ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 257 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. G.P.O. PUBLICATIONS at G.P.O. prices. Daily pick-ups for fast service. Coupons accepted. No order too small. Marv Broadbent, 5710 85th Ave., New Carrollton, Md. 20784. BOOKS BUILDING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS is one of our specialties. Foreign books and periodi­ cals, current and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Inc., Box 352, White Plains, N.Y. 10602. 5-8 YEAR SETS of general interest science (inch Science ò- Technology), optics, electron­ ics journals. List from Woodman, 1845 N. Howe, Chicago. OUT OF PRINT COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. Want fists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. PERIODICALS PERIODICALS—sets, files, numbers—bought, sold, exchanged. Microcard reprints of rare files. J. S. Canner Inc., 49-65 Lansdowne St., Bos­ ton, Mass. 02215. POSITIONS W ANTED REF. LIB., MALS, desires 9-month position; OR, part-time prof, work where MA in Anthro. offered. Six yrs. academic ref. exp., some docs and serials. Presently, Asst. Dir., 4-yr. coll. fib. Box 761, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. WOMAN, two years LS training (including MS) and subject Master’s plus years of experi­ ence in college library administration and LS teaching, desires position Midsouth or South­ east. Box 762, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Cataloging CATALOG ADMINISTRATOR. Can you untie the Gordian knot? If so, perhaps you can also accept the challenge of organizing the Catalog Department in a large, distinguished univer­ sity library which has been in a slump. Every effort is being made to improve the situation as we prepare to move into the most dramatic new academic library building in the country. We need a forceful, production-oriented Head to lead the Catalog Department. Staff—30. Book budget—$500,000. Salary to $13,200, depending upon qualifications. Usual Benefits, TIAA, etc. Write: Michael J. Costin, Assistant University Librarian, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201. CATALOGER-CHIEF Technical Services. De­ partmental staff of 4. Degree from ALA accred­ ited school and two years’ experience. Since reclassification is in the future, familiarity with L.C. schedule desired. Would like intelligent, young, innovative person. Salary: negotiable from $9,500—depending on qualifications. Ex­ cellent fringe benefits. Lawrence is a small lib­ eral arts college with an excellent academic reputation. Apply to: W. F, Peterson, Librarian, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin 54911. CHIEF CATALOGING LIBRARIAN: To su­ pervise a staff of 7 catalogers, 13 sub-profes­ sional. Library of. Congress classification in use since November, 1966; reclassification project under way. Interest in experimenting with MARC II tapes and with data processing equip­ ment is important. Supervisory experience in technical services is desired. Ability to delegate responsibility and to make effective use of non­ professional assistants is highly important. Sal­ ary $10,000-$14,000. Apply to Joe W. Kraus, Director of Libraries, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois 61761. HEAD CATALOGER for undergraduate men’s college library, adding 10,000 volumes annual­ ly. Supervise staff of 1½ professionals, 3-5 clerical. Improved salary range. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGER in rapidly expanding under­ graduate library. Unusual opportunity for be­ ginning cataloger. Salary and benefits advan­ tageous. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Library of Med­ ical Sciences, Chicago. CATALOGER. Fifth- year library school required, subject training 258 in biological sciences or chemistry desirable, salary dependent on training and experience, month vacation, retirement system, academic rank. Write Wilma Troxel, Director, University of Illinois, Library of Medical Sciences, 1853 West Polk Street, Chicago, Illinois 60612. Tel­ ephone: 312-663-7332. Miscellaneous THEOLOGICAL AND PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN in library serving liberal arts college and theological seminary. MLS and academic background in theology required. Salary open, with generous fringe benefits. Apply to Dr. Glen C. Stewart, Director, College and Seminary Library, Naperville, Illinois 60540. Multiple PROCESSING LIBRARIANS (4) needed to do varied work such as cataloging new books, preparation of analytics, acquisitions, serials management, computerization studies, systems analysis, etc. Salary range $9,000-$ 11,000. Reference Librarian for reference work and general readers services duties in Krannert Li­ brary of Industrial Administration—salary $8,500-$9,500. Reference librarian to serve in general library, salary $7,500-$8,500. Engineer­ ing librarian to supervise departmental li­ braries, salary $9,000-$11,000. All positions carry full faculty status and require masters degree in library science. Salary in range de­ pendent on experience. Generous fringe bene­ fits, send resume to John H. Moriarty, director of libraries, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana 47907. QUALIFIED LIBRARIANS in all specialties needed for college and university positions listed with us throughout the year by academic institutions seeking faculty and staff members. Enrollment includes notices of up-to-date va­ cancies, storage of your credentials for your use at any time, and other features. Write for enrollment information. AMERICAN COL­ LEGE BUREAU and UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE STAFFING CENTER, 28 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 60604. Phone A.C. 312-427-6662. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS. Po­ sitions available May 1, 1969: DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN (Librarian II, $7,908-$10,092). Assignment will involve work relating to fed­ eral and international documents. SERIALS ORDER LIBRARIAN, ACQUISITIONS DE­ PARTMENT (Librarian III, $9,372-$11,388). Supervises acquisi-program for serials. Experi­ ence desirable. Position available July 1, 1969: DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN (Librarian I, $7,146-$7,908). Assignment will involve work relating to federal and state documents. Posi­ tions available July 1, 1969 subject to approval of 1969/70 University Budget: CATALOGERS (Librarian III, $9,372-$ll,388). Prior experi­ ence and background in physical sciences desir­ able. (Librarian II, $7,908-$10,092). Prior ex­ perience, knowledge of a foreign language or a scientific field desirable. REFERENCE LI­ BRARIANS (Librarian II, $7,908-$10,092). General reference experience in an academic library desirable. Appointment at lower clas­ sifications possible for most positions listed if requisite experience is lacking. Salary depend­ ent upon training and experience. Normally two years of professional experience is re­ quired for Librarian II appointments. Graduate degree in Library Science required. Davis is a pleasant university town 75 minutes by free­ way from San Francisco and the Bay Area. Apply to J. R. Blanchard, University of Califor­ nia Library, Davis, California 95616. NEW YORK, STATE UNIVERSITY at Bing­ hamton. Three positions open. Usual degree re­ quirements and fringe benefits. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT CATALOGER, to assist de­ partment head in distribution and revision of work and to assume responsibility for more difficult cataloging. Experience with L.C. clas­ sification required. $9,800-$ll,500. HEBREW CATALOGER, knowledge of Hebrew language and general field of Judaica. $7,570-$9,040. ORDER LIBRARIAN, one of several profes­ sional librarians in order section of Acquisi­ tions Department. Computerized Acquisitions procedures, involving both monographs and serials. $7,570-$9,040. Apply to: Mrs. Patricia Battin, Assistant to the Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13901. NEW YORK, STATE UNIVERSITY at Bing­ hamton. Two positions open. Usual degree re­ quirements and fringe benefits. HEAD OF READERS SERVICES, to coordinate and supervise Readers Services staff, i.e., Circula­ tion, Reference, Bibliographers. Readers Serv­ ices staff numbers approximately 25. Salary open. SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER, to act as liaison between faculty and library in building research collection to support graduate pro­ gram. Fifth year library degree plus graduate degree or undergraduate concentration in laboratory science or mathematics required. $ll,500-$13,000. Apply to: Mrs. Patricia Battin, Assistant to the Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York 13901. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, Easton, Pa. Two positions: (1) Assistant Cataloger, (2) Serials Cataloger. Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Apply: Clyde L. Haselden, Librarian, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. 18042. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Santa Bar­ bara has openings for: Librarian II, Assistant Art Librarian, for reference work and collection 259 development in new Arts Library of 45,000 vol­ umes. Degree in Art desirable. Librarian I or II, Bibliographic Searching Section, with re­ sponsibility for bibliographic identification of gift materials and searching of out-of-print catalogs and bulk purchases. Foreign languages an asset. Librarian I or II, Assistant Order Li­ brarian, responsible for processing blanket standing order programs and faculty requests. Total book fund approximately $1,000,000. Salary ranges: Librarian I, $7,164-$7,908; Li­ brarian II (2 years professional experience) $7,908-$10,092. Anticipated 5% increase. MLS degree required. Academic status. 24 days va­ cation. Excellent retirement and insurance pro­ grams. Apply to Miss Katherine C. McNabb, Associate University Librarian, University of California, Santa Barbara 93106. Systems Li­ brarian-Librarian II or Systems Analyst. Under direction of Systems Coordinator participates in various analysis and design activities in li­ brary’s systems development program. Master’s degree in Library Science or Information Sci­ ence. Experience in library or business proce­ dures and knowledge of capabilities of elec­ tronic data processing machines desirable. Sal­ ary: $7,908-$ll,976. Anticipate 5% increase. Apply to Miss Katherine C. McNabb, Associ­ ate University Librarian, Library, University of California, Santa Barbara 93106. UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK LI­ BRARY, Fredericton, New Brunswick, invites applications for positions open July 1 or Sep­ tember 1, 1969. Accredited degree in Library Science required. Salaries competitive and de­ pending upon qualifications. Library staff pres­ ently 111 of whom 20 are professional; enroll­ ment about 5,000; book stock 230,000 vols.; book budget about half million dollars. (1) As­ sistant to the Librarian. Applicant should have background of progressive professional experi­ ence in libraries, and in administration, per­ sonnel, finances and statistics. Position will in­ clude areas of delegated responsibility and of administrative assistance to the Librarian. Chal­ lenging opportunity to person with excellent references, ready to make a move. (2) Head of Technical Services to take responsibility for coordinating of ordering and processing; re­ quires a background of progressive responsibil­ ity and initiative, interest in the study and rationalization of systems preparatory to auto­ mation. (3) Reference Librarian with at least two years’ experience for general reference dept. with staff of 11, of whom five are profes­ sional. Varied responsibilities in reference, book selection, microform service and student orien­ tation; for flexible, articulate energetic person. (4) Beginning Cataloger with background or interest in handling books in the sciences and applied sciences. Reasonable standard of typing is desirable; reading knowledge of other lan­ guages an asset, also period of relevant pre­ professional experience. (6) Two librarians for recently established Collections Dept. which is responsible for the planned growth of collec­ tions. Suitable for new graduates interested in all aspects of librarianship and in putting the­ ory into practice or for persons with some back­ ground in collections work. Flexibility essen­ tial; foreign languages desirable; typing help­ ful. Excellent working conditions; fringe ben­ efits; four weeks’ vacation; faculty club mem­ bership, creative arts activities; hillside campus in pleasant small city. Apply with full resumé of education and experience to Dr. Gertrude E. Gunn, Librarian, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. SIX POSITIONS OPEN (5 NEW). New (1965) 2,600 acre campus, 20 minutes downtown St. Louis. Enrollment 10,000. Subject divisional library growing at rate of 50,000 yearly. Mas­ ters degree programs in most areas. Faculty rank, one month vacation, eligibility for sab­ batical leave and participation in outstanding Illinois university retirement system. Lovejoy Library, Southern Illinois University, Edwards­ ville, Illinois 62025. Phone Collect: AC618-692- 2711. Circulation Librarian. Salary $9,000- $10,800, depending upon qualifications. Apply: George C. Grant, Asst. Director, Public Serv­ ices. Library Instruction Librarian. Work with science and social science faculty and library staff to develop library and bibliographic in­ struction in appropriate courses at all levels. Strong science background essential. Salary $9,600-$13,200, depending upon qualifications. Apply: Mrs. Millicent Palmer, Library In­ struction Librarian. Map Librarian. To develop acquisitions program and organize map collec­ tion. Salary $8,400-$10,200, depending upon qualifications. Apply: Donald Thompson, Social Science/Business Librarian. Cataloger and Serials Cataloger. Salary $8,400-$10,200, de­ pending upon qualifications. Apply: Eugene Herscher, Assoc. Director for Tech. Services. Art Librarian. Combines book selection, pub­ lic services and responsibility for special col­ lections. Salary $8,400-$10,200, depending upon qualifications. Apply: Mabel Murphy, Fine Arts Librarian. STOUT STATE UNIVERSITY, Menomonie, Wisconsin, seeks candidates for three positions: (1) Acquisitions Librarian, (2) Acting Catalog Librarian (September 1969-August 1971), (3) Educational Materials Center Librarian. The Acquisitions Librarian, with a professional as­ sistant, is responsible for directing the work of the department in both collection development and orderly expenditure of funds. The Library is in a period of aggressive collection develop­ ment and expansion. The ordering process is completing its first year of automation. Interest in all the aforementioned aspects of the posi­ tion and previous acquisitions experience are essential. For the second position, a cataloger with considerable experience is desired, to di­ rect the work of the department while the reg­ ular department head is on leave. All new cat­ aloging is in L.C.; conversion from Dewey is in process. Familiarity with MARC, and an interest in continuing and developing automa­ tion in progress, are required. The position of Educational Materials Center Librarian carries 260 the responsibility and challenge of initiating and developing a new department. Background in this area is desired. All positions require the Master’s degree in library science. Positions carry faculty status and perquisites, including excellent fringe benefits. Salaries are on aca­ demic year basis, with additional compensation for summer session employment, which is cus­ tomarily required. Salaries are open, and ap­ propriate to training and experience. Stout is a Wisconsin State University, specializing in industrial education, industrial technology, home economics, vocational education, and re­ lated fields. Present enrollment is 4,330. An air-conditioned addition to the present building will provide excellent working facilities. Me­ nomonie is a small city, situated in the heart of beautiful country, with easy freeway access to Minneapolis-St. Paul, 70 miles to the West. Apply to: Miss Phyllis D. Bentley, Librarian, The Robert L. Pierce Library, Stout State Uni­ versity, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO LIBRARY is seeking candidates for 2 positions: (1) Science cataloger, with strong science background, (2) Romance languages cataloger. Knowledge of LC desired in both cases, but will consider recent graduate. Salary $7,500.00, higher for appropriate experience and additional degrees. Faculty rank with all perquisites; eligibility for TIAA; 22 days vacation; transportation to one professional meeting each year. Candidates must have library degree from ALA accredited library school. Position available July 1, 1969. Send complete resumes to: Eugene Petriwsky, Assistant Director for Technical Services, Uni­ versity of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colo­ rado 80302. UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO invites appli­ cations for the following positions open July 1, 1969. Head of Technical Services. Qualifica­ tions include graduation from an accredited li­ brary school and experience in technical services at a college or university library. Cataloging experience is essential and a first-hand knowl­ edge of acquisitions, serials or documents rou­ tines is an asset. The person who will direct the technical services operation must be inter­ ested in methods of getting books into use in the quickest and most efficient way. Salary minimum of $13,000 per year. Approval pro­ grams are in operation and will be expanded. Automation will be effected by stages. The technical services staff consists of 16 librarians and a supporting staff of 62. Book budget for 1969-70 will be in excess of $850,000. Head of Public Services, Engineering, Mathematics and Science Division. Background in science and a degree from an accredited library school, as well as library experience and proven adminis­ trative ability, are required. Duties involve overall supervision of a full-time staff of 20 in­ cluding five librarians, liaison with faculty and students, and coordination with other divisions of the library. Salary minimum of $11,500 per year. This divisional library, housed in the new Mathematics and Computer Building, has a collection of approximately 100,000 volumes and is growing at the rate of 15,000 volumes per year. Automated circulation control planned. Head of Reference, Humanities and Social Sci­ ences (Arts) Division. Degree from an ac­ credited library school and experience in ref­ erence work, preferably in an academic library, are minimum requirements. Duties include supervision of a staff of nine of whom five are librarians, and planning and coordinating ref­ erence services primarily for the Faculty of Arts’ teaching staff and 2,000 students. Salary minimum of $9,500 per year. The Arts Library collection consists of some 200,000 volumes of books and periodicals and is growing by 35,000 volumes per year. Cataloger required with degree from an accredited library school and minimum of 3 years’ experience prefer­ ably in an academic library. Will assist in train­ ing and supervising new catalogers in a de­ partment with a staff of 35, including 10 librar­ ians. Working knowledge of L.C. classifica­ tion and the Anglo-American code essential. Salary minimum of $8,400 per year. Total li­ brary staff numbers 140 including 30 librarians, serving 7,700 undergraduate and 1,100 gradu­ ate students as well as 1,800 members of fac­ ulty and administrative staff. The twin cities of Kitchener-Waterloo have a population of 130,000 and are located within an hour’s drive of Toronto, London and Hamilton in a pros­ perous and attractive area of southern Ontario. Please address inquiries to: University Librar­ ian, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, On­ tario, Canada. UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA. Two positions now available. 1) Head of Acquisi­ tions. Department of 3 professionals, 2 sub­ professionals, 4 clericals. Library degree and several years of acquisition, administrative ex­ perience required. Beginning salary $10,000- $13,000, depending upon education, experi­ ence. 2) Youth Collection Librarian. In charge of special collection of about 10,000 volumes of school level material. Library degree and sev­ eral years of school library experience and in­ tense interest in children’s materials required. Beginning salary $9,000-$ll,000. Both posi­ tions carry faculty status. TIAA-CREF and other fringe benefits. Library has over 300,000 volumes, staff of 50, budget of $800,000. Uni­ versity enrollment of 9,500. For full informa­ tion write and/or send credentials to Donald O. Rod, Director of Library Services, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613. Public Services LIBRARIAN I for public services in a new, dynamic public library. $1,380,000 building to be completed by January, 1970. Salary $581 to $742. Applicant with experience may start above first step. Promotion to Librarian II—$818 maximum—likely after one year. Send resume to: Mr. Clarence Boyd, 1961 Gabriel Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109. INFORMATION SPECIALIST to serve needs of Colorado industry under State Technical 261 Services Act. Provide reference, literature search and photocopy services with staff of one sub-professional plus student assistants. Participate in promotional activities including newsletters, displays, some local travel. Must be able to work with literature of sciences, business and technology in serving technical clientele. Initially under general direction of Business Librarian, position offers opportunity to assume increasing responsibilities for entire operation. Annual salary to $9,500.00 depend­ ing on qualifications. Faculty rank with all perquisites; eligibility for TIAA; 22 days vaca­ tion; transportation to one professional meet­ ing each year. Candidates must have MLS from ALA accredited library school. Position available approximately August 1, 1969. Send complete resumes to Leo W. Cabell, Assistant Director for Public Services, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Reference Services CIRCULATION AND REFERENCE LI­ BRARIAN. Challenging position in rapidly growing library, undergraduate men’s college. Supervisory experience essential. Interest in teaching library subject bibliography courses. Salary competitive. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. GENERAL REFERENCE, $7600 and up, de­ pending on qualifications. Miami University, founded in 1809, has an enrollment of 11,000 and a library of over 500,000 volumes and offers accredited doctorates in 10 subjects. Oxford is a sylvan university town near Hues- ton Woods state park and 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Apply to John Weatherford, Associate Director and University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056. REFERENCE & PUBLIC SERVICES LI­ BRARIAN. Masters in library science required. Will develop a program of creative reference service for faculty and students at small pri­ vate liberal arts college. New building ready for occupancy summer 1970. Opportunity to develop “materials center” and “library-col­ lege” concepts. Salary $7,000 and up. Position open July 1. Apply: Ted Kneebone, head li­ brarian, Yankton College, Yankton, S. Dak. 57078. POSITION OPEN—MIDWEST. Reference. Assistant Head is required now in the College Information Department to initiate programs presenting the library to undergraduates. Duties also include reference work, book selection, and supervision of student assistants. Experi­ ence in University or College libraries pre­ ferred. Originality and initiative highly valued. Faculty rank. New air-conditioned building. Application and inquiries should be sent to: Dr. R. Carpenter, Acting-Director of Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN—Assistant in cen­ tral function soon to become subject divisional, open July 1. Fifth year graduate degree from accredited library school required. Academic reference experience, subject or language facil­ ity desirable. Salary dependent upon qualifica­ tions. Faculty rank, normal benefits. Contact Dean of Library Service, University of Mon­ tana, Missoula 406-243-2053. RESOURCES Subject Specialists ASSISTANT RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Li­ brarian III, step 2, $9,852. Open October 1, 1969. Work with Assistant University Librarian for Resources and Technical Services in de­ velopment of non-serial Library resources in humanities and social sciences; supervise and review monographic bibliographic searching and distribution of monographs for cataloging. Advise with faculty members and librarians (including several subject bibliographers) or program needs and collection development priorities. Expedite specific requests for order­ ing; work with Acquisitions section (ordering and receiving) in expediting flow of orders and books and streamlining procedures. Par­ ticipate in review of current books received on blanket orders. Assist in administration and organizational planning of Monographs de­ partment, which includes also cataloging. Thorough knowledge of bibliographic tools and searching techniques, experience in acquisi­ tions, reading-level language competence ( espe­ cially French and German), solid academic preparation including a subject specialty in the humanities or social sciences, and superior initiative and flexibility are among the de­ sirable qualifications. This position offers a challenging opportunity both to grow with the developing programs of an academically demanding University and to contribute sig­ nificantly to their success. “We are an equal opportunity employer.” University of California, Riverside, California 92502. SOCIAL SCIENCE JOHN R. COMMONS INDUSTRIAL RELA­ TIONS Reference Center, University of Wis­ consin, needs librarian starting September 1969. Responsibilities include acquiring university reference collective in the fields of anthropol­ ogy, economics, industrial relations, poverty, sociology; selecting industrial relations mate­ rial for JRC collection; coordinating industrial relations collections in libraries on campus. M.A. in library science. Social science back­ ground preferred. Supervise one professional librarian, 3 clerical employees, and student as­ sistants. Salary $8,000 to $9,000 for 12 months. Send inquiries and résumé to Vickie Triplett, 8432 Social Science Building, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706. Technical Services HEAD OF TECHNICAL PROCESSES to di­ rect order, serials and cataloging activities of a growing liberal arts college library of 85,000 vols. Converting to LC. Degree from ALA ac­ credited school and professional experience at a supervisory level. Salary $8,500-$11,000, de­ pending on experience. Generous benefits. Send resume to James E. Gaines, Jr., Library Director, Birmingham-Southern College, Bir­ mingham, Ala 35204. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Librarian II, step 4, $9,156. Open July 1, 1969. Assist in serials acquisition and resources develop­ ment in the humanities and social sciences in a rapidly growing Serials Department, and head the bibliographic searching section of the department. Some reference work will be possible. The Serials Department is organized to provide all services relating to serials. A good technical-bibliographic background in serials, experience in acquisitions, and a sub­ ject specialty in one of the humanities or so­ cial sciences are highly desirable. This position offers an excellent opportunity both to spe­ cialize in or gain mastery over technical-bibli­ ographic work along academic subject lines and to be involved in readers’ service. “WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY­ ER.” University of California, Riverside, Cali­ fornia 92502. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN to divide time be­ tween serials & general reference in expanding college. (4,700 enr; 100,000 vols; 765 current periodicals; new bldg.) Salary $7,800 up for MLS. Faculty status, med & life insur pd. Send resume to: Anne Cramer, Libn, South­ western State College, Weatherford, Okla. 73096. SERIALS CATALOGER to assist with serials cataloging, take charge of serials reclassifica­ tion, and assume major responsibility for train­ ing new catalogers. Good experience with L.C. required. Beginning salary $11,000 (academic year plus 8-weeks summer session). Complete academic status with all regular faculty vaca­ tions. New library building. Fast-growing uni­ versity with enrollment of 18,500, seven miles from another major university, and thirty miles from Detroit. Position open September, 1969. Apply Mrs. Roberta Keniston, associate direc­ tor of the library, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Highly re­ sponsible position in undergraduate men’s col­ lege library. Budget nearing $90,000 annually. Supervise staff of 3-4 nonprofessionals. At­ tractive salary range. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN with practical experience in Automation to study engineering college col­ lection as well as implement same on computer. M.L.S. required. Salary, open. New building. Excellent fringe benefits, relocation expenses. Contact A. G. Anderson, Jr., Head Librarian, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. 01609. Telephone (617 ) 753-1411, Ext. 412. The Invisible Product … SERVICE An invisible, intangible product goes into every shipment we send out. That product is Service … and it costs you nothing extra. Our clientele can't see it, but they certainly are aware that they are receiving it! We're proud of the rapid, efficient manner in which we handle your book requirements. Our huge inventory, stocked in our own warehouses … our trained per­ sonnel … our progressive manage­ ment … these are the ingredients that make up our most desirable product— SERVICE! Send for our brochure and terms. Taylor-Carlisle BOOKSELLERS t o INDUSTRY and the A C A D E M IC WORLD MAIN OFFICE New York; 115 East 23rd Street New York, N.Y. 10010 F lorida: Winter Park Mall Winter Park, Florida 32789 Texas: Houston (opening soon) Maryland: M.S.C., Baltimore 262 C a ta lo g in g U .S •A . A thorough and critical examination of library cataloging theory, principles, and practice as they have developed in the United States. A refreshing and stimulating approach to the “whys” of cataloging for students, staff members, and Look administrators. Paul S. D unkin 192 pages Cloth LC 69-17680 SBN 8389-0071-2(1969) $5.00 a t H is to r ic a l S e ts, C o lle c te d E d it io n s , a n d M o n u m e n ts o f M u sic what ’s A Guide to T h eir Con ten ts, 2d ed ition A new edition of the unique, comprehensive bibliography of published music. Records and indexes major sets, including new definitive editions of individual composers’ works, and most of the major collections. Entries, using Library of Congress form, in the main, give composer or compiler, title of the collection, place of publication, publisher, date, collation, and contents of the collection. More than ten languages are repre­ sented with the Roman alphabet used throughout. More than one-third of the entries are new to this edition. Those retained from the 1957 edition have been extensively revised, ex­ panded, and updated. Composer-title-form or medium index. Indispensable to music libraries and major reference collections and important for general libraries serving musicians, musi­ cologists, and music students. Anna Harriet Heyer, compiler 592 pages Cloth LC 68-21021 SBN 8389-0037-2(1969) $25.00 I n t e r n a t io n a l S u b s c r ip tio n A g e n ts An A nnotated D irectory, 2d ed ition Over 150 agents are listed alphabetically. Details given for each include: full address; names of countries and types of materials supplied; description of services; and business data. Uniform arrangement of all information and an index by country insures easy reference and use. Joint Committee, Serials and Acquisitions Sections Resources and Technical Services Division, A.L.A. 96 pages Paper LC 76-82255 SBN 8389-3099-9(1969) $3.50 other 1 9 6 9 titles The B o o k m o b ile— A New L ook $1.75 T he Career o f th e A cadem ic Librarian $4.50 C arnegie L ibraries $8.00 Ju n ior C ollege L ibraries: D evelop m en t, N eeds, and P ersp ectives $3.00 MARC M anuals U sed by the Library o f C ongress $7.50 AMERICAN LIBRARY P u b lic Library System s in the U n ited States ASSOCIATION A Survey o f M u ltiju risd iction al System s $10.00 50 East Huron Street W ork S im p lification in D anish Chicago 60611 P u b lic L ibraries $6.75 Library of Congress and National Union Catalog Author Lists, 1 9 4 2 -1 9 6 2 : A Master Cumulation FIRST VOLUMES OF THIS BIBLIOGRAPHIC WORK DELIVERED; OUTPUT OF VOLUMES ACCELERATES With the initial volumes o f the Master Cumulation in prin t and the output o f new volumes accelerating, the editorial and production staffs are now geared to completion early in 1970 o f the 152-volume, one- alphabet cumulation o f the four im portant supplements to A Catalog o f Books Represented by Libra ry o f Congress Printed Cards: Catalog o f Books Represented b y Libra ry o f Congress Printed Cards—Supplement 11942-1947Ì The Library o f Congress A u th o r Catalog, 1948-1952 The N ational Union Catalog: A Cumulative A u th o r List, 1953-1957 The N ational Union Catalog: A Cumulative A u th o r List, 1958-1962 LC-NUC A u th o r Lists, 1942-1962, w ill provide libraries w ith a quick, easy, one-reference source fo r the bibliographical and cataloging data covering books, maps, atlases, periodicals, and other serials cataloged by the Library o f Congress during the twenty-one years, 1942-1962, and by other North American libraries, 1956-1962. Subscribers to LC-NUC A u th o r Lists, 1946-1962, can anticipate the imminent availability and use o f this twenty-one year bibliographic record and the substantial savings in both the time and labor which are required now o f catalogers, bibliographers, acquisitions personnel, scholars, and others who must consult the four separate supplements. Total cost o f the 152-volume set is $2,888.00 or $19.00 per volume. Write us or call us (313-961-2242) collect fo r additional inform ation. Examination copies w ill be sent upon request. GAL BOO E K R TO E WE S R E • A D R ETR C OI H T, M IC C HI O GAN M 482 P 26 ANY