ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 244 / C & R L N e w s ans know about our purpose? If you are willing to help, send the following in­ form ation to me at the LOEX Clearinghouse, E ast­ ern M ichigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197: your nam e, institution, and address, and which portion of these tim e slots th a t you might be able to w ork—Saturday, June 23, 9:00 a .m .-5:00 p .m .; Sunday, June 24, 9:00 a .m .-5:00 p .m .; Monday, June 25, 9:00 a .m .-5:00 p.m .; and Tuesday, June 26, 9:00 a .m .-3:00 p.m . I will contact you before Conference w ith the schedule. ■ ■ ACRL program s in D a lla s This year’s conference programs feature the role of libraries in higher education, applications of new technology, and what to do with rare books. Milton Goldberg Julie Carrol Virgo ACRL President’s Program “Academic Libraries and the Learning Society” (Monday, June 25, 2:00-5:30 p.m .) will be the them e of the ACRL Program to be held in the Re­ gency Ballroom of the Fairm ont Hotel in Dallas. Keynote speakers will be Milton Goldberg, execu­ tive director of the National Commission on Excel­ lence in Education, and Julie Carroll Virgo, ACRL executive director. Dr. Goldberg will speak on the Commission’s April 1983 report, “A Nation at Risk: The Im perative for Educational R eform ,” the re­ sponse to the report from the educational com m u­ nity, and progress m ade since its p u b licatio n — through regional seminars, position papers, and the L ibraries and the L earning Society (LALS) project. Dr. Virgo, who is on the Advisory Board for the LALS project, will speak on the im plica­ tions of the report for academic libraries and her own perspective of the most positive future direc­ tions. Afterwards Richard M. Dougherty, author of the LALS position paper for academic libraries and director of libraries at the University of Michi­ gan, will describe his preparation of the position paper. The ACRL Reception, sponsored by the Baker and Taylor Com pany, will follow the President’s Program from 5:30-6:30 p.m . in the International Ballroom of the Fairm ont Hotel. Activities will in­ clude the presentation of Baker & Taylor’s Aca- demic/Research L ibrarian of the Year Award. Anthropology and Sociology Section “Collection M anagement: Focus on the Social Sciences” (Sunday, June 24, 9:30-11:00 a.m .) will begin w ith two presentations: 1) “Collection M an­ agement Issues Facing Academic L ibraries,” by Jeffrey G ardner, Office of M anagem ent Studies, ARL; and 2) “The Social Science Bibliographer as D etective,” by Beth Shapiro, assistant director of reader services, Michigan State University. The presentations will be followed by questions from the audience and a brief membership meeting. M a y 1984 / 245 Art Section The Art Section and the Anthropology and Soci­ ology Section will co-sponsor a tour of the new D al­ las Museum of Art, w hich opened in January 1984. T w o to u r o p tions, b o th for T uesday, Ju n e 26, 1:45-4:45 p .m ., are available: 1) a behind-the- scenes to u r featu rin g th e m ajor P re-C olum bian an d M iddle A m erican C ollections, th e T extile Study Room, Conservation L aboratory, and other exhibits of anthropological interest; or 2) a tour of the 20th C entury Painting and Sculpture Collec­ tion, including the new O utdoor Sculpture C o u rt­ yard. A reception w ith English tea will follow the tours at the Museum. Cost of tour and reception: $6.00. To register, m ail the fee by June 8, specify­ ing your tour option, to: Judith B. Droessler, Refer­ ence Division, Texas A&M University L ib rary , College Station, TX 77843-5000. Asian and African Section “Technical D evelopm ents in L ibraries in the T hird W orld’’ (Monday, June 25, 8:30-11:30 a.m .) is co-sponsored by the ALA International Relations Round Table. Speakers will be: G irja K um ar, Ja- w aharlal N ehru University, India, on “Technolog­ ical Developments in Libraries in the T hird W orld: A C onceptual Fram ew ork for User E ducation”; Hong-too Lim , N anyang Technological Institute, Singapore, on “Technological D evelopm ents in Singapore L ibraries”; Ann M aria Magaloni, Secre- ta ria de Educacion Republica, Mexico; T.S. Raja- gopalan, Indian N ational Scientific D ocum enta­ tio n C e n tr e , I n d ia , on “ T e c h n o lo g ic a l Applications in the L ibrary and Inform ation Field in In d ia”; and Chen-ku W ang, National C entral L ibrary, Republic of C hina, “Technological D e­ velopments in Libraries in T a iw a n .” Bibliographic Instruction Section “ B ib lio g ra p h ic In s tru c tio n : A C a ta ly s t for C hange” (Tuesday, June 26, 2:00-5:30 p.m .) will examine the educational opportunities posited by current trends, consider the use of new technolo­ gies as a means tow ard inform ation m anagem ent education program m ing, and discuss the planning processes necessary if libraries are to assume their new educational roles. The scheduled speakers are Joseph Boissé, University of California, Santa Bar­ bara; Millicent Abell, University of C alifornia, San Diego; Charles M cClure, University of Oklahom a; and M aureen Pastine, San Jose State University, who will provide a sum m ary and reaction paper. Cinema Librarians Discussion Group “Film and Perform ing Arts Collections in Texas” (Monday, June 25, 9:00-11:00 a.m .) will highlight special collections in Texas. A te n ta tiv e list of speakers includes G. W illiam Jones, S outhern M ethodist University, to discuss the Southw est Film A rchive; R aym ond D a u m , U niversity of Texas-Austin, to discuss the Gloria Swanson Col­ lection; and Julie Travis, Dallas Public L ibrary, to discuss their film collection. A bus tour will follow at 2:00 in the afternoon. V arious D allas theatres will be included in the tour, particularly the Dallas T heatre C enter. The tour will conclude (4:30-5:30) at a reception at the Dallas Public Library. Tickets for the tour and re­ ception are $14 and must be purchased in advance, checks payable to Robert Eason. C ontact: Robert Eason, T h e a tre L ib ra ria n , Fine Arts Division, Dallas Public L ibrary, 1515 Young St., Dallas TX 75201; (214) 749-4224. College Libraries Section “P utting College Libraries Online: Successful Strategies” (M onday, June 25, 9:30 a .m .-12:30 p .m .), co-sponsored by the BIS C om puter C on­ cerns C om m ittee, will take the form of small group discussions to share ideas and solve problems on different aspects of com puter applications. Partici­ pants w ill discuss p lanning, ad m in istratio n , fi­ nance, training of staff, education of end users, program evaluation and assessment w ith experi­ enced practitioners. M oderator will be Joann H. Lee, Lake Forest College. Community and Junior College Libraries Section “Q uality Circles: New Approaches to an Old G am e” (Sunday, June 24, 12:30-5:30 p .m .) will begin w ith a luncheon at which participants can se­ lect one of five table topics chosen for discussion. At 2:00 M ary Ellen M ortola and D aniel Sell, Houston C om m unity College System, will speak on quality circles and library m anagem ent. A reactor panel will com m ent during the last hour of the program , w hich will be followed by a cocktail party. Tickets for the luncheon are $12.50, by advance registration before June 9; no refunds can be m ade after June 9. Send a check, m aking it payable to: P aul D u m o n t, D istric t Service C e n te r, D allas C ounty C om m unity College, 4343 N. Highway 67, Mesquite, TX 75150. Conferees may check at the ALA Meal Ticket Desk for last m inute tickets. CJCLS is also hosting a bus to u r to T a rra n t C ounty Junior College, NE C am pus, w here visi­ tors will observe the Technical Processing C enter and a new autom ated library system. The bus will leave prom ptly at 8:30 a.m . (Monday, June 25) from the Dallas Convention Center. Tickets are $8.00, by advance registration before June 9. Send a check, payable to Paul D um ont, at the address above. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section “Involving D e p artm en tal F acu lty in L ib rary Services: C ollection D evelopm ent, C urriculum 2 4 6 / C i? R L N e w s C o n s u lta tio n , E n d -U se r C o m p u te r D a ta b a s e Searching” (M onday, June 25, 9:00-11:00 a.m .) seeks to bring librarians and d ep artm en tal faculty together through such trad itio n al library activities as collection developm ent as well as new technol­ ogy. A panel, m oderated by V irginia P arr, U niver­ sity of C incinnati, will consist of: L a u ra Blum- quist, Ohio State University; C arolyn Kirkendall, Project LOEX; and R andall Roberts, University of C incinnati. English and American Literature Discussion Group This new discussion group will host a panel (Sun­ day, June 24, 9:30 a .m .-12:30 p .m .) on serials se­ lection and de-selection in English and Am erican literature. Panel m em bers include Stephen W iber- ley, University of Illinois-Chicago; R ichard Cent- ing, Ohio State University and Choice; and W endy Bousfield, Syracuse University. Law and Political Science Section “Paths to Power: Libraries and the Political P ro­ cess” (Tuesday, June 26, 9:30-11:00 a.m .) will ex­ am ine th e efficacy of the political process in fu r­ th e r in g lib r a r y o b je ctiv e s fro m a th e o re tic a l, historical, and practical stan d p o in t— all leading to the question, W here do we go from here? Speakers w ill be D aniel P. Bergen, University of Rhode Is­ land; G erald R. Shields, State University of New York at Buffalo; and D ean Burgess, Portsm outh (Va.) Public L ibrary. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section “W h at Should I Do w ith My Rare Books? An­ swers for th e L ib rarian and the P a tro n ” (Sunday, June 24, 2:00-4:00 p .m .) features a panel of active professionals who will discuss such questions as: w h at to do w ith old books; w hen to call an ap- praisor; w here the lib rary or individual can find help; how m uch a bookseller will help. T he panel, m oderated by Peter V anW ingen, L ib rary of C on­ gress, also includes: K enneth Karm iole, bookseller, Santa M onica; Alice Schreyer, LC C enter for the Book; Janice W . Sikes, A tlanta Public L ibrary; and D avid W arrin g to n , In d ian a University. RBMS will also co-sponsor a program (M onday, June 25, 9:30-11:00 a.m .) w ith the ALA M ap and G e o g ra p h y R o u n d T a b le on “ T h e M a p p in g of Texas.” The speakers will be: R obert S. M artin, “ T h e C a r to g r a p h y of T exas: An O v e rv ie w ” ; Charles A. Seavey, “Maps of the Mexican W ar and B o u n d a ry S u rv ey , 1 8 4 5 -1 8 5 4 ” ; a n d Jo h n W . C ra in , “ U n d erstan d in g th e F o rg o tte n D ecade: D allas Maps, 1870-1880.” Slavic and East European Section “Publishing in th e Soviet U nion” (Sunday, June M a y 1984 / 2 4 7 24, 2:00-4:00 p.m .) will provide a survey of Soviet publishing policies and objectives, especially in the light of the Soviet U nion’s recent signing of the Bern C opyright Convention. The speakers include M iranda Beaven, University of Minnesota; G re­ gory P.M . W alker, Bodleian Library; and E dw ard Kasinets, New York Public Library. Undergraduate Librarians Discussion Group The group will stage a panel discussion (Mon­ day, June 25, 9:00-11:00 a.m .) on approval plans in undergraduate libraries and collection develop­ m ent in the sciences in undergraduate libraries. Western European Specialists Section “E u ro p e O nline: New Sources from the Old W o rld ” (S atu rd ay , Ju n e 23, 9 :3 0 -1 1 :0 0 a .m ., 2:00-4:00 p.m .) will focus on intellectual access to selected E uropean databases. Speakers will discuss the future of online access from the United States and the m anner in which autom ation has changed W estern E u ro p ean bibliographic tools. C harles Chadw yck-H ealey will speak on databases in the United Kingdom, and Pascal Sanz, conservateur for the French Ministry of C ulture, will speak on French inform ation retrieval networks. Paul Pe­ ters, C olum bia U niversity, w ill survey various technical aspects of using foreign databases. Judith Rowe, Princeton University, will discuss num eric databases of W estern Europe. In the afternoon, participants will view tra n sa t­ lantic database dem onstrations provided by Ques- tel and W harton Econom etric Forecasting Associ­ ates of the CiSinetwork C orporation. The W estern E uropean systems accessed will provide inform a­ tion germ ane to the hum anities, social sciences, fi­ n an ce, econom ics, d em o g rap h ics, a g ric u ltu re , steel, energy, and other topics. ■ ■ - ­ se **************************** LATE-BREAKING NEWS **************************** The Science and Technology Section program, Saturday, June 23, 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m., is devoted to the presentation of current research seeking to iden tify the nature of public services which would respond best to the academic audiences of today. Speakers include Charles Gilreath, Joan Lippincott, Loui Greenfield, Terry Link, Edwin S. Greaves, and Patricia McCandless. Other programs of interest • T h e G overnm ent D ocum ents R ound T able will present a program on “E ducational Issues for Specialists in G overnm ent Inform ation” on S atur­ day, J u n e 23, 2:00-4:00 p.m . Program reactor/m o- derator is Roger Greer, University of Southern C al­ ifornia, and the speakers include: Kathleen Heim, Louisiana State University; Sidney Siegel, U.S. E n ­ vironm ental Protection Agency; Nancy M. Cline, Pennsylvania State University; and D onald King, King Reseach, Inc. Contact: Kenyon C. Rosen­ berg, Associate D irector, N ational Technical In ­ f o r m a tio n S erv ice, 5285 P o rt R oyal R d ., Springfield, VA 22161; (703) 487-4730. • T h e L ib ra ry A d m in istratio n an d M an ag e­ m ent Association’s Middle M anagem ent Discus­ sion G roup will co-sponsor a program w ith the LAMA Personnel A dm inistration Section and the ALA Office of L ibrary Personnel Resources Advi­ sory C om m ittee on “Problem Employees: Im prov­ ing Their Perform ance” (Monday, June 25, 9:30 a .m .-12:00 noon). M ardell S. G rothe, industrial psychologist, m anagem ent consultant, and a u ­ thor, will recom m end methods to identify problem employees and review strategies for dealing w ith them and im proving perform ance. Jeneice Guy, assistant director of OLPR, and Sheila C reth, U ni­ versity of M ichigan, will speak on employee assist­ ance program s and the role of the personnel office. • T h e L ibrary Instruction Round Table will of­ fer an opportunity to sign up for breakfast, lunch or dinner w ith a small group of librarians who wish to exchange ideas and get to know one another. The meals will be held at m oderately-priced restau­ rants. Breakfast is slated for Tuesday, June 26, at 7:30; lunches for Saturday, June 23, and Monday, June 25, at 12:30; and dinners for Sunday, June 24, and Monday, June 25, at 6:30. You need not be a m em b er of L IR T to p a rtic ip a te . R eservations should be m ade, if possible, by May 15. Contact: Rosa B abcock, L e a rn in g Resources C e n te r, El C entro College, M ain and L am ar, D allas, TX 75202; (214) 746-2175. • T h e Resources and Technical Services D ivi­ sion Audiovisual C om m ittee is co-sponsoring a p ro ­ gram w ith O n-Line Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. on “C hapter 12 in AACR2: How did the rules for choice of e n try ch a n g e b e tw e e n AACR1 an d AACR2 in response to the inclusion of non-book m aterials in the group of m aterials to which they are to be applied?” (Saturday, June 23, 8:00—10:00 p .m .). Speakers w ill be M ichael G o rm a n , co­ editor of AACR2, and Jean Weihs, chair of the J o in t S te e rin g C o m m itte e fo r R ev isio n of AACR. ■ ■