ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 106 / Cb-RL News P R E S E R V A T I O N N E W S P re p a re d by B a rb a r a Brown College Libraries Committee Commission on Preservation and Access • Notre Dame, Indiana. The Universi Libraries of Notre Dame have published an at­ tractive pamphlet called “Preserving Libraries for Medieval Studies: Colloquium on Preservation Issues in Medieval Studies, March 25-26,1990/' The colloquium was supported by the Commis­ sion on Preservation and Access, the Medieval Academy of America, and Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters in hopes that it would begin to organize medievalists for a national effort at li­ brary preservation. Sophia K. Jordan, editor of the papers, indicates that the purpose of the publica­ tion is to share some of the conceptual difficulties and issues that arise when selection for preserva­ tion crosses disciplinary lines. Copies of the pub­ lication may be purchased from the University Libraries of Notre Dame for $10.00. Checks should be made payable to the University Libraries of Notre Dame and sent to: Sophia K. Jordan, 219 Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. F e a tu re your collection on a C&RL News cover I f you have material in your collections that you think would make an attractive C6-RL News cover, please send us a photograph and a brief description of the item and the collection it illustrates. Photos may be either color or black and white and should be 5” by 7" or 8" by 10". Vertical photos are best. Send to: C&RL News Covers, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ty • Washington, D.C- The Commission on Preservation and Access has moved and has a new address and phone number: The Commission on Preservation and Access, 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036-2217; (202) 939-3400; fax (202) 939-3407. • Ann Arbor, Michigan. Caring f o r Your Microform Collection: The Next Step in Preserva­ tion, a 13-minute video on proper storage and handling techniques of microform collections, is available free from University Microforms Interna­ tional. Temperature and humidity control, preser­ vation microfilm/fiche cleaning and inspection are among the topics discussed. To order call 1-800­ 521-0600, ext. 3801 or 1-800-343-5299, ext. 3801 from Canada. • Dublin, Ohio. A recentlypublished manual, The OCLC Guide to Preservation Data, seeks to streamline the library community’s task of preserv­ ing millions of original items that risk deterioration. The new publication from the OCLC Online Com­ puter Library Center, Inc. describes how libraries can use OCLC’s central registry to record and provide access to important preservation informa­ tion. The procedures enable libraries to record their intent to preserve materials, which assists coopera­ tive efforts and helps avoid duplicative activities. More information is available from Kate Nevins, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc,, 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017-3395. Ed Note: Beginning in January 1992, contribu­ tions to this column should be sent to: Jane Hedberg, Bibliographic Services Librarian at Wellesley Col­ lege, phone. 617-235-0320, e-mail: jhedberg@lucy. ■ ■