable. All Topics. Write M. Frazin, Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. Inquiries invited. MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 2 0705. Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. SEARCH SERVICE. E x-librarians lo cate title s or su bje ct, plus 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 in dexed stock. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic , A tla n tic City, NJ 08401. Phone: 609/344-1943. SOUTH DAKOTA UNION LIST OF SERIALS, 4th edition. $25.00 per copy. This edition lists serial holdings for 23 South Dakota and 6 Iowa libraries. It contains approxim ately 10,500 titles. The list was computer-produced by MINITEX. To order a copy write: Clara S. Shelton, Serials Librarian, H. M. Briggs Library, S.D.S.U., Brook­ ings, SD 57007. WANTED MARC II SOFTWARE WANTED. We are in search of a complete software package to run catalog cards from the Library of Congress MARC tapes on IBM 3 60 -3 70 equipment. Software must include file maintenance and update o f the weekly MARC tapes. Please send details of the software and price to: Classified Ads, P.O. Box 91, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. POSITIONS OPEN A CQUISITIONS LIBRA RIAN. Position reopened. M ajor duties: Supervising ordering and receiving of books, standing orders, serial su b scrip tio n s and jo u rn a l su bscriptio n s, p e rfo rm in g p re -order searches, training and supervising departmental employees com ­ posed of two clerical positions and students. Qualifications: Gradu­ ate degree from ALA accredited library school required. University technical processing experience required with three years acquisi­ tions experience preferred. Recruitment range $ 12 ,00 0-$1 9 ,0 0 0 depending on degrees and experience for 12 month contract. Holi­ days and benefits applicable. Deadline for receipt of applications September 30, 1979. Apply to: Dr. Carl Wrotenbery, University Li­