ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 258 D ata, by Richard M. Beazley. Although this re­ port would normally be published by the Gov­ ernment Printing Office, the National Center for Education Statistics made arrangements with the Illinois library school so that the findings from the 1976 national survey could finally be pub­ lished. Price: $5. • John Bollier, library at Yale Divinity School, is the author of a new bibliographic guide, T he L iteratu re o f T heology: A G u id e f o r Students an d P astors (Westminster Press, $5.95). • Another newly published guide to the litera­ ture of a subject is Robert E. Maizell’s H ow to F in d C h em ical In fo rm ation : A G u id e f o r P ractic­ ing C h e m is ts‚ T e a c h e r s , a n d S tu d en ts (Wiley, $17.95). • Wiley has published the second edition of a basic text in librarianship, F. Wilfrid Lancaster s In fo rm a tio n R e tr iev a l System s: C h a r a c te r is tic s ‚ Testing an d E valuation ($19.95). • Butterworths has issued revised editions of two useful works in lib rarian sh ip : C . J . van Rijsbergen’s In fo rm ation R etriev al ($32.50) and S. J. Teague’s M icr o fo rm L ib r a r ia n s h ip ($15.95). Available from Butterworths at its new address, 10 Tower Office Park, Woburn, MA 01801. • Microform Review, In c., has published an anthology edited by Patricia M. Walsh, S erials M anagem ent an d M icroform s: A R e a d er ($21.50). • T he R ole o f W om en in L ib ra r ia n sh ip , 1 8 7 6 - 1976: T h e E n try , A dvancem ent, a n d Struggle f o r E q u a liz a t io n in O ne P r o fe s s io n , by K athleen W eib el and K athleen M. Heim (Oryx Press, $14.95), “is a sourcebook compiled to provide a history of the first hundred years of a profession traditionally classed as a ‘women’s profession’ there are two major sections in the book— an an­ thology of forty-four selections from the literature and an annotated bibliography of more than 1,000 items. • Ja n e W illiam son is th e author o f N ew Fem inist S ch olarsh ip : A G u ide to B ib lio g ra p h ies (published by the Feminist Press, Box 334, Old Westbury, NY 11568). This work “includes 391 bibliographies, resource lists, and literature re­ views on women that were published separately or that appeared as periodical articles’’ and is ar­ ranged by subject into thirty sections. Price: $15. • S ig n S y ste m s f o r L i b r a r i e s : S o lv in g th e W ayfinding P ro b lem ‚ compiled by Dorothy Pollet and Peter C. Haskell (Bowker, $24.95), includes twenty original articles on theory and research; design of a visual guidance system; practical li­ brary solutions; and visual guidance and the li­ brary building. • The May/June 1979 issue of ALA’s L ib ra r y T e c h n o lo g y R e p o r t s ($40 for sep arate issue) features Nancy H. K night’s “T heft D etection Systems Revisited: An Updated Survey’’ with descriptions of five major systems that are avail­ able. ■■ C la ssifie d A d v e rtis in g NOTICE R espondents to a dvertisers o ffe rin g fa c u lty "r a n k ” and "s ta tu s " are advised that these term s are a m biguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the "Positions Wanted” and the “ Posi­ tions Open” classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as con­ ditions of employment. The American Library Association re­ quires a salary range for all "Positions Open.” Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second o f the month pre­ ceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. To insure that readers have suffi­ cient lead tim e to respond to "Positions Open,” advertisers m ust list closing dates no’ sooner than the end of the month of publication. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm ing order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line to ACRL members; $2.25 per printed line to non-ACRL members. Individu­ als who advertise on behalf of organizations will be charged accord­ ing to the organization’s m em bership status. FOR SALE AMÉRICA LATINA: revista de la Academ ia de Ciencias de la URSS, Instituto de América Latina: $9.00; 4 números anuales. Im­ ported Publications, Periodicals Dept., 3 20 W. Ohio St., Chicago, IL 60610. CHINA. Major Collection— Reasonable. All Topics. Write M. Frazin, Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. Inquiries invited. MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 2 0705. Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. SEARCH SERVICE. E x-librarians lo cate title s or su bje ct, plus 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 in dexed stock. PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic , A tla n tic City, NJ 08401. Phone: 609/344-1943. SOUTH DAKOTA UNION LIST OF SERIALS, 4th edition. $25.00 per copy. This edition lists serial holdings for 23 South Dakota and 6 Iowa libraries. It contains approxim ately 10,500 titles. The list was computer-produced by MINITEX. To order a copy write: Clara S. Shelton, Serials Librarian, H. M. Briggs Library, S.D.S.U., Brook­ ings, SD 57007. WANTED MARC II SOFTWARE WANTED. We are in search of a complete software package to run catalog cards from the Library of Congress MARC tapes on IBM 3 60 -3 70 equipment. Software must include file maintenance and update o f the weekly MARC tapes. Please send details of the software and price to: Classified Ads, P.O. Box 91, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. POSITIONS OPEN A CQUISITIONS LIBRA RIAN. Position reopened. M ajor duties: Supervising ordering and receiving of books, standing orders, serial su b scrip tio n s and jo u rn a l su bscriptio n s, p e rfo rm in g p re -order searches, training and supervising departmental employees com ­ posed of two clerical positions and students. Qualifications: Gradu­ ate degree from ALA accredited library school required. University technical processing experience required with three years acquisi­ tions experience preferred. Recruitment range $ 12 ,00 0-$1 9 ,0 0 0 depending on degrees and experience for 12 month contract. Holi­ days and benefits applicable. Deadline for receipt of applications September 30, 1979. Apply to: Dr. Carl Wrotenbery, University Li­ 259 b rarian, 6 3 0 0 Ocean Drive, Corpus C hristi, TX 7 84 12 . Corpus Christi State University is an affirmative action/equal employm ent opportunity employer. ASSISTANT CATALOGER needed for medium -sized, LC, university library, affiliated w ith the Washington Library Network. Must have a 5th-year degree from accredited library school and a demonstrated interest in cataloging. Salary $ 1 4 ,0 4 0 (1 2 -m o n th appointm e n t): equivalent faculty rank, instructor. Excellent fringe benefits; all fac­ ulty privileges; 24 days vacation. Position now open; three refer­ ences and transcripts required. We are an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. WRITE: Eli M. Oboler, University Librarian, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 8 32 09 . All applications and supporting material m ust be received by October 15, 1979. ASSISTANT SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Alberta Li­ brary invites applications for the position of Assistant Librarian in the Science Library. Principal duties include the adm inistration of the library in the absence of the Head; coordination o f collection developm ent activities; and some reference work, in clu din g online searching. Graduate degree in Library Science and subject degree in Science or Engineering required. Five years professional experi­ ence, preferably in academ ic libraries, plus proven ability in collec­ tion developm ent desirable. Salary a ccordin g to experience and q u a lific a tio n s . Salary range: $ 1 9 ,6 9 6 to $ 2 5 ,5 7 5 per a n n u m . Academ ic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. A p p li­ cants should send cu rricu lu m vitae, transcripts o f academ ic record, and the names o f three references to Bruce Peel, Chief Librarian, University o f Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2J8, Canada. The University of Alberta is an equal opportunity employer. AUDIO-VISUAL/GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: To serve as the Audio-Visual Librarian providing effective services to meet the needs of the U niversity Com m unity. Also assists in serving the hum anities and social sciences reference and research needs of patrons; participates in providing group instruction and information retrieval services. MLS from ALA-accredited Library School or an equivalent degree in audio-visual field plus one to two years of rele­ va nt re feren ce e xpe rie n ce a nd some w o rkin g kn ow ledge w ith audio-visual programs in an academ ic library. Ability to co m m u ni­ cate effectively in both oral and written forms. Must work some e ven in gs a n d w eekends. E xcellent b e n e fits; salary: $ 1 3 ,9 5 0 - $ 15 ,34 5. Send resume including work history, salary requirements, examples o f written works and letters of reference from at least three persons having knowledge of your professional qualifications to: Eileen Holahan, The Johns Hopkins University, 146 Garland Hall, 34th and Charles Streets, Baltimore, MD 2 12 18 . EEO-M/F BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, HAWLEY LI­ BRARY. (Search extended). Under the direction o f the Head, Haw­ ley Library, has the follow ing responsibilities: Serves as Bibliog­ rapher for the Schools o f Crim inal Justice and Social Work. Selects materials, develops collections and serves as library liaison with faculty and students of these schools. Provides reference service and bibliographic instruction for users of Hawley Library. Maintains effective relations with Collection Development and Reference staffs in the Main Library. May supervise activities of some clerical and student employees as necessary. Library faculty at SUNYA are ex­ pected to fulfill faculty obligations in one or more of the areas of teaching, research, and service as well as specific library assign­ ments. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited Library School. Undergraduate major and/or advanced study in some area of social work or crim inal justice desirable. Salary and Rank: Salary and rank commensurate with education and experience. Recruitm ent range: $ 1 3 ,5 0 0 -$ 1 7 ,0 0 0 . Twelve m onths appointm ent; sick leave and an­ nual leave @ 1.75 days each per month; fully paid major medical h osp italiza tion a nd d e n ta l in suran ce . Social se curity coverage. TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Retirement available (em ­ ployee contribution = 3% ). Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Li­ brarian, University Library, Room 109, State University of New York a t Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by Septem ber 30, 1979. The U niversity at Albany is an Equal Opportunity/Affirm ative Action employer. Appli­ cations from women, m inorities and handicapped are especially welcome. CO N TIN U IN G EDUCA TION/STAFF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER. This is a 4 /7 (2 0 hour a week) position. Under the direction of the Executive Secretary, this position is responsible for planning and im plem enting a program o f contin uing education for ACRL mem­ bers and for designing a model program for staff developm ent in academ ic libraries. A secondary responsibility is to assist in the general advisory a ctivities o f the Association of College and Re­ search Libraries. This is a new position within ACRL. The in cum ­ bent will work closely with the ACRL C ontinuing Education Commit­ tee and other units of ACRL and ALA. Requirements for the posi­ tion are an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school program; degree or work in adult education is also desirable; experience in c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n a n d s ta ff d e v e lo p m e n t, p re fe ra b ly in academ ic libraries; experience in designing and conducting training programs; knowledge o f the prin ciples and practices o f academ ic libraries; ability to plan and evaluate educational activities; ability to work effectively with a wide variety o f people in libraries and in the education field; and, the ability to supervise and/or cond uct surveys and studies. A p p lic a tio n s b e in g accep ted u n til S ep tem be r 3 0, 1979. Position open im m ediately. Good frin g e benefits. Salary range fo r 4 /7 tim e is $ 8 ,7 5 8 -$ 1 2 ,4 3 0 . A p p ly to: J u lie Virgo, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. COORDINATOR OF COMPUTERIZED LITERATURE SEARCHING FOR HUM ANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of California, Riverside Library is seek­ ing an experienced, dynam ic individual for the position of: Coor­ dinator of Computerized Literature Searching, Humanities and So­ cial Sciences, and Reference Librarian. Responsibilities in these two p rim ary assignm ents are: (1) Searching on BRS, SDC, and LRS; planning and developm ent of the searching programs; training and evaluating searchers; publicity; evaluation o f vendor services, and budget analysis and review; and (2) as Reference Librarian the position is responsible for providing information and reference ser­ vice prim arily in the Humanities and Social Sciences; assists in li­ brary instruction and faculty outreach programs; and, participates in the evaluation and developm ent o f the reference collection. An exciting and challenging opportunity for an individual interested in and dedicated to searching and reference services. QUALIFICA­ TIONS: MLS or equivalent, with solid background in Humanities and/or Social Sciences required. M inim um of two years reference experience in an academ ic or research library with substantial train­ ing and experience in on-line data base searching essential. Back­ g ro un d in s e a rc h in g p ro gra m a d m in is tra tio n h ig h ly d e sirab le . Foreign language background desired. SALARY RANGE: $ 1 4 ,2 6 8 - $ 22 ,78 8. Appointm ent level: $ 1 4 ,2 6 8 -$ 1 6 ,5 8 4 . Position available October 1, 1979. UCR is a member o f the Association of Research Libraries. The Library serves 4 ,5 0 0 graduate and undergraduate students, 2 6 Ph.D. programs, and has over 9 5 0 ,0 0 0 volumes. Staff o f 34 librarians and other professionals, and approxim ately 95 sup­ port staff. Riverside is a co m m u nity o f 150,000, 6 0 miles east of Los Angeles. Send resume and list of three professional references to Eleanor Montague, University Librarian, University of California, R ive rsid e , P.O. Box 5 9 0 0 , R iv e rs id e , CA 9 2 5 0 2 . An e q u a l opportunity/affirm ative action employer. COORDINATOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Library o f new medical school seeks Coordinator o f Public Services to be responsible for quality reference service, autom ated literature searching, in terli­ brary loan, and circu la tio n . Successful a pp lic a n t w ill supervise three professionals, two paraprofessionals, and student assistants in attractive, new library quarters; w ill oversee two branch/research li­ braries; w ill plan and co nd uct orientation programs; and will work with a group of creative medical and hospital librarians. Require­ ments: M.L.S.; at least five years relevant experience in positions of increasing responsibility; expertise in data base searching; bio­ medical background. Salary: $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 + , depending on qualifica­ tions. Apply to: Raymond A. Palmer, Health Sciences Librarian, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 4 54 35 . An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. CURATOR OF MANUSCRIPTS in Department o f Rare Books & Special C ohesions. Responsible for bibliographic control and for adm inistering policy on access and use of a m anuscript collection consisting prim arily o f contemporary literary papers. Other duties in clude Library collection developm ent assignments, preparation of exhibits, bibliographic instruction, sharing o f departm ent work load with two other staff. Experience in manuscript cataloging and refer­ ence essential. Familiarity with modern English and American Liter­ ature required. Ability to serve students, faculty and research clien­ tele expected. Accredited MLS required; second master's degree in the hum anities an advantage; archival training desirable. Prefer­ ence will be given to a candidate with one or more additional skills; foreign language fa cility; evide n ce o f research o rie nta tion and scholarship; experience with rare historical materials; knowledge of or training in conservation practices. Position available im mediately. Salary range $ 1 1 ,9 0 0-$1 4,5 00 depending on qualifications. Send letter of application and nam es of references to: Holly Hall, Chief, Rare Books & Special Collections, Washington University Libraries, St. Louis, MO 6 31 3 0 by October 30, 1979. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Indiana State University. The Dean of Library Services has principal adm inistrative responsibility for li­ brary operations and services in a major state institution with 700 faculty and 1 1,000 students. The Library, w hich is housed in a new building, has a collection o f 770 ,00 0 volumes, an operating budget o f $ 1 ,6 0 0 ,0 0 0 and a staff o f 76, including 3 0 professionals. The acquisitions, cataloging and circulation departments are part of an expanding automated system. Qualifications: M.L.S., or equivalent, from A. L.A.-accredited school required, with an earned doctorate preferred. Applicants should dem onstrate 1) progressively respon­ sible adm inistrative experience; 2 ) leadership and hum an relations skills; 3 ) continued professional growth; and 4 ) thorough knowledge of all academ ic library services. Salary: $ 30 ,0 0 0 m inim um , com ­ mensurate with qualifications and experience. Competitive. Applica­ tion d e a dlin e: to e nsu re co n sid e ra tio n , a pp lic a tio n s sh ou ld be postmarked by November 5, 1979. Send nom inations and applica­ 260 tions with resumes, names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Dolly B. Hoover, Chairperson, Search Commit­ tee for Dean of Library Services, Cunningham Memorial Library, In­ diana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809. Indiana State Uni­ versity is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. Vacancy created by present director’s re­ tirement. Coeducational, liberal arts college: 9 00 students, 75 fac­ ulty. Library staff: four professionals (including director), three sup­ port staff, student assistants. 110,000 catalogued volumes, OCLC Systems, LC reclass in process. For administration and manage­ ment of the library, director is responsible to Vice President and Dean of Faculty. As a faculty member director participates in all academic affairs. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Additional subject field master’s desirable. Several years’ successful administrative experience in college library work. Experi­ ence preferred in several aspects of academic library management. Terms: Salary $18,000 to $24,000, commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. 12-month contract basis, TIAA, other usual benefits. Position open early Spring 1980. Send application and su pp orting vita to: Dean o f Faculty, Ripon College, Ripon, Wl 54971. Ripon College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. Wolfgram Memorial Library, Wide­ ner College of Widener University, Chester, PA. Tenure-track posi­ tion available July 1, 1980. Widener College offers undergraduate programs in the Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Nursing, Man­ agement and Applied Economics, and graduate programs in Busi­ ness Administration, Engineering, and Nursing. The Director is a mem ber of the College Dean’s Council, has full faculty status, serves on faculty committees, and coordinates and directs all li­ brary operations and activities. A coordinate relationship exists with Widener University’s Brandywine College and Delaware Law School librarians. The Library is in PALINĘT/OCLC. Requirements: ALA- accredited MLA/MLS; subject master's degree or Ph.D.; six to ten years experience in an academic library with at least five years in progressively responsible administrative capacities; evidence of ex­ perience in all m ajor academ ic library functions. Salary range $22,000 to $28,000; excellent fringe benefits. Application deadline November 30, 1979. Send complete curriculum vitae, three refer­ ences including phone numbers, placement file if available, and other supporting documents to Professor Lawrence P. Buck, Chair, Librarian Search Committee, Widener College, Chester, PA 19013. An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer. HEAD, COM PUTERIZED CATALOGIN G University of Florida Responsible for training and supervising 6-8 par­ apro fessio na l sta ff in m onograph cataloging. Plan, o rg a n ize , and co o rd in a te th e ir O CLC cataloging and related activities. Work closely with department chairperson, assistant chairper­ son, and head m onograph c a ta lo g e r. ALA- accredited MLS; 5 years cataloging experience in an academic library; experience with OCLC and LC classification; competence in online mono­ graph cataloging; knowledge of a foreign lan­ guage (preferably Spanish); supervisory experi­ ence and ability to work effectively with other staff, students, and faculty. Salary up to $17,000 depending on qualifications. Send complete re­ sume and salary requirements by September 30: Robert L. Willits A dm inistrative Em ploym ent M anager 2nd Floor HUB University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: To serve the humanities and social sciences reference needs o f patrons; assists in providing group instruction, information retrieval service and participates in development of the Hum anities and Social Sciences Collection. MLS from ALA-accredited Library School plus Master’s Degree in Social Sciences/Humanities field of study o r one or two years of relevant reference experience in an academ ic library. Ability to communicate effectively in both oral and written forms. Must work so m e e ven in gs and w e e ke n d s. E xce lle n t b e n e fits; salary: $ 13 ,950-15,345. Send resume including work history, salary re­ quirements, examples of written works and letters of reference from at least three persons having knowledge of your professional qual­ ifications to: Eileen Holahan, The Johns Hopkins University, 146 Garland Hall, 34th and Charles Streets, Baltimore, MD 2 1218. EEO-M/F HEAD B IO -A G R IC U LTU R A L LIB R A R IA N . The U n iv e rs ity of California, Riverside Library is seeking a creative, dynamic person for the position of Head, Bio-Agricultural Library. The position will be responsible for managing the Bio-Agricultural Reference, Circu­ lation, Reserve and Interlibrary Loan functions as well as participat­ ing in the overall collection development network as a chief bibliog­ rapher for the Bio-Agricultural Sciences. The Bio-Agricultural Col­ lection is approximately 110,000 volumes. As a department head and member of the University Librarians Cabinet the incum bent will assist the University Librarian in formulating, adm inistering and evaluating library policies and programs, preparing and justifying budget proposals and preparing reports and analyses for Campus, Universitywide and external agencies. An exciting and challenging opportunity for a person concerned and interested in Life Sciences and the management of informational science in this field. QUAL­ IFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent. Substantial supervisory experience and experience in a Life Sciences or Academic Library required. Demonstrated administrative ability and skill in com m unicating ef­ fectively with faculty, students, staff and campus administration. SALARY RANGE: $15,84 0-$2 9 ,4 9 6. Appointment level: $ 1 5 ,8 4 0 - $ 21 ,27 6. Position available June 1, 1979. UCR Library serves 4 ,500 graduate and undergraduate students, 2 6 Ph.D. programs, has over 915 ,00 0 volumes. 24 Academic Librarians and approxi­ mately 95 staff support the Library. Riverside is a com m unity of 150,000 6 0 miles east of Los Angeles. Send resume and list of three professional references to Eleanor Montague, University Li­ brarian, University of California, Riverside, P.O. Box 5900, River­ side, CA 92521. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. HEAD COLLECTION AND ACQUISITIONS SERVICE. Position re­ vised and se arch e x te ńd e d . Q u a lific a tio n s : MLS fro m ALA- accredited library school, professional library experience in acquisi­ tions and/or collection development, and demonstrated adm inistra­ tive ability required; experience and/or knowledge of budgeting and automated library systems highly desirable;, minim um of 5 years professional library experience preferred. Responsibilities include merging the existing collection development and acquisitions de­ partments, and administering the new collection and acquisitions service, totaling 5.5 librarians and 16 classified staff, plus student assts. Also: administration of $ 1.9 million unallocated book budget (an increase of $184,000); liaison with faculty and other library de­ partments; active participation in automation of library functions, including acquisitions; formulation of collection policies. 12 month contract, salary $ 20 ,03 4-$2 3 ,7 4 4, faculty status, state retirement or TIAA/CREF, 22 days vacation. Position available January 1980; closing date for applications, Nov. 1, 1979. Send letter of applica­ tion addressing all of the qualifications listed above, a resume, and the names of 3 references to Constance Corey, Acting Assistant University Librarian, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281. An EEO/'Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Responsible for day-to-day operation of the Academy of Natural Sciences Library: 180,000 volumes, 300 0 se­ rials, 200,000-piece archival collection, significant rare book collec­ tion, staff of 7 (3 professional). Administer technical services, per­ sonnel, computerization projects, space planning, book and serial selection, exchange program. Included is long range planning, liaison with staff and administration, program planning, develop­ ment. Qualifications: Accredited MLS, experience in biological sci­ ences, 2 languages including German, ,5 years progressively re­ sponsible experience, some years of supervisory experience. Salary Range: $ 1 5 ,00 0-$ 18,000. Contact: George M. Davis, Chair, Search Committee, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Tel. (215) 299-1132. HEAD LIBRARIAN. The Technology Campus, University of Arkan­ sas is seeking a qualified person to head a relatively small but im ­ portant library servicing the Graduate Institute of Technology, the U of A Division of Continuing Education and the Industrial Research and Extension Center. The library is located in Little Rock, Arkan­ sas and subscribes to more than 4 00 technical journals and has a collection in excess of 18,000 volumes. The person for this position will be responsible for the administrative and professional functions of the library including management of a budget and coordinating the activities of one full-tim e staff member and part-time assistants. Qualifications desired are a M.S. in Library Science plus profes- 261 sional experience in an academ ic library. Position offers 12 month appointm ent with salary between $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 -$ 13,000 depending on qualifications. TIAA/CREF and many other fringe benefits. Position open August 15, 1979. Send application and resum e to: J. W. Fredrickson, Director, Graduate Institute o f Technology, P.O. Box 3 01 7, Little Rock, AR 7 2203. An equal o pportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion employer. HEAD OF A U D IO V ISU A L SER VICES. Sea rch re o pe ne d fo r a dynam ic individual to develop and adm inister Audiovisual Services Department o f a m ajor academ ic health sciences library. Position reports to Assistant Director for Public Services and is responsible for expanding the library’s audiovisual services to its five profes­ sional schools and hospital, in clu din g liaison work with faculty and students, collections developm ent, and planning. Responsibilities in clude extension work with North Carolina AHEC audiovisual pro­ duction units to provide consultation on technical problems. New library b uildin g now u nder co nstru ctio n will contain a large a u ­ diovisual services center. Library has a staff o f over 40, including 18 professionals, and fosters atm osphere conducive to professional growth. Media experience in an academ ic library setting and a master's degree in media or library science (ALA-accredited) re­ quired. Demonstrated adm inistrative ability and skill in pub lic rela­ tions work highly desirable. Knowledge of AV production techniques d e s ira b le . P osition o p e n S e p te m b e r 1, 1 9 7 9 . S ta rtin g sa lary $ 14 ,0 0 0 to $ 20 ,00 0, d epending on qualifications. Send letter of application and cu rricu lu m vitae to Samuel Hitt, Director, Health Sciences Library, 2 23 H, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Deadline for applications November 1, 1979. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. HEAD OF INTERLIBRARY LOAN AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of California, Riverside, Library is seeking a dynam ic individual to head the Interlibrary Loan office and serve approxi­ m ately o ne-third tim e on the General Reference desk. Respon­ sibilities for these two assignments are: (1) com plete adm inistration and operation of the Interlibrary Loan services with two assistants; cooperation with the Science Libraries Interlibrary Loan service; par­ ticipation in Universitywide ILL committees; and (2) information and reference service, prim arily in the H um anities and Social Sciences. The assignment also includes participation in a variety of other Li­ brary, University and professional activities. This appointm ent offers a challenging assignment for an individual interested in the chang­ ing field o f resource sharing and reference services. QUALIFICA­ TIONS: MLS or equivalent w ith solid background in H um anities a n d /o r Social Sciences and in m o dern W estern European la n ­ guages, re q uired . T ra in in g a n d /o r e xp e rie n ce in b ib lio g ra p h ic searching and reference essential. ILL experience in academ ic or research library desirable. SALARY RANGE: $ 1 2 ,9 2 4 -$ 1 6 ,5 8 4 . A p­ pointm ent level: $ 1 2 ,9 2 4 -$ 1 4 ,2 6 8 . Position available Septem ber 1, 1979. UCR is a m em ber o f the Association of Research Libraries. The Library serves 4 ,5 0 0 graduate and undergraduate students, 26 Ph.D. programs, has over 9 50 ,0 0 0 volumes. Staff o f 34 Librarians and other professionals and approxim ately 9 5 support staff. River­ side is a com m unity of 150,000, 6 0 miles east o f Los Angeles. Send resume and list o f three professional references to Eleanor Montague, University Librarian, University of California, Riverside, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92507. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. HEAD OF SERIALS. Adm inisters and supervises staff of six. Re­ sponsible for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting. R esponsibilities in clu de serial records, binding, cataloging, and exchange. Serves on com m ittees. Other duties as assigned by the Assistant University Librarian for Techni­ cal Services. MLS, m inim um of three years experience, one year s u p e rv is o ry , k n o w le d g e o f AACR, LC a n d o n - lin e s yste m s. $ 1 4 ,5 0 0 + . 12-m onth contract. Available im m ediately. Send re­ sume, three references, and credentials by Septem ber 30, 1979 to Norman R. Pearson, Wright State University Library, Dayton, OH 45435. Equal Opportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. HEAD, TECHNICAL PROCESSING DEPARTMENT. The University of California, Riverside, Library is seeking an experienced manager to head its Technical Processing Department. The Department has a staff of over 4 5 Librarians and Library Assistants organizationally s tru c tu re d in to fo u r u n its : (1 ) B ib lio g ra p h ic S e a rc h in g and B in de ry/P roce ssin g ; (2 ) A cq u is itio n s and Serials ch e c k -in ; (3) Cataloging; and (4) B ibliographic Records Maintenance. The De­ partm ent processes approxim ately 4 0 ,0 0 0 volum es per year, using OCLC for searching, cataloging and label preparations. Under the general review o f the University Librarian, the Head has two p ri­ mary responsibilities: (1) managem ent of the total departm ental op­ eration; and (2) participation as an active member of the University L ib r a r ia n ’s C a b in e t, th e m a n a g e m e n t te a m o f th e L ib ra ry. Additionally, the position supports other library, Universitywide, and professional com m itm ents. UCR offers this as an exciting and ch a l­ lenging assignment in a progressive Academ ic and Research Li­ brary. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent. Progressively increas­ ing experience in managem ent and supervision o f technical pro­ cessing units within a large Academ ic or Research Library required. B ackground in autom ated processing systems preferred. Knowl­ edge of foreign languages desirable. Demonstrated administrative a bility and skill in co m m u nicatin g effectively w ith faculty, students, staff, a nd c a m p u s a d m in is tra tio n . SALARY RANGE: $ 1 8 ,5 8 8 - $29,496. Appointm ent range: $ 1 8 ,5 8 8 -$ 2 2 ,7 8 8 . Position available October 1, 1979. UCR is a m em ber of the Association o f Research Libraries. The Library serves 4 ,5 0 0 graduate and undergraduate students, 2 6 Ph.D. programs, has over 9 50 ,0 0 0 volumes. Staff of 34 Librarians and other professionals and approxim ately 9 5 support staff. Riverside is a co m m u nity of 150,000 6 0 miles east o f Los Angeles. Send resume and list of three professional references to Eleanor M ontague, U niversity Librarian, U niversity o f California, R iverside, P.O. Box 5 9 0 0 , R ive rside , CA 9 2 5 0 7 . AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. INFORMATIO N MANAGEMENT: Assistant Professor, to begin 1 July 1980 o r by arrangement. Desired qualifications: expertise in one or m ore of: data processing, inform ation storage and retrieval tec h n iq u e s , system s ana lysis, re co rd s m a n ag em en t, database m anag em en t; in te re st in a p p lic a tio n s in e xtra -lib ra ry contexts; teaching ability; relevant practical experience,- doctorate or com par­ able evidence of research ability. $ 1 5 ,1 0 0 -1 9 ,7 0 0 per a nnum for 9 month contract. Upward revision possible by tim e of appointment. Revised salary schedule not yet available (27 July 1979); ca. 13% increase approved. Inquiries by 1 November 1979 to Patrick Wil­ son, Chairperson, Search Committee, School of Library and Infor­ mation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA 9 4720. Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. L IBRA RIAN. The Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, to d ire c t a sta ff of ten p rofessionals and n on ­ professionals, adm inister a departm ental budget, and a major his­ torical research collection comprised of printed materials, m anu­ scripts, and graphics. Requirements: MLS degree with a M.A. de­ gree in history, preferred. Salary: $ 13 ,0 0 0 to $ 14,000, medical and pension benefits. Direct in quiries to Search Committee, 52 Power Street, Providence, Rl 02906. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportu­ nity Employer. LIBRARIAN. CATALOGER. R esponsible for cataloging & process­ in g o f original/O CLC-shared cataloging of m onographs, serials, n o n -p rin t m a terials & c a ta lo g in g m a in ten an ce . A LA -a ccre dite d MLS, significant current cataloging experience in academ ic library, w orking knowledge of AACR, DDC, LC su bje ct headings, OCLC fo rm a t re q u ire d . Salary c o m m e n su ra te w ith e xpe rie n ce; salary negotiable from a $ 15,0 0 0 base for 12 months. Fringe benefits in ­ clude TIAA-CREF, BC-BS, 22 days vacation/yr., faculty rank, tenure track. Starting date negotiable. Complete application incl. detailed resume by November 1, to: Cataloger Search Committee, Library, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS 6 6762. Pittsburg State is an AA/EEO employer. LIBRARIAN, CATALOGING HEAD. ’ Coordinates m onographic and serial cataloging using LC system and SOLINET-OCLC. 16,000 items cataloged last year. Many good gift materials to be worked into processing stream. Only 1 8,000 Deweys left to recatalog. A p ­ plicants should be able to continue our departm ental adjustments toward higher productivity. Have at least 8 years professional ex­ perience (at more than one institution). Have proven supervisory ability. Read two modern European languages. Willingness to help in bibliographical instruction program. MSLS from ALA-accredited school, with 2nd master’s desirable. Library building new. Typical college town and 50 miles from Savannah. Salary $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 -1 7 ,0 0 0 dep en d in g on experience. EOAA employer. Now available. Start January 2. Apply by November 10 to Ms. E. E. Brown, Associate Director (Services), Georgia Southern College Library, Statesboro, GA 30458. LIBRA RIAN REFERENCE. Search reopened. Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. Position available now. Reference Librarian experi­ enced in general reference work with academ ically selected liberal arts undergraduates. Prefer strong science background in order to balance su bje ct specialization o f staff. A LA -accredited MLS re ­ q uired. Two to five years directly applicable experience essential, in c lu d in g dem on strate d a bility to design and im p le m e n t b iblio ­ g ra p h ic in stru ctio n program s. Foreign language ca p a b ility also high ly d esirable. Duties: general re feren ce re sp on sib ilitie s with week-end and evening assignments during academ ic sessions, b ib ­ liographic instruction, and participation in collection building and public services planning. Salary: $ 16 ,00 0 range for twelve months, depending upon qualifications. A pplicants should be willing, when requested, to d o cu m e nt achievem ent and to su pp ly three refer­ ences directly concerned with professional employm ent. Send d e ­ tailed resume before Septem ber 30, 1979 to.- W illiam T. Dameron, Librarian, Chalmers Memorial Library, Kenyon College, Gambler, OH 43022. Kenyon College is an equal opportunity employer. L IB R A R IA N -S E R IA L S CATALOGER. (L ib ra ria n I— $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 - $16 ,00 0). The University of Georgia Libraries is seeking a librarian to perform original and copy cataloging o f serials and incom plete m onographic sets in English and European languages for the Main, Science, and branch collections. Qualifications Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; two years cataloging experience, in ­ clu ding original cataloging, in an academ ic or research library; Li­ brary o f Congress classification experience; w orking knowledge of 262 Germanic and Romance languages; and a broad subject back­ ground. Preferred: Serials cataloging experience; in-depth knowl­ edge o f German; and strong background in the sciences. Desired: OCLC cataloging experience. The position w ill be available January 2, 1980, and will not be filled unless suitable candidates are found. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Please send letter of application, resume, and names of three ref­ erences to: Bonnie Jackson Clemens, Personnel Librarian, Univer­ sity of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. Applications must be received by October 1, 1979. An equal opportunity/affirm ative ac­ tion institution. LIBRARY. The Director o f Library Services position, beginning Jan­ uary 1980 or earlier. Graduate degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited school, MLA certification, and demonstrated adm in­ istrative and supervisory ability, with a m inim um of five years of successful service in a health sciences library. Salary in the 2 0 ’s. Curriculum vitae and three letters o f recommendation to Daniel A. Hussar, Ph.D., Dean of Faculty, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. 43rd Street and Kingsessing Mall, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. MANAGEMENT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Northwestern Univer­ sity Library. Search reopened. Specializes in reference and o ut­ reach services to Graduate School of Management faculty and stu­ dents. Provides general social sciences and humanities reference services. Participates in activities of two departments: Management Services (3 librarians) and reference (7 FTE librarians). MLS from accredited library school and reading knowledge of modern western foreign language required. Academic background in Social Sci­ ences and master's degree in relevant discipline highly desirable. Some experience in academic reference service or business refer­ ence desirable. Hiring range: $ 11 ,80 0-12 ,80 0 , depending on q ua l­ ifications. Open September 1, 1979. Send letter of application and resume and forward personal credential file including transcripts and references by September 3 0 to Virginia Freyre, Personnel Of­ fice, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. An equal opportunity employer. MARC PROGRAMMER/LIBRARIAN. We are looking for an experi­ enced MARC II Programmer/Librarian to develop software, to pro­ duce catalog cards from the Library of Congress MARC II tapes. Also must set up system to maintain MARC database. Program­ ming to be done on IBM 360 -3 70 equipm ent in PL-1. Position re­ quires program m er with considerable am ount of free tim e from regular occupation to devote to developing this complex system. $20 per hour m inim um based on experience. Please send qua lifi­ cations and references on work done to: Placement Service Box 91, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago IL 60611. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. General reference desk service, bibliog­ rapher for two or three teaching departments, rotating schedule in­ volving some evenings and weekends, assist in library orientation and instruction. Master's degree in L.S. from an ALA-accredited li­ brary school. Interest, training or experience in government docu­ m e n ts a n d /o r b u sin e ss and e c o n o m ic s d e s ira b le . 9 -m o n th , S e p te m b e r-M a y Civil Service a p p o in tm e n t. Salary: $ 1 1 ,0 5 2 - $14,310. Starting date: 1 November 1979. Send inquiries by Sep­ tember 3 0 to University of Minnesota, Library and Learning Re­ sources Service, Donald J. Pearce, Director, Duluth, MN 55812. The University of Minnesota, Duluth, is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (BILINGUAL). One position with ½ -tim e subject reference: responsible for expansion, organization and ser­ vice of Chicano Resource Center, a m ulti-m edia collection of mate­ rials concerning the Chicano, California, Mexico, and the South­ western U.S. ½ -tim e general reference: includes library instruction assignments. MLS from an accredited institution required. Must be flu e n t in S pa n ish a nd English w ith exte n sive b a ck g ro u n d in Chicano studies. Preference given for experience in academic ref­ erence service; production and use of m ulti-m edia materials; public relations. Appointment, November 15, 1979, as Assistant Librarian ($ 1 2 ,1 4 4 —$ 1 6 ,7 1 6 ) or S enior A ssista n t L ibrarian ($ 1 4 ,1 1 2 - $19,488) dependent on qualifications. Apply by October 1, 1979, to Patricia L. Bril, Chair, Readers' Services Department Recruitment Committee, California State University, Fullerton, Library, P.O. Box 4 15 0, Fullerton, CA 9 26 34 . An equal opportunity, Title IX e m ­ ployer. SERIALS CATALOGER. Assist in establishing policies. Perform orig­ inal descriptive and subject cataloging and classification— English and foreign languages. Assist in com piling reports. Assist in ch eck­ in, payments, renewals, and binding. Reclassify and recatalog as needed. Supervisory role as needed. Responsible for union list of serials. Special projects. MLS, experience preferred. Knowledge of AACR, LC and on-line systems. $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 + . 12-month contract. Available immediately. Send resume, three references, and creden­ tials by October 15, 1979 to Norman R. Pearson, Wright State Uni­ versity Library, Dayton, OH 4 54 35 . Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARIAN. University of California Berkeley. Direct operations of a busy undergraduate library and small media center with open stack collection of 160,000 volumes and 500 pe­ riodicals and a staff of over 4 0 FTE. Participate in library wide p olicy-m a kin g activities, co ordin a te a ctivities o f d yna m ic staff oriented toward quality public service, plan long-range programs and set priorities. Requires accredited MLS degree, demonstrated com m itm ent to undergraduate library service, to participative m an­ agement and staff development, and successful and increasingly responsible management experience. Full job description will be mailed on request. Salary in the $ 15 ,00 0 to $ 22 ,0 0 0 plus per annum range depending on qualifications. Send resume including nam es o f p rofessional re feren ces by 3 0 S eptem ber 1979 to: William E. Wenz, Personnel Officer, Room 447, General Library, U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia , B e rke le y, CA 9 4 7 2 0 . An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST AND CURATOR OF SPECIAL COLLEC­ TIONS. Responsible for adm inistration and developm ent of rare book and m anuscript collections now em phasizing regional and local history, 2 0th century English, American, and Irish literature, modern American philosophy, and theater. Appraises and retains university records with administrative, legal, or historical value. Par­ ticipates in library policy-making and planning committees. Reports to Dean of Library Affairs; as fiscal officer has responsibility for Di­ vision’s budget and expenditures. M inim um qualifications include: M.A. degree in hum anities, social sciences, o r library science; seven ye a rs e x p e rie n c e in S p e cia l C o lle c tio n s (A rc h iv e s / Manuscripts/Rare Books); knowledge of grant processes and donor relations; and a record of scholarly and professional activities, in­ c lu d in g p u b lish e d rese arch . P re fe rre d q u a lific a tio n s in c lu d e : additional graduate work in fields collected by Morris Library Spe­ cial Collections; four years appropriate administrative experience; and knowledge of flat paper and book conservation. 12 month ap­ pointment. Tenure track position; rank dependent on experience and qualifications. M inim um salary $20 ,00 0 for assistant professor, $25 ,00 0 for associate or full professor. Benefits include University Retirement System of Illinois, state-paid life and medical insurance, 25 vacation days, 11 holidays, 60 calendar days sick leave per year. Position available August 1, 1979. Send resume and refer­ ences by September 30, 1979 to Mary E. Janzen, Search Commit­ tee, Special Collections, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 62901, (618) 453-2516. The Uni­ versity is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. UNIVERSITY BIBLIOGRAPHER. Experienced scholar/librarian with managerial ability to direct Bibliographic Services Department in a research library of 2 ,4 0 0,0 00 volumes and annual materials ex­ penditures exceeding $2,000,000. Directs collection development, supervises selection procedures, and serves as library's principal representative with faculty and neighboring university libraries. Re­ quires collection development or related experience in a research library. Advanced degrees and publications desirable. Salary of $22,000 or more depending on qualifications. Send resume and names of three references by October 1, 1979 to Joseph Jerz, As­ sistant University Librarian, Wilson Library 024A, U niversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 2 75 14 . An Equal O pportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES. Benham- Blair & Affiliates, Inc., architects, engineers and consultants based in Oklahoma City, is seeking a Vice President for Information Re­ sources and Director of the Information Resource Center. Suc­ cessful applicants m ust have a BA/BS in science or engineering, and MLS or equivalent in library/inform ation center, MBA back­ ground desirable; 2 -3 years experience in corporate information re­ lated activities and one year corporate library administrative experi­ ence or equivalent; knowledge and experience with online search­ ing. m icrofilms and computerized applications. Responsibilities in­ clude direction and overall development of corporate information resource center. Minim um salary: $27,500, start as soon as possi­ ble. Complete job description available upon request. Send resume and names of at least three references by December 1, 1979 to Richard Spang, Corporate Vice President for Administration, P.O. Box 20400, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. Benham-Blair is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages applica­ tions from women and minorities. N ow includes a special discount Gale Standing Order Service • T a k e a d v antage o f the 5% d iscount fo r S ta n d in g O rders •A v o id w asting tim e on routine •R eceive books im m ediately u pon acquisition decisions publication •S e le ct the titles you wish to receive • C u t back or cancel y o u r S tan d in g O rders a u tom atically a t a ny tim e S ta n d in g O rd e r Service is available fo r new editions o f sta n d a rd reference books published a n d d istributed by Gale and new volum es in o u r con tin u in g series. All come to you on 30-day a p p ro v al and m ay be returned w ithout obligation if they d o n ot meet y o u r needs. All S ta n d in g O rders for G ale books are now billed a t a 5% discount. If you wish to know w hether you have specific titles on S ta n d in g O rd e r w ith G ale, o r if you have o th er questions regarding the service, please c o n ta ct Gale’s L ibrary Services D epartm ent. T he follow ing titles are a m o n g those available on S ta n d in g O rder. Indicated fo r each is the c u rre n t e d ition o r the m ost recent volum e. W rite fo r o u r com plete c atalog fo r a full listing o f all books available on S ta n d in g O rder. Acronyms, Initialisms, and Encyclopedia o f Associations, 13th ed. Abbreviations Dictionary, 6th ed. Vol. 1, N a tio n a l O rganizations o f t he U.S., Vol. 1, D ictionary, $54.00. $80.00. Vol. 2, Geographic a n d E xecutive Vol. 2, N ew A cro n ym s, Initialism s, Index, $65.00. Vol. 3, N ew A ssociations a n d A b b re via tio n s 1979 a n d 1980 a n d Projects (supplem ents), inter-edition (supplem ents), $ 4 5 .0 0 /both. subscription, $75.00. Vol. 3, R everse A cro n ym s, Research Centers Directory, 6 th ed., Initialism s, a n d A bbreviations, $90.00. N ew R esearch Centers (supple­$58.00. m ents), in ter-ed itio n subscription, $80.00. Book Review Index, 1978 C u m ulation, Som ething about the Author, Vol. 15, $68.00. (A lso available: bim onthly $30.00.periodical issues. A n nual subscription, $ 68.0 0 .) Trade Names Dictionary, 2nd ed. (2 vols.), Bookman's Price Index, Vol. 16, $68.00. $85.00/ set. N ew Trade N am es 1980 a n d 1981 (supplem ents), $ 6 5 .0 0 /both. Trade Contemporary Authors, Vol. 81-84, N am es D ictionary: C o m pany Index, $48.00. $95.00. Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 11, Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, $48.00. Vol. 2, $48.00. Directory o f Special Libraries and Information Centers, 5th ed. (R eady S eptem ber) Vol. 1, D irectory, $90.00. V o1. 2, G eographic-P ersonnel Index, GALE RESEARCH CO. $70.00. Vol. 3, N ew Special Libraries, BOOK T O W E R • D E T R O IT . M I 48226 (supplem ents), in ter-edition subscription, $80.00.