ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 344 Classified Advertising one day per m onth. Retirement plans and group insurance avail­ able. APPLICATIONS: Deadline for applications is January 1, 1979. Position available July 1, 1979. Send résumé and letter of a pplica­ tion to: Dr. Dudley Yates. Director of Library Services, Tennessee Technological University, Box 5066, Cookeville, TN 3 85 01 . Ten­ nessee Tech is an Affirm ative Action/Equal O pportunity Employer. We com ply with Title IX of the Educational A m endm ents o f 1972 and the Rehabilitation Act o f 1973. A S S IS TAN T DIRECTOR FOR TE C H N IC A L SERVICES, Stanford University Libraries (reposted). Adm inisters A quisition, Catalog, and Serials D epartm ents. Responsible for tech n ica l services policies and goals. Participates in general library planning, budgeting, policy m aking and setting o f priorities. Significant experience in technical services, co m p ete nce in the m anagem ent o f library operations, understanding of the workings of a large research library, kn ow l­ edge o f conservation p rinciples and ability to lead effectively are re q u ire d . Salary $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 m in . S u b m it ré su m é a nd s u p p o rtin g docum entation to: David C. Weber. Director. Stanford University Li­ braries, Stanford, CA 9 43 05 . An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT HEAD OF MARC. Univ. of W isconsin-M adison M em o­ rial Library is seeking applicants for the position o f Asst. Head of MARC Dept. Duties in clu de tra inin g and supervising paraprofes­ sional staff in searching, copy cataloging and OCLC procedures; as­ sisting in the d irec tio n and supervision o f work flow; serving as liaison w ith Principal Cataloger/Catalog editor from Catalog Dept, and c o n su ltin g on tagging a nd co n te n t designation of m achine- readable catalog records and OCLC procedures a nd operations; and assum ing duties o f Head of Dept, in her absence. Q ualifica­ tions: A LA -accredited MLS degree and dem onstrated successful experience after receiving MLS in some form o f cataloging and com puter-assisted cataloging and supervisory, managerial or p er­ sonnel experience. Salary m inim um : $ 15,000; academ ic a pp oin t­ ment as Specialist; benefits in clu de sick leave, state retirem ent program, health and life insurance. Letter o f application, résumé and names of three references to Joan Ring, Personnel Officer, 3 6 0 Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, Wl 5 37 0 6 by Janu­ ary 15, 1979. EO/AA Employer. ASS IS TAN T OR ASSOCIATE U N IV E R S ITY L IB R A R IA N (P u blic Services), University of California, San Diego. Salary range: $ 22 ,00 0 - $36,200. Available after January 1, 1979. Serves w ith the Assis­ tan t University Librarian (Technical Services) as principal deputies o f the University Librarian. U nder the general direction of the U n i­ versity Librarian, a dm in isters and coordinates th e p u b lic service functions of the University Library. Provides leadership in establish­ ing services to support UCSD instructional and research programs, and services to meet the needs of the general public. Initiates and coordinates research on user needs and evaluation of library ser­ vices. Works w ith all library units to coordinate operations in order to m aintain consistency and quality of standards w ithin the Univer­ sity Library. Participates in general adm inistrative processes: policy and pla nning, budget and resource allocation, organization and com m unication, staff development, and personnel decisions. May assume more specific re sponsibility for an adm inistrative function, e.g.. personnel, space planning. Has line responsibility for the Cen­ tral University Library's Circulation, Reference, and Music Depart­ ments, the Cluster Undergraduate Library, and the Slide Collection. Coordinates the library instruction program. Represents the UCSD Library as appropriate. Contributes to the profession, and m aintains an awareness of cu rre nt professional developments through p a rtici­ pation in professional organizations and activities. Q ualifications: an understanding of the scholarly use of library collections and ser­ vices; an awareness o f cu rre nt trends in higher education and li­ brary service at the local and national levels; dem onstrated ability to work effectively witth research-oriented faculty, library staff, and other members of the academ ic com m unity; considerable public service experience, inclu din g adm inistrative responsibilities, pre fe r­ ably in a large research library; M.L.S. from ALA-accredited library school are required. Knowledge of research and evaluation tech ­ niques is highly desirable. UCSD is an equal opportunity, affirm a ­ tive action employer. Applications accepted through Decem ber 31, 1978. Subm it applications, enclosing a résumé and a list of refer­ ences, to: M illic e n t D. Abell, U niversity Librarian, U niversity of California, San Diego, Library, C-075-G2, La Jolla, CA 9 2093. University o f California. Riverside, is re cruiting a CATALOGER for original cataloging o f monographic materials in modern European literatures and languages. Exciting opportunity for participation in policy making, professional development, and im plem entation of automated cataloging and patron access systems. Undergraduate m ajor in a t least one m ajor European literature; reading ability in two m ajor languages required; three o r more years o f academ ic cataloging experience preferred. A pp o in tm e nt as assistant or asso­ ciate librarian; initial a ppointm ent range: $ 1 2 ,9 2 4 -$ 16.584. Posi­ tion open Decem ber 15, 1978. Send résumé and list of three pro­ fessional references to Ms. Rikki Robison, Library Personnel Office, University o f California, Riverside, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 9 25 07 . The university is an equal o pp ortun ity/a ffirm ative action employer. C A T A LO G E R -S P A N IS H /P O R T U G U E S E L AN G U AG E S. U n iv. of W isconsin-M adison Memorial Library is seeking a pplicants for the NOTICE R e spo n de n ts to a d ve rtisers o ffe rin g fa c u lty " r a n k '' and "s ta tu s " are advised tha t these term s are a m b ig u ou s and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisem ents for the “ Positions Wanted” and the "Posi­ tions O pen" classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as c o n ­ ditions of em ploym ent. The American Library Association re­ quires a salary range for all "P ositions O pen." Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Association of College and Research Libraries, A m erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, and should reach that office before the second o f the m onth pre­ ce din g publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. To insure that readers have s u ffi­ cient lead tim e to re spond to "P ositions O pen," advertisers m ust list closing dates no sooner than the end of the month of publication. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk o f copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to the ACRL office at (3 12) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 . A con­ firm in g order should be mailed to ACRL as soon as possible follow ­ ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $ 1.8 0 per printed line to ACRL members; $ 2.2 5 per printed line to non-ACRL members. Ind ividu ­ als who advertise on behalf of organizations will be charged accord­ ing to the organization's m em bership status. FOR SALE CONTEMPORARY CHINA — Major Research & Documentary Collec­ tion. All topics 7 ,0 0 0 vols. plus. Write M. Frazin, ERAC, Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. SEARCH SERVICE. E x -libraria ns lo c a te title s o r su bje c t, p lu s 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 ind e xed s to c k . PAB 2 9 1 7 A tla n tic . A tla n tic City, NJ 08401. Phone: 609/34 4-19 4 3. POSITIONS OPEN A C Q U IS IT IO N L IB R A R IA N : A c q u ire s m a teria ls, evaluates and processes gifts, assists with collection b uildin g and sharing in book selection. Assists at c irc u la tio n /re fe re n c e desk o ccasionally on nights and w eekends. MLS fro m an A LA -accredited school re ­ quired. Knowledge of foreign languages helpful. Faculty status. A non-tenure track 9 m onth position. Salary: $ 90 00 , or negotiable. Position available: August 27, 1979. Apply by Decem ber 31, 1978. Send letter of application and résumé to Mr. M iller Boord. Librar­ ian, Randolph-M acon W oman's College. Lynchburg, Virginia 2 4503. An Equal O pportunity Employer. A C Q U ISITIO N S L IB R A R IA N . U niversity Librarian II. U n de r the supervision o f the Associate Director: 1. Works closely with collec­ tion developm ent librarian in b uilding the collection and establish­ ing b udgetary p rojections. 2. Supervises, sch ed ule s and tra ins seven para-professional and clerical FTE in the ordering, claim ing and re ceipt of all library m aterials and in the m aintenance o f the necessary files including several print-outs. 3. Monitors and reports expenditures. 4. Supervises gifts and exchanges and bindery opera­ tions. Q ualifications: graduate degree in Library Science; 2 to 3 years experience in acquisitions and control of library materials; strong supervisory experience; background in business o r a c c o u n t­ ing procedures hig hly desirable. Benefits: salary $ 1 6 ,00 0, 3 5 hour week, 22 work days vacation; 12 paid holidays; TIAA-CREF or So­ cial Security/CT. State retirem ent; and health insurance. Send ré ­ sumé and letter of application to: Anthony Aguirre, Associate Direc­ to r of University of Conn. Health Center Library, Farmington, CT 060 32 , by Decem ber 31, 1978. An Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. ASSISTANT CATALOG LIB R A R IA N . Tennessee Technological U n i­ versity. Cookeville, Tennessee. Salary range: $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 1 ,2 0 0 + depending on qualifications. Twelve-month position. DUTIES: Re­ sponsible for cataloging of nonbook materials using OCLC terminal; maintenance o f pub lic catalogs; and original cataloging o f sound re c o rd in g s and o th e r n o n b o o k m a te ria ls . R epo rts to Head of C a ta lo g in g . R E Q U IR E M E N TS : MLS o r e q u iv a le n t fro m ALA- accredited school. Two years’ cataloging experience in academ ic li­ brary using LC classification, AACR, and the OCLC form ats p re ­ ferred. BENEFITS: Faculty benefits with rank of instructor. Annual leave accrues at the rate of two days per month and sick leave at 345 position of Spanish/Portuguese Language Cataloger. Duties include original cataloging of Spanish, Portuguese and English language m onographs in all subjects, assisting with catalog editing, revising filin g and other related cataloging tasks and participation in c o m ­ m ittee work and professional d eve lop m e nt. Q ualifications: ALA- accredited MLS degree; reading knowledge of Spanish and Por­ tuguese in c lu din g a m ajor in one of these two languages or d e m ­ onstrated equivalent language competence; and docum ented fam il­ iarity with Ibero-American history and culture and /or bibliography. Salary m in im um : $ 13 ,15 0; a cadem ic a p p oin tm e nt as Specialist; benefits include sick leave, state retirem ent program, group health and life insurance. Letter of application, résum é and names of 3 references should be sent to Joan Ring, Personnel O fficer, 3 60 Memorial Library, 728 State St., Madison, Wl 5 3 7 0 6 by February 15, 1979. EO/AA Employer. COORDINATOR OF REFERENCE SERVICES. The U niversity of N orthern Colorado Libraries are seeking candidates for the position of coordinator of reference services. The incum bent will formulate policy and direct the operation of the Reference Service in co m ­ pliance with the objectives and goals of the university libraries. MLS from an ALA-accredited school required; second subject master's degree required; a m in im um of six years of academ ic library ex­ perience required, o f w h ich fou r years m ust be reference experi­ ence; two years of supervisory experience preferred. Twelve-month salary between $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 1 8 ,0 0 0 dep en d en t upon qua lifica tio ns and experience. Faculty rank and status, 2 0 work days vacation, facu lty travel assistance, o p p o rtu n itie s fo r adva nce d academ ic study, generous sick leave, retirem ent program. A pplications must be postmarked no later than February 1. 1979. Interviews will be conducted at ALA Midwinter. Apply to: Tom Peischl, Adm inistrative L ib ra ria n , Jam es A. M ic h e n e r Lib ra ry, U n iv e rs ity o f N o rth e rn Colorado. Greeley. CO 8 0639. DIRECTOR OF LIB RA RIE S. Rollins College invites nom inations and applications for the position of Director of Libraries. Rollins College is an independent institution in an attractive, residential com m unity adjacent to Orlando. There are 1,300 undergraduates and more than 3 ,0 0 0 students in the associated undergraduate and graduate programs. The candidate should have an A.L.A.-accredited gradu­ ate degree and successful adm inistrative experience in a college or university library, evidence of significant professional activities, and a co m m itm e nt to the aim s and values of the liberal arts. This posi­ tion offers an opportunity for significant planning and policy m a k­ ing. The appointm ent, effective June 1. 1978, has faculty rank. Salary: $ 1 9 .0 0 0 - $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 , c o m m e n s u ra te w ith e xp e rie n c e and q ua lific a tio ns . A p p lic a tio n s sh ou ld be re ceived by January 15, 1979. Send résumé to Chairperson. Director of Libraries' Search Committee, Box 2 71 2, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida 32789. Rollins College is an Affirm ative Action, Title IX employer. DIRECTOR OF LIB R A R IE S . University o f M anitoba, W innipeg, Manitoba. The Library of the University of Manitoba including 12 regional libraries com prises over 1.2 million volumes. The Chief Li­ brarian supervises a staff of 61 professional librarians and 172 support staff; is responsible for the pre paration and control of a budget o f $ 4.4 million and is responsible for the overall a dm inistra­ tion and policy coordination o f the various functional divisions of the university library system. He/she reports directly to the Vice- President (Academ ic). This academ ic position is to be filled by July 1. 1979 for an initial term of 5 -7 years. A candidate for the posi­ tion should have form al qualifications in Librarianship and/or Infor­ mation Science and a record of substantial adm inistrative achieve­ ment. Salary range $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 4 0 .0 0 0 . Nominations and/or a pplica­ tions should include a cu rric u lu m vitae and the names of three re­ ferees and be sent to: Dr. D. J. Lawless; Vice-President (Academic). University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N 2. Responses will be received until Decem ber 31, 1978. DIRECTOR OF THE VON DER AHE LIBRARY. Loyola Marym ount University seeks n om inations and candidates fo r Director of the Von d e r A he Library. The Von d er Ahe L ibrary is an 8 0 ,0 0 0 - square-foot structure at the Westchester campus; it was recently renovated and e xpa nd e d and c o n ta in s a p p ro x im a te ly 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 books together with periodicals and government docum ents. Loyola Marym ount University is a Catholic University sponsored by the So­ ciety o f Jesus and the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary. En­ rollment on the Westchester Campus is presently at capacity: 340 0 undergraduates and 1000 graduate students. The University is lo­ cated in the western suburbs of Los Angeles, approximately three miles from the Pacific Ocean. Reports to Academic Vice President. The Director of the Von der Ahe Library is responsible for providing academ ic support for students and faculty through the Library and its departments. The staff includes five professional Librarians, four­ teen clerical staff, as well as a Director of the Learning Resource Center and two assistants. Candidates should have at least five ye ars o f lib ra ry a d m in is tra tiv e e x p e rie n c e , p ossess an ALA- accredited Master's Degree, have an understanding of cu rre nt li­ brary trends and budget procedures. The Director will be expected to provide leadership in library development and be oriented toward the service of the library constituencies. Salary will be competitive and based on the experience and qualifications of the appointee. (Salary range $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 8 ,0 0 0 .) The a ppointm ent will be effective m id -sch oo l year 1 9 7 8 -7 9 (negotiable). Candidates for the position should su bm it their applications, together with résumés and sup­ p ortin g docu m e nts by January 15, 1978 to: Dr. Mel Bertolozzi, Chair, Library Search Committee, Box 4 55, Loyola M arym ount Uni­ versity, Los Angeles, California 90045. Loyola Marym ount University is firm ly com m itted to affirm ative action fo r equal opportunity in the em ploym ent of minorities, women, handicapped and veterans. HEAD, A C Q U IS ITIO N S D E PAR TM ENT. A d m in is te r a cqu is itio ns operations w h ic h inclu de p re -order searching, vendor selection, fu n d a c c o u n tin g , re c e iv in g , a nd g ifts . R e q u ire m e n ts : A .L .A .- accredited M.L.S. M in im um three years professional academ ic ac­ q u is itio n s e x p e rie nce . E xperience w ith c o lle c tio n d eve lop m e nt, dom estic and foreign book trade, budget allocation methods, auto­ mated technical services systems, o.p. market. Reading knowledge of at least one modern European language. Demonstrated super­ visory ability. Benefits: Full faculty status. TIAA/CREF, paid life and m ajor medical insurance. 22 days paid vacation per year. Salary: $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 -$ 18,000 for twelve-m onth appointm ent. Apply by Febru­ ary 1, 1979 to: William K. Black, Assistant to the Dean. University Libraries, University o f Louisville. Louisville. KY 4 02 08 . AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. HEAD CATALOG LIB RA RIA N. University library seeks applicants to head its catalog departm ent consisting of two professionals and a clerical staff o f seven full-tim e employees. Should be experienced with OCLC and have a knowledge of data-base m anagem ent. Re­ quires MLS from ALA-accredited library school and a m in im um of three years cataloging experience which includes increasing super­ visory responsibilities. Salary negotiable depending upon qualifica­ tions; $ 14 ,00 0 m in im um for 12 months. Benefits include optional annuity retirem ent programs and state-paid Social Security. Dead­ line for a pp lica tion s is January 15, 1979. P relim inary interviews possible a t ALA M idwinter meeting. Send résumé and names of three references to: William L. Stewart, Jr., Asst. Director for Tech­ nical Services, Univ. o f Texas at San Antonio Library, San Antonio, Texas 78285. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. HEAD, LIBRARY SERVICES (Division of University Extension). Re­ sponsible for collection development and library services for Prov­ idence facility plus four extension teaching centers. Participates in related faculty/professional activities. Reports to the Dean, Univer­ sity Libraries. Full position description and appointm ent criteria will be sent to qualified applicants. Qualifications: ALA-accredited de­ gree. eight years (five if advanced subject degree also held) profes­ sional library experience in c lu d in g progressive a dm inistrative ex­ perience in university extension library services o r com p ara b le b ra n c h /c o u n ty lib ra ry services, e v id e n c e of s c h o la rs h ip a n d /o r teaching ability to com m unicate effectively. Available February 1, 1979. Associate Professor, m in im um salary $20,639. Send résumé and letters of reference by January 15, 1979 to: Dean G. R. Parks. Chair, Search Committee. University of Rhode Island. Kingston, Rl 02881. Affirm ative Action/Equal O pportunity Employer. L IB R A R IA N , CATALOGING DEPARTMENT, M ilne Library, State University College. Oneonta. N.Y. A ccredited MLS required. W ork­ ing knowledge o f AACR. MARC format, OCLC. LC classification and LC subject headings. A ppointm ent available April 1, 1979. Assis­ tant librarian rank ($ 1 0 ,5 0 0 m inim um ; 12 months). Usual benefits. Will supervise retrospective conversion of shelflist to OCLC data base. Catalogs original monographs and serials not found in data base. Evening and weekend assignments on a rotating basis. Ap­ plications accepted until January 15. 1979. Send résumé, place­ ment folder, in c lu din g three letters of recommendation, to Christine Bulson, Chairperson, Personnel Committee. M ilne Library, State University College. Oneonta. N.Y. 13820. State University of New York is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. L IB R A R IA N : H E A D S E R IA L S L IB R A R IA N . MLS fro m ALA- a c c re d ite d s ch oo l, five years o f pro fe ssion a l e xpe rie n c e in an academ ic library (preferably in serials) required. Supervisory ex­ perience. knowledge o f foreign languages, and a second master's degree highly desirable. Works with a serials staff of 9, inclu din g 1 professional, serving an academ ic c o m m u n ity o f 1 0,0 00 u nd er­ graduate and graduate students and 6 5 0 faculty, and a working collection of 7 ,0 0 0 serials. Has full responsibility for all activities of the serials departm ent including supervision, scheduling, and train­ ing of staff mem bers to accom plish ordering, claim ing, binding and operation o f the Kardex and other files; public service for the peri­ odicals reading room; production and updating o f a computerized lis tin g of serials holdings. W orks closely w ith other d ep artm en t heads and director of the library in form ulating library policies. Is prim arily responsible for the selection and organization of serial ma­ terial and works closely with academ ic library representatives and the reference departm ent in this area o f collection development. Salary $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 and up. depending on qualifications. Faculty status. Twelve month appointm ent. Liberal retirement, insurance, and va­ cation benefits. Position open 9/1/79. Send résumé and 3 letters of reference to Mary Jane Conger. Chairperson, Library Search Com­ mittee, Jackson Library, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC 27412. Deadline for applications: postmarked by 2 /1 5 /7 9 . An Affirm ative Action Equal O pportunity Employer. 346 LIB R A R IA N S . California State University, Long Beach, is a large, com prehensive university with a stud e nt body of 3 3 ,0 00 . The 1.7 m illion bibliographic item library has a 185-FTE staff and an annual budget o f 3.1 m illion. Current openings are for: (1 ) HEAD, SCI­ ENCE REFERENCE, SENIOR ASSISTANT (12 -m o nth . $ 1 4 ,1 1 2 - 1 9 ,4 8 8 ) o r A S S O C IA T E L IB R A R IA N (1 2 -m o n th , $ 1 8 , 1 8 0 - $ 2 1 ,9 0 0 ) d epending on preparation and experience. Requires five years' e xperience in a four-year acad em ic institutio n; a second Master's in a subject area and experience with science data bases desired; (2 ) SCIENCE REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N , ASSISTANT L I­ B RARIAN (12-m onth, $ 1 2 ,1 4 4 -1 6 .7 1 6 ) o r S ENIO R ASSISTANT LIB R A R IA N (12-m onth. $ 14 ,1 1 2 — 19,488) d epending on p repara­ tion and experience. Science background desired. Ten-m onth work schedule negotiable. O pportunities fo r bib liographic instruction and c o m p u te r-b a s e d b ib lio g r a p h ic s e a rc h s e rv ic e ; (3 ) S O C IA L S C IE N C E S /B U S IN E S S REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N , A SS IS TA N T LIB R A R IA N (12-m onth. $ 1 2 ,1 4 4 -1 6 ,7 1 6 ) or SENIOR ASSISTANT L IB R A R IA N (12-m onth, $ 1 4 ,1 1 2 -1 9 ,4 8 8 ) dep en d in g on p repara­ tion and experience. Social science and business background d e ­ sired. Ten-m onth work schedule negotiable. O pportunities fo r b ib ­ lio g ra ph ic in s tru c tio n and c o m p u te r-b a s e d b ib lio g ra p h ic search service. All three positions require A LA-accredited graduate degree. A pply by January 1. 1979 (postm ark) to: Lloyd A. Kramer, Associ­ ate Director, University Library, California State U niversity, Long Beach, CA 9 08 40 . An Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action, Title IX Employer. LITERATURE BIB LIO G RA P HE R. Selects books and journals in the fields of English/American and Western European literatures. May be required to assist in oth e r activities such as reference service. An a c c re d ite d MLS degree; flu e n c y in Fre n ch and a w o rk in g knowledge of German; Italian or Russian desirable: advanced d e ­ gree in literature and previous library experience preferred. Salary: $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 - $ 1 4 ,00 0, d epending on qualifications. Closing date for a pp lica tion s: D e cem be r 3 1, 1978. Send ré su m é to: Miss Jane Titus, Paley Library, Tem ple University. Philadelphia. PA 19122. An equal o pportunity employer. M EDIA /C U R R IC U LU M CHAIRPERSON. Senior assistant o r associ ate librarian. Responsible for a dm inistration of m edia/curriculum ce nte r, in c lu d in g p olicy deve lop m e nt, staff and b ud ge t c o ntro l, facilities planning, equ ipm en t selection, collection growth, and o r­ g anization. MLS; a pp ro pria te second m aster's and dem onstrated professional achievem ent desirable. M in im um two years a dm inistra­ tive experience. Salary: $ 1 ,1 7 6 - $1,825/mo. A pply before January 15, 1979 to Louis A. Kenney, University Librarian. San Diego State University. San Diego. CA 9 21 82 . An equal opportunity/affirm ative action/Title IX employer. MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. U nder the supervision of the Senior Monographic Cataloger. does original cataloging and classification o f m onographic materials, in c lu din g m icroforms, and establishes uniform titles. Assists with the more d iffic u lt partial copy cataloging fo r OCLC in p u t. D e p a rtm e n t c a ta log s a to ta l o f 2 5 .0 0 0 title s (4 0 .0 0 0 volumes) annually, o f which approxim ately 2 .0 0 0 titles are cataloged originally. Library Faculty at SUNYA are expected to fulfill faculty obligations in one or more of the areas o f teaching, re­ search, and service as well as specific library assignments. Q ualifi­ ca tio n s : MLS fro m an A L A -a c c re d ite d L ibrary S chool. W o rkin g knowledge of at least one m odern European language required. Prior cataloging experience in a m edium or large research library preferred, inclu din g fam iliarity with AACR and LC cataloging p rac­ tices. LC classification and subject headings, and a w orking k n ow l­ edge o f OCLC. Salary a n d Rank: A pp o in tm e nt will be at the rank of Assistant Librarian o r Senior Assistant Librarian, d epending on qua l­ ifications. Recruitm ent range: $ 1 1 ,2 0 0 - $ 15 ,00 0. Twelve m onths appointm ent; sick leave and annual leave @ 1.7 5 days each per m onth; fully paid m ajor medical, hospitalization and dental ins u r­ a nce . Social s e c u rity coverage. TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Retirem ent available (employee contribution = 3% ). Con­ tact: Jean Whalen. Personnel Librarian, University Library. Room 109. State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Av­ enue, Albany, New York 12222. Inquiries should be received by D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1 9 7 8 . T h e U n iv e r s ity a t A lb a n y is a n E qu a l O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. Applications from women, m inorities and handicapped are especially welcom e. READERS' SERVICES L IB R A R IA N . Effective July 1, 1979. B iblio­ graphic instruction, circulation and interlibrary loan, general refer­ ence duties. Required; M.L.S.; second master's degree in academ ic discipline preferred; at least two years experience in academ ic li­ brary; dem onstrated leadership qualities; preference for a liberal arts institution; knowledge of federal docu m e nts preferred. Salary: M in im um $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 plus fringe benefits for a 12-month contract. Deadline: Decem ber 31. 1978. Job annou n cem en t available upon request. Contact: Mr. Michael Haeuser, Head Librarian, Linfield Col­ lege, M cM innville. Oregon. 9 71 28 . An Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. R E FE RE NCE , D E P A R TM E N T HEAD. Tennessee T e c hn o lo g ica l University. Cookeville, Tennessee. Salary: Depending upon q u a lifi­ c a tio n s , m in im u m $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 . T w e lv e -m o n th p o s itio n . DUTIES: Supervise one professional and two supportive staff members. Pro­ vide user education programs, facilitate ILL. Provide reference ser­ vice to students and faculty. Responsible for c o m p ute r searches (Lockheed’s Dialog and SDC’s O rbit). REQUIREMENTS: Three to seven years in re ference in an a cadem ic library. Two to three years o f adm inistrative responsibility. M.S. in L.S. from A.L.A. School plus subject area master's degree. Familiarity w ith c o m p ute r data bases. BENEFITS: Faculty ra nk. Annual leave accrues a t the rate of two days per m onth and sick leave at one day p er m onth. Retirement plans and group insurance available. APPLICATIONS: Deadline for applications is January 1, 1979. Position available May 1, 1979. Send résumé and letter o f a pplication to: Dr. Dudley Yates, Director of Library Services. Tennessee Technological University, Box 5066, Cookeville, TN 3 85 01 . Tennessee Tech is an Affirm ative Action/ Equal O pportunity Employer. We com ply with Title IX o f the Educa­ tional A m endm ents of 1972 and the Rehabilitation Act o f 1973. RESEARCH LIB R A R IA N , SCIENCE. The University of Akron se eks an energetic, service-oriented professional w ith a strong knowledge o f inform ation sources in the sciences. The Research Librarian coordinates collection developm ent in subject areas; provides spe­ cialized instruction for students; serves as liaison to faculty; shares in budget preparation; responds to research problem s: rotates on an evening and weekend schedule in general reference; and p ar­ ticipates in the academ ic life of the University. Librarians have 12 month contract with m onth vacation, liberal fringe benefit package, fa c u lty ra n k , a nd e lig ib ility fo r te n u re . Q u a lific a tio n s : A .L .A .- a ccredited MLS; reference experience in an academ ic library; su b ­ je c t background; and ability to work with faculty, and w ith students from associate to Ph.D. levels. Advanced subject degree preferred. F am iliarity with c o m p u te r lite ra tu re se archin g desirable. Salary: $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 + . Send vita by Decem ber 31, 1978, to: David R. B rink. Chairperson, Search Committee. Bierce Library, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 4 4 3 2 5 . An equal o pp ortunity/affirm ative action employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N . Shares responsibility for p ro ­ viding services for undergraduates in general science and for fac ­ ulty and graduate students in math and statistics. Participates in bibliographic instruction, library exhibits, and searching reserve lists and bibliographic data bases. Requires M.L.S., science background (preferable physics, ch em istry, o r m ath), p u b lic services e xpe ri­ ence, and organizational ability. Available im m ediately. Rank and salary depen d in g on qualifications, $ 1 1 ,9 0 0 m in im um . Résumés to P hilip E. L einbach, Harvard U n iversity Library, Cam bridge, MA 0 2138. An EE/AA Employer. SEARCH LIB R A R IA N to head p re -o rd e r/pre-catalog bibliographic Search Section in M o n og ra ph ic A cqu is itio n s D e pa rtm e n t w h ich utilizes NOTIS, a MARC-based c o m p ute r su pp ort system. Trains and supervises staff of nin e fu ll-tim e non professional bib liographic searchers; assists d e p artm en t head in p la n nin g and procedural matters; works closely w ith O rder Section and w ith Catalog Depart­ ment to facilitate flow of materials; and participates in a w ide range of in te rre la te d T e c h n ic a l S ervices a c tiv itie s . Q UA LIFICA TIO NS: MLS from accredited library school; working knowledge of one or more of the following: German. Italian, Spanish, French. EXPERI­ ENCE: 3 years professional library experience; m in im um o f 2 years experience in Technical Services with dem onstrated knowledge of b ibliographic m ethods and book trade and interest in automated systems. AVAILABLE: M arch 1. 1979. HIRING RANGE: $ 1 3 ,5 0 0 - $ 15 ,00 0. An Equal O pportunity Employer. Apply to Robert L. Ire­ land, Personnel Officer; Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. SENIOR MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGER. Under the general direc tion o f the Head, Catalog Department, is responsible for all original cataloging and classification of monographic materials, in c lu din g m icroform s, and for establishm ent of all uniform titles. Plans, o r­ ganizes, and supervises original monographic cataloging in close cooperation with the OCLC Unit, solves com plex bibliographic p ro b ­ lems, and participates actively in planning for the futu re of the card catalog. Department catalogs a total o f 2 5 ,0 0 0 titles (4 0 .0 0 0 vol­ umes) annually, o f which approxim ately 2 ,0 0 0 titles are cataloged originally. Library faculty a t SUNYA are expected to fulfill faculty o b ­ ligations in one or more of the areas of teaching, research, and service as well as specific library assignments. Qualifications.: MLS from an ALA-accredited Library School. At least three years catalog­ ing experience in a medium or large research library, and facility with European languages, particularly German, required This ex­ perience should include fam iliarity w ith AACR and LC cataloging practices, LC classificatio n and s u bje ct headings and a w o rkin g knowledge of OCLC. Some supervisory experience highly desirable. Salary a nd Rank: A pp o in tm e nt will be at the rank of Senior Assis­ tant Librarian or Associate Librarian, d epending on qualifications. Recruitm ent range: $ 1 4 ,5 0 0 - $ 1 8 ,00 0. Twelve m onths a p p o in t­ ment; sick leave and annual leave @ 1 .7 5 days each per month; fully paid m ajor medical, hospitalization and dental insurance. So­ cial security coverage. TIAA/CREF or New York State Teachers Re­ tire m e n t available (em ployee c o n trib u tio n rate = 3 % ). Contact: Jean Whalen. Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 109, State University of New York at Albany. 1400 W ashington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222. Inquiries should be received by Decem ­ ber 31, 1978. The University at Albany is an Equal O pportunity/ 347 Affirm ative Action Employer. Applications from women, minorities and handicapped are especially welcome. SERIALS CATALOGER. Univ. of W isconsin-M adison Memorial Li­ brary is seeking app lica n ts for the position of Serials Cataloger. M in im um qualifications: MLS from A LA -accredited library school and re ading knowledge of 2 foreign languages. Responsibilities in ­ clude original serials cataloging in English. Western European and oth e r languages: updating and revising serials cataloging; supervis­ ing serials analytics and m aintaining series authority file. A detailed jo b d e s c r ip tio n is a v a ila b le u p o n re q u e s t. S ala ry m in im u m : $13,150; academ ic a ppointm ent as Specialist; benefits include sick leave, state retirem ent program, group health and life insurance. Letter o f application, résumé and names of 3 references fam iliar with the candidate's qualifications as a serials cataloger should be sent to Joan Ring, Personnel Officer. 3 6 0 Memorial Library. 728 State St., Madison, Wl 5 3 7 0 6 by February 1, 1979. EO/AA e m ­ ployer. The University Libraries of Northern Illinois University are seeking a S OCIO LOGY/ANTHROPOLOGY/G EOGRAPHY L IB R A R IA N . This libraria n will be responsible for the ope ra tio n o f the sociology/ anthropology/geography subject areas in the University Libraries a nd supervise a large branch m ap library, w ith equal em phasis p la c e d on c o lle c tio n s d e v e lo p m e n t a n d s e rv ic e to re a d e rs . M in im um qualifications (beyond the MLS from an accredited library school) include a second Master's degree, preferably in Sociology or Anthropology, and a t least two years professional library experi­ ence. M in im um salary: $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 for a twelve-m onth contract. F rin ge b e n e fits in c lu d e Illin o is R e tire m e n t S ystem b e n e fits , academ ic status, and one m onth vacation. Applicants should send th e ir résumé and three personal references to George M. Nenonen, Personnel Director, University Libraries, Northern Illinois University. DeKalb, IL 60115. by January 31, 1979. Northern Illinois University is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES L IB R A R IA N . Whitworth College, an institu­ tion of liberal studies w ith distinctive Christian em phasis and con­ cern for hum an development, seeks a full-tim e technical services librarian (assistant professor), responsible for acquisition, catalog­ ing. processing library materials, and assisting in public services, including reference service and bibliography instruction. Candidates should hold an A LA -accredited MLS. Prefer m aster's degree or Ph.D. in natural o r behaviorial sciences and potential teaching a b il­ ity. Must enjoy working with undergraduates, faculty, and staff, and be co m m itted to professional growth. Salary $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 - $ 18,000. Midwinter ALA. Send résumé and letter of interest to Duncan S. Ferguson, Vice President o f Academic Affairs. Whitworth College, Spokane, WA 99251 by Decem ber 31, 1978. An equal opportunity employer. Women and m inorities are urged to apply. UNDERGRADUATE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN to coordinate refer ence services in an active undergraduate library. Shares duties of reference, bibliographic instruction. AV, and a card catalog. Re­ quires MLS and fou r years experience, at least two in academ ic li­ b rary. S up e rvisory a nd /or a dm in is tra tiv e e xp e rie n c e desira b le . M inim um salary $ 13 ,00 0. Send résumé and names of three refer­ ences by January 10. 1979 to Joseph Jerz. Assistant University Li­ brarian for Staff Development, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. NC 27514. An Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Employer. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rul EDITION Michael Gorman and A jo int pu es blication of the Paul W. Winkler, American Library Association, editors the Canadian Library Association, and the Library Association 64 0 p a g e s C lo th : ISBN 0 -8 3 8 9 -3 2 1 0-X $ 1 5 .0 0 P a p e r : ISBN 0 -8 3 8 9 -3 2 1 1 -8 $ 10.00 On its first publication in international 1967, Anglo-American Cata­ standards, makes pro­ loguing Rules was greeted vision for the whole range as “ the best Code we have, or of new materials and media are likely to have,” and was soon now in our library collections, and adopted by libraries around the takes notice of the impact of machine­ world. readable cataloguing and bibliographic The second edition of AACR con­ systems. There are adjustments to the solidates the achievements of the first text and presentation that nation-wide and builds on them to meet the chal­ reviews by AACR users have shown to lenges of development and change. In be essential. an intensive three-year project, two One innovation is of particular im­ distinguished editors and an inter­ portance: the rules for Description are national Joint Steering Committee— on presented in an integrated structure which the national library associations that provides a uniform basis for re­ and national library services of the cording not only every known category United States, Canada, and the United of print and nonprint material, but Kingdom were all represented— have those still unknown and uninvented. produced a revision that harmonizes AACR 2 can be the Code to take the two differing texts of the first edi­ cataloguing into the tw enty-first century. tion. AACR 2 incorporates the latest Order your copies now! Order Department American Library Association 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611