ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 102 of Phillips University. Honorees include such men as Albright, Barth, Bultmann, Cullmann, Hook, Knox, Muilenburg, Pittenger, Rowley, Tillich, and Whitehead. There are 1,531 indi­ vidual entries, all indexed by author and Li­ brary of Congress subject headings. Full biblio­ graphic information is given for each festschrift. Each entry notes the author, tide, the catch­ word which serves to identify the festschrift, and the inclusive page numbers. The index is available from the Graduate Seminary Library, Phillips University, Box 2218, University Sta­ tion, Enid, Oklahoma 73701. Price, $5.30, in­ cluding postage and handling. • An eighty-seven page list describing “Newspapers in Microform” in the Pennsylva­ nia State University libraries has been com­ piled by June R. Morroni, head of die Micro­ forms Section. The list includes current and retrospective holdings in 35mm reel microfilm, microfiche, and microprint. Each newspaper is listed under the latest or best-known form of its title, and cross-references have been used to clarify variant titles. In addition to the full title and the issues available in Pattee Library, in­ formation regarding frequency of publication, date first published, place of publication, and history of each newspaper is given where avail­ able. Following the alphabetical arrangement there is a geographical index and a chrono­ logical index. Copies of the list are available without charge by writing Miss Morroni, Micro­ forms Section, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. ■ ■ News From the Sections ART S U B S E C T IO N The Art Subsection will sponsor an all-day program/tour during the Dallas convention, on Monday, June 21. Departing Dallas at 9:30 a.m. by chartered bus, the group will stop at the Inn of the Six Flags at Arlington, Texas, for a discussion meeting on art materials acquisi­ tion problems, followed by lunch. The tour will then proceed to Fort Worth to the Anron Car­ ter Museum of Western Art, which will serve as a base for informal visits to adjoining mu­ seums, including the Kimbell Art Foundation building under construction, and will return to ROBERT T. M OTTER SCHOLARSHIP The Department of Library Education at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, an­ nounces the second Robert T. Motter Library Science Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. The scholarship was created by the Motter Bookbinding Company in memory of its found­ er, Mr. Robert T. Motter, a longtime friend and aid to libraries and librarians in the state and region. The scholarship committee—comprised of Mrs. Nancy Amis, Mrs. Ann Hoyt, Mrs. Marie D. Chaney, and Dr. Roscoe R o u s e - stated that the purpose of the award is “to en­ courage a promising young person to enter the school library profession.” Candidacy for the scholarship is open to men and women who have at least junior standing; graduate students are encouraged to apply. The award will be made for study in the library education pro­ gram at Oklahoma State University and the re­ cipient will be chosen on the basis of “proven Dallas in the late afternoon. The chartered bus tour is limited to thirty- eight members of the Art Subsection. An addi­ tional twelve persons are welcome to accompa­ ny the group in their own cars (Arlington is eighteen miles from Dallas; Fort Worth is an­ other fifteen miles). Reservations, to be made in advance before June 1, 1971, are $9.00 for the entire program (bus, lunch, and gratuities) or $6.00 for lunch and gratuities only (partici­ pant’s own transportation). Check or money or­ der should be made out to Nancy R. McAdams, P.O. Box 8294, University Station, Austin, Tex­ as 78712. ■■ scholastic ability plus aptitude and potential for growth in the profession of librarianship.” The deadline for applications is May 1, 1971. Ap­ plication forms will be sent to those who re­ quest them although a personal interview in Stillwater is required. Inquiries may be ad­ dressed to Dr. Roscoe Rouse, Head, Depart­ ment of Library Education, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074. ■ ■ ALA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY SEEKS MANUALS ALA Headquarters Library is updating its collection of college and university library handbooks and manuals on instruction in li­ brary use and will appreciate receiving copies of recent handbooks; please direct them to Headquarters Library, American Library Asso­ ciation, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611. ■ ■