ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 24 Copyright Update At the 1982 Midwinter Meeting in Denver both th e A C R L and th e ALA C opyright Committees will be reviewing a document prepared by ALA’s legal cou n sel, Mary Hutchings, which may help clarify library photocopying practice and procedure. The “Draft College and University Policy State­ ment Concerning Photocopying for Classroom and Library Reserve Use” will appear in a fu­ ture issue of C&RL News after a final draft has been agreed upon. Calendar January 21— Information: “Management of Information: The 1980s and Beyond,” the annual Jan u s Sem­ inar, co-sponsored by the New York Chapter of the Special Libraries Association and the Met­ ropolitan New York Chapter of the American Society for Information Science, will be held at the Sheraton C e n tre , New York. C ontact: Susan Newman, Ford Foundation Library, 320 East 43d Street, New York, NY 10017; (212) 573-5157. 21—26— Audio-visual: National Audio-Visual As­ sociation 1982 Convention and Exhibit, Con­ vention C enter, Anaheim, California. Fees: NAVA commercial members, $52; commerical non-mem bers, $67. Contact: Mary Stevens, NAVA, 3150 Spring Street, Fairfax, VA 22031; (703) 273-7200. February 1— M usic: Music O C LC Users Group annual meeting, including workshop on basic OCLC tagging for music scores and sound recordings. Fee: $20 registration, $10 luncheon. Held at the Sheraton-Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica, California. Contact: Christina McCawley, Fran­ cis Harvey Green Library, West Chester State College, West Chester, PA 19380; (215) 436- 2454. 1 -4 — Census: “Census Bureau Statistical R e ­ sources for Librarians,” Washington, D .C ., of­ fered by the Bureau of the Census. Designed for documents and reference librarians, this seminar provides information on programs, products and services available from the Cen­ sus Bureau. Fee: $100. Contact: Dorothy Chin, User Training Branch, Data User Services D i­ vision, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC 20233; (301) 899-7645. 3 -7 — Music Libraries: Fifty-first annual meeting, Music Library Association. Most of the pro­ gram sessions will occur at the M iram ar- 25 Sheraton H o tel, Santa M onica, C alifornia. Panelists will explore film music research, computer-generated music, the development of musical comedy in Los Angeles, and the pres­ ervation of music materials. Registration is $20, with special bus tours $4 and $5 extra. Contact: Stephen M. Fry, Music Library, 1102 Shoen­ b erg H all, U n iv ersity of C aliforn ia, Los Angeles, CA 90024; (213) 825-4881. March 19— Automation: “ Shopping for Library Auto­ m ated S y ste m s ,” W in ter Term W orkshop, Drexel University School of Library and Infor­ mation Science. Fee: $95. Contact: Director, Office of Continuing Professional Education, Drexel University, 32d and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2153. 2 9 -3 1 — D ata Processing: “Information Utilities ’8 2 ,” a conference and exposition sponsored by Online, Inc., to be held at the Rye Town Hil­ ton Hotel and Conference Center, New York. F ee: $495. Contact: Jean-Paul Emard or Je ff Pem berton, Online, In c., 11 Tannery Lane, Weston, CT 06883; (203) 227-8466. April 1-2— U ser Instruction: “Bibliographic Instruc­ tion: Not Just for Freshm en Anymore!” pre­ sented by Bibliographic Instruction South and held at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Fee: $60. Contact: Carol A. Drum, 216 Leigh Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, F L 32611; (904) 392-0573. 6-8— Book Fair: London Book Fair, the only in­ ternational trade fair in Great Britain, Barbican Arts C entre, London. Nearly 500 exhibitors slated . C on tact: Katy Jam es or G isela Gschaider, London Book Fair, 16 Pembridge Road, London, W l l , England. 2 8 -30— Health Sciences: Seventh annual meeting of the Health Science O C LC Users Group, OCLC, Inc., Dublin, Ohio. Contact: Rick B. Forsman, University of Alabama in Birming­ ham, Lister Hill Library, University Station, Birmingham, AL 35294; (205) 934-2299. May 2 -14— Administration: 16th Annual Library Ad­ ministrators Development Program, sponsored by the College of Library and Information Ser­ vices, University of Maryland, College Park. Participants will include senior administrative personnel of large library systems. The resident program will be held at the University of Mary­ land’s Donaldson Brown Center, Port Deposit, Maryland. Contact: Effie T. Knight, Library Administrators Development Program, College of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. 17-20— Census: “Census Bureau Statistical Re­ sources for Librarians,” Washington, D .C . See February 1-4 entry for further information. June 13-16— Information Science: “Information: The Critical Difference,” the 11th Mid-Year M eet­ ing of the American Society for Information Science, held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Contact: ASIS, 1010 16th St., N.W ., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 659-3644. 2 8 -Ju ly 2— Classification: Fourth International Study Conference on Classification Research, sponsored by the Committee on Classification Research of the International Federation for D ocum entation (FID /CR), Augsburg, W est Germany. Contact: FID/CR Secretariat, Woog­ str. 36a, D-6000 Frankfurt 50, West Germany. July 19-21— Collection Management: Regional collec­ tion management and development institute sponsored by the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division’s CM &D Institute Planning Com m ittee, George Washington University, W ashington, D .C . C on tact: B ill D re w e tt, ALA/RTSD, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780, ext. 311. 19-31— Music: Special seminar in music bibli­ ography, University of Illinois, Urbana, con­ ducted by D. W. Krummel. The course will be presented as Library Science 433-I (Advanced Subject Bibliography) and will carry 2 semester hours graduate credit. F ee: $180 for Illinois resid en ts, $332 for non-residents. Contact: G SLIS, University of Illinois, 410 David Kin­ ley Hall, 1407 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-3280. August 2 2 -26— A rchitecture: “Canadian Library Build­ ings: An Observation and Evaluation,” Univer­ sity of Toronto, Ontario. Fee: $200 U.S. Con­ tact: Local O rganizing C o m m ittee, Pre- Conference on Canadian Library Buildings, c/o Donald Forgie, Faculty of Library Science, U niversity of Toronto, 140 St. George S t., Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A1, Canada; (416) 978- 7111. September 12-16— New Technology: “The Challenge of In­ formation Technology,” the 41st Congress of the International Federation for Documenta­ tion , Hong Kong. C on tact: B arry B u rto n , Chairman, Organizing Com m ittee, F ID 41st C on gress, Hong Kong P o ly te ch n ic, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ■ ■ 26 B rin g in a F rie n d Dear ACRL Member: The ACRL Board recently proposed that each ACRL member bring in at least one new member to the Association. The form below is designed for your convenience in listing the name and address of one or more librarian you know who have an interest in academic or research libraries but who are not ACRL members. Your help in completing this form will assist the Association in contacting persons who can benefit from what ACRL has to offer. As a result, ACRL can continue to serve a growing organization and can become an even stronger influence in academic libraries. ACRL appreciates your thoughtfulness. Suggested N am e-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Street Address----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City/State/Zip------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suggested N am e________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City/State/Zip------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of ACRL Member (optional) Please return to: ACRL, 50 Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. JOB LISTING OPTIONS FOR EMPLOYERS Rates DeadlinesO p t i o n ---------------------------------------------- Extra Charges ACRL Members Non-members Applications Submissions No sooner than 2nd of month C&RL News $4.00/line $5.00/line $10 over phone end of month preceding Classified Ads of issue mo. of issue No sooner than 2nd-19th C&RL News $10.00/line $12.00/line none end of month of month*Late Job Notices of issue Fast Job Listing 1-15 lines 1-15 lines $10 over phone No sooner than 2nd of month Service $25 $30 15th of month of issue 16-25 lines 16-25 lines of issue $30 $35 26-35 lines 26-35 lines $35 $40 Telephone $30 $35 $10 over phone; No sooner than 1 p.m. each JO BL IN E (All Jobline ads run 2 wks.) $5 for 1 day after Thursday non-prepayment end of that wk. C&RL News ½ page $255** No sooner than 2nd of month Display Ad ⅜ page $220 none end of month preceding ¼ page $185 of issue mo. of issue NOTES: Telephone orders, while not encouraged due to increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. A confirming order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible following the call, along with a typewritten copy of the ad. All job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. All Positions Open ads must include a salary or range. For display ads: page consists of 2 columns, each 2 ⅜" x 7 ½". * Space guaranteed before the 9th; from 10th—19th, accepted on space available basis. **Camera-readv copy preferred.