ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 329 Education and Behavioral Sciences Section A S ectio n o f th e A sso c ia tio n o f C o lle g e a n d R e­ s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s , A m eric a n L ib r a r y A ssociation . BYLA W S A rticle I. Name Sec. 1. T h e nam e o f this organization shall be the Education and Behavioral Sciences Section of the Association o f C ollege and R esearch Librar­ ies, a division o f the American Library Associa­ tion. Article II. O b ject Sec. 1. This Section shall rep resent librarians in the field o f education and behavioral sciences. I t will act for A C R L in cooperation with other professional groups in regard to those aspects o f library service that require special knowledge o f education and behavioral sciences. Sec. 2. T h e Education and Behavioral Sciences Section has specific responsibilities: (a) T o advance the interests o f education and behavioral science librarians. (b) To prom ote library instruction in teacher education programs. (c) T o explore problem areas in curriculum ma­ terials administration and recom mend actions for improvement. (d) T o review problem s o f the su b ject access systems for education and behavioral science lit­ erature and recom m end effective ways o f improv­ ing such systems. (e) T o e x p lo re p o s s ib ilitie s fo r d e v e lo p in g standards or guidelines for education library ser­ v ic e s fo r t e a c h e r e d u c a tio n and e d u c a tio n a l research. A rticle III . M em bership Sec. 1. Any m em ber of the Association o f C ol­ lege and R esearch L ib raries may se le ct m em ­ bership in this Section by payment o f dues to the American Library Association and any additional dues required for m em bership in A C R L and its sections. E very m em b er has the right to vote. Any personal m em ber is eligible to hold office. A rticle IV. Officers S e c. 1. O fficers. T h e officers o f this Sectio n shall be a chairperson, a vice-chairperson/chair­ p e r s o n -e le c t, th e im m ed iate past ch airp erso n , and a secretary. Sec. 2. T erm s. All officers and elected m em ­ bers o f the Execu tive C om m ittee shall serve until the adjournm ent o f the annual m eeting at which their successors are announced. In case o f a vacancy in any office, except chairperson, the re ­ placem ent will be appointed by the chairperson. (a) C h a ir p e r s o n . T h e chairperson shall serve for one year. (b) V i c e - c h a i r p e r s o n . T h e c h a ir p e r s o n -e le c t shall serve as vice-chairperson for one year. At its expiration, or earlier in case o f a vacancy in the office o f chairp erson, th e vice-chairperso n suc­ ceeds to th e office o f chairperson. (c) S e c r e t a r y . T h e secretary shall serve for a term of two years. Article V. Meetings Se c . 1. T h e regular business m eetin g o f the Section shall be held at th e tim e and place o f the A nnual C o n fe r e n c e o f th e A m e rica n L ib ra ry Association. Sec. 2. T en m em bers shall constitute a quorum at a m eeting. A rticle V I. E xecutive C om m ittee Sec. 1. Composition. T h e Executive Com m it­ tee shall consist o f the officers, two m em bers-at­ large appointed for one year by the chairperson, and the chairpersons of standing com m ittees. S e c . 2. P ow ers and D u ties. T h e E x e c u tiv e C om m ittee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Program C o m m ittee, which consists of the chairperson and additional appointed m em bers. T he Executive C om m ittee shall have the author­ ity to conduct the business o f the Section pro­ vided that none o f its acts shall conflict with or modify any actions taken by A C R L and ALA. S e c . 3. M eetin g s. R e g u la r m eetin g s o f the Executive C om m ittee shall be held at the tim e and place o f the Annual C o n feren ce and M id­ winter M eeting o f th e American Library Associa­ tion. Special m eetings may be called at the dis­ cretion o f the chairperson. Se c. 4. Quorum. A m ajority o f the m em bers constitute a quorum at any m eeting o f the E xecu ­ tive C om m ittee. Article V II. Com m ittees S e c . 1. S ta n d in g C o m m itte e s . T h e E B S S chairperson may appoint and discontinue ad hoc and standing com m ittees with the approval of the E x e c u t iv e C o m m itte e . All c o m m itte e s sh all re p o rt to th e E x e c u tiv e C o m m itte e and the m em b ersh ip through th e ir chairpersons at the Executive C om m ittee meetings and/or the annual m em bership meetings. Sec. 2. Discussion Groups. Informal discussion groups, to m eet at the tim e of an annual confer­ ence, may be formed by th e chairperson or any five m em b ers. T h e E B S S chairperson may ap­ po int a d iscussion group ch airp erson to serve 330 until the discussion group elects its own chairper­ son. Article V III. Nominations and Elections S e c . 1. N o m in atio n s. T h e v ic e -c h a irp e rso n ( c h a ir p e r s o n - e le c t) o f th e S e c tio n , w ith th e approval o f th e c h a ir p e rs o n , sh all ap p o in t a Nominating C om m ittee o f at least three personal m em bers o f the Se ctio n . T his co m m ittee shall p resent at least two candidates for each o f the offices o f the chairperson-elect, and, every second y ear, o f s e c r e ta r y . E a ch ca n d id a te p re se n te d must have consented to the candidacy in writing and must be a m em ber in good standing at the time of nomination. Representation of both edu­ cation and the behavioral sciences should be con­ sidered in selecting nominees for office and other m embers o f the Executive Com m ittee. Sec. 2. E lections. Elections shall be conducted by mail ballot in accordance with the procedures and deadlines established by the American L i­ brary Association. F or each office, the candidate receiving the largest num ber o f votes cast shall b e elected. In case o f a tie vote, the successful candidate shall be determined by lot. Candidates elected shall be reported at the annual meeting. Article IX. General Provisions Sec. I. W herever these Bylaws make no specific provisions, the organization o f and the pro­ cedure in this Section shall correspond to that set forth in the Bylaws of ACRL. Article X. Amendments S e c . 1. P r o p o s a ls . A m e n d m e n ts to th e s e Bylaws may be proposed in writing to the mem­ bership o f the Section by the Executive Comm it­ tee, or a com m ittee appointed for this purpose, or by any five m em bers. Proposals originating from the membership shall be filed with the sec­ retary at least three months before the annual meeting. S e c . 2 . V o tin g . A cop y o f any p ro p osed amendment shall be mailed by the secretary of the Section to each m em ber at least thirty days before the annual m eeting or shall be announced in C o lle g e & R e se a r c h L ib r a r ie s N ew s in an issue prior to the annual meeting. A plurality vote of the m em b ers p re sen t and voting at an annual m eeting or casting ballots in a mail vote shall carry a proposed amendment. (Approved by the E B S S m embership at ALA Annual Conference June 1978.) Bylaws Revision Com m ittee: Laura Gowdy, Illinois State Univer­ sity; Lois J. Lehman, Indiana University; and Eva L. Kiewitt, chairperson, Indiana University. ■■