ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 331 A C R L Chapters • T he M i s s o u r i A C R L C h a p t e r m et at the annual Missouri Library Association Conference Septem ber 28, 1978, at the Hilton Airport Inn, Kansas City. This business m eeting was for the purpose of electing officers for 1978-79. They are: C h a ir p er so n Joan na T od d, D ir e c to r o f R ead er S e rv ice s, Hugh Stephens Library, Stephens College, Co­ lumbia, MO 65201; V ice-C h a ir p ers o n /C h a ir p ers o n elect Dana Rooks, Head, Instructional & Research Services, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 8100 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63130; S e c r eta r y /Tre a s u r e r M arjorie Sellers, Interlibrary Loan Librarian, Mid America Interlibrary Services Program Assis­ tant, Park College Library, Parkville, MO 64152. M A C RL and the P u blic Lib rary Division of MLA sponsored a mini-workshop, “How to get there: staff developm ent,” conducted by Barbara Conroy, educational consultant, on Friday, Sep­ te m b e r 29. T hat ev en in g M A C RL was a jo in t sponsor for the all-conference autograph party for Barbara Conroy, Robert Corm ier, and Sharon Bell M ath is.— M a r jo r ie S e lle r s , S e c r e t a r y , M issou ri A C R L C h a p te r. ■■ Photocopying and the Copyright Law T he Association o f American Publishers, Inc. (AAP) and the Authors League of America, Inc. have issued a pamphlet entitled P h o to co p y in g by A c a d e m ic ‚ P ublic a n d N on p ro fit R e se a rc h L ib r a r ­ ies. This pamphlet contains interpretations of the new copyright law and its guidelines similar to those found in AAP’s earlier publication P h o to ­ co p y in g b y C o r p o r a te L ib r a r ie s . Although these pamphlets purport to explain the new copyright law as it applies to libraries, they in fact contain distortions o f fact and misrep­ resentations o f the law and its guidelines. Some examples of these are: • Beginning on page three and throughout the text AAP refers to section 107 on “fair use” as being restricted by section 108. This is clearly incorrect. It is stated in section 108 that nothing in section 108 “in any way af­ fects the right of fair use as provided by sec­ tion 107. … ” • Beginning on page nine and throughout the text AAP presents the Classroom Guidelines as indicating that uses other than those spec­ ified by the guidelines are not perm itted. The Classroom Guidelines themselves state that uses that do not fall within the permis­ sible provisions may still be defensible under section 107 “fair use. ” • AAP assumes that the minimums stated in the Guidelines are maximums although the Guidelines clearly indicate they are not. • AAP states that reserve desk copying is gov­ erned by the Classroom G uidelines rather than guidelines in section 108. This is the AAP’s interpretation of the law and has no legal basis. • T he discussion of the relative weights to be a w d a b t a s C t i A A placed on the Senate and House Reports is distorted and misleading. Contrary to what AAP states, it is the House report that had a greater influence on the C onference Com ­ m ittee, which adopted the House language in its report. The library associations believe that the p re­ sent law and its guidelines and the explanatory materials distributed by the Copyright Office and the American Library Association are sufficient guidance on which to provide lib rary service. They also believe that some decisions concerning library photocopying must rem ain jud gm ental since all combinations o f circumstance and con­ tingency cannot be anticipated and provided for in guidelines. T he American Library Association warns: “L i­ b ra ria n s shou ld r e m e m b e r th at u n ila te ra l guidelines, independently issued, have no valid­ ity under the law. Our present responsibilities re (1) to live with the law and guidelines as they ere approved by Congress and as they exist to­ ay, and (2) to develop recording, documenting, nd reporting procedures for the five year review y the Register of Copyrights mandated by sec­ ion 108 (i).” W e endorse that statement in the be lief that it represents the best interests of academic libraries nd th e ir users. L ib rarian s d esirin g guidance hou ld rev iew m a te ria l p u b lish e d by th e opyright Office and the material distributed by he American Library Association in their L ib r a r ­ a n ’s C o p y rig h t Kit. T h is sta te m e n t has b e e n approved by the C R L Ad Hoc C opyright C o m m ittee and the CRL Board o f Directors. ■■