ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1992 / 131 P e o p le Profiles J o h n W . B e r r y , assistant to the university librar­ ian at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), has been appointed director of development and special programs at the UIC Library. Berry was e xecutiv e d ire c to r o f ALA’s Library Adminis­ tration and Management Association from 1985— 89. He has held positions at Northern Illinois Uni­ versity, Elmira College, Indiana University, and Trident Technical Col­ lege. He currently chairs ALA’s Constitution and Bylaws Committee and John W. Berry is completing a book on recent public library buildings to be published by ALA in 1992. D o r o t h y C h r i s t i a n s e n , associate for library development at the University at Albany, State University of New York, hasbeen appointed head of special collections and archives at the same institu­ tion. Christiansen joined the staff at SUNY Albany in 1973 as bibliographer and head of the Biblio­ graphic Development Department, and has held several administrative positions there since. Before that she served as head librarian at the Center for Urban Education in New York City. She has served on the Capital District Library Council’s Board of Trustees since 1977-78 and chaired the board from 1979-80 to 1984—85. She received her MLS from Pratt Institute in 1966. W i n s t o n T a h b , acting deputy librarian of Con­ gress, has been appointed associate librarian for collections services, the largest service unit of the Library of Congress. He will succeed Henriette D. Avram, who retired at the end of 1991, and will be responsible for the library’s acquisitions cataloging, processing o f materials, and preservation as well as special research activities. Tabb has been with LC since 1972 when he was apartieipant in the library’s intern program for outstanding library school gradu­ ates . After that he joined the staff of the Congres­ sional Research Service (CRS), working initially as reference specialist in the Congressional Refer­ e n c e D ivision. F rom 1974—75 he was a con­ gressional research ad­ ministrator in the office of the director of CRS, then was appointed team leader of the Congres­ sional Reading Room, Winston Tabb and in 1977 became ad­ ministrator o f the Inquiry Unit. In 1978 he was appointed assistant chief o f the General Reading Rooms Division, and in 1984 he became chief oft he Information and Reference Division o f the Copy­ right Office. In 1988 he was appointed chief of the library’s Loan Division, then was selected that same year to fill a one-year appointment as director for research services. In 1990 he was named director of Public Service and Management I, while continu­ ing to act as deputy librarian. Tabb represents the Librarian of Congress on the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, the advisory committee to the White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services, and the Asso­ ciation o f Research Libraries. A 1963 graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University, Tabb earned a master’s from Harvard University in 1964, and an MLS from Simmons College in 1972. People in the news B e v e r l y E . A l l e n , director of the Morehouse School of Medicine’s Multi-Media Center in At­ lanta, was recently appointed by Department of 132 / C&RL News H ealth an d H u m an Services Secretary Louis W. Sullivan to th e Board o f R egents o f th e N ational Library o f M edicine. Allen p lanned, organized, an d developed th e M ulti-M edia C en ter, a health sci­ ences learning resource facility, and has b e en d irec­ to r since 1976. She grad u ated from th e University o f M issouri and received an M LS from Syracuse University. H enriette D avidson Avram, w ho re tired in 1991 from h e r position as associate librarian for collection services a t th e Library o f C ongress, was p re sen te d w ith th e Roch­ e s t e r I n s t i t u t e o f Technology’s H onorary D eg ree o f L etters in N o ­ v em ber at th e dedication o f th e c a m p u s ’ new ly renovated an d expanded W allace Library. H o n ­ o re d for h e r contribution to th e field o f inform a­ tion science, Avram has H enriette D. A vra m b e e n i n s tr u m e n ta l in p rom oting autom ation since th e early d evelopm en­ tal days o f m achine-readable records. Nancy Bolt, Colorado state librarian, has been named th e 1991 Librarian o f the Year by the Colorado Library Association. H onored for h er energy, enthusi­ asm, and dedication, Bolthasbeenaleading advocate for the improvement o f library service for users. J oan M itch ell, d ire c to r o f academ ic co m p u t­ ing a n d m edia at C arnegie M ellon University in Pittsburgh, was e le cte d chairperson o f th e D ecim al Classification Editorial Policy C om m ittee (D C EP C ) a t th e co m m ittee’s 100th m eeting, h e ld at th e L ibraiy o f C ongress in O ctober. T h e D C E P C is a jo in t co m m ittee o f ALA an d O C L C F o rest Press. M itchell has b e en actively involved in th e form ula­ tion o f D ecim al Classification policy since 1985, w hen she becam e a m e m b e r o f th e com m ittee. H e r p a p er “D ew ey D ecim al Classification: An O ver­ view o f E dition 20” a p p eared in Dewey: A n Inter­ national Perspective: Papers f r o m a W orkshop on the D ew ey Decimal Classification a n d D D C 20, published in 1991. F rank R ogers, d ire c to r o f libraries at th e U ni­ versity o f Miami, was e lected to th e bo ard o f d irec­ tors o f the Southeast Florida Libraiy Information Net­ work (SEFLIN) as president for 1991-92. W illiam M iller, director o f libraries at Florida Atlantic Univer­ sity, was re-elected secretaiy/treasurer for 1991-92. J oseph A. R osenthal, university librarian em eri­ tus a t th e U niversity o f California, Berkeley, was e lected chairm an o f th e Public Affairs Inform ation Service, Inc. (PAIS) by th e PAIS Board o f Trustees. Active in ALA an d ACRL, R osenthal has served on th e Board o f th e C e n te r for R esearch Libraries and has b e en on th e PAIS Board o f T rustees for 20 years. R oger K. Summit, founder, fo rm er president, and retiring ch ie f executive officer o f Dialog In fo r­ m ation Services, Inc., was recently p re sen te d with a D istinguished Service Award by th e Inform ation In d u stry Association a t its 2 3 rd a nnual convention in O rlando, Florida. A recognized expert in th e d ev elopm ent o f inform ation systems, Sum m it was th e d esigner an d pro ject m anager for D IA LO G w h en it was c re ated at Lockheed in 1962. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from library new sletters, letters from p ersonnel offices an d a p­ p ointees, an d o th e r sources. T o e n su re th a t your ap p ointm ent appears, w rite to th e E ditor, C & RL N ew s, 50 E. H u ro n St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) L inda G. Ackerson has b e en nam ed science an d en gineering referen ce librarian a t th e U niver­ sity o f Alabama, Tuscaloosa. K aren Anderson has b e en ap p o in ted reference librarian in P enrose M em orial Library, W hitm an College, W alla Walla, W ashington. B arbara Baxter J enkins has b e en appointed h ead o f th e R eference D e p artm e n t at th e U niver­ sity o f O regon, E ugene. J ulia C. B lixrud has b e e n a p p o in ted program officer a t th e C ouncil on Library R esources, W ash­ ington, D.C. R ob C arlson has b een appointed interim p ro ­ gram officer for th e Library Inform ation an d T ech ­ nology Association, a division o f ALA. C lark C enter has b e en n a m ed technical archi­ vist at th e U niversity o f Alabama, Tuscaloosa. C athy C h iu has b e en n a m ed h ead o f th e East Asian Studies U nit a t th e University o f California, Santa Barbara. E lizabeth C urry has b e en nam ed executive d irecto r o f th e Southeast F lorida Library Inform a­ tion N etw ork (S E F L IN ) in F o rt Lauderdale. N ina D avis-M illis has b e e n nam ed associate hum anities librarian at th e M assachusetts Institute o f Technology, Cam bridge. J effrey A. E llair is now serials/interlibrary loan librarian at Q uincy C ollege, Q uincy, Illinois. P aul F ehrmann is now referen ce librarian at K ent State University in Ohio. J oseph G abriel has b e en ap p o in ted h e ad of technical services a t G utm an Library in th e G rad u ­ February 1992 / 133 ate School o f E ducation, H arvard University, C am ­ bridge, M assachusetts. L ynn G ullickson has b e en a p p o in ted m usic technical services librarian for th e Mills M usic Library a t th e University o f W isconsin-M adison. B o C . H artford has b e en appointed archivist in th e D e p artm e n t o f Archives an d Special C ollec­ tions a t th e C h este r F ritz Library, University o f N orth D akota, G ran d Forks. D arlene H ildebrandt has b e en nam ed head o f th e science libraries a t W ashington State U niver­ sity, Pullm an. G ord on E . H ogg is now Slavic bibliographer and m onographs cataloger at th e M. I. King Library o f th e University o f Kentucky, Lexington. M ichael H opper has b e en ap p o in ted Islamic studies librarian at th e University o f California, Santa Barbara. Karen J anus is now re feren ce lib rarian/head o f public services at C rossett Library, Bennington, College, B ennington, Verm ont. M ichael J imenez has b e en ap p o in ted referen ce librarian an d co o rdinator o f electronic inform ation in th e Law School Library at H arvard University, C am bridge, M assachusetts. J ames K uhlman has b e e n ap p o in ted associate d ean o f libraries for collections an d inform ation services a t th e U niversity o f Alabama, Tuscaloosa. J udy L owman has b e e n ap pointed perso n n el librarian at N o rthw estern University, Evanston, Illinois. Yan M a has b e e n n a m ed cataloger a t th e G aiter H ealth Sciences Library at N o rth w estern U niver­ sity, Chicago, Illinois. J u d ith L. M arley has b e en ap p o in ted m usic/ referen ce librarian at th e U niversity o f Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Alinda J. N elson has b e en ap p o in ted acting h ead o f th e M ath Library a t th e University o f W isconsin-M adison. R ichard O ram has jo in e d th e H arry Ransom H um anities R esearch C e n te r at th e University o f Texas at A ustin as public services librarian. D avid K. O yler is now d ean o f th e library at th e University o f San Francisco. G rant P air has b e en n a m ed re feren ce librarian at th e U niversity o f Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Ann P ederson has b e en nam ed education ser­ vices librarian at th e C h este r F ritz Library, U niver­ sity o f N o rth D akota, G ran d Forks. R andy P ederson has b e en n a m ed co m p u ter services librarian a t th e C h este r F ritz Library, U n i­ versity o f N o rth D akota, G ran d Forks. C arl D . P h illips has b e e n n a m ed re fe re n c e/ instruction librarian at th e O degaard U n d erg rad u ­ ate Library, University o f W ashington, Seattle. E lizabeth P ierce has b e en appointed public services librarian a t T revecca N azarene C ollege’s M ackey L ibrary, Nashville, T ennessee. Andrea R olich has b e e n nam ed h ead o f book assessm ent in th e Preservation D e p artm e n t at the U niversity o f W isconsin-M adison. Karen S. Seib ert has b e en nam ed associate university librarian o f th e C line Library, N o rth ern Arizona University, Flagstaff. R o ss Shanley-R oberts has b e en n a m ed to a th re e -y e a r te rm as p reservation cataloger a t th e University o f N o tre D am e, Indiana. M ary Ann Sheble has b e en n am e d serials cata­ lo g lib r a r ia n a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f A lab am a, Tuscaloosa. C arol Szambelan has been nam ed business refer­ ence specialist atthe University ofN otre Dame, Indiana. M ajryL. T ipton is nowactingheadofthe Humanities Departm ent in the Central Technical Services Division at the University o f Wisconsin-Madison. P hyllis H omlan W eisbard has b e e n appointed acting w om en’s studies librarian a tth e University o f W isconsin-M adison. H ugh W ilburn has b e e n ap p o in ted h e ad o f public services a t th e F ran ces L o eb (Design) Li­ brary at H arvard University, C am bridge, M assa­ chusetts. Abraham Yu has b e e n n a m ed librarian in th e C atalog D e p artm e n t a tth e University o f California, Irvine, Library. Retirements E llen Andersson re tire d recently from h er position as c h ie f serial cataloger and h ead o f th e Serial C ataloging Section in W id e n er Library at H arv ard University. C laire B rown re tire d recently from H arvard U niversity w h ere she served as specialist in m an­ p o w er an d industrial relations in th e Slichter In d u s­ trial Relations Collection a t L ittau e r Library. C atherine C arpenter recently re tired as ch ief cataloger in technical services at th e L ittau e r Li­ brary, H arvard University. R odney D ennis, c u ra to r o f th e M anuscript D e p artm e n t in th e H o ughton Library a t H arvard University, recently re tired from th a t position. Alan E rickson has re tire d from H arvard U ni­ versity w here h e served as librarian o f th e C abot Science Library, associate librarian o f H arvard College for th e Sciences, an d science specialist in th e U niversity Library. Sieg f r ie d F e ller, ch ief bibliographer an d as­ sociate d irecto r for collection d ev elopm ent at th e U niversity o f M assachusetts Library for th e past 24 134 / C h R L News years, re tired at th e e n d o f 1991. H e will rem ain th e re on a p art-tim e basis as selector-specialist for A m erican Studies, G erm anic A rea Studies, Military History, an d H istory o f Science. F e lle r is a longtim e m e m b e r o f ALA an d th e In tern atio n al Relations R ound Table; A C RL and its W estern E u ro p ean Specialists Section; th e Library Resources an d T ech- nical Services D ivision o f ALA (now ALCTS); a n d th e G erm an Librarians Association (as an honorary m em ber). A collector o f m aps a n d m ap eph em era, F e l l e r h a s also e d ite d /p u b lis h e d sin ce 1986 Cartom ania, th e official n ew sletter o f th e Associa­ tion o f M ap M em orabilia C ollectors. D e ir d r e G u n n iso n -W isem a n re c e n tly r e ­ tire d from H arvard U niversity w here she w orked as cataloger in th e Serial C ataloging Section in W id­ e n e r Library. K atharine P antzer, re sea rc h bib lio g rap h er in th e H oug h to n Library at H arvard University, recently re tire d from h e r position. She is also th e re c e n t w in n e r o f a G uggenheim Fellowship. J oseph A. R osenthal, university librarian at th e University o f C alifornia, Berkeley, re tire d in late O ctober. H e h a d served 12 years as university librarian a n d eight years as associate university librarian for technical services. Before th at Rosenthal had received an M LS from C olum bia University (1957), b e en an in tern a t th e Library o f C ongress (1957-58), an d served in several positions at th e N ew York Public Library (1958-70). D u rin g his c aree r h e p u b lish ed articles, p articip ated actively in m any professional associations, served as a consult­ ant, an d was principal investigator on n um erous grants from th e D e p a rtm e n t o f E du catio n an d th e N ational E ndow m ent for th e Hum anities. H e served on th e boards o f th e Association o f R esearch L ib rar­ ies an d th e R esearch Libraries G roup. Also active in ALA, R osenthal served on th e bo ard o f d irectors o f th e Library R esources a n d Technical Services D i­ vision (now ALCTS), p re sid en t o f th e Inform ation Science an d A utom ation Division (now LITA), an d was e lected councilor-at-large in 1985. J elka Sheehan recently re tire d as senior cata­ loger an d assistant h e ad o f th e Slavic Division o f W id e n er Library, H arvard University. F rank T rout, c u ra to r in th e H arv ard M ap C ol­ lection, H arvard University, recen tly re tire d from th a t position. Van Veatch, library d ire c to r a t Jackson State C om m unity C ollege, T en n essee, for 23 years, re ­ tire d in late 1991. H e b egan his library c aree r at M artin M ethodist Junior College in Pulaski, T e n ­ nessee, th e n served as Scott C o u n ty Library d irec­ to r in E ldridge, Iowa; elem en tary school librarian in Bettendorf, Iowa; librarian at LaG range H igh School in L aG range, Iowa; an d as a librarian a t th e State L ibrary a n d A rchives in Nashville, T en n essee. V eatch has also b e e n an active m e m b e r o f th e T en n essee Library Association. Deaths R orert G . B ailey, re tire d librarian o f W ashing­ to n College, C h esterto w n , M aryland, d ied D ecem ­ b e r 5 ,1 9 9 1 , a t th e age o f 80. Bailey grad u ated with a bach elo r’s d eg re e from W esleyan University in 1932, received a m a ster’s deg ree from W esleyan in 1933, a m a ster’s from Prin ceto n in 1939, an d an MLS from C o lum bia University in 1953. Bailey served as assistant p rofessor o f F ren c h at D avidson C ollege in N o rth Carolina, in stru cto r o f rom ance languages a t W esleyan University, tran slato r for the U.S. Office o f C ensorship in San Juan, P u erto Rico, a n d officer o f th e U.S. Fo reig n Service at posts in Panam a, V enezuela, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, andWashington, D.C. HejoinedthestaffofWashington College in 1954 as assistant librarian. H e was named librarian in 1957 and retired in 1976. R ichard T . B arker, university librarian at Ap­ palachian State U niversity (ASU) in B oone, N orth Carolina, d ie d on D e ce m b e r 16,1991, from injuries suffered in an autom obile accident. B arker began his c aree r as circulation librarian at ASU in 1956, th e n was p ro m o ted to assistant librarian in 1963, an d to university librarian in 1971. H e served in m any capacities for a w ide range o f library, ed u ca­ tion, an d civic organizations including th e N orth C arolina Library Association, th e Southeastern Li­ brary Association, an d Phi D e lta Kappa. B arker was also in stru m en tal in th e estab lish m en t o f th e W est­ e rn N o rth C arolina L ibrary N etwork. G ladys H yde B ean, re tire d U niversity o f Ari­ zona re feren ce librarian (1964-75), d ied N ovem ­ b e r 30,1991, a fte r a b rie f illness. B o m in C leb u rn e, Texas, Bean graduated from Mary Hardin Baylor Col­ lege for W om en at Belton and received a master s in education from North Texas Teacher s College. She was a school librarian in Texas before moving to N ew York City where she received an MLS from Columbia Uni­ versity and worked at both the New York Public Library and the N ew York Academy o f Medicine. R. Virginia Sp e id e n , a technical services librar­ ian at W ashington C ollege in C hestertow n, M ary­ land, w ho r e tire d in 1980 a fte r 18 years o f service, d ied in N o vem ber 1991 a t th e age o f 76. ■ ■