ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries ISSN 0099-0086 COLLEGE & R ES EAR CH LIBRARIES news NO. 10 • D EC E M B E R 1978 In this issue: Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award ......................... 325 Continuing Education— VIII ............326 CLR and ARL Announce New Academic Library Program .........328 Education and Behavioral Sciences Section ............................. 329 ACRL Chapters ................................... 331 Photocopying and the Copyright Law ................................ 331 News from the Field .........................332 People .................................................... 335 Publications .......................................... 339 Classified Advertising ....................... 342 Academic/Research Librarian of the Y ear Award The Association o f College and Research Li­ braries invites nominations for the Academic/ Research Librarian of the Year Award, presented jointly by ACRL and the Baker and Taylor Com­ pany. An outline of the specifics of the award is listed below. Any individuals who wish to submit nominations can receive the necessary forms from the ACRL office or by writing: Edward Holley, Dean, School of Library Science, 100 Manning Hall 026-A, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Two o f America s most distinguished librarians have been named to share the first Academic/ Research Librarian of the Year Award. Keyes D. Metcalf and Robert B. Downs were formally pre­ sented with this honor at the first ACRL National Conference, held in Boston. Keyes Metcalf, who served as director of the Harvard University Library from 1937 until his retirem ent in 1955, has been an indefatigable leader on the national and international library scenes. He long has been active in ACRL, and his se le ctio n honors one o f acad em ic lib ra r­ ianship s finest minds and greatest contributors. M etca lf shares the award with form er ALA President Robert B. Downs. Downs directed the U niversity o f Illin ois Library from 1943 until 1971, and, like Metcalf, he continues to exert a strong professional influence through consulting, writing, and teaching. His latest book, R esou rces o f A ustralian L ib r a r ie s , will appear next year. P u r p o s e : To recognize an individual member of the library profession who has made an out­ standing national or international contribution to academic and research librarianship and library development. C r i t e r i a : Individuals nominated should have demonstrated achievements in such areas as: 1. Service to the organized profession through ACRL and related organizations. 2. Sig n ificant and in flu e n tia l re s e a rch on academic or research library service. 3. Publication o f a body of scholarly and/or theoretical writing contributing to academic or research library development. 4. Planning and implementing a library pro­ gram of such exemplary quality that it has served as a model for others. 5. Nominee does not have to m eet all four criteria stated above. R U L E S : The award shall be made each year, at a time and place to be determined by the ACRL Board of Directors. Announcement of the award shall be made by the ACRL president at a time and place to be determined by the ACRL Board o f D irecto rs. If, in the opinion o f the Award Committee, no worthy candidate is nominated in a given year, the award will not be made that year. N o m i n a t i o n s .- Nominations for the award must be returned to the chairperson of the Academic/ Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee and must be postmarked no later than April 1, 1979. Nominations must be submitted in quin­ tuplicate. Nominations must be complete on the application form. T he presence of attachments will disqualify the nomination. Secondary letters will not be considered in the Award Committee s deliberations. N a t u r e o f t h e A w a r d : The ACRL Librarian of the Year Award shall consist of $2,000 and an ap­ propriate citation. ■■ News issue (A) of College & Research Libraries, vol. 39, no. 6