ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1992 / 91 INNOVATIONS Academic library public relations: Using internal publications to spread the news By Rick Bean Suburban Reference Librarian DePaul University At on e o f its quarterly m eetings last year, th e Library’s Public Relations C om m ittee b rainstorm ed on how it could b e tte r publicize its m aterials and services w ithin th e D ePaul academ ic com m unity. D uring th a t m eeting, th e notion o f sending articles to o th e r dep artm en ts for inclusion in th e ir publications and discontinuing th e library’s sem i-annual n ew sletter was proposed. T h e com ­ m ittee ag reed to p u rsu e this new approach and I was ap pointed “P.R. Liaison” for th e library. My first task was to com pile an d p ro duce a list o f D ePaul’s internal publications. Since no com plete list had b e en com piled by th e library o r any o th e r university office, I began calling num erous dep artm en ts to ask if th ey published a new sletter o r som e o th e r type o f publication. T he first draft o f th e list was p ro d u ced containing each publication’s title, th e contact person responsible for its contents, and th e publication’s frequency. T h e next step was to g et in to u ch w ith each contact personandaskhimorherifthelibrarycouldsendarticles to be included in an issue o f their publication. Inform ation for th ese articles com es from library staff m em bers who e ith e r w rite th e article th e m ­ selves o r suggest topics. T hese ideas are th e n coor­ d inated by th e P.R. Liaison w hose duties include editing, proofing, and making sure th e article’s style is a p p ropriate for a particular publication. Factors such as subject m atter an d tim eliness help d e te r­ m ine which p u b lic a tio n ^ ) w ould use th at article. W e have found this approach to public relations to be highly successful for two m ain reasons. First, since th ese publications originate from various D ePaul U niversity d epartm ents, w e can m ore eas­ ily targ et an article for th a t particular audience. A corollary o f this is th a t faculty, staff, and students are m ore likely to read th e ir own publications than a library new sletter. Second, th e frequency o f p u b ­ lication also varies from publication to publication an d th at helps us decide which one(s) to subm it the article to. Since w e no longer publish o u r own new sletter, th e cost to publicize th e library’s m ate­ rials and services is q u ite small. Since w e im plem ented th ese procedures, we have n oticed an increase in the n u m b e r o f patrons inform ing us th a t they have read articles pertaining to th e library in various D ePaul internal publica­ tions. C urrently, o u r Intern al Publications List has 35 titles an d it continues to grow as we discover new publications bein g started at D ePaul. This type o f public relations program m ight seem unique to som e, b u t w e have found ■ it to be practical, econom i­ cal, and successful. ■ C&RL News reporters needed Share yo u r A C R L National C onference expe­ riences with a national audience. B rief (1 5 0 - 300-word) sum m aries o f th e co n ference’s p a n ­ els, program s, and sessions a re sought for publi­ cation in C &R L News. I f you w ould like to write up one o f th e sessions you plan on attending, contact th e editor, M ary Ellen Davis, no later th an M arch 31, 1992, at (800) 545-2433, ext. 2511 o r bitnet: U38398@ uicvm.bitnet.