ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 616 / C&RL News ■ September 1998 G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s Ann-Christe Young The City University o f N e w York (CUNY) has received a $650,000 grant from the T e le c o m m u n ic a tio n s an d In fo r m a tio n Infrastructure Assistance Program of the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The model project brings together Brooklyn College, four area high schools, CUNY, and the College Board to connect each of the schools to the Internet and to develop “Learning Cafes”— Internet-centered college-preparatory programs in each o f the schools. The A tla n ta History C enter Library/ Archives has received a $33,000 grant from the NHPRC to c a ta lo g sev eral p h o to g rap h collections, including its cased images, the Long-Rucker-Aiken family collection of African American photographs, and the photos of photojournalist, Marion Johnston. The U niv e rs ity o f C alifo rn ia , B erkeley (UCB) has received a $3.5 million gift from 1964 alumnus, former library employee, and cofounder o f Innovative Interfaces (a library automation company) Stephen M. Silberstein to supplement state appropriations for the university library’s collections, digitize the Free Speech Movement archives, and build a library cafe honoring Mario Savio, who started the Free Speech Movement o f 1964. Thirty-three years ago, Savio mounted the roof o f a police car to defend free speech at UCB. To restrict speech may seem puzzling to anyone who was not on a college campus prior to 1964, UCB Chancellor Robert M. Berdahl said. Before the Free Speech Movement, UCB and many other universities placed restrictions on advocating political causes on campus. The university will establish an endowment for the library’s collection, which has b een the focal point of concern by faculty and students. The U niv e rs ity o f O regon's K nigh t Library has received a gift from a NIKE international trading partner, the Nissho Iwai American Corporation. The gift, which comes in response to NIKE CEO Phil Knight’s 1996 gift o f $25 million to the university, will help endow the management initiatives o f the Knight Library. This is the second gift Nissho Iwai American Corporation has made to the library. The first in 1990 helped finance the library’s $27.4 million expansion and renovation project. Yutaka Kase, general manager o f the company’s Portland office, says the company made the gift for two reasons. “First, w e want to underscore our long-term commitment to the people o f Portland … by building on our original investment in the University of Oregon’s Knight Library. The second reason is to honor Mr. Knight’s great commitment to supporting the University o f Oregon.” The annual income from the endowment will support the library’s current efforts to nurture information-sharing relationships with other research libraries in the United States and abroad. The U niv e rs ity Library System a t th e University o f Pittsburgh has received a one- year grant o f $32,000 from the Buhl Foundation for its p ro je c t “P ittsburgh P olitics and Government: 20th Century Transitions.” The grant will support the conducting of oral history interviews with political, government, and civic leaders from Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to record changes that have taken place in local government over the past 40 years or more. The U niversity o f N orth Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill’s School o f Information and Library Science (SILS) received part o f a $2.4 million award given to the university by the Intel Corporation. O n the UNC campus, the D ep artm en t o f C om puter S c ie n c e will c o o r d in a te p r o je c ts w ith n in e o th e r departments, including SILS, under the three- year award. Funded with more than $375,000 in equipment, the Laboratory for Networking and Internet Technologies will provide a high- perform ance com puting infrastructure to enhance several technology-oriented courses Ed. n o te : Send you r news to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL N e w s, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: C&RL News ■ S e p te m b e r 1998 / 617 at SILS. In addition to the distributed lab project, the Intel award to UNC will provide computing equipment for a number o f research projects across campus that blend applied and basic research to solve real-world problems. The university was one o f 25 schools nationwide to receive funding last fall as part o f Intel’s highly competitive “Technology for Education 2000” program. A c q u i s i t i o n s Horse a rtis t W esley D ennis's illu s tr a ­ tions have b een acquired by the University o f Virginia. Some 170 original Dennis illustrations created for the child ren’s b o o k Misty o f Chincoteague (published in 1947) and for author Marguerite Henry’s other classic books about the wild ponies o f the Virginia coastal island were given to the special collections department. The illustrations, chiefly black- and-white pencil drawings, were given to the library by the Misty o f Chincoteague Foundation Inc. According to Michael Plunkett, the library’s director o f special collections, Henry and Dennis National Digital Library com petition With a gift from Ameritech, the Library o f Congress is sponsoring a com petition to enable public, research and academic libraries, museums, historical societies, and archival institutions (excep t federal insti­ tutions) to create digital collections o f pri­ mary resources. T he com petition deadline is Novem ber 2, 1998 (postm ark). Com pe­ tition guidelines are available to view or d o w n lo a d at h ttp :/ / lc w e b 2 .lo c .g o v / ammem/award/. contributed significantly to the popularity o f horse books. A col lection o f historic b re w e ry records from the Blatz Brewing Company in Wisconsin has been acquired by the Golda Meir Library at the University o f Wisconsin, Milwaukee. The records include more than 400 journals and ledgers with extensive information concerning customers, finances, and production. The Blatz collection dates from 1860 and documents the company’s growth in the late 19th century, the sale o f the business in 1890, and the impact o f the Prohibition Era during the 1920s. The cash books, journals, and ledgers tell the nature of the brewing industry and the relationship o f Blatz to the business concerns that made the bottles, printed the labels, and provided the malt and other ingredients that were necessary to the beer-making process. The Rosario M azzeo C ollection o f C lari­ net Music has been donated to the University o f California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). Donated by Mazzeo’s widow, Katie Clare Mazzeo, the collection o f over 1,700 items o f clarinet music will constitute one o f the major resources for clarinet studies in the United States. Rosario Mazzeo (1 911-1997) was a clarinetist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra from 1933 to 1966. He authored numerous articles, including a definitive clarinet text, and was an innovator in the field o f clarinet mechanism design, creating a widely used Mazzeo system clarinet. He also actively taught clarinet and coached chamber music for more than 60 years. At his request, the bulk o f his collection, which emphasizes twentieth-century composers, has been donated to the university library. The archive o f A n th o n y Burgess (1 9 1 7 - 1993), British author, has b e e n acquired by the Harry Ransom H um anities R esearch Center at the University o f T exas at Austin. T h e collectio n includes the bulk o f his m an uscripts, p ap ers, first ed itio n s, and c o r r e s p o n d e n c e . B u r g e s s b e c a m e an unusually prolific and versatile author o f novels, literary criticism, and com p oser o f m usic w ho may b e best know n for his novel A Clockwork Orange (1 9 6 2 ). W ritten in a hybrid fusion o f Russian and English, the novel is m em orable for its haunting vision o f a violent society. ■