ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 114 / C &R L News COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS INDEX TO VO L 52 (1991) Compiled by Eldon W. Tamblyn Portland State University, Oregon F I L I N G is word-by-word. A B B R EV IA TIO N S: Standard abbreviations are used except in titles. Nam es o f som e organizations, ALA, ACRL, LC , etc., a re also abbreviated and are alphabetized as i f spelled out. Special abbreviations: appt. appointm ent f. foundation p ort. portrait prof. profile prog. program S P E C IA L USAGES: M ore th an o ne referen ce p e r page is indicated in p a ­ rentheses. U n d er th e heading “Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title)” p arentheses m ay enclose donors’ nam es (for subjects) o r subjects (for n am ed collections). A “Academic librarian delegates chosen fo r W H C L IS ,” Begg, 177-78 “Academic librarians u rged to adopt ALA C ode o f E thics,” ACRL, 45, 54 “ALAO fall conference sets record,” 121 A cadem ic or Research L ibrarian o f the Year Award, ACRL, 1991, 248-49, 667; 1992, 523-24 “Access and preservation key con­ cerns,” L utz, 498 “Access to serials: local im provem ents m ay m ake a difference,” T rithart (51:959-60), com m ent, 357 Acquisitions, 52, 114-15, 180-82, 262, 326-27, 390, 453-55, 530, 601-2, 679- 80, 748-49 Acquisitions (by author, subject, o r ti­ tle): A erospace exploration, 602; Ag­ in g (TV progs.), 748; “Alley O op,” 454; ACT, 453; Amer. lit. (B arrett), 454-55; Am er. w om en’s detective fic­ tion, 601; Ardizzone, E dw ard, 679; Atlases, 530; Avruch, Frank, 530; Baker, H ow ard H., 114; Ball, W m., 453; Baratt, Geo., 748; B arrett, Clif­ to n W . (Amer. lit.), 454-55; B eckett, Sam uel, 262; B odecker, N. M., 262; Book arts (Goodm an), 455, 530; “Boots and h e r buddies,” 454; B ur­ roughs C o ip ., 601; Canadian a uthors, 262; C anadian poetry, 262; C arnegie C orp., 114; Carroll, James, 530; C ar­ toons, editorial, 601; Cash, W ilbur J., 115; C eleste, D agm ar, 180; Cheever, John, 52; C hild, Julia, 114; C hildren’s book illus., 262, 679; C C C II, 453-54; Cookbooks, 114; Cooney, Barbara, 262; C ooper, W m., 453; D ardess, John, 262; Davis, Mollie M., 180; D etective fiction, 601; Dickens, Chas., 326; Didion, Joan, 180; Dos Passos, John, 327; D unne, Irene, 748; D u n n e, John G., 180; Eastm an, Crystal, 601; E aton, Amos B., 601; E ditorial cartoons, 601; Elm an, Phil­ ip, 262; Foley, Jam es T ., 601; F o rest­ ry, La., 326; Frye, N orthrop, 530; G ilruth, R o b t, 602; G latzer, N ahum N., 390, 453; G oodm an, Isabel & C harles (book arts), 455; Haley, Alex, 454; Ham lin, Vincent T., 454; H arris, Thos. B„ 454; Hayes, H arold, 530; H ogarth Press, 530; Holocaust, 530; Hopkins, G erard Manley, 326; H or­ nick, Lita, 326; Hull, H e rb e rt (velvet m esquite), 679-80; IR A D m aterials, J 114; ahnc I k T e U , , 262; Ireland, m aps, 327; M ary E., 180; J a p l i t , 748; Jones, W endal S., 601; Judaica, 390; LaPlace, P ierre S., 180; L azear C lub, 262; L etters, 748-49; LA, hist., 182; M cClure, Jam es A., 114; M cCullers, Carson, 601; MSS, 180; Maps, I re ­ land, 327; Marx, A rthur, 114; M el­ ville, H erm an, 679; Mexico, hist., 454; M icrofilm (Jap. lit.), 748; Miller, H enry, 114; Moody, D w ight L., 680; Nabokov, Vladimir, 748; NC PS, 390; N earing, Scott & H elen , 679; N ight­ ingale, Flo., 748; O nderdonk, Gil­ b e rt, 748; O ppenheim er, Joel, ISO- 82; Osrin, Ray, 601; “O ver easy” (TV prog.), 748; Pattison, E dw ard “N ed ,” 601; Phono- . . . See Sound reco rd ­ ings; Photos., 182 (urban, 748); Phy- tanthoza iconographia sive conspec­ tu s . . . , 680; PNA, 454; Posters, 748; Radio scripts, 602; Rayburn, Sam, 114-15; Russell, Anna, 326; Russ. Bt. (Whitney), 679; Schocken Books, 390; Schweitzer, A lbert, 326 (& H el­ ene, 453); Sea charts, 327; Shumway, N orm an D ., 530; Sound recordings (jazz, 453; Russ., 52); Stam, John & Betty, 115; Stam m , G ilbert G., 748; Stasn Records, 453; Swenson, May, 52; Taylor, Zachary, 601; TV (film, 262; progs., 748; scripts, 326, 453, 602); T im b er industry, 326; Twain, Mark, 180; U n ited G rain Growers, 52; U.S., C olonial & Revolutionary W ar hist., 182; U rban areas, photos., 748; V anguard Press, 114; Velvet m esquite (H ull), 679-80; Victor, D a ­ vid, 602; Volcker C om m ission, 390; W alden, A ustin T., 530; W hitm an, Leaves o f grass, 326-27; W om en’s detective fiction, 601; Yiddish books & periodicals, 114 Acquisitions (by institution): Amer. U., 390; A m herst Coll., 679; Atlanta H ist. Soc., 530; Boston Coll., 262, 326; Boston U „ 114, 326, 530, 679; Bowling G reen S tate U., 326, 453; Brandeis U., 453; CSU, Sacram ento, 262; C arnegie M ellon U., 453; Colo. State U., 748; C olum bia U., 114, 326; E astern W ash. U., 601; Hartwick Coll., 453; H arvard Law School, 262; H arvard U., 52; Harvard-Yenching, 748; H istoric N ew O rleans Collec­ tion, 180; H oover Inst., 326; Kent State U., 180, 262; LC , 52, 180; La. T ech U., 326; M cM aster U., 262; NYPL, 748; NYSL, 601; NYU, 453; N ortheastern 111. U., 114; N orthern 111. U., 679; O hio State U., 601; Ohio U., 114; Okla. State U „ 748; Pa. State U., U. Park, 262; RadcBffe Coll., 114, 601; San Francisco State U., 748; Syracuse U ., 326, 453; T rini­ ty Coll., 180; U. o f Ariz., 679-80; UC (Berkeley, 180; LA, 679; San Diego, 453-54; Santa Cruz, 326, 748); U. of Conn., 180-82; U. o f Idaho, 114; U. o f Iowa, 326-27; U. o f M anitoba, 52; U. o f Miami, 327, 601; U. o f Mich., 114; U. o f Minn., 262, 601; U. of M o.-Colum bia, 454; U. o f N.B., 530; U N C (Asheville, 182; G reensboro, 601); U. o f N. Tex., 748; U. o f N otre D am e, 327; U. o f Pa., 748; U. of Pittsburgh, 454; U. o f Rochester, 262; U. o f S outhern Calif., 182, 602, 748; U. o f Tenn.-Knoxville, 114, 454; U T (Arlington, 454, 530; Austin, 114- 15, 748-49); U. o f th e Pacific, 530; U. o f Va., 454-55; V anderbilt U., 390; Victoria U., 530; Va. T ech, 602; W ake F orest U., 115, 530; W ash. U., 52, 680; W ellesley Coll., 455, 530; W heaton Coll., 115, 680 “A cting positions: th e good, th e bad, and th e ugly,” Benau‹L 30-33 Adams, C harles Marshall, d eceased & port., 268-69 Adams, Mignon, “M aking y our presen- February 1992 /1 1 5 tati on comm unicate,” 34-35, com ­ m ent, 175 “Advisers directories underway,” ACRL, 387 Alire, Camila, prof. & port., 393 Allen, Susan M., “Book th ief convict­ ed ,” 234 Allison, Anne Marie, “Libraries urged to adopt ALA C ode o f Ethics,” 442 “Alternative sources o f revenue in aca­ dem ic libraries,” Beaubien, 573-76 ACLS, “Grants,” 678 AFC, “F re e folk music guide,” 232 “An American librarian in Kuwait,” Brewin, 226-28 ALA, Annual Conference, 314-20 ALA, C P E, “Libraries urged to adopt ALA C ode o f Ethics,” 442 ALA, "Divisions pass resolution on cooperation,” 50 ALA, Exec. D irector, “M ulti-year di­ versity program within ALA staff an­ nounced,” 506 ALA, “Library/Book Fellows set o ff for foreign posts,” 628 ALA, LlRT, RC, “BI evaluations sought,” 232 ALA, M FP, “April 1 deadline for ALA M inority Fellowship Program ,” 156 ALA, NLWC, “Grolier National Li­ brary W eek com petition now open to academic libraries,” 679 ALA, O IF , “C elebrate the Bill of Rights bicentennial,” 677; response to letter to th e ed. “Rust support evil?” 738 ALA, OLOS, “Form er ACRL staffer Nelson to direct OLOS,” 515 ALA, ORS, “Alternative sources o f rev­ enue in academic libraries," 573-76 ALA, President, “ ‘Kids who read suc­ ceed’ and th e academic librarian,” 155-56 ALA, Professional Ethics Comm., “Ac­ adem ic librarians urged to adopt ALA C ode o f Ethics,” 45 ,5 4 ALA, “T en Library/Book Fellow posi­ tions o pen,” 87-89 “ALA candidates on ACRL” & ports., 242-45 “ALA Minority Fellow to work with ACRL,” 514-15 “ALA protests donation to Columbia,” 191 “ALA student m em bership,” 228 “ALA student m em bership prom o­ tion,” 174 Amer. Memory, "Som ething to rem em ­ b e r us by: the American Memory program ,’ 375-76 (photo., cover, no. o) “American Memory project test sites nam ed,” LC, 589 “ANSI approves serial item and contri­ bution identifier,” 600 Amer. Theol. Assn., news n ote, 329 “Am eritech acquires NO TIS Systems,” 654 Anderson, Rachael K., news note, 117 “Andrew Young, Frank Zappa, cultural diversity, a n d m ore at ALA’s Annual C onference,” Nelson, 314-20 Andriole, Stephen J., p r o f, 393 Anell, E sth er Willard, deceased, 190 AW IF, John C otton D ana L ibrary P ub­ lic Relations Award, 428-29 “Answering questions about the W hite H ouse Conference,” Wand, 516-19 Appointments, 58-60, 118-20, 189-90, 266-68, 333-34, 394-95, 461-63, 534- 36, 607-8, 682-84, 754-56 “April 1 deadline for ALA Minority Fellowship Program,”' 156 Ariz. State U., news note, 264, correc­ tion, 391: “Sherlock detected,” 12-14 (photo., cover, no. 1) “ARLIS/NA regional m eeting in Mexi­ co,” 530 Asian/Pacifìc Amer. Librarians Assn., news note, 391 ALCTS, SS, “Nam e the worst serial ti­ tle change,” 123 “ABEU libraries propose cooperative collection developm ent to com bat in­ creasing costs,” 420 Assn, o f Christian Librarians, news note, 329 ACRL, “Academic librarians urged to adopt ALA C ode o f Ethics,” 4 5 ,54 ACRL, Academic or Research Librari­ an o f th e Year Award, 1991, 248-49, 667; 1992, 523-24 ACRL, ASC, “Faculty status think tank seeks input,” 733; “Faculty status: 2001,” 167 ACRL, APGTF, “Call for access policy statem ents,” 154 ACRL, “Advisers directories u nder­ way,” 387 ACRL, “ALA Minority Fellow to work with ACRL,” 514-15 ACRL, “And the winners are …," 508-10 ACRL, Annual Conference, 494-502, “Cassettes of Annual Conference programs available,” 499, comm ent, ACRL, Annual Report, 1990-91, 657- 76 ACRL, “Award winners, 1991,” 248-54, 667-69 ACRL, BIS, “BI in a multicultural en­ vironm ent,” 164 ACRL, BIS, “E ditor needed for BIS newsletter,” 680 ACRL, BIS, ETIC, “Teaching m ethods for end-user searching: a checklist for planning,” 431-36 ACRL, BIS, “Releases new publica­ tion,” 647 ACRL, BIS, "Sponsors logo design con­ test,” 531 ACRL, Board o f Directors, “High­ lights” (Jan. & port., 168-70; June & port., 504-5); ports. (1990-91, 505, 672 & roster; 1991-92, 506); "Reaf­ firms Salt Lake City conference site,” 357; “Votes to w ithdraw 6th National C onference from Phoenix,” 108 ACRL, BFC, “Financial report,” 673- 76 ACRL, “Candidates for ALA Council,” 245-46 ACRL, “Cassettes of Annual C onfer­ ence programs available,” 499 ACRL, CLS, “Audiovisual policies in college libraries published,” 238; C L IP notes, #14, 238; “Seeks survey compilers/authors,” 230 ACRL, CJCLS, Com munity College Learning Resources Achievement Awards, 1991, 250-52, 669; 1992, 524-25 ACRL, Doctoral Dissertation Fellow­ ship, 1991, 249-50, 667; 1992, 525 ACRL, Exec. Comm., “Racial and e th ­ nic diversity resolution adopted,” 380 ACRL, Exec. D irector, “Althea H. Jen­ kins nam ed ACRL executive direc­ tor” & port., 255; “L etter from the acting executive director” & port., 663-64 ACRL, E D D G , “Exhibits & displays focus o f new discussion group,” 677 ACRL, GRC, “Getting connected to the W hite House Conference through the ACRL Legislative N et­ work, 311-13 ACRL, “Guidelines for branch libraries in colleges and universities,” 171-74 ACRL, HBCU C, “HB CU data p u b ­ lished,” 502 ACRL, “How to becom e an ACRL au­ thor,” 106-8 ACRL, “How to participate in ACRL,” 97-98 ACRL, Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, 1991, 249, 669; 1992, 524 ACRL, ILAB, “Inform ation literacy ex­ p erts sought,” 677 ACRL, “Libraries urged to adopt ALA C ode o f Ethics,” 442 ACRL, “MARC cataloging for m ed­ ieval manuscripts publication avail­ able,” 521 ACRL, Midwinter Meeting, 1992, 730- 36 ACRL, Miriam D udley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian o f the Year Award, 1991, 250, 667; 1992, 524 ACRL, “Mission,” 658 ACRL, National Conference, 1992, “ACRL board votes to withdraw 6th National C onference from Phoenix,” 108; “Call for poster sessions,” 420, 578; “Deadline for contributed pa­ pers extended,” 320; “F uturist to speak” & port., 715; “Julian Bond, David Pennim an to speak” & ports., 511-15; “Masters wins free trip, 500; “Moves to Salt Lake City,” 254-55, comm ent, 357; “Register in Novem­ ber,” 515, 595; “Salt Lake City: li­ braries to visit,” 643-44; “Salt Lake City—seeing its sights,” 716-17; “Salt Lake City: ‘This is the place,’ ” 580- 81; “Share your expertise,” 231-32; “W in a free trip,” 292; ‘W o m en ’s studies scholar to speak” & p o rt., 642 ACRL, “N eed a new director?” 642 ACRL, New England C hapter, “Con­ ference report, 179 ACRL, “New titles from ACRL in 1991,” 671 ACRL, “1991 section programs,” 665- 66 ACRL, President, “ACRL investigates new professional developm ent op­ portunities,” 506; “Beaubien plans update o f librarian profile as she as­ sum es ACRL presidency” & port., 427; “L etter” & port., 4-6; “Libraries urged to adopt ALA Code o f Ethics,” 442; “Message” & port., 659-60; “Nothing ventured, no one gained,” 640-41; port., 500; “Report” & port., 421-23; “Task force on social issues appointed,” 505; “Update” & port., 148-49; “Update: information litera­ cy,” 296 ACRL, Professional Association Liai­ son Awards, 1992, 527-28 ACRL, “Questions for ACRL staff?” 734 ACRL, R E D C , “Racial and ethnic di­ versity: information exchange,” 241, 380, 447, 648, 739 ACRL, RBMS, BSC, “Suggestions sought for Standard citation fo rm s . . . , ” 564 116 /C & R L News ACRL, RBMS, ESRC, “Standards for ethical conduct for rare book, manu­ script, and special collections librar­ ies and librarians,” 2d edition: a draft, 721-27, 729 ACRL, RBMS, ‘T h e issues of access and restriction,” 633-34; “New edi­ tion of Genre term s available,” 365; “Thesauri on sale,” 365 ACRL, RBMS, Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Awards, 1991, 252-53, 668; 1992, 528 ACRL, RC, “Mentors and proteges needed for pilot,” 162 ACRL, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1992, 527 ACRL, STS, “Call for sci/tech ab­ stracts,” 335 ACRL, SITF, “Should ACRL respond to social issues?” 732 ACRL, TFFACO M , “Checklist for de­ velopm ent o f faculty advisory com­ m ittee orientation materials,” Ś82-83 ACRL, TFPAL, "Task force recom­ m ends increased paraprofessional participation,” 61 ACRL, TFSRAL, “Alternative sources of revenue in academic libraries,” 573-76 ACRL, TFW H CLIS, “Academic librar­ ian delegates chosen for W HCLIS,” 177-78; “Answering questions about the W hite H ouse Conference,” 516- 19; “Getting connected to the W hite House C onference through the ACRL Legislative Network,” 311-13; “Participants in pre-W HCLIS activi­ ties frame resolutions,” 113; “Prepar­ ing for the W hite House Confer­ ence,” 51; “Resources available to prepare for W H C LIS,” 378-79; “The White H ouse C onference and the National Research and Education Network: a timely partnership,” 233- 34; “W hite House Conference packs a mighty punch,” 445-46 ACRL, ULS, “Activities planned for 1991-92,” 501; “Economic crisis top­ ic o f discussion,” 371 ACRL, Vice-President, “Beaubien an­ nounces them e for 1991-92,” 170; "Message” & port., 661-62 ACRL, WESS, Martinus Nijhoff In te r­ national W est E uropean Specialist Study Grant, 1991, 253-54, 669; 1992, 525-27 ACRL, W estern N. Y./Ontario Board, “Calls for papers,” 679 “ACRL actions” (Jan., 168-70; June, 504) “ACRL award winners, 1991,” DeBon­ nett, 248-54, 667-69 “The ACRL awards program, 1992,” D eB onnett, 523-28 ACRL chapters. See Chapters “ACRL discussion groups,” 731 “ACRL Government Relations Com ­ m ittee Legislative Network regional liaisons,” 313 “ACRL investigates new professional developm ent opportunities,” Beaubi­ en, 506 “ACRL journals,” 670 “ACRL makes staff changes,” 514-15 “ACRL meetings in Atlanta,” 321-25 “ACRL meetings in San Antonio,” 730- 36 “ACRL m em bership statistics,” 660 “ACRL 1991 presidential candidates’ statem ents,” 151-54 ACRL officers for 1991-92,508-10 “ACRL professional developm ent pro­ grams in Atlanta,” Nelson, 256-58, correction, 319 “ACRL programs in Atlanta,” 314-20 “ACRL programs weave together rich tapestry of ideas and issues,” 494- 502, comment, 738 “ACRL publications in print,” 99-106 “ACRL seeks data compilation propos­ als,” 396 “ACRL seeks nominees for office,” 246-47 “ACRL seeks volunteers for sections, committees, and editorial boards,” 594-95, form, 596 “ACRL staff,” 664 “ACRL statem ent addresses academic library partnership with federal gov­ ernm ent,” 45 “ACRL task force to aid Kuwait,” 228 ARL, news note, 118 Astle, D eana L., news note, 332 Atkinson (Hugh C.) Memorial Award, ACRL, 1991, 249, 669; 1992, 524 “Attention, authors!” C& RL news, 35 “Attention serials librarians,” C&RL news, 35 “Attitudes of college freshm en toward bibliographic instruction,” Leighton, 36-38 “Audiovisual policies in college librar­ ies published,” ACRL, CLS, 238 Aughinbaugh, Patricia, news note, 605 Augustana Coll., FOLUSA Award, 635-39 “Austin Com munity College Library reaches 100,000 volumes, 530 Avram, H enriette D., retired & port., 608-9 Awards, 56-58 (3), 118, 248-54, 266, 330, 332-33 (7), 392, 394 (2), 460-61 (6), 533 (3), 605-6 (5), 635-39, 667- 69, 682 (2) Azhderian, H elen W entworth, de­ ceased, 61 B Baatz, Wilm er H ., deceased, 334-35 Babin-Weir, Em ilie, retired, 463 Baca, Robert, photo., 746 Baker & Taylor, Academic o r Research Librarian of the Year Award, 1991, 248-49,667; 1992, 523-24 Balaraman, Kamala, Doctoral Disserta­ tion Fellowship & port., 249-50, 667 Bales, T ed, "Nam ed classified ads man­ ager o f C& RL news” & port., 515 Barrett, Donald J., news note & port., 56 Barrett, Mary, deceased, 463 Baumann, Charles H., retired, 395-96 Beaubien, Anne K., “Alternative sources of revenue in academic li­ braries,” 573-76; “ACRL investigates new professional developm ent op­ portunities,” 506; ACRL president & port., 508; “ACRL vice-president Beaubien announces them e for 1991-92,” 170; “Libraries urged to adopt ALA Code of Ethics; 442; “Message from the vice-president” & port., 661-62; “Nothing ventured, no one gained,” 640-41; '“Plans update of librarian profile as she assumes ACRL presidency” & port., 427; ports., 505-6, 672; “Task force on so­ cial issues appointed,” 505 “Beauty and truth: Sigma Xi’s 1990 an­ nual m eeting,” Mihram, 368 Begg, Karin E ., “Academic librarian delegates chosen for W H C LIS,” 177- 78; ports., 505-6, 672 Belanger, Terry, prof. & port., 604 Benaud, Claire-Lise, “Acting positions: the good, th e bad, and th e ugly,” 30-33 Benezra, Neal, prof., 751 Bennett, Josiah Quincy, deceased, 335 Bent, Ruth, letter to the ed., 357 Bentley Coll., “Providing online ser­ vices to end users outside the li­ brary,” 21-22 “Beware o f copier toner scams,” 448 “BI conference in Florida,” Earlham Coll., 537 “BI evaluations sought,” ALA, LIRT, 232 “BI in a multicultural environm ent,” ACRL, BIS, 164 “Bibliographical research awards an­ nounced,” BSA, 6 BSA, “Bibliographical research awards announced, o Bicentennial Swedish-American Ex­ change Fund, “Grants available,” 748 Bick, Dawn, “Maintaining a high- quality, cost-effective journal collec­ tion,” 485-90 Biggs, Bonnie, “Quiet study area: no applause betw een movements,” 16- “BIS releases new publication,” ACRL, 647 “BIS sponsors logo design contest,” ACRL, 531 Bishop, David, “The W hite House Conference and th e National Re­ search and Education Network: a tim ely partnership,” 233-34 Black, Dorothy, deceased, 120-21 Black, George, retired, 190 Blattner, June, deceased, 269 Block, David, news note, 533 “Bloomfield College hosts ‘The multi­ cultural library: th e way o f the fu­ ture,’ ” 446 Boise State U., news note, 529 Boissé, Joseph A., “Share your exper­ tise at ACRL’s 6th National C onfer­ ence,” 231-32 Bond, Julian, “To speak at ACRL Na­ tional C onference'’ & port., 511 Boocker, Joan A., news note, 605 “Book thief convicted,” Allen, 234 Boone, Jon, retired, 609 Bortz, Betty, port., 116 Boston U., news note, 329 Bourdon, Cathleen, “L etter from the acting executive director” & port., 663-64; ports., 505, 672 Boyd, Alex, port., 446 Branin, Joseph J., “ULS activities planned for 1991-92,” 501 Brasley, Eric, p ort., 650 Brazil, “Vargas Foundation shaping Brazilian bibliographic utility,” 372- 73 Brewin, C. Kelly, “An American librari­ an in K uw ait/ 226-28 Brit. Lib., “Rare book cataloging report published,” 519 Brown, Barbara, “Preservation news,” 4 7 ,1 1 2 ,1 7 9 ,2 3 6 , 309, 382, 448, 520- 21, 649, 742-43 Buchanan, Lillian, deceased, 536 Bucknall, Carolyn, retired & port., 756 Bunge, Charles, “ALA candidates on now available from A C R L This catalog printed on recycled paper. Publications Management Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Practical Approach by Nancy Van House, Beth W eil, & C harles McClure This easy-to-use set of output m easures is designed to assist you in m easuring the impact, efficiency, and effectiveness of academ ic library activities. No specialized training or know ledge of statistics is needed. The manual is also available with a database software package to make data-collection even easier. T he softw are will run on any IBM -com patible m icrocom puter w ith at least 640K of RAM memory and DOS 3.1 or higher. $32.00, 140p. 0-8389-0529-3, 1990; $75.00, with self-running database, 0-8389-0542-0, 1991. Recruiting The Academic Library Director: A Companion To The Search Committee Handbook by Sharon Rogers and Ruth Person R ecruiting the A cadem ic Library D irector and the Search Com m ittee H andbook together offer practical advice fo r successfully recruiting and hiring the right director fo r your library. These tw o volum es take you through the entire recruitm ent process including position analysis, com prising the search committee, identifying qualifications, recruiting a good candidate pool, identifying the top candidates, interview and cam pus visits, and the appointm ent. The Search Com m ittee H andbook w as prepared and published by the Am erican A ssociation fo r H igher Education under the direction of an advisory com m ittee on w hich Sharon R ogers served. The publications are available from A C R L only as a tw o volum e set. $16.95; A C R L m em ber $13.95. ISBN 0-8389-7484-8, 1991. NEW! Audiovisual Policies In College Libraries Clip Note #14 Kristine Brancolini, comp. $19.95; ACRL member $16.95, 152p. 0-8389-7495-3, 1991. College Library Newsletters Clip Note #13 Patricia Smith Butcher and Susan McCarthy Campbell, comp. $16.95; ACRL member $13.95, 154p. 0-8389-7445-7, 1990. Performance Appraisal In Academic Libraries Clip Note #12 Barbara Williams Jenkins, comp., with the assistance of Mary L. Smalls $16.95; ACRL members $13.95, 128p. 0-8389-7444-9, 1990. Periodicals In College Libraries Clip Note #8 Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson, comp. $17.00; ACRL member $14.00, 116p. 0-8389-7143-1, 1987. Management Management Annual Reports For College Libraries Clip Note #10 Kenneth Oberembt, comp. $20.00; ACRL member $17.00, 135p. 0-8389-7219-5, 1988. Managing Student Workers In College Libraries Clip Note #7 Michael D. Kathman and Jane McGurn Kathman, comp. $17.00; ACRL member $14.00, 182p. 0-8389-7097-4, 1986. Mission Statements For College Libraries Clip Note #5 Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson, comp. $20.00; ACRL member $15.00, 107p. 0-8389-6944-5, 1985. Friends of College Libraries Clip Note #9 Ronelle Thompson, comp. $17.00; ACRL member $14.00, 134p. 0-8389-7171-7, 1987. NEW! Genre Terms: A Thesaurus fo r Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging (2nd Ed.) $19.95; ACRL member $16.95. 0-8389-7516-X, 1991. Paper Terms $7.95; ACRL member $6.50, 52p. 0-8389-7427-9, 1990. Type Evidence $7.95; ACRL member $6.50, 19p. 0-8389-7428-7, 1990. Binding Terms $10.00; ACRL member $8.50, 37p. 0-8389-7210-1, 1988. Printing & Publishing Evidence $7.50; ACRL member $5.50, 28p. 0-8389-7108-3, 1986. Provenance Evidence $9.00; ACRL member $7.00, 24p. 0-8389-7239-X, 1988. Your Old Books Peter Van Wingen This pamphlet answers frequently asked questions about rare books and book values. Buy them in quantity to use at the reference desk. Single copies are available from ACRL for $1.00 and SASE. 50 copies, $24.00 available from ALA Special Collections C ollection Developm ent Books for College Libraries III This set covers more than 50,000 titles in ail fields of study. BCL3 is also available on machine-readable tape. Contact ACRL for details. $550. 6v.set. 0-8389-3353-X, 1988. Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers, 1990 Donald Osier, Carol Wright, Janet Lawrence, Mary Ellen Collins, Beth Anderson, comp. This expanded, new directory includes 272 institutions and covers purpose, hours, staffing, budget, service, facilities, and holdings. $35.95; ACRL member $29.95, 240p. 0-8389-7439-2, 1991. Building Women’s Studies Collections: A Resource Guide Joan Ariel, editor This is no.8 in the Bibliographical Essay Series, published by CHOICE. Order from CHOICE, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. $12.00, 48p. 0-914492071,1987. English and American Literature: Sources and Strategies for Collection Development No. 45 in Publications in Librarianship William McPheron, editor $32.00, 272p. 0-8389-0476-9, 1987. R ic h a rd G a rn e tt: The S c h o la r and L ib ra ria n No. 46 in Publications in Librarianship Barbara McCrimmin $30.00, 211 p. 0-8389-0508-0,1989. State Education Documents: A State-by-State Directory for their Acquisition and Use EBSS Education-Related Government Publications Subcommittee This directory provides the means to access the large variety of state education documents available from government agencies. $19.95; ACRL member $16.95, 54p. 0-8389-7327-2, 1989. W e s te rn E u ro p e a n S tu d ie s : Current Research Trends & Library Resources Eva Sartori, Ceres Birkhead, John Cullars, John Dillon, Thomas Kilton, eds. Eleven research papers offer thoughtful synthesis, personal insight and information useful for anyone dealing with recent scholarship in Western European studies. $29.95; ACRL member $26.95, 120p. 0-8389-7461-9, 1990. Women’s Studies in Western Europe: A Resource Guide Stephen Lehmann and Eva Sartori, eds. $18.00; ACRL member $15.00, 129p. 0-8389-7037-0, 1986. Collection Development Convenience & Savings! The convenient and cost­ cutting ACRL approval order plan provides automatic priority shipping of ACR L's new books at a 20% discount to ACRL members (10% to non-members). Two plans to choose from. To help you estimate costs w e've calculated approximate costs for a 12- month period based on the actual costs for the past three years. Plan "P" guarantees that you will automatically be sent all new ACR L publications. Estimated cost: $95. Plan "PC" is exclusively for titles in the CLIP Notes series. Estimated cost: $35. Return privileges. You may change or cancel your approval order at any tim e and you do have return privileges. All publications issued by ACRL except periodicals and subscription items are available through the approval plan. Easy to enroll. Call or write Mary C. Taylor, ACRL Publications Officer, indicating the category you have chosen. (ACRL/ALA, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611; 1-800-545-2433 ext. 2515.) ACRL A pproval Plans Statistics & Research NEW! ACRUHistorically Black Colleges & Universities Library Statistics, 1988-89 $35.95; ACRL member $25.95. 0-8389-7547-X, 1991. NEW! ACRL University Library Statistics 1990-91 Forthcoming Spring 1992; inquire for price. ACRL University Library Statistics 1988-89 compiled by Denise Bedford $49.95; ACRL member $29.95, 79p. 0-8389-7446-5, 1990. ACRL University Library Statistics 1987-88 Robert E. Molyneux, compiler Reports statistics from approximately 100 research libraries. $49.95, ACRL member $29.95, 79p. 0-8389-7288-8, 1989. ACRL Academic Library Statistics 1978/79 - 1987/88 (Diskettes) Robert E. Molyneux, compiler $99.95; ACRL member $79.95. 0-8389-7311-C, 1989. L ib r a r y S t a t i s t i c s o f C o lle g e & U n iv e rs itie s , 1985: N a tio n a l Summaries, State Summaries, Institutional Tables Data on 3,000 academic libraries from the 1985 HEGIS study conducted by the Center for Education Statistics. "Valuable comparative data" LIBRARY JOURNAL. $30.00; ACRL member $24.00, 140p. 0-8389-7147-4, 1987. Energies for Transition: Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the ACRL Danuta A. Nitecki, editor $30.00; ACRL member $22.00, 248p. 0-8389-6976-3, 1986. A c a d e m i c L ib r a r ie s : R e s e a r c h P ro s p e c tiv e s ACRL Publications in Librarianship, No.47 Mary Jo Lynch and Arthur P. Young, eds. Covers collection development, instruction, management, bibliometrics, and access. $27.50, 256p. 0-8389-0532-3, 1990. Building on the First Century: Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on the Association of College and Research Libraries Jan Fennell, editor $30.00, ACRL member $22.00, 320p. 0-8389-7289-6, 1989. Statistics & Research News & Reviews Choice Book review journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Eleven issues per year; (July/August combined.) ISSN: 0009-4978. Available by subscription only, $148/year domestic rate; $165/year foreign rate; single issues $15.00. Also available as: Choice-Reviews-on-Cards Reviews from each monthly issue of CHOICE printed on 3 X 5 cards. Available to CHOICE subscribers only for $225/year domestic rate; $245/year foreign rate, sample box $25.00. Order either CHOICE product from: Circulation Department, CHOICE, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457, (203) 347- 6933. Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship A journal of theory and practice covering all aspects of special collections librarianship. Two issues/year. ISSN: 0884-450X. $25.00 U.S.; $30.00 for institutions in the U.S.; $30 for Canada and Mexico; $40 overseas; single issues $12.50. NEW! College & Research Libraries and College & Research Libraries News, Index for Volumes 41-50 (1980-89) $29.95; ACRL member $25.95. 0-8389-7487-2, 1991. College and Research Libraries Official journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Six bimonthly issues per year. Sent to ACRL members as a perquisite of membership. Also available on subscription, $45/year; single issues $8.50. ISSN: 0010-0870. College and Research Libraries News Official news magazine of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year (July/August combined). Sent to ACRL members as a perquisite of membership. Also available on subscription, $20/year; single issues $4.50. ISSN: 0099-0086. News & Reviews Information Literacy Bookmarks Promote information literacy by giving away these attractive bookmarks. $7.00/per pack. 6“ X 2", 200 per pack, Item No. 783 Folders Use information literacy pocket folders for library instruction packets and giveaways. $20/per pack. 9" X 11 1/2“, 50 per pack, Item No. 787 Flying Disc Get a Grip on it. Information literacy disc. Great for student gifts and prizes. $4.00, 9" round, Item No. 786 Information Literacy Pamphlets Defines information literacy and discusses the importance of understanding information structure and technology, evaluating information and using information in problem solving. $24/per pack. 100 per pack, Item No. A126 Evaluating Information This easy-to-use pamphlet contains specific guidelines for evaluating information sources and content. $24/per pack. 100 per pack, Item No. A127 Locating Copyright Holders Camera-ready sheets. Important information your users want about copyright. 2 sheets/$10.00. Item No. 12891 Library Key Tag Oversize acrylic key tag is ideal for keeping track of library keys. $8.00, 6 “ X 2", Item No. 951 Great Minds Posters John F. Kennedy $5.00, 15" X 23“, Item No. 765 Zora Neal Hurston $5.00, 15“ X 23“, Item No. 766 Margaret Sanger $5.00, 15" X 23“, Item No. 350 Gandhi $5.00, 15“ X 23“, Item No. 351 Martin Luther King, Jr. $5.00, 15" X 23", Item No. 123 Get a Grip on It! $5.00, 18" X 24", Item No. 782 Samuel Johnson $5.00, 18" X 24", Item No. 781 To order Information Literacy materials and Posters contact: ALA Graphics 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 or call: 1-800-545-2433 ext. 5050 Posters NEW! Read This First: An Owner’s Guide to the New Model Statement of Objectives for Academic Bibliographic Instruction Carolyn Dusenbury, Monica Fusich, Kathleen Kenny, and Beth Woodard, editors $17.95; ACRL member $14.95. 0-8389-7548-8, 1991. Academic Libraries: Your Campus Information Service Edward G. Holley & Barbara B. Moran Available from ALA Graphics, Item no. A130, 50 copies, $12, 1990. Library Instruction Clearinghouse 1989: A Directory Theresa Mensching, compiler $4.95; ACRL member $3.95, 15p. 0-8389-7402-3, 1983. Back to the Books: Bibliographic Instruction and the Theory of Information Sources Ross Atkinson, editor $15.00; ACRL member $12.00, 76p. 0-8389-6587-3, 1983. Bibliographic Instruction February 1992 /1 1 7 ACRL” & port., 242 Burckel, Nick, “Choice reviews avail­ able online,” 496-98 Burkett, Nancy H., prof., 681 Bums, Cheryl, photo, 746 “Burrage Hall collapses,” Olivet Coll., 302 Burson, Max, photo., 746 C Cady, Susan A., K. G. Saur Award & port., 250, 667 Calendar, 122-23 CLBC, “R ecruitm ent and m entoring programs for African-Americans d e ­ veloped in C alifornia” & port., 650 CSPU, Pom ona, “E xperim enting with reference referral in a m ultitype e n ­ vironm ent,” 363-65 “Call for access policy statem ents,” ACRL, A P G TF, 154 "Call fo r po ster sessions at th e ACRL National C onference,” 4 2 0,578 “Call for sci/tech abstracts,” ACRL, STS, 335 Callaghan, Jean, “NA SIG’s 6 th confer­ ence explores changes in scholarly publishing and strategies for librar­ ies,” 587 “Cam eron U niversity Library cele­ brates Renaissance’ & p hoto., 746 Campbell, Jerry D ., news n ote, 118 “C andidates for ALA C ouncil,” ACRL, 245-46 Cargill, Jennifer, prof. & port., 458 Carlson, G retchen, p ort., 636 “A case against instructing users of com puterized retrieval systems,” Pa- velsek, 297-99, 301 “Cassettes o f A nnual C onference p ro ­ gram s available,” ACRL, 499 “C D -R O M and u ser education,” Schm idm aier, 449-50 “C elebrate th e Bill o f Rights bicen ten ­ nial,” ALA, O IF , 677 “C R L records online,” 121 Cham berlain, C arol, p rof. & port., 458 Cham bers, Joan, news note, 118 Chang, Amy, “Developing an electron­ ic inform ation service in an academ ic library,” 237-39 Chapin, R ichard E., news note & p ort., 460 C hapter topics, 381-82 C hapter topics (“Librarians working with th e legislative process can make a difference,” Junion-M etz, 381-82) C hapters, ACRL, 2 4 - 2 8 ,4 3 ,1 7 9 ,6 7 9 Chatman, E lfreda A., news n ote, 682 “Checklist fo r developm ent o f faculty advisory com m ittee o rientation m ate­ rials,” ACRL, T FF A C O M , 582-83 “C hinese Am erican scholarship,” 269 Chisholm, C larence E., prof. & port., 117 “Choice reviews available online,” Burckel, 496-98 Chronicle o f higher education, news note, 392 “Chronicle o f hig h er education goes o n­ line a t U SC,” 746 Chu, C lara M., prof., 57 Cipolla, W ilm a Reid, retired , 536 Cirr, M argaret Oaksford, deceased, 610 C L IP n otes, ACRL, C L S, #14, 238 Cluff, E. D ale, “Libraries and librari­ ans in Mexico,” 370-71 C N I, “T h e C oalition’s w orking groups n eed your h elp,” 385-86; “An elec­ tronic library system scenario,” 385; “Inform ation pricing crisis: M onterey m eeting,” 384; “N R E N , electronic li­ brary systems, and inform ation ser­ vices a re topics a t C N I m eeting,” 384 “Coalition for N etw orked Inform ation m aps d irections,” Michalak, 229-30 “T h e Coalition’s w orking groups need your h elp,” Kirk, 385-86 Cochrane, Lynn Scott, “Form ing a na­ tional inform ation policy: selections from a W hite H ouse C onference diary,” 740-41 Cocozzoli, G ary R., news note, 605 “C & R L /C & R L new s index published,” ACRL, 357 C & R L news, “Attention, authors!” 35; “Attention serials librarians,” 35; “Davis ap pointed College & research libraries news e d ito r and publisher,” 149; “D escribe your library’s innova­ tive activities for C & R L news read ­ ers,” 677, 746-47; “F e a tu re your col­ lection o n a C & R L n ew s cover,” 484, 587; “In th e news,” 220, 292, 356, 420, 484, 564, 628, 708; “N ew assis­ tan t editors,” 515; “Share your opin­ ions w ith C & R L new s readers,” 749; “Statem ent o f ownership, m anage­ m ent, a nd circulation,” 685; “Use Bit- n e t to r each C & R L news," 757 “C & R L news guidelines for submission o f articles or colum ns,” 19-20 Collings, Dorothy, deceased, 463-64 C olum bia U., Leab Exhibition C ata­ logue Award, 253, 668; news note, 186 “C olum bia U niversity reaches 6 mil­ lion,” 747 Com m unity C ollege L earning R e­ sources A chievem ent Awards, ACRL, CJCLS, 1991, 250-52, 669; 1992, 524-25 “C onducting a serials review project,” Pike, 165-67 Conkling, Thom as W ., “Im pact of N T IS C D -R O M o n th e use o f a tec h ­ nical r ep o rt collection,” 110-11 Conlon, Hilda, deceased, 121 Cooke, Susie, p hoto., 746 Cope, Mary, retired , 684 “C oping with a quake,” Johnson (51:928-33), com m ent, 45, rejoinder, 220 “C oping with a quake,” Lancaster, 45, response, 220 C oral, L enore, news n ote, 332 “C ornell m ath faculty d onate funds for endow m ent,” 438 Cornell U., “M enus: th eir use and col­ lection in an academ ic library,” 424- 27 (photo., cover, no. 7) C orrections, 319, 391, 603 Cory, K enneth, prof., 331 C O S L IN E , news note, 391 CL R, news n ote, 600 “T he coup th at failed: an eyewitness ac­ count,” Holley, 565-68 Crausway, Jean L., deceased, 396 “Crim inal justice library netw ork founded,” 529 C rism ond, L inda F., “M ulti-year diver­ sity program w ithin ALA staff an­ nounced,” 506 Criswell, Sharon, news note, 460 C ritten d en , Bob, retired , 463 C rocco, Steve, news note, 118 Cronshaw, Pat, retired, 463 Cruse, Patricia, “Using th e A C RL p e r­ form ance manual: the LSU Libraries experience,” 570-72 D D an a (John C otton) Library Public Re­ lations Award, 1991, 428-30 Davis, H . Scott, “M aking th e transition to th e SuperCatalog: ISU’s experi­ ence w ith LU IS II,” 94-96 Davis, H iram L., “G etting connected to th e W hite H ouse C onference through d ie A C RL Legislative N e t­ work, 311-13; news note, 188 Davis, M ary E llen K., “A ppointed Col­ lege & research libraries news editor and pub lish er” & port., 149; “T he D e a d Sea Scrolls are o p en ed to the Îublic,” 629-34 (photo., cover, no. 0); “In th e New s," 220, 292, 356, 420, 484, 564, 628, 708 “T h e D ead Sea Scrolls are op en ed to th e public,” Davis, 629-34 (photo., cover, no. 10) “D eadline for co ntributed papers ex­ ten d e d ,” ACRL, 320 D eaths, 61, 120-21, 190-91, 268-69, 334-35, 396, 463-64, 536-37, 610, 757 D eB onnett, Carolyn, “A C RL award w inners, 1991,” 248-54; “T h e ACRL awards program , 1992,” 523-28 D eG ennaro, Richard, Academic o r Re­ search Librarian o f the Year Award & p ort., 248-49, 667; news note & port., 460 Delacroix, Sheila Ann, “1991-92 ALA M inority Fellow to w ork with A C R L; 514-15 “Delaw are Valley C h ap ter activities,” ACRL, 43 D em linger, Marlin, retired, 684 D endy, Adele S., prof., 117 D enham , B ernard, retired, 190 “D escribe your library’s innovative ac­ tivities for C & R L news readers,” 677, 746-47 “Developing an electronic inform ation service in an academ ic library,” C hang, 237-39 D iablo Valley Coll., news note, 116 D iP rete, Carol K., p r o f , 57-58 D iRusso, B enedetto, retired, 684 “Disabilities discussion group to m eet,” Neeley, 328 “D isaster planning and recovery,” R ut­ gers U ., 161 “Diversity initiatives,” F o rd F ., 240 “Divisions pass resolution on coopera­ tion,” ALA, 50 D octoral D issertation Fellowship, A C RL/ISI, 1991, 249-50, 667; 1992, 525 D o nen, Jerry, retired , 396 Dougherty, Richard M., “ ‘Kids who read succeed’ and th e academ ic li­ brarian,” 155-56; news note, 752 Downs, R obert Bingham, deceased & port., 269 D rescher, R obert A., news n ote, 56 D rone-Silvers, Scott, prof. & port., 751 D ubin, Eileen, p orts., 505-6, 672 DuBois, Paul Z., p r o f , 681 D uda, H eidi, retired , 536 D udley (Miriam ) Bibliographic I n ­ struction Librarian o f th e Year Award, 1991, 2 5 0 ,667; 1992, 524 D ugan, R obert E., p r o f , 393 D uke U., news n ote, 329 D unn, K athleen, “E xperim enting with 118 / C&RL News reference referral in a multitype en­ vironm ent,” 363-65 E Eakin, Dottie, news note, 605 Earlham Coll., “BI conference in Flori­ da,” 537 Easterbrook, David L., prof., 751 Eberhart, George M., “Publications,” 48-50, 192-93, 258-61, 386-89, 450- 52,597-99,652-56, 743-45 EBSCO, Community College Learning Resources Achievement Awards, 1991, 250-52, 669; 1992, 524-25 Eckerd Coll., “BI conference in Flori­ da,” 537 “Econom ic crisis topic of discussion,” ACRL, ULS, 371 “E ditor needed for BIS newsletter,” ACRL, 680 “The education o f academic librarians: how many degrees are enough?” 584-86 “ED UCO M stimulates librarians’ imaginations,” Hubbard, 718-19 Eisenbeis, Kathleen, prof., 331 Eldredge, Jon, “More valuable than money: outstanding friends groups hailed.,” 635-39; “Technology as a barrier to information literacy,” 494- 95 “An electronic library system scenario,” Michalak, 385 “Electronic town meeting scheduled for D ecem ber 10,” W HCLIS, 677 Ellison, Sallie H., prof. & port., 751 “Em ory m anuscript guide available,” 89 “Em poria State to offer MLS in N e­ braska,” 156 English, Ray, prof. & port., 188 Ensor, Patricia L., “Making the transi­ tion to the SuperCatalog: ISU’s expe­ rience with LUIS II,” 94-96 “Environmental information empowers public,” Taylor, 496 Erway, Ricky, photo., cover, no. 6 Essen Symposium, 13th, 1990, “CD- ROM and user education,” 449-50 Essex Hudson Regional Lib. Coop., “Bloomfield College hosts ‘T he mul­ ticultural library: the way o f the fu­ tu re,’ ” 446 “E uropean university libraries exam­ ined,” Fatzer, 499-501 Euster, Joanne R., news notes, 189, 332; port., 446 “T he evolution of affirmative action at the University of Arizona Library,” Hartse, 7-11 “Excellence through cultural diversity,” Unaeze, 495 “An exercise to test perception o f ex­ pectations for tenure and promo­ tion,” Grumling, 300-301 “Exhibits & displays focus o f new dis­ cussion group,” ACRL, ED D G , 677 “Experim enting with reference referral in a m ultitype environm ent,” Dunn, 363-65 F “Faculty start-up costs and library sup­ port,’ Stevens, 491-93 “Faculty status think tank seeks input,” ACRL, ASC, 733 “Faculty status: 2001,” ACRL, ASC, 167 Fajardo, Lieselotte, retired, 463 Farber, Evan Ira, ports., 505-6,672 Fatzer, Jill, “European university li­ braries examined,” 499-501; “Ideas for dealing with economic crisis,” 501-2; “Librarians take on other ad­ ministrative duties,” 502 “F eature your collection on a Có-RL news cover,” 484,587 Fellowships, 6, 11, 44, 56, 87-89, 156, 332, 460, 514-15, 534, 600, 677-78, 682 Ferris State U., news note, 391-92 Figueredo, Danilo H ., port., 446 Fitzgibbons, Shirley, news note, 752 Fogleman, M arguerite F ., retired, 536 Foíts, James D., news note, 752 “Food for thought,” Gater, 711 Force, Ronald W., prof., 532 Ford, Barbara J., “ACRL president’s letter” & port., 4-6; “ACRL presi­ d en t’s report” & port., 421-23; “Latin American seminar on official publica­ tions makes recom mendations,” 583; “Message from the president” & port., 659-60; ports., 500, 505-6, 672; prof. & port., 532; “Update from the ACRL president” & port., 148-49; “Update: information literacy,” 296 Ford, Robert, retired, 684 Ford F., “Diversity initiatives,” 240 “Forming a national information policy: selections from a W hite House C on­ ference diary,” C ochrane, 740-41 Forth, Stuart, “Preparing for the White House Conference,” 51 Foster, Beth, port., 678 “F our paradigms for sharing library re­ sources,” Ritter, 366-68 Fraser, C. William, news note, 605-6 “Free expression still valued,” 494 “Free folk music guide,” LC, AFC, 232 Free Lib. of Phila., news note, 391 Freitag Wolfgang M., retired, 190 FOLÜSA, “More valuable than money: outstanding friends groups hailed,” 635-39; “Offers ideas th at work for your friends groups,” 638 Friends of the LSÚ Lib., John Cotton D ana Library Public Relations Award & photo., 428-30 “Fund fare exchange at ALA confer­ ence in Atlanta,” LAMA, 292 “Furness library is restored,” U. of Pa., 303 (photo., cover, no. 5) Fustukjian, Samuel Y., prof. & port., 532 “Futurist to speak at ACRL Sixth Na­ tional C onference” & port., 715 G Gabrielian, Leon, retired, 463 Garland, Kathleen, prof., 265 Garoogian, Andy, retired, 684 Gater, H elen L., “Food for thought,” “Genre terms available,” ACRL, RBMS, 365 Geraci, Diane, “Global data issues raised at IASSIST’s 17th annual con­ ference,” 728-29 Gerits, Anton, news note, 682 “Getting connected to th e White House Conference through the ACRL Legislative N e tw o r k / Davis, 311-13 Gilchrist, Debra, prof., 751-52 Gillespie, David, news note, 118 “Global data issues raised at IASSIST’s 17th annual conference,” Geraci, 728-29 GLP, “ ‘Living treasures,’ ” 167 Goellner, Jack G., news note, 606 Goldstein, Charles, news note, 606 Gordon, Cathy, retired, 396 Gosling, William, news note, 266 Govan, James F., retirem ent an­ nounced, 756 “GOVDOC increases docum ent use,” OCLC, 121 Goy, Peter, prof., 58 Grant, Isabelle F., deceased, 61 Grants & gifts, 20, 52-54, 115-16, 182- 84, 240, 262-64, 266, 302, 308-9, 327-28, 390-91, 455-56, 529, 530-31, 534, 600, 602-3, 605, 607, 678-79 (2), 680, 747-48 (2), 749-50, 753 Grants & gifts (by giver): Atlanta F., 327; Beneficial Corp., 262-63; Brooks (Gladys) F., 264; Cabletron Systems, 602; Canada, 531, 680; Ca­ nadian D ept. o f External Affairs, 184, 680; CSSHRC, 266, 530-31 (3), 680; Carver (Roy J.) Charitable Trust, 455-56; Chilton (Mary) DAR F., 390; CLR, 263, 390; Cullman, Dorothy & Lewis, 53; Culpeper (Chas. E.) F., 115, 391, 602, 749; D a­ vis (Arthur V.) F., 455, 602; Davis, W alter R., 750; Davis Educ. F., 53; Dialog, 182-84; D E C , 602; D ocu­ m entary Heritage Prog. (N. Y.), 455; Fondren F., 602; Ford F., 53; Hew­ lett (Wm. & Flora) F., 53 (2); HEA, 53 (3), 115-16 (6), 182 (2), 263-64 (8), 327-28 (10), 390-91 (2), 455 (2), 531 (2), 602, 680 (3), 749 (4); Howe (Stewart S.) F., 602-3; Hughes (How­ ard) Medical F., 264; Ind. U. Ctr. on Philanthropy, 531; IBM, 263; Inti. Council for Canadian Studies, 115, 531; Irvine (James) F., 602; Jones (Fletcher) F., 53; Kan. Lib. Network Bd., 327; Knight F., 182; Kresge F., 531; LITA, 263; LSCA, 52, 531, 749; Lilly Endow ment, 182-84, 531, 602; La. Educ. Quality Support Fund E n­ hancem ent Prog., 531; Luce (Henry) F., 390; Md. Humanities Council, 184; Maxwell, Robt., 603; Mellon (Andrew W.) F., 530-31 (2); Minolta, 455; NASA Training Project, 750; N E H , 52-53 (4), 182 (2), 184 (8), 263 (2), 308-9 (14), 327, 531 (3), 602-3 (5), 680, 749; NHPRC, 52-53 (2), 327-28 (3), 680 (2); NLM, 750; NYC, 455; NYSL, 749-50; Pew Charitable Trusts, 53-54, 263, 327; Quebec, 531; Rockefeller F., 115; Rothschild, Howard D., 531; Saunders F., 749; Smathers, Geo. A., 531; Smithson Jam es) Soc., 327; SSHRC(C), 266, 530-31 (3), 680; SC Humanities Council, 116; State Hist. Soc. of Iowa, 263; Thom pson (J. Walter) Co., 53-54; 3M F., 328, 456; Toshiba, 749; USDA, 115; USDE, 263, 603; USIA, 263; USIP, 455-56 (2); U. of Md., Coll. Park, Class of 1991, 603; Warhol (Andy) F., 327; Wilson (H. W.) F „ 182 Grants & gifts (by receiver): Acad, of Natural Sciences of Phila., 52; Alaska SL, 308; Alfred U „ 115; AIP, 327; ALA, 262-63; Amer. Theol. LA, 308; Amherst Coll., 680; AMIGOS Bib. Council, 52; Ariz. D ept. of Libs., 308; ARL, 182, 530; Auburn Theol. Seminary, 602; Auburn U., 115; Aur- February 1992 /1 1 9 aria, 680; Avery Architectural & Fine Arts, 531; Bemidji State U., 240; Bos­ ton Coll., 240; Boston Lib. Consor­ tium, 52; Brandeis U., 240; Brown U., 263; CSU, LA, 455; CRL, 182, 602; Central Coll., 602; Christopher New­ port Coll., 531; Clarem ont Colls., 182; Colgate U., 455, 602; Coll, of Wm. & Mary, 53; Colum bia U., 263 (2), 308, 455, 602, 680, 749; C IC, 749; Cornell U., 182, 455, 749-50; Craft & Folk Art Mus., 602; David­ son Co. Comm. Coll., 263; Denison U., 240; D ePaul U„ 115, 680; D uke U., 52-53, 263 (2), 390, 749; Earlham Coll., 182-84; Eastern Wash. U., 390; Eckerd Coll., 749; Folger Shake­ speare, 53, 263; Franklin Pierce Coll., 53; Georgetow n U., 263; Ga. State U., 327; Gonzaga U., 115; Ham pshire Coll., 184; Harvard U., 263, 531; Haverford Coll., 240, 327; H ope Coll., 184; Ind. U., 327, 531; IBB, 263; Jew ish Theol. Seminary, 327;"ïohns Hopkins U., 531; LaG uar­ dia Comm. Coll., 455; Laponce, Iza, 266; Lib. Co. o f Phila., 184; La. State U., 531; Me. State Archives, 308-9; Me.SL, 390-91; Mass. Bd. o f Lib. Commissioners, 53; Miami U., 53; Millsaps Coll., 240; Mont. State U., 749; M ount St. Mary’s Coll., 240; Mus. o f Amer. Textile Hist., 308; Neb. Lib. Commission, 53; New School for Social Research, 240; NYC Dept. o f Records & Inf. Services, 327; NYPL, 53; NYU, 115, 749-50; Newberry, 53; N C D ept. of Cultural Resources, 308; N C Preservation Consortium, 53; NCSU, 53, 263, 390, 749; N orthw estern U „ 749; Ohio State U., 327, 455; Ohio U„ 115; Pacific N W Canadian Studies Consortium, 184; Palm er Coll, of Chiropractic, 263; Phila. Area C on­ sortium of Special Collections Libs., 263, 327; Pitzer Coll., 240; Purdue U., 531; R edeem er Coll., 531; RLG, 184, 390; RI D ept. o f State Lib. Ser­ vices, 308-9; RI Hist. Soc., 308; RIT, 309; Rutgers U., 455; St. John’s U., 749; San Francisco State U., 749; Shenandoah U., 531; Shorter Coll., 53; Smithsonian Inst., 327; SD State U., 390; Southeastern Lib. Network, 53; Southeastern Wis. Inf. Tech. Ex­ change, 749; SMU, 602; Southwest Tex. State U., 240; Southwestern Coll., 327; Spring Hill Coll., 240; Stanford U., 264, 308; SUNY (Alba­ ny, 263, 749-50; Binghamton, 263, 749-50; Buffalo, 263, 749-50; Stony Brook, 263); Triton Coll., 263; T u­ lane U., 240; U. o f Ariz., 327; U. of Ark., 531; U C (Berkeley, 308, 328; LA, 240, 328; Preservation Prog., 53; Riverside, 328, 602 [3]; SF, 680; San­ ta Barbara, 602); U. of Chicago, 263, 328; U. o f Fla., 531; U. o f Idaho, 328; U. o f 111., 602-3, 680 (U-C, 115); U. of Iowa, 240, 455-56; U. of Me., 115- 16, 390-91; U. o f M d„ 263-64 (Coll. Park, 184, 603); U. o f Mich., 328; U. of N. M., 750; UN C, C H , 184, 263, 390, 749-50 (2); U. o f N .D., 328, 456, 531; U. o f N otre Dam e, 240, 328; U. o f Redlands, 240; U. o f Rochester, 240, 264; U. o f S. C., 116; U. of Southern Calif., 53; UT, Austin, 308; U. o f Va., 264, 531, 750; U. of Wash., 264; U. of W aterloo, 680; U. o f Wis.- EC , 603; Va. Com monwealth U.› 53, 240; Wesleyan U., 240; W estern Wash. U., 264; W heaton Coll., 184; W interthur Mus., 53-54; Yale U., 308,456, 603 “Grants available from Bicentennial Swedish-American Exchange F u nd,” 748 Gratch, Bonnie, “Teaching study skills,” 496 Grimes, Maxyne M., retired, 334 “Grolier National Library W eek com ­ petition now open to academic librar­ ies,” ALA, NLWC, 679 Gross, Dorothy-Ellen, news note, 56 Grumling, D ennis K., “An exercise to test perception of expectations for tenure a n a p ro m o tio n / 300-301 G ubert, Betty K., retired, 609 “Guidelines for branch libraries in col­ leges and universities,” ACRL, 171-74 G undersheim er, W em er, news note, 460 Gunn, A rthur C., prof., 188 Gustavus Adolphus Coll., FOLUSA Award, 635-39; news note, 456 Guttm an, David, retired, 463 H Hacker, Lois, retired, 684 Hackett, Sandra, news note & port., 682 Hackm an, Larry, news n ote, 752 Hagedorn, D orothy Louise, retired, 756 Hale, Charles E., news note, 606 Hall, Blaine H., “Salt Lake City: librar­ ies to visit,” 643-44; “Salt Lake City— se ein g its sights,” 716-17; “Salt Lake City: T h is is the place,’ ” 580-81 Hall, Patricia, retired, 463 Halsted, D eborah D., “T o e at or not to eat— in th e library,” 709-10 Ham aker, Charles A., news notes, 332, 752-53 Handm an, Gary, “Teaching m ethods for end-user searching: a checklist for planning,” 431-36 H aner, Barbara, news note, 753 Hardesty, Larry L., ports., 505, 672 Harlan, D onna B., retired, 120 Harmeling, D eborah, Sr., news note, 332 H arm sen, Tyrus G., retired, 536 H art, James D., deceased, 190-91 Hartm an, A nne-Marie, retired, 684 H artse, M erri, “T he evolution o f affir­ mative action at th e University o f Ar­ izona Library,” 7-11 “Harvard Law School honors Archibald Cox,” 601 Harvard U., Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award, 252,668; news note, 329 Hauge, Harris, retired, 463 “HB CU data published,” ACRL, HBCU C, 502 H enderson, Barbara, photo., 746 H enderson, Carol C., W ashington h ot­ line," 46-47, 176, 235-36, 310-11, 377-79, 443-44, 513-14, 588-89, 646- 47, 737-38; com m ent, 493 H enderson, Cathy, “The issues of ac­ cess a nd restriction,” 633-34 H enderson, Kathryn Luther, news note, 533 Hendricks, Yoshi, “T he Japanese as li­ brary patrons,” 221-25 H erron, Nancy L., “Recarpeting a small college library: a practical ap­ proach,” 39-43 H erubel, Jean-Pierre V. M., “To ‘de­ gree’ or no t to ‘degree’: academic li­ brarians and subject expertise,” 437 Hickey, D am on D., prof? & port., 458- 59 Higdon, T hom as D., news note, 606 Hinckley, Ann T., retired, 396, 463 Hinds, Vira C., retired, 60 Hinojosa, Susana, “Racial and ethnic diversity: inform ation exchange,” 241, 380, 447, 648, 739 Hist. Soc. o f Pa., news note, 329 Hitchcock, Jennette, deceased, 464 Hoadley, Irene, “Status o f faculty sta­ tus reviewed," 495-96 Hodina, Al, retired, 463 Hoffman, Kathryn, “Print still favored m edium for biomedical information,” 592 Hogan, Rose, news note, 606 H onm ann, Judy, news note, 752 Holley, Robert P., “T he coup that failed: an eyewitness a c c o u n t/ 565- 68; news note, 533 Hooíe, W. Stanley, deceased, 191 Hoover Inst., news note, 326 Hom back, Miriam, deceased, 464 Houston Acad, of Medicine-Tex. Medi­ cal Ctr. Lib., “Maintaining a high- quality, cost-effective journal collec­ tion,” 485-90 “How to becom e an ACRL author,” 106-8 “How to participate in ACRL,” 97-98 Howes, Jessie, retired, 536 Hubbard, Willis M., “ED UCO M stimu­ lates librarians’ imaginations,” 718-19 H uber, Kris, “Unusual library-use as­ signm ents n eed ed ,” 444 H uerta, Raul Antonio, news note, 56 H ugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award, ACRL, 1991, 249,669; 1992, 524 Hughes, Carol, “Opening a university­ wide dialogue about electronic infor­ mation resources,” 84-87 “H um anities projects grants available,” N E H , 20 “H um or & prophecy precede the an­ nouncem ent,* M offett, 630 Hunsberger, Willard (Ted), retired, 536 H untington, “T he D ead Sea Scrolls are opened to the public,” 629-34 (pho­ to., cover, no. 10); “W idening access to the D ead Sea Scrolls,” 632-34 Hurston, Zora Neal, poster available, 747 I “Ideas for dealing with economic cri­ sis,” F atzer, 501-2 “Im pact o f N T IS CD -ROM on the use o f a technical report collection,” Musser, 110-11 “In praise o f students as supervisors,” Nagel, 577-78 “In th e News," Davis, 220, 292, 356, 420, 484, 564, 628, 708 Ind. State U., “Making th e transition to the SuperCatalog: ĬSU ’s experience with LU IS II,” 94-96 “Indiana University opens 12th Family Student Housing Library,” 746 “An inform ation literacy curriculum: a proposal,” Naito, 293-96 “Inform ation literacy experts sought,” ACRL, ILAB, 677 “Information pricing crisis: Monterey meeting,” C N I, 384 Innovations (51:959-60) comment, 357 120 / C‹b-RL News Innovations, 163-67, 237-39, 300-301, 491-93 Innovations (“Access to serials,” Tri- thart [51:959-60] com m ent, 357) Innovations (“Conducting a serials re ­ view project,” Pike, 165-67; “Devel­ oping an electronic information ser­ vice in an academic library,” Chang, 237-39; “An exercise to test p ercep­ tion o f expectations for tenure and prom otion,” Grumling, 300-301; ^Faculty start-up costs and library support,” Stevens, 491-93; “A m odel for an academic library and library school m entor/protégé program ,” Rice-Lively, 163-64) ISI, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1991, 249-50, 667; 1992, 525; Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1992, 527 “Institutional data available for aca­ dem ic libraries,” M inter (John) Asso­ ciates, 240 “Inter-A m erican bookfair scheduled,” 335 IASSIST, “Global data issues raised at IASSIST’s 17th annual conference,” 728-29 IFLA, news note, 456 IGSS, “Sum m er study in Britain 1991,” 108 Inti. League o f Antiquarian Booksell­ ers, news note, 682 “Internship, fellowship, and grant deadlines approaching,” 600 Iowa State U., “Strategic planning by th e Iowa chapter of ACRL,” 24-28 Irvine, Betty Jo, news notes, 117, 394 “Is correlation betw een reputation and graduates significant?” Wang, 356, response, 356-57 “The issues o f access and restriction,” H enderson, 633-34 J Jackson, Sara D unlap, retired, 334 Jacob, M., letter to E ileen Cooke, 493 Jacoby, Thom as, news note, 394 Jakubs, D eborah, news note, 117-18 “The Japanese as library patrons,” H en­ dricks, 221-25 Jenkins, Althea H., “Nam ed ACRL executive director” & port., 255; port., 506 Jennings, Kriza A., prof. & port., 58 John C arter Brown, “Research fellow­ ships,” 677-78 John C otton D ana Library Public Rela­ tions Award, 1991, 428-30 Johnson, E sther, deceased, 464 Johnson, Linda B., “Coping with a quake” (51:928-33), com m ent, 45, re­ joinder, 220 Jones, Barbara, prof. & port., 604 Jones, H. G., news note, 332 Jones, Mary, port., 678 Jones, William G., “T he education of academic librarians: how many de­ grees are enough?” 584-86 Jordan, Caspar, p ort., 495 Julian, Charles, news note, 118 Junion-M etz, Gail, “Librarians working with th e legislative process can make a difference,” 381-82 Jurkus, Vida, retired, 684 K K. G. Saur Award for Best College & Research Libraries Article, 1991, 250, 667; 1992, 528 Kahn, H elen R., news note, 682 Kaiser, John R., prof. & port., 459 Katharine Kyes Leab & D aniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Awards, ACRL, RBMS, 1991, 252- 53,668; 1992, 528 Keck, Mary Ellen, news note, 189 Keller, Dorothy, deceased, 121 Kennedy, John F ., poster available, 747 Kent S tate U., news n ote, 392 Ky.LA, news note, 392 “Keyword Boolean searching on WAT- CAT,” U. o f W aterloo, 33 Kibrick, Eileen, retired, 536 “ ‘Kids who read succeed’ and the aca­ dem ic librarian,” Dougherty, 155-56 Kilgariff, Raymond, news note, 682 King, Natalie S., letter to th e ed., 175, com m ent, 368 Kirk, Artemis G., news note, 332 Kirk, Thomas, “Coalition for Net­ worked Information maps direc­ tions,” 229-30; “T he Coalition’s work­ ing groups need your help,” 385-86; “Unusual library-use assignments needed,” 444 Kohl, David F., prof., 393 Korevaar, Jacob D ., retired, 268 Koyama, Janice, news note, 332-33 Kramer, Cecile E ., retired, 684 Kratz, Charles E., prof., 681 “Kudos for conference coverage,” Mus­ ser, 738 L Lam brecht, Jay H., news note & port., 56-57 Lancaster, John, letter to th e ed., 45 (response, 220) Land, Brian, news note, 753 Laponce, Iza, news note, 266 “Latin American sem inar on official publications makes recom m enda­ tions,” Ford, 583 Launo, Ritva, news note, 57 Laurence, K atherine S., “Menus: their use and collection in an academic li­ brary,” 424-27 Lazerow (Samuel) Fellowship, ACRL/ ISI, 1992, 527 Leab (Katharine Kyes & D aniel J.) Am erican Book Prices C urrent Awards, ACRL, RBMS, 1991, 252- 53, 668; 1992, 528 Leach, J. Travis, deceased, 757 Lee, Hwa-W ei, news note, 606 Lee, Josephine, retired, 684 Leighton, Gordon B., “Attitudes of col­ lege freshm en toward bibliographic instruction,” 36-38 Leister, Jack, retired, 756 Leonard, Kevin, retired, 536 Leong, Carol, news note, 333 “Let m ere b e light,” M uhlenberg Coll., 120 Letters, 45, 175 (com m ent, 368), 220, 356-57,493, 738 Levering, Mary Berghaus, prof., 331 Levinson, Anne E., response to letter to the ed. “Rust support evil?” 738 Lewis, Gary A., prof., 681 Lewontin, Amy, “Providing online ser­ vices to end users outside th e li­ brary,” 21-22 “Librarians take on o th er administra­ tive duties,” Fatzer, 502 “Librarians working with the legislative process can m ake a difference,” Jun­ ion-Metz, 381-82 “Libraries and librarians in Mexico,” Cluff, 370-71 “Libraries benefit from student and alum ni gifts,” 529 "Libraries urged to adopt ALA C ode of Ethics,” Allison, 442 LAMA, “F u n d fare exchange at ALA conference in Atlanta,” 292 LAMA, PRS, John Cotton D ana Li­ brary Public Relations Award, 1991, 428-30 “LITA issues national conference call for participation,” 452 “Libraiy/Book Fellows set off for for­ eign posts,” 628 LC, AFC, “Free folk music guide,” 232 LC, “American Memory project test sites nam ed,” 589; news notes, 54, 116; “Som ething to rem em ber us by: the American Memory program ,” 375-76 (photo., cover, no. 6) LOEX, “Calls for papers,” 678-79; “Sprechen Sie Deutsch?” 20 “Library staff trained with HyperC ard” & p o rt., U. o f T enn., Knoxville, 678 LIBRAS, news note, 392; “Trinity Christian College joins,” 748 Linda Hall, Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award, 252-53, 668 “Literacy and social issues topics at So­ ciety o f American Archivists m eet­ ing,” Martin, 641 “ ‘Living treasures,’ ” GLP, 167 Loh, P e m a S., deceased, 269 Lopez, Manuel Dennis, deceased, 757 La. State U„ FO LUSA Award, 635-39; John Cotton D ana Library Public Relations Award & photo., 428-30; “Using th e A CRL perform ance m an­ ual: th e LSU Libraries experience,” 570-72 “LSUS breaks ground for $10.2 million library,” 746 “A low-tech solution works well,” Bent, 357 Lucier, Richard, news notes, 606 (2) Lutz, Maija M., “Access and preserva­ tion key concerns,” 498 Lyman, P eter, prof. & port., 459 Lynch, Mary Dennis, Sister, deceased, 191 Lynch, Mary Jo, “Alternative sources o f revenue in academic libraries,” 573- 76 M McCorkle, Constance M., news note, 533-34 McCoy, Jacquelyn, ACRL vice- president & port., 508-9; port., 506 M cDonald, Jack, Jr., deceased, 121 McElroy, Neil J., prof. & port., 265-66 McGarry, Dorothy, news note, 394 McGowan, Julie Johnson, prof., 752 McGowan, Ow en T. P., retired, 609 McGregor, James Wilson, retired, 120 McKusick, Victor A., news n ote, 606 “M aintaining a high-quality, cost- effective journal collection,” Bick, 485-90 “Making the transition to th e Super- Catalog: ISU’s experience with LUIS II,” Davis, 94-96 “Making your presentation comm uni­ cate,” Adams, 34-35, com m ent, 175 Malanchuk, P eter P., port., 505,672 Manning, Leslie A., “Financial report” & port., 673-76; ports., 5 05-6,672 February 1992 / 121 “MARC cataloging for medieval manu­ scripts publication available,” ACRL, 521 Marie, Jacquelyn, "Transforming com­ petition into coalition,” 498-99 Markman, Marsha C., “Attitudes o f col­ lege freshmen toward bibliographic instruction,” 36-38 Martin, Robert S., “Literacy and social issues topics at Society of American Archivists meeting,” 641 Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant, ACRL, WESS, 1991, 253-54, 669; 1992, 525-27 MIT, news note, 264 Massman, Virgin F., letter to the ed. & response, 738 Massonneau, Suzanne, retired, 609 Masters, Deborah C., “Wins free trip to ACRL National Conference,” 500 Mathias-Mundy, Evelyn, news note, 533-34 Maurer, Charles B., retired, 463, 609 Mawdsley, Katherine F., “WHCLIS II: a delegate’s perspective,” 590-91 Max, Pat, letter to the ed., 357 Maxwell, Margaret F., news notes, 333, 460 Measuring academic library perfor­ mance, use of, 570-72 Medical LA, “Print still favored medi­ um for biomedical information,” 592 “MLA tapes available,” 592 “Mentors and protégés needed for pi­ lot,” ACRL, RC, 162 “Menus: their use and collection in an academic library,” Laurence, 424-27 Metz, Ray E., “Lib r arians working with the legislative process can make a dif­ ference,” 381-82; port., 506 Mexico, “Libraries and librarians in Mexico,” 370-71 Meyer, Richard W., prof. & port., 752 Michalak, Thomas J., “Coalition for Networked Information maps direc­ tions,” 229-30; “An electronic library system scenario,” 385; prof., 532 Minram, Danielle & G. Arthur, “Beau­ ty and truth: Sigma Xi’s 1990 annual meeting,” 368 Miller, Jean K., news note, 606-7 Miller, Margaret Elizabeth (Beth), de­ ceased, 536-37 Miller, Marilyn L., "ALA candidates on ACRL” & port., 242-44 Miller, Rosanna, “Sherlock detected,” 12-14 Minter (John) Associates, “Institutional data available for academic libraries,” 240 Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruc­ tion Librarian of the Year Award, 1991, 250, 667; 1992, 524 “Misplaced collective dream ?” Max, 357 Mistaras, Evangeline, retired, 120 Mobley, Emily R., news note, 118 “A model for an academic library and library school m entor/protégé pro­ gram,” Rice-Lively, 163-64 Moffett, William A., “Hum or & proph­ ecy precede the announcement,” 630; ports., 505, 672; “Widening ac­ cess to the Dead Sea Scrolls” & port., 632-34 (photo., cover, no. 10) Molloy, Jeanne, “In praise of students as supervisors,” 577-78 “Money, sex, and reputation in doctoral programs in library science," Swig- ger, 157-61, comment & response, 356-57 Moody, Helga, retired, 60-61 Moore, Jane Ross, retired, 684 Moravian Coll. & Theol. Seminary, news note, 264 “More valuable than money: outstand­ in g friends groups hailed,” Eldredge, Mormino, Dominick, deceased, 464 Morris, Jacquelyn McCoy, “ACRL 1991 presidential candidates’ state­ m ents” & port., 151-53 Morton, Judy, deceased, 757 Moyers, Mildred, news note, 118 Muellner, Ida, retired, 463 M uhlenberg Coll., “Cover photo,” 83; “L et there be light,” 120 “Multi-year diversity program within ALA staff announced, Crismond, 506 Musser, Linda R., “Impact of NTIS CD-ROM on the use of a technical report collection,” 110-11; letter to the ed., 738 N Nagel, Mary, “In praise o f students as supervisors,” 577-78 Naiman, Sandra, editor’s note, 299, 301 Naito, Marilyn, “An information litera­ cy curriculum: a proposal,” 293-96 “Name the worst serial title change,” ALCTS, SS, 123 NAL, AWIF, John Cotton Dana Li­ brary Public Relations Award, 428-29 Natl. Archives, “OSS conference,” 362 “National Archives preservation confer­ ence,” 112 NAIC, “Share your information literacy programs,” 537NCES, “New undergraduate profile,” 230 N E H , “Humanities projects grants available,” 20; “Reference materials awards available,” 302 “N E H awards $3 million,” 308-9 NHPRC, “1991-1992 fellowships avail­ able,” 44 “NREN, electronic library systems, and information services are topics at CN I meeting,” CNI, 384 Neal, Jam es G., “The W hite House Conference: the academic library agenda,” 651-52 Nearing, Scott, port., 679 “Need a new director?” ACRL, 642 Neeley, Dana M., “To eat or not to eat—in the library,” 709-10 Neeley, Jim, “Disabilities discussion group to m eet,” 328 Nelson, Ann, retired, 190 Nelson, Mattye, “Andrew Young, Frank Zappa, cultural diversity, and more at ALA’s Annual Conference,” 314-20; “ACRL professional develop­ m ent programs in Atlanta,” 256-58, correction, 319; “Form er ACRL staffer Nelson to direct OLOS,” 515 Neufeld, Eldo, retired, 61 Neville, Sheila, deceased, 191 “New edition of Genre terms avail­ able,” ACRL, RBMS, 365 “New England ACRL conference re­ port,” 179 “The New Mexico Consortium of Aca­ demic Libraries, 1988-1990,” O ber­ länder, 359-62 N.M. State U., news note, 329 (photo., 330) “New undergraduate profile,” NCES, 230 “New UCLA m entor program to ad­ dress shortage of African-American librarians,” 11 NYPL, news note, 186 NYU, “A case against instructing users of computerized retrieval systems,” 297-99, 301; news note, 329-30 News from the field, 52-55, 114-16, 180-86, 262-65, 326-30, 390-92, 453- 57,529-31,600-603,677-80, 746-50 News notes, 54-55, 116, 186, 264-65 (correction, 391), 329-30, 391-92 (correction, 603), 456-57, 529-30, 600-601, 677-79, 746-48 Noonan, John F., port., 446 “NASIG’s 6th conference explores changes in scholarly publishing and strategies for libraries,” Callaghan, 587 NCSU, news notes, 264, 529 Northwestern U., Leab Exhibition Cat­ alogue Award, 253, 668; news note, 116 “Nothing ventured, no one gained,” Beaubien, 640-41 NOTTS, “Ameritech acquires NOTIS Systems,” 654 Nourse, Jimmie Anne, Community College Learning Resources Achieve­ m ent Award & port., 250-52, 669 Null, David G., Acting positions: the good, the bad, and the ugly,” 30-33 O Oberlander, Susan, “The New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries, 1988-1990,” 359-62 Oberle, Gerard, news note, 682 “The objects of his devotion,” Selth, 712-15 O’Brien, Nancy, news note, 118 OCLC, “GOVDOC increases docu­ m ent use,” 121; news note, 391; “Wellcome records on OCLC,” 89 O’Connor, James P., news note & port., 118 O n a r r a , Downing E., deceased & port., 537 “Ohio University designated Swaziland depository,” 601 Olivet Coll., “Burrage Hall collapses,” 302 Olivier, Evelyn Riché, prof., 266; “Pub­ lic relations honors awarded to col­ lege and research libraries,” 428-30 “Opening a universitywide dialogue aDout electronic information re­ sources,” Hughes, 84-87 Or. State U., news notes, 54, 529 Ormondroyd, Joan, retired, 463 Osborn, Katherine Whipple Hughes, deceased, 537 “OSS conference,” Natl. Archives, 362 P Pace U., news note, 330 Pairo, Jane, deceased, 757 PanofsKy, Hans, retired, 396 Pantzer, Katharine F., news note, 460 Papers solicited, 320,335,528,678-79 “Parents F und benefits University o f Il­ linois library,” 747-48 Parsons, Kathy A., “Strategic planning by the Iowa chapter of ACRL,” 24- “Participants in pre-W HCLIS activities 122 / C&RL News fram e resolutions,” W and, 113 Paul, Jeff, “Coping with a quake” (51:928-33), comment, 45, rejoinder, 220 Pavelsek, Mary Jean, “A case against in­ structing users of computerized re ­ trieval systems,” 297-99,301 Pegram, Wally, retired, 463 PeS, Claiborne, news note, 333 Penniman, W. David, news note, 118; “To speak at ACRL National Confer­ ence & port., 511-15 Pa. State U., “Impact o f N T IS CD- RO M on the use o f a technical report collection,” 110-11 Pa. State U., McKeesport, “Recarpet­ ing a small college library: a practical approach,” 39-43 Pa. State U., news note, 116 People, 56-61, 117-21, 188-91, 265-69, 331-35, 393-96, 458-64, 532-37, 604- 10, 681-85, 751-57 People in the news, 56-57, 117-18, 188-89, 266, 332-33, 394, 460-61, 533-34, 605-7, 682, 752-54 Perry, Claudia A., prof., 117 Person, Ruth, Recruiting the academic library director, availability, 642 Peterson, K enneth G., retired, 609 Phillips, E dith, retired, 684 Phillips, Linda L., port., 506 Phillips, Richard F., "Vargas Founda­ tion shaping Brazilian bibliographic utility,” 372-73 Phipps, Shelley E., ports., 505-6, 672 Phoenix Conference, 1992. See ACRL, National Conference, 1992 Pickthom , Barbara, photo., 746 Pike, Lee E., “Conducting a serials re­ view project,” 165-67 Pilachowski, David Michael, prof., 604 Pillow, Lisa, news note, 682 Pisani, Assunta, prof., 604-5 Pisciotta, Henry, news note, 394 Polowy, Barbara, news note, 394 Porter, G. Margaret, “W hat does elec­ tronic access to bibliographic infor­ mation cost?” 90-92 “Potential m oney savers,” UC, Irvine, 576 Poulsen, Poul Jan, news note, 682 Pound, Mary, retired, 756 “Preparing for the W hite H ouse Con­ ference, F orth, 51 “Presentations,” King, 175, comment, 368 “Preservation news,” Brown, 47, 112, 179, 236, 309, 382, 448, 520-21, 649, 742-43 “Print still favored m edium for biom ed­ ical information,” Hoffman, 592 Professional Association Liaison Awards, ACRL, 1992, 527-28 “Professional developm ent topic for Midwinter,” RASD, PD C, 735 Profiles, 57-58, 117, 188, 265-66, 331- 32, 393-94, 458-60, 532-33, 604-5, 681-82, 751-52 “Providing online services to e n d users outside th e library,” Lewontin, 21- 22 “Public relations honors awarded to college and research libraries,” Olivi­ er, 428-30 “Publications,” E berhart, 48-50, 192- 93, 258-61, 386-89, 450-52, 597-99, 652-56, 743-45 “Publishers and librarians examine scholarly communication,” Sabosik, 720, 729 Q “Questions for ACRL staff?” 734 “Quiet study area: no applause be­ tween m ovements,” Biggs, 16-19 R “Racial and ethnic diversity: informa­ tion exchange,” Hinojosa, 241, 380, 447, 648, 739 “Racial and ethnic diversity resolution adopted,” ACRL, Exec. C omm., 380 Rader, Hannelore, tr., “CD-ROM and user education,” 449-50 “Rare book cataloging report p u b ­ lished,” Brit. Lib., 519 BM L, “MARC cataloging for m edi­ eval manuscripts publication avail­ able,” 521 Rather, Lucia J., retired, 268 Rawan, Atifa, “The evolution of affir­ mative action at the University o f Ar­ izona Library,” 7-11 RBMS thesauri on sale,” ACRL, 365 Recarpeting a small college library: a practical approach,” Herron, 39-43 Recipe for preserving sound record­ ings: bake at 122° for four hours,” UNC, C H , 747 ecruiting the academic library direc­ tor, Rogers, availability, 642 Recruitm ent and m entoring programs for African-Americans developed in California” & port., 650 Rees, Philip, news note, 394 RASD, “Calls for papers,” 679 RASD, PDC, “Professional develop­ m ent topic for M idwinter,” 735 Reference materials awards available,” N E H , 302 Register in November,” ACRL, 515, 595 Reich, Richard, retired, 268 Reinhardt, Nancy S., Martinus Nijhoff Study G rant & port., 253-54,669 eiss, G odebert M., news note, 682 emington, David Gray, prof., 266 Research fellowships &' grants avail­ able,” 677-78 esearch forum, 110-11, 304-7, 439-41 esearch forum (“Impact of N T IS CD- RO M on the use o f a technical report collection,” Musser, 110-11; “T an­ dem use o f Dialog Classmate and Knowledge Index tor online search­ ing by end users,” Whitley, 304-7; “Using citation analysis to analyze li­ brary and information science jour­ nal characteristics,” Thompson, 439- 41) Research library fellowship program for minority candidates,” U. o f Iowa, 11 Resources available to prepare for W H C LIS,” W and, 378-79 etirements, 60-61, 120, 190, 268, 334, 395-96, 463, 536, 608-10, 684-85, 756-57 euben, Sandra, p ort., 650 ice-Lively, Mary Lynn, “A model for an academ ic library and libraiy school m entor/protégé program ,” 163-64 ichardson, John V., Jr., news note, 333 ichmond, Pauline, retired, 684 iggs, Donald E., Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award & port., 249, 669 itter, Marian, “F our paradigms for R “ “ “ R “ “ “ R R “ R R “ “ R R R R R R R sharing library resources,” 366-68 Robert Morris Coll., news note, 456 Roberts, D on L., news note, 394 Robinson, Maiy, news note, 753 Robison, Brad, news note, 534 Rockefeller Archive Ctr., news note, 600 Rogers, Sharon, Recruiting the aca­ demic library director, availability, 642 Rosaiy Coll., news note, 54 Rosenbaum, David, deceased, 757 Rosenstein, Philip, news note, 607 Rosenthal, Bernard M., news note, 682 Ross, Alec, deceased, 464 Rosselle, William, news note, 118 Roswick, Vivian, retired, 684-85 Rothenberg, James, retired, 609 Rowland, A. Ray, retired, 463 Runkle, Martin, news note, 118 “Rust support evil?” Massman & re ­ sponse, 738 Rutgers U., “Disaster planning and re­ covery,” 161; news note, 529 S Sabosik, Patricia E., “Publishers and li­ brarians examine scholarly communi­ cation,” 720, 729 Saeger, Edwin Joseph, prof. & port., 681-82 Saffo, Paul, “Futurist to speak at ACRL Sixth National C onference” & port., 715 Sager, Rochelle, ports., 505-6, 672 St. Cloud State U., “In praise o f stu­ dents as supervisors,” 577-78 St. Louis Mercantile LA, “About our cover this m onth,” 484 (photo., cov­ er, no. 7) “Salt Lake City: libraries to visit,” Hall, 643-44 “Salt Lake City—seeing its sights,” Hall, 716-17 “Salt Lake City: ‘This is th e place,’ ” Hall, 580-81 Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, ACRL/ ISI, 1992, 527 San Diego State U., N. Co., “Quiet study area: no applause betw een movements,” 16-19 San Jose State U., “Coping with a quake” (51:928-33), comment, 45, r e ­ joinder, 220 Sargent, Charles, news note, 57 Saul, Susan F ., prof., 58 Saur (K. G.) Award for Best College & Research Libraries Article, 1991, 250, 667; 1992, 528 Sawyer-Burleson, Suzanne, news note, 607 Saylor, Louise, prof., 532 Scanland, Roger, “The evolution of af­ firmative action at the University of Arizona Library,” 7-11 Schmidmaier, D ieter, “CD-ROM and user education,” 449-50 Schram, Wesley, retired, 756 Schreyer, Alice, prof. & port., 605 Schultheis, Steven, retired, 463 Scilken, Marvin H., “ALA candidates on ACRL” & port., 244 Seidman, Ruth, news note, 57 Selth, Jeff, “T he objects of his devo­ tion,’’ 712-15; retired, 609 Serebnick, Judith, news note, 394 Servello, Ronald B., “Recarpeting a small college library: a practical ap­ proach,” 39-43 February 1992 /1 2 3 Sessions, Vivian, retired, 685 Sestay, Catherine, retired, 685 Shank, William, retired, 685 “Share your expertise at ACRL’s 6th National Conference,” Boissé, 231- 32 “Share your information literacy pro­ grams,” NAIC, 537 “Snare your opinions with C& RL news readers,” 749 Sharrow, Marilyn J., news n ote & port., 118 Shaw, Debora, news note, 753 Shaw, G ertrude M., deceased, 335 Sheehy, Carolyn A., “An exercise to test perception o f expectations for tenure a n a promotion,* 300-301 Sheldon, Brooke E ., p r o f, 459 Shenton, Elizabeth, retired, 120 Shepard, Alan, port., 55 Shepherd, Clayton A., deceased, 61 “Sherlock detected,” Miller, 12-14 Shill, Harold B., news note, 534 Shipps, Tony, retired, 609-10 “Should ACRL respond to social is­ sues?” ACRL, SITT, 732 Sigma Xi, “Beauty and truth: Sigma Xi’s 1990 annual meeting,” 368 Simor, George, retired, 685 Sims, Oscar, retired, 463 Sinha, Reeta, “Maintaining a high- quality, cost-effective journal collec­ tion,” 485-90 Skallerup, H a n y R., retired, 685 Skrdle, Lacreta, photo., 746 Smith, Bobbie, news n ote & port., 753 Smith, Diane H., prof. & port., 188 Smith, Sherwood, retired, 685 “Smithsonian study grants available,” Snyder, Carolyn A., p r o f & port., 533 SSRC, “Grants,” 678 SAA, “Literacy and social issues topics at Society o f American Archivists m eeting,” 641 “Something to rem em ber us by: the American M emory program ,” 375-76 (photo., cover, no. 6) Soukup, Jindra K., retired, 268 Southern 111. U., FOLUSA Award, 635- 39; news note, 392 Southern Methodist U., news note, 186 Spear, M artha J., “T he coup that failed: an eyewitness account,” 565-68 Spiegel, Pam, “Nam ed assistant editor of C & RL news" & port., 515 Spinney, Katherine, deceased, 121 “Sprechen Sie D eutsch?” LOEX, 20 S ib ley , Sara Krentzman, deceased, “Standards for ethical conduct for rare book, manuscript, and special collec­ tions libraries and librarians,” ACRL, RBMS, ESRC, 2d edition: a draft, 721-27, 729 Stanford U., news notes, 186, 264 Stanley, Mary, p r o f, 394 Starr, Paul, retired & port., 609 SUNY, Albany, FO LUSA Award, 635- 39 SUNY, Buffalo, news note, 54-55 SUNY, Potsdam, “Access to serials: lo­ cal improvements may make a differ­ ence” (51:959-60), comm ent, 357 “Status o f faculty status reviewed,” Hoadley, 495-96 Stevens, Norm an D., “Faculty start-up costs and library su p p o rt/ 491-93; “Still feeling funny,” 444 “Still feeling ru n n y / Stevens, 444 Stimpson, C atherine R., “W om en’s studies scholar to speak at ACRL Sixth National C onference” & port., 642 Stoffle, Carla, Miriam Dudley Award & port., 250, 667 “Strategic planning by the Iowa chap­ te r of ACRL,” Parsons, 24-28 Stubbs, Mary, news note, 118 Stueart, Robert D ., news note, 534 “Suggestions sought for Standard cita­ tion fo rm s . . . , ” ACRL, RBMS, BSC, 564 Sullivan, Peggy, news note, 460-61 Sumbi, Joyce, port., 650 “Sum m er study in Britain 1991,” IGSS, 108 Superiorland Lib. Coop., “University of Michigan’s M-Link expands,” 436 Swanson, Dorothy, news note, 57 “ ‘Swedes in America’ symposium held,” 600-601 Sweetland, James H., news note, 682 Swigger, Keith, “Money, sex, and repu­ tation in doctoral programs in library science,” 157-61, com m ent & re ­ sponse, 356-57 Swinney, Victoria, photo., 746 T Tai, H eniy, retired, 463 Talar, Anita, news note, 461 Tamblyn, Eldon W„ “C& RL/C& RL news index published,” 357 “Tandem use of Dialog Classmate and Knowledge Index for online search­ ing by end users,” Whitley, 304-7 “Task force on social issues appointed,” Beaubien, 505 “Task force recom m ends increased paraprofessional participation,” ACRL, TFPAL, 61 Taylor, Cynthia, p ort., 500 Taylor, Mary C., “Appointed publica­ tions program officer” & port., 514; “Environm ental information empow­ ers public,” 496; “Tell us how aca­ demic libraries make a difference,” 710 Taylor, Ruth, retirem ent announced, 756-57 “Teaching m ethods for end-user searching: a checklist for planning,” ACRL, BIS, ETIC, 431-36 “Teaching study skills,” Gratch, 496 “Technology as a barrier to information literacy, Eldredge, 494-95 Tedford, Chieko, photo., 746 “Tell us how academic libraries make a difference,” Taylor, 710 “T en Library/Book Fellow positions open,” ALA, 87-89 Tenn.LA, news note, 392 Tenn. Tech, FOLUSA Award, 635-39 Tex. A&M U., news notes, 5 5,1 1 6 Tex. T ech U., “Developing an electron­ ic information service in an academic library,” 237-39 Tezla, Kathy, news note, 753 Thompson, C hristine E., “Using cita­ tion analysis to analyze libraiy and in­ form ation science journal character­ istics,” 439-41 Tillman, H ope N., p r o f, 533 Tipton, Roberta, news note, 461 “T o ‘degree’ or not to ‘degree’: academ ­ ic librarians and subject expertise,” H erubel, 437 “T o eat or not to eat—in th e library,” Halsted, 709-10 Todd, Elizabeth Grace, deceased, 610 Tollman, Thomas A., news note, 333 Tracy, Joan I., retired, 396 Träger, Ruth, retired, 463 “Transforming competition into coali­ tion,” Marie, 498-99 Treese, William, retired, 610 “Trinity Christian College joins LI­ BRAS,” 748 Trithart, David, “Access to serials: local improvements may make a differ­ ence” (51:959-60), comm ent, 357 Tucker, Ellis E., deceased, 121 Tulane U., news note, 186 Tung, Timothy, retired, 61 Tyson, John C., “ACRL 1991 presiden­ tial candidates’ statem ents” & port., 151-54 U “ULS activities planned for 1991-92,” Branin, 501 Unaeze, Felix Erne, “Excellence through cultural diversity,” 495 USAIN, news note, 456-57 USDE, news note, 600 U SD E, O E R I, ‘W o m en at thirtysom e­ thing,” 741 USIA, “Library/Book Fellows set off for foreign posts,” 628; “T en Library/ Book Fellow positions o pen,” 87-89 U. of Ala., “Conducting a serials review project,” 165-67; news note, 529 U. o f Ariz., “T he evolution o f affirma­ tive action at th e University o f Arizo­ na Library,” 7-11; news notes, 55, 391 (correction o f 264); “Tandem use o f Dialog Classmate and Knowledge Index for online searching by end us­ ers,” 304-7 UC, Berkeley, news notes, 55, 264 UC, Irvine, “Potential money savers,” 576 UCLA, “New UCLA m entor program to address shortage of African- American librarians, 11; news notes, 264-65 (2); “R ecruitm ent and m en­ toring programs for African- Americans developed in California” & port., 650 “UCLA’s Powell Library moves into ten t during rehab,” 441 UC, Riverside, “The objects o f his d e ­ votion,” 712-15 UC, San Diego, news note, 392, cor­ rection, 603 UC, Santa Barbara, news notes, 392 (correction, 603), 457 U. o f Chicago, Leab Exhibition Cata­ logue Award, 253, 668 U. of Conn., “Faculty start-up costs and library support,” 491-93 U. o f Fla., “GOVDOC increases docu­ m ent use,” 121 U. o f Hawaii-WO, “An information lit­ eracy curriculum: a proposal,” 293- 96 U. o f Idaho, news note, 457 UI, Champaign, news note, 265 UI, Chicago, “An exercise to test per­ ception o f expectations for tenure and prom otion,” 300-301 UI, U., “Parents F u n d benefits Univer­ sity of Illinois library,” 747-48 UI, U-C, FOLUSA Award, 635-39; news note, 55 U. o f Iowa, news note, 330; “Research library fellowship program for m inor­ 124 / C&RL News ity candidates,” 11 U. o f Kan., news n ote, 55 U. o f M iam i, news n o te, 330 U. o f M ich., “O pening a universitywide dialogue abo u t electronic inform a­ tion r esources,” 84-87 “University o f M ichigan’s M -L ink ex­ pands w ith Superiorland Library C ooperative,” 43o U. o f M inn., news note, 265 U. o f Nev., Reno, “T h e Japanese as li­ brary patro n s,” 221-25 U. o f N .M ., "Acting positions: th e good, th e bad, and th e ugly,” 30-33 U N C , C H , news notes, 330, 457; “Rec­ ip e for p reserving sound recordings: bake a t 122° for four h ours,” 747 U. o f N otre D am e, news n ote, 330; “W h at does electronic access to bib ­ liographic inform ation cost?” 90-92 U. o f Pa., “F u rn ess library is restored,” 303 (photo., cover, no. 5) U. o f S outhern Calif., “C hronical o f h igher education goes online at U S C ,” 746; news n ote, 392 U. o f T en n ., Knoxville, “Library staff tra in ed w ith H yp erC ard ” & port., 678 UT, Austin, “A m odel fo r an academ ic library an d library school m en to r/ p ro tég é p rogram ,” 163-64; news n ote, 3 9 1 (above heading) U. o f T oro n to , Leab Exhibition C ata­ logue Award, 2 5 2 -5 3 ,6 6 8 U. o f Tulsa, Leab Exhibition Catalogue Award, 2 5 3 ,668-69 U. o f Va., news n o te, 186 U. o f W aterloo, “Keyw ord Boolean searching o n W ATCAT,” 33 U. o f Wyo., new s n ote, 186 “U nusual library-use assignm ents n e e d ­ ed ,” Kirk, 444 “U p d a te from th e A C RL p resid e n t” & p ort., F o rd , 148-49 “U pdate: inform ation literacy,” F ord, “U se B itn et to r each C & R L news," 757 “Using citation analysis to analyze li­ brary and inform ation science journal characteristics,” Thom pson, 439-41 “U sing th e A C R L perfo rm an ce m an u ­ al: th e LSU Libraries experience,” W ittkopf, 570-72 V V anH ouse, Nancy A., prof., 533 “Vargas F ou n d atio n snaping Brazilian bibliographic u tility,” Pnillips, 372-73 V am et, Harvey, le tte r to th e ed., 493; prof. & p o rt., 459 V eaner, Allen B., news n o te, 266 “Video o f W H C L IS tow n m eeting available,” 750 Viney, Paul S. L., p hoto., 430 Va. C om m onw ealth U., n ew s n ote, 265 w,x W alker, W illiam D ., new s n ote, 753-54 W allace, Jam es O., C om m unity Col­ lege L earning R esources Achieve­ m en t Award & p ort., 252, 669 W alls, D avid & Susan, photo., cover, no. 1 W and, P atricia A., “Answ ering q u es­ tions abo u t th e W h ite H o u se C o n ­ feren ce,” 516-19; “Participants in pre-W H C L IS activities fram e resolu­ tions,” 113; “R esources available to p rep a re for W H C L IS ,” 378-79; “W h ite H ouse C o n feren ce packs a m ighty p u n c h ,” 445-46 W ang, C nih, letter to th e ed. & r e ­ sponse, 356-57 W ard, Ann Baker, news note, 754 W ash. & L ee U., news n o te, 457 ‘W ash in g to n h otline,” H enderson, 46- 47, 176, 235-36, 310-11, 377-79, 443- 44, 513-14, 588-89, 646-47, 737-38; com m ent, 493 W atson, D iane, p ort., 55 W atterson, Ronald M., news n o te, 607 T h e w ay I see it, 711 T h e way I see it (“F o o d for th o u g h t,” G ater, 711) W ayne State U., news n ote, 186 W eb er, D avid C ., retire d & p ort., 610 W edgew orth, R obert, new s notes, 461, 607; p ort., 460 W eiser, Virginia, retired , 463 “W ellcom e records o n O C L C ,” 89 W erking, R ichard H u m e, prof. & port., 331-32 W e ste rn Ky. U., p hoto., 529 “W h at does electronic access to biblio­ graphic inform ation cost?” P o rter, 90-92 W hite, G e rtru d e , deceased, 191 W hite, H e r b e rt S., “ALA candidates on A C RL” & p o rt., 244-45; news note, 394 W hite, Myra, “E xperim enting w ith ref­ e ren ce referral in a m ultitype envi­ ro n m e n t,” 363-65 “T h e W hite H o u se C o n feren ce and th e National R esearch and E ducation N etwork: a tim ely p a rtn e rsh ip ,” Bish­ op, 233-34 W H C L IS , “Academic librarian delegates chosen for W H C L IS ,” 177-78; “An­ sw ering questions ab o u t th e W hite H o u se C on feren ce,” 516-19; “E le c ­ tro n ic tow n m eetin g scheduled for D e c e m b e r 10,” 677; “F orm ing a na­ tional inform ation policy: selections from a W hite H ouse C onferen ce diary,” 740-41; “G ettin g c o n n ected to th e W hite H ouse C onference through th e A C R L Legislative N etw ork,” 311-13; “Participants in p re-W H C L IS activities fram e resolutions,” 113; “P reparing fo r th e W h ite H ouse C o n feren ce,” 51; “R esources avail­ able to p rep a re for W H C L IS ,” 378- 79; “Video o f W H C L IS tow n m ee t­ in g available,” 750; “T h e W hite H o u se C o n feren ce and th e National R esearch an d E ducation Network: a tim ely p a rtn e rsh ip ,” 233-34; “W H C L IS II: a d elegate’s p e rsp ec­ tive,” 590-91; “W h ite H ouse C o n fer­ en ce packs a m ighty p u n ch ,” 445-46; “T h e W h ite H ouse C onference: th e academ ic library a genda,” 651-52 “W H C L IS o p en to p ublic,” 447 ‘W H C L IS p o ste r available,” 441 “W H C L IS II: a d eleg ate’s p e rsp ec­ tive,” Mawdsley, 590-91 “W h ite H o u se C onference packs a m ighty p u n c h ,” W and, 445-46 “T h e W n ite H o u se C onference: th e ac­ adem ic library agenda,” Neal, 651-52 W hitley, K atherine M ., “T an d em use o f D ialog C lassm ate an d K now ledge Index fo r o nline s earching by e n d u s­ ers,” 304-7 “W idening access to th e D e a d Sea Scrolls” & p ort., M offett, 632-34 (photo., cover, no. 10) W idm an, Rudy, C om m unity C ollege L earning R esources A cnievem ent Award & port., 250-52, 669 Williams, M audine B., retired , 685 W illiamson, L inda E ileen, prof., 605 W illiamson, Nancy, news note, 754 W ilson (H. W .) Co., John C otton D ana Library P ublic Relations Award, 1991, 428-30 ‘W in a free trip to th e A C RL National C o n f e re n c e / 292 W inckler, Paul A., retired , 610 W ittkopf, B arbara J., ports., 505-6, 672; “U sing th e A C RL perfo rm an ce m an­ ual: th e LSU L ibraries experience,” 570-72 W o m e n at thirtysom ething,” U S D E , O E R I, 741 ‘W o m e n ’s studies scholar to speak at A C R L Sixth N ational C o n feren ce” & p o r t., 642 W ong, C lark, port., 650 W ood, R ichard C., prof., 266 W ood, Sam, retire a , 685 W oods, L aw rence A., prof., 332 W oodsw orth, A nne, p r o f , 533 W right, Sylvia, retired , 685 Y,Z Yale U., “About th e cover,” 708 (pho­ to., cover, no. 11); news note, 600 Yocum, Patricia, new s n ote, 682 Younger, Jen n ifer A., prof. & port., 459-60. Z aporozhetz, L a u ren e E., p r o f , 752 Zappa, F rank, p ort., 316 Zappa, M oon U nit, p ort., 494 Zweizig, Law rence, deceased, 757 Structure Bookmarks 114 / C&RL News