ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 15 People PROFILES M u r r a y S. M a r t i n , formerly associate dean of libraries at Pennsylvania State University, has been named university librarian at Tufts Univer­ sity in Medford, Massa­ chusetts. M artin, a native of New Zealand, comes to Tufts with thirty years exp erience in library service. He began his career with the New Zealand National L i­ brary Service and later moved on to join the staff of the University of Saskatchewan as coor­ dinator of branch librar­ ies. He served in vari­ Murray S . Martin ous positions in the li­ brary system at Penn State from 1967 to the present. Martin has also been active in professional as­ sociations, holding a variety of committee chairs for the American Library Association. He currently serves as chair of the membership commit­ tee for the Resources and Technical Services Di­ vision. He has also held several offices in the Pittsburgh Regional Library Center, concluding a year as its president in June. As a member of the comparative literature fac­ ulty at Penn State, Martin taught courses and delivered papers on New Zealand and Pacific lit­ eratu re. His book, B u d g e ta r y C o n tr o ls in A cadem ic L ib ra ries, was published by Johnson Associates in 1978. Martin replaces Joseph Komidar, who recently retired as Tufts’ university librarian. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS C h a r l e s H . D a v is , dean and professor of li­ brary and information science at the University of Illinois at U rbana-Cham paign, is the new president-elect of the American Society for In­ formation Science. D o n n a H i l l , head of the Teachers’ Central Li­ brary at Hunter College, City University of New York, has received a Scholar Incentive Award to conduct research in children’s book illustration. The awards are presented by the Professional 16 Staff Congress at CUNY and are intended to aid scholarly research. J o h n L u c h e c h k o , associate director of the Jer­ sey City State College Library, has been awarded the first Cenko Prize in Ukrainian Bibliography by the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute for his work entitled “The Russo-Ukrainian Problem, 1917-1921: A Classified and Annotated Guide to Soviet Political Reportage in P r a v d a .” R o b e r t S i v e r s , assistant head of the Sciences-Engineering Library at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been awarded a re­ search grant of $3,200 for a project on selective serials collections in academic research libraries. The grant is part of a librarians’ research fund es­ tablished in 1980 by the University of California. M y r o n S m i t h , J r . , director of libraries at Salem College, W est Virginia, was presented with the Richard Franck Gold Medal in cere­ monies held September 17 at the Bibliothek für Z eitg esch ich te in Stu ttgart, W est Germany. Smith, the first American to be awarded the medal, was chosen by the West German govern­ ment in recognition of his extensive bibliographic work on the history of World War II. E . B . St a n l e y and the other members of the Washington County (Abingdon, Virginia) Library Board of Trustees have been selected to receive the 1981 Robert B. Downs Award. The award, presented by the faculty of the University of Illi­ nois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, acknowledges outstanding contributions to the cause of intellectual freedom in libraries. Stanley and other board members were cited for their resistance to local attempts to censor library materials. APPOINTMENTS D e b o r a h A l l e n has been appointed reference librarian at the Drexel University Libraries, Philadelphia. E l i z a b e t h B a b e r has been named principal cataloger at Rice University Library, Houston. L i n d a B a r n h a r t has been appointed music cataloger at the University of California, San Diego. L o w e l l T . B e r e n g u e r is now reference librar­ ian at the CBN University Library, Virginia Beach. D a v id B i n k l e y has been appointed librarian in the Arts Reference and Collections Development Department, University of Waterloo, Ontario. C a r o l B r ig g s has been appointed to a one- year term as manuscript cataloger at the Clark Library, University of California, Los Angeles. D . C l i f t o n B r o c k has been appointed associ­ ate university librarian for special collections, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. T h o m a s E d w a r d C a m p has been appointed act­ ing university librarian at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. 17 E l i e z e r C h a m m o u is now Near East cataloge at the University of California, Los Angeles. B o y d C h i l d r e s s has been appointed social sci ences reference librarian at Auburn University Alabama. E l i z a b e t h C l i n e is the new governmen documents reference librarian at Auburn Univer sity, Alabama. D e a n C o r w in has been named assistant musi librarian at Rice University, Houston. R i c h a r d C o u g h l i n has been appointed gov ernment documents librarian at Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. R o b e r t C u n n i n g h a m has been appointe member services librarian at NELINET, Newton Massachusetts. A n g e l a P . D a v ig was appointed science an technology reference librarian at Auburn Univer sity, Alabama. K a t h y D avis has been promoted to coordinato of public services at the University of the South Sewanee, Tennessee. L in d a Z. d e W i t is now assistant head of th Reference Library at the Michigan State Univer sity Libraries, East Lansing. A l v in D o n g has been appointed head of th Documents Department, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. J a c q u e l i n e D o y l e has been appointed refer ence librarian at the Biomedical Library, Univer sity of California, San Diego. M a r l a E d e l m a n has been appointed serials li brarian at the State University of New York, Binghamton. St e v e F a l k is now director of library service at St. Louis Community College at Florissant Val ley, Missouri. D a v id F e i n m a r k has been appointed serials reference librarian at Washburn University, To peka, Kansas. T om F r y has been appointed head of the Col lege Library, University of California, Lo Angeles. V ir g in ia G ib b o n s has been appointed head o Catalog Management and Marking at Northwest ern University Library, Evanston, Illinois. R i c h a r d G io r d a n o has joined the library staf at Columbia University, New York. E l a in e G r a h a m is the new head of the Train ing and Consulting Section of the Pacific South west Regional Medical Library Service in th Biomedical Library, University of California, Lo Angeles. P e t e r S. G r a h a m has been appointed head o book acquisitions at Columbia University, Ne York. R i c h a r d G r is c o m has been appointed musi cataloger/recorded sound services librarian a Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illi nois. J a m ie K . H a r r is o n is now Western representa tive for Faxon in San Francisco. r ­ , t ­ c ­ , d , d ­ r , e ­ e ­ ­ ­ s ­ / ­ ­ s f ­ f ­ ­ e s f w c t ­ ­ H o l l e e H a s w e l l has been appointed librarian of Sleepy Hollow Restorations, Tarrytown, New York. E v e l y n H a y n e s has been appointed assistant reference librarian at Colorado State University, Fort Collins. J a m e s L . H o b s o n is the new assistant social sciences librarian at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. J a m e s L . H o o v e r has accepted appointment as law librarian at Columbia University, New York. A l i c e H u d s o n has been named chief of the New York Public Library’s Map Division. C in d y H u t c h in s o n has been appointed mem­ ber services librarian at N E L IN E T , Newton, Massachusetts. R a n d a l l H u t t o n is now head of reference at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennes­ see. J i l l J e n n in g s has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Columbia University Business Li­ brary, New York. L a u r e l J iz b a has been appointed manager of the Microprint Catalog Project, Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington. C h a r l o t t e J o h n s o n is the new assistant physi­ cal sciences librarian at Oklahoma State Univer­ sity, Stillwater. L il l ia n K ah n has been appointed order librar­ ian at the Harvard Law School Library. E va L . K i e w e t t has been named associate di­ rector of the CBN University Library, Virginia Beach. J a m e s J . K o p p has joined the staff of the His­ tory of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. G r e t c h e n L agana has been appointed special collections librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. R e b e c c a T . L e n z i n i has been appointed man­ ager of LINX Services at the F. W. Faxon Com­ pany, Westwood, Massachusetts. Y v o n n e T . L e v has been appointed govern­ ment documents librarian at the University of Texas at Dallas Library, Richardson. K a t h l e e n L e w i s has been appointed head of the Retrospective Conversion Project at Fondren Library, Rice University, Houston. St e p h e n A . M a r i n e has been appointed serials cataloging librarian at the Earl Gregg Swem Li­ brary, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. J a n e M a r s h a l l is now head of technical ser­ vices at the Mercy College Libraries, Westches­ ter County, New York. C h a r l e s M a r t e l l has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. R u s s e l l M e r r i t t has been appointed cataloger in Original Monographs Cataloging, Columbia University, New York. P h i l i p A . M e t z g e r has been appointed rare 18 book librarian at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield. S u z a n n e M e t z g e r is the new head of the Cir­ culation Department, University of California, San Diego. J a m e s M e y e r has been appointed general monographic cataloger at Northwestern Univer­ sity Library, Evanston, Illinois. R o b e r t L. M ig n e a u l t has been named assis­ tant dean for technical services at the University of New Mexico General Library, Albuquerque. B r u c e M i l l e r has been appointed library sys­ tems analyst at Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois. W i l l i a m M i l l e r is now head of the Reference Library at Michigan State University, East Lans­ ing. G r a h a m M in t z has been appointed director of technical services at Campbellsville College Li­ brary, Kentucky. P h y l l i s S. M i r s k y has been named assistant university librarian for sciences at the University of California, San Diego. D a v id J . N o r d e n has been appointed head of the Undergraduate Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. M i c h a e l S. N y e r g e s has been appointed ref­ erence librarian in the Government Documents Division, Texas A&M University, College Sta­ tion. A l i c e P ic o n is the new assistant editor of the PAIS Foreign Language Index, Public Affairs In­ formation Service, New York. J e f f r e y R . R e h b a c h has been appointed music librarian, Middlebury College, Vermont. S h a r o n R i e n e r t h has been appointed assistant cataloger at the Oklahoma State University Li­ brary, Stillwater. J u l i e F . R i n a l d i has been appointed head of the Periodical Division, Serials Department, at the University of California, Berkeley. P e r r y A nn R o b in s o n is now assistant librarian at the Cluster Undergraduate Library, University of California, San Diego. R o b e r t G. S a b in has been appointed science and technology bibliographer at Auburn Universi­ ty, Alabama. M a r y A n n S a u r /S l a t e r is the new assistant documents librarian at Oklahoma State Universi­ ty, Stillwater. P a t r ic ia Sa y r e has been appointed social sci­ ence bibliographer for the Loyola University of Chicago Libraries. T i m o t h y G. S c h i l l e r has been appointed coordinator of reference services at the Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. H a r o l d B. Sc h l i e f e r has been named associ­ ate director of the library at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. M a r t h a S c h m i d t h a s b e e n a p p o in t e d r e f e r ­ e n c e an d b ib lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n lib ra ria n at th e Meyer Library, Stanford University, California. J e r e m y C. S h e l l h a s e is now W EBNET pro­ ject manager at the Pittsburgh Regional Library Center, Chatham College, Pittsburgh. M a r k E. S m it h has been appointed music li­ brarian at SUNY, College of Purchase, New York. G e o r g e S o e t e has been named assistant uni­ versity librarian for social sciences and humanities at the University of California, San Diego. St e v e So w e l l has been appointed head of the Biology Library at Indiana University, Bloomington. S usan St a r r has been named head of public services at the Scripps Institution of Oceanog­ raphy, University of California, San Diego. P a t r ic ia T e g l e r is now assistant reference li­ brarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. C a t h e r i n e T h o m a s is now a serials cataloger at the University of California, San Diego. J a m e s C . T h o m p s o n has been named associate university librarian at the Fondren Library, Rice University, Houston. S h a r o n a W a c h s is now Judaica cataloger at Brooklyn College Library, New York. D a v id W a r r in g t o n has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in Rare Books and Special Collec­ tions at the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington. T om G . W a t s o n , formerly university librarian, has been appointed assistant to the vice- chancellor and provost at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. M a r y S. W e s t b r o o k has been appointed as­ sistant catalog librarian at the Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. J u d it h W i l d is now social sciences cataloger at Brooklyn College Library, New York. M a r g a r e t A . W il s o n has been appointed ref­ erence librarian in the Government Publications Section, University of Manitoba Libraries, Win­ nipeg. N il a W il s o n has been appointed director of reader’s services at Campbellsville College Li­ brary, Kentucky. RETIREMENTS A nna C h io n g , head of the Geography Library at the University of Washington Libraries, Seat­ tle, retired on January 1 after 16 years with the library. D an W . G r a v e s , director of libraries at Clarion State College, Pennsylvania, since 1965, has re­ tired effective January 8. Graves has served 42 years in libraries in various capacities, including 22 years in top management and 11 years as de­ partment head or associate director. Prior to his term at Clarion, Graves held positions at the University of Illinois, the University of Kansas, 19 the U niversity of W ichita, the U niversity of Michigan, Willamette University, and Franklin and M arshall C ollege. He was p resid en t of ACRL’s Tri-State Chapter in 1969-70 and served on the College Libraries Section s Nominating Committee in 1973. Graves contributed a series of articles on college and university library statis­ tics to C ollege & R esearch L ibra ries in 1949-55. R a l p h H . H o p p , director of the University of Minnesota Libraries from 1971 to 1976, has an­ nounced his retirement effective March 1. Hopp had been with the university since 1953 when he was appointed assistant director. He has held the posts of president of both the Association of Re­ search Libraries (1974-75) and the United States Book Exchange, and has chaired ACRL’s Univer­ sity Libraries Section. Hopp has been an active library consultant on buildings, public service programs, collections, and administrative organi­ zation and has published articles on library stor­ age and fiscal support. At Minnesota Hopp was involved in the design of Wilson Library and helped to plan such nationally recognized coop erative programs as M IN IT E X and IN ­ FORM. C a r o l i n e C . P e r s o n s , science and technology bibliographer at Auburn University, Alabama, re­ tired on June 30. I o n e R e d f o r d , librarian at Odegaard Under­ graduate Library, University of W ashington, Seattle, retired on D ecem ber 1 after 18 years with the library. J o h a n n a E . T a l l m a n , director of libraries at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, since 1973, retired on D ecem ber 31. She had also served 28 years at the University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles, as head of the Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Library. DEATHS E l i z a b e t h R u t h B a n t z , former head of the Education/Psychology Library at the University of California, Berkeley, died in San Jose on Novem­ ber 3. D e n n i s A. G i b s o n , refe ren ce librarian in D upre L ib rary , U niversity o f Southw estern Louisiana, Lafayette, died as a result of being struck by a car on November 8. He had been a member of the library faculty since 1966. H a r o l d A. L a n c o u r , founding dean of the U niversity of P ittsb u rg h ’s G raduate Library School (now the School of Library and Informa­ tion Science), died on October 23 at his home in Weston, Vermont. Lancour began his career at the New York Public Library and later served at the Cooper Union in New York City. Before com­ ing to Pittsburgh he had been associate director of the Graduate Library School, University of Il­ linois. Lancour was preeminent in international studies and was active worldwide as a consultant 20 in library development. He was the first editor of the Journal o f Education f o r Librarianship, and also served as managing editor of Library Trends and joint editor of the Encyclopedia o f Library and Information Science. F e l i x H . P r e t s c h , retired science and technol­ ogy librarian at Auburn University, died on May 5, 1981. M in n i e W a l l , former head of the Cataloging Department at Auburn University, died on June 5. She had served at Auburn for 31 years. F r e d e r i c k W e z e m a n , founding director of the University of Iowa School of Library Science, Iowa City, died on November 2. He had been head of the school from 1966 until his retirement: in 1980. ■ ■ W A S H I N G T O N H O T L I N E by Carol Henderson Deputy Director ALA Washington Office "We are going to have to adapt and adjust if we don't go the way of the dinosaur," said Education Secretary T.H. Bell in expressing his concern "about the future of our libraries and … about the future of information science research" to a December 1 colloquium on library and information science research. Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement Donald Senese also addressed the group of 17 library and related association presidents or their representatives gathered to review the draft report of the Education Department-funded project, "A Library and Information Science Research Agenda for the 1980s." Participants included Joanne Harrar (University of Maryland) for ACRL, and myself, substituting for ALA President Elizabeth Stone. The research agenda was developed by Cuadra Associates with the assistance of a group of 26 researchers and practitioners, including two university librarians, Miriam Drake (Purdue University) and Jay Lucker (MIT) ‚ as well as Mary Jo Lynch from ALA's Office for Research. The 26 researchers and practitioners developed a research agenda of 20 projects, grouped under the headings of 1) information generation and provision of library and information services, 2) information users and uses, 3) economics of information and of library and information services, 4) education and profes­ sional issues, and 5) intellectual freedom. A sampling of individual project titles includes "Exploiting the True Capabilities of Electronic Publication," "An Online Network to Support Question Answering in Libraries," "Evaluation of the Changing Needs of Online Search System Users as Influenced by Search Systems Experience," and "Impact of Information on Industrial Productivity." The research agenda project was not designed as "the" agenda, nor did col­ loquium participants see it as such, but as "an" agenda reflecting important research needs, and as a very useful lobbying and communications tool within the library and information science field, with other fields, and with funding entities. Individual organizations were urged to publicize and disseminate the agenda, discuss it at conferences, act on it if possible, and consider it in any other appropriate way. Because it represents an excellent opportunity for interorganizational cooperation, it was agreed the National Commission on Librar­ ies and Information Science could play a useful role by convening a meeting of representatives of interested organizations to discuss possible cooperative steps. One of the most important points agreed to at the colloquium was that interaction between researchers and practitioners begun by the earlier project participants should be continued as organizations react to and act upon the agenda.