ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 102 / C&RL News Utah Library Association Annual Conference welcomes ACRL By Sally M. Patrick Conference Chair, Utah Library Association A nnual Conference T he U tah Library Association (ULA) will hold its annual conference April 13-15,1992, concurrently with ACRL’s 6th National C onference in Salt Lake City, April 12-14. ULA m em bers w elcom e our ACRL colleagues and hope th at th e program m ing and exhibit opportunities from each association will enhance th e experience for all participants. ULA’s conference th em e is “Success Through Diversity.” T h e conference program s will be h eld at th e D o u bletree H otel an d th e exhibits will b e in the ACRL exhibit area in th e Salt Palace. T he ULA exhibits will feature w estern regional publishers and a w ell-stocked com bined book exhibit. The registration rate for ULA o r ACRL m em bers is $35 ($50 after M arch 13,1992). T he fee for individuals registering for b oth conferences is $25 ($40 after M arch 13, 1992). Please look over th e details below an d additional inform ation in th e January issue o f C &R L News, fill out th e registration form on th e next page, and send it in promptly. W e look forward to seeing you! “Success through Diversity” conference highlights Author functions Monday, April 13, luncheon with Gary Paulsen. Gary Paulsen, N ewbery H o n o r Award w inner for H atchet an d The W in ter Room, is a favorite with juvenile and young adult librarians. H e thrills readers o f all ages w ith his exciting stories. Tuesday, April 14, luncheon with Barbara Kingsolver. Projecting a new release this s p rin g , a w a r d -w in n in g w r i t e r B a r b a r a Kingsolver has received international acclaim for h e r sensitivity to w om en. She is b est known for h e r books The Bean Trees and Animal Dreams. Tuesday, April 14, a gala evening with Tony Hillerman. Legendary author o f rich tales o f th e d esert Southwest, Tony H illerm an is re ­ leasing a new book soon en titled M udhead Kiva. It promises to b e ju st as popular as his num erous other successes, including A T h ie f o f Time. Join Mr. Hillerm an for a reception and dinner as he discusses how th e crafting o f this novel was influenced by a river trip down the beautiful San Juan River in Southeastern Utah. Post-conferences T he following post-conferences will be offered on April 15 at th e D ou b letree H otel (you do not n e ed to register for th e ULA conference to atten d th e post-conference). H ere’s how to C.O.P.E.—creating opportuni­ ties for personal empowerment given by Kaycee Hale, executive d irector o f th e Re­ source and R esearch C en ter o f th e Fashion In stitu te o f D esign & M erchandising. This post-conference will cover personal an d p ro ­ fessional em pow erm ent, coping skills for suc­ cess into th e 21st century, stress reduction, problem -solving in th e workplace, an d m an­ aging change. She is a truly inspiring speaker. Creativity: (What it is and how to use it) given by Susan Jurow, Office o f M anagem ent Studies. This w orkshop is d esigned to im prove library effectiveness through th e application o f cre­ ative problem-solving strategies to library pro b ­ lems an d concerns. It will assist individuals in m aking th e b e st possible use o f personal strengths in th e developm ent and im plem en­ tation o f new ideas. Total quality management in government, or how to thrive on chaos and achieve TQM given by Roger Kirkham, president, American Training Alliance. This post-conference will cover th e basic principles o f Total Quality M anagem ent an d im plem entation strategies which could b e effective in public sector appli­ cations. H e re is an opportunity to learn an overview o f one o f th e m ost popular m anage­ m e n t topics o f th e decade. February 7992 / 103